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Term 1

The service (s) that has potential

for none or very few CMLs on
Definition 1
1. Olefin Cold Side,
2. Anhydrous Ammonia

Answer found API 570: 5.6.2
Term 2
Service (s) that Valves should be
inspected for thermal fatigue
Definition 2
Cat Reformer

See API 570 section 5.10
Term 3
Service(s) with reatively uniform
Definition 3
1. Sulfidation,
2. Sour Water

Answer found API 570: 5.6.3
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Term 4
What class abbreviation is used to
help define the
API 570 Repair Organization
Definition 4

J= one who is autherized by the

O= Owner/User who repairs thier
own equipment

C= Contractor that is acceptble to

Answer found in API 570: 3.1.79

Term 5
What class abbreviation is used to
help define the
API 570 Authorized Inspection Agency
(AI's Employer)
Definition 5

J= Inspection Org. of the Jurisdiction

U = Owner/User who maintians
inspection Org.

I = Inspection Org. of an Insurance

C= Contractor employed by Owner

Answer found in API 570: 3.1.6
Term 6
The class abbreviation that is used to
Determine of corrosion Rate for New
Service or Change in Service
Definition 6

S= Same or Similar Service,
O= Owners Experience,
P= Published Data, or
I= Inspection in 3 months

Answer found in API 570:7.1.2

Term 7
What is the Class Abbreviation to
help reminber the
Primary Resonsiblities of API 570
Authorized Inspector
Definition 7
T= Testing
I= Inspection
E= Examination

Answer found in API 570: 4.3.4
Term 8
AIRRis the Class Abbreviation
Definition 8
API 570 Scope which is:
A = Alteration,
I = Inspection,
R = Repair,
R = Rerate.

Answer found in API 570: 1.1.1

Term 9
On repairs the minimum radius of an
insert patch is
Definition 9
Min of a 1" Radius

Answer found
API 570: Fig C.2

Term 10
When performing NDE inspection what
is the maximum diameter of the CML
examination point for lines equal to or
less than 10 NPS
Definition 10
max dia. of 2"

Answer found API 570 : 3.1.20
Term 11
When performing NDE examinations of
lines greater than 10 NPS what is the
maximum diameter of the CML
Definition 11
Max dia. of 3"

Answer found API 570 : 3.1.20
Term 12
For partially buried pipe What is the
soil-to-air distance above the soil
interface that is considered for
Definition 12
6" above soil interace shall be

Answer found API 570:3.1.87
Term 13
What is the distance below the soil
interface to dig when inspecting for
soil-to-air corrosion
Definition 13
dig 6"-12" when inspection for soil-to-
air corrosion

Answer found API 570: 7.4.5
Term 14
For partially buried pipe What is the
soil-to-air distance below the soil
interface that is to be considered for
Definition 14
12" below soil interface

Answer found
API 570: 3.1.87
Term 15
At an Injection point curcuit what is the
minimum upsteam limit of a more
extensive examination.
Definition 15
minimum 12" upsteam of the injection
nozzle shall be examined

Answer found API 570: 5.5.9
Term 16
For underground piping what is the
minimum length of buried pipe to
expose when excavating for
Definition 16
6 to 8 feet will need to be excavated for

Answer found API 570: 9.3.6
Term 17
Definition 17
Alteration is a Physical change in any
component that has design

Note: Comparable or duplicate
replacements and the addition of
small-bore attachments that do not
require reinforcement or additional
support are not considered an

Answer found in API 570: 3.1.2
Term 18
Definition 18
Restore to Suitable
condiction for safe operation at
designed condition

Answer found in API 570: 3.1.78

Term 19
Definition 19
Defect is difined as
An Inperfection that exceeds
acceptance criteria

Answer found in API 570: 3.1.17
Term 20
Definition 20
Discontinuity that may or may not
exceed the acceptance criteria

Answer found in API 570: 3.1.30
Term 21
RBI's two Primary factors are?
Definition 21
1. Probability of failure
2. Consequence of failure
Answer found in API 570:5.2

Term 22
What word is used to define the
number of CML's to obtain
thickness readings during NDE
Definition 22

Representative sampling should
include data for all the various types of
components and orientations found in
each cicuit.

Answer found in API 570: 6.5

Term 23
CML's that shall be measured
during a Thickness NDE
Inspections, are?
Definition 23
CMLs with the earliest renewal
as of the previous inspection

Answer found in API 570: 6.5

Term 24
Intervals for Pressure-relieving
devices (PRD's) are
determined by:
Definition 24

The API 570 sec states that
PRD's shall be tested and inspected at
intervals that are frequent enough to
verify that the valves perform reliably
in the particular service conditions.

Answer found in API 570:
Term 25
API 570 Piping
Classification Inspection scheme
in section 6.3.4 is based on:
Definition 25
Consequence of failure

See API 570 6.3.1
Term 26
Corrosion -Method by which
process leaks can lead to brittle
failure is
Definition 26

API 570 section
Term 27
Crrosion- Type of soil that is most
corrosive is soil with
Definition 27
Low Resistivity

Answer found in
API 570 section 9.2.4

Term 28
Number of Repairs of new flange
assemblies to be inspected
during repairs and alterations is
refered to as
Definition 28

API 570 section 5.12 States: The
markings on a representative sample
of newly installed fasteners and
gaskets should be examined to
determine whether they meet the
material specification.

Answer found API 570: 5.12
Term 29
What pipe size is RT preferred for
thickness readings
Definition 29

570: 5.7.1
Term 30
What is the pipe size where UT
thickness reading may require
specialized UT equipment
Definition 30

570 5.7.1
Term 31
The term small bore piping refers to
piping that is
Definition 31

570 3.1.86
Term 32
What P-numbers allow the use of pre-
heat in lieu of PWHT
Definition 32
P1 & P3

Term 33
For flanges, the thread engagement
acceptance criteria is
Definition 33

570: 5.12

Term 34
What is the minimum # of
thremocouples required when
performing a local PWHT instead of a
360 degree band
Definition 34

Term 35
When performing an Internal
Inspection on piping, What code
should be followed ?
Definition 35
API 510
Pressure Vessel
Inspection Code

Answer found API 570 5.5.1
Term 36
What recommended practice is
used for
Positive Meterial Indentification
Definition 36
API 578

The Recommedned Pratice for:
Material Verification Program for
New and Existing Piping Systems

Answer can be found in API 570 sec

Term 37
What Standard is used for
Fitness for Service (FFS)
Definition 37
API 579

Answer is found in API 570: 7.4
Term 38
What Recommended Practice
Risk based Inspections

Answer found API 570: 5.2
Definition 38

API 580

Answer found in
API 570: 5.2
Term 39
Which standard covers
Valve Inspection and Testing
Definition 39
API 598

Answer is found API 570: 5.10

Term 40
What is the Recommended
Practice for
Cathodic Protection
Definition 40
API 651

Cathodic Protection of aboveground
Petroleum Storage Tanks

Answer found in API 570: 9.3.5
Term 41
Welding on In-Service Equipment
containing Flammbles,
What Publication shall
be followed?
Definition 41
API 2201
Safe Hot Tapping Practices in the
Protroleum and Petrochemical

Answer found in
API 570: 8.2.1
Term 42
What is the minimum flash point temp
of hydrocorbons used for leak testing
Definition 42

Answer found
API 570: 5.8.1
Term 43
At what temperature are special
procedures needed for UT thickness
Definition 43

Answer found
API 570 5.7.1
Term 44
When welding, What minimum pre-heat
temp is substituted for PWHT
Definition 44

API 570:
Term 45
What is the minimum pre-heat
temperature, when a local PWHT is
substituted for a full encirclement
Definition 45

Term 46
When developing a Inspection
plan, at what operating temperature
should a Corrosion Specialist be
Definition 46

Term 47
What is the Minimum base metal temp
during pressure testing when the wall
thickness is 2" thick
Definition 47
(Minimum design metal temperature)
MDMT + 10F

Term 48
What is the Minimum base metal temp
during pressure testing when the wall
thickness is > 2" thick
Definition 48
(Minimum design metal temperature)
MDMT + 30F

Term 49
Whats the minimum duration of a
hydro test to evluate integrity of buried
Definition 49
8 hr's

570: 9.3.7
Term 50
Whats the Maximum time for obtaining
thickness reading when corrosion rate
on new pipe is not known (no other
data available)
Definition 50
3 months

API 570: 7.1.2.c
Term 51
Whats the suggested interval for
above-grade Visual surveillance of
buried pipe
Definition 51
6 months

570: 9.3.1
Term 52
What is the length of time a API 570 AI
must recertify
Definition 52
3 years

API 570 A.3.1
Term 53
What is the max thickness
inspection interval for an injection
Definition 53
Lesser 3yrs or 1/2 life
Term 54
What is the Max External Inspection
interval for
Class 1 & 2 Piping
Definition 54
5 Years

API 570
Term 55
What is the Maximum Interval for Relief
devices in fouling or corrosive service
Definition 55
5 years

API 570:
Term 56
What is the suggested interval for
closed-interval Potential Survey of
buried pipe with poor CP
Definition 56
5 Years

API 570: 9.3.2
Term 57
What the suggested interval fo
evaluation of Soil Corrosivity for
buried pipe with no CP
Definition 57
5 years

API 570 9.3.4
Term 58
What is the max thickness inspection
interval for Class 1 Piping
Definition 58
Lesser of
5 years or 1/2 life

570 table 2
Term 59
What is the maximum interval for Relief
devices in non- fouling or no-corrosive
Definition 59
10 years

Term 60
Whats is the Maximum External
Inspection interval for Class 3 Piping
Definition 60
10 years

570: Table 2
Term 61
Whats the maximum Thickness
Inspection interval for Class 3 piping
Definition 61
10 years

570: table 2
Term 62
What the maximum interval for RBI Re-
Definition 62
Per table 2

570: 5.2.4
Term 63
When should temporary welded
piping repairs be replaced
Definition 63
Next Opportunity

Term 64
When shall non-welded repairs &
temporary leak sealing devices be
removed and pipe repaired
Definition 64
Next turnaround

570: 8.1.5
Term 65
What is the maximum size fillet weld
patch on pipe repairs
Definition 65
Size of a the fillet weld patch should
not exceed 1/2" the pipe diameter

Answer found
API 570: Fig C.2
Term 66
At an Injection point curcuit what is the
minimum upsteam limit that is to be
Definition 66
12" or 3 pipe dia. whichever is greater

Answer found
API 570: 5.5.9
Term 67
At an Injection point curcuit what is the
minimum downstream limit of a more
extensive examination
Definition 67
10 pipe dia. downstream of the
injection point
Term 68
What is the minimum downstream limit
of an Injection point curcuit
Definition 68
Lesser of:
1st change in direction + 25'
2nd change in direction

API 570: 5.5.9

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