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Wardhany, Novita Dwi. 2014. The Effect of Economics Teachers Competence on

Economics Learning Outcome for the Eleventh Grade Students of
Senior High School in Kediri. Sarjanas Thesis. Department of
Development Economics, Faculty of Economics State University of
Malang. Advisors: (I) Dr. Bambang Pranowo, S.E., M.Pd., Ak (II) Drs.
Mardono, M.Si,

Keywords: Pedagogic Competence, Professional Competence, Personal
Competence, Social Competence, Learning Outcome

Education is the first capital for humans to shape the development of the
human personality and abilities. Quality education will form a quality human as
well. The quality of education itself involves an educational component where the
teacher has an important role. Thus, teachers are required to have a good
competence. If competency is properly implemented and directed, it will affect
student learning outcomes.
This study is conducted to determine: (1) the influence of pedagogical
competence on learning outcomes, (2) the influence of the professional
competence of the learning outcomes, (3) the effect of the learning outcomes on
personal competence, (4) the effect of the learning outcomes on social
competence, (5) influence of pedagogical, professional, personal, social and
learning outcomes on the economic subject for the eleventh grade students of
SMA in Kediri. This study design uses quantitative descriptive method. Pedagogic
competence, professional competence, personal competence and social
competence data in this study were obtained by using questionnaire completed by
34 teachers consisting of SMAN, MAN, SMK, and favorite Private high school in
Kediri. Then, the analysis uses descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear
From the research, there is influence between pedagogic competence,
professional competence, personal competence and social competence on student
learning outcomes. Simultaneously, teacher competence has contributed as much
as 89.5% in affecting learning outcomes, which means there is the influence of
teacher competence on learning outcomes in partial Kediri. Partially, there is
influence between pedagogic competences to student learning outcomes of 25.1%.
Professional competence also affects student learning outcomes by 19%. For
personal competence, it affects student learning outcomes by 33.3% and for social
competence affects learning outcomes of 12.1%. With a significance level of 0.05
four variables have a significant effect, which means the higher the teacher's
competence will be higher the student learning outcomes on economic subjects in
SMA Kediri.
Lastly, the advice given is: (1) It should be pursued efforts to improve the
professional competence of teachers by the parties concerned and spur more
positive attitude on work which is carried by running the function and position as
a lecturer and educator in the school with a full sense of responsibility, (2) for
further researchers who are interested in doing research on the same topic is
expected to take a larger population than the study population and can be done in
place / different levels of education as well as develop the covered subject matter.

Wardhany, Novita Dwi. 2014. The Effect of Indomaret Existence on Small
Retailer Shop (Case Study on Indomaret in Klojen Malang). Sarjanas
Thesis. Department of Development Economics, Faculty of Economics
State University of Malang. Advisors: (I) Dr. Hari Wahyono., M.Pd (II)
Dr. Hj. Lisa Rokhmani., M.Si,

Keywords: Existence, Indomaret, Small Retailer Shop
Today's human needs have increasingly diverse in day today life. In
meeting the needs, society is doing economic activity in both formal and informal
sectors. The high urban population growth led to loss of employment in the formal
areas. This is why the activities of the informal sector to serve as an alternative
livelihood for the people of the land. It can be seen in almost every urban street
corner, very easy to find the presence of Indomaret. And this has resulted in the
existence of decreasing small retailer shop.
This study was conducted to determine: (1) how revenues small retailer
shop before and after the Indomaret around their stores, (2) the things that cause
revenue to decline as perceived by the small retailer shop store owner, (3)
commodities which are still relatively have fixed demand because it does not exist
in Indomaret, and (4) tips that are made to address small retailer shop competition
with Indomaret. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. Data was
collected through observation and interviews. Result of the research is a
description / overview of the current state based on the data / facts appear.
Based on the results of the data exposure and research findings, it is
concluded that there are 7 out of 11 small retailer shops that are close to
Indomaret have income decreased. Meanwhile, 4 other small retailer shops do not
have incomes decline. The things that cause revenue to decline for small retailer
shop (as perceived by the owner of the store) there are 4 factors: reduced buyer,
merchandise incomplete, there are some items that are not sold, and the absence of
more capital. For commodity demand that is relatively fixed because the goods
are not in Indomaret is the five hundred rupiah, snacks, crackers, groceries in the
number of retail, fried onions, thousand rupiah drink, plastic, serit, kites, paste, ,
charcoal, and kerosene. Then the tips were made to address small retailer shop
Indomaret competition with, among others, to sell all the needs of consumers in
stores, give you a price below the price Indomaret, interesting place of business,
promotional gift, and good service, as well as provide convenience in the form of
understanding the needs of consumers.
Advice that can be given to the grocery store is that they expected to
complement their goods. And for the local government is expected to be more
assertive in providing regulations on the establishment of Indomaret to prevent
harm at the surrounding small retailer shop.

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