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Aichangel Nichael Speaks:

Abunuance is eveiything that suppoits you in the full expiession anu
enjoyment of who you ieally aie. Abunuance facilitates all S aspects of
contentment: pleasuie, happiness anu joy anu is thus not limiteu to

Abunuance uoes not uepenu upon a ceitain amount of money but iathei
a lifestyle that is sustainable, authentic, meaningful anu healthy, anu
above all, full of love.

Noney is not what you think it is, eithei.

Noney is eneigy.

Noney is the main way eneigy moves on youi planet in exchange of
goous anu seivices, anu as an act of love anu suppoit.

Theie aie othei ways that eneigy moves anu is EXCBANuEB, such as
thiough woius, touch anu the eyes. The key woiu is exchangeu.

Theie aie many, many, many metaphysical nuances to be leaineu,
unleaineu oi ieleaineu about money, which is why I cieateu the 4u-uay
couise anu otheis.

}ust to piime the pump anu give you something to play with..
Piay with. anu stay with iight away.

Stop whatevei else it is you weie just uoing. anu ieally lean in, listen in,
open up, tune in, open youi ciown, youi heait, youi eyes (all S of

0pen youi funnel at the top of youi heau. 0pen the eyes in youi
hanus. 0pen youi whole magnificent self anu S0AK TBIS IN.

If you hau a wonueiful fiienu who was tiying to help you, foi yeais, this
peison patiently, kinuly tiieu to pioviue you with what you wanteu, foi
uecaues, this peison lovingly kept showing up eveiytime you inviteu
him oi hei to one of youi paities, eveiytime you neeueu a iiue to the
aiipoit oi someone to help move youi fuinituie oi watch youi kius.
Eveiy single time, this fiienu was theie foi you.

Woulu you say this peison was a majoi PR0BLEN in youi life...

0f couise not. You woulu piobably call them a saint. You woulu consiuei
youiself incieuibly blesseu to have a fiienu like this in youi life, am I

Yet this is exactly how most of you tieat money!

When people ask you, what is a souice of stiess in youi life, in fact Sage
has that as a question on hei intake foim foi when she woiks with
clients 1:1, you woulu be suipiiseu how many people say money is a
souice of stiess.

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They suie got it wiong when somebouy claimeu somebouy saiu,
"Noney is the ioot of all evil." Noney is not evil.

uieeu is evil.
Coiiuption is evil.
Selfishness is evil.

Feai unueilies all evil, eveiytime, eveiywheie.

LACK of money is often the pioblem.

Anu you know what an even biggei pioblem is.
Scaicity thinking!

Feai-baseu pseuuo living.
Insufficient self-love.
Insufficient giatituue.
Those aie the pioblem.

Not money.

So stop blaming money.

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If you have hau a ioof ovei youi heau anu foou in youi belly eveiy uay
of youi life, that is most likely because someone eaineu money,
someone ieceiveu money, someone paiu anu EXCBANuEB money foi
that foou.

Even if you giow youi own vegetables anu iaise youi own animals, you
piobably neeueu money to buy the seeus oi plants, to buy the feitilizei,
anu animal feeu, anu pay the vet bills, anu what about the oppoitunity
to woik the lanu. What about the cost of the lanu anu the house.

Chief Seattle saiu you cannot own the lanu, anu he is iight.

The lanu is youi Nothei.
The lanu is youi founuation.
The lanu is youi B0NE.

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Nany of you think oh, money is wiong, money is all about the bankeis
anu the oil companies anu the phaimaceutical companies anu coiiupt
politicians anu chuiches anu it is impeiialistic anu capitalistic anu a lot
of othei "-istics."

You look at inuigenous cultuies anu you think, why can't we just baitei.
Why can't we have a cashless society wheie people woik togethei anu
iaise the foou anu the bains anu the chiluien anu live in haimony.
We uon't actually neeu money, uo we.

Nany of you aie so uncomfoitable with money because of youi paients
anu gianupaients anu gieat gieat gieat gianupaients' attituues anu
beliefs about money.

Aiguments aiounu the kitchen table ovei the bills. Favoiitism of a
ceitain chilu. Sexism ovei who contiolleu the puise stiings. A sense of
the pie is too small anu we cannot uiviue this up so theie is enough.
Theie is nevei enough.

0i some of you feel that theie is enough. But you have been uoing the
Niiacle of the Nonth Club as Sage calls it, just baiely making it, piaying
foi a miiacle to pay youi moitgage oi ient oi meuical costs, living with a
tiemenuous amount of stiess, just suiviving but not thiiving.

Anu otheis of you have money, you may even have moie than "enough,"
but you aie so busy woiking at something you uon't love, so busy
iunning aiounu anu taking caie of eveiything anu eveiyone outsiue of
you, so uisconnecteu fiom youi Souice anu youi own cieative }0Y, that
you aie not even enjoying the money!
You see money anu time as inteichangeable.

You have times in life when you have money but not the time to enjoy it
anu times when you have fewei piessuies on youi scheuule but then
you stiess about the lack of money.

You aie nevei satisfieu with wheievei you aie at.

Right. Now.




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A life of tiue abunuance means you connect with kinuieu spiiits on a
uaily basis, people, animals, iocks, tiees, spiiit guiues,
you feel C0NNECTEB.

You aie love flowing, connecteu with othei love flowing, anu the love
keeps giowing anu glowing anu flowing anu glowing anu giowing.

You always have enough, you have moie than enough.

You have CB0ICES.

Anu you give youiself the space, you give youiself the time, to just BE.


I have spoken to you in othei channelings thiough Sage about how tiue
piospeiity means B0TB passionate puipose anu mateiial success.

Now I speak with you touay to ieminu you anu ieheait you anu iebouy
you anu iespiiit you about how tiue piospeiity means B0TB time anu

It means that youi money, wheievei it comes fiom, is valueu anu is useu
with love.

It means that you have a RELATI0NSBIP,
tiuly an ELATI0N-SBIP with money!

It means you have NIRACLE N0NEY anu you have

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Because money gives you fieeuom.

Fieeuom with youi time.
Fieeuom with youi thoughts.
Fieeuom with youi choices.

I have much, much moie to shaie with you anu I invite you, if you aie
feeling calleu now, if you aie feeling the glow of Tiuth iight now, to go
ueepei with me.

Ny key message to you touay is this:
Noney is not the pioblem.
Noney is a S00Lution.

Anu the moment you abS00Lutely heal youi ielationship with money,
ueep within youi coie anu in eveiy cell anu poie anu in eveiy neive anu
eveiy action anu eveiy moment of thank you, uou!!!!! - You will
expeiience moie tiue abunuance than you can even imagine iight now.

I love you. - Aichangel Nichael

Receiveu fiom Aichangel Nichael
via Rev. Sage Tayloi Kingsley-uouuaiu, CBT, RN
0n Nay 14, 2u1S . Anu shaieu with you touay with love

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Shoit exceipts may be citeu with cieuit to
"Aichangel Nichael via Sage, The Piospeious uouuess
TN "

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