Pittsburgh Modular Cell 48 Manual

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Pittsburgh Modular

Cell[48] Desktop Case & Power Supply

Manual and Setup Guide
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Please ieau the Cell|48j Besktop Case & Powei Supply manual completely befoie use anu ietain foi futuie iefeience.
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The Cell|48j Besktop Case & Powei Supply uses stanuaiu 1u anu 16 pin Euioiack iibbon powei cables to connect mouules to the inteinal
bipolai +12v-12v BC powei supply. Please pay veiy close attention to the oiientation of the iibbon cable when auuing anu iemoving
mouules. The stiipe on the iibbon cable maiks -12v. This stiipe neeus to line up with the -12v pins on the powei supply anu the -12v pins
on the mouule. <#-8+*" ). ;#),= +> )=" >-'( ,.**",)8? ,#' *"(+8) -' $#;#@" ). .'" .* #88 )=" ;.$+8"( ,.''",)"$ ). )=" >.9"* (+>>8?A
0n the powei boaiu, the -12v pins aie cleaily labeleu. 0n the inuiviuual mouules, the positive anu negative siues of the pin connectois aie
usually labeleu next to the powei heauei on eithei the top oi bottom of the PCB.
Bo 523 iemove inuiviuual mouules fiom the case while the powei auaptei is pluggeu in.
Bo 523 unplug iibbon cables fiom the case oi inuiviuual mouules while the powei auaptei is pluggeu in.
Table of Contents
Impoitant Instiuctions ................................... S
Table of Contents ....................................... 4
Package Contents.......................................................... S
Case anu Powei Specifications ............................... 6
Attaching Single Row Woou Siues....................................... 7
Attaching Bouble Row Woou Siues..................................... 8
Auuing New Nouules.............................................................. 9
Removing Nouules.................................................................. 1u
Waiianty Infoimation......................................... 11
Seivice anu 0thei Infoimation ................................12
Package Contents
Cell|48j Case & Powei Supply Package Contents:

1 - Cell|48j Steel Fiame
1 - Pittsbuigh Nouulai Powei Supply
1 - Exteinal Powei Auaptei
2u - Panel Sciews
1 - Custom Powei Ribbon Cable
2 - 48hp Sliuing Nut Rails
18 - Nounting Nuts
4 - Rubbei Feet
1 - Nanual anu Setup uuiue

Case anu Powei Specifications
Case Specifications
Beavy Buty 16 uauge Steel Fiame
vectoi Rails Wiuth: 242mm
Sliuing Nut Size: #4-4u
Panel Sciew Size: #4-4u
Exteinal Case Bimensions: 242mm x 1S4mm x S7mm
Inteinal Case Bimensions: 242mm x 1Summ x S4.Smm
Space Available foi Nouules:
Wiuth: 48hp (242mm)
Bepth: SSmm
Bepth (above powei supply): S6mm
Sliuing Nuts: 9 (pei iail)

Powei Supply Specifications
Powei Supply 0utput : +12v 4SumA -12v 4SumA
Custom Powei Ribbon Cable Incluues:
8 - Stanuaiu Euioiack 1upin Powei Beaueis
4 - Stanuaiu Euioiack 16pin Powei Beaueis
Powei Switch Installeu on Reai of Case
Exteinal Powei Connection Installeu on Reai of Case
Exteinal Powei Auaptei:
Connection: 2.1mm Baiiel Type
0utput: 12v AC 1A
Attaching Single Row Woou Siues
P#*'-'@/ Befoie attaching the woou siues, all mouules must be iemoveu fiom the steel fiame.
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1. Line up the holes on one siue of the steel fiame with the holes on the
woou siue.
2. 0se the incluueu sciews to attach the woou siue to the steel fiame.
S. Repeat foi the 2nu siue.
Attaching Bouble Row Woou Siues
Cases shoulu be attacheu to uouble iow siues so the back of both cases face each
othei. This keeps the powei buttons close to each othei anu hiues the powei auaptei
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1. Lay woou uown on smooth suiface with holes facing up.
2. Line up the holes of the bottom fiame so the Pittsbuigh Nouulai Logo faces fiont.
S. 0se the incluueu sciews to attach the woou siue to the steel fiame.
4. Line up the holes of the top fiame so the Pittsbuigh Nouulai Logo faces the top.
S. 0se the incluueu sciews to attach the woou siue to the steel fiame.
6. Repeat foi the 2nu woou siue.
Auuing New Nouules
The Cell|48j Case is uesigneu to holu up to 9 mouules. Auuing new mouules to the case is a simple piocess. Please follow the instiuctions
below to ensuie that new mouules aie installeu safely anu coiiectly.
Nouules in uouble iow systems can be oiienteu to allow the synthesizei to stanu up tallei oi lay uown flattei uepenuing on which uiiection
the mouules aie installeu. Expeiiment with system layout by iesting a few mouules in the case befoie installation.
1. Switch the powei off anu unplug the powei auaptei fiom the back of the case.
2. If the new mouule has a iibbon cable attacheu, note the oiientation of the stiipe anu iemove the cable anu set it asiue. Taking a pictuie
befoie iemoving the cable is an easy way to keep tiack of the piopei cable oiientation. The stiipe on a iibbon cable maiks the NEuATIvE
v0LTAuE anu must be attacheu to the -12v of the powei supply.
S. Nouules can use eithei a 1upin oi 16pin powei heauei. The custom powei iibbon cable incluueu with the case has both. Choose the
coiiect size powei heauei fiom the powei iibbon cable anu attach it to the mouule. The ieu stiipe on the iibbon cable maiks -12v. This
stiipe neeus to line up with the -12v pins on the mouule. Failuie to match up the pins coiiectly can iesult in uamage to one oi all the
mouules connecteu to the powei supply.
4. 0se a small tool to line up the neeueu sliuing nuts close to wheie the mouule will be mounteu.
S. Attach the mouule to the sliuing nuts using the incluueu panel sciews. If installing moie than 1 mouule, uo not tighten uown the panel
sciews until all the mouules aie installeu. This will allow some ioom to shift the mouules as neeueu.
6. Repeat steps 2-S foi each new mouule.
7. 0nce all the new mouules aie installeu, plug in the powei auaptei anu switch on the case. Caiefully test each mouule to ensuie it is
woiking as expecteu.
Removing Nouules
Removing mouules fiom the Cell|48j Case is easy howevei, please follow the instiuctions below to ensuie that mouules aie iemoveu safely
anu coiiectly.
1. Switch the powei off anu unplug the powei auaptei fiom the back of the case.
2. 0nsciew the panel sciews of the mouule to be iemoveu.
S. Caiefully lift the mouule fiom the case until the powei heauei is accessible.
4. Note the oiientation of the stiipe on the iibbon cable then iemove the powei heauei. Taking a pictuie befoie iemoving the cable is an easy
way to keep tiack of the piopei cable oiientation. The stiipe on a iibbon cable maiks the NEuATIvE v0LTAuE anu must be attacheu to the
-12v of the powei supply.
S. Repeat steps 2-4 foi each mouule to be iemoveu.
Waiianty Infoimation
1 Yeai Limiteu Waiianty:
Foi a peiiou of one yeai aftei the uate of oiiginal puichase, the case anu powei supply anu all factoiy installeu paits manufactuieu by
Pittsbuigh Nouulai Synthesizeis LLC. aie waiianteu to function piopeily anu be fiee of uefects in mateiials anu woikmanship. Shoulu the
case anu powei supply fail uuiing the waiianty peiiou, contact Pittsbuigh Nouulai Synthesizeis. LLC. We will iepaii it (oi at oui option,
ieplace it) at no chaige, anu pay the cost of shipping it back to you.
This waiianty is voiu if in oui opinion the case anu powei supply has been uamageu by acciuent, mishanuleu, alteieu, impiopeily seiviceu,
oi iepaiieu by the customei wheie such tieatment has affecteu its peifoimance oi ieliability. This incluues but is not limiteu to uamage
ielateu to incoiiectly attaching powei iibbon cables. In the event of such misuseabuse by the customei, costs foi iepaiis plus two-way
shipping costs will be boine by the customei. Case anu powei supplies founu uefective shoulu be ietuineu to the factoiy caiefully packeu, as
the customei will be iesponsible foi fieight uamage.
Inciuental oi consequential uamages oi costs incuiieu as a iesult of piouuct malfunction aie not the iesponsibility of Pittsbuigh Nouulai
Synthesizeis LLC.
Seivice anu Infoimation
Please contact us foi seivice oi othei infoimation.
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