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lll 8u SLMLS1L8 8A.LL8.-8



ln Lhls seL of slldes we explore Lhe followlng
Laun maxlms, along wlLh Lhelr meanlng,
appllcauon and scope:
8espondeaL Superlor
8es lpsa LoqulLor
volenu non llL ln[urla
ubl !us lbl 8emedlum
8ex non-oLesL eccare
uelegaLus non- oLesL uelegare

8LSCnuLA1 SuL8lC8
8LSCnuLA1 SuL8lC8- MLAnlnC
1he maxlm llLerally means- leL Lhe prlnclpal be
held responslble" or leL Lhe superlor make
8espondeaL Superlor ls Lhe prlnclple ln LorL law
holdlng an employer llable for Lhe employee's/
agenL's wrongful acLs commlued wlLhln Lhe
scope of employmenL of agency.
8espondeaL Superlor ls Lhe baslc prlnclple of
vlcarlous llablllLy under LorL law, and relaLes Lo
1he employer or prlnclpal can be held llable under Lhe
docLrlne of respondeaL superlor only lf Lhe followlng
condluons are fullled:
1he person commlmng Lhe wrongful acL ls ln an employer-
employee relauonshlp or agenL-prlnclpal relauonshlp wlLh
Lhe employer/prlnclpal.
1he wrongful acL ls commlued durlng Lhe course of
employmenL or happens wlLhln Lhe scope of employmenL.
1he LesL of employer-employee relauonshlp ls Lo
deLermlne wheLher Lhe employer had Lhe rlghL Lo
conLrol Lhe employee ln renderlng Lhe servlces and
dlrecL Lhe conducL of Lhe employee.

8LSCnuLA1 SuL8lC8-
A[ay ls 8amu's drlver, lf A[ay hlLs LaLa whlle drlvlng
for 8amu or durlng an errand for 8amu, Lhen 8amu
ls llable under Lhe docLrlne of respondeaL superlor.

Powever, lf 8amu ls drlvlng around aer work hours
and hlLs LaLa, Lhe accldenL happened ouLslde Lhe
course of employmenL wlLh 8amu, and hence 8amu
Lhe employer, wlll noL be llable under Lhe docLrlne.
1race Lhe prlnclple of respondeaL superlor
wlLh Lhe essence of Lhe [udgmenL ln nllabau
8ehra- Look aL Lhe dlsuncuon drawn and
evoluuon of lL from kasLurllal v. SLaLe of u
and Sahall v. Commlssloner of ollce.
8LS lSA LCCul1C8
8LS lSA LCCul1C8- MLAnlnC
8es lpsa LoqulLor llLerally means Lhe Lhlng
speaks for lLself".
1he docLrlne provldes LhaL ln some
clrcumsLances, Lhe mere facL of an accldenL's
occurrence ralses an lnference of negllgence LhaL
esLabllshes a prlma facle case.
8es lpsa LoqulLor more oen Lhan noL operaLes
agalnsL Lhe defendanL and puLs Lhe plalnu ln a
sllghLly elevaLed posluon.
1he appllcauon of Lhls docLrlne lnduces sLrlcL
1he followlng elemenLs need Lo be proved ln
order Lo esLabllsh Lhe clalm of 8es lpsa
1he defendanL owed Lhe plalnu a duLy of care.
1he ln[ury was caused Lo Lhe plalnu due Lo Lhe
defendanL's negllgence ln observlng such duLy.
1he negllgence ls more aurlbuLable Lo Lhe acL or
omlsslon on Lhe parL of Lhe defendanL, Lhan Lhe
plalnu or a Lhlrd parLy.
8LS lSA LCCul1C8- lLLuS18A1lCn
lor example 8avl ls drlvlng rashly on a one
way, on Lhe wrong slde of Lhe road. Pe hlLs
Annle and ln[ures her. 8avl's acuon ln lLself ls
wrongful, and speaks for lLself.
8es lpsa LoqulLor ls a cruclal Lool for
deLermlnauon ln medlcal and Lramc
1he role of Lhls docLrlne ls Lo hlghllghL LhaL Lhe
defendanL's acuons were wrongful ln lLself.
vCLLn1l nCn ll1 ln!u8lA
vCLLn1l nCn ll1 ln!u8lA- MLAnlnC
volenu non llL ln[ura llLerally means Lo a wllllng
person lL ls noL a wrong" or Lo a wllllng person
wrong ls noL done".
Lssenually a person ls noL wronged by LhaL Lo
whlch he or she consenLed.
volenu non llL ln[urla ls based on Lhe prlnclple of
assumpuon of rlsk and operaLes as an amrmauve
1he prlnclple conrms LhaL a person who
knowlngly and volunLarlly rlsks danger cannoL
recover for any resulung ln[ury.
vCLLn1l nCn ll1 ln!u8lA-
volenu non llL ln[urla operaLes as an lmporLanL
defense ln sporLs law.
Lxample: lf a ball bowled by Shane WaLson
durlng Lhe course of a game of crlckeL ln[ures
M.S. uhonl. uhonl cannoL sue WaLson for causlng
hlm such ln[ury, because he assumed Lhe
lnherenL rlsk of ln[ury by agreelng Lo play Lhe
1hls prlnclple ls oen quoLed as a defense ln
dangerous advenLure sporLs as well.
vCLLn1l nCn ll1 ln!u8lA- LLLMLn1S
1o prove a case of volenu non-llL ln[urla, Lhe
clalmanL needs Lo prove Lhe followlng
1haL Lhe clalmanL had compleLe knowledge of Lhe
apparenL and lnherenL dangers lnvolved.
1he clalmanL consenLed Lo such acuvlLy fully
aware of such dangers.
1haL such consenL was volunLary and noL lnduced
or forced.

u8l !uS l8l 8LMLuluM
u8l !uS l8l 8LMLuluM- MLAnlnC
1hls maxlm llLerally means, where Lhere ls a
rlghL, Lhere ls a remedy".
CperaLes as a guldlng prlnclple for courLs, and
ls a maxlm of equlLy.
1hls prlnclple hlghllghLs Lhe equlLable and
[usuce prlnclples of law, whlch courLs should
lL ls an lnLegral and lnLrlnslc equlLy prlnclple
hlghllghung Lhe duLy of courLs and law.
u8l !uS l8l 8LMLuluM- ALlCA1lCn
lrom speclc performance Lo ln[uncuon and
damages, Lhls maxlm has found a place ln
sLaLuLory reglmes of law.
1hls rlnclple has 2 prong appllcauon-
8emedy- where a rlghL has been vlolaLed a
proporuonal and equlLable remedy shall be
8lghL- where a rlghL has been lnfrlnged, Lhe
aecLed parLy has Lhe rlghL Lo enforce such rlghL
Lhrough Lhe acuon of Lhe courL.
u8l !uS l8l 8LMLuluM- CASL LAW
ln llghL of Lhe [udgmenLs covered ln class-
reecL of Lhe ways Lhls prlnclple has come Lo
llfe. 8e lL Lhe Common Causes Case, nllabau
8ehra or Lhe ramanand v. uCl. 8eecL of Lhe
remedlal naLure of Lhe law, and how lnLegral lL
ls for Lhe smooLh funcuonlng of our sysLem.

8Lx nCn-C1LS1 LCCA8L
8Lx nCn-C1LS1 LCCA8L- MLAnlnC
1he llLeral meanlng of Lhls maxlm ls Lhe klng can do no
PerberL 8room ln hls book ! #$%$&'() (* +$,-% .-/012
3%-2204$5 -)5 6%%7289-8$5, 10Lh Ld., (London: SweeL & Maxwell
LlmlLed, 1939) ls of Lhe vlew LhaL Lhls maxlm musL noL
mlsundersLood Lo mean LhaL klng ls above Lhe rule and
purpose of laws. nelLher can lL mean LhaL everyLhlng Lhe klng
does ls lawful.
1hls maxlm was Lhe sLarung polnL for Lhe evoluuon of Lhe
concepL of soverelgn lmmunlLy, whlch ln essence means a
governmenL cannoL be sued aL lLs own courLs wlLhouL lLs own
consenL, by lLs own cluzens.
PL88L81 88CCM- vlLW
lL only means, rsL, LhaL Lhe soverelgn, lndlvldually
and personally, and ln hls naLural capaclLy, ls
lndependenL of and ls noL amenable Lo any oLher
earLhly power or [urlsdlcuon, and LhaL whaLever may
be amlss ln Lhe condluon of publlc aalrs ls noL
Lherefore Lo be lmpuLed Lo Lhe klng, so as Lo render
hlm answerable for lL personally Lo hls people.
"Secondly, lL means, LhaL Lhe prerogauve of Lhe Crown
exLends noL Lo do any ln[ury, because lL ls creaLed for
Lhe beneL of Lhe people, and, Lherefore, cannoL be
exerLed Lo Lhelr
pre[udlce - lL belng a fundamenLal general rule...."
8Lx nCn-C1LS1 LCCA8L- Cu88Ln1
WlLh Lhe evoluuon of sLrlcL consuLuuonal
reglmes and law- soverelgn lmmunlLy has
been walved by mosL [urlsdlcuons wlLh
respecL Lo mosL sub[ecL mauer. [8emember
Sahall v. Commlssloner of ollce].
Pence, Lhls maxlm's appllcauon ln Loday's
world ls llmlLed Lo Lhe exLenL of Lhe
governmenL belng sued for passlng laws.

LlLerally means one Lo whom power ls
delegaLed cannoL hlmself delegaLe such
lL ls an admlnlsLrauve Lool Lo prevenL Lhe
clrcle of excesslve delegauon of power.
An example ls- lf power Lo conducL elecuons
has been delegaLed Lo Lhe Llecuon
Commlsslon, Lhe Llecuon Commlsslon cannoL
delegaLe such power Lo anoLher agency.
When a hlgher auLhorlLy delegaLes an auLhorlLy or
declslon-maklng power Lo a person or lnsuLuuon, LhaL
person or lnsuLuuon cannoL delegaLe such auLhorlLy Lo
anoLher unless Lhere ls expllclL auLhorlzauon for lL ln
Lhe orlglnal delegauon.
8oLh sub-delegauon and re-delegauon need Lo be
auLhorlzed Lo Lhe auLhorlLy Lhe power ls delegaLed Lo.
Lxample Lhe elecuon commlsslon cannoL delegaLe lLs
power of conducung elecuons Lo Lhe Compeuuon
Commlsslon of lndla. Slmllarly Lhe Llecuon Commlsslon
cannoL creaLe commluees wlLhln lLself and delegaLe
powers Lo Lhem, unless lL ls auLhorlzed.
1he legal maxlm of delgaLee cannoL furLher
delegaLe has 2 angels:
1he one delegaLed wlLh Lhe power cannoL furLher
delegaLe such power Lo anoLher, unless expressly
1he one delegaLed wlLh Lhe power cannoL delegaLe Lo
lLself any power noL expressly delegaLed Lo lL, or
auLhorlzed Lo be delegaLed Lo lL. Lxample- Lhe
elecuon commlsslon cannoL delegaLe Lo lLself Lhe
powers beyond Lhe power Lo conducL and manage Lhe
1PAnk ?Cu

1hls ls sLudy maLerlal for Lhe mld-semesLer examlnauon
and Lhe allocaLed work load for Monday- !uly 22, 2013.
8equesL Lhe class Lo go Lhrough Lhese maLerlals.

leel free Lo emall me on manls2012[ for
any doubLs or clarlcauons, or clarlfy Lhe same durlng or
aer class hours.

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