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HR - Personnel Administration (PA)

PA involves administrating employee data, commonly referred to Master Data.

Master Data contains all employee data used in HR processing. Master Data includes Personal
(Eg. address), Organiational (Position description), !enefits ("nsurance, Pension), #ime $
Payroll. More on Master Data...
Master Data is stored in Infotypes. "nfotypes are ta%les (for user Data entry screen) t&at contain
logically related employee data. Data can %e stored for specific periods, '&ic& includes current
and &istorical. More on Infotypes..
Components of PA:
Organiational (tructure
)ompensation Management
Personnel Development
Company Structures in HR:
Enterprise (tructure * Assigning employee to a geograp&ical location (eg. (an
Personnel (tructure * is used for functional grouping of employees (eg. salaried, &ourly).
Components of PA:
Personnel Area, represents a division of a company code into su%units. "t is an
organiational entity representing an area 'it&in an organiation defined %y specific
aspects of personnel administration, time management and payroll. Personnel areas are
su%divided into personnel su%areas. Personnel area is specific to HR and is a four
c&aracter alpanumeric identification. Eg. Personnel area -... is for employees in #e/as,
0... is for 1ouisiana.
Personnel Suarea, is a furt&er su%division of Personnel area. "t may represent
geograp&ical locations. +unctions include,
-. (et groupings for #ime Management, so t&at 'or2 sc&edules, su%stitution and
a%sence and leave types can %e setup for individual personnel su%areas.
0. 3enerate default pay scale type and area for an employee4s %asic pay.
5. Define pu%lic &oliday calendar.
!mployee "roups, divides or groups employees into various categories. Eg. Active
employees, Retired employees, )ontractors. Employee groups are used to generate
default values for payroll accounting area and %asic pay.
!mployee Su#roups, are furt&er differentiated 'it&in t&e employee group. Eg. (alaried
employees, Hourly employees, 6nionied employees, E/ecutives. #&e employee
su%group grouping for t&e payroll rule allo's you to define different payroll procedures
for different employee su%groups. +or eg. you can specify '&et&er an employee4s pay
s&ould %e determined on &ourly or mont&ly %asis. #&e employee su%group grouping for
t&e 'or2 sc&edule defines t&e validity of 'or2 sc&edule, and t&e attendance or a%sence
7uota type determines t&e validity of time 7uotas.
"nfotypes are units of information in t&e Human Resource Management (ystem.
Recording employee data for administrative, time recording, and payroll purposes is of primary
importance for master data administration in HR. "n t&e (AP (ystem, t&e information units used
to enter master data are called infotypes.
"nfotypes are used to group related data fields toget&er. #&ey provide information 'it& a structure,
facilitate data entry, and ena%le you to store data for specific periods.
"nfotypes are c&aracteried %y t&e follo'ing,
"nfotype (tructure
Data Entry
#ime*Dependent (torage of "nfotype Data
%ime Constraints
#ime constraints guarantee t&at e/actly t&e data t&e system needs to %e a%le to correctly process
t&e employee data, &andle personnel administration processes and run payroll for an employee is
availa%le in t&e system. #ime constraints 2eep you from storing mutually incompati%le data and
prevent gaps from occurring in t&e data &istory.
8ou use time constraints to define t&e follo'ing,
9&et&er an infotype record must e/ist for an employee in t&e system
9&et&er furt&er records of t&e same infotypes may e/ist
9&et&er t&ese records can overlap in t&e validity period.
+or certain infotypes, you can also assign different time constraints in relation to t&e infotype:s
9&en you enter infotypes, t&e system automatically c&ec2s if your input satisfies t&e time
constraints: conditions, and reacts %y automatically delimiting data records or issuing error
%ime Constraint &
+or t&e entire time t&at t&e employee 'or2s at t&e enterprise, e/actly one valid infotype
record must e/ist. #&e validity periods of t&e individual records must not overlap. 9&en you
create a ne' record, t&e system automatically uses t&e start date of t&e ne' record as t&e
delimitation date of t&e old record. 3aps are only allo'ed %et'een t&e employee:s entry
date and t&e start date of t&e first record.
#ime constraint - must %e used for all of t&e infotypes containing information t&at must %e
availa%le at all times. #&is is particularly true of personal and organiational assignment
An Organizational Assignment infotype record (...-) must e/ist for all active or
inactive employees in t&e (AP (ystem. #&e system needs t&e data stored in t&is
infotype for all %usiness processes.
"n addition, t&is data must %e uni7ue, in ot&er 'ords, t&e system must 2no'
precisely to '&ic& organiational units t&e employee %elongs. #&at:s '&y only one
record may e/ist at t&e same time.
%ime Constraint '
;o more t&an one valid record can e/ist at any one time. Records 'it& constraint 0 must
not overlap. #&eir e/istence is not o%ligatory. 9&en you create a ne' record, t&e system
delimits t&e previous record, if one e/ists. "f t&e system delimits a record %ecause of time
constraint 0, it issues an appropriate message.
%ime Constraint (
Any num%er of valid records can e/ist at any one time. #&e individual records do not
conflict 'it& eac& ot&er.
"n t&e Powers of Attorney infotype (..5.), you can store different po'ers of attorney.
#&at:s '&y any num%er of records for t&is infotype can e/ist at t&e same time. (ince
not every employee in your company &as po'ers of attorney, a record for t&is
infotype does not &ave to e/ist in t&e system.
%ime Constraint A
"nfotypes 'it& time constraint A must &ave no more t&an one record. #&e system
automatically assigns t&e record a validity period from <anuary .-, -=.. t&roug&
Decem%er 5-, >>>>. #&is validity period cannot %e su%divided.
"nfotype records 'it& time constraint A cannot %e deleted.
%ime Constraint )
"nfotypes 'it& time constraint ! must &ave no more t&an one record. #&e system
automatically assigns t&e record a validity period from <anuary .-, -=.. t&roug&
Decem%er 5-, >>>>. #&is validity period cannot %e su%divided.
"nfotype records 'it& time constraint ! can %e deleted.
%ime Constraint %
"nfotype records 'it& time constraint # depend on t&e su%type.
+or t&e Addresses infotype (..5.), you can assign a different time constraint for
eac& su%type. "n t&is 'ay, you can ma2e sure t&at a main address al'ays e/ists for
t&e employee and you can also enter temporary residences, if necessary.
%ime Constraint *
#&e infotypes you use for entering 'or2ing and a%sence time &ave a special time
constraint %e&avior. +or more information, see #ime )onstraints in #ime Management.
Important Infotypes
)omonly used Personnel Administration "nfotypes
Infotype Infotype +ame
.... Actions
...- Organiational Assignment
...0 Personal Data
...5 Payroll (tatus
...? Addresses
...@ Planned 9or2ing #ime
...= !asic Pay
...> !an2 Details
..-- E/t. !an2 #ransfers
..-A Recur. PaymentsBDeds.
..-C Additional Payments
..-? )ontract Elements
..-@ #ravel Priviledges
..-> Monitoring of Dates
..0- +amilyBRelated Person
..00 Education
..05 Ot&erBPrevious ERs
..0A Dualifications
..0C Appraisals
..0@ )ost Distri%ution
..0= "nt. Medical (ervice
..0> 9or2ers4 )ompensation
..5. Po'er of Attorney
..5- Reference Pers. ;os.
..50 "nternal )ontrol
..55 (tatistics
..5A )orporate +unction
..5C )ompany "nstructions
..5@ "nsurance
..A. O%Eects on 1oan
..A- Date (pecifications
..AC )ompany 1oans
..C. #ime Recording "nfo.
..C0 9age Maintenance
..CA 9or2s )ouncils
..C@ Mem%ers&ip +ees
..?C #a/ Data * 3!
..?> ;ational "nsurance 3!
Enterprise (tructure * F)lientF
"n (AP, t&e client is often referred to in t&e enterprise structure as t&e top level in t&e
&ierarc&y. Actually, t&e client is not muc& to do 'it& t&e enterprise structure.

#&e client is used to separate data 'it&in a (AP systemG clients are al'ays num%ers.
6sually t&e only time you 'ill refer to a client is '&en you first log into (AP. Here 'e see
t&e login screen '&ic& as2s for t&e client num%er,

)onfiguration and data %elong to t&e client. (o if you log into client 0.., you may see
different employees and customiing settings to t&ose in say, client 5... (ome proEects
'ill use a different (AP system altoget&er for different data.

#&e client num%ers 'ill %e decided on your proEect. +or e/ample, client 0.. may %e a
play client, 5.. for configuration and testing and A.. for training.

#ec&nically, you are actually logging into t&e same data%ase. !e&ind t&e scenes (AP
'ill fetc& t&e correct data and display it for you. #&e client is usually t&e primary 2ey of
data%ase ta%les in (AP.
)ompany )ode
#&e )ompany code is an independent company 'it& its o'n accounting unit, t&at is, a
company t&at dra's up its o'n %alance s&eet.
A personnel are is a specific entity for Personnel Administration. "t represents a
su%division of t&e company code.
Personnel (u%area
Personnel su%areas are su%divisions of personnel areas.
#&e organiation of t&e most important su%areas in Personnel Administration, namely
t&e pay scale and 'age type structures and 'or2 sc&edule planning, are controlled at
t&is level. +our*c&aracter alp&anumeric codes uni7uely identify t&e personnel su%area.
#&e control features of personnel su%areas are country*specific.
Employee 3roup
#&e employee is used to classify employees in general terms. "t defines t&e position of a
person 'it&in t&e company4s 'or2force.
Employee (u%group
Employee groups are divided into employee su%groups. Employees in t&e active 'or2force are
distinguis&ed according to t&eir status * trainee, &ourly*paid employee, salaried employee, etc.
)ountry codes in HR * MO13A(
Here is t&e full list of country codes (MO13A() used in HR.

.- 3ermany
.0 ('iterland
.5 Austria
.A (pain
.C ;et&erlands
.? +rance
.@ )anada
.= 3reat !ritain
.> Denmar2
-. 6(A
0A (audi Ara%ia
0C (ingapore
A. "ndia
%,e Personnel Structure:

#&e Personnel (tructure is split %y )ompany )ode, Personnel Area and Personnel
(u%areas. #&ere are ot&er structures including employee groupsBsu%groups and t&e
pay scale structure, %ut in t&is section it:s Pers Areas and su%areas '&ic& are t&e topic
to %e covered.

An implementation 'it& one company, in one country, 'it& various factoriesBsites may
loo2 li2e t&is,

#&is is a typical e/ample. #&e company code is easily defined, as it represents a legal
entity so you &ave to set t&em up e/actly as t&ey are. #&is is a function of t&e +inance
configuration and is not covered &ere.

%,e Personnel Area

A Personnel Area is attac&ed to a company code, so you 'ill al'ays &ave at least one
area per company code. 3enerally, it represents a &ig& level of t&e %usiness. Duite
often it represents a country H as s&o'n in t&e e/ample a%ove.

(ome points to consider for Personnel Areas

I )an %e used to generate defaults e.g. 'or2 sc&edules, pay scale
I (election criteria for reporting
I Multiple Areas can %e connected to one )ompany )ode
I )an %e referred to in Aut&oriation c&ec2s
I )onnected to one company code
I Must contain at least one Personnel su%area

%,e Personnel Suarea-s

Often a Personnel (u%area is used to s&o' a geograp&ic split of t&e Personnel Area.
+or e/ample, if a 6J company &ad 5 manufacturing plants, it 'ould pro%a%ly &ave 5
personnel su%areas representing t&em.

"f you &ave Eust one site, t&e personnel su%area may %e used to represent different splits
of employee, may%e factory vs staffG %ut generally it represents a p&ysical location.

#&e pu%lic &oliday calendar is attac&ed to t&e personnel su%area, so if you &ave plants
'it& different &oliday calendars, you must &ave different su%areas for eac&.

(ome points to consider for Personnel (u%areas,

I A su%*division of Personnel Area
I May %e geograp&ic or functional areas of t&e %usiness
I Provides groupings for 'age types, a%sences, payroll, 'or2 sc&edules, etc
I )an (indirectly) %e used in aut&oriation c&ec2s
I (election criteria for reporting
Here we working on Config document,
STEP1: SPRO>Enterprise Strucuture>Definition>Financial Accountin>Edit, Cop,
Delete, C!eck Compan Code
Select t!e Second Option in Dialog "o# as s!own in screen s!ot$
%ake sure our compan code &' Digits( doesn)t e#ist in t!e ta"le alread and click on
*ew Entries s!own "elow$
Enter t!e compan code details as s!own in a"o+e, and also enter all t!e address details
of compan code as s!own "elow$
STEP2: SPRO>Enterprise Structure>Definition>Financial Accounting>Edit, Cop,
Delete, C!eck Compan Code > Cop, Delete, C!eck Compan Code
,!en we go to t!is screen we will get a "lank screen, Click on t!e cop option - . as
s!own "elow$
Here we are coping our compan code from SAP standard compan code for /S t!e
standard compan code is 0111
,!en we click a"o+e Ok, we will get t!e "elow information message click on 2es !ere as
3f we sa 2es for "elow message we will get standard 456 accounts copied to our new
compan code from standard 0111
Once we sa 2es for Second 3nformation %essage sstem prompts one more
confirmation, do u want to allocate different currenc for a target compan code, as we
are coping from standard compan code i$e$, 0111 w!ic! alread contained /SD as
currenc we can sa -*o. !ere, w!ic! make A7C6 compan code to t!ere /SD$
Please click on t!e - . to mo+e furt!er$
Click again on t!e "utton to mo+e furt!er and keep on t!e clicking until ou reac! t!e
"elow message
7elow are t!e Couple of F35CO setting, t!ese settings are not mandator up to ECC 8$1
and t!ese steps "ecome mandator in ECC 9$1, if we wont perform t!e F35CO setting
implication are as "elow
3f it is '$: ; *o Error message on !iring an emploee in 3nfotpe 111<
3f it is 8$1 ;Error message on !iring an emploee in 3nfotpe 111<, "ut " pressing Enter
ou can mo+e furt!er$
3f it is 9$1 ;Error message on !iring an emploee in 3nfotpe 111<, 2ou can)t mo+e
furt!er until ou complete t!e "elow configuration$
STEP3: SPRO> Financial Accounting> Financial Accounting 4lo"al Settings> Compan
Code> Enter 4lo"al Parameters$
Enter t!e !ig!lig!ted +alues, ou can use t!e same +alues for our compan code also,
Here we are using C!art of Accounts as -CA/S. and Fisal 2ear =ariant as ->'.$
C!art of Account ? Set of 4eneral 6edgers are not!ing "ut c!art of Accounts$
Fiscal 2ear =ariant >' represents four @uarter for t!e financial ear$
STEP4: 3n t!e step' we !a+e to perform 0 acti+ities, Please go t!roug! t!e steps
Step 4.1: &Creating Controlling Area(
SPRO> Controlling> 4eneral Controlling> OrganiAation> %aintain Controlling Area>
%aintain Controlling Area
3n t!e 7asic Data *a+igation area we !a+e to define Controlling area, 3n a realtime
proBect t!ese will "e created " F35CO Consultants$
Once ou enter in to t!e ta"le click on *ew entries "utton as s!own "elow, w!en ou
click on new entries t!e following screen will appear$
Click on Sa+e "utton we will get t!e following information message, Please click on 2es
7 doing t!e a"o+e acti+it we created a Controlling area for our compan code$
Step 4.2: &Assignment of Compan CodeCSD(
SPRO> Controlling> 4eneral Controlling> OrganiAation> %aintain Controlling Area>
%aintain Controlling Area> Assignment of Compan Code&s(> *ew Entries > Enter our
compan code and Click on Sa+e as s!own "elow$
E!en Click on new entries and our compan code t!ere as s!own "elow$
Step 4.3: &Acti+ate components5Control 3ndicators(
SPRO> Controlling> 4eneral Controlling> OrganiAation> %aintain Controlling Area>
%aintain Controlling Area> Acti+ate components5Control 3ndicators > *ew Entries >
Enter t!e details and Click on Sa+e as s!own "elow$
,it! t!is we are done wit! t!e mandator F35CO Configuration for ECC 9$1 =ersion$
SPRO> SAP Reference 3%4 &F8(> Enterprise Structure> Definition > Human Resource
%anagement> Personnel Areas > Personnel Areas > *ew Entries
Enter t!e /ni@ue ' digits Alp!a *umeric >e and Click on 3con to sa+e t!e Personnel
Area as s!own "elow
Click on Create Re@uest option and create our own transport, ,e Bust need to enter t!e
description t!e transport like w!at we are tring to perform, Sstem will automaticall
generate t!e Eransport num"er$
Repeat the same activity for all your personnel areas.
SPRO> SAP Reference 3%4 &F8(> Enterprise Structure> Definition > Human Resource
%anagement> Personnel Su" areas > Create Personnel Su"areas > *ew Entries
Click on *ew entries and %ake enter ' digits &ma#imum( Alp!anumeric ke for
Personnel Su"areas as "elow
Step : DEF3*E E%P6O2EE 4RO/PS
SPRO> SAP Reference 3%4 &F8(> Enterprise Structure> Definition > Human Resource
%anagement> Emploee 4roups > *ew Entries
Create 2our Emploee 4roup as mentioned a"o+e$
SPRO> SAP Reference 3%4 &F8(> Enterprise Structure> Definition > Human Resource
%anagement> Emploee Su"groups > Define Emploee Su"groups> *ew Entries
%ake t!e *ew entries as "elow
7 doing t!e a"o+e acti+ities we are done wit! creation of Enterprise and Personnel
Structure, now we need to perform t!e assignment acti+it$
Step ": Assigning Personnel Area to Company Code
SPRO> SAP Reference 3%4 &F8(> Enterprise Structure> Assignment > Human Resource
%anagement> Assign Personnel Area to Compan Code
Select our Personnel Area, Assign our compan code and Countr Code for personnel
Area, E!is Countr grouping Controls t!e %aster data maintenance and ,agetpes,
Please refer t!e "elow screens!ot for t!e same$
Step 10: Assigning Employee Subgroup to Employee Group
SPRO> SAP Reference 3%4 &F8(> Enterprise Structure> Assignment > Human Resource
%anagement> Assignment of Emploee Su"group to Emploee 4roup
Once ou e#ecute t!is ta"le, Click on *ew entries Option Select our emploee 4roup
and Select our emploee Su"group and Assign rele+ant Countr 4rouping &%O64A(
for t!e same, Please refer t!e "elow screens!ot for t!e same$
Note: 3t is possi"le to assign more t!an one %O64A for same Emploee 4roup and
Emploee Su"group$
Step 11: Path to set User Parameters
SPRO> SAP Reference 3%4 &F8(> Personnel %anagement> Personnel Administration>
7asic Setting> %aintain user Parameters &EFCodeG S/0(
Select t!e rele+ant Countr Code as s!own "elow
Click on , 2ou will get message "o# as Parameters Created for /SA$ Click on
and %ake Sure Parameters Created as "elow !ig!lig!ted$
Step 12: Path to Setup Employee Number Ranges
SPRO> SAP Reference 3%4 &F8(> Personnel %anagement> Personnel Administration>
7asic Settings> %aintain num"er range inter+als for Personnel *um"ers !"Code:PA0#$
Click on icon, Create num"er range inter+als " clicking on
, Enter our num"er as "elow$ From *um"er is going to "e First emploee num"er,
Finall Click on , Click on
Step 1%: Path to A&&ess NU'(R
C!eck t!is 7o# if ou
want to !a+e E#ternal
num"er range, Else
6ea+e it as "lank
E!is num"er is going to
"e t!e return +alue of t!e
Feature */%>R
SPRO> SAP Reference 3%4 &F8(> Personnel %anagement> Personnel Administration>
7asic Settings> Determine defaults for num"er ranges !"Code:PE0% and Enter
2ou can configure t!e feature " using Create "utton and ou can call t!e decision
operation "ased on t!e re@uirement, Finall ou !a+e to Assign a return +alue for t!e
decision operation &E#G 19 in t!e Pre+ious Screen( and Click on Acti+ate 3con , All
t!e features need to "e acti+ate, Features doesn)t gi+e an affect until acti+ate t!em$
Step 1#: Path to 'aintain Employee Attributes
SPRO> SAP Reference 3%4 &F8(> Personnel %anagement> Personnel Administration>
Organisation Data> Organisation Assignment > Define Emploee Attri"utes &Ea"leG
3n t!is ta"le we !a+e to maintain Acti+it Status, Emploment Status and Eraining Status
for all our EEs and ES4s, 3n t!e a"o+e 0 status Acti+it Status is mandator
Select t!e %O64A and Click on enter
Enter the entries as belo)
Possible Entries under A&ti*ity Status
Possible entries under Employment Status
Possible entries under !raining Status
!he abo*e mentioned Con+iguration is mandatory to hire an employee +or ,ur o)n
Company Code-
.ith the abo*e &on+iguration you &an hire an employee and !est )hether e*ery
thing is )or/ing +ine or not +or gi*en &ompany &ode-
Step 1#: Na*igation Path to &on+igure the 0n+otype 'enus
SPRO> SAP Reference 3%4 &F8(> Personnel %anagement> Personnel Administration>
CustomiAing Procedures> 3nfotpe %enus > 3nfotpe %enu
Select t!e /ser group dependenc on menus and 3nfogroups option as s!own "elow
Step 2:
*ow go "ack &F0( and Select t!e 3nfotpe %enu option and Enter t!e 3nfotpe %enu
w!ic! was create in t!e a"o+e step i$e$, A<, AI and A0, Select t!e 3nfotpe A< and enter
t!e 3nfotpes under t!at menu, repeat t!e same acti+it for all ot!er 3nfotpe menus$
Enter t!e re@uired 3E under t!e A< menu$ 3n t!e /ser 4roup column enter t!e user group
num"er as Reference user group, t!e "ot! s!ould "e one and same$ 3n t!e *o Column
Enter t!e Serial no of 3nfotpes$ 3f we lea+e as "lank in t!e Screen Column sstem will
pick t!e Standard Screen$ 3f t!ere an custom screen num"er enter t!at num"er in t!e
Step %:
SPR,1 Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Customi2ing
Pro&edures1 0n+otype 'enus1 3etermine &hoi&e o+ 0n+otype menus1 User group
dependen&y on menus and 0n+o groups 1 42$
3n t!is ta"le we s!ouldn)t create an new entries, 3n Simple we !a+e to c!ange t!e
reference user group to our own user w!ic! was assigned in our user parameters for J1<)
HR %aster Data %enu$
3n t!e gi+en e#ample we are following J:K) as reference user group, wit! t!is we c!anged
t!e reference group as J:K) for J1<) %enu as s!own "elow$
Step #:
3n t!is Step we need to our 3nfotpe %enus &A<, AI, A0( to J1<) HR %aster Data
SPR,1 Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Customi2ing
Pro&edures1 0n+otype 'enus1 3etermine &hoi&e o+ 0n+otype menus1 0n+otype
'enus1 42$
Click on -*ew Entries. &F8(, Enter t!e 3nputs as "elow$
Note: 7efore making entries please make sure a"out t!e S$*o$ Lust C!eck !ow man
S$*o are used under t!e reference user group, 3f t!ere are pree#isting entries under t!at
/ser group, we !a+e continue wit! a different S$*o, else we will get a error message as
-An entr alread e#isted wit! same >e.
Step 5:
Goto User Pro+ile SU% is !"&ode$ and &hange the UGR as 6789 instead o+ 6109 and
sa*e: as sho)n belo) and &li&/ on
E;pe&ted ,ut Put:
Goto PA%0 and &he&/ the &ustomer spe&i+i& in+otype menus got &reated or not-
Na*igation Path to &on+igure the Personnel A&tions
3n Order to Define t!e Personnel Actions, First we !a+e to identif w!at all t!e action
tpe t!e customer is performing on t!eir emploees$ Once ,e 3dentif t!e action we !a+e
to determine are t!ere an action w!ic! falls under same 3nfogroup$ 7 doing t!e a"o+e
e#ercise we can come out wit! a list of 3nfogroups re@uired for t!e client$
Here we will configure Hiring action and configuration is steps are same for all t!e ot!er
action tpes$
Step1: 3e+ine the 0n+ogroups +or a&tion
SPR,1 Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Customi2ing
Pro&edures1 A&tions1 3e+ine 0n+ogroups1 User group dependen&y on menus and
0n+o groups 1 42$1 Cli&/ on <NE. EN!R=>
3n t!e a"o+e mentioned ta"le we !a+e to create t!e rele+ant 3nfogroups for actions, we
ma !a+e <G< or <Gman com"ination for 3nfogroups +s Action$ 3n t!e a"o+e e#ample 3
created different 3nfogroups for eac! action
Step2: Add the 0n+otypes to 0n+ogroup )ith rele*ant operation
SPR,1 Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Customi2ing
Pro&edures1 A&tions1 3e+ine 0n+ogroups1 0n+o group 1 42$1 Gi*e
your 0n+ogroup )hi&h )as de+ined in the pre*ious table as sho)n belo)
Cli&/ on <Ne) Entry> and enter the 0n+otype as belo)
No ? Serial No
,peration ? Standard SAP deli*ered &ertain operation to &ontrol the beha*iour o+
in+otypes: ,peration as belo)
As we are creating Hiring action, %eaning we don)t !a+e an data rele+ant to t!at
emploee in our sstem$ So we !a+e to create all t!e data for t!e PER*R$ E!at is t!e
reason we !a+e to -3*S. operation for Hiring$
3n t!e same wa we !a+e to create t!e 3nfogroups for C!ange of Position or Separation$
For C!ange of Position we can call rele+ant 3nfotpes we can user Operation as -COP.
or -%OD.
For Separation action we can use 63SM or D3S operations$
Step%: Create the Personnel A&tions
!able: !52@A
SPR,1 Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Customi2ing
Pro&edures1 A&tions1 Setup Personnel A&tions1 Personnel A&tion types 1
3n t!e E8IMA, SAP deli+ered some standard personnel action, ,e can select t!ose actions
w!ic! are rele+ant for us as s!own "elow$
Click on Cop 3con & ( and C!ange Action Code and Description along wit! our own
3nfogroups, as s!own "elow and click on 3con
#onfi$uration %or& 'rea for Personnel '(ministration
0n+otype 0001:
7elow configuration is important for 3nfotpe 111<, 3f we need an c!anges to t!e a"o+e
!ig!lig!ted fields input in 3E F111< screen, t!e "elow is t!e work area in SPRO$ E!e
!ig!lig!ted "o# is important in all nodes$
.or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1
,rgani2ational 3ata 1 ,rgani2ational Assignment-
0n+otype 0002: Personal 3ata$
7elow configuration is important for 3nfotpe 111I, 3f we need an c!anges to t!e a"o+e
!ig!lig!ted fields input in 3E F111I screen, t!e "elow is t!e work area in SPRO$ E!e
!ig!lig!ted "o# is important in all nodes$
.or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1
Personal 3ata 1 Personal 3ata-
0n+otype 000%: Payroll Status$
E!is infotpe will "e created internall " SAP, we don)t re@uire an configuration for
t!is infotpe,
0n+otype 000A: Address$
7elow configuration is important for 3nfotpe 1119, 3f we need an c!anges to t!e a"o+e
!ig!lig!ted fields input in 3E F1119 screen, t!e "elow is t!e work area in SPRO$ E!e
!ig!lig!ted "o# is important in all nodes$
.or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1
Personal 3ata 1 Addresses-
0n+otype 000@: Ban/ 3etails$
7elow configuration is important for 3nfotpe 111M, 3f we need an c!anges to t!e a"o+e
!ig!lig!ted fields input in 3E F111M screen, t!e "elow is t!e work area in SPRO$ E!e
!ig!lig!ted "o# is important in all nodes$
.or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1
Personal 3ata 1 Ban/ 3etails
0n+otype 0021: 4amily 3etails$
7elow configuration is important for 3nfotpe 11I<, 3f we need an c!anges to t!e a"o+e
!ig!lig!ted fields input in 3E F11I< screen, t!e "elow is t!e work area in SPRO$ E!e
!ig!lig!ted "o# is important in all nodes$
.or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1
Personal 3ata 1 4amily
0n+otype 0185: Personnel 03s$
7elow configuration is important for 3nfotpe 1<K8, 3f we need an c!anges to t!e a"o+e
!ig!lig!ted fields input in 3E F1<K8 screen, t!e "elow is t!e work area in SPRO$ E!e
!ig!lig!ted "o# is important in all nodes$
.or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1
Personal 3ata 1 0denti+i&ation 1 'aintain types o+ 0denti+i&ation
0n+otype 001A: Contra&t Elements$
7elow configuration is important for 3nfotpe 11<9, 3f we need an c!anges to t!e a"o+e
!ig!lig!ted fields input in 3E F11<9 screen, t!e "elow is t!e work area in SPRO$ E!e
!ig!lig!ted "o# is important in all nodes$
.or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1
Contra&tual and Corporate Agreements 1 Contra&t Elements
0n+otype 00#0: ,bCe&ts on Doan$
7elow configuration is important for 3nfotpe 11'1, 3f we need an c!anges to t!e a"o+e
!ig!lig!ted fields input in 3E F11'1 screen, t!e "elow is t!e work area in SPRO$ E!e
!ig!lig!ted "o# is important in all nodes$
.or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1
Contra&tual and Corporate Agreements 1 ,bCe&ts on Doan
0n+otype 001@: 'onitoring o+ !as/s$
7elow configuration is important for 3nfotpe 11<M, 3f we need an c!anges to t!e a"o+e
!ig!lig!ted fields input in 3E F11<M screen, t!e "elow is t!e work area in SPRO$ E!e
!ig!lig!ted "o# is important in all nodes$
.or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1
E*aluation Basis 1 'onitoring o+ !as/s
0n+otype 00#1: 3ate Spe&i+i&ations$
7elow configuration is important for 3nfotpe 11'<, 3f we need an c!anges to t!e a"o+e
!ig!lig!ted fields input in 3E F11'< screen, t!e "elow is t!e work area in SPRO$ E!e
!ig!lig!ted "o# is important in all nodes$
*oteG E!is 3mportant is +er importantN E!is 3nfotpe can "e used for calculation in t!e
7enefits, Compensation, EC% and Paroll Calculation also$ 3n t!e "elow node we can
create new Date Epes and we can modif DAEAR feature$
.or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1
E*aluation Basis 1 3ate Spe&i+i&ations
0n+otype 0022: Edu&ation and !raining$
7elow configuration is important for 3nfotpe 11II, 3f we need an c!anges to t!e a"o+e
!ig!lig!ted fields input in 3E F11II screen, t!e "elow is t!e work area in SPRO$ E!e
!ig!lig!ted "o# is important in all nodes$
.or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1
Employee Euali+i&ations 1 Edu&ation and !raining
0n+otype 002%: ,therFPre*ious Employers$
7elow configuration is important for 3nfotpe 11I0, 3f we need an c!anges to t!e a"o+e
!ig!lig!ted fields input in 3E F11I0 screen, t!e "elow is t!e work area in SPRO$ E!e
!ig!lig!ted "o# is important in all nodes$
.or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1
Employee Euali+i&ations 1 ,therFPre*ious Employers
0n+otype 0105: Communi&ation$
7elow configuration is important for 3nfotpe 1<18, 3f we need an c!anges to t!e a"o+e
!ig!lig!ted fields input in 3EF1<18 screen, t!e "elow is t!e work area in SPRO$ E!e
!ig!lig!ted "o# is important in all nodes$
.or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1
Communi&ation 1 Create Communi&ation types
Note: !hough 0! 0007: 0! 0008: 0! 001#: 0! 0015 reGuired &on+iguration under PA:
)e are going to tal/ about them under respe&ti*e modules-
,rganisation 'anagement
A position can "e !eld " more t!an one person or user and a person can !old more t!an
one position$ Howe+er, a oneFtoFone ratio is t!e ideal$

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