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Padma Oil Company Limited is not only the biggest but also the oldest with its antecedents

stretching well
back to the colonial period of British-India. Its ancestral enterprise 'angooon Oil Company' established
petroleum business in this part of the world by the middle of the nineteenth century. !ollowing is a synopsis
of Padma Oil Company's historical background"
#.In #$%# 'angoon Oil Company' was registered as a &oint stock company in 'cotland ha(ing its main
business acti(ities in Burma )*nown to the British until the later years of the #+th century as Burmah, which
was a pro(ince of the then British India-.
.. In #$$/, angoon Oil Company was reconstituted and reformed as Burmah Oil Company. Business of
this company was then spread o(er other pro(inces of British India, including 0ssam and Bengal. 1he
Company's 2ead office was at #+# 3est 4eorge 'treet, 5*.
6. Burmah Oil Company for the first time introduced drilling e7uipments for e8ploration of Oil in Burma in the
year #$$$. Pre(iously oil was being collected in Burma by hand dug well.
9. Burmah Oil Company established their ':oheshkhal Oil Installation' at Chittagong in the year #+;6.
/. In #+;$, Burmah Oil Company conducted a geological sur(ey in Chittagong.
<. In #+#9, Burmah Oil Company drilled a well at 'itakunda, Chittagong.
%. In the year #+.;, :=s Bullock Brothers, a ma&or distributor of Burmah Oil Company established their
trading office at 'adarghat, Chittagong.
$. In the year #+.+, Burmah Oil Company took o(er the office of Bullock Brothers at 'adarghat, Chittagong
including 9.# acres of land and established their own office there.
+. Prior to the partition of the sub-continent in #+9%, mainly two oil marketing companies namely Burmah Oil
Company )BOC- and Burmah 'hell Oil 'torage and >istribution Company )B'OC- were operating
petroleum business in the area what now comprise Bangladesh. Burmah 'hell established 0(iation >epot at
1e&gaon 0irport in the year #+9$.
#;. Considering the Oil :arketing situation in erstwhile ?ast Pakistan, Burmah 'hell 1ransferred their share
to BOC and in the year #+</ a new company called 'Burmah ?astern Limited' was formed with 9+ per cent
share of BOC. 1he rest portion of the share was issued to public and pri(ate indi(iduals of Pakistan.
##. In #+%%, Burmah ?astern Limited became a subsidiary of Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation.
#.. In the year #+$/, BOC transferred its entire property in Bangladesh )including share of Burmah ?astern
Limited- in fa(our of Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation )BPC-
0s per terms of the transfer of BOC, Burmah ?astern Limited was re7uired to change its name and as such
subse7uently the company's name was changed as 'Padma Oil Company Limited' in the year #+$$.
1o be the leader in oil marketing industries in Bangladesh in terms of efficiency, capital ade7uacy, asset
7uality, sound management and profitability ha(ing strong li7uidity.
1o build an efficient, market-dri(en and customer-focused institution with a good corporate go(ernance
structure. Continuous impro(ement in our business policies, procedure and operations through Integration of
technology at all le(els.
1o ha(e sustained growth, broaden and impro(e range of products and ser(ices in all areas of Bangladesh
with the aim to add increased (alue to share holders' in(estment and offer highest possible benefit to our

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