Sop 20 Mba Health Care

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I, Dr. Anupriya Anadure, would like to cover the statement of purpose under the
following heads:-
a) Undergraduate work
) Areas of interest
c) !areer goals
I) Undergraduate work:-
I am an undergraduate program at ".#. "edical !ollege, $ularga University
%&arnataka, India) with 'achelor of "edicine and 'achelor of (urgery degree %)*+,+-
)., years) I have also completed one year of mandatory internship at $ovt. &.!. $eneral.
/ospital, 'angalore. %)*+,+- 0 year).
a) Academic (tudies:
1he under graduate program at ". #. "edical !ollege, $ularga was a very
interesting and highly professional. #ight from the first year dissection tale with
cadavers to final year2s individual case studies, giving treatment and advice to the
patients was very enthralling.
As a part of our study curriculum, the various visits to the 3ulic /ealth 4rgani5ations
like 6 visit to !ity !orporation /ealth (ection %'irth 7 Death), 3rimary /ealth !enters,
District 1.'. !enters, District 8eprosy !enters, (tate /ome for 9omen, gave me good
e:posure and in-depth insight into the health prolems faced y wider cross section of
people. It was very evident that all dreaded infections and communicale diseases could
e prevented at the grass root level with proper care and efficient management of health
care services.
) !hild 9elfare 3rogram:
!onducted school health surveys including 'lind (chool, Deaf and Dum (chool and
through simple charts . diagrams emphasi5ed the importance of alanced diet, cleanliness
and hygiene, educated their parents aout the immuni5ation schedule for children.
c) ;illage (urvey:
(urveyed #a<apur ;illage at $ularga, gave them proper education, advice and made
them aware regarding their health and related matters. 9ent door to door to visit pregnant
mothers and gave proper antenatal care and advice. !onducted dramas, plays in their
local language and with the help of audio visual aids, even conducted small informative
entertainment program. 1he efforts we put in were fruitful and there was a remarkale
improvement in the health status of the villagers as witnessed y the significant drop in
numer of in . out patients.
d) !o-!urricular Activities:
= >loor '-9ing, 9indsor 3la5a, #.!.Dutt #oad, 'aroda =?***@ $u<arat.India
3honeA *,BC ==*D,* 7 =**,@) >a:A *,BC =-,)*? Email:
I have een a keen sports person, played 11, adminton, volleyall and represented
college at regional level several times. I represented college for E:tempore Elocution
!ompetition, $roup (inging and $roup Dance. I have successfully conducted various
college functions as a "aster of !eremony %Anchor). I was ad<udged as GHueen of wits2
in the "ock 3ress !ompetition held in my college. I, along with the #otary International
!lu memers rendered services at free "edical /ealth !amps. Donated lood several
times at 'lood Donation !amps and actively participated in the rally organi5ed for the
polio victim children.
II) Areas of Interest: -
During my undergraduate studies I noticed a vicious cycle that is prevalent in most
rural parts of my country %India). 1his cycle of lack of education, poor socio-economic
status, leading to low purchasing power, poor sanitary conditions all of which ultimately
lead to imalanced diet, causing nutritional disorders and infections. 1his was the field,
which I reali5ed had serious lacunae, and was not eing efficiently managed. I was drawn
towards this su<ect %!ommunity /ealth 7 !are) and developed a special interest for the
same. I sincerely elieve that with proper managerial skills a lot can e done to improve
the health status of the community.
III) !areer $oals: -
I want to pursue a career of research and teaching in /ealth !are, which appeals to
me the most. "y main aim in life is to impart proper health education, awareness among
individuals and make them reali5e the importance of health care which can completely
aolish the emerging infectious diseases like /I;-AID(, /epatitis ', ;iral infections,
polio attacks, 1uerculosis, 8eprosy etc. 6 "y greatest weakness is I can2t see the
suffering and ailments of destitute, ignorant and old people. "y life will e worthwhile if
I succeed in reaking the vicious cycle and ring forth a nation with healthy individuals
with sound minds working towards a healthier and stronger IIDIA.
I find that your University has e:cellent research facilities, distinguished faculty, and
a very good graduate program in "'A 6 /ealth !are Administration. 9ith a good
academic ackground and insatiale urge to do research, I am Juite confident of
contriuting significantly in promoting the research o<ectives of your esteemed
university. I eagerly look forward to eing a part of your esteemed academic fraternity.

EEC: Changing Lives: One Student at a Time
= >loor '-9ing, 9indsor 3la5a, #.!.Dutt #oad, 'aroda =?***@ $u<arat.India
3honeA *,BC ==*D,* 7 =**,@) >a:A *,BC =-,)*? Email:
Dear International Student Candidate:
Thank you for your interest in, a web portal owned by C! International
Student "ecruitment.
C, a #S!based company, was founded on the principle that higher education in the #nited
States, the #nited $in%dom, and Australia should be more accessible to hard-working,
serious-minded students. &ence, throu%h tireless effort and dedication, we ha'e been able to
recruit hundreds of students to top colle%es and uni'ersities in the aforementioned nations each
year. Students (ust like you)
*o, it+s not ma%ic. ,e simply ha'e, throu%h e-perience, de'eloped the e-pertise necessary to
%enerate results) ,hat does C %et out of this, you ask. As a non!profit or%ani/ation, we do
not seek profit in the tan%ible sense. Helping students make their stud-abroad dreams a
!E"L#T$ is something that does not re%uire &inancial compensation) As our motto states:
Changing Lives, One Student at a Time, IS our compensation and is somethin% that cannot be
bou%ht or sold. ,e hope you will a%ree.
C and offer a wide 'ariety of ser'ices tar%eted e-clusi'ely to you, the
potential international student. Still interested. ,e feel that you ,I00 be upon learnin% of our
'("!")TEE* "dmissions services) That+s ri%ht. G#A"A*TD. As we work with o'er 122
colle%es and uni'ersities in the #nited States, the #nited $in%dom, and Australia, we are able to
offer this incomparable ser'ice to you for a nominal processin% fee of "s.3222 or #S4122) "ll
ou have to do is &ill out a S#)'LE application, send us the necessar documents, and
ou+re all set. 5ur professional counselors will then e'aluate, based on your test scores,
academic performance, and %oals, which of our member colle%es and6or uni'ersities is ri%ht for
you. #t+s that simple) Throu%h C, ou+re saving time and mone, as we are 'ery aware of
the e-penses incurred at the hands of application fees alone) 7esides, you are G#A"A*TD
at least one admission or your processin% fee will be refunded in its entirety. 8ew colle%e
applicants can say that. ,hy take the unnecessary risk of fillin% out tons of paperwork with
outra%eous application fees when C can do the le%work 85" you) ,hat can be better than
knowin% that your study!abroad aspirations will come to fruition. If thin%s don+t work in your
fa'or, you always ha'e our mone-back guarantee. In short, you ha'e nothin% to lose and,
possibly, e'erythin% to %ain) 9our success is C+s success. 9ou can bank on that.
:ost C students are interested in financial aid for their studies abroad. As such, it is difficult to
%et scholarships and the like in the first year. 'en so, as C applies to colle%es6uni'ersities
85" you, we also apply for scholarships on your behalf. Studyin% abroad is an e-pensi'e
proposition and we do our le'el best to ac;uire aid for you pro'idin% that you are ;ualified to
recei'e it. &owe'er, we cannot stress enou%h how difficult it is for first!year international students
to recei'e scholarships and other forms of financial aid. 9ou must be willin% and prepared to
finance your studies in their entirety out!of!pocket.
Thou%h some of our member schools do not re;uire the SAT, G", or G:AT, be prepared ,i&
ou haven+t alread- to take the TOE.L. #S colle%es and uni'ersities re;uire this test for all
students who are not nati'e speakers of the n%lish lan%ua%e. <roficiency in n%lish is a
*CSSIT9 when considerin% the study!abroad proposition. If, thus far, you ha'en+t taken the
T580, do so as soon as possible. ,e ur%e you to do the best you can as colleges and
universities take this score into consideration when making a decision on whether to accept
or re(ect your application. Also be aware that admissions are ST#LL available &or the coming
semester so the sooner you take the necessary test=s>, the better.
If you ha'e any ;uestions, 'iew our website or e!mail us. ,e are
here to ser'e you)
= >loor '-9ing, 9indsor 3la5a, #.!.Dutt #oad, 'aroda =?***@ $u<arat.India
3honeA *,BC ==*D,* 7 =**,@) >a:A *,BC =-,)*? Email:
C, #SA
!mail: admission?
5r 'isit us at:
7elow you will find:
Step-/-Step 0rocess on how to use our 'uaranteed "dmissions Services
List o& *ocuments
0ament *etails
Student Testimonials
EEC "pplication .orm
Contact (s *etails
T& ST< !79 !ST< G#ID
Step 1
#se this unique opportunity at a nominal fee for your admissions to study abroad. ,e are
here to assist you in reachin% your destination.@
Step 2
Start preparin% your document papers from the list a'ailable, in case you need assistance
for formattin% them. ,e will need 3 sets of your prepared and si%ned6 sealed documents
=Aust like you would send to a uni'ersity if you were applyin% to a colle%e6uni'ersity
Step 3
= >loor '-9ing, 9indsor 3la5a, #.!.Dutt #oad, 'aroda =?***@ $u<arat.India
3honeA *,BC ==*D,* 7 =**,@) >a:A *,BC =-,)*? Email:
<hotocopy 3 sets of the C application enclosed or you may print additional copies from our
website. "ead the forms carefully and fill out the applications completely and si%n them. B
Step 4
nclose the re;uired C processin% payment =read the ne-t title for C<ayment DetailsC>. <ut
all of the abo'e in one en'elope and mail it to our South Asia 5ffice in India for processin%.
"emember, if any document is pendin% or una'ailable at this timeD do not hesitate to send the
rest of the a'ailable documents. Applyin% early will only benefit you and %i'e you an ed%e.
Step 5
If you ha'e sent us all that is re;uired, you can rest easy and relax. *ow 5#" work be%ins)
Step 6
#pon recei'in% the aforementioned documents and processin% fee from you, our office will
send you an immediate acknowled%ement by e!mail and also mail you a receipt for your
payment by postal mail. ,e will then e'aluate your application based on your academic
stren%th =i.e. %rades, test scores> and %i'e our recommendations of chosen member
school=s> where we will apply for you.
Step 7
,e will apply to these selected uni'ersities for your admissions. &owe'er the uni'ersity has
the final say. Ideally, a student will %et his or her I-20 =admissions acceptance letter> in less
than E2 days of him6her sendin% the application packet to us.
Step 8
C will then train you for the Fisa Inter'iew and %uide you towards the documentation
re;uired for applyin% for a student 'isa. There is no e-tra char%e for this ser'ice as it is
pro'ided to all our applicants free of char%e.
C: list of Documents
Send us 5 sets o& all documents:
Althou%h we usually apply to G to H member uni'ersities for each of our applicants which is short!
listed based on the student+s academic and financial profile, we prefer to keep some sets of
documents with us in case the documents are misplaced in transit or at the uni'ersityCs
admissions office.
"ttestation 9 True Copied *ocuments
Do not send us any ori%inal documents.
All documents and true copy stampin% should only be in n%lish.
= >loor '-9ing, 9indsor 3la5a, #.!.Dutt #oad, 'aroda =?***@ $u<arat.India
3honeA *,BC ==*D,* 7 =**,@) >a:A *,BC =-,)*? Email:
All Transcripts =also called :ark sheets> should be attested true copies by
uni'ersity6school officials of the same colle%e or uni'ersity. It should either be the
@"e%istrar@ or @Controller of -aminations@ or @<rincipal@. Any other attestation of
documents is not acceptable.
5nly the respecti'e 7ank 5fficial should attest All 7ank Statements or other financial
The affida'it of support =also called certification of finance> document should only be
attested by a @<ublic *otary@
A De%ree Certificate or <ro'isional De%ree Certificate is re;uired for all.
Graduate applicants.
'raduate ,:asters- Student "pplicant *ocuments !e%uired
C Application 8orm ! All students are re;uired to print out =3> C Application forms,
fill in the same neatly =either typed or in capital letters>, si%n the application and submit
the same alon% with 3 sets of documents.
:ake sure that your name on the application is e-actly as it appears on your passport
*ownload the EEC "pplication &orm ; 0d& ,re%uires "crobat !eader - *ownload !eader- ;
:S <ord .ormat
<hotocopy of current 'alid passport ! This is re;uired to ha'e your name 'erification and
to mention it e-actly on the Admission 0etter =I!G2>
&i%h School =1Gth Grade> :ark sheet
7achelorCs De%ree :ark sheets for ach Semester. =If your uni'ersity issues a
consolidated mark sheet you still need to pro'ide us with indi'idual semester mark
5ptional ! Consolidated :ark sheet =if your uni'ersity or colle%e issues one>
Statement of <urpose
Learn How to <rite Essas I Sample Essas
7ank Statement or Certificate ! A bank statement showin% minimum funds of 4G3,222
=recommended o'er 4J2,222> is re;uired to pro'e that the studentCs sponsor has enou%h
funds to fund the education in the #nited States. This is a mandatory re;uirement of the
#S Immi%ration and *aturali/ation Ser'ice and also of e'ery colle%e or uni'ersity in the
StudentCs sponsors may also submit a @Sol'ency Certificate@ in place of a 7ank Certificate or
o <l. note that e'ery bank or financial institution has its own format, but make sure that if
the amount is mentioned in local currency it should ha'e an e;ui'alent #S4 con'ersion
Sample /ank Statement ; Sample Solvenc Certi&icate
De%ree Certificate or <ro'isional De%ree Certificate ! All Graduate applicants are re;uired
to submit an attested photocopy of their De%ree Certificate or <ro'isional De%ree
If you ha'e not yet %raduated and your uni'ersity does not issue a pro'isional de%ree certificate,
you may ac;uire a letter from your colle%e authorities statin% that they e-pect you to %raduate
with %ood %rades.
= >loor '-9ing, 9indsor 3la5a, #.!.Dutt #oad, 'aroda =?***@ $u<arat.India
3honeA *,BC ==*D,* 7 =**,@) >a:A *,BC =-,)*? Email:
G or J different "ecommendation 0etters in each set of documents you send us.
!ecommendation Letters
Attested true copied <hotocopyCs of test score sheets for G" 6 G:AT ! Althou%h these
e-ams may be optional for most applicants, they are stron%ly recommended for all
students for financial aid consideration and securin% the #.S. 8!1 student 'isa.
'!E #n&ormation ; ':"T #n&ormation
<hotocopy of T580 Score sheet is a mandatory re;uirement. If you ha'e or ha'e not
appeared for T580 and not yet recei'ed the score sheet, %o ahead and mail your other
documents, and mail us the T580 score sheet once it becomes a'ailable to you.
8our color passport si/e photo%raphs with your full name written on the back of each
5ptional ! ,e recommend you to include a resume or bio data or curriculum 'itae.
(ndergraduate ,/achelors- Student "pplicant *ocuments !e%uired
C Application 8orm ! All students are re;uired to print out =3> C Application forms,
fill in the same neatly =either typed or in capital letters>, si%n the application and submit
the same alon% with 3 sets of documents.
o :ake sure that your name on the application is e-actly as it appears on your passport
*ownload the EEC "pplication &orm ; 0d& ,re%uires "crobat !eader - *ownload !eader- ;
:S <ord .ormat
o <hotocopy of current 'alid passport ! This is re;uired to ha'e your name 'erification and
to mention it e-actly on the Admission 0etter =I!G2>
o &i%h School "ecord ! 12th Grade, 11th Grade and 1Gth Grade :ark sheets
0ersonal Statement
Learn How to <rite Essas ; Sample Essas
7ank Statement or Certificate ! A bank statement showin% minimum funds of 4G3,222
=recommended o'er 4J2,222> is re;uired to pro'e that the studentCs sponsor has enou%h funds to
fund the education in the #nited States. This is a mandatory re;uirement of the #S Immi%ration
and *aturali/ation Ser'ice and also of e'ery colle%e or uni'ersity in the #.S.
Sponsors may also submit a @Sol'ency Certificate@ in place of a 7ank Certificate or
<l. note that e'ery bank or financial institution has its own format, but make sure that if
the amount is mentioned in local currency it should ha'e an e;ui'alent #S4 con'ersion
Sample /ank Statement
= >loor '-9ing, 9indsor 3la5a, #.!.Dutt #oad, 'aroda =?***@ $u<arat.India
3honeA *,BC ==*D,* 7 =**,@) >a:A *,BC =-,)*? Email:
G or J different "ecommendation 0etters in each set of documents you send us.
!ecommendation Letters
Attested true copied <hotocopyCs of test score sheet of SAT 1 =SAT G is not re;uired> !
Althou%h this e-am may be optional for most applicants, SAT1 is stron%ly recommended
for all students, for financial aid consideration and securin% the #.S. 8!1 student 'isa.
S"T #n&ormation ; Order a /ulletin
<hotocopy of T580 Score sheet is a mandatory re;uirement, if you ha'e or ha'e not
appeared for T580 and not yet recei'ed the score sheet, %o ahead and mail your other
documents, and mail us the T580 score sheet once it becomes a'ailable to you.
TOE.L #n&ormation ; Order a /ulletin
8our color passport si/e photo%raphs with your full name written on the back of each photo%raph.
*octorate ,0h=*=- "pplicant *ocument !e%uirements
All documents same as Graduate students, plus...
Dissertation or "esearch ,ork -perience Details
Sample <apers which the scholar may ha'e published in (ournals etc.
Any other credits to his6her name.
0ament *etails > Our :one /ack 'uarantee:
&ow do you send us the payment.
Students are re;uired to send the payment of or Indian "s.32226! =8or all South Asian applicants,
includin% students from =India, <akistan, *epal, 7an%ladesh, and Sri 0anka>
This payment is a one!time processin% payment. There are no e-tra or hidden char%es for these
Guaranteed Admissions ser'ices. ,e will ne'er ask you for any other payment durin% the
admissions process.
The payment may be made either by Che;ue, Demand Draft or :oney 5rder payable in fa'or or
name of @nbee ducation Centers@
<e do not accept credit cards at this time=
,ill I %et a paper receipt.
9es, all students %et a receipt of payment made to us. The same will be sent to your pro'ided
address by post after the payment is recei'ed at our office.
The pament should be enclosed with the documents and EEC application &orm that ou
send us= "pplications received without the re%uired pament will not be processed=
= >loor '-9ing, 9indsor 3la5a, #.!.Dutt #oad, 'aroda =?***@ $u<arat.India
3honeA *,BC ==*D,* 7 =**,@) >a:A *,BC =-,)*? Email:
:one /ack 'uarantee:
Should we fail to %et you an admission in one of our member uni'ersities and colle%es in the
semester desired or the correspondin% ne-t semester, we will return your "s. 3,2226! or 4122
back to you stress!free)
5ur reputation is on which we sur'i'e and we will make e'ery effort to ser'e you the best
Contact #s Information
South "sia Operations O&&ice in #)*#":
=C> nbee ducation Centers
J21!J2H6 7!win%,
,indsor <la/a
".C. Dutt "oad
7aroda JE222K
mail: admission?
<hone: E1 GL3 J22GK1
8a-: E1 GL3 JHG12E ! Attn: nbee ducation Centers ! Student
=Students and parents are most welcome to come and 'isit our I*DIA center, which a state of the
art M222 s; ft set up and has our corporate offices, coachin% centers, G" CAT 0aboratories and
an in!house study abroad library with o'er 1G22 uni'ersity catalo%s, and other material>
(S" O&&ice:
C N Intl. Student "ecruitment
<.5. 7o- L3HG
0afayette, I* HKE2J!L3HG
#nited States of America
mail: info?
8a-: =32J> G1M!LL2J
= >loor '-9ing, 9indsor 3la5a, #.!.Dutt #oad, 'aroda =?***@ $u<arat.India
3honeA *,BC ==*D,* 7 =**,@) >a:A *,BC =-,)*? Email:

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