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Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!

This is the message of the Lord to [you] dont depend on your own power or strength, but on my Spirit That mountain
in front of you will be leveled to the ground (Zeh! "#$%&, '()*!
Remember the story of the spies, including Joshua and Caleb, that God sent to spy out the land of Canaan (Num. 13-1!"
#ost $ere terrified by the giants they sa$ there. %ut the reality is, God $ould gi&e them those cities if they $ould obey.
'oday the (slamic lands, $here the gospel is opposed, are e)ually intimidating*but God $ants these people as part of +is
,ingdom. (n obedience, let-s pray this $ee, that +is .pirit $ould penetrate hearts and li&es in these lands and that +e $ill
raise up courageous, obedient leaders./
Today's Prayer Requests: From Students, Alumni, and Missionaries
GHANA: 0 student as,s us to pray 1for more courage for those $or,ing in #uslim countries. #ay the fire be ,ept
burning for more souls to be sa&ed.2
WAAST: 0 ne$ semester has begun and Jumaa 3rayer meetings ha&e resumed on campus. 3lease pray that more
students $ill become in&ol&ed in praying for #uslim people and ta,e this burden bac, to their churches. 3ray that, as
they see, God on behalf of these people, the 4ord $ill gi&e them creati&e strategies for reaching them in their o$n
In the News
'he 5bola crisis is gro$ing. 'he number of deaths has 6umped to 1,378, and many areas are no$ )uarantined. 'he
disease is affecting #uslim communities as $ell. (n 4iberia, imams are launching a$areness campaigns in the
mos)ues and calling for ta,ing more care $ith dead bodies. 9ould-be pilgrims to the ha++ from the affected nations
$ill not be allo$ed to attend the e&ent in early :ctober. 4et-s continue to pray that, in this time of uncertainty and fear,
people $ill )uestion their eternal future. 3ray that they $ill see miraculous healings, and that belie&ers $ill find open
doors to tell of God-s lo&e for them.
World Watch List: Pray for the Persecuted**
China, $ith its 1.3; billion people, ran,s <3= on the list of countries $here Christians face the most persecution.
0lthough 1atheism2 is listed as the main 1religion,2 and all faiths are discouraged by the go&ernment, some >? of the
population*nearly >@ million*follo$ (slam. 'hose $ho accept Christ face persecution from their communities as
$ell as from the .tate. 'he Aygher and +ui, the largest #uslim people groups, ha&e only a fe$ hundred belie&ers
among them. 0udio and $ritten %ibles are a&ailable in their languages, but ma,ing inroads into their communities is
difficult. 3lease pray that the 4ord $ill raise up indigenous leaders and empo$er them to reach their o$n.
For Muslim Women***
3lease pray that $omen $ho are ministered to through the :asis Center in #adrid, .pain, $ill be dra$n to God, $ho
meets their e&ery need.
Prayer Resources
,-raying for .uslims# / 0uide for (ffetive 1nteression offers many insights concerning (slam and a different prayer sub6ect
each Briday. 'his $ee, $e pray that God-s .pirit $ill penetrate #uslim landsC httpCDDtinyurl.comDnEFefu;.
//:pen Goors publishes an annual list ran,ing the 78 nations $here persecution against Christians is most se&ere. .ee the full
>81 9orld 9atch 4ist at httpCDDbit.lyD1mcm>fu. Clic, on a country on the map or list to read its profile and prayer re)uests.
///#uslim $omen need your prayersH Iou can 6oin a prayer net$or, and recei&e regular re)uests at httpCDDsayhelloinfo.comD.
Bor a list of resources for prayer groups, see httpCDDtinyurl.comD$aast6umaa.
Bind information and prayer re)uests concerning #uslims around the $orld at httpCDD$$$.38-days.netD.
+o$ should $e pray for those imprisoned for their faith" Read httpCDD$$$.elam.comDarticlesD+o$-to-pray-for-those-in-prisonD.
Bor ne$s updates concerning persecuted Christians, &isit httpCDDmorningstarne$s.orgD and httpCDD$$$.releaseinternational.orgD.
Bor prayer re)uests, &isit httpCDD$$$.opendoorsusa.orgDprayD and httpCDD$$$.persecution.comDpublicDpray.aspF.
'o help you ans$er #uslims- )uestions about Jesus and the %ible, eFplore httpCDDans$eringislam.orgD.

Jumaa Prayer
for the Muslims of Africa and beyond
22 August 2014 West Africa Advanced School of Theology

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