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--- Legend Release Notes ---

Date prepared: 18/08/2014

Prepared by: Ashley Smith

Release No: 1408
Application Name: Legend Suite


Front of House
1. Ref TFS#11450 - Online Ticketing session details in Front of House
Change: Users can now load Online Ticketing session details in Front of House by browsing to an Online Ticketing
session and clicking the icon, as they would with other activities. Users can use the filter option to search for
email addresses and member numbers.

2. Ref TFS#9721 - Sports Course Enrolees
Change: Users can now load Sports Courses enrolees by browsing to a Sports Course and clicking the icon.

3. Ref TFS#12265 Bulk managing pre-requisites when enrolling on a Sports Course
Change: Users can now see pre-requisites which have not been met, and choose to mark all as passed or ignored
before enroilling a member on a course. The Missing Prerequisites window will open when the user clicks Enrol

Please note the user will require the new security token BK_COURSE_CAN_OVERRIDE_PREREQ_MISSING to
override pre-requisites by either ignoring them or marking them as passed. If the user doesnt have this token a user
with the token can use their credentials to authorise the override.

4. Ref TFS#13087/TFS#13088 - Sports Course move: select Enrolee to move / select course to move to
Change: Users can now move enrolees between Sports Courses by browsing to a course, selecting a member and
selecting the Move Member option. Please note the security token BK_COURSE_CAN_MOVE_MEMBER is required
for this. If the user doesnt have this token selected another user with the token can use their credentials to
authorise the move.
5. Ref TFS#13089 Sports Course move: Check and show pre-requisite competencies
Change: When a user moves a member between Sports Courses the user will be warned if there are any outstanding
pre-requisites for the target course. The same Missing Prerequisites window shown above will be shown when the
user clicks Enrol Member.
6. Ref TFS#13090 Sports Courses move: Move summary screen
Change: When a user moves a member between Sports Courses the user will see a move summary screen, giving
details of both courses, and any price difference between the courses.

Please note the Remove Price Difference option will only be available if the user has the
BK_COURSE_CAN_OVERRIDE_MOVE_CHARGES security token enabled. Otherwise the option will be greyed out.
Once an option has been selected the move will be confirmed and, if appropriate, added to the basket.

7. Ref TFS#12689 Restaurant Mode: Table name can be alpha
Change: When Front of House is in Restaurant mode (Control Panel >> Workstation settings >> FOH >> Run in
Restaurant mode) table numbers can now include alpha as well as numeric characters (i.e. 3a, red1, etc.). This is set
within Control Panel >> Workstation Settings >> FOH using the dropdown shown below:

9. Ref TM#131066//TFS#13295 Transactions greater than 214,748
Issue: If a basket totalled more than 214,748.37 the user would receive a Small Money overflow error when
attempting to pay off the basket.
Solution: This will now be handled without error.
Membership Management
1. Ref TM#129561//TFS#13587 Refund raised in Membership Management does not calculate VAT when paid
Issue: If a refund is raised through Membership Management then paid off through Front of House, VAT wont be
calculated against the refund.
Solution: VAT will now be calculated correctly.
1. Ref TM#129561//TFS#13587 Refund raised in Bookings does not calculate VAT when paid
Issue: If a refund is raised through Bookings then paid off through Front of House, VAT wont be calculated against
the refund.
Solution: VAT will now be calculated correctly.
1. Ref TM#147434//TFS#13741 Reports with On or Before and On or After
Issue: When running
Class Utilization;
Scheme Utilization;
PIF analysis deferred detail;
PIR analysis released detail;
Non Attendance charges
an error was produced if the range options were set to On or Before and On or After.
Solution: The error will no longer occur. The default range options for these reports will also now be Exact.
1. Ref TM#125533//TFS#13044 Marketing Source not populated correctly when using Convert to Member
Issue: When converting a prospect to a member through the Convert to Member wizard the correct Marketing
Source would not be pulled through to Membership Management consistently.
Solution: Marketing Source information will now be pulled through correctly.
2. Ref TM#144182//TFS#13211 Inactive Marketing Sources not shown
Issue: If a member had a Marketing Source selected which has since been made inactive in Control Panel their
Marketing Source field will be blank, rather than showing the name of the now inactive Marketing Source.
Solution: The inactive Marketing Source will still be shown in the Marketing Source field.
Fee Collection
1. Ref TFS#10218 Enable RePresentation checkbox moved
Change: The Enable BACS RePresentation checkbox has been renamed to Enable RePresentation and has been
moved from Fee Collection >> Configuration >> Settings >> BACS >> Miscellaneous to Fee Collection >>
Configuration >> General >> Miscellaneous, as this setting will soon also apply to SEPA.
2. Ref TFS#12318 CSV to be an explicit choice in export for large collection
Change: When clicking the Export Grid option the user can now change the file type to CSV:

3. Ref TFS#12721 Manual Rejections recorded
Change: When a charge is manually rejected by a user (by browsing to an existing collection, selecting a member
and clicking the Reject Charge option) an event will be raised on the members account. This will record the reason
for the rejection, that the rejection was manual and which user rejected the charge.
4. Ref TFS#12756 Usernames recorded for all operations
Change: When a user:
performs a manual rejection;
processes Mandate Instructions;
completes a Collection;
billing items and member events (In Membership Management) are posted with the correct user.
Control Panel
1. Ref TM#136058//TFS#13336 Unable to remove an eligibility
Issue: If a user selects an eligibility (Control Panel >> Data >> Member >> Member Eligibility) and clicks Remove an
error will occur and the eligibility will not be removed.
Solution: The eligibility will be removed without error.
1. Ref TM#145256//TFS#13329 Individual contact emails not sent
Issue: If a user searches for a contact, brings up their details, navigates to the email tab and then attempts to send
an email nothing is sent.
Solution: Emails will now be sent correctly.
1. Ref TM#128586//TFS#12443 VAT Summary
Change: It is now possible to turn VAT summaries on so invoices will show Net, VAT and Gross values for each line

Please note this is turned on by Legend, if you would like this functionality enabling please contact Legend Support.
2. Ref TM#130132//TFS#12517 Invoicing Queue falls over when email or address missing
Issue: The email queue would stop sending emails if it found an invoice for a customer who has no email or contact
Solution: Any invoices without a customer email or contact address will be skipped over and the remaining queue
will continue to be processed.
Sports Courses
1. Ref TFS#7745 Viewing My Course Status online
Change: Members will now be able to view details of any Sports Courses they have enrolled on online.
Members will see a Sports Courses window on their home screen, similar to that shown below:

Clicking View My Courses will take them to a screen similar to that below, showing current and past courses:

The green bar indicates which competencies the member has passed and which are remaining. When hovering over
the bar the member will be able to see the name and status of the competency:

Clicking View Details shows the Competencies assessed and the session details:

Clicking View My Achievements will take the user to a screen similar to that shown below, showing their

Please note this functionality is set up by Legend; if you would like to enable this feature please contact either your
account manager or Legend Support.
2. Ref TFS#12959 Move User Interface
Change: Changes have been made to the UI to make it clearer that the member is being moved between courses,
rather than enrolled on a new course. Changes include:
Enrolment option has become move option;
Pricing details are listed showing how much the move will cost (if anything) and highlighting any credit in
green and any debt in red.

3. Ref TFS#10444 Session in course view to show attendees and attendance
Change: An Actions option has been added to the Session view screen, allowing users to click and view attendance
or add notes to sessions:

Clicking Attendance opens a window with enrolees attendance, as shown:

4. Ref TM#144538//TFS#13125 Cancelled enrolees appear in re-enrolment list
Issue: Members who had cancelled off a Sports Course would appear in the re-enrolment list.
Solution: Cancelled members will no longer show for re-enrolment.
Interest Groups
1. Ref TM#116744//TFS#13141 Editing Interest Group session name does not update resource schedule
Issue: When updating the name of an Interest Group event in Back Office the name is not updated in the resource
schedule, meaning Bookings and Back Office can get out of sync.
Solution: The resource schedule will be updated whenever Back Office is updated.

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