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Global Cigar Market Analysis Industry Trends around the

world, including in-depth data on market share and market

size Forecast !"#-!"$

Global Cigar market !"#-!"$ %ro&ides in'ormation on
pricing, market Analysis, (ize, (hare, Growth, Trends,
Forecast and company pro'iles 'or key industry participants) -

(cope o' the *eport

The report titled ,Global Cigar Market- Trends and

.pportunities /!"#-!"$01 pro&ides an in-depth analysis o'
ma2or cigar markets o' China, 3nited (tates, Germany, (pain,
the 34 and China) It also accesses the key opportunities and
underlying trends in the market and outlines the 'actors that
are and will be dri&ing the growth o' the industry in the
'orecasted period /!"#-"$0) Further, key players o' the
industry like Imperial Tobacco, 5abanos and (wedish Match
ha&e been pro'iled)

Geographical Co&erage

3nited (tates
The 34

Company Co&erage

(wedish Match
Imperial tobacco

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<=ecuti&e (ummary

The cigar market, in the recent years, had to 'ace the brunt
o' global economic downturn) Currently, the market is
growing at a decent pace with little cigars and cigarillos
witnessing continuous rise in consumption and account 'or
ma2ority o' sales) %remium cigars account 'or a &ery small
percentage o' o&erall cigar consumption but in terms o' &alue
and margins, it is &ery high compared to the mass cigar

Factors dri&ing growth o' the global cigar market are growth
o' emerging countries, impact o' media and a gradual shi't
'rom cigarettes to cigars) 7hile in some regions /Asia, (outh
America, Central and <astern <urope0 there is growing
popularity o' cigars, the 6ritish culture is being passed to
other de&eloping countries as well) China is the potential
market 'or cigar manu'acturers as the country is 'ast growing
in terms o' cigar consumption) Fla&ored Cigars are gaining
popularity in the 3( market as more teenagers or the 'irst
time smokers try 'la&ored cigars in the 3()

5owe&er, health e''ects, smoking bans in the 3( and <urope,

ta=ation policies and hea&y duty and the e''ect o' economic
crises pose ma2or challenge to the growth o' cigar industry)
Ma2or trends pre&ailing in global Cigar market are
consumption pattern, popularity o' Cuban cigars, dominance
o' 5abanos and e=pensi&e cigars)

Table o' Content

") <=ecuti&e (ummary

) Introduction

;) Global Cigar Market Analysis

;)" Global Cigar Market- (izing and Growth by >olume
/Actual ? Forecast0

#) Global Cigar Market- (egment Analysis

#)" %remium cigar Market
#)")" %remium Cigar Market- (izing and Growth by
#) Mass Cigar Market
#))" Mass Cigar Market- (izing and Growth by >olume
#); Cuban Cigar Market

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B) Global Cigar Market- *egional Analysis

B)" The 3nited (tates Cigar Market- (izing and Growth by
>olume /Actual ? Forecast0
B) <uropean Cigar Market- (izing and Growth by >olume
/Actual ? Forecast0
B))" Germany Cigar market- (izing and Growth by >olume
/Actual ? Forecast0
B)) (pain Cigar Market- (izing and Growth by >olume
/Actual ? Forecast0

9) Global Cigar Market- Growth @ri&ers ? Challenges

9)" Growth @ri&ers
9) Challenges
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