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An Internship Report

Overall Activities of
Meghna Petroleum Limited
Internship Report On
Overall Activities of
Meghna Petroleum Limited.
(Internship report is Submitted For the Partial Fulfillment of the Degree of Bachelor of Business
of Administration with a Major in Finance
Submitted To:
Mr. A.H.M Shamsud Duha
Managing Director
PADMA Oil Company Limited
Strand Road, Sadarghat
Prepared B!
Name !reen A"ter Mily
Roll No. ##$%&'(
Registration No. ####')(
Program **A
Semester (

Ma+or in ,inance

DA-. O, S/*M!SS!ON
Letter Of transmittal
-he Super3isor
NCC Neural
Sub: Submission of Internship report titled Overall Activities of Meghna Petroleum Limited
Dear Madam
4ith the respect, ! state the 5act 5or your "ind consideration that, ! ha3e to per5orm &
month internship program due to **A course outline to ac6uire practical "no7ledge a8out
the present trend o5 MPL.
9ou 7ill 8e interested to note that MPL is a su8sidiary o5 *angladesh Petroleum
corporation 7hich mar"eting the Petroleum Oil and Lu8ricants. ! try to 5ocus the pro8lems,
prospects and per5ormances o5 my company in this report, 7ith my all e55orts.
May, ! there5ore, pray and hope that you 7ould "indly accept my !nternship report errors
and omission should 8e considered and o8lige there8y.
Sincerely yours
: ;
Name !reen A"ter Mily
Roll No. ##$%&'(
Registration No. ####')(
Program **A
Semester (

Ma+or in ,inance
At 5irst all praise and inde8t ness to the Almighty Allah, the Lord o5 <lory and Honor and his
,riend our Prophet Mohammad :SM;, 5or all the 8lessing sho7ers upon me to ma"e such a
!n order to present the !nternship Report to the !nstructor o5 our department ! proceeded to the
Meghna Petroleum Limited 7ith the recommendation letter 5rom the department. <radually !
o8tained the permission 5rom the authority and started the !nternship program 7ith, Meghna
Petroleum Limited, Agra8ad, Head O55ice, Chittagong.
! 7ould li"e to o55er a special than"s to my super3isor and the authority o5 NCC Neural.
During my internship program ! attended the o55ice regularly in the o55ice time in order to collect
data and to o8ser3e the e3ery day operating system o5 the Meghna Petroleum Limited.
!t 8eings a part o5 academic study 7ith practical implication. -his study has 8een initiated to
e=plore the <eneral acti3ities, Account, .RL, 5inance, audit, HRM acti3ities o5 Meghna Petroleum
!n this regard, ! 7ould li"e than" my Managing Director, Mr. Md. A8ul >hair, D<M :Operation;,
Mr. Md. Alim /ddin, D<M :.R; Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman, D<M :,inance; Mr. Md. >amrul
Hossain, A<M :,inance; Mr. >a?i Mono7ar Dilder, A<M :.R; Mr. Md. A"ther Hossain.
At last numerous than"s to almighty Allah 5or pouring his 8lessing in e3ery moment.
#$ecutive Summar%
Meghna Petroleum is a su8sidiary o5 *angladesh Petroleum Corporation :*PC;, had 8een ser3ing
the nation 5or the last 5our decades through mar"eting o5 petroleum product. -he aim o5 the
company is to earn pro5it through consumer satis5action @ to deli3er the product at the right time,
at the right place @ right 6uantity. MPL do not produce my product they recei3e the product 5rom
.RL as per share. Meghna Petroleum Limited has sales acti3ities in 7hole country di3ided in 2
regions. -hese are :0; Chittagong region :&; Dha"a region :A; *ogra Region and :2; >hulna
-he price o5 the *ul" product are set 8y the go3ernment, they recei3e a margin 5or it. -hey o55er
three incenti3e program in a year to increase the sales. -hey transport their product through ri3er,
rail7ay, road. -hey do 8usiness through dealer, agent, and customer. -hey sells in cash, -hey also
credit sales army, na3y, de5ence, PD*, *angladesh Rail7ay. -hey sells the product through pay n
slip, DD, !n MPL there are & 7or"er union organi?ations 5or collecti3e 8argaining 7ith
management 5or di55erent aspect 5or the 8ene5it o5 the 7or"ers, namely1 Meghna Petroleum Sramic
>armachari /nion, Registration No1*10)2A @ Meghna Petroleum Sramic /nion, Registration No1
*1 0(AA.
During &%%#1&%0%, companyBs net sales o5 all "inds o5 Petroleum Products :including Lu8ricating
Oils; 7ere 00.#' Lac Metric -ons o5 sales 3alue o5 -". '2'A('.A$ lac. Mar"et share participation
o5 MPL 7as A$.&A in ,uel, LP< @ *itumen and 2).0% :)$&A M-; in Lu8ricants :among the three
oil mar"eting companies;. During the year the countries o3erall petroleum product has 8een
increased 8y A.$% Luc M.-ons.
&able of 'ontent
'ontent Page no
&itle Page i
'over Page ii
Letter of &ransmittal iii
Ac!no"ledge iv
#$ecutive Summar% v
'hapter ( One
0.% !ntroduction
0.& O8+ecti3es o5 the study
0.A Scope o5 the study
0.2 methodology o5 the study
0.$ Limitations o5 the study
'hapter ( &"o
&.0 Meghna at a <lance
&.& Historical *ac"ground o5 MPL
&.A Cision o5 the MPL
&.2 Company philosophy
&.$ Company O8+ecti3es
&.' Company <oals
&.) Company Rules @ Regulations
'hapter ( &hree
A.% ,unction o5 .RD
A.0 !ntroduction o5 .RD
A.2 Practice o5 human Resource Management in MPL.
A.$ Sales @ Mar"eting Department
A.' !ntroduction o5 Mar"eting Department
A.) Organogram o5 Mar"eting Department
A.( Companies Mar"eting Acti3ities
A.# Mar"eting Management Process o5 MPL
A.0% !ntroduction o5 Sales Department
A.00 -echnical Ser3ices
A.0& ,unctions o5 Planning @ .conomics Department
A.0A ,unctions o5 .ngineering Departme
'hapter ( )our
2.% Operations Department
2.0 !ntroductions o5 Operations Department
2.& Organogram o5 Operations Dept
2.A ,unctions o5 Operations Department
2.2 Deport
2.$ !ntroduction o5 Main !nstallation.
2.' ,unctions o5 Main !nstallation
2.) !ntroduction o5 S@D
2.( ,unctions o5 Supply and Distri8ution Department
2.# !ntroduction o5 Purchase Department
2.00 Section o5 Accounts @ ,inance
'hapter ( )ive
$.0 Pro8lems
$.& Recommendations
$.A Conclusion

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