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Pastors need their leaders to stay in the spirit,

always prayed up, and ready to flow in times

of ministry. The worst leader you can have in
a Church is one who is never confident to
flow in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Ok, so no
amens on that point! Your Pastor needs you!
It is a team effort. Church is NOT a one-man
The two-edged sword speaks of effectiveness.
We dont want to be doing things for the sake
of doing them. Being effective in leadership is
vital to persuade a world who isnt interested
in wishy-washy Christianity. Paul was so
good in explaining the scriptures that he
almost persuaded King Agrippa to become a
Acts 2:37 - Now when they heard this, they
were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and
the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren,
what shall we do?
Have you found when you minster the word
effectively, that it very often speaks or
challenges you too? Thats the effectiveness
of the word which is sharper than a two-
edged sword.
Romans 2:21 - You, therefore, who teach
another, do you not teach yourself? You who
preach that a man should not steal, do you
You who say, Do not commit
adultery, do you commit adultery? You who
abhor idols, do you rob temples?
Not only must your words be effective but
also what you do with your hands (Psalm
149:6). Too many leaders want the pulpit to
speak and say thus says the Lord, but when
it comes to working with their hands in the
house of God it is up to the others because
your high calling is so high it is too common
for you to help sweep the church, clean the
toilets, to go and help an elderly couple at
their home etc
When you fail as a leader (Proverbs 5:4), you
hurt many people around you (double-
edged). The effect of your failure reaches
deep in the heart and souls of those who
looked up to you.
In conclusion: Gods word cannot be
compared to a two-edged sword. It is
sharper! Whatever a two-edged sword can
do, Gods word is far more effective!

Revive Worship Centre
139 2
Parow West 7500, SA
Phone (+27)(0) 73 903 1235

by Tony Sands
I received instructions in a dream from
Apostle Andre to write an article for leaders
on the meaning of a double-edged sword and
how it applies to practical leadership. I
understand the use of a sword as I was a
South African champion fencer in my youth
and represented SA in Israel in 1978 (?).
More importantly, I also write and teach on
leadership which is my passion, as I believe
that if leaders of a Church understand their
role, the Church would be healthier both
spiritually and numerically.
I have never written on this subject
connecting it to leadership, but am doing so
in obedience to an instruction. Obedience to
an instruction is vital to you receiving your
The word double-edge does not appear in
the Bible but rather the word two-edged
which you agree is one and the same.
The following scriptures is all we have to be
able to understand what it means and I want
to connect this to our leadership style/s
describing what is effective and what is not.
Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is living
and powerful, and sharper than any two-
edged sword, piercing even to the division of
soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and
is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of
the heart.
Psalm 149:6 - Let the high praises of God be in
their mouth, And a two-edged sword in their
Proverbs 5:4 - But in the end she is bitter as
wormwood, Sharp as a two-edged sword.
Revelation 1:16 - He had in His right hand
seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp
two-edged sword, and His
countenance was like the sun shining in its
This quote is not from myself, but thought it
will help us in this teaching;
Double-edged sword is somewhat of an
imperfect metaphor, used with decidedly
more of a semantic emphasis on double-
edged than on sword. In other words, the
poetic implication of cutting both ways
supersedes the historical reality of the actual
Webster dictionary says: : something that has
or can have both favorable and unfavorable
The emphasis of the scripture in Hebrews
4:12 is the fact that a two-edged sword is very
sharp. However sharp you think this type of
sword is, Gods word is even sharper! Gods
word can divide between soul and spirit, and
of joints and marrow, and able to discern the
thoughts and intents of the heart.
As believers/leaders who have Christ in us
and whose desire is to work through us, then
His word spoken by us must be at a level
where it is very sharp. There needs to be and
should be a greater accuracy in how we
minister, prophesy, teach etc
Leadership cannot afford to play with the
gifts of the Holy Spirit. When we look at the
ministry of Jesus and His disciples, you will
see the accuracy in which they ministered.
When people come to your Church and
request prayer or ministry, they are NOT
expecting you to waffle or say things that
does not connect them with the Father and
increase their faith for living. The word or title
leader is so overused and sought after that at
times we fail to realise that we are in that
position because we are meant to be sharp
in the spirit! Remember, it is the Holy Spirit
that shows you things and who leads you into
truth. Therefore, when you as a leader is
sharp, no prophetic word will be a lie or a
made up word to satisfy the flesh of people.
It is always accurate!
We know that the sword mentioned is an
analogy describing Gods word. The sword is
NOT the fact that you always have your Bible
in your hand. It is good to always carry one
with you, but you know that it is the words in
the book that should be in your spirit ready to
be released with accuracy to hurting hearts.

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