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Short Essay on Anthropology: Biblical Worldview Core Competency
The foundation of any large structure that is built to last a long time is the portion that all
things get built upon. With a weak or poorly supported foundation, the entire building would
collapse. Christianity is no different than the idea of building a large structure. t is important for
Christians to understand where and how life began so that they can follow the trail that !od"s
Word shares. The idea of creation is also often a topic of debate among scientists. #owe$er,
%c&im mentions, 'the theological doctrine of creation cannot be e(amined in the fashion of
contemporary science, which by definition deals only with the relations of finite e$ents within
limits and boundaries.
The book of !enesis lays down the foundation of the creation of the
natural world. !enesis *:+,+- e(plains how !od created light, waters, sky, land, plants, day,
night, animals, and humans. .$en though all of !od"s creation/s0 was /were0 perfect, mankind
was gi$en the breath of life directly from !od"s breath 1!enesis +:23. !enesis *:+4 '!od blessed
them and said to them, 56e fruitful and increase in number7 fill the earth and subdue it. 8ule o$er
the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and o$er e$ery li$ing creature that mo$es on the
ground.") Unlike animals, which rely on instinct, mankind was made in !od"s image 1!enesis
*:+23, which included the gift of free will. n !enesis 9, :dam and .$e abused their free will and
disobeyed !od. Ne$ertheless, in !enesis 9:*- !od promises the coming of the %essiah through
the seed of .$e, and that #e will come to sa$e mankind. !enesis ser$es as a great e(ample for
understanding the flow of redempti$e history.
;.&. %c&im, 'Creation, ;octrine of.) in Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, ed. Walter :. .lwell, +nd .d.
1!rand 8apids: 6aker, +<<*3, 9<-.
The =ld Testament is filled with numerous stories of mankind gaining !od"s fa$or and
then disobeying #im and falling further away from #im. >or instance, !enesis 2 mentions that
!od was so upset with what #is creation had transformed into, #e flooded the entire earth in an
attempt to destroy e$il. #owe$er, !od spared two of each animal, Noah and his wife, and Noah"s
sons and their wi$es. No matter the disobedience, un,loyalty, or sin that mankind has e$er shown
to !od, #e ne$er stopped lo$ing #is creation and is still able to see #imself in mankind. ?esus
use /s0 the story of the protocol son in @uke *-:**,9+ to demonstrate that no matter what a child
does, if a parent has perfect lo$e for the child, than the parent is always waiting to welcome the
child home with a great celebration.
When !od looks at each of us, #e sees a piece of #imself. #e is the only being that can
attain perfect lo$e as mentioned in * Corinthians *9. #enry notes, 'That humanity by creation
uniAuely bears the image of !od is a fundamental biblical doctrine,as is also that this image is
sullied by sin and that it is restored by di$ine sal$ation.)
!od"s lo$e is so great for mankind that
#e sent #is only son to be crucified on the cross, raise from the dead, and conAuer Satan so that
those who belie$e in ?esus may ha$e the gift of eternal life in hea$en 1?ohn 9:*43. :dditionally,
!od will be sending ?esus back again to complete #is plan in conAuering Satan and all e$il that
came to be after the initial fall that started with :dam and .$e 18e$elation +<3. !od has done
and will continue to do great things for us because #e created us in #is image and we are #is
children 1Bsalm C:-,C3.
:s a Christian, the doctrine of being created in !od"s image is the $ery core of my soul
because feel my connection with !od the same way a child feels his or her connection with a
parent. %c&im states, 'since !od as Creator is the e(planation for the e(istence of the world and
C.>.#. #enry, 'mage of !od.) in Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, ed. Walter :. .lwell, +nd .d. 1!rand
8apids: 6aker, +<<*3, -D*.
for human e(istence, it is the acti$ity of creation that establishes our deepest and most essential
relationship with !od: as Creator and thus @ord.)
feel that this basic doctrine will be able to
benefit me in my future $ocation. plan on being a chaplain once my reAuirements are meet. :s
a chaplain will come across $arious people who may not know Christ, ha$e a little relationship
with Christ, or someone who may e$en gain new knowledge about Christ from. specifically
want to be a chaplain in a hospital or within the military. understand people are often at a
critical, $ulnerable, and often low part in their li$es when they are $isiting certain areas within
the hospital or military. :t times, these people may not ha$e Christ and may be able to hear the
story about how we are created in !od"s image and how #e has ne$er left our side e$en though
we continually sin against #im. Beople often feel alone and if they can find a friend and father in
!od than they can learn they can get through all things with #im 1Bhilippians E:*93. Similarly,
those who already ha$e knowledge of Christ and being created in !od"s image can only benefit
from being reminded by these truths. %atthew *C:+< reminds us that whene$er two are gathered
together in Christ"s name, #e will be there with them. Thus, as a chaplain, whether am with a
new belie$er or an e(perienced belie$er, the doctrine of being created in !od"s image can always
play a part in beginning people closer to #im.
Comments: once you put an intro in your paper, you would want to close it with a conclusion.
This will be similar to the introduction. Just summarizing the intro at the end of the paper.
Word count: F
;.&. %c&im, 'Creation, ;octrine of.) in Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, ed. Walter :. .lwell, +nd .d.
1!rand 8apids: 6aker, +<<*3, 9<E.
#enry, C.>.#. 'mage of !od.) n Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. 2
ed. .dited by Walter
:. .lwell, -D*. !rand 8apids: 6aker, +<<*.
%c&im, ;.&. 'Creation, ;octrine of.) n Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. 2
ed. .dited by
Walter :. .lwell, 9<E,9<-. !rand 8apids: 6aker, +<<*.

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