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The Power of No

Did you know there is one word that will make a man fall in love with you?
By continually saying this, a man will start to realize youre the one he
needs to !e with"
#omen have the mistaken !elief that !y $utting a mans needs first, doing
what he wants and taking care of him will make him fall in love" %t actually
has the o$$osite effect"
&ou can !e great in !ed, hotter than 'egan (o), kind, sweet, generous and
su$$ortive, yet he will still not want to make a commitment if you never say
that word" That one word is No"
* friend of mine recently announced his engagement to a woman hes dated
for a!out a year" #hen % asked him why he chose to marry her and not his
$revious girlfriend, who he had !een with for almost four years, he said it
was !ecause she didnt let him get away with !ad !ehavior" +e knew if he
didnt change, shed !e out of there" ,he said No to !eing mistreated"
#hy does this make a woman attractive? *s usual, its all a!out !iology"
#e are all su!consciously looking for someone who will ensure our
survival" * woman who can say No to what she doesnt want, shows that
she is strong, and therefore, a !etter !et to hel$ him survive in the modern
This means that your wants and needs are -ust as im$ortant as his" &ou say
No to what doesnt feel right to you, to what you dont want, and ask for
what you do want"
.therwise, if you cant say No to what you dont want and are willing to
$ut u$ with a mans !ad !ehavior, how will he know that you will !e a!le to
say No to other men/ how will you !e a!le to !e strong enough to $rotect
his children or take care of !usiness when hes not around?
The instinctual $art of his !rain will tell him you are not a safe woman to !e
with for the long term, so he will never !e a!le to take you seriously"
This is why having se) too soon is rarely a good idea" 'ost women arent
ready to have se) on the first date or even the third date" &et they feel the
$ressure to do so, and !y giving in, they are saying &es to what he wants
instead of No"
'en are $rogrammed to want to have se) with you as soon as $ossi!le"
+owever, !y making him wait, you are forcing him to get out of his genitals
and into his !rain and his heart" #hen you first meet, if he knows that he
will not !e having se) with you anytime soon yet he continues to want to see
you, its !ecause he is willing to wait and get to know you" %ts !ecause you
said No"
By always giving in and saying yes, you !ecome a doormat" +e knows he
can walk all over you and he will soon lose res$ect for you" +e may stick
around and use you, !ut he will never fall in love with you"
&et, !y not always giving in to what a man wants, when it isnt what you
want, you force him to think a!out whether he likes you enough to continue
to see you, even if he doesnt always get what he wants"
This isnt a license to !e a !itch" &ou can say No without sounding like a
0 year old !rat" Try something like1 No, thats not what % want" No, % dont
feel comforta!le doing that" No, % dont want to 2fill in the !lank3"
'en always say confidence is a very attractive 4uality" By saying No to
the things you dont want, you show that you have the confidence to take
your needs seriously" 'en will res$ond to this confidence !y wanting to !e
with you and that is the $ower of No"

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