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Foundations of Catholic Morality/ Moral Issues

Ms. Pittel

Course Description:
Semester: The first part of this course explores the foundations of Catholic morality and
suggests methods by which moral decisions are made. It investigates such areas as the
meaning of conscience and the factors that affect the kinds of moral decisions that people
make. The course emphasizes the importance of law, and Jesus Christ as a guide for moral
Semester: This segment of the course explores specific moral issues and suggests methods
by which moral decisions are made. The semester builds on the foundations course and utilizes
the guidelines of the magisterium of the Church. The course begins with an introduction in
sexuality, marriage and family. We will discuss moral issues pertaining to a pro-life Church; in
vitro fertilization, surrogacy, euthanasia, assisted suicide, just war theory and conscientious
objection. The course, discussion based, uses Jesus Christ as a guide for moral living.

Class Materials:
Morality: A Response to Gods Love- Joseph Stoutzenberger
Catholic Ethics in Todays World- Jozef Zalot, Benedict Guevin, OSB
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
New American Bible
Students are expected to bring the following items EVERY DAY:
Text, notebook, paper, pen

Course Requirements:
Be in your seat when the bell rings. Anyone entering the room after that time will
be tardy.
All assignments should be neat and legible.
All assignments should have the following information on the top of the page:
Name/ Date/ Period
Homework assignments are to done completely and on time. Late work will
be accepted for partial credit only if received prior to the end of that phase.
You are responsible for getting class notes and assignments if you are
Tests missed during an absence will be made up before or after school in a
timely fashion by arrangement. Permission to make up tests may be
rescinded if a student establishes a pattern of absences on test days.
(Handbook p12)
Respect the dignity and worth of every individual.
Difficulties with conduct will result in a parental conference.

You will be graded fairly on your academic performance.
Tests and Quizzes: 25%
Homework, Class work, reflections, projects: 50%
Cumulative Exam: 25%
Grades are based on percentages:

A 100-93 B 86-83 C 76-73 D 66-63
A- 92-90 B- 82-80 C- 72-70 D- 62-60
B+ 89-87 C+ 79-77 D+ 69-67

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