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Welcome to our Service!

you for worshiping with us today.
We trust you will be blessed and
encouraged by the Word of God.

Please use the Connecting Card
attached to this Bulletin to share
any concerns or prayer requests
you may have.

Our Ministry Staff Contact Info
Senior Pastor Bill Finch
Worship Director Alfredo Faundez
Student Director Jeremy Norton
Admin Assistant Bonnie Baldwin

Offices located at: # 221 Westbourne Place

Nursery: 0 - 3 years old
Childrens Church: 4 - 10 years old,
during the sermon.
Library: Open for an hour both
before & after the service.
Upstairs across from the kitchen.
Contact is Betty Ferguson

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in
the strength of his might.
Ephesians 6:10 ESV

Baptist Church
Aug. 17, 2014
Pr ocl ai mi ng the gl or y of God to the Nati ons
By His Power
Pastor Bill Finch
Ephesians 6:10

Missionary Memo
August 17, 2014

Our first 3 months in Kelowna have flown by. We are getting
settled and are very happy with our living situation. The boys
have lots of space to play.
Things with the church are going well. The congregation has
welcomed us with open arms and made us feel at home. We
usually have 24 people on a Sunday but have had up to
40. There are many needs in such a small congregation with
very few to fill them.
Alberto has started weekly bible studies with 7 migrant workers
who live close to us. There are also a few women who are
interested in baptism and going deeper with a weekly
discipleship. The ladies group meets weekly - we are going
through the book the Love Dare (in Spanish of course!) We
have a weekly prayer meeting on Fridays where we have seen
God responding to prayer and drawing us closer to Him.

Alberto will officially start his studies in October, although he
has already attended one of the seminars that are part of the

Prayer requests:
-Church attendees would come on a regular basis and get
-Wisdom and creativity to reach out to the Latinos in the area
-Mentors for Alberto's program of studies
-Our family

Thanks to everyone who helped us pack, load and handle
unfinished tasks as well as blessing us with gifts and food in our
last days in Calgary. Thank you also for the finances that make
it possible for us to be here. May God richly bless
you. Westbourne Baptist remains close to our hearts and you
are in our prayers.
Love the Orjuelas
Missionaries of the WeekAlberto
and Mandy Orjuela. Okanagan
Hispanic Baptist Church
S p e c i a l An n o u n c e me n t s

Apply this summer at Whispering Pines Bible Camp or call 403-831-0804 for
more information.

Sept. 6, 2014 Spruce Meadows We will be meeting and
carpooling from W.B.C. at 10:30 am.
Afterwards, Swiss Chalet for dinner.
For more information please speak with Sharon Whitlock or
sign up at the Connection Center in the foyer.

If you are interested in working with the children in the future at
Westbourne Baptist Church and would like to take the next Plan
to Protect course, please see Maria-Jose Faundez for

This course is mandatory for all who are volunteering for
any activities involving children at W.B.C.!

God blesses those who are humble, for they will

A. Live in peace
B. Enjoy the Kingdom of God
C. Be persecuted
D. Inherit the earth

Happening This Week

Prayer and Praise for:

Bible Baptist Church Portage La Prairie, MB.
Our Leadership Boards the Elders and Ministry Team
The Arabic church which meets here on Saturday evenings
Whispering Pines Bible Camp Jeremy N. and Family, Volunteers

Quote for Today:

Faithfulness: I know of nothing which I would choose to have as the
subject of my ambition for life than to be kept faithful to my God till
death, still to be a soul winner, still to be a true herald of the cross, and
testify the name of Jesus to the last hour. It is only such who in the
ministry shall be saved.
Charles Spurgeon

Ongoing Announcements
For Calgary Tower Pass / Canada Parks Pass, contact Ruth Lee
Donations accepted via PayPal at
New Announcements to the Office no later than 10:00am Thurs prior.
Anyone interested in starting a Life Group or wanting to
join one, please contact Pastor Bill

Bible Trivia Answer: D. Inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5)

823- 64th Avenue NW Calgary, AB T2K 0M6
Phone: (403) 274-1440

Time Event
For more Info
2:00 pm Bk of J ames Life Group 403-289-1201
6:30 pm C & C Summer Session 587-433-1018

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