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There are lots of NEW things happening this fall...

Camrose Family
Resource Centre
- A Parent in! Centre -

Phone" #$%-&'('
Drop in times 2
Monster Mash Info/
Separation Anxiety
Getting Out of the door on
time Triple Tip
"esour#es at the $entre%
&o' to a##ess them
$entre S#hedule for programs +),-
"ural programs in#ludes
rural Massage programs
$amrose .$D $oalition
$orn Ma/e 0ree Admission


&oping e3eryone had a great summer and is ready for fall4 5e ha3e some ne' people
and ne' things happening4 This ne'sletter #ontains more details 6ut here7s a 8ui#9 loo9:
5e 'ant to #ongratulate April 0ox on her marriage this summer; April7s married name is
April M#$or8uindale
This summer 'e did a little painting; added some great ne' 6en#hes; and tou#hed up
some things around the $entre4 5e hope that this spru#ing up enhan#es your
experien#e at our $entre4
Than9 you to the "otary $lu6 for donating funds to us to ha3e these 6en#hes
6uilt4 This donation is truly appre#iated and 'ill 6e used 6y many4
Tannis Gunderson is our ne' staff person4 She 'ill 6e starting the se#ond 'ee9 of
Septem6er4 Drop 6y to meet her4 She 'ill 6e a great
addition to our staff4
<im <ienit/ is also returning to 'or9 in Septem6er/
O#to6er4 5e #an7t 'ait for her to return and re)=oin the
On Septem6er ,1; >o=o7s $orn Ma/e has 6een rented 6y
$amrose and Area .arly $hildhood De3elopment $oalition for
families to use from ,-)24 It7s free and 'as a 6last last
year4 Mar9 your #alendars4
"egistration for fall programs 6egins Septem6er ,3 at
,-am4 Ta9e a loo9 at our s#hedule and #he#9 out some of
the ne' and popular programs 'e are offering this 0all4
There is something for e3eryone?
Monster Mash ti#9ets go on sale O#to6er * at 2am4
Monster Mash is slated for O#to6er 214 This is a fun e3ent
you 'on7t 'ant to miss4 Ti#9ets sell fast?

Inside this issue:

Remin)er" Registration for fall programs in -atur)ay '/0 %&'( .eginning at
'&"&&am-%"&&pm1 registrations ,ill .e ta!en until program is full.
$he#9 out our 0a#e6oo9 age $amrose 0amily "esour#e $entre
$li#9 @23EA for updates and great information?
Indoor layground Drop In times
Dis#o3ery "oom Drop in times
4on)ay *"/&am-("/&pm
Tues)ay ''"/&am-("/&pm
We)nes)ay *"/&am-("/&pm
Thurs)ay *"/&am-("/&pm
Fri)ay *"/&am-("/&pm
-atur)ay '&"&&am-%"&&pm
5.eginning '/1 Close) on long ,ee!en)s6
What you ,ill e7perience at our in)oor preschool play space8
.8uipped 'ith a #lim6ing stru#ture; dramati# play #entres; 6a6y #entre 'ith a full mirror; tru#9s; 6lo#9s;
toy ta6les 'ith 3arious themed a#ti3ities and a 'hole lot more4 The spa#e is free to 3isit; 'e do as9
that you sign in ea#h time you 3isit and tidy up 6efore you lea3e4 BO sna#9s or hot 6e3erages are
permitted in this play spa#e for safety reasons4
4on)ay '%"&&pm-("/&pm
Tues)ay '%"&&pm9("/&pm
We)nes)ay '%"&&pm 1 ("/&pm
Thurs)ay '%"&&pm-("/&pm
Fri)ay *"/&am-("/&pm
-atur)ay '&"&&am-%"&&pm
5.eginning '/1 Close) on long ,ee!en)s6
What you ,ill e7perience in our :isco;ery Room8
The room is a great spa#e to allo' your #hild to 6e #reati3e; explore different manipulati3e; 6uild a pu//le;
or get #omfy 'ith a 6oo94 The #raft #up6oard is al'ays full of 3arious types of #rafts; fresh play
dough/ga9/goop and free play materials4 This is the room to ha3e your sna#9s; 6e3erages or pi#ni#4
-eparation An7iety9 <o, can 2 help my chil)8
-eparation An7iety"
Separation anxiety is something e3ery toddler/#hild 'ill e3entually go through in their
de3elopmental stages4 Some pass through this stage 'ith 6arely a 'himper; 'hile others go
through 9i#9ing and s#reaming4
This stage o##urs 'hen your #hild 6e#omes #apa6le of representational thin9ing4 This means that
your #hild is no' a6le to pi#ture o6=e#ts and people e3en 'hen they are not around; thus ma9ing
the #on#lusion that they are apart from you4 Most #hildren 'ill pass through this stage 6et'een
,1 months 2 C years4
"emem6er that 'hen you are dropping your #hild off at day#are; pre)s#hool; 9indergarten; et#444
that this is a normal phase that you need to help your #hild 'or9 through4
-ome tips"
Al'ays say good6ye4 Instead of trying to snea9 out from your #hild 'ithout getting noti#ed; 'a3e
good6ye and a#9no'ledge the fa#t that you are lea3ing instead4 This helps the #hild understand
that you are lea3ing; and 'hile they may still 6e upset; they 'ill 6e less upset than if they are to
reali/e you had left 'ithout them 9no'ing4
ra#ti#e separation4 Dea3e a #hild 6ehind 'ith a #aregi3er4 Starting 'ith 6rief periods; and
e3entually 'or9ing your 'ay up to longer periods of time4 This helps the #hild ad=ust to 6eing
'ithout you4
&a3e a #onsistent #aregi3er4 Ey ha3ing a #aregi3er around that the #hild #an 6e#ome familiar 'ith;
in#reases the #hild7s #omfort le3el of 6eing a'ay from you4
<eep good6yes short4 Ey ma9ing it short and s'eet it gi3es your #hild the idea that they ha3e
nothing to 6e afraid of4 AlsoF try to a3oid sho'ing rea#tion to your #hild7s #riesF though it is hard
for you to lea3e; #oming 6a#9 ma9es the next good6ye e3en harder4
Annual 4onster 4ash
-a;e the )ate" Tues)ay %*0 %&'(
Borsemen Inn; $amrose
Doors open at *:,(pm
Adult ti#9et: G14--F 2! months and up: G(4--
23 months and under 0"..?
Ti#9ets 'ill go on &#
.3eryone is en#ouraged to dress up to en=oy the musi#; atmosphere ; sna#9s; raffles pri/es and more????
If you are a6le to 6ring sna#9 for the e3ent please #all +1-)*+2)-,!, and as9 for <ari4
It is 9no'n to 6e a -poo!tacular> time
5e SODD out in three hours last year; please do not hesitate to get your ti#9ets????
Triple P1 Tip - ?etting out of the )oor on time
Ey rofessor Matt Sanders

0or many families the morning rush hour is the most stressful
part of the day4 So ho' #an you and the 9ids get out the door on
timeH The 9ey is organi/ation4
Get yourself ready first; 6efore your #hild4 To a3oid last minute rushing prepare some
things the night 6efore and go to 6ed at a reasona6le hour so you7ll 'a9e early enough4
I also re#ommend against ha3ing the tele3ision on in the morning4 Eetter to ma9e sure
the #hildren are dressed 6efore 6rea9fast4 erhaps 'hen they are fully ready you #an turn
the tele3ision on then4
Det your #hild 9no' ahead of time that you7ll 6e going out and explain exa#tly 'hat the
day7s a#ti3ities 'ill 6e and their time re8uirements4 Iounger #hildren #an learn the
importan#e of organi/ation 6y doing things for themsel3es4 Tea#hing #hildren to get
dressed 6y themsel3es is a #han#e to pra#ti#e independent s9ills and it also sa3es you
time4 Iou may li9e to try the @6eat the #lo#9A game4 Iour #hild7s goal is to 6e ready
6efore the alarm #lo#9 sounds off4 If your #hild 'ins; he earns a small treat or re'ard;
su#h as a fa3orite sna#9 in his lun#h 6ox4
Tell your #hild exa#tly 'hat tas9s he must do to 6e ready to lea3e and thus 'in the
re'ard4 Ma9e sure you set the timer for a reasona6le amount of time and a3oid gi3ing
repeated instru#tions or nagging your #hild to hurry up4
Often it 'ill only ta9e a t'o)'ee9 period of 6eating the #lo#9 6efore the re'ards and the
#lo#9 are phased out4 "emem6er to al'ays praise your #hild7s a#hie3ements in learning
6etter organi/ation4
Professor 4att -an)ers is foun)er of the Triple P -
Positi;e Parenting Program @.
To fin) out more a.out Triple P in Al.erta go to ,,,.triplep-staypositi;
Engage chil)ren in selecting
fa;orite .oo!s an) participating
acti;ely in story time.
Resources for Families - Toy en)ing i.rary
<o, )o 2 Aorro, Toys8
,4 D.AS. S.D.$T , TO 3 TOIS per #hild 0O" , 5..< OBDI4


The Date
Iour Bame and hone Bum6er
The Item Des#ription
The Item Bum6er

EAGS TO TA<. &OM. IOJ" TOIS 0O" T&. 5..<4


<o, )o 2 Aorro, a Aoo! or :B:8
,4 0ind an 0"$ arent Din9 Staff to open up the 6ro'n #up6oard a#ross from the
24 Ero'se through the ama/ing sele#tion of 6oo9s on topi#s su#h as: Mthe #olored des#ription
6ehind the topi# is for easy finding in the #up6oard)
*SELF HELP~~ Red Rectangle, DIVORCE~~Yellow hollow circle, DOP!IO", I"FER!ILI!Y~~Pin# hollow circle$
* %&LLYI"'~~ Orange hollow circle$, Creati(e Re$o)rce$**Idea$ +or Parent$ to )$e with Children~~~ 'reen hollow
* I"F"! ,SS'E~~ Yellow circle, -in# hollow circle,
*PRE'""CY, "E.%OR", %RES! FEEDI"' "D CHILDCRE~~Yellow circle$
* PRE"!I"' / 'E"ERL~~%l)e circle, PRE"!I"'0 Child rearing, 1oral and ethical a$-ect$~~~ %l)e circle
* PRE"!I"'0 !oddler$~~%l)e circle, PRE"!I"'0 Preteen$~~Red Circle, PRE"!I"'0 !eenager$~~Red Circle
*"&!RI!IO"~~~ %l)e hollow dot, PRE"!I"'0 Pro2le1 %eha(ior$~~~%l)e circle, 3ellow hollow dot,
*PRE"!I"'0 !oilet !raining~~~%l)e Circle, orange hollow circle, SE4&LI!Y~~~%l)e Circle, green hollow circle,
*F!HERS~~~P)r-le circle
34 0ill out the sign out sheet lo#ated atop the 3ideos 'ith your name; phone num6er and
the #all num6er on the side of the 6oo94

!4 lease return in a months time to the Eox on top of the Toy Di6rary shelf la6eled
@Eoo9s and NideosA4

Resources for Families - Parent Resource i.rary
Resources for Families - Ages an) -tages Cuestionnaire an) the
-ocial Emotional Cuestionnaires
5e offer the Ages and Stages Ouestionnaire for parents to use to gi3e themsel3es a Psnapshot7 of
their #hild7s de3elopment4 The Ages and Stages Ouestionnaire S. offers parents a Psnapshot7 of
their #hild7s de3elopment in the So#ial .motional area4 If you 'ish to a##ess the ASO or the ASO)
S.; please as9 a staff mem6er to help you4 The 8uestionnaires range from 2 months to *- months
of age4
What 2s the Ages an) -tages Cuestionnaire8
This is a simple 8uestionnaire that the parent fills out at home4 It is 6ased on the age of the #hild
and as9s spe#ifi# 8uestions 6ased on the #hild7s de3elopment in the follo'ing areas:
Fine motor Pro.lem-sol;ing Communication
Personal-social ?ross 4otor

What 2s the Ages an) -tages Cuestionnaire - -E8
This is a simple 8uestionnaire that the parent fills out at home4 It is 6ased on the
age of the #hild and as9s spe#ifi# 8uestions 6ased on the #hild7s so#ial/emotional
de3elopment in the follo'ing areas:
-elf-regulation Compliance Communication
A)apti;e Functioning Autonomy Affect
2nteraction ,ith people
The pro=e#t is a partnership 6et'een Al6erta .du#ation and Al6erta $hildren and Iouth Ser3i#es4
The fo#us of the pro=e#t is to pro3ide families and s#hools not only information and strategies to
effe#ti3ely deal 'ith 6ullying 6eha3ior 6ut to 'or9 'ith the $amrose arent Din9 $entre to
empo'er and strengthen families in an effort to target pre3ention4

Currently0 the Ta!ing Action on Aullying program is at Forest.urg -chool pro;i)ing"
In #lass lessons on 6ullying edu#ation and pre3ention; indi3idual and family support
"e#ess super3ision; peer mentor groups; student leadership training; staff #onsultations and

The proDect is also at the Camrose Parent in! Centre pro;i)ing"
5or9shops for families; family #onsultations and support regarding 6ullying; resour#e
Assist 'ith $amrose 0amily "esour#e $entre parent groups; group presentations to 6oth the
#ommunity at large and to other s#hools

The Ta9ing A#tion on Eullying pro=e#t intention is to not only share effe#ti3e
strategies to deal 'ith #urrent 6ullying situations 6ut to ta9e a pre3entati3e role
6y offering/fa#ilitating parent/#aregi3er 'or9shops and groups 'hi#h stri3e to
assist in 6uilding their #onne#tion 'ith their #hild4
Resources for Families -Ta!ing Action on Aullying Program

Registere) Programs for Families1 Registration )ate '/0 %&'(

Curious Cuties
"egistration 6egins on
Saturday; Sept4 ,3 at
Age ?roup
&-'* months
0un for your -),1 month old4 .n=oy songs; finger plays 'hile letting your young explorer #ra'l around or
sit and so#iali/e 'ith other 6a6ies4

Indoor So##er
:ec &' E &* in
the 2n)oor
Play groun)

-ession F'" Sep 22; 22; O#t -*;
2-; 2+

-ession F%" Bo3 ,+; 2!; De# -,;
-1; ,(

,-:--),,:-- am

Programs for Families ,ith 2nfants





Programs for Families ,ith Preschoolers1 E;enings

il Chefs
"egistration 6egins on
Saturday; Septem6er
,3 at ,-am
Age ?roup
3)* years of age
Spend 8uality time 'ith your lil $hef 'hile 'e learn ho' to #oo9 different re#ipes4 lease let us 9no' of
any food allergies4

layground and
Dis#o3ery "oom

Thurs)ay E;enings"
O#to6er; 3-; Bo3em6er *; ,3



2nfant 4assage
"egistration 6egins on
Saturday; Sept4 ,3 at
Age ?roup
/ ,ee!s9

5ith Infant Massage 'e use tou#h; our first language; to enhan#e our expression of lo3e; #aring and
respe#t to aid in the 6onding pro#ess4 Infant massage assists in the gro'th and de3elopment of 6a6yQs
6ody; mind and spirit4 In addition; it #an 6ring relief to #omplaints of #oli#; #onstipation;
respiratory disorders and sleeping diffi#ulties4 Pre-registration is a mustGG

u6li# Di6rary

O#t4 2; ,*; 23; Bo34 *

,-:--),,:-- am

Bo $harge

il Picasso
"egistration 6egins on
Saturday; Septem6er
,! at ,-am
Age ?roup 3 *
Dets fly to Italy to meet Mi#helangelo4 5e 'ill s#ulpt 'ith #lay; paint the Sistine $hapel and en=oy Italian
goodies4 lease 'ear #lothes that #an get messy?
layground and
Dis#o3ery "oom
Thurs)ay E;enings"
O#to6er 2; ,*; 23


Programs for Families ,ith Preschoolers





4essy 4a)ness
"egistration 6egins on
Saturday; Septem6er ,3 at
Age ?roup
2 ,/2 ( years
$ome play and get messy??? $ool and $reati3e theme 6ased @Messy lay A#ti3itiesA are
pro3ided ea#h 'ee94

O#t4 2-; 2+; Bo34 3 R ,-


lease ha3e your #hild
dressed in
PAH #lothes

Weir) -cience
"egistration 6egins on
Saturday; Septem6er ,3 at
Age ?roup
2)( year olds
Join us each week as we explore different branches of the world of science. Fun experiments,
books and crafts will be used to teach your child some science basics.

-ession :" O#t4 2; ,*; 23; 3-

,-:--),,:-- am


FuIIy Pic!les
"egistration 6egins on
Saturday; Septem6er ,3 at
Age ?roup
'* months to ( years
Hounger si.lings

! 'ee9 program 'ith songs; finger plays; nursery rhymes and stories to en#ourage litera#y de3elop)
ment at home4

layground R
Ne, :ayG
-ession '" O#t4 +; ,!; 2,; 21
-ession %" Bo34 ,1; 2(; De#4 2; 2



-igning Time
"egistration 6egins on
Saturday; Septem6er ,3
at ,-am
Age Group * months to
3 years
Through songs; stories; and games; you 'ill learn an ex#iting 'ay to help your #hildren #ommuni#ate?
Sign language is BOT =ust for the hearing impaired? There are so many 6enefits to signing? $ome =oin us
in the first of this series4

$amrose u6li#
Bo34 2-; 2+; De#4 !; ,,; ,1



Parent Chil)
4other ?oose
"egistration 6egins on
Saturday; Septem6er ,3 at
Age ?roup
- * years
Throughout these sessions; families #an learn ne' 'ays to tell stories; sing songs and ha3e fun 'ith

u6li# Di6rary
Nov. 17, 2, !ec. 1 " #

,-:3-),,:3- am

Parents Programs9Triple P
Programs for Families ,ith Preschoolers

Play To ?et Fit
"egistration 6egins on
Saturday; Septem6er ,3 at
Age ?roup
>oin us for an hour full of games and a#ti3ities 'ith an emphasis on 6eing a#ti3e4 lease
6ring indoor running shoes and 'ater4

Indoor So##er

Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27

10:00-11:00 am


4orning :rop 2n
Bo registration re8uired4
>ust @drop inA4
$ome =oin us for a#ti3e play in the so##er field as 'ell as songs; finger plays; nursery rhymes;
stories and a themed #raft or a#ti3ity?

Centre Indoor
soccer field &

Every Wednesday
Eeginning Septem6er ,+ to
Bo3em6er 2*

,-:--),,:3- am
!arents "lease #rin$ your
c%ild&s snac's, (ater and
indoor shoes.
-eminars9Dearn more a6out the ( 9ey prin#ipals of the o'er of ositi3e arenting: &o' to help #hildren de3elop s9ills li9e
respe#t; #ooperation; #onsideration; independen#e; healthy self)esteem and pro6lem sol3ingF &o' to help #hildren deal more
effe#ti3ely 'ith their emotions4
These #ourses 'ould 6e of interest to parents of #hildren '% years of age an) younger4
Parenting Seminar
Series For Parents of
Children -!"
The o'er of ositi3e
arenting ) Bo34 2*
"aising $onfident;
$ompetent $hildren )
De#4 3
"aising "esilient
$hildren ) De#4 ,-

$entre "oom

Novem#er 26, Dec. 3 & 10


0ree; ho'e3er
registration is
re8uired4 lease #all
M+1-S *+2)-,!, to

Fri)ay 4orning :rop
2n Playgroup
Bo registration re8uired4
>ust @drop inA4
$ome =oin us for fun a#ti3e play as 'ell as songs; finger plays; and nursery rhymes?

Indoor So##er
)e"tem#er 1* to Novem#er 2+
,very -riday

10:00-11:00 am

:rop 2n Programs for families ,ith Chil)ren &-# years
Parents Programs9Triple P
?roup Triple P is for parents 'ho 'ant intensi3e training in positi3e parenting s9ills4 These group sessions 'ill run for 1
'ee9s in total4 J sessions are 'ith the group and / sessions are 'ith one to one support4 Iou 'ill lea3e the program 'ith a
personali/ed parenting plan uni8ue to your indi3idual family4 Group Triple is a3aila6le for parents of #hildren -),2; and for
parents of Teens4
lease #all the $entre to see if Group Triple might 6e right for you and your family4

e;el ( ?roup
Triple P for Parents
of Chil)ren &-'%
Triple P for Parents
of Teens
-),2 is in
"oom 23,
Teen is in
room 23-

Parents of chil)ren &9'%
O#t4 ,(; 22; 22; Bo34 ( R 2*
Parents of Teens
O#t4 ,(; 22; 22; Bo34 ( R ,2


0ree; ho'e3er
registration is
$hild#are is a3aila6le 6ut
MJST 6e registered for
at least 2 days 6efore4
lease #all M+1-S

Triple P :iscussion ?roup is a short small group session run 6y a trained Triple pra#titioner4
In a relaxed group session; your pra#titioner 'ill gi3e you tips and suggestions for dealing 'ith your #hild7s pro6lem 6eha3ior4
Iou7ll also 6e gi3en a ta9e)home 'or96oo9 'ith simple exer#ises and information to help you try your ne' strategies at home4
Iou are 'el#ome to attend one dis#ussion or all of them4

:iscussion ?roup
for Parents of
Chil)ren &-'%
Dealing 'ith
diso6edien#e% Sept4
&assle)free shopping
'ith #hildren% Sept4 2!
Managing fighting and
aggression% O#t ,
De3eloping good
6edtime routines%
O#t4 1



Sept4 ,+; 2!; O#t4 , R 1


0ree; ho'e3er
registration is
re8uired4 lease #all
April at M+1-S *+2)-,!,
to register4
$hild#are is a3aila6le
6ut MJST 6e registered
for at least 2 days
A friendly reminder:
5e are a scent free .uil)ing4 5e ha3e #hildren and staff that are affe#ted 6y
s#ents; the s#ents #an #ause migraines; asthma and allergy atta#9s4

5e than9)you for your #ooperation4

4on!ey Ausiness

Mthe ,st R 3rd of ea#h monthS
Sept ,+; O#t -,; ,(; Bo3 -(; ,2
De# -3; ,+


$onta#t <ari at
M+1-S *+2)-,!,


Parents .ring their
o,n snac!

E;ery Thurs)ay.
Marent Din9 3isits on the ,st R 3rd
Sept ,1; O#t 2; ,*; Bo3 *; 2-;
De# ! R ,1

,-:--),2:-- pm

$onta#t April at
M+1-S *+2)-,!,

P..A.H group

Parents .ring their
o,n snac!

Allian#e $hur#h
Mthe 2nd R !th of ea#h monthS
Sept 2(; O#t 2; 23; Bo3 ,3; 2+;
De# ,,


Bo fee

PR=?RA4- AN: PAH?R=LP- F=R FA422E-M CARE?2BER- =F C<2:REN & T= #yrs
:R=P 2N facilitate) playgroups for families ,ith songs0 stories0 finger plays an) crafts. A great opportunity for
parents ,ith young chil)ren to meet other parents0 access information an) resources0 ,hile spen)ing Nuality time
,ith their chil)ren. Triple P support is also a;aila.le at all rural playgroups.
Programs ocation :ates Time Fee
Rural Play ?roups -che)ule
P..A.H. Nan ) arent Din9 A##ess for Iou

Forest.urg PAH
for me an) you

u6li# Di6rary

R !
0riday of the monthS

Sept4 2*; O#t4 ,-; 2!;
Bo34 ,!; 21; De#4 ,2


0or more
information please
telephone <ari $am)
eron M+1-S *+2 )-,!,

Aasha, 4assage for

"egistration 6egins on
Saturday; Sept4 ,3 at
Age ?roup
/ ,ee!s9

5ith Infant Massage 'e use tou#h; our first language; to enhan#e our expression of lo3e; #aring and
respe#t to aid in the 6onding pro#ess4 Infant massage assists in the gro'th and de3elopment of 6a6yQs
6ody; mind and spirit4 In addition; it #an 6ring relief to #omplaints of #oli#; #onstipation;
respiratory disorders and sleeping diffi#ulties4 Pre-registration is a mustGG

u6li# Di6rary

O#t4 2-; Bo34 ,+; De#4 ,(

,-:3-),,:3- am

Bo $harge
.mail: <ari
#dss,1Utelus4net to

Rural Fall Programming Continue) ...

<ay a!es Parent
Tot Playgroup

&ay Da9es
Our Sa3iour

Ne, :ay an) TimeGGG
Mthe 2nd R !th of e3ery monthS

Sept4 2*; O#t4 ,-; 2!; Bo34 ,!; 21;
De#4 ,2


G2 per family/3isit
$onta#t April at +1-
*+2)-,!, for more
information or 0a#e)
6oo9 page @&ay
Da9es laygroupA
<ol)en Parent

Parents .ring their
o,n snac!

E;ery Tues)ay
Group meets e3ery 'ee94
arent Din9 3isits on the ,st and
3rd Tuesday4

Sept4 ,*; O#t4 +; 2,; Bo34 !; ,1;
De#4 2 R ,*

2:3- ) ,2:-- pm

lease #onta#t

Ee than9ful for 'hat you ha3eF youQll end up ha3ing
more4 If you #on#entrate on 'hat you donQt ha3e; you
'ill ne3er; e3er ha3e enough4
=prah Winfrey
On a3erage; #hildren hear 6et'een 2(- and 3;*-- 'ords per
Ey age three; #hildren #ould ha3e heard 6et'een
,- million and !- million ne' and repeated 'ords4

From: Language and Literacy: From Birth for Life

Forest.urg 4assage
for families
"egistration 6egins on
Saturday; Sept4 ,3 at
Age ?roup
/ ,ee!s9

5ith Infant Massage 'e use tou#h; our first language; to enhan#e our expression of lo3e; #aring and
respe#t to aid in the 6onding pro#ess4 Infant massage assists in the gro'th and de3elopment of 6a6yQs
6ody; mind and spirit4 In addition; it #an 6ring relief to #omplaints of #oli#; #onstipation;
respiratory disorders and sleeping diffi#ulties4 Pre-registration is a mustGG

u6li# Di6rary

De#4 !; ,,; ,1

,-:3-),,:3- am

Bo $harge
.mail: <ari
#dss,1Utelus4net to

Rural Fall Programming Continue) ...

3illam Playgroup

$entre <illam

Mthe 2nd and !th of ea#h monthS

Sept4 23; O#t4 ,!; 21; Bo34 2( R
De#4 2


G( drop in fee

3illam 2nfant
"egistration 6egins on
Saturday; Sept4 ,3 at
Age ?roup
/ ,ee!s9 pre1

5ith Infant Massage 'e use tou#h; our first language; to enhan#e our expression of lo3e; #aring and
respe#t to aid in the 6onding pro#ess4 Infant massage assists in the gro'th and de3elopment of 6a6yQs
6ody; mind and spirit4 In addition; it #an 6ring relief to #omplaints of #oli#; #onstipation;
respiratory disorders and sleeping diffi#ulties4 Pre-registration is a mustGG

<illam 0amily

O#t4 2-; 2+; Bo34 3; ,-

,-:3-),,:3- am

$onta#t April at
#dss,3Utelus4net or
#all +1-)*+2)-,!, to

3i)s <a;e -tress
Too in 3illam

lease pre)register as
spa#e is limited; as is

"egistration deadline
is O#to6er 22

Stress is a normal part of e3eryday life for #hildren and adults4 It helps to moti3ate us and adds a
positi3e #hallenge to life4 &o'e3er too mu#h stress #an 6e #ounter produ#ti3e and o3er'helming4
.3en 3ery young #hildren experien#e stress; and it is important for parents to re#ogni/e and help
#hildren learn to deal effe#ti3ely 'ith it4 &igh le3els of unrelie3ed stress #an lead to 6eha3ior pro6)
lems and #an interfere 'ith a #hild7s a6ility to fun#tion normally4 5hen 'e help #hildren deal 'ith
stress; they 6egin to 6uild #oping s9ills they 'ill need throughout life4
arents and or #aregi3ers ha3e the a6ility to help their #hildren deal 'ith stress using simple tools4
To learn these tools register for <ids ha3e Stress too


Bo34 (; ,2; ,2;

Eonus Sessions%.motion
No;. %# an) :ec. /



$hild#are pro3ided)
Must register???
$all M+1-S *+2)-,!, to


MGroup meets on the 2nd R !th
O#t4 ,!; 21; Bo34 2(; De#4 2
O#t4 ,(; Bo34 ,2;

,-:--),,:3- am
Bo fee
0or more
information please
telephone Angela M+1-S
*+2 -,!,
Rural Fall Programming Continue) ...

3i)s -pot Play ?roup

(3-2 ) (- St4
E;ery Tues)ay.
Group meets e3ery 'ee94
Marent Din9 Nisits on the ,st and
3rd TuesdayS
Sept4 ,*; O#t4 +; 2,; Bo34 !; ,1;
De#4 2 R ,*


G3/drop in fee
0or more information
3isits the 0a#e6oo9
page @<ids Spot
Tofield laygroupA or
telephone Bo3a
M+1-S **2) !++2

Bi!ing -tay an) Play

Pre-registration is


O#t4 1; ,(; 22 R 22
G( per family donated 6a#9 to the


$onta#t Theresa at
M+1-S 33*)!-2! to
register 6y Sept4 2+

Roun) <ill Rugrats

"ound &ill

Mthe ,st R 3rd of e3ery monthS
Sept4 ,2; O#t4 3; ,+; Bo34 +; 2,;
De#4 ( R ,2


$onta#t <ari M+1-S

Ne, Nor,ay Parent
E Tot

Parents .ring their
o,n snac!

Be' Bor'ay
Mthe 2nd and !th of ea#h
Sept4 2!; O#t4 1; 22; Bo34 ,2; 2*;
De#4 ,-

0or more
information please
li9e our 0a#e6oo9
page @Be' Bor'ay
arents and Tots
playgroupA or
telephone <ari U
+1- *+2)-,!,

Aea;er County
4assage for families
"egistration 6egins on
Saturday; Sept4 ,3 at
Age ?roup
/ ,ee!s9

5ith Infant Massage 'e use tou#h; our first language; to enhan#e our expression of lo3e; #aring and
respe#t to aid in the 6onding pro#ess4 Infant massage assists in the gro'th and de3elopment of 6a6yQs
6ody; mind and spirit4 In addition; it #an 6ring relief to #omplaints of #oli#; #onstipation;
respiratory disorders and sleeping diffi#ulties4 Pre-registration is a mustGG

Jnited $hur#h

O#t4 -2; -2; ,*; 23

,-:3-),,:3- am

Bo $harge
.mail: <ari
#dss,1Utelus4net to

Ryley 4ystery PAH

Good Be's

Mon#e a monthS
O#t4 *; Bo34 3 R De#4 ,


0or more
information please
#onta#t <im at
M+1-S **3)3+3-
Fantastic fall recipes
Aanana Aerry -moothie
2 M* o/4S #herry 3anilla yogurt
, 6anana
,- stra'6erries
,/2 #4 6lue6erries
3/! #4 orange =ui#e
, T6sp4 honey
,()2- i#e #u6es
In a large 6lender #om6ine yogurt; 6anana; 6erries; orange
=ui#e and honey4 $o3er and 6lend until smooth4 Add i#e #u6es;
a fe' at a time; until desired thi#9ness4 Ser3e immediately4

No Aa!e Energy Aites
, #up oatmeal
C #up peanut 6utterM or soya 6utterS
. #up honey
, #up #o#onut fla9es

C #up ground flaxseed

C #up mini #ho#olate #hips

, tsp 3anilla

In a medium 6o'l; #om6ine all ingredients and stir until thoroughly in#orporated4 $o3er
'ith saran 'rap and put 6o'l in fridge and let #hill for half an hour4 On#e #hilled; roll into
, in#h 6alls and en=oy? Store in an airtight #ontainer and 9eep refrigerated for up to ,

Community 2nformation for parents
(he )elp *ook can
be fo%nd online at
Community 2nformation Continue)
+o yo% have ,%estions or do yo% want to learn more abo%t-
%o( your c%ild s"ea's
%o( your c%ild %ears
(%at your c%ild says
your c%ild&s "rintin$, "astin$ or cuttin$
%o( your c%ild moves
%o( your c%ild follo(s directions
your c%ild&s sensitivity to noises, clot%in$, food te/0
tures or messy %and "lay
your c%ild&s cou$%in$ and1or (%ee2in$
your c%ild&s ast%ma and %o( to use %is1%er "uffer

.nformation abo%t Child +evelopment is available.
For more information please go to
+aysland )ealth Centre
3cto#er 16t%
Decem#er 1+t%
-e#ruary 1*t%
4"ril 16t%
5une 1+t%
)ardisty )ealth Centre
)e"tem#er 26t%
Novem#er 20t%
5anuary 16t%
7arc% 1*t%
7ay 21st
$hildren7s "eha6ilitation Ser3i#esChil)renOs 4onthly Wal! 2n Clinic
Is the T&I"D Tuesday of e3ery month
0rom 2:--)3:--pm
3rd floor (-,( (- A3enue Camrose
0or more information; please #all +1-)*-1)1*,, or toll free ,)1**)23+)+!+*
A##ess: Spee#h)Danguage athology
O##upational Therapy
hysi#al Therapy
"espiratory Therapy
.arly Inter3ention Support
So#ial 5or9er
Camrose an) Area EC: Coalition9Early <ealthy :e;elopment
Ea6y MEirth to , yrS:
5hen fa#e to you learn a6out your 6a6yF
your 6a6y pays attention to you4 Iou #onne#t
and share 'ith your 6a6y 'hen they #an see
and hear your 'ords
atty #a9e; patty #a9e
ee9 a 6oo
This little piggy
ToddlerM , 3 years oldS:
5hen you #opy your #hild in play; you 6uild
on 'hat your #hild 9no's4 Gi3e your #hild
'ords for 'hat he7s interested in4
0ollo' your #hild7s lead in play:
If your #hild uses a 'ooden spoon as magi#
'and; or a 6ox as a ro#9et ship; go along
'ith them and experien#e their
res#hooler M 3)( year oldS:
5hen you tal9 'ith your #hildren they are
learning and using ne' 3o#a6ulary4 They are
thin9ing and expressing ne' thought and are
6uilding they7re #onfiden#e and a6ilities to
Thin9 of something you li9e a6out your #hild
and as9 your #hild to guess 'hat it is4 .a#h
time your #hild says somethingF you repeat @
that7s true; 6ut not 'hat I am thin9ing ofA
Iour #hild gets to hear 'hat you li9e a6out
The three elements of communication"
Ao)y anguage is JJ P of the message
Boice an) Tone is /* P
Wor)s are only $ P of the communica-
:r. Al.ert 4ehra.ian

-trengthen your chil)Os communication s!ills
Auil) their !no,le)ge of the outsi)e ,orl)
Teach them to get along ,ith others
<ere are some suggestions"
Camrose an) Area EC: Coalition9 Free Family Play E;ent
4eet our -taff-

aurie Qansen

Early Chil)hoo) Program Coor)inators
orraine Aell
3ari Cameron
3areen Nelson
3im 3ienitI
April 4cCorNuin)ale
Tannis ?un)erson
Wilme <ilchie
Aailey assessen

Ta!ing Action on Aullying
Qennifer <astings
Camrose Family Resource Centre Association - A Parent in! Centre
V3 $ommunity $entre !(,* (!th Street
Phone" #$%-&'(' email" c)ss* ,,,
:oes your Chil) ha;e an A.un)ance of Energy8
Parent & Tot Time
Indoor Soccer Field
Monday ~ Friday
11:00 am - 12:00 pm and 2:00pm-3:00pm
Free of Charge
(Please hae clean foo!"ear or soc#s and $e
s%re yo%r s!roller !ires are "iped dry&

Thank-you to the city of Camrose for continuing Parent & Tot Time and for
offering this program to our community at large.

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