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A Guide to the Scholarship Program for ASEAN Countries

Term of Scholarships :
Masters degree scholarship
Two years (starting from June 2013)
Doctoral degree scholarship
Three years (starting from June 2013)

Provisions of the Scholarships :
The scholarships will cover the following :
1.An economy class round-trip ticket to and from designated capital cities or
principal cities (excluding domestic airfare with both neighboring countries and Thailand.)
Travelling expenses incurred other than air tickets will be borne by recipients.
2.Tuition Fees
3.Stipend and accommodation

Eligibility of Applicants :
1.Applicants must return to teach/work at their home counties after graduation from
Chulalongkorn University.
2.Applicants must have completed Bachelors Degrees or Masters Degrees
as appropriate in related fields.
3.Applicants must have a grade point average for the latest semester before
applying of not lower than 2.75 for undergraduate, and not lower than 3.25 for postgraduate.
4.Applicants age must be less than 35.
5.Applicants must have a good command of English. A minimum TOEFL score of
500 or 173 Computer-based or IELTS score of 5.0 is required. (Except the applicants with
6.Applicants must be in good health.
7.Applicants must not be recipients of other types of scholarships.

Documents Required for Application :
1.Completed application form with a 3 cm x 4 cm size photograph.
2.Curriculum Vitae
3.Certificate of Graduation
4.Transcript of Academic Record of the last educational institution attended.
5.Photocopy of passport.
6.Two recommendation letters from the Head, the Director, the Dean which the
applicant belongs.
7.Physical examination certificate from a hospital in candidates home countries.

Application Procedures :
Candidates must send the completed application form and relevant documents directly to
the faculty/program of their choice. For further information of the program can be visit

Application form :
Application form can be obtained from the website at :

(Application must be typed)

PART ONE : (to be completed by the applicant)

1. Name : Mr./Ms./Mrs.
First name Family name

2. Date of Birth : 3. Age:
(year) (month) (date)

4. Nationality : 5. Marital Status :

Passport Number

6. Name of the University/Institution :

City Country

Current Title/Position

7a.Office address : Faculty Department

Tel Fax E-mail

b.Home address :

8. Academic qualifications :
Bachelors degree

Institution Country

Field of study G.P.A.

Masters degree

Institution Country

Field of study G.P.A.

9. Please indicate which faculty of Chulalongkorn University you are applying for.

Faculty Department

Field of study

3cmx 4cm


10. Language proficiency (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent).

Foreign language Listening Reading Speaking Writing



If you have taken the test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL or IELTS), what was your
score? (Please attach an official score report issued within the last two years).

11. Previous scholarships, fellowships, grants, and other honors or awards.

12. Are you applying for financial aid from government, international organization or other
than Chulalongkorn University? If so, please give details.

13. List all the academic or other positions you held or had been holding in chronological
order and with dates.

14. If you have visited or lived in any countries other than the one in which you are now
residing, please give places, dates, and purposes.


15. Health insurance :
Chulalongkorn University has a hospital facility. However, instructors are recommended to
have comprehensive health insurance policy to cover medical services in case of serious
illness requiring hospitalization.

Name of the medical insurance agency

No. of membership Address of the agency

16. Publications : (Attach additional pages if necessary).

17. Proposed plan of study or research (Write in detail)


18. Brief description of applicants present position and responsibilities :

19. Plan after completing study at Chulalongkorn University.

I declare that the information given is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
that if I have been awarded a scholarship, I agree to comply with the rules and regulations
of Chulalongkorn University.




PART TWO : Institution approved (to be signed by the President /Rector,Dean,Head of the
applicants university/ministry/public organization). Application is incomplete
without approval.


We approve and recommend the application of
for scholarship in support of graduate study abroad toward a Masters/ Doctoral degree. Upon
completion of the degree program undertaken, the above faculty member is expected and
obligated to resume appropriate duties at his/her university.


Name ( )



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