Murray: Medical Microbiology, 6 Edition: Chapter 02: Bacterial Classification, Structure, and Replication Test Bank

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Murray: Medical Microbiology, 6

Chapter 02: Bacterial Classification, Structure, and Replication
Test Ban
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1. Teichoic acids, mycolic acids, peptidoglycan, and disaccharide-pentapeptide subunits are all
building blocks of which bacterial structure?
a. Outer cell membrane
b. Flagella
c. Inner cell membrane
d. ell wall
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&. 'hat is the ma(or difference between the cell walls of gram-positi)e and gram-negati)e
a. The peptidoglycan layer in gram-positi)e bacteria is substantially thicker.
b. The cell wall of gram-positi)e bacteria contains mycolic acids.
c. *ram-positi)e bacteria contain a cytoplasmic membrane.
d. *ram-positi)e bacteria may ha)e a polysaccharide capsule as a co)ering.
e. *ram-negati)e bacterial membranes contain ergosterol
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+. 'hich of the following distinguishes a bacterium from a eukaryote?
Translation of the m,"! by the ribosome
-hospholipid bilayer structure of the membranes
!T- production from membrane potential at plasma membrane
#emiconser)ati)e replication of chromosome
#ensiti)ity to folate analogue antimetabolites
.. 'hich reason e/plains why gram-positi)e bacteria are stain positi)e?
a. 0acteria reduce the stain to produce the characteristic color.
b. ell wall traps the stain.
c. !cetone treatment precipitates intracellular stain.
d. 1eat fi/ing unco)ers stainable proteins.
e. Outer membrane absorbs the stain.
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Test 0ank
2. 'hich of the following does not occur in eukaryotes?
a. #tart of protein synthesis with !3* codon
b. oupling of !T- production to membrane potential
c. oupling of transcription and translation
d. 4o)ement by flagella
e. Transformation of cells with foreign %"!
5. 'hich of the following is not synthesi6ed by prokaryotes?
a. 22 isoprenoid phosphate
b. ardiolipin
c. holesterol
d. F1 !T-ase
e. -hosphatidylcholine
7. 'hich of the following is present in gram-positi)e bacteria but not in gram-negati)e
a. %-!la %-!la carbo/ypeptidase
b. F1 !T-ase
c. Flagellin
d. 8ipoteichoic acid
e. 8yso6yme
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9. 'hy are gram-negati)e bacteria insensiti)e to lyso6yme?
a. 8yso6yme does not tra)erse porins.
b. The O antigen is an inhibitor of the en6yme.
c. The %-!la %-!la transpeptidase is insensiti)e to lyso6yme.
d. The target structure regenerates :uickly.
e. They lack a peptidoglycan.
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;. !fter growth of E. coli obtained from a urinary tract infection in the laboratory, the bacteria
became attenuated for urinary tract infections. 4utation in a gene for which of the following
would cause the attenuation?
a. Flagellin
b. 8ipopolysaccharide
c. 8ipoteichoic acid
d. 4 protein
Test 0ank
e. -ilin
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1=. 0etween which structures does lyso6yme clea)e?
a. Terminal %-!la %-!la residues
b. *lycine connecting bridge and the lysine in the third peptide position
c. 8ipid ! and the core polysaccharide
d. N-acetylglucosamine and the N-acetylmuramic acid
e. Terminal %-!la %-!la and the lysine in the third position
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11. 'hat alteration in the structure of lipopolysaccharide results from bacitracin inhibition of
a. Inhibition of lipid ! synthesis
b. 8ack of O antigen
c. 8ocali6ation of 8-# at adhesion sites
d. 8onger core polysaccharide
e. #horter core polysaccharide
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1&. *rowing E. coli bacteria transferred from rich medium to a buffer containing no nutrients
!cti)ate f4et-initiated protein synthesis
Trigger initiation of sporulation
ontinue %"! replication
on)ert from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism
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