Syllabus Psycholinguistics DR Internet

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(graduate program)
Course coordinator: Milena ic Fuchs, PhD, full professor
Lecturer: Irena Zovko Dinkovi, PhD, senior assistant; Anel Starevi, assistant
ECTS credits:
Language: !n"lish
Semester: I#$ %&inter'
Status: elective
Course orm: ( hours per &eek
Preconditions: passe) e*a+ in ,o"nitive -in"uistics course
E!am: &ritten
Goa": .he "oal of this course is to intro)uce the stu)ents to the fiel) of
ps/cholin"uistics an) provi)e the+ &ith an insi"ht into the 0asic
concepts of the area of stu)/, na+el/, the ac1uisition, perception an)
co+prehension of lan"ua"e, in or)er to e*plore the relationship
0et&een lan"ua"e, thou"ht an) culture$
%ee& Topic
2$ 3eneral infor+ation a0out the course$ Intro)uction to the ke/ concepts of
ps/cholin"uistics$ -an"ua"e an) co++unication4 is lan"ua"e specific to hu+ans5
%Fiel), ch$ A2, 62, ,2; 7arle/, ch$ 2, ch$ 84 pp$ ( 9 :;'
<$ Ani+al co++unication an) hu+an co++unication$ Feral chil)ren an) the critical
a"e issue$ %Fiel), ch$ A<, 6<, ,<; Stein0er" et al$, ch$ ( = '
8$ .he co"nitive 0asis of lan"ua"e4 ho& chil)ren learn lan"ua"e$ .he nature vs$ nurture
)e0ate4 0ehavioris+ or an innate capacit/ for ac1uisition5 !*ercises$ %Stein0er" et al$,
ch$ 2 = 2;; 7arle/, ch$ 84 pp$ >; 9 >>; ch$ (4 pp$ ?2 9 2;?'
($ !arl/ se+antic an) s/ntactic )evelop+ent$ 6ilin"ualis+ an) secon) lan"ua"e
learnin"$ %7arle/, ch$ (4 pp$ 2;? 9 2<?, ch$ ; Stein0er" et al$, ch$ @'
$ .he 0iolo"ical 0asis of lan"ua"e4 lan"ua"e an) the 0rain$ 3eneral 0rain structure an)
function$ -an"ua"e areas an) their function$ -ocalisation an) lateraliAation$
!*ercises$ %Fiel), ch$ A8, 68, ,8; Stein0er" et al$, ch$ 224 pp$ 8;? B 88;; 7arle/, ch$ 84
pp$ :; 9 >;'
:$ -an"ua"e )isor)ers4 aphasias an) )/sle*ias$ Cther lan"ua"eBrelate) )isor)ers$ Si"n
lan"ua"e$ !*ercises$ %Fiel), ch$ A2<, 62<, ,2<; Stein0er" et al$, ch$ < = ch$ 224 88; 9
88@; 7arle/, ch$ 84 pp$ :; 9 >;'
@$ .he structure of sentences$ Dor) +eanin"$ ,o+prehension$ !*ercises$ %Fiel), ch$ A(,
6(, ,(; Stein0er" et al$, ch$ 2<4 pp$ 8(8 9 8; 7arle/, ch$ ? 9 22'
?$ .he structure an) content of the E+ental le*iconE4 ho& hu+ans learn an) store &or)s,
ho& the/ fin) the ri"ht &or) an) un)erstan) the &or)s of others$ -e*ical retrieval$
!*ercises$ %Fiel), ch$ A, 6, ,'
2;$ -an"ua"e an) +e+or/4 lon"Bter+ +e+or/ an) shortBter+ %&orkin"' +e+or/$ -on"B
ter+ +e+or/ an) the sche+a theor/$ Meanin" representations$ Inference$ !*ercises$
%Fiel), ch$ ,:; A22, 622, ,22; 7arle/, ch$ 28'
22$ -an"ua"e processin"4 0otto+Bup an) topB)o&n processin"; serial an) parallel
processin"$ Perceptual an) conceptual infor+ation$ .he role of conte*t$ !*ercises$
%Fiel), ch$ A:, 6:'
2<$ Pro)uctive lan"ua"e skills4 &ritin" an) speakin"$ Dritin" s/ste+s$ .he sta"es of
&ritin"$ !rrors in &ritin"$ ,haracteristics of speech an) sta"es in the speakin"
process$ S/ntactic plannin"$ -e*icaliAation$ Speech errors$ !*ercises$ %Fiel), ch$ A>,
6>, ,>, A2;, 62;, ,2;; 7arle/, ch$ 2<'
28$ Feceptive lan"ua"e skills4 rea)in" an) listenin"$ .he &holeB&or) approach vs$ the
)eco)in" approach$ !/e +ove+ent$ Skille) an) unskille) rea)in"$ Pro0le+s in the
listenin" process$ ,ate"orical perception$ !*ercises$ %Fiel), ch$ A@, 6@, ,@; Stein0er"
et al$, ch$ 8; 7arle/, ch$ > = @'
2($ .he social 0asis of lan"ua"e4 the relationship 0et&een lan"ua"e, thou"ht an) culture$
Is lan"ua"e necessar/ for thou"ht, )oes it influence culture an) )oes it affect our
perception of societ/ an) the &ol)5 %Stein0er" et al$, ch$ ?; 7arle/, ch$ 84 pp$ >> 9 @@'

THE E,#*+
.he course covers the ke/ topics in ps/cholin"uistics or"aniAe) in &eekl/ units$ After +ost
units the stu)ents )o e*ercises &hich the/ check in class &ith the lecturer$ .he stu)ents are
also e*pecte) to rea) at ho+e relevant chapters fro+ o0li"ator/ references, an) a)vise) to
rea) selecte) parts fro+ a))itional literature, &hich further help the+ in ac1uirin" 0etter
insi"ht into the su0Gect +atter$
Stu)ents are a)vise) to atten) the course re"ularl/ an) encoura"e) to activel/ participate in
class$ .here is one revision in +i)Bse+ester an) a final revision in the last &eek of the course$
Durin" the se+ester the stu)ents are o0li"e) to han) in one assi"n+ent in or)er to "et the
si"nature for the atten)ance$ At the en) of the course the stu)ents take a &ritten e*a+$
Fiel), Hohn %<;;8' Psycholinguistics, -on)on an) Ie& Jork4 Foutle)"e
7arle/, .revor %<;;2' The Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory, 7ove an) Ie&
Jork4 Ps/cholo"/ Press -t)$
Stein0er", Dann/, 7iroshi Ia"ata an) Davi) Aline %<;;2, <
e)$' Psycholinguistics:
Language, Mind and World, 7arlo&4 -on"+an
Aitchison, Hean %2??@, (
e)$' The Articulate Mammal: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics
-on)on an) Ie& Jork4 Foutle)"e
Aitchison, Hean %<;;8' Words in the Mind: An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon, C*for)4
An)erson, Stephen an) Davi) -i"htfoot %<;;<' The Language Organ: Linguistics as
ogniti!e Physiology, ,a+0ri)"e4 ,a+0ri)"e Kniversit/ Press %selecte) chapters'
6urlin", Fo00ins %<;;' The Tal"ing A#e: $o% language e!ol!ed, C*for)4 C*for) Kniversit/
Fiel), Hohn %<;;' Language and the Mind, -on)on an) Ie& Jork4 Foutle)"e
Pinker, Steven %<;;>' The &tuff of Thought: Language as a Windo% into $uman 'ature, Ie&
Jork4 Likin"

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