Grade 9 Drama Course Outline 2014

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Materials: All students must come prepared daily with a Drama Folder ( I will

show you) and a PENCIL . All other materials will be handed to you to slide into
your folder and will also be available on the Drama Weebly page.
1.You will acquire knowledge of self and others through participation and
reflection on the dramatic experience
2. You will develop competency in communication skills through exploration of
various dramatic disciplines.
3. You will develop an appreciation of Drama and Theatre as a process and art
*successful drama students will find themselves gaining self confidence in
situations that require public speaking.
BE RESPECTFUL of ALL members in this class. This is a class where all students should be able to feel
safe and 100% supported when they take a risk. Put downs and negativity will not be tolerated.
The room must be cleaned up at the end of every period.
It is essential as a student who chose this option that you be ready to participate and work with a
variety of people.
Group work involves co-operation and compromise.
Any presentations that are deemed BY ME to be inappropriate or
offensive are not acceptable in this classroom environment.
Enthusiasm and energy are essential to the success of a Drama Class.
This is not an Audience class.
Be prepared to be critiqued constructively during the process.
Orientation: August /September
Theory Review of Movement, Speech and Acting Skills from Grade7 and 8.
Theatre Tour and vocabulary for the theatre
Trust exercises, breathing and relaxation, games and directed improv
Unit 1: Movement: September/October
Stage Positions. Advanced blocking assignments and creating focus.
*First Monologue due at end of October
Unit 2: Theatre Through the Ages: November
Brief Intro to different types of Drama that have influenced theatre.( Greek and
Exploration of Rituals and Dramatic Form of a Greek Tragedy.
Create Masks
Unit 3: Performance: December
Students will create a class presentation for the Christmas Chapel( If time permits)

Unit 4: Classic Theatre Scene Studies: January /February ( From Plays that have
been presented on Broadway):
Study and Analyze a short 5 minute scene, memorize and present. Design the set
for the above scene and create set in a shoe box.
Drama Showcase
*Second Monologue is due at end of February.
We will be developing improve skills as well throughout all of these units.
Unit 5 Using Special F/X: March/April /May
We will explore a variety of technical aspects to presenting a performance such as
Lighting, Sound, Costume, Makeup. Students will create a Playbill for an Original
Play that they come up with and produce a scene from the play.
Third and Final Monologue will be due at the end of May.
Final Test covering Theatre terms and Drama Lingo.
Class work( Skills, Leadership, Effort, Contribution) 60%
Monologues - 30%
Tests 10%

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