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Self Efficacy Theory:

This theory explores the role of self efficacy in motivation and performance of individuals.


Self efficacy theory was developed by Albert Bandura .According to Albert Bandura self efficacy
refers to ones perception of their ability to reach a goal. Self efficacy determines how a person will
behave, motivate oneself, think and act in different circumstances.

Role of Self Efficacy in motivation and performance:

Self efficacy enhances accomplishment.People with high self efficacy do not shy away from difficult
challenges,rather they accept the challenges and are resilient in their effort to complete the task.People
with high efficacy do not avoid difficult tasks and do not perceive them as threats to them.The higher
the feeling of efficacy higher the goal aspirations are set and a firmer commitment to achieve those
goals.In case the task is new ,these people work hard to learn how to do these tasks as they believe
that their efforts will be successful.These people take motivation from failures and negative feedback
.They perceive the failures as the lack of efforts rather than personal ability.

One the other hand the people with low self efficacy shy away from difficult challenges and tasks
.They perceive these tasks as threats and doubt their capabilities .They think about failures rather than
concentrating on how to perform the tasks at hand successfully.They lose motivation easily and are
likely to quit when faced with any difficulty.

The Self Efficacy theory assumes that the self belief is not unconscious within a person.Self efficacy
can be increased consciously.

Ways to increase self efficacy:

Self Efficacy can be developed through 4 sources:

Past Performance(Enactive Mastery):
The levels of efficacy and confidence is high if a person has been able to do a similar task in the
past.A person is confident that if he or she was successful in completing the task in the past ,he or she
would be able to do so in the future as well.

Vicarious Modeling:
The second of strengthening self belief is by observing similar people in the society.Seeing similar
people to oneself succeed in challenges by continuous efforts strengthens the self belief in ones own
capabilities .On the other hand the seeing similar people fail in their efforts brings the confidence
down.An example of this can be seen in the movie GUNG HO.On Seeing the conviction of Michael
Cleaton that they could complete the demanding task of manufacturing a lot of cars on the last day
and prevent the shuting down of the factory. Insipred by his efforts the other workers started believing
that they could complete the task and took up the challenge.

Verbal Persuasion:
People can be persuaded verbally that they have the capabilities to complete a difficult task.People
who are persuaded or motivated increase their efforts and commitment to complete the task .

People rely on emotional states to judge their capabilities.Arousal energizes a person and performs

Self efficacy is the persons perception of his or her own capabilities.The self efficacy effects the
persons decisions,motivation,course of action in different situations.

The Reinforcement Theory:
BF Skinner proposed the reinforcement theory.The theory states that the behaviour of an individual is
influenced by the consequence.If the behaviour results in a positive or a favourable consequence then
the behaviour is likely to be repeated. And if the behaviour goes unnoticed or is punished then the
probability that it will be repeated becomes very small.Thus reinforcement conditions behaviour..
An employee working overtime to complete certain work before a deadline is appreciated by the
manager ,then the employee is motivated and chances are that he or she continues to work hard.On the
other hand if the same hard work and effort goes unnoticed then the employee is likely to get

So the reinforcement theory states that the managers should motivate the employees by reinforcement

Operant conditioning theory is an important segment of reinforcement theory.Operant behaviour does
not represent reflexive behaviour but is influenced by reinforcement or lack of reinforcement.
Skinner identified different types operants:
Reinforcers: Respones that increase the probability of the behaviour being repeated.
Reinforcers are of two types:
Positive reinforcement implies favourable consequences that reinforce the behaviour.An instance of
how employees can be motivated through positive reinforcement can be seen in the movie Gung
Ho.The employees work hard when they learn that is a partial raise if they manufacture 13000
cars.They take shorter breaks ,work overtime to attain the goal.And the same employees stop working
when they learn that there is no raise on completing the 13000 cars.

Negative reinforcement reinforces behaviour by removing unfavourable consequences.

Punishers : Consequences or responses that lead to the decline of probability that the behaviour will
be repeated again.
Neutral Operants: The behaviour simply goes unnoticed .These responses neither increase nor
decrease the probability of the behaviour being repeated.

Reinforcement theory does not explain the cause of behaviour ,only the consequence.It fails to take
into account the effect of feelings,expectations on behaviour.It does not explain the cause of
behaviour .Reinforcement theory only concentrates on the immediate response that follows the action.

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