Instructions: (E.g. Hewlett Packard')

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Answer all the questions taking into account the message you want to
deliver to your target market. Although aesthetic aspects are important,
focus on providing us with information to let us get to the right people
through the right message
If you consider that a question doesnt ft your case, let us know and
answer it giving us as much relevant information as possible, although it
doesnt match the question.
Take your time to answer the questions, and do it thoroughly. oure not
e!pected to send them back to us the same day you received them.

Contact Information (This information is compulsory)
Name: _____________________
Phone Number: _________________
Email id for communication: _________________
Address: ________________

". #lease enter the name of your company eactly as you would like it to
appear in your website $e.g. %&ewlett #ackard'
). *o you have a logo+ If yes please insert your logo
,. *o you have a tagline+ $A short phrase used in advertising to help
communicate the personality, positioning, and di-erentiating attributes of a
$e.g. %invent'
../hat is the nature of your company or corporation+ /hat is its core
business $e.g. %0omputer products provider+'
1. #lease describe your products or services( $e.g. %2ur 0ompany provides
computing equipment, including data processing, data storage, printing,
imaging and application servers hardware3 we also provide consulting
services to implement information technology solutions'
4. *o you already have a /ebsite+ /hats its 567+ $e.g.'
If yes, why are you replacing it+ $e.g. %we had our website designed many
years ago, when we were focused on individuals. 8ow, our target market is
small and medium business, and our former website got old fashioned'
9./hat are some of the most important applications of your website+ $e.g.
%selling, branding, information'
:./ho are your customers+ /here are they+ Is your products;services aimed
at a particular se! ; age ; income range ; group+ Are yours massive products
or niche products+ our positioning is based on price, quality or price;quality
ratio+ $e.g. % 2ur customers are mainly youngsters and children, this would
give the designer an idea that the target segment would appreciate a bright
and young looking website'
<. *o you want the website to have a young =ashy look or do you want it to
be more sober and elegant
a. The young =ashy look would imply > brighter colours, maybe one or two
attractive =ash containers
b. The sober and elegant look would imply > light colours, a more standard
and simple look
If your imagination does not ft into the above two, please describe your
"?. /hat colours do you want to fnd in your website design+ $e.g. %Id like
te!t in black, background in white, and lots of blue'
"". #lease tell us about some company websites that you like. This will help
us identify with your taste and give you something in the league
"). Is there anything specifc that you *@AI8IT@7 want to see in your
website+ $e.g. %I want to see a tyre in my website'
",. Is there anything specifc that you do 82T want to see in your website+
$e.g. %I do not want to see a picture of a hammer, because it identifes to my
main competitor'
".. /hat is the navigation structure of your website+ $
Bample navigation
". 0ompany
a. About us
b. 0orporate Calues
c. Danagement
d. *i-erentiator
). 0apabilities
a. Infrastructure
b. Technology
c. Euality 0ommitment
d. #roFect Danagement
e. *evelopment Dethodology
f. Becurity #olicy
g. Gusiness 0ontinuity
h. Bupport
i. 2utsourcing
,. Bervices H Bolutions
a. /eb Bite *evelopment
b. Application *evelopment
c. IT 0onsultancy
.. 0areers
a. Ienies 0ulture
b. /hy work with us+
c. 0urrent 2penings
d. #ost 6esume
1. Euery
2ther 7inks
". &ome
). Bite Dap
,. #rivacy #olicy
ou could convey the above to us by giving us e!amples of some other
websites. If you want your navigation strcuture to be same as some other
website or your previous website, you could Fust give us a link to that.
"1. Are their any other items that you want on the home page. $e.g.
advertisements, quotation containers, =ash banners, animated IIAs'. If yes,
give details
ou could convey the above to us by giving us e!amples of some other
websites. ou do not necessarily need to give a detailed description.
"4. *o you already have a domain name+ If yes, what is it+

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