Advanced Classes Ambassador: Class Information

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The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Charismatic hero basic class, thou&h other paths are conceivable.
To 'ualif( to become an Ambassador, a character must fulfill the follo)in& criteria.
Skills: Diplomac( * ran+s, ,no)led&e -civics. * ran+s, ,no)led&e -theolo&( and philosoph(. * ran+s.
Charismatic Hero Talents: Charm, favor.
Allegiance: An Ambassador must pled&e her primar( alle&iance to a faction, nation, )orld, or empire and remain a dutiful
servant of this bod(/ if the Ambassador brea+s this alle&iance, she loses all the benefits of the Diplomatic 0mmunit( and
Open Arms class features -see Class 1eatures, belo)..
Class Information
The follo)in& information pertains to the Ambassador advanced class.
2it Die
The Ambassador &ains 1d* hit points per level. The character3s Constitution modifier applies.
Action 4oints
The Ambassador &ains a number of action points e'ual to * 5 one6half her character level, rounded do)n, ever( time she
attains a ne) level in this class.
Class "+ills
The Ambassador3s class s+ills are as follo)s.
$luff -Cha., Computer 7se -0nt., Diplomac( -Cha., Gather 0nformation -Cha., 0ntimidate -Cha., ,no)led&e -behavioral
sciences, civics, current events, histor(, theolo&( and philosoph(. -0nt., 4rofession -8is., %ead98rite Lan&ua&e -none.,
%esearch -0nt., "ense #otive -8is., and "pea+ Lan&ua&e -none..
"+ill 4oints at !ach Level: ; 5 0nt modifier -< 5 0nt modifier for nonhumans..
Table: The Ambassador
Base Attack
Ref Save !ill
1st 50 50 50 5= Diplomatic immunit( 51 51
=nd 51 50 50 5> Open arms 51 51
>rd 5= 51 51 5> $onus feat 5= 51
<th 5> 51 51 5< 0nformation access 5= 5=
;th 5> 51 51 5< "tipend 5> 5=
*th 5< 5= 5= 5; $onus feat 5> 5=
?th 5; 5= 5= 5; %estricted access 5< 5>
@th 5* 5= 5= 5* "tipend 5< 5>
Ath 5* 5> 5> 5* $onus feat 5; 5>
10th 5? 5> 5> 5? "elect consuls 5; 5<
Class eatures
The follo)in& class features pertain to the Ambassador advanced class.
Diplomatic 0mmunit(
"tartin& at 1st level, if the Ambassador is arrested for a crime, she can ma+e a Diplomac( chec+ to
invo+e her diplomatic credentials and not suffer the usual le&al penalt( or punishment. The severit( of
the crime determines the DC of the Diplomac( chec+, and ho) authorities react if the Ambassador
succeeds. "ee Table: Diplomatic 0mmunit( for Diplomac( chec+ DCs based on the severit( of the crime.
0f one of the Ambassador3s consuls -see the select consul class feature, belo). is arrested for a crime and
unable to secure her o)n release, the Ambassador ma( intercede on the consul3s behalf. One ma( aid the
other3s Diplomac( chec+.
An Ambassador )ho routinel( invo+es the privile&e of diplomatic immunit(Beither on her o)n behalf
or to protect her selected consulsBis li+el( to be recalled or terminated b( those she has s)orn to
Table: #i"lomatic Immunit$
Severit$ of
%&am"les #C
%ffect of Successful #i"lomac$ Check
Class ; Disturbin& the peace, public intoCication,
noninDurious traffic violation
1; E= penalt( on subse'uent Diplomac( chec+s in that area
Class < 4ossession of controlled substance, inDurious traffic
violation, operatin& business )ithout a license,
operatin& a vehicle or starship )ithout a license,
assault )ithout a deadl( )eapon
=0 E; penalt( on subse'uent Diplomac( a chec+s in that area
Class > Attempted briber( of a public official, robber( or
&rand theft, aidin& and abettin& a +no)n felon,
assault )ith a deadl( )eapon, possession of a
concealed )eapon
=; E10 penalt( on subse'uent Diplomac( chec+s in the area
Class = #urder or manslau&hter, fraud, smu&&lin&, assault
a&ainst a public official, traffic+in& in controlled
>0 Deportation )ithin =d* hours
Class 1 Conspirac( a&ainst the &overnment, murder of a
public official, sabota&e of public utilities
>; Detention pendin& the diplomatic action b( character3s
affiliated &overnment
Open Arms
$e&innin& at =nd level, the Ambassador is s+illed at initiatin& peaceful ne&otiations. "he ma( add a
competence bonus e'ual to one6half her Ambassador class level on all Diplomac( chec+s.
$onus 1eats
At >rd, *th, and Ath level, the Ambassador &ets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the
follo)in& list, and the Ambassador must meet all the prere'uisites of the feat to select it. Attentive,
Defensive #artial Arts, Dod&e, !ducated, 0mproved 0nitiative, Lo) 4rofile, Oathbound, %eno)n,
0nformation Access
"tartin& at <th level, the Ambassador can ma+e Gather 0nformation chec+s )ithout spendin& mone( or
ma+in& 8ealth chec+s, provided she is dealin& )ith individuals or or&aniFations that are helpful,
friendl(, indifferent, or unfriendl( to)ard her or those she represents. Dealin& )ith individuals or
or&aniFations that are hostile re'uires the Ambassador to ma+e 8ealth chec+s as usual )hen usin& the
Gather 0nformation s+ill.
"+illed diplomats are )ell paid for their lo(alt( and dedication, and
the( are accustomed to travelin& in st(le. At ;th level, and a&ain at
@th level, the Ambassador &ains a one6time 8ealth bonus increase
of 5<.
%estricted Access
At ?th level, the Ambassador &ains clearance to access restricted files or classified information from an(
source that reco&niFes her faction, or&aniFation, nation, )orld, or stellar empire. "he &ains a 5; bonus
on Computer 7se chec+s made to defeat computer securit( and a 5; bonus on %esearch chec+s.
"elect Consuls
At 10th level, the Ambassador ma( appoint a number of individuals e'ual to her %eputation bonus as
GconsulsH or GattachIs.H These appointed individuals &ain all the benefits of the diplomatic immunit(,
information access, and restricted access class features -described above.. The Ambassador ma( revo+e
these privile&es at an( time and appoint replacement consuls as she sees fit. 0t ta+es 1d< hours for an
Ambassador to invo+e or revo+e a consul3s or attachI3s privile&es.
The fastest path into this advanced class is from the 1ast hero basic class, thou&h other paths are certainl( possible.
To 'ualif( to become a Do&fi&hter, a character must fulfill the follo)in& criteria.
"+ills: 4ilot * ran+s.
1eat: "tarship Operation -ultrali&ht..
$ase %efleC "ave: 5=.
Class Information
The follo)in& information pertains to the Do&fi&hter advanced class.
2it Die
The Do&fi&hter &ains 1d@ hit points per level. The character3s Constitution modifier applies.
Action 4oints
The Do&fi&hter &ains a number of action points e'ual to * 5 one6half his character level, rounded do)n, ever( time he attains
a ne) level in this class.
Class "+ills
The Do&fi&hter3s class s+ills are as follo)s.
$luff -Cha., Computer 7se -0nt., Craft -electronic, mechanical. -0nt., ,no)led&e -popular culture, street)ise, technolo&(.
-0nt., avi&ate -0nt., 4ilot -DeC., 4rofession -8is., %epair -0nt..
"+ill 4oints at !ach Level: ; 5 0nt modifier -< 5 0nt modifier for nonhumans..
Table: The #ogfighter
Base Attack
Save Ref Save !ill Save
1st 50 50 5= 50 $onus feat 51 50
=nd 51 50 5> 50 Defender of the universe 51 51
>rd 5= 51 5> 51 $onus feat 5= 51
<th 5> 51 5< 51 "ha+e, rattle, and roll -19da(. 5= 51
;th 5> 51 5< 51 To the maCJ 5> 5=
*th 5< 5= 5; 5= $onus feat 5> 5=
?th 5; 5= 5; 5= "ha+e, rattle, and roll -=9da(.5 < 5=
@th 5* 5= 5* 5= ,eep it to&ether 5< 5>
Ath 5* 5> 5* 5> $onus feat 5; 5>
10th 5? 5> 5? 5> "ha+e, rattle, and roll ->9da(. 5; 5>
Class eatures
The follo)in& class features pertain to the Do&fi&hter advanced
$onus 1eats
At 1st, >rd, *th, and Ath level, the Do&fi&hter &ets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the
follo)in& list, and the Do&fi&hter must meet all the prere'uisites of the feat to select it.
$lind61i&ht, $ra)l, Gearhead, 0mproved $ra)l, 0mproved 1eint, "pacer, "tarship $attle %un, "tarship
Dod&e, "tarship 1eint, "tarship Gunner(, "tarship #obilit(, "tarship Operation, "tarship "trafe, Kero6G
Defender Of The 7niverse
"tartin& at =nd level, a Do&fi&hter applies his %eputation bonus to the die result )henever he spends an
action point to modif( an attac+ roll, s+ill chec+, abilit( chec+, or savin& thro) made aboard a starship.
"ha+e, %attle, And %oll
At <th level, a Do&fi&hter learns ho) roc+ an enem( starship )ith )eapons fire. The Do&fi&hter must
declare that he is usin& this abilit( before ma+in& the attac+ roll -thus, a failed attac+ roll ruins the
attempt.. A starship dama&ed b( the Do&fi&hter3s attac+ is sha+en for 1 round/ all passen&ers and
cre)members -pilots and &unners included. aboard the sha+en ship ta+e a E= penalt( on attac+ rolls,
savin& thro)s, and s+ill chec+s for 1 round. A Do&fi&hter ma( use this abilit( once per da( at <th level,
t)ice per da( at ?th level, and three times per da( at 10th level.
To the maCJ
At ;th level and be(ond, a Do&fi&hter can coaC more thrust out of a ship3s en&ines, increasin& its tactical
speed b( 5;00 feet. The Do&fi&hter must be pilotin& the ship to increase its tactical speed.
,eep 0t To&ether
At @th level, a Do&fi&hter can continue to operate a starship even after it has been reduced to ne&ative
hit points and has be&un brea+in& apart. The ship ma( ta+e one move action or one attac+ action each
round. 2o)ever, the ship cannot be repaired and continues to lose 1 hit point per round, eCplodin& once
it reaches its destruction threshold. The Do&fi&hter and all other personnel aboard the ship are
considered sha+en, ta+in& a E= penalt( on attac+ rolls, savin& thro)s, and s+ill chec+s.
The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Tou&h hero basic class, thou&h other paths are possible.
To 'ualif( to become a Dreadnou&ht, a character must fulfill the follo)in& criteria.
"+ill: 0ntimidate * ran+s.
1eat: 0mproved Dama&e Threshold.
Tou&h 2ero Talents: An( t)o Tou&h hero talents.
Class Information
The follo)in& information pertains to the Dreadnou&ht advanced class.
2it Die
The Dreadnou&ht &ains 1d1= hit points per level. The character3s Constitution modifier applies.
Action 4oints
The Dreadnou&ht &ains a number of action points e'ual to * 5 one6half her character level, rounded
do)n, ever( time she attains a ne) level in this class.
Class "+ills
The Dreadnou&ht3s class s+ills are as follo)s.
$alance -DeC., Climb -"tr., Concentration -Con., 0ntimidate -Cha., Lump -"tr., 4rofession -8is.,
"urvival -8is., ")im -"tr., Tumble -DeC..
"+ill 4oints at !ach Level: > 5 0nt modifier -= 5 0nt modifier for nonhumans..
Table: The #readnought
Base Attack
Save Ref Save
1st 50 5= 50 51 1earless, stabilit(, unhindered 50 50
=nd 51 5> 50 5= Abilit( sur&e -19da(., steamroller 51 50
>rd 5= 5> 51 5= $onus feat 51 50
<th 5> 5< 51 5= #aster defender -5=. 51 51
;th 5> 5< 51 5> Abilit( sur&e -=9da(., +noc+do)n 5= 51
*th 5< 5; 5= 5> $onus feat 5= 51
?th 5; 5; 5= 5< #aster defender -5<. 5= 5=
@th 5* 5* 5= 5< Abilit( sur&e ->9da(., heav( artiller( 5> 5=
Ath 5* 5* 5> 5< $onus feat 5> 5=
10th 5? 5? 5> 5; #aster defender -5*. 5> 5>
Class eatures
The follo)in& class features pertain to the Dreadnou&ht advanced class.
The Dreadnou&ht is immune to fear effects.
The Dreadnou&ht is incredibl( sure6footed. "he &ains a 5< stabilit( bonus on all rolls made to resist
bein& tripped, overrun, +noc+ed prone, or pushed bac+ b( a bull rush attac+.
The Dreadnou&ht treats an( suit of armor )orn as thou&h its armor penalt( is = better.
Abilit( "ur&e
At =nd level, the Dreadnou&ht can temporaril( increase her "tren&th, but at a penalt( to Defense. At ;th
and @th level, she can use this abilit( more fre'uentl(.
The Dreadnou&ht &ains a 5@ morale bonus to "tren&th, but ta+es a E= penalt( to Defense. Activatin&
abilit( sur&e is a free action, and the sur&e lasts for a number of rounds e'ual to the Dreadnou&ht3s class
level. 1ollo)in& the abilit( sur&e, the Dreadnou&ht is fati&ued for as man( rounds as she sur&ed, but
ma( ne&ate this penalt( as a free action b( spendin& an action point. The Dreadnou&ht ma( use the
abilit( sur&e once per da( at =nd level, t)ice per da( at ;th level, and three times per da( at @th level.
"tartin& at =nd level, the Dreadnou&ht does not need to move before ma+in& an overrun attempt a&ainst
an opponent. "he also &ains a 5= bonus on an( trip attac+ made a&ainst an opponent )ho bloc+s her
overrun attempt.
$onus 1eats
At >rd, *th, and Ath level, the Dreadnou&ht &ets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the
follo)in& list, and the Dreadnou&ht must meet all the prere'uisites of the feat to select it.
Action $oost, Advanced Combat #artial Arts, Advanced 1irearms 4roficienc(, Advanced T)o68eapon
1i&htin&, Armor 4roficienc( -li&ht., Armor 4roficienc( -medium., Armor 4roficienc( -heav(., Armor
4roficienc( -po)ered., Athletic, $ra)l, $urst 1ire, Cleave, Combat !Cpertise, Combat #artial Arts,
Combat %efleCes, !ndurance, 1ri&htful 4resence, Great Cleave, 0mproved $ra)l, 0mproved $ull %ush,
0mproved Combat #artial Arts, 0mproved Combat Thro), 0mproved Disarm, 0mproved ,noc+out
4unch, 0mproved Trip, 0mproved T)o68eapon 1i&htin&, ,noc+out 4unch, #obilit(, 4o)er Attac+, %un,
"prin& Attac+, "trafe, "treetfi&htin&, "under, Tou&hness, T)o68eapon 1i&htin&, 7ltra 0mmune "(stem.
#aster Defender
"tartin& at <th level, the Dreadnou&ht becomes especiall( s+illed in defensive fi&htin&. 8henever she
fi&hts defensivel( or ta+es the total defense action, she &ains a 5= bonus to Defense -in addition to the
dod&e bonus to Defense &ained )hile fi&htin& defensivel( or en&a&ed in total defense..
The Dreadnou&ht must be )earin& medium, heav(, or po)ered armor to &ain this bonus.
The bonus increases to 5< at ?th level and 5* and 10th level.
At ;th level and be(ond, )henever the Dreadnou&ht is allo)ed to appl( her "tren&th modifier to
dama&e, she forces the tar&et of her successful attac+ to ma+e at a 1ortitude save -DC M dama&e dealt.
or be +noc+ed prone b( the force of the blo).
2eav( Artiller(
$e&innin& at @th level, a Dreadnou&ht treats all )eapons as one siFe cate&or( smaller for purposes of
determinin& )hether or not she can )ield them in one hand and if the( are considered li&ht )eapons.
The fastest path into this advanced class is from the "mart hero basic class, thou&h other paths are possible.
To 'ualif( to become an !n&ineer, a character must fulfill the follo)in& criteria.
"+ills: Computer 7se * ran+s, Craft -electrical. * ran+s, Craft -mechanical. * ran+s, ,no)led&e
-technolo&(. * ran+s, %epair * ran+s.
Class Information
The follo)in& information pertains to the !n&ineer advanced class.
2it Die
The !n&ineer &ains 1d* hit points per level. The character3s Constitution modifier applies.
Action 4oints
The !n&ineer &ains a number of action points e'ual to * 5 one6half his character level, rounded do)n,
ever( time he attains a ne) level in this class.
Class "+ills
The !n&ineer3s class s+ills are as follo)s.
Computer 7se -0nt., Craft -electronic, mechanical, structural. -0nt., Disable Device -0nt., Drive -DeC.,
,no)led&e -ph(sical sciences, technolo&(. - 0nt. , avi&ate - 0nt. , 4ilot -DeC. , 4rofession -8is.,
%ead98rite Lan&ua&e -none., %epair -0nt., "earch -0nt., "pea+ Lan&ua&e -none..
"+ill 4oints at !ach Level: ? 5 0nt modifier -* 5 0nt modifier for nonhumans..
Table: The %ngineer
Base Attack
1st 50 51 51 50 $uilder, improve +it -51. 50 50
=nd 51 5= 5= 50 Nuic+ craft, superior repair 51 50
>rd 5= 5= 5= 51 $onus feat 51 51
<th 5> 5= 5= 51
0mprove +it -5=., reconfi&ure )eapon,
sabota&e 51 51
;th 5> 5> 5> 51 Craft O4 reserve, 'uic+ craft 5= 51
*th 5< 5> 5> 5= $onus feat, craft O4 reserve 5= 5=
?th 5; 5< 5< 5=
Craft O4 reserve, improve +it -5>.,
'uic+ fiC 5= 5=
@th 5* 5< 5< 5= Craft O4 reserve, )eapon up&rade 5> 5=
Ath 5* 5< 5< 5> $onus feat, craft O4 reserve 5> 5>
10th 5? 5; 5; 5> Craft O4 reserve, unflustered 5> 5>
Class eatures
The follo)in& class features pertain to the !n&ineer advanced class.
At 1st level, the !n&ineer &ains the bonus feat $uilder.
0mprove ,it -51.
An en&ineer can use his +no)6ho) to up&rade an electrical or mechanical tool +it at no additional cost.
Electrical Tool Kit, Basic: 1or the cost of a basic electrical tool +it, an !n&ineer can assemble a
mastercraft -51. version of the +it that &rants a 51 e'uipment bonus on all %epair chec+s made to fiC
electrical devices.
Electrical Tool Kit, Deluxe: 1or the cost of a deluCe electrical tool + it, an !n&ineer can assemble a
mastercraft -51. version that &rants a 5> e'uipment bonus -instead of the usual 5= e'uipment bonus. on
all %epair chec+s made to fiC electrical devices and a 51 e'uipment bonus on all Craft -electrical.
Mechanical Tool Kit, Basic: 1or the cost of a basic mechanical tool +it, an !n&ineer can assemble a
mastercraft -51. version of the +it that &rants a 51 e'uipment bonus on all %epair chec+s made to fiC
mechanical devices.
Mechanical Tool Kit, Deluxe: 1or the cost of a deluCe mechanical +it, an !n&ineer can assemble a
mastercraft -51. version that &rants a 5> e'uipment bonus -instead of the usual 5= e'uipment bonus. on
all %epair chec+s made to fiC mechanical devices and a 51 e'uipment bonus on all Craft -mechanical.
and Craft -structural. chec+s.
'uick Craft
At =nd level, an en&ineer learns ho) to craft ordinar( scratch6built electronic, mechanical, and structural
obDects more 'uic+l( than normal.
8hen usin& the Craft -electronic., Craft -mechanical., or Craft -structural. s+ill to build an ordinar(
scratch6built item, the !n&ineer reduces the buildin& time b( one6'uarter.
At ;th level, the !n&ineer reduces the buildin& time of ordinar( obDects and mastercraft obDects b( half.
"uperior %epair
At =nd level, an !n&ineer learns improved )a(s of repairin& robots, vehicles, mecha, starships, and
c(bernetic attachments.
An !n&ineer )ith a mechanical tool +it and an appropriate facilit( -a )or+shop, &ara&e, or han&ar. can
repair dama&e to a robot, vehicle, mecha, starship, or c(bernetic attachment. -8ithout a mechanical tool
+it, the !n&ineer ta+es a E< penalt( on the %epair chec+.. 8ith 1 hour of )or+, the en&ineer can restore
a number of hit points based on his %epair chec+ result, as sho)n in Table: "uperior %epair. 0f dama&e
remains, the !n&ineer ma( continue to ma+e repairs for as man( hours as needed to full( repair the
dama&ed robot, vehicle, mecha, starship, or c(bernetic attachment.
Table: Su"erior Re"air
Re"air Check Result #amage Re"aired
Less than =0 one
=0E=A =d* 5 !n&ineer class level
>0E>A >d* 5 !n&ineer class level
<05 <d* 5 !n&ineer class level
$onus 1eats
At >rd, *th, and Ath level, the !n&ineer &ets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the
follo)in& list, and the !n&ineer must meet all the prere'uisites of the feat to select it.
Aircraft Operation -spacecraft., $uilder, Cautious, Gearhead, #astercrafter, "alva&e, "urface Vehicle
Operation, Vehicle !Cpert, Kero6G Trainin&.
0mprove ,it -5=.
At <th level, the !n&ineer can assemble mastercraft -5=. electrical and mechanical tool +its. This abilit(
)or+s as the 1st6level improve +it class feature, eCcept the e'uipment bonuses improve b( an additional
%econfi&ure 8eapon
At <th level, an !n&ineer can reconfi&ure a melee or ran&ed )eapon, improvin& one aspect of it.
%econfi&urin& a )eapon re'uires 1 hour of )or+ and a successful %epair chec+ -DC =0./ reconfi&urin& a
mastercraft )eapon is sli&htl( harder -DC =0 5 the )eapon3s mastercraft bonus feature.. An !n&ineer
ma( ta+e 10 or ta+e =0 on this chec+.
The reconfi&uration imposes a E1 penalt( on attac+ rolls made )ith the )eapon but &rants one of the
follo)in& benefits indefinitel(:
Changed Rate of Fire: The reconfi&uration chan&es the )eapon3s rate of fire. A semiautomatic6onl(
)eapon s)itches to an automatic6onl( )eapon, or vice versa. This benefit applies onl( to a ran&ed
)eapon )ith either a semiautomatic or automatic fire settin&.
Greater Ammo Caacit!: The reconfi&ured )eapon can hold ;0P more ammunition than normal. This
benefit applies onl( to )eapons that ta+e ammunition.
Greater Concealment: The reconfi&uration &rants a 5= bonus on "lei&ht of 2and chec+s made to
conceal the reconfi&ured )eapon.
Greater Range "ncrement: The reconfi&ured )eapon3s ran&e increment increases b( 10 feet. This benefit
applies onl( to )eapons )ith ran&e increments.
#ignature #hooter: The )eapon is reconfi&ured for a sin&le individual3s use onl( and is treated as a
uni'ue eCotic )eapon. An(one else )ho uses the )eapon ta+es a E< nonproficient penalt( on attac+
8eapons can be reconfi&ured multiple times/ each time a )eapon is reconfi&ured, it imparts a ne)
benefit. 7ndoin& an !n&ineer3s )eapon reconfi&uration re'uires 1 hour and a successful Disable Device
chec+ -DC =0 5 the !n&ineer3s class level..
At <th level and be(ond, the !n&ineer can sabota&e an electrical or mechanical obDect so that it operates
poorl(. The !n&ineer must succeed on a Disable Device chec+ -DC =0. to accomplish the do)n&rade,
and sabota&in& a mastercraft obDect is sli&htl( harder -DC =0 5 the mastercraft obDect3s bonus feature..
oticin& the !n&ineer3s handi)or+ )ithout first testin& the sabota&ed device re'uires a successful
"earch chec+ -DC M the !n&ineer3s Disable Device chec+ result.. 1iCin& the sabota&ed item re'uires a
successful %epair.
#a$otage De%ice: As a full6round action, the !n&ineer can reconfi&ure a device )ith electrical or
mechanical components so that an(one )ho uses it suffers a penalt( e'ual to the !n&ineer3s class level
on s+ill chec+s made to use the device.
#a$otage &eaon: As a full6round action, the !n&ineer can sabota&e a )eapon so that it misfires or
brea+s the neCt time it is used. A sabota&ed )eapon cannot be used effectivel( until repaired. This use of
sabota&e also applies to vehicle and starship )eapons.
Craft O4 %eserve
"tartin& at ;th level, an !n&ineer )ith the #astercrafter feat can build mastercraft electronic and
mechanical devices )ithout investin& as much of himself in the process.
At ;th level and ever( level thereafter, an !n&ineer &ains a special reserve of eCperience points e'ual to
100 Q his !n&ineer class level. These eCtra eCperience points are separate from eCperience &ained
throu&h level advancement and can onl( be used to ma+e mastercraft items/ the( do not count to)ard
level &ain.
An !n&ineer must spend the eCtra eCperience points he &ains at each level, for )hen the !n&ineer &ains
a level, he loses an( unspent eCperience points in his reserve.
0mprove ,it -5>.
At ?th level, the !n&ineer can assemble mastercraft -5>. electrical and mechanical tool +its. This abilit(
)or+s as the <th6level improve +it class feature, eCcept the e'uipment bonuses improve b( an additional
Nuic+ 1iC
At ?th level, the !n&ineer can repair a mechanical or electrical device in half the normal time/ see the
%epair s+ill description for normal repair times. 2o)ever, cuttin& the repair time increases the %epair
chec+ DC b( ;.
8eapon 7p&rade
At @th level, an !n&ineer can up&rade handheld or robot6installed )eapons, as )ell as )eapon s(stems
aboard vehicles, mecha, or starships.
Table: !ea"on ("grade
Handheld)Robot !ea"on ("grade
8eapon also daFes tar&et for 1 round =;
8eapon also +noc+s tar&et prone >0
8eapon leaves tar&et sha+en for 1d< rounds >;
8eapon also stuns tar&et for 1d< rounds <0
*ehicle)+echa)Starshi" !ea"on ("grade #C
8eapon deals an eCtra t)o dice of dama&e =;
8eapon i&nores ; points of tar&et3s hardness9D% >0
8eapon3s critical hit multiplier increases b( 1 >;
8eapon i&nores 10 points of tar&et3s hardness9D% <0
The !n&ineer must spend 1 hour tin+erin& )ith the )eapon, after )hich he must succeed at a Craft
-mechanical. chec+. The DC varies dependin& on ho) the )eapon is modified, as sho)n in Table:
8eapon 7p&rade. 0f the s+ill chec+ fails, the attempt to modif( the )eapon also fails, althou&h the
!n&ineer ma( tr( a&ain. -The en&ineer ma( ta+e =0 on the s+ill chec+, but the up&rade ta+es =0 hours to
complete.. An up&raded )eapon has a 10P chance of brea+in& after each time it is used/ it cannot be
used a&ain until repaired, and repairin& it re'uires 1 hour and a successful %epair chec+ -DC <0..
A 10th6level !n&ineer can perform complicated tas+s )ithout provo+in& attac+s of opportunit( from
adDacent foes.
Durin& an( round in )hich the !n&ineer uses the Computer 7se, Craft, Demolitions, Disable Device, or
%epair s+ill, he can first ma+e a Concentration chec+ -DC 1;. to use the desired s+ill )ithout provo+in&
attac+s of opportunit(. #a+in& the Concentration chec+ doesn3t cost the !n&ineer an action. 2e ma(
ta+e 10 on the Concentration chec+, but he cannot ta+e =0.
The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Dedicated hero basic class, thou&h other paths are possible.
To 'ualif( to become an !Cplorer, a character must fulfill the follo)in& criteria.
"+ills: ,no)led&e -earth and life sciences. * ran+s, ,no)led&e -histor(, ph(sical sciences, or theolo&(
and philosoph(. < ran+s, "earch < ran+s, "urvival * ran+s.
Dedicated 2ero Talent: A)are.
Class Information
The follo)in& information pertains to the !Cplorer advanced class.
2it Die
The !Cplorer &ains 1d@ hit points per level. The character3s Constitution modifier applies.
Action 4oints
The !Cplorer &ains a number of action points e'ual to * 5 one6half her character level, rounded do)n, ever( time she attains
a ne) level in this class.
Class "+ills
The !Cplorer3s class s+ills are as follo)s.
$alance -DeC., $luff -Cha., Climb -"tr., Decipher "cript -0nt., Disable Device -0nt., Drive -DeC., Gather 0nformation -Cha.,
2andle Animal -Cha., 0nvesti&ate -0nt., Lump -"tr., ,no)led&e -arcane lore, art, earth and life sciences, histor(, ph(sical
sciences, theolo&( and philosoph(. -0nt., Listen -8is., avi&ate -0nt., 4ilot -DeC., %ead98rite Lan&ua&e - none. , %esearch
-0nt. , %ide - DeC. , "earch - 0nt. , "ense #otive -8is., "pea+ Lan&ua&e -none., "pot -8is., "urvival -8is., ")im -"tr., Treat
0nDur( -8is..
"+ill 4oints at !ach Level: ? 5 0nt modifier -* 5 0nt modifier for nonhumans..
Table: The %&"lorer
Base Attack
Save !ill Save
1st 50 51 51 51 !Cplorer lore, survivalist 51 50
=nd 51 5= 5= 5= %esolve, s+illed searcher 51 50
>rd 5= 5= 5= 5= $onus feat 5= 51
<th 5> 5= 5= 5= Trap sense -51. 5= 51
;th 5> 5> 5> 5> !Ctra step 5> 51
*th 5< 5> 5> 5> $onus feat 5> 5=
?th 5; 5< 5< 5< Trap sense -5=. 5< 5=
@th 5* 5< 5< 5< !Cplorer3s evasion 5< 5=
Ath 5* 5< 5< 5< $onus feat 5; 5>
10th 5? 5; 5; 5; !Ctra step, trap sense -5>. 5; 5>
Class eatures
The follo)in& class features pertain to the !Cplorer advanced class.
!Cplorer Lore
An !Cplorer pic+s up stra( and obscure facts durin& her adventures. "he ma( ma+e a special !Cplorer
lore chec+ )ith a bonus e'ual to her !Cplorer class level 5 her 0ntelli&ence modifier to see )hether or
not she +no)s some relevant +no)led&e about notable people, le&endar( items, or note)orth( places. 0f
the !Cplorer has ; or more ran+s in ,no)led&e -histor(., she &ains a 5= bonus on this chec+. "he ma(
ta+e 10 but cannot ta+e =0 on this chec+.
An !Cplorer lore chec+ does not reveal the po)ers of a ma&ic or psionic item but ma( &ive some hint as
to its &eneral function/ an !Cplorer ma( not ta+e 10 or ta+e =0 on this chec+.
Table: %&"lorer Lore
T$"e of ,no-ledge %&am"les
10 Common, +no)n b( at least a substantial minorit( of the
local population.
A local official3s hobbies and interests/ common le&ends or
rumors about a po)erful place of m(ster(.
=0 7ncommon but available, +no)n b( onl( a fe) people in
the area.
The coordinates of an +no)n but uncharted )orld/ le&ends
or rumors about a po)erful psionic artifact.
=; Obscure, +no)n b( fe), hard to come b(. The customs of a documented alien species/ the true
home)orld of an ancient ro(al d(nast(.
>0 !Ctremel( obscure, +no)n b( ver( fe), possibl( for&otten
b( most )ho once +ne) it, possibl( +no)n onl( b( those
)ho don3t understand the +no)led&e3s si&nificance.
The most li+el( location of a lon&6lost pharaoh3s tomb/ the
histor( of a po)erful artifact and its creator/ the li+el(
coordinates of a fabled but as6(et6undiscovered planet.
At 1st level, the !Cplorer &ains the bonus feats Guide and Trac+.
$e&innin& at =nd level, an !Cplorer &ains a morale bonus e'ual to one6half her !Cplorer class level
-rounded do)n. on savin& thro)s to resist fear effects and 0ntimidate chec+s.
"+illed "earcher
8hen activel( searchin& for secret doors or traps, an !Cplorer of =nd level or hi&her &ains a bonus on
her "earch chec+s e'ual to one6half her !Cplorer class level -rounded do)n..
$onus 1eats
At >rd, *th, and Ath level, the !Cplorer &ets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the
follo)in& list, and the !Cplorer must meet all the prere'uisites of the feat to select it.
Action $oost, Advanced T)o68eapon 1i&htin&, Aircraft Operation -spacecraft., Archaic 8eapons
4roficienc(, Attentive, $ra)l, Dod&e, !ducated, !ndurance, !Cotic 1irearms 4roficienc(, !Cotic #elee
8eapon 4roficienc(, 2eroic "ur&e, 0mproved 1eint, 0mproved ,noc+out 4unch, 0mproved T)o68eapon
1i&htin&, Lac+ of All Trades, ,noc+out 4unch, #obilit(, imble, %eno)n, "pacer, "treetfi&htin&,
"tudious, Trac+, T)o68eapon 1i&htin&, Vehicle !Cpert.
Trap "ense
At <th level, an !Cplorer &ains an intuitive sense that alerts her to dan&er from traps, &ivin& her a 51
bonus on %efleC saves made to avoid traps and a 51 dod&e bonus to Defense a&ainst attac+s made b(
These bonuses rise to 5= at ?th level and 5> at 10th level.
!Ctra "tep
An !Cplorer of ;th level or hi&her can spend an action point to ta+e an eCtra ;6foot step durin& her turn,
as a free action. This eCtra ;6foot step does not provo+e attac+s of opportunit(.
At 10th level, the !Cplorer can ta+e the eCtra ;6foot step )ithout spendin& an action point.
!Cplorer3s !vasion
0f an !Cplorer of @th level or hi&her is eCposed to an( effect that normall( allo)s a character to attempt
a %efleC savin& thro) for half dama&e, the !Cplorer suffers no dama&e if she ma+es a successful savin&
thro). 0f the !Cplorer alread( has evasion, she &ains improved evasion instead. 0mproved evasion )or+s
similar to evasion, eCcept the !Cplorer suffers onl( half dama&e on a failed savin& thro).
10!LD O110C!%
The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Charismatic hero basic class, thou&h other paths are possible.
To 'ualif( to become a 1ield Officer, a character must fulfill the follo)in& criteria.
$ase Attac+ $onus: 5=.
"+ills: Diplomac( * ran+s, ,no)led&e -tactics. * ran+s.
1eat: 4ersonal 1irearms 4roficienc(.
Class Information
The follo)in& information pertains to the 1ield Officer advanced class.
2it Die
The 1ield Officer &ains 1d@ hit points per level. The character3s Constitution modifier applies.
Action 4oints
The 1ield Officer &ains a number of action points e'ual to * 5 one6half his character level, rounded do)n, ever( time he
attains a ne) level in this class.
Class "+ills
The 1ield Officer3s class s+ills are as follo)s.
$luff -Cha., Computer 7se -0nt., Diplomac( -Cha., Gather 0nformation -Cha., 0ntimidate -Cha., ,no)led&e -behavioral
sciences, civics, histor(, ph(sical sciences, tactics, theolo&( and philosoph(., %ead98rite Lan&ua&e -none., "ense #otive
-8is., "pea+ Lan&ua&e -none..
"+ill 4oints at !ach Level: ; 5 0nt modifier -< 5 0nt modifier for nonhumans..
Table: The ield .fficer
Base Attack
Bonus ort Save Ref Save
1st 51 50 50 5= Leadership 51 51
=nd 5= 50 50 5> 7ncann( survival 51 51
>rd 5> 51 51 5> $onus feat 5= 51
<th 5< 51 51 5< Tactical eCpertise 5= 5=
;th 5; 51 51 5< Au&ust leadership 5> 5=
*th 5* 5= 5= 5; $onus feat 5> 5=
?th 5? 5= 5= 5; Tactical master( 5< 5>
@th 5@ 5= 5= 5* Commandin& presence 5< 5>
Ath 5A 5> 5> 5* $onus feat 5; 5>
10th 510 5> 5> 5? Action trust 5; 5<
Class eatures
The follo)in& class features pertain to the 1ield Officer advanced class.
$( providin& supervision and &uidance, a 1ield Officer can improve an all(3s chances of succeedin& at a
s+ill chec+. 0nstead of ma+in& a s+ill chec+ to aid another, the 1ield Officer ma+es a Diplomac( chec+
-DC 10.. 2e cannot ta+e 10 or ta+e =0 on the chec+. "uccess &rants a competence bonus on the all(3s
s+ill chec+ e'ual to the 1ield Officer3s Charisma bonus or %eputation bonus, )hichever is &reater. The
all( must be )ithin si&ht and hearin& distance of the 1ield Officer and must be able to understand him.
A 1ield Officer cannot use this abilit( on himself.
7ncann( "urvival
$e&innin& at =nd level, a 1ield Officer can add one6half his class level to his Defense for 1 round, once
per da(. -The bonus applies to the 1ield Officer3s touch and flat6footed Defense, as )ell.. 2e must
declare he is doin& this at the be&innin& of his turn, and the Defense bonus lasts until his neCt round of
$onus 1eats
At >rd, *th, and Ath level, the 1ield Officer &ets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the
follo)in& list, and the 1ield Officer must meet all the prere'uisites of the feat to select it.
Advanced 1irearms 4roficienc(, Armor 4roficienc( -li&ht., Armor 4roficienc( -medium., Armor
4roficienc( -heav(., Armor 4roficienc( -po)ered., Combat !Cpertise, Dod&e, 0mproved 0nitiative, 0ron
8ill, #obilit(, 4recise "hot, Nuic+ Dra), %eno)n, "hot on the %un.
Tactical !Cpertise
"tartin& at <th level, as a full6round action, a 1ield Officer can use his tactical +no)led&e to coordinate
allies. Allies to be affected must be )ithin si&ht and hearin& distance of the 1ield Officer and must be
able to understand him.
The 1ield Officer must ma+e a ,no)led&e -tactics. chec+ )ith a DC e'ual to 1; 5 the number of allies
affected. 2e cannot ta+e 10 or ta+e =0 on the chec+. 0f the chec+ succeeds, all affected allies &ain a
competence bonus on attac+ rolls or a dod&e bonus to Defense e'ual to the 1ield Officer3s %eputation
bonus. The 1ield Officer chooses )hich of the t)o benefits to impart and must impart the same benefit
to all affected allies. The benefits last for 1 round.
0f the chec+ fails, the 1ield Officer3s allies &ain no benefit, but the action is still spent.
A 1ield Officer cannot appl( the benefits of this abilit( to himself.
Au&ust Leadership
The 1ield Officer &ains this abilit( at ;th level. 0t )or+s li+e the leadership abilit( -see above., eCcept
the 1ield Officer adds his Charisma bonus and his %eputation bonus to the all(3s s+ill chec+.
Tactical #aster(
At ?th level, the 1ield Officer re'uires less time to direct his allies. This abilit( is similar to tactical
eCpertise -see Tactical !Cpertise, above. but re'uires an attac+ action instead of a full6round action.
Commandin& 4resence
At @th level and be(ond, a 1ield Officer can use an attac+ action and his commandin& presence to enable
an all( or )ea+en a sin&le foe3s resolve.
!nablin& an all( re'uires an attac+ action and a successful Diplomac( chec+ -DC =0.. 0f the chec+
succeeds, the 1ield Officer can ne&ate an( one of the follo)in& harmful conditions affectin& a sin&le
all(: co)erin&, daFed, fati&ued, nauseated, panic+ed, sha+en, or stunned. The all( to be affected must be
)ithin si&ht and hearin& distance of the 1ield Officer and must be able to understand him.
The 1ield Officer cannot use this abilit( on himself.
8ea+enin& a foe3s resolve re'uires an attac+ action and a successful 0ntimidate chec+ -DC M tar&et3s
level chec+. . 0f the chec+ succeeds, the tar&et is sha+en for a number of rounds e'ual to 1d* 5 one6half
the 1ield Officer3s class level 5 the 1ield Officer3s Charisma modifier. The tar&et must be )ithin si&ht
and hearin& distance of the 1ield Officer and must be able to understand him. A tar&et that resists the
1ield Officer3s attempt to )ea+en its resolve is immune to the 1ield Officer3s use of this abilit( for =<
Action Trust
At 10th level, the 1ield Officer3s mere presence inspires, safe&uards, and motivates his allies.
As a free action, a 1ield Officer ma( spend one of his action points to modif( an all(3s attac+ roll, s+ill
chec+, abilit( chec+, level chec+, or savin& thro) result b( 5=d* -appl(in& a bonus of 5= to 51=..
The all( to be affected must be )ithin si&ht and hearin& distance of the 1ield Officer to &ain the benefits
of the 1ield Officer3s spent action point. A 1ield Officer ma( use this abilit( once per round, and not on
himself -he &ains the normal benefits for spendin& an action point on himself..
An( character ma( transfer some or all of her action points to the 1ield Officer as a free action. The
1ield Officer must consent to the transfer, and these action points become the 1ield Officer3s to spend as
he sees fit.
2!L0O 8A%%0O%
The fastest path into this advanced class is from the "tron& hero basic class, thou&h other paths are possible.
To 'ualif( to become a 2eliC 8arrior, a character must fulfill the follo)in& criteria.
$ase Attac+ $onus: 5>.
"+ill: ,no)led&e -tactics. > ran+s.
1eat: !ndurance.
Class Information
The follo)in& information pertains to the 2eliC 8arrior advanced class.
2it Die
The 2eliC 8arrior &ains 1d10 hit points per level. The character3s Constitution modifier applies.
Action 4oints
The 2eliC 8arrior &ains a number of action points e'ual to * 5 one6half her character level, rounded do)n, ever( time she
attains a ne) level in this class.
Class "+ills
The 2eliC 8arrior3s class s+ills are as follo)s.
$alance -DeC., Climb -"tr., Computer 7se -0nt., Demolitions -0nt., !scape Artist -DeC., 2ide -DeC., 0ntimidate -Cha., Lump
-"tr., Listen -8is., #ove "ilentl( -DeC., avi&ate -0nt., "pot -8is., "urvival -8is., ")im -"tr., Tumble -DeC..
"+ill 4oints at !ach Level: > 5 0nt modifier -= 5 0nt modifier for nonhumans..
Table: The Heli& !arrior
Base Attack
Bonus ort SaveRef Save !ill Save
1st 51 51 50 51 2aul, li&ht sleeper, survivor 51 50
=nd 5= 5= 50 5= Dar+vision -*0 ft.. 51 50
>rd 5> 5= 51 5= $onus feat 5= 51
<th 5< 5= 51 5= "tron& as an oC 5= 51
;th 5; 5> 51 5>
Dar+vision -A0 ft.., superior
conditionin& 5> 51
*th 5* 5> 5= 5> $onus feat 5> 5=
?th 5? 5< 5= 5< 0mproved reaction 5< 5=
@th 5@ 5< 5= 5< Dar+vision -1=0 ft.. 5< 5=
Ath 5A 5< 5> 5< $onus feat 5; 5>
10th 510 5; 5> 5; Decisive attac+ 5; 5>
Class eatures
The follo)in& class features pertain to the 2eliC 8arrior advanced class.
2eliC 8arriors can carr( more heav( &ear than the t(pical soldier. A 2eliC 8arrior3s "tren&th is
considered < points hi&her for the purpose of determinin& her carr(in& capacit(.
Li&ht "leeper
2eliC 8arriors are li&ht sleepers and can ma+e Listen chec+s even )hile asleep, )ithout penalt(. -A
sleepin& character normall( ta+es a E10 penalt( on Listen chec+s..
8hen a 2eliC 8arrior spends an action point to modif( the result of a savin& thro), she ma( roll an
additional 1d* and ta+e the best result, discardin& the lo)er roll-s..
$e&innin& at =nd level, a 2eliC 8arrior &ains dar+vision. "he can see in total dar+ness out to a ran&e of
*0 feet. Dar+vision is blac+6and)hite onl(, but is other)ise li+e normal si&ht.
The ran&e of the 2eliC 8arrior3s dar+vision improves to A0 feet at ;th level and 1=0 feet at @th level.
$onus 1eats
At >rd, *th, and Ath level, the 2eliC 8arrior &ets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the
follo)in& list, and the 2eliC 8arrior must meet all the prere'uisites of the feat to select it.
Advanced Combat #artial Arts, Advanced 1irearms 4roficienc(, Armor 4roficienc( -li&ht., Armor
4roficienc( -medium., Armor 4roficienc( -heav(., Armor 4roficienc( -po)ered., Athletic, $lind61i&ht,
Combat !Cpertise, Combat %efleCes, Combat Thro), Dead Aim, Defensive #artial Arts, !lusive Tar&et,
!Cotic 1irearms 4roficienc(, 1ar "hot, Great 1ortitude, 0mproved Combat #artial Arts, 0mproved
Combat Thro), 0mproved Disarm, 0mproved Trip, 0ron 8ill, Li&htnin& %efleCes, erve 4inch, "urface
Vehicle Operation, 7ltra 0mmune "(stem, 8eapon 1ocus, 8hirl)ind Attac+, Kero6G Trainin&.
"tron& As An OC
At <th level and be(ond, the 2eliC 8arrior3s carr(in& capacit( increases as if she )ere one siFe cate&or(
lar&er -Lar&e instead of #edium6siFe, for eCample..
"uperior Conditionin&
$e&innin& at ;th level, a 2eliC 8arrior learns ho) to sha+e off adverse conditions. 8hen a 2eliC
8arrior is subDected to one of the follo)in& conditions, the duration of the condition3s effect is halved:
co)erin&, daFed, eChausted, fati&ued, nauseated, panic+ed, paral(Fed, sha+en, and stunned. 0f the
condition3s duration is onl( 1 round, the 2eliC 8arrior is not affected at all.
0mproved %eaction
At ?th level, a 2eliC 8arrior &ains a 5= competence bonus on initiative chec+s.
Decisive Attac+
At 10th level, )hen a 2eliC 8arrior spends an action point to modif( the result of an attac+ roll, she ma(
roll an additional 1d* and ta+e the best result, discardin& the lo)er roll-s..
"4AC! #O,!R
The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Tou&h hero basic class, thou&h other paths are possible.
To 'ualif( to become a "pace #on+e(, a character must fulfill the follo)in& criteria.
"tartin& Occupation: Astronaut Trainee.
"+ills: Craft -mechanical or structural. * ran+s, "urvival * ran+s.
Tou&h 2ero Talent: An( one talent from the 7nbrea+able Talent Tree.
Class Information
The follo)in& information pertains to the "pace #on+e( advanced class.
2it Die
The "pace #on+e( &ains 1d10 hit points per level. The character3s Constitution modifier applies.
Action 4oints
The "pace #on+e( &ains a number of action points e'ual to * 5 one6half his character level, rounded
do)n, ever( time he attains a ne) level in this class.
Class "+ills
The "pace #on+e(3s class s+ills are as follo)s.
$alance -DeC., $luff -Cha., Climb -"tr., Computer 7se -0nt., Craft -mechanical, structural. -0nt.,
Demolitions -0nt., Disable Device -0nt., Drive -DeC., !scape Artist -DeC., Lump -"tr., ,no)led&e -earth
and life sciences, technolo&(. -0nt., avi&ate -0nt., 4ilot -DeC., %epair -0nt., "earch -0nt., "urvival
-8is., Treat 0nDur( -8is., Tumble -DeC..
"+ill 4oints at !ach Level: ; 5 0nt modifier -< 5 0nt modifier for nonhumans..
Table: The S"ace +onke$
Base Attack
Save Ref Save
1st 50 5= 51 50 2ibernation trance 51 50
=nd 51 5> 5= 50 #on+e(3s )rench 51 50
>rd 5= 5> 5= 51 $onus feat 5= 50
<th 5> 5< 5= 51 #on+e(s unite 5= 50
;th 5> 5< 5> 51 ,no) location -5=. 5> 51
*th 5< 5; 5> 5= $onus feat 5> 51
?th 5; 5; 5< 5= #on+e( shines 5< 51
@th 5* 5* 5< 5= ,no) location -5<., space suitable 5< 51
Ath 5* 5* 5< 5> $onus feat 5; 5=
10th 5? 5? 5; 5> #on+e( shot 5; 5=
Class eatures
The follo)in& class features pertain to the "pace #on+e( advanced class.
2ibernation Trance
A "pace #on+e( can enter a deep trance that allo)s him to &ain the full benefits of sleep or bed rest in
half the usual time. #on+e(3s 8rench
"pace #on+e(s use tools eCpertl( and creativel(. "tartin& at =nd level, a "pace #on+e( &ains a
competence bonus e'ual to one6half his "pace #on+e( class level on s+ill chec+s made )hen usin& a
tool +it. This bonus stac+s )ith the tool +it3s normal e'uipment bonus.
$onus 1eats
At >rd, *th, and Ath level, the "pace #on+e( &ets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the
follo)in& list, and the "pace #on+e( must meet all the prere'uisites of the feat to select it.
Acrobatic, Advanced 1irearms 4roficienc(, Aircraft Operation -spacecraft., Archaic 8eapon
4roficienc(, Armor 4roficienc( -li&ht., Armor 4roficienc( -medium., Armor 4roficienc( -heav(., Armor
4roficienc( -po)ered., Athletic, $lind61i&ht, $ra)l, $uilder, Combat %efleCes, 1orce "top, Gearhead,
0mproved $ra)l, 0mproved $ull %ush, 0mproved 1eint, 0mproved ,noc+out 4unch, Lac+ of All Trades,
,noc+out 4unch, 4o)er Attac+, %un, "pacerS, "treetfi&htin&, Tou&hness, Vehicle Dod&e, Vehicle
!Cpert, 8eapon 1ocus, Kero6G Trainin&.
#on+e(s 7nite
"pace #on+e(s fi&ht better to&ether. "tartin& at <th level, a "pace #on+e( &ains a 51 morale bonus on
attac+ rolls )hen fi&htin& adDacent to another "pace #on+e(.
1urthermore, a "pace #on+e( &ains a 51 morale bonus on attac+ rolls a&ainst an opponent flan+ed b(
another "pace #on+e(/ this bonus is in addition to the usual 5= bonus for flan+in&.
,no) Location
At ;th level, a "pace #on+e( &ains a 5= competence bonus on avi&ate and "urvival chec+s to avoid
becomin& lost. This bonus increases to 5< at @th level.
#on+e( "hines
7pon reachin& ?th level, a "pace #on+e( has learned snea+( tactics. 2e can use the $luff techni'ue of
feintin& in combat as a move action, allo)in& him to feint and attac+ in the same round.
0f the "pace #on+e( also has the 0mproved 1eint feat, he &ains a 5< bonus -instead of the feat3s usual 5=
bonus. on $luff chec+s made to feint in combat.
"pace "uitable
At @th level, a "pace #on+e( becomes more comfortable in armor. 2e treats an( suit of armor as thou&h
its armor penalt( and maCimum DeCterit( bonus )ere 1 better.
#on+e( "hot
$( spendin& an action point at the end of his turn, a 10th6level "pace #on+e( &ains an eCtra attac+ at
his full attac+ bonus. -%emember that a character can spend onl( one action point per round..
The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Charismatic hero basic class, thou&h other paths are possible.
To 'ualif( to become a ")indler, a character must fulfill the follo)in& criteria.
"+ills: $luff * ran+s, Dis&uise < ran+s, Gamble * ran+s.
Charismatic 2ero Talents: An( t)o of the follo)in& talents: Charm, Coordinate, 1ast6Tal+.
Class Information
The follo)in& information pertains to the ")indler advanced class.
2it Die
The ")indler &ains 1d* hit points per level. The character3s Constitution modifier applies.
Action 4oints
The ")indler &ains a number of action points e'ual to ? 5 one6half his character level, rounded do)n,
ever( time he attains a ne) level in this class. -The ")indler3s abilit( to manipulate probabilit( entitles
him to a hi&her number of action points per class level than other advanced classes..
Class "+ills
The ")indler3s class s+ills are as follo)s.
$luff -Cha., Diplomac( -Cha., Dis&uise -Cha., !scape Artist -DeC., 1or&er( -0nt., Gamble -8is.,
Gather 0nformation -Cha., ,no)led&e -behavioral sciences, business, civics, current events, histor(,
popular culture, street)ise, theolo&( and philosoph(. -0nt., 4erform -act. -Cha., %ead98rite Lan&ua&e
-none., %esearch -0nt., "ense #otive -8is., "lei&ht of 2and -DeC., "pea+ Lan&ua&e -none., Tumble
"+ill 4oints at !ach Level: ? 5 0nt modifier -* 5 0nt modifier for nonhumans..
Table: The S-indler
Base Attack
Bonus ort Save Ref Save
1st 50 50 51 5= Cheat fate 50 50
=nd 51 50 5= 5> Thousand faces 51 50
>rd 5= 51 5= 5> $onus feat 51 51
<th 5> 51 5= 5< 1ortune3s favor -5=. 51 51
;th 5> 51 5> 5< 8arp probabilit( ->0 ft.. 5= 51
*th 5< 5= 5> 5; $onus feat 5= 5=
?th 5; 5= 5< 5; 1ortune3s favor -5<. 5= 5=
@th 5* 5= 5< 5* 8arp probabilit( -*0 ft.. 5> 5=
Ath 5* 5> 5< 5* $onus feat 5> 5>
10th 5? 5> 5; 5? 1ortune3s favor -5*. 5> 5>
Class eatures
The follo)in& class features pertain to the ")indler advanced class.
Cheat 1ate
1ortune favors the ")indler. Once per da(, he ma( reroll one roll that he has Dust made before the
success or failure of the result is announced. The ")indler must ta+e the result of the reroll, even if it3s
)orse than the ori&inal roll.
Thousand 1aces
A ")indler3s abilit( to manipulate probabilit( ma+es him unpopular in certain circles, increasin& the
need for a read( number of dis&uises. At =nd level, the ")indler becomes a master of the 'uic+ dis&uise.
2e can don a convincin& dis&uise in one6tenth the normal time -1d< minutes..
$onus 1eats
At >rd, *th, and Ath level, the ")indler &ets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the
follo)in& list, and the ")indler must meet all the prere'uisites of the feat to select it.
Action $oost, $lind61i&ht, Confident, Deceptive, !ducated, !lusive Tar&et, Lo) 4rofile, imble,
%eno)n, Trust)orth(.
1ortune3s 1avor
"tartin& at <th level, the ")indler learns to subtl( manipulate the fortunes of his adversaries, ma+in&
him harder to stri+e in combat. 2e can spend an action point to &ain a 5= luc+ bonus to Defense a&ainst
all attac+s for 1 round. The ")indler must use this abilit( on his turn, and the bonus lasts until Dust
before the ")indler3s neCt turn. A ")indler uses this abilit( instead of Dod&e on his turn.
The luc+ bonus to Defense increases to 5< at ?th level and 5* at 10th level.
8arp 4robabilit(
At ;th level, the ")indler can affect another creature3s attac+ roll, s+ill chec+, abilit( chec+, level chec+,
or savin& thro). As a free action durin& another creature3s turn, the ")indler can spend an action point
to alter the tar&et3s d=0 roll result. The ")indler must be )ithin >0 feet of the tar&et, must be able to see
the tar&et, and must declare that he3s spendin& the action point before the the result of the tar&et3s roll is
revealed. The ")indler3s action6point die result counts either as a bonus or penalt( to the tar&et3s roll, at
the ")indler3s discretion.
At @th level, the ran&e of this abilit( increases to *0 feet.
The fastest path into this advanced class is from the "mart hero basic class, thou&h other paths are possible.
To 'ualif( to become a Technosavant, a character must fulfill the follo)in& criteria.
"+ills: Computer 7se * ran+s, Craft -electrical or mechanical. * ran+s, Disable Device * ran+s,
,no)led&e -technolo&(. * ran+s.
Class Information
The follo)in& information pertains to the Technosavant advanced class.
2it Die
The Technosavant &ains 1d* hit points per level. The character3s Constitution modifier applies.
Action 4oints
The Technosavant &ains a number of action points e'ual to * 5 one6half her character level, rounded do)n, ever( time she
attains a ne) level in this class.
Class "+ills
The Technosavant3s class s+ills are as follo)s.
Computer 7se -0nt., Craft -electrical, mechanical. -0nt., Demolitions -0nt., Disable Device -0nt., Drive -DeC., ,no)led&e
-behavioral sciences, earth and life sciences, ph(sical sciences, popular culture, technolo&(. -0nt., avi&ate -0nt., 4ilot -DeC.,
4rofession -8is., %ead9 8rite Lan&ua&e -none., %epair -0nt., %esearch -0nt., "pea+ Lan&ua&e -none., "pot -8is..
"+ill 4oints at !ach Level: ? 5 0nt modifier -* 5 0nt modifier for nonhumans..
Table: The Technosavant
Base Attack
Save Ref Save
1st 50 50 51 51 "alva&e, Technocant 51 50
=nd 51 50 5= 5= %obomancer, technophile 51 50
>rd 5= 51 5= 5= $onus feat 5= 50
<th 5> 51 5= 5= C(bermancer, s+illed salva&er 5= 51
;th 5> 51 5> 5>
Do)n )ith robots -51d*95<., eCotic
)eapon adept 5> 51
*th 5< 5= 5> 5> $onus feat 5> 51
?th 5; 5= 5< 5< "uper c(bersur&eon, virtual 2oudini 5< 5=
@th 5* 5= 5< 5<
Do)n )ith robots -5=d*95@.,
eCpeditious salva&er 5< 5=
Ath 5* 5> 5< 5< $onus feat 5; 5=
10th 5? 5> 5; 5; $uild protot(pe 5; 5>
Class eatures
The follo)in& class features pertain to the Technosavant advanced class.
A Technosavant &ains the "alva&e feat for free.
A Technosavant learns to read, )rite, and spea+ a trend( Dar&on6riddled dialect called Technocant. 0n
other )ords, the Technosavant &ains %ead98rite Technocant and "pea+ Technocant as free s+ills.
Characters )ithout the %ead98rite Technocant s+ill can translate )ritten Technocant )ith a successful
Decipher "cript chec+ -DC =0.. Characters )ithout the "pea+ Technocant s+ill can translate spo+en
Technocant )ith a successful 0ntelli&ence chec+ -DC =0., althou&h an( character )ith the lin&uist talent
can add her "mart hero levels to the chec+.
The %ead98rite Technocant and "pea+ Technocant s+ills each cost 1 s+ill ran+.
At =nd level, the Technosavant becomes a master of robotics. 8ith the help of some mechanical
Gma&ic,H she ta+es half the normal time to build or repair a robot3s frame or a robotic component.
At =nd level, the Technosavant adds one6half her Technosavant class level to an( ,no)led&e
-technolo&(. chec+ made to identif( an unfamiliar piece of technolo&( or alien artifact.
$onus 1eats
At >rd, *th, and Ath level, the Technosavant &ets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the
follo)in& list, and the Technosavant must meet all the prere'uisites of the feat to select it.
Alien 8eapon 4roficienc(, Armor 4roficienc( -li&ht., Armor 4roficienc( -medium., Armor 4roficienc(
-po)ered., $uilder, Craft C(bernetics, C(bernetic "ur&er(, C(berta+er, !Cotic 1irearms 4roficienc(,
!Cotic #elee 8eapon 4roficienc(, Gearhead, #astercrafter, Vehicle !Cpert.
"tartin& at <th level, the Technosavant becomes a master of c(bernetics. 8ith the help of some
mechanical Gma&ic,H she ta+es half the normal time to build or repair a c(bernetic attachment.
"+illed "alva&er
A Technosavant of <th level or hi&her has a special +nac+ for scaven&in& useful components from
destro(ed vehicles, mecha, starships, robots, and c(bernetic attachments.
8hen usin& the "alva&e feat, the Technosavant &ains a competence bonus on her "earch chec+s e'ual to
one6half her Technosavant class level.
Do)n 8ith %obots
A Technosavant of ;th level or hi&her can use her +no)led&e of robotics to more easil( defeat and
disable robots. The Technosavant deals 51d* points of dama&e a&ainst robots b( tar&etin& sli&ht
)ea+nesses in their desi&n or armor. 0n addition, the Technosavant &ains a 5< bonus on &rapple chec+s
a&ainst robots, enablin& her to deactivate them more easil( usin& the Disable Device s+ill.
At @th level, the bonus to dama&e a&ainst robots increases to 5=d*, and the bonus on &rapple chec+s
a&ainst robots improves to 5@.
!Cotic 8eapon Adept
"tartin& at ;th level, the Technosavant becomes more adept at handlin& eCotic )eapons )ithout an(
formal trainin&. "he suffers onl( a E= penalt( -instead of the usual E< penalt(. )hen )ieldin& an eCotic
melee )eapon or eCotic ran&ed )eapon )ith )hich she is not proficient.
"uper C(bersur&eon
At ?th level, the Technosavant &ains a 5< competence bonus on Treat 0nDur( chec+s made to perform
c(bernetic sur&er(/ see the C(bernetic "ur&er( feat description for more information.
Virtual 2oudini
A Technosavant of ?th level or hi&her can perform small )onders )ith a computer. "he &ains the
follo)in& benefits )hen usin& the Computer 7se s+ill:
Find File, Degrade 'rogramming, or &rite 'rogram: 8hen attemptin& to find a file, de&rade a
computer pro&ram, or )rite a pro&ram, a Technosavant )ho eCceeds the Computer 7se chec+ DC b( ;
or more accomplishes her intended tas+ in half the normal time -minimum 1 round..
Co%er Trac(s: A Technosavant )ho successfull( covers her trac+s )hile hac+in& into a computer s(stem
imposes a E10 penalt( -instead of the normal E; penalt(. on an( attempt made to identif( her.
!Cpeditious "alva&er
A Technosavant of @th level or hi&her can use the "alva&e feat to salva&e a )rec+ed vehicle, mecha,
starship, robot, or c(bernetic attachment in half the usual time -see the "alva&e feat description for
$uild 4rotot(pe
At 10th level, a Technosavant can build robots, robotic components, and c(bernetic attachments of a
4ro&ress Level one step hi&her. 2o)ever, the Craft chec+ DCs for such items are increased b( 510.
The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Dedicated hero basic class, thou&h other paths are possible.
To 'ualif( to become a Tracer, a character must fulfill the follo)in& criteria.
$ase Attac+ $onus: 5=.
"+ills: 0nvesti&ate * ran+s, ,no)led&e -behavioral sciences or
street)ise. * ran+s, "urvival * ran+s.
1eat: Trac+.
Class Information
The follo)in& information pertains to the Tracer advanced class.
2it Die
The Tracer &ains 1d@ hit points per level. The character3s Constitution modifier applies.
Action 4oints
The Tracer &ains a number of action points e'ual to * 5 one6half his character level, rounded do)n, ever( time he attains a
ne) level in this class.
Class "+ills
The Tracer3s class s+ills are as follo)s.
Climb -"tr., Computer 7se -0nt., Disable Device -0nt., Dis&uise -Cha., Drive -DeC., Gather 0nformation -Cha., 2ide -DeC.,
0nvesti&ate -0nt., Lump -"tr., ,no)led&e -behavioral sciences, civics, street)ise, tactics. -0nt., Listen -8is., #ove "ilentl(
-DeC., avi&ate -0nt., 4ilot -DeC., %esearch -0nt., "earch -0nt., "ense #otive -8is., "pot -8is., "urvival -8is., ")im -"tr..
"+ill 4oints at !ach Level: ; 5 0nt modifier -< 5 0nt modifier for nonhumans..
Table: The Tracer
Base Attack
Bonus ort Save
Save !ill Save
1st 51 50 5= 50 Tar&et species, 7rban Trac+in& 51 50
=nd 5= 50 5> 50 ")ift stri+e 51d* 5= 51
>rd 5> 51 5> 51 $onus feat 5= 51
<th 5< 51 5< 51 7ncann( stealth -full speed. 5= 51
;th 5; 51 5< 51 ")ift stri+e 5=d* 5> 5=
*th 5* 5= 5; 5= $onus feat 5> 5=
?th 5? 5= 5; 5= 7ncann( stealth -char&e9run. 5 < 5=
@th 5@ 5= 5* 5= ")ift stri+e 5>d* 5< 5>
Ath 5A 5> 5* 5> $onus feat 5< 5>
10th 510 5> 5? 5> ")ift trac+in& 5; 5>
Class eatures
The follo)in& class features pertain to the Tracer advanced class.
Tar&et "pecies
At 1st level, a Tracer selects a species or specific +ind of creature his Gtar&et species. The Tracer must
have previousl( encountered at least one member of the tar&et species to select it. An eCpert trac+er, the
Tracer &ains a 5= bonus on $luff, 0ntimidate, Listen, "ense #otive, "pot, and "urvival chec+s )hen
usin& these s+ills a&ainst members of the tar&et species. Li+e)ise, he &ets a 5= bonus on )eapon
dama&e rolls a&ainst such creatures.
As a free action, a Tracer ma( spend an action point to chan&e his tar&et species.
7rban Trac+in&
At 1st level, a Tracer &ains the bonus feat 7rban Trac+in&.
")ift "tri+e
At =nd level, the Tracer becomes s+illed at ta+in& do)n un)ar( tar&ets 'uic+l(. 2e deals 51d* points of
dama&e on successful melee and ran&ed )eapon attac+s made a&ainst a flat6footed opponent. This eCtra
dama&e can be lethal or nonlethal, as determined b( the choice of )eapon and the manner in )hich it3s
The eCtra dama&e increases to 5=d* at ;th level and 5>d* at @th level.
$onus 1eats
At >rd, *th, and Ath level, the Tracer &ets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the
follo)in& list, and the Tracer must meet all the prere'uisites of the feat to select it.
Advanced Combat #artial Arts, Advanced 1irearms 4roficienc(, Aircraft Operation -spacecraft.,
Alertness, Armor 4roficienc( -li&ht., Armor 4roficienc( -medium., Armor 4roficienc( -po)ered.,
Athletic, Combat Thro), Dead Aim, Double Tap, !lusive Tar&et, 1ar "hot, 0mproved Combat #artial
Arts, 0mproved Combat Thro), 0mproved 0nitiative, Lo) 4rofile, erve 4inch, 4recise "hot, "hot on the
%un, "+ip "hot, "pacer, "tealth(, Trust)orth(, 7nbalance Opponent.
7ncann( "tealth
Tracers learn to move 'uic+l( (et 'uietl(.
At <th level, a Tracer no lon&er suffers the E; penalt( on 2ide and #ove "ilentl( chec+s )hile movin&
at full speed.
At ?th level, a Tracer suffers onl( a E10 penalt( on 2ide and #ove "ilentl( chec+s )hile runnin& or
char&in& -instead of the normal E=0 penalt(..
")ift Trac+in&
At 10th level, the Tracer can move a full speed )ithout penalt( )hen usin& the "urvival s+ill to trac+.
2e can move at t)ice normal speed )hile trac+in&, but ta+es a E10 penalt( on the chec+ )hen doin& so.
The fastest path into this advanced class is from the "mart hero basic class, thou&h other paths are possible.
To 'ualif( to become a Oenophile, a character must fulfill the follo)in& criteria.
"+ills: ,no)led&e -earth and life sciences. * ran+s, ,no)led&e -technolo&(. * ran+s.
"mart 2ero Talent: !ither lin&uist or eCploit )ea+ness.
Class Information
The follo)in& information pertains to the Oenophile advanced class.
2it Die
The Oenophile &ains 1d@ hit points per level. The character3s Constitution modifier applies.
Action 4oints
The Oenophile &ains a number of action points e'ual to * 5 one6half her character level, rounded do)n, ever( time she
attains a ne) level in this class.
Class "+ills
The Oenophile3s class s+ills are as follo)s.
$luff -Cha., Computer 7se -0nt., Craft -pharmaceutical. -0nt., Decipher "cript -0nt., Diplomac( -Cha., ,no)led&e -arcane
lore, behavioral sciences, earth and life sciences, histor(, technolo&(, theolo&( and philosoph(. -0nt., %ead98rite Lan&ua&e
-none., %esearch -0nt., "ense #otive -8is., "pea+ Lan&ua&e -none., Treat 0nDur( -8is..
"+ill 4oints at !ach Level: ? 5 0nt modifier -* 5 0nt modifier for nonhumans..
Table: The /eno"hile
Base Attack
Save Ref Save !ill Save
1st 50 51 50 5= Oenolore, Cenot(pe -1st. 50 50
=nd 51 5= 50 5> Oenoresistance -51. 51 51
>rd 5= 5= 51 5> $onus feat 51 51
<th 5> 5= 51 5< Oenot(pe -=nd. 51 51
;th 5> 5> 51 5< Oenodefense -51., Cenoresistance -5=. 5= 5=
*th 5< 5> 5= 5; $onus feat 5= 5=
?th 5; 5< 5= 5; Oenot(pe ->rd. 5= 5=
@th 5* 5< 5= 5* Oenoresistance -5>. 5> 5>
Ath 5* 5< 5> 5* $onus feat 5> 5>
10th 5? 5; 5> 5? Oenodefense -5=., Cenot(pe -<th. 5> 5>
Class eatures
The follo)in& class features pertain to the Oenophile advanced class.
A Oenophile can ma+e a ,no)led&e chec+ to identif( certain characteristics of a Cenomorph, includin&
an( special attac+s, special 'ualities, or vulnerabilities. 0n &eneral, the DC of the ,no)led&e chec+
e'uals 10 5 the Cenomorph3s 2it Dice. A successful chec+ allo)s the Oenophile to unloc+ a sin&le fact
about the Cenomorph. 1or ever( ; points b( )hich her chec+ result eCceeds the DC, the Oenophile
learns another piece of useful information.
The t(pe of ,no)led&e chec+ depends on the Cenomorph3s creature t(pe, as sho)n belo):
Kno)ledge *arcane lore+: 1e(, ma&ical beasts.
Kno)ledge *earth and life sciences+: Aberrations, animals, dra&ons, elementals, &iants, humanoids,
monstrous humanoids, ooFes, plants, vermin.
Kno)ledge *technolog!+: Constructs.
Kno)ledge *theolog! and hilosoh!+: Outsiders, undead.
A Oenophile studies the behaviors and )ea+nesses of particular Cenomorphs and +no)s ho) to eCploit
At 1st level, a Oenophile ma( select a t(pe of creature -also called a GCenot(peH. from amon& those
&iven on Table: Oenot(pes. "he must meet the special prere'uisite to choose a Cenot(pe, as specified in
the table. Due to her eCtensive stud( of the chosen t(pe of foe and trainin& in the proper techni'ues for
combatin& or ne&otiatin& )ith such creatures, the Oenophile &ains a 5= bonus on $luff, 0ntimidate,
Listen, "ense #otive, "pot, and "urvival chec+s )hen usin& these s+ills a&ainst members of the chosen
Cenot(pe. Li+e)ise, she &ets a 5= bonus on )eapon dama&e rolls a&ainst such creatures.
At <th, ?th, and 10th level, the Oenophile ma( select an additional Cenot(pe from those &iven on the
table. 0n addition, at each such interval, the bonus a&ainst an( one Cenot(pe -includin& the one Dust
selected, if desired. increases b( =. A Oenophile )ho chooses humanoids as a Cenot(pe must also
specif( a particular species.
Table: /enot$"es
Selected /enot$"e S"ecial 0rerequisite
Aberration ,no)led&e -earth and life sciences. 1= ran+s
Animal one
Construct ,no)led&e -technolo&(. A ran+s
Dra&on ,no)led&e -earth and life sciences. A ran+s
!lemental ,no)led&e -earth and life sciences. A ran+s
1e( ,no)led&e -arcane lore. * ran+s
Giant one
#a&ical beast ,no)led&e -arcane lore. A ran+s
#onstrous humanoid ,no)led&e -earth and life sciences. A ran+s
OoFe ,no)led&e -earth and life sciences. A ran+s
Outsider ,no)led&e -theolo&( and philosoph(. A ran+s
4lant one
7ndead ,no)led&e -theolo&( and philosoph(. * ran+s
Vermin one
1 Choose a specific humanoid species.
At =nd level, a Oenophile &ains a 51 bonus on savin& thro)s to resist the eCtraordinar(, spell6li+e, or
supernatural attac+s of species other than her o)n. This bonus increases to 5= at ;th level and 5> at @th
$onus 1eats
At >rd, *th, and Ath level, the Oenophile &ets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the
follo)in& list, and the Oenophile must meet all the prere'uisites of the feat to select it.
Alien 8eapons 4roficienc(, Combat %efleCes, Dod&e, !ducated, #edical !Cpert, #obilit(, "tudious,
"ur&er(, 8eapon 1ocus, Oenomedic.
At ;th level, durin& her action, the Oenophile can desi&nate an opponent and receive a 51 insi&ht bonus
to Defense a&ainst an( subse'uent attac+s from that opponent. The opponent must belon& to one of the
Oenophile3s chosen Cenot(pes -see Oenot(pe, above..
The Oenophile can select a ne) opponent on an( action. At 10th level, the insi&ht bonus to Defense
increases to 5=.

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