Student Handbook - August 2013

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1st edtion
August 2013

SIMAC - a good place to study................................................................ 6
Locations .............................................................................................. 7
History ................................................................................................. 7
Mission ................................................................................................. 7
Vision ................................................................................................... 7
Fundamental values .............................................................................. 7
The Organisation
Organisation Chart ...................................................................... 8
Management .............................................................................. 9
Team Management ..................................................................... 9
A nice place to live
Student housing .......................................................................... 10
Halls of residence ........................................................................ 10
Housing associations ................................................................... 10
Get off to a good studying start at SIMAC
Timetable ................................................................................... 11
Books......................................................................................... 11
Student ID number ..................................................................... 11
Studient ID card ......................................................................... 11
IT and e-mail .............................................................................. 12
Sharenet .................................................................................... 12
Wireless netvork ......................................................................... 12
Printing ...................................................................................... 13
IT support .................................................................................. 13
Quality system ............................................................................ 13
Access to SIMAC outside opening hours ........................................ 13
Use of lockers in the corridors ...................................................... 13
Study environment
Study groups .............................................................................. 14
Tutor scheme and Tutor Caf ....................................................... 15
Where to find guidance and advice
Study Administration Office .......................................................... 16
Student Councelling Office ........................................................... 16
Student Councelling Service ......................................................... 17
Students Grants and Loans Scheme (SU) ...................................... 17

Information channels
Sharenet .................................................................................... 18
Website ...................................................................................... 18
M/S SIMAC ................................................................................. 18
Information screens .................................................................... 19
Facebook ................................................................................... 19
Twitter ....................................................................................... 19


Linkedin ..................................................................................... 19
Project and placement database ................................................... 19
Safety and the environment
Safety policy ............................................................................... 19
First aid ..................................................................................... 19
Environmental policy ................................................................... 20
Insurance ................................................................................... 20
Rules and regulationswhat you need to know
Course catalogues ....................................................................... 20
Compulsory attendance ............................................................... 20
Registration for subjects and exams ............................................. 21
Examination guidelines ................................................................ 21
Exemption .................................................................................. 22
Submissions and assignments ...................................................... 22
Substitution certificates ............................................................... 23
Absence of instructor or professor ................................................ 23
SIMAC guidelines
Smoking ..................................................................................... 24
Before you go home .................................................................... 24
Food and beverages at SIMAC ..................................................... 24
Parking ...................................................................................... 24
Etiquette at SIMAC ...................................................................... 24
Academic and social activities your options
Access to simulators on your computer ......................................... 25
OLC - Open Learning Center ........................................................ 25
Canteen ..................................................................................... 25
Open workshop .......................................................................... 25
Laboratory access ....................................................................... 26
MS Denmark ............................................................................... 26
DSL - national student board for marine engineering students ....... 26
MSC (Maritime Study Committee) ................................................. 27
Los Lagos ................................................................................... 28
Borrowing SIMACs vessels........................................................... 28
Borrowing SIMACs trailer ............................................................ 29
Longboat rowing ......................................................................... 29
Football team ............................................................................. 29
SIMAC on the move .................................................................... 29
SIMACs girls .............................................................................. 29
Art at SIMAC .............................................................................. 29
Gym .......................................................................................... 30
Ambassador corps ....................................................................... 30
Events Committee ....................................................................... 30
Studying abroad ......................................................................... 30
Open workshop dates .................................................................. 31



SIMAC was founded as an independent state-funded edu-
cational institution on 1 January 2001. SIMAC is the result
of a merger between Kogtved Sfartsskole, A.P. Mller
Maersks Vrkstedsskole, Svendborg Maskinmesterskole
and Svendborg Navigationsskole.
SIMAC is an independent, state-funded institution under
the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher
Education, with the Danish Agency for Higher Education
and Educational Support as the supervisory authority;
SIMAC is also supervised by the Danish Maritime Author-
ity for all training courses, certificates, etc.

We are a maritime education and knowledge institution
We are an educational institution whose core areas of expertise are learning and
knowledge in the maritime sector. We engage in targeted collaboration through na-
tional and international networks and in close affiliation with the maritime world. Eve-
rything we do supports the fact that SIMAC is the maritime industrys preferred
knowledge and educational partner for managerial staff.

We train the best maritime leaders in the world
We are a professional, internationally recognised maritime knowledge institution. We
create and disseminate knowledge in an inspiring study and work environment which
matches the dream of pursuing a career in the maritime sector .

Fundamental Values
Our fundamental values are based on always putting the student first.

Professional standards
High professional standards are our hallmark.
We are familiar with and make use of one anothers technical and academic ex-
pertise, to ensure that each of us focuses on what we are good at.
We create and disseminate new knowledge.


We interpret the marked and act on new trendsp nye tendenser
We are continuously developing the quality of our work
We use knowledge-sharing as a tool for development

We thrive on taking responsibility
We work conscientiously while focusing on quality, time and money
There is a clear correlation between what we say and what we do

We see opportunities, not limitations
We are enthusiastic about our work
We go to work each day with an optimistic outlook and return home satisfied after
a job well done

Good colleagues
We are open and responsive to one anothers needs
We share all tasksincluding the tedious ones
We express and receive appreciation for a job well done

SIMAC a good place to study

Welcome to Svendborg International Maritime Academy Denmarks biggest centre
of maritime education popularly known as SIMAC.

I hope you will enjoy your studies and the educational process.

We compiled this study handbook for you in order to provide vital information and
the guidelines you will need during your study programme at SIMAC. The handbook
is written by both our employees and our students.

The study handbook supplements our other sources of information, of which our
Sharenet intranet is the most important, as it provides a wide variety of information.

Please remember that my door is always open, whether for informal chats or if you
have something you wish to discuss with me.

Welcome to SIMAC!

Jesper Bernhardt

Please regard this study handbook as a dynamic reference book which can be re-
vised during the course of the year. We update the electronic version at on
an ongoing basis. Your input is always welcome at

SIMAC has the following five locations in Svendborg:

Praktisk Practical seamanship, hand
tools, cordage, instruction in maritime
safety, practical navigation.

A.P. Mllers Vej 37
Vrkstedsskole, Technical workshop
school, laboratories, simulators (full
mission), classroom facilities, open
workshop, training course facilities.

Graaesvej 27
Classroom facilities, simulators (part
task), training course facilities, man-
agement, administration, study admini-
stration office, student advisory ser-
vices, study directors, canteen, instruc-
tors offices, technical department, IT,
and Open Learning Centre

Graaesvej 25
Next door to Graaesvej 27, you will find three rooms for group studies in what is po-
pularly called the house. IT is open daily 7.30 am3.30 pm, but only until 2.30 pm
on Fridays.

At this adress you will find our exercise
vessels and free-fall boats.


Organisation chart

The Organisation
Elsa Lund-
Jan Askholm
Team Vrkstedsskole

Management Teams

Jesper Bernhardt

Executive Manager of SIMAC
Vice President
Jan Askholm

Responsible for the educa-
tion programmes
Vice President
(Finance & Ser-
Elsa Lund-Larsen

Responsible for fi-
nance and services

Head of Maritime
Presently vacant
Head of Mariti-
me Studies
(Basic Theory)
Thorkil Korsgaard
Head of Mariti-
me Studies
(Work Shop)
Kent Gregersen
Canteen Manager
Michael Jensen

Head of Study
Rikke Vej
HR Manager &
Head of Organ-
izational Devel-
opment Depart-
Birgitte Pless
Service Manager
Flemming Nielsen
IT Manager
Andreas Kyster

A nice place to live

Student housing
IT is relatively easy for students to find a place to live in South Funen. If you wish to
rent accommodation, you have several options:
Halls of residence
Housing associations
Private rented housing

Halls of residence
A.P. Mller Hall of residence has a total of 77 youth housing units, which are primari-
ly rented to students enrolled in maritime study programmes.

Further details:
tel. 62 21 42 20,

The Cama halls of residence have more than 560 youth housing units available in
Svendborg. All housing units are furnished with cable TV and Internet connections.

Further details:
tel. 62 22 05 13,

Housing associations
If you prefer an ordinary flat instead, and perhaps intend to keep it after you com-
plete your education, it may be a good idea to join a housing association.

Svendborg Andelsboligforening

Further details:
tel. 62 21 19 76,

Further details:
tel. 76 64 64 64,

Vacant rooms and flats for rent are often advertised privately in the Wednesdayedi-
tion of Fyns Amts Avis (local daily) or Ugeavisen (local weekly).

Remember to notify you change of address to the Central Office of Civil Re-
gistration (CPR Office) when you move to Svendborg. You need to register your relo-
cation with the CPR Office at Svendborg Town Hall, Ramsherred 5, 5700 Svendborg.


Get off to a good studying start at SIMAC

As a SIMAC student, you are personally responsible for staying up to date with your
timetable. You will find this by going to where you will find a link to
the timetable on the home page. From here, you select the class with which you are
affiliated, after which your timetable will open. As the timetable is dynamic, we rec-
ommend that you look at it a few times a week. The timetable will also show the
room and address where instruction is to take place. However, not all BJ1, BJ2, BM1,
BM2 and BM3 classes have a timetable. You be notified about the location and time
when you start your study programme.
Employee in charge: Study Director Thorkil Hansen
See the holiday calender on the following link:

EOr visit Sharenet Fagportaler (Subject portals) Studieinfo (Study Programme
info) and click the Holiday Calender tab.

At Students Book lists you can see the list of books you will need
in the semester concerned. You only need
to buy books for one semester at a time,
as the lists will be updated every semes-
ter. You are responsible for ordering the
books yourself. You can also try to get
your books at, where used books are sold.

Student ID number
At the beginning of each study programme, students are assigned a number which
must be used in various contexts during the study programme, such as for exams.
Student ID card
In room 217 on the second floor at Graaesvej, you will find a self-service machine for
making student ID cards. When you begin your study programme, you must make a
student ID card for yourself you will receive an introduction as to how this is done.
If you lose your student ID card, you must contact the IT department before you can
make a new one.

The student ID card is your verification that you are a student at SIMAC and you
must bring it with you to all exams. If you do not bring your student ID card, you
must bring another valid form of photo ID.


IT and e-mail
At the start of your study programme, you will be set up as a user on SIMACs
study-programme network. This will give you access to SIMACs Sharenet intra-
net, and you will also be assigned your own e-mail address. Communication be-
tween you and SIMAC will take place by means of your student e-mail address.
When you send an e-mail to SIMAC employees during your study programme, you
are kindly asked to use your SIMAC student e-mail; otherwise please state your
student ID number. While you are studying at SIMAC, you are under an obligation
to check your student e-mail account on a daily basis, as this is where you will be
notified of things like lesson changes, etc.

Sharenet is an important information platform where you will find lots of practical
information, including the examination schedule and study programme information.
Via the curriculum and course of study, subject portals provide information about
the exams, conditions for start-up and marking, as well as submission deadlines.
This is also the working platform which instructors use in their daily instruction.
Therefore, it is important to stay up to date with Sharenet on a daily basis.
At the start of your studies, you will be given an introduction to the use of SIMAC e
-mail and Sharenet.

Student life (Subject Portal on Sharenet)
At Sharenet we have the subject portal Student life, which is under construction in
the fall semester of 2013. Here information to students regarding issues not
(directly) related to the study can be given, e.g. accommodation, job openings, sale
of various items.

Wireless netvork
A wireless network is available throughout SIMAC.
The first time you log on to the schools network, you must create a connection to
SIMAC-EDU and enter the WEP/WPA key:

12 21 11 22 11 22 12 12 12 12 22 21 11
(Must be entered without spaces)

When you log on to the schools network, you must use Internet Explorer and enter Then enter edu/studienummer and your password.
If you are at the Frederiks facility, you have to create a connection for Frederik-
sen EDU and enter the WEP/WPA key:
8743 yrhk jnba 8v67 3kja9 83i87
(Must be entered without spaces)

If you need to use our printer system, you can read much more about set-up, ac-
cess, prices, and more on Sharenet under departments and IT

IT Support
If you have difficulty getting a connection or have any other IT-related problems, you
can always send an e-mail to or visit the IT department for sup-
port, 8 am 12 noon daily.
Quality system
SIMACs quality system is found on where you can find more details
about processes and guidelines; you have to be logged on to the schools intranet to
be able to use your login. The system will soon be available on Sharenet as a QA
under Interdepartmental Functions. It is also possible to use the QA function on
Sharenet for finding the current syllabuses and curricula. You can also see the indi-
vidual syllabuses and curricula at the subject portals. If you have any questions,
please contact Susie Simonsen, Quality Coordinator, room 115,, tel.
72 21 55 31.
Access to SIMAC outside ordinary studying hours
At SIMAC you can get round-the-clock access to our departments at Graaesvej and
A.P. Mllers Vej. This can be useful if, for instance, you or your study group need to
work on your project outside ordinary opening hours and you would like to work at
the school.
At the study administration office, you can encode your health insurance card, stu-
dent ID card or Dankort with a free password and then use this card as an admission
card. You do not need to do this when you start to study at SIMAC; this is usually
most beneficial during the theory semesters. Just drop in when the need arises.

Luse of lockers in the corridors
You can use a locker at the school (Graaesvej) for your books, etc. As only a limited
number of lockers are available, we encourage students to share lockers.
If you would like to be assigned a locker, contact the study administration office to
register. Please bring your own padlock for the locker.
- If you are a BJ or BS student it is important that you empty your locker prior to the
seagoing service on the 6th semester.This way other students can enjoy the use of
the locker while you are away. Please inform the study administration office once
you have emptied the locker. You are welcome to use a locker again when you re-
turn from the seagoing service.

- Once you complete your education or if you do not use the locker anymore pelase
inform the study office administration once you have emptied the locker.
- SIMAC reserves the right to open end empty the
locker, if you do not comply with the use of lockers
as described above. Any content will be kept for one
year and can be retrieved by contacting the janitors.

Study environment

SIMAC has an excellent study environment. The vast
majority of our students are new to our local area,
which gives them a feeling of community. The
school has a Friday afternoon bar event at Graaes-
vej called Los Lagos (Lossen for short) where it is
possible to meet other students at all levels of study, and enjoy conversing over a
beer after a week of studying. Lossen also arranges other social events, some of
which are organised together with other educational institutions in the town. This
gives you an opportunity to meet lots of people and widen your circle of acquaintan-
The school on A.P. Mllers Vej also sponsors a Friday afternoon bar event. The event
is associated with the A.P. Mller Hall of Residence, but it is open to everyone en-
rolled at SIMAC. Svendborg is a charming town with lots of opportunities for a variety
of social events. As a student, you are eligible for a student discount at many places,
such as fitness centres, etc. Enquire at the school or ask the venues concerned
whether they offer student discounts.
Svendborg is a small town, so you are almost always within 5 km of anywhere you
wish to visit in the town. This also means that a bicycle
is an ideal mode of transport and if it needs fixing, or
requires other maintenance, you can make use of SI-
MACs open workshop. The school is also willing to
lend you tools if you have something you need to in-
stall in your accommodation, for instance.

Study groups
As part of your studies at SIMAC, you will experience
having to work in a study group. Daily studying takes
place in the study group context, such as working on
assignments, writing papers, doing homework and working on projects. The study
groups are set up by either the students themselves or in collaboration with your
instructors. As several of the major projects you will encounter during your studies
have a work load estimated for more than one person and will have to be carried out
as a group, it is advisable for you to join a study group.

In the third semester of the master and chief engineer study programmes (senior
officer study programmes), the study groups can easily be mixed, as these two
groups of students attend the same classes. It can be advantageous for you to be in
a group with someone from your own line of study, as this can ease the planning a
little, especially when you reach the 4th semester. It is definitely advantageous to
work on daily homework together in study groups, too, in addition to the major pro-
jects and also to use the Tutor Caf, as this will make it easier to cope with the vol-
ume of such projects if you are working together in a group and helping one another.
You also need to bear in mind that you have embarked on a study programme. In
other words, there may be topics you will have to read about and study which are
not dealt with in the classroom instruction. In these instances, the study group is also
ideal for helping one another to understand all the topics. In addition, many students
study at the school, which often makes it easy to find help if you have questions,
even when no tutors are present.

Tutor scheme and Tutor Caf
The Tutor Caf is an offer of homework assistance/
guidance when you are working singly or in groups,
and you are looking for answers to questions and are
in need of mentoring or inspiration. The tutors are students from older year classes
who have demonstrated good skills in the subject for which they have been desig-
nated as tutors, and they are skilled communicators. These tutors function as advis-
ers and will also mark and comment on assignments.
The tutors are allocated to cover all major subjects of the study programmes as far
as possible. Besides the tutors, you can also meet many other students at work in the
caf. It is frequently possible to find lots of good ideas, information, and material
through ones fellow students.


The Tutor Caf is open MondayThursday 1.453.30 pm on the third floor in the
rearmost canteen. You can find out which tutors will be there on which days by
checking the information boards.
If you have any questions about the tutor scheme, please contact Mette Sonne
Mazur on
Where to find guidance and advice

Study Administration Office
We handle all the practical and administrative
details relating to your studies at the Study
Administration Office: student admissions, ex-
ams, registration of marks, seagoing hours,
graduation, study grants (SU), etc.

Rikke Vej
+ 45 72 21 55 28
Anni Solberg
+ 45 72 21 55 26
Mette Mazur
+ 45 72 21 55 60

Opening hours for students:
Daily 9.00 am - 12.00 noon.

(Students at the Technical Workshop School and Entry-level Course also 12 noon3.00 pm by

Consultation hours, telephone:
8.00 am 3.00 pm
(Friday 8,00 am2.00 pm)

If you have a general question, you can write to the following e-mail address, and
the study administration office will reply as soon as possible: studieadministrati-

Study Councelling Office
You are always welcome at the Student Counselling Office for help with problems
whether they are big or small or to talk about your study programme. You can al-
ways receive help relating to:

Questions of relevance to your studies
Planning special processes, such as in the event of illness or failed subjetcs
Study-related problems

Disagreements in your study group
Change of study
Exam phobia or severe difficulties taking an exam

Lene stergaard, Student Adviser
tel. +45 72 21 55 33

Open daily 9.00 am12 noon
- call or e-mail if you wish to set up a meeting.

Student Councelling Service
The Student Counselling Service is an external public institution, its membership com-
prising many educational institutions, including SIMAC: the service provides advice
and guidance covering a wide variety of situations which affect your study pro-
gramme. A number of professional advisers with backgrounds including psychology,
social work, psychiatry, etc., work at the centre.
Visit the Student Counselling Service at

Students Grants and Loan Scheme (SU)
You can apply for SU at using your NemID. You can find answers to the
vast majority of questions about SU at If you fail to find what you are
looking for, contact the study administration office:

Mette Sonne Mazur, SU for ships officers, master mariner and
senior officer students

Rikke Vej, SU for marine engineer students

The most important SU rules, which you might need to know about during your study
programme are:

Make sure that you do not earn too much money utside your studies, as you
run the risk of having to repay SU.
It is possible for students in the master mariner and chief marine engineer
(ships officer) study programmes to apply for one monthly SU portion before
the first traineeship. (This does not apply to marine engineers as they are
entitled to SU during their traineeship, unless they are paid wages by the trai-
neeship provider.)
To retain the right to receive SU, you must not fall behind more than one year
during the course of your study programme.

You can apply for additional monthly SU portions if you contract a long-term
illness. Remember to keep documentation of this from your doctor or the hos-
If you become a parent during the study programme, you can apply for a pa-
rental leave SU portion.
If you run out of monthly su grant portions during the last year of your educa-
tion, you can apply for a final loan.

SU between the junior officer and senior officer study programmes: If you complete
your junior officer bachelors programme in June, and intend to continue studying in
the senior officer study programme the following August, you are also eligible to re-
ceive SU in July as well. If you finish your junior officer bachelor programme in April
or November, however, you are not eligible to receive SU until you begin the senior
officer study programme.

Information channels

Sharenet is SIMACs intranet with miscellaneous information
for both employees and students. This is where you can find
information about your study programme, syllabuses, class
lists, etc. You can also find minutes from MSC meetings,
etc., as well as information on a wide variety of other topics.
This is where all news is announced, which makes the page
SIMACs primary internal communication channel for all

The SIMAC website is our principal outward project of our image. This is where all
interested parties can find information about the organisation. This is also where you
can find information about study programmes, the organisation and employees, in-
cluding contact details for all staff.

M/S SIMAC is SIMACs magazine for students and employees. The magazine is pub-
lished about six times a year and it aims to provide information to students and em-
ployees on a wide range of internal matters. Everyone students and employees
alike is equally welcome to submit input for the magazine, including articles,
events, competitions, etc. If you, a student, write an article for the magazine, you will
receive a gift certificate for DKK 300 in appreciation of your effort. The editor of the
magazine is a student.

If you have something you think should be included in the magazine, please write
an e-mail to

Information screens
SIMAC has set up information screens at various locations around the school. Here
you can read about events, lectures, meetings, visits, the canteen menu, opening
hours and many other topical issues. It is
important to stay up to date with what is
going on.

Visit us at Facebook and stay abreast of the activites.

Follow us on Twitter under #simac5700

SIMAC also has a page on LinkedIn for you to follow.

Project and placement database
At SIMACs website you can also view our project and placement database. Here
companies can place their notifications on study relevant jobs, placements/
traineeships and topics for bachelor thesis. It is therefore a very important database
for you as a student. You find it under For Students Project and placement data-

Safety and the environment

Safety policy
SIMAC makes an effort for safety both at sea and in your daily life at SIMAC. There-
fore, we are a leading partner in Embody Safety, a major international safety pro-
The idea behind Embody Safety is to integrate safe behaviour into all aspects of
SIMAC as an educational venue and workplace, so that safety is not only regarded
as a subject at the school, but is ingrained in the way we act and think in general.
Safety must be part of everyones daily routines at SIMAC. Read more at

First aid
Defibrillators are located in at Graaesvej and A.P. Mllers Vej. At Graaesvej, the defi-
brillator is located to the left as you go up the stairs to the first floor. At A.P. Mllers
Vej, it is located to the left of the main entrance by the assembly hall.
SIMAC regularly offers all employees the opportunity to take part in first-aid courses.

Environmental policy
SIMAC wishes to promote sustainable development by implementing environmental
considerations into day-to-day operations. SIMAC wishes to achieve the goal of re-
ducing wastage and focusing on energy efficiency.
SIMAC wishes to help the environment by demanding eco-friendly products and ser-
vices from suppliers and partners.
At SIMAC, everyone is aware of the consumption of resources, and everyone contrib-
utes to conserving resources, for example in the areas of energy, transport and pa-
per, and is thus focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
We sort and dispose of waste in an eco-friendly manner in an effort to reduce the
environmental impact. Paper and batteries are collected for recycling. Paper for recy-
cling should be deposited in bags and bins marked for this purpose. Batteries can be
deposited in bins at the janitors office (the men in black).
SIMAC is not allowed to take out liability insurance for students - also not in study-
related situations. You must therefore take
out a policy covering accidents during lei-
sure time activities in case of accidents at
the Workshop or in the laboratories.
Rules and regulations
what you need to know
Course catalogues
Course catalogues for the various study
programmes are found under the Students tab on A link to your specific
course catalogue is placed under your study programme. If you are in doubt about
your course catalogue, please contact Susie Simonsen, Quality Coordinator, room
115,, tel. +45 72 21 55 31

Compulsory attendance
Please be aware of whether attendance is compulsory for classes, elective subjects
and courses (specified in the syllabus/lesson plan). We encourage you to attend all
classes, as otherwise it will be difficult to have a meaningful course of study.
Contact the student administration office if you in very extraordinary circumstanes
without blame are prevented from timely attendance at exams or courses with com-
pulsory attendance.


Registration for subjects and exams
SIMAC automatically registers you for the subjects in the semester you have reached
and which you are expected to take.
Sharenet gives you access to the specific subjects (subject portals) for which you are
registered. If you wish to change your course of study, it is naturally still possible to
arrange this with the study administration office (if necessary, seek assistance from
your student adviser). You must notify the study administration office no later than
two weeks after the start of the semester if you do not have access to a subject por-
tal or have access to a subject that you do not wish to take. If you have failed one or
more exams in previous semesters, you are automatically registered for this/these.
If you do not report for an exam in an unresolved subject, this will count as one at-
tempt. If you deregister from an unresolved subject, you will automatically be dereg-
istered from all other exams in the examination period in question. (The usual guide-
lines apply to illness during the exam, however. An appropriate doctors certificate
submitted to the study administration office within 2 days will cancel the exam at-
tempt and you will be able to continue taking the remaining exams scheduled for the
period.) You have three examination attempts for passing a subject, and fail after the
third attempt. In extraordinary circumstances an exemption application can be made
and if this is accepted you may continue the education and take part in a fourth at-
If you wish to deregister from a subject/examination, you must arrange this with the
study administration office. You must deregister no later than 14 days before the first
exam in the subject, as this will otherwise be counted as an exam attempt.
Examination guidelines
SIMAC holds an exam information meeting every semester a few weeks before ex-
ams. Although the meeting is particularly aimed at new students, students from older
year classes are also welcome to attend. The current exam guidelines are reviewed at
the meeting, and it is also possible to ask follow-up
Further details about exam guidelines are available on
the following link:
The guidelines are also found on Sharenet Subject Portals Exam


If you have individual, extraordinary circumstances entitling you to special conditions
like for example more time or use of special aids for specific tests/exams, you can
submit an exemption application to our quality coordinator. Advice about exemption
is available from the student adviser and the quality coordinator. Possible reasons for
applying for an exemption could be that you are dyslexic or that your native language
is not Danish. You can also apply for other relevant exemptions.
The written application for exemption, preferably with documentation enclosed, must
be sent to Susie Simonsen, Quality Coordinator, on, no later than 2
weeks after the start of the semester. Please contact Susie for further details.

Submissions and assignments
Please be aware of deadlines and submission requirements in the curricula. Please direct
any questions to the teacher concerned or to the study administration office. If you can-
not meet a deadline, contact your teacher in advance (if you are to submit an assign-
ment to him/her) or contact Susie Simonsen, Quality Coordinator, at office 115 or (if you are to hand in your assignment to the study administration office).
Please note that warnings can be issued and, at worst, you can be expelled for transcrib-
ing without listing the source of reference. This also applies to rude or threatening con-
duct or to breaching the guidelines for tests and exams. You find additional information
on this in the quality system.


Substitution certificates
If you lose a certificate issued by SIMAC, we can issue a substitution certificate for
you. To obtain a new certificate you must complete a statutory declaration and return
it to or our postal address. You find the statutory
declaration here.

The fee for issuing substitution certificates is:
Exam certificates: DKK 500 per unit.
Other certificates: DKK 300 per unit.
Please transfer the money to SIMACs account no. 0216 4069049036,
with this reference: Substitution certificate, dep. 310 + your name.
Upon receipt of the declaration and the registry of the fee the substitution certificate
can be collected.

Absence of instructor or professor
If an instructor or professor s absent due to illness or another reason, you will be notified
of this by e-mail by the instructor or professor, if this is possible; otherwise by the Man-
ager of the team for the area in question. In the event of an instructors or professors
illness, the lesson will be cancelled (timetabled hours will be removed). In the event of a
prolonged illness, SIMAC will ensure that the tuition is taken over by another instructor or


SIMAC guidelines

Smoking is not permitted indoors. Containers for ash are set up at various locations out-
doors. We kindly ask students to refrain from smoking next to the main entrance.

Before you go home
Before leaving the classroom (including laboratories):
After the last lesson held in the room, hang the chairs up underneath the tables
Deposit and correctly sort all waste in waste bins
Switch off all lights
Close all windows

After laboratory exercises, tidy up the laboratories in accordance with the general rules for
laboratory work.

Food and beverages at SIMAC
Do not remove tableware from the canteen.
Food or beverages may not be consumed in classrooms or laboratories.

Cars may only be parked in designated parking spaces. Bicycles must be parked in the
bicycle sheds. At Graaesvej, mopeds are to be parked in the foremost room of the east
basement. The moped engine must be turned off when entering and leaving the base-
ment. Bicycles can be parked in the other basement rooms. Motorcycles are to be
parked in specially designated MC parking areas in the car park.

Etiquette at SIMAC
SIMAC expects that all employees, students, course participants and visitors treat and
address each other with professional respect and courtesy.


Academic and social activities your options

Access to simulators on your computer
During your study programme, you will become acquainted with one or more of our
simulators. The following link provides more details about which simulators you can
access and how to access them:

Or visit Sharenet Departments IT, and click the Knowledge Base tab.

OLC Open Learning Center
SIMACs Open Learning Centre, commonly
referred to as OLC, is physically located on
the first floor at Graaesvej. The bookshelves
primarily hold books and periodicals in
maritime and technical fields, as well as
materials relating to the study programmes.
If you need to order books from other li-
braries, require assistance in finding a spe-
cific standard, or just wish to sit and read
the daily news, you are always welcome at
Opening hours:
MondayThursday: 8.00 am 4.00 pm; Friday: 8.00 am 1.30 pm
The library is staffed by students in the afternoon from 1.304.00 pm, except Friday.
They are pleased to help answer questions about assignments and homework, and it is
also possible to borrow class sets and boat keys, and to buy used books.

The canteen is located on the third floor at Graaesvej and overlooks Svendborg. On
weekdays, the canteen sells hot meals, sandwiches, cold and hot beverages, pastries
and especially sausage rolls! Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 1.30 pm.
Open workshop
Come and build a prototype of your good idea or create your own work of art.
This is possible in the facilities at A.P. Mllers Vej 37 once a fortnight. The dates are
listed on the information boards and Sharenet, and every SIMAC student with a creative
urge but who lacks a workshop can come here to become his/her own problem-solver.
If you have any questions about the open workshop, please contact Kent Gregersen

Laboratory access
It is possible to access the machinery and electricity laboratories on A.P. Mllers Vej
by using an access card. The following link provides further details about security
rules for our laboratories:
amo/dagsordenogreferater/Documents/Generelle sikkerhedsregler for arbejde i labo-
ratorier og vrkstederne p SIMAC.docx

MS Denmark
Maritime Students Denmark (MS Denmark) is a non-partisan organisation for stu-
dents enrolled at SIMAC, Marstal Navigationsskole and Skagen Skipperskole. Member-
ship is free.
MS Denmark promotes the educational, financial and social interests of maritime stu-
dents vis--vis public authorities, employers, undertakings and associations. MS Den-
mark is on the consultation list of the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and
Higher Education, and is also a member of Uddannelsesrdet for de Maritime Uddan-
nelser (educational council for maritime study programmes).
The national council is held as part of the annual conference day in early September
at Hotel Svendborg. At this meeting, students can vote and submit their candidacy
for the executive committee (15 members).
In addition to the national board, there are presentations by interesting lecturers
related to the maritime industry and it is possible to network at the meeting.
For students who wish to voice their opinions, MS Denmark is a good point of depar-
ture. There is space and use for those who wish to make positive impact on educa-
tional quality both for themselves and for others.
Further details are available by contacting: Eik Moen, Chair, (Skagen Skipperskole) or Peter Brunk, Vice-Chair (SIMAC)

DSL National student board for marine engineering students
De Studerendes Landsrd (DSL, national student board) is made up of students from
Denmarks marine engineering schools, the Academy of Professional Higher Educa-
tion, West, and the maritime educational centres. The representatives are elected by
the students, and a maximum of two can be elected from each of the educational
institutions which qualify marine engineers, technical offshore managers, and ships
The national boards primary function is to serve as a mouthpiece for students to call
attention to common current problems such as:
The schools selection of elective subjects and the quality of these subjects
The quality and adaptation to future labour market of the study programmes
for marine engineer, techinical offshore manager and ships officer
Credit for relevant tertiary education options

The national board holds up to four official national board meetings a year to discuss
and share information and experiences about study programmes, traineeships, events
and conferences, as well as about the efforts of the schools and Maskinmestrenes
Forening (marine engineering association). The national board meetings are fre-
quently held in conjunction with visits to relevant undertakings.

The term of a national board representative is basically two years, and for this reason
one member from each school is replaced every year at the annual meeting held as
part of Ajour (the marine engineers business conference). The positions on the
national student councils are also up for election at the annual meeting, i.e. chairman,
vice-chairman and treasurer and other relevant positions.

The national board is represented on the board of Maskinmestrenes Forening and on
the educational council for higher maritime study programmes. The educational coun-
cil is composed of representatives from the Confederation of Danish Industries, the
Danish Shipowners Association, Maskinmestrenes Forening and other maritime trade
organisations, as well as representatives of the schools managements and instruc-
tors. The Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education manages and
summons participants to the meetings of the educational council twice a year .

MSC (Maritime Study Committee)
MSC has one representative from each class at SIMAC and is
therefore an effective liaison between students and SIMACs
management. MSC selects one student to be its representative
on SIMACs executive committee.
MSCs job is to represent student viewpoints and to be a forum
for discussions about study environment, study form, study ac-
tivity, etc.
MSC also works to establish a sense of community across SI-
MACs semesters and educational fields through social and aca-
demic events.
The representatives selects from themselves a chair, vice chair and representatives
for other committees at SIMAC.
Meetings are held on the first Monday each month at 15.30. Complete minutes from
the meetings are available on Sharenet under Tvrgende funktioner MSU
You can contact MSC through your class representative or send an e-mail


Los Lagos
SIMACs students organise a Friday afternoon bar
event at Graaesvej. The bar itself is located on the
lower floor with access from the car park.
It is possible to buy beer and soft drinks at the event,
as well as listen to music, play billiards and darts and
engage in stimulating conversations with fellow stu-
dents. The event is held every Friday from 11.35 am
to around 6 pm. The event also gives you the oppor-
tunity to interact socially with students from other year classes and courses of study;
you can take part in these events as a guest, but you
can also work a few shifts every semester as a bar-
tender. If you would like to learn more about being a
bartender, please contact the chairman by sending an
e-mail to

Borroving SIMACs vessels
SIMAC students may borrow SIMACs boats moored in Svendborg Frihavn harbour.
You must follow the general guidelines for the use and booking of the boats, as well
as other instructions. Further details are available by contacting instructor Klaus
Rosholm Trres either by e-mail at or on tel. +45 7221 5564. After
this, the boat key can be picked up at OLC. Remember to return it before 8 am the
following weekday, unless otherwise agreed.
For use of the schools motorised vessels, these minimum requirements must be
There must always be at least to boat drivers on board
Good seamanship must be exercised at all times
The borrower must bring along a mobile phone
Borrowers must demonstrate correct safety conduct
As a minimum requirement, a life jacket must be worn by everyone on board
while the vessel is at sea
The borrowers must be aware of the weather conditions and act accordingly
Generally speaking, the vessel must be kept to navigation channels out of
consideration for commercial traffic
A start-up check must be carried out according to the list on board
Upon departure, the outhaul aft moorings are to be hauled tight and lshed
so that they are not in the water
The drinking of alcohol on board or navigating under the influence of alcohol
is not permitted
Any damagelarge or smallmust be reported to the person in charge of the


Borrowing SIMACs trailer
SIMAC has an enclosed trailer which students may borrow free of charge by contact-
ing the study administration office. Please book it well in advance and take good care
of it, so that you and your fellow students can continue to benefit from using it.
Longboat rowing
It is also possible for SIMAC students to borrow the longboats. A longboat crew is
usually made up of 11 persons, 10 of whom are rowers and one who is coxswain.
Each year, Handelsfldens Velfrdsrd organises longboat rowing races where the
maritime schools compete against one another. This is a very enjoyable day, so stay
informed at or on the information screens.

Football teams
Each year, Handelsfldens Velfrdsrd organises a football tournament for all mari-
time schools which compete against one another on the island of Tsinge. This is a
pleasant event where everyone makes an all-out effort to play some football. Stay
informed at or on the information screens.

SIMAC on the move
SIMAC on the move started as SIMACs
running club. We run from Graaesvej more or
less every second Thursday 5.45 pm. There are
2-3 different teams from app. 5 to 15 km.
You can also join the walking team, starting a
walk of 3-4 km at the same time.
We would appreciate SIMAC on the move
growing to encompass other activities like e.g.
bicycling. All sports activities are welcome, if
students or employees initiate the implementation.
The Welfare committee coordinates the activities and can be contacted on projekt-

SIMACs girls
SIMACs girls is a place for the female students to meet app. 4 times a year. The
programme includes dinner for all, trips in SIMACs vessels and everything else
stemming from common interests. You find them on Facebook and all female stu-
dents are welcome to join!

Art at SIMAC
Kunst p SIMAC (Art at SIMAC ) is the art fellowship for all students and em-
ployees, arranging exhibitions at SIMAC. The exhibitions change at regular intervals.
Chair of the art fellowship is Klaus Rosholm Trres. To become a member please
contact Klaus on


A gym with various types of exercise equipment, such as treadmills, rowing machines
and weights, is found at A.P. Mllers Vej. A gym pass costs DKK 300 for one semes-
ter and can be purchased at the study administration office. The gym can be used by
students and employees alike.

Ambassador corps
SIMAC has an ambassador corps made up of students from all study programmes.
The corps takes part in various events and is employed according to the tutor rules,
i.e. hourly paid. Corps functions are:
Participation in educational fairs
Participation in educational caravans
Participation in Event Day
Mentoring in connection with brochures, websites, Facebook etc.
Writing articles for various magazines and websites
Facebook ambassadors for Maritime Denmark

Members for the ambassador corps are recruited on an ongoing basis. If you are
interested, please send an e-mail to Nana Hgsland, Communication and Marketing

Events Committee
SIMAC has set up an Events Committee managed by two students and two employ-
ees (Jan Askholm, Vice-President, Education, and Birgitte Pless, HR Manager). The
Events Committee coordinates all events for both students and employees to ensure
the booking of facilities, food and beverages, custodian services and cleaning. In
addition, the committee is responsible for internal marketing and external PR related
to the events. All students and employees can apply for subsidy for an event from
the Events Committee. Send applications to The Events Com-
mittee holds planning meetings four times a year, or as required.

Studying abroad
If you wish to study abroad, please contact Susie Simonsen, Internationalization Ma-
nager, well in advance at

Open workshopt
Remember to report to the
instructor on arrival
17:30 - 21:30
2nd September
21st Oktober
17th September
30est September
8th Oktober
5th November
18th November
3rd December
16th December

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