Hamstring Press Release One Avalanchemar12

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How you could touch your toes after just a week

PEOPLE who cannot touch their toes could now do so after just one week thanks
to a major breakthrough in specialist therapy
Research has shown that half of the population cannot touch their toes! with
e"perts blaming poor lifestyles causing the shortening of hamstring muscles #his
can ha$e serious conse%uences from ankle and back pain to circulatory and
arthritis problems
&ll of this could change & new study published by 'o$entry (ni$ersity has shown
)owen #echni%ue treatment to ha$e significantly increase hamstring fle"ibility
enabling people to reach or get much closer to touching their toes in only one
&ccording to an e"pert in the mechanics of the human body! the study is a huge
breakthrough for the fle"ibly challenged and therapists alike
*#his is the impossible dream for sports therapists! athletes and people who want to
get fit!+ e"plains ,ulian )aker! a teacher and practitioner of the )owen #echni%ue
*)eing able to touch your toes is not just a party trick it can mean the difference
between chronic pain and comfort+
Established in &ustralia in the -./0s! the )owen #echni%ue in$ol$es therapists using
their thumbs and forefingers to make rolling type mo$es across tendons and
ligaments ultimately remo$ing pain and impro$ing fle"ibility
,ulian said1 *'hanges to our lifestyle o$er the last century ha$e caused shortened
hamstrings and the increasing problem of being unable to touch our toes
*)ut the impressi$e results from this uni$ersity backed research pro$e that people
can now touch reach them in super %uick time! after just one )owen #echni%ue
treatment *(ltimately this could help to re$erse e$olutionary bad habits and
impro$e the nation2s health+
#he )owen #echni%ue is already a firm fa$ourite with many celebrities including
the ad$enturer )ear 3rylls! who after using it to reco$er from breaking his back
during 4&4 parachute training! now describes himself as *hooked+ on the therapy
'o$entry (ni$ersity confirmed the treatment to not just be a celebrity fad by
tracking the physical progress of --5 people! whose hamstring performance was
first measured electronically while performing a straight leg raise #hey were then
treated with the )owen #echni%ue before a second measurement se$en days later
6early all were able to touch or get a lot closer to their toes after the one week
,ulian added1 *72m astonished by the long8term effects of this therapy treatment
*&chie$ing impro$ement in such a short time frame is an impressi$e result for any
physical research+
Hamstring problems are not only one of the most common and time8consuming
injuries to treat in athletes9 they are also indicated in back pain and sciatica
,ulian said the research endorsing the )owen #echni%ue could help re$erse the
annual cycle of thousands of people joining! then soon after! %uitting the gym
*:or the high proportion of the (; population unable to touch its toes! e$en an
introductory workout could induce le$els of pain incurring long reco$ery periods!+
said ,ulian
*7t2s unsurprising that many people who start going to the gym soon stop
*<ultiply this e"perience by a few sessions and it2s easy to understand why people
stop feeling moti$ated to $isit the gym+
,ulian )aker is the director of the European 'ollege of )owen studies and a teacher
and practitioner of the )owen #echni%ue #his treatment addresses body tension!
allowing reduced pain and better mo$ement #he treatment in$ol$es light rolling
mo$ements o$er muscles! ligaments and tendons 4hort breaks between mo$es are
a feature of the techni%ue which works by connecting the body2s ner$ous systems!
allowing the brain to regulate pain signals
:or more information on the )owen #echni%ue $isit thebowentechni%uecom or call
0-=>= ?=@=A0 to locate a practitioner
&dditional sources1
8 &d$enturer )ear 3rylls2 battle with back pain and high cholesterol
&bstract from #he effects of the )owen techni%ue on hamstring fle"ibility o$er time1 & randomised
controlled trial summary of 'o$entry (ni$ersity! taken from subse%uent publication in the ,ournal of
)odywork and <o$ement #herapies1
#he hamstring muscles are regularly implicated in recurrent injuries! mo$ement dysfunction
and low back pain Links between limited fle"ibility and de$elopment of neuromusculoskeletal symptoms
are fre%uently reported #he )owen #echni%ue is used to treat many conditions including lack of
fle"ibility #he study set out to in$estigate the effect of the )owen #echni%ue on hamstring fle"ibility o$er
&n assessor8blind! prospecti$e! randomised controlled trial was performed on -@0
asymptomatic $olunteers Participants were randomly allocated into a control group or )owen group
#hree fle"ibility measurements occurred o$er one week! using an acti$e knee e"tension test #he
inter$ention group recei$ed a single )owen treatment & repeated measures uni$ariate analysis of
$ariance! across both groups for the three time periods! re$ealed significant within8subject and between8
subject differences for the )owen group 'ontinuing increases in fle"ibility le$els were obser$ed o$er one
week 6o significant change o$er time was noted for the control group :ull paper
'o &uthor1 <ichelle <arr! Physiotherapist! #herapy :usion Ltd 0>?>/ /.>=A@

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