Personal Letter Enxugado

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Aerospace Engineering is among the most important sciences that contributed to the development and

commodity of humanity. Throughout Aeronautical development, people are able to travel everywhere
in the world within hours by plane, as well with aerospace knowledge, the men stepped on the moon,
communication anywhere, ground positioning and surveillance systems were developed. Aerospace
Engineering uses the state of art of the other engineerings. Thats why I have already chosen my career
and I proudly graduated in Aerospace Engineer in 2011.
I was introduced to aircrafts at a young age by my father in one of the annual family visit at the aircraft
factory he works for. There, I saw how planes were made, and the basic process it takes until its first
flight. I was marveled while looking at the planes and kept wondering how something so huge could fly!
Since then, Ive decided I wanted to be an aeronautical engineer. I got a scholarship in one of the best
Technical schools in Brazil (SENAI) when I was 14 years old where I graduated in Electrician of
Maintenance and used my knowledge during my school breaks as an intern at EMBRAER, the third
biggest aircraft factory in the world. I was introduced to aircraft wiring and connectors, and while being
supervised, I helped to manufacture them learning to follow rules and be professional and accurate.
This company hired me and I started my Undergraduate degree in Aeronautics and Space Engineering.
While a grad student, I had many opportunities to compare and better understand what Ive learned in
class by watching how the components worked in the aircraft itself, performing tests, and even going on
many flight tests. Being an employee thought me to work as a team and meet deadlines while working
under a lot of pressure and rigorous quality requirements, likewise, to communicate with different aged
people and to solve problems.
I went to volunteer in a Government Space research center: IEAv. Later I got a scholarship there which
allowed me to continue with my work as a scientific research assistant and to publish a report about the
research done in convergent-divergent nozzle with application in Hypersonic. After, I started another
scholarship at INPE (colocar a traduo da sigla em ingls, pois imponente) a scientific research center
focused in atmosphere issues and satellites. As a scientific research assistant, Ive been engaged in a
High atmosphere balloon project with my report published at the end.
When I had graduated, I went to USA to learn English and to have an international experience. I lived
there for 2 years with two different American host families and I easily adapted to the culture.
Nowadays Im fluent in English and High intermediate level in Spanish. During this exchange program
Ive made friends all over the world, and living among such cultural diversity made me become so
Independent and bold, adaptable to different environments and stressful situations that Im able to live
anywhere and deal with whatever problems I face.
I am an avid reader, with preference in sci-fi because it stimulates my imagination. Im also a huge
sports fan and while a kid I did Karate for 7 years and won several tournaments. Practicing a martial art
thought me good discipline, to listen and to believe in myself .
Having a Master Degree in this vanguard of innovation that is Aerospace engineering will improve my
skills and knowledge further, preparing me to face greater challenges and to be a better professional in
this ever fascinating and expanding field of Engineering.

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