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Birth Anniversary

of Dr Harbhajan Singh

December 10, 2009

My birthday is linked with all of you. If you are happy, if you are sincere

to the Master, and if we all live loveably – this credits the Master.

Dr Harbhajan Singh

Unity of Man – Sant Kirpal Singh

Master’s Messenger

Bhaji had a very fine way to

explain the theory of Master’s
teaching. When people were
tied with attachment and
doubts, He could bring them
to His holy teaching, he told
what the true purpose of life
was and could bring them
again inside. Bhaji felt it his
duty, which was given by

Surinder Kaur
Unity of Man is not even an organization; in very simple words,
Unity of Man means: a group of conscious people. Sant Kirpal Singh
said, “I want to give my work into the hands of conscious people.”

Harbhajan Singh

Unity of Man
In His last circular under the title “On the Unity of Man” , dated 15 May, 1974, Sant Kirpal
Singh laid down a guideline for His further work. According to Sant Kirpal Singh’s
instructions, Bhaji continued His work under the name of “Unity of Man”.

The so-called worldwide campaign for Unity of Man It would be prudent to say that the campaign for
is not intended to affect the existing social and reli- Unity of Man has to be carried out above the level of
gious orders in any manner. In fact, each one has to religions without in any way affecting any religious
continue to work for the uplift of man in its own way. or social orders. It has to obtain in practice the bless-
Additionally, this campaign has to carry the clarion ings and support of all those who believe in the Gos-
call of Unity of Man to as large a mass of humanity pel of Unity of Man, and give its strength by taking
through its own vehicle as it can, so that the message this Gospel to every human heart and convincing
cuts across the barriers of misunderstanding and them of the need of its acceptance in daily life.
mutual distrust and strikes home to every human
heart. This campaign has to be carried out not by It will neither be tagged with Ruhani Satsang nor
intellectual wrestling, but with optimum desire and with any other similar organisation. The enthusiasm
anxiety to put the Unity of Man into practice so that of its admirers will be the real force working behind
it becomes a real living force. The method of propa- the campaign.
gation has to be by self-discipline and self-example
rather than by declarations and proclamations. Extract of the circular of Sant Kirpal Singh

2 0 8 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Unit y of Man I 209
People ask me, “What is your position?” My Master is the competent
Master, He is the king beyond all kingdoms, and I am a borrowed
servant of Him.”

Harbhajan Singh

The First Visit to Germany

As Master had said in Amritsar, “We will start our work from West Germany,”
in 1976, Bhaji and Biji made their first Western tour to Germany

Since it was known that Bhaji had been with Master at but this is all from the Master. He may withdraw it
His physical departure, many asked him about Master’s or He may leave it with me, I am always thankful to
commandments and His future Mission. Bhaji conveyed Him. In any way my wish is that my brothers and sis-
Master’s instructions and in countless heart-to-heart ters should also become like our Master. They should
talks and lectures he cleared everything in detail. He be aware of the Master. They should know about the
did not only speak about Master’s guarantee, his words competency of the Master – that is sufficient. That is
proved true. Whenever Initiation was given, people got my subject.
inner experiences as at the time of Sant Kirpal Singh.
If they know my Master, I am very happy. I am not in
In the beginning when I told that Master had said the field for any reason of my own. Whatever I have
we would start our work from Germany, everyone learned from my Master, I give to all – He showed us
laughed at me. They said, “It is not a new thing over our contact, and through His grace we knew that this
there. Master has a lot of Centres in the West, espe- contact cannot break. He is the Supreme, if He does
cially in Germany.” They never knew that after Mas- something, it will remain. H.S.
ter the work would re-start from there. Now they say
that I was right. In the beginning there were few co-workers, but soon in
several places regular Satsangs took place and Satsang
People ask me, “What is your position?” Very clear- groups came up, the first in 1976, in a rented farmhouse
cut I would tell you – my position always remains called “Kirpal House” near Traunstein. This house was
one and the same: My Master is the competent Mas- renovated and used regularly for Satsangs and also for
ter, He is the King beyond all kingdoms, and I am Initiation.
a borrowed servant of Him. He is within and out-
side also, and He is guiding me all the times. It is His Although the telephone and mail connection was very
grace. This has nothing to do with my competency, difficult at that time, and Bhaji could only come one

2 1 0 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Dr. Harbhajan Singh and his wife Surinder Kaur with disciples from Germany, 1977

or two times a year, the work in the West and in India One lady from Germany was with Bhaji and Biji in
continued in one opinion, and there was a close con- India. She asked Bhaji if she could write to him, when
nection. after returning home she had a question. Bhaji agreed,
saying that she would get surely answer to any of her
Often it happened that letters arrived from the Western questions from inside. Later in the West she told Bhaji
disciples expressing the same ideas as just discussed in that she had really started to write letters on several
India. People wondered if Bhaji maybe made phone occasions, but without finishing she each time had
calls there over night. Despite of the distance, people received the answer she was looking for from within.
still managed to work in harmony and unity. Bhaji She was not the only one who experienced that Bhaji’s
also in agreement said, “Hearts always remain very words came true, that if one really cries from the heart,
close – if we really love the Masterpower; truth and the Masterpower is responding.
love have no barrier.”

Unit y of Man I 211

2 1 2 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
From 1976 till 1995 Bhaji visited the European coun- Satsangs only some extracts can be given here and we
tries nearly every year and most of the time Biji ac- cannot describe all the unforgettable times when Bhaji
companied him. Out of the innumerable talks and spoke about Master.

Left: Dr. Harbhajan Singh with his wife in Fuschl am See, Austria, 1978
Above: With disciples after Satsang in Landshut, Germany, 1980

Unit y of Man I 213

Extension of the Work
At the begin of the eighties the first lectures in the West were
organized on behalf of Unity of Man

A Unity of Man Conference took place in München in Sep- stress on. He gave the practical experience thereof.
tember 1981, and a lecture series in Salzburg, October 1981, God does not live anywhere in the churches, temples
with which the extension of the work in the West started. or in the mosques, but He lives in the true temple
of this human body. We have this connection right
I have come over here not to preach any ism or sect from the time we came into this world and still this
as we already declared, but I have come over here to continues with us. It is very important to know first
tell about the highest teaching which Christ, Guru about that very Power, the Christpower, Masterpow-
Nanak, Kabir, and in this time Sant Kirpal Singh laid er, Godpower. Harbhajan Singh, Salzburg 1981

2 1 4 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Left: During the lecture in Salzburg
Above right: Unity of Man Conference,
München, 4-6 September, 1981
Centre right: Dr. Harbhajan Singh in the
Centre at St. Gilgen, 9 September, 1981
Below right: Unity of Man bus for
lecture tours

Unit y of Man I 215

The Centre for the West
This rented building in St. Gilgen, Austria served as Centre in the eighties

Above left: Main building

Below left: Residential building
Above right: During Satsang, 1984

2 1 6 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
In the beginning of 1980, a little house in Austria, guests and a printing press. Here in 1983, the first edition
St. Gilgen, Brunnleitweg, served as our Centre until of the regularly issued brochure “Sayings of Sant Kirpal
a bigger place could be rented in the same village. It Singh” was printed and distributed free of charge.
was established as the main Centre for the West in
1981. This Centre consisted of two buildings which The other building served as residential building, with
were connected by a courtyard. further accommodations for guests. There Bhaji and
Biji used to dwell during their stays.
In the main building the upper part was used for the
Centre. It had a large Satsangroom, accommodations for

Th e C e n t r e f o r t h e W e s t I 2 1 7
At the end of the dining room, there was a fairly large he felt. The way we shared our relationship with Bhaji
sitting area with a green L-shaped sofa, which we lov- was special – he was speaking to us at our level as a
ingly called “the Green Corner”. This was like a spon- friend, and yet kept Master as his focal point. He could
taneous meeting point, where we often had question quite easily treat us like his companions, yet we also
and answer talks with Bhaji and Biji. They also liked very well knew he was of a higher virtue and respected
coming to this area and talking about their time with him for that.
Master and we felt very close to them by the way Bhaji
was able to bring to life these moments; he was able Above: Green Corner
to bring Master into our hearts with the same passion Right: In the dining room

2 1 8 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Th e C e n t r e f o r t h e W e s t I 2 1 9
To know ourselves you may call
meditation. To help others in
spiritual matter that is Mission. From
the spiritual point of view: If you
help someone, it credits the Master.
In that way you improve yourselves
a lot. You are going to publish all
these books for mankind – that is
Mission. You let others know what
is what (help or hindrance on the
way) – that is Mission. You support
those who want Initiation – that is
Mission. You pick up the virtue or
goodness of a person and you try
to improve him from within and do
not criticize him – that is Mission.
You love all – that is Mission.
Harbhajan Singh
2 2 2 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
During Dr. Harbhajan Singh’s summer visit in 1986, whenever he could spare some
time, he used to sit in the courtyard writing about different aspects of the higher values
of life. Some extracts are given below.

There are two forces in the world, one is justice together. Taking revenge in the world has murdered
the other one is forgiveness. Justice is a good thing humanity, civilizations and the innocent.
in the world, but what forgiveness can bring about
in the world, justice cannot do. If punishment is Every action has its reaction. Your thoughts are very
always the only solution for the sinner, the sin and potent. You create a loveable thought, it creates a
the sinners cannot finish in the world. You can- loveable reaction. You create a respectful attitude,
not wash blood with blood. If we demand justice, there will be respectful feeling everywhere. How
justice gives the punishment for the sin done. The does it work? Your thoughts are very potent and are
sinner surrenders to the punishment, but from further modified with your loveable efforts.
within he develops hate for the one who made him
punish through justice. During punishment, his If we sow the seeds of love, we will have a tree of
tendency of hate develops more and continually love where in abundance flowers of compassion with
gets stronger and (turns into) revenge. Whenever beautiful charm and smell will bloom out and will
he meets or comes across the person concerned, produce enough healthy and energetic fruits. If out
he radiates thoughts of revenge. of fear and revenge we sow thorny bushes, we should
never hope to pluck bundles of grapes from there. In
Forgiveness is a gift from God. This arises from the the same way, you cannot hope ever to create wool-
core of the heart. The qualities of forgiveness, if de- len or silken cloth out of rayon.
veloped, work wonder in the world and in the heart
of the sinner. If you determine that you won’t think evil of anybody
throughout your life, you become the abode of love
By forgiving, the poison of revenge dilutes and does and contentment. If you happen to come across a
not kill the man, and the feeling of revenge flies away. sinner, or a sinner happens to come across you, the
The forgiver becomes the abode of love, happiness, sinner at once will begin to shed off his sins out of a
humility and contentment. He can cross over thou- sudden change. Sometimes the sinner gets emotion-
sand problems by his developed virtues and remains al and cries out of the love and devotion which spark
stable and broad-hearted throughout. If you are in out of your personality. The Master always remains
the process of revenge, this continues both ways (re- the central figure (outstanding example) of that phe-
ciprocally) and grows more and more. It always gives nomenon.
uneasy and painful reactions. If in between you cre-
ate the feeling of forgiveness, the same feeling reacts To forgive and forget is easy for those who have all vir-
on the other side. If it is put into practice, the strong tues in them. They are soft-hearted and broad-minded.
and overcrowded black clouds of bad thoughts with- They have fear and respect of God all the time.
er away in no time. Both sides emerge and feel the
reaction of the steady and calm moon and the hope We are bound with Pralabdh Karmas and certainly
of the sun which once for all dispels the darkness of have to finish them. Masters say you can make them
hatred and revenge. Instead, a respectful friendship soft and easy-going by regular devotion and love.
continues to develop. Forgiveness has the qualities Devotion and love give birth to humility and humil-
not to look back to revenge. The two cannot exist ity to forgiveness. During life time, you are involved

Th e C e n t r e f o r t h e W e s t I 2 2 3
in severe problems. This law of humility and forgive- or king, are like beggars; but no one knows how to
ness works wonderfully. Otherwise you cannot get part with. The whole world is proud of falsehood,
rid of the reaction. Humility does not know who is not knowing that it is not more than a dream. This
offensive and who is defendant, who is sinner and world is like a show staged in a dream which ends in
who is innocent. Forgiveness washes away the dirt of a moment. Some attain their purpose and meet Ma-
the sinner and reminds him of the right way of life, ster, others go in separation. Due to Pralabdh Kar-
whereas it gives a tremendous boost of vibration of mas, we meet and separate one after another. Where
love to the innocent. are our brothers and friends? See with open eyes:
some have already gone, some are ready to leave. O
To forgive is the act of brave persons in the world. man, take it as guaranteed that all you own and love
This has never been the work of weak and unstable in this world is not yours! In both ways you are the
persons. A brave person is always happy and content- loser. You suffer. Either these (things) leave you, or
ed, whereas even in good atmosphere, a weak person you leave these things.
remains half-hearted. Where there is forgiveness,
there the forces of love surround the atmosphere like There is no doer in the world except God Himself.
the honey bees surrounding the honey place. He Himself is everywhere and acts everywhere and
through all. If we understood this very secret, we
After forgiving and forgetting, nobody wants to leave would prefer to be the mouth-piece of God. He is
the other. They always want to see each other, want pervading everywhere. He is all-consciousness, and
to talk loveably and exchange loveable thoughts. the essence of all-consciousness is love. He Himself
They even feel shy to remember the sin and the re- is love and spreads love everywhere.
venge. The sin and the revenge fly away and are not
to be seen thereafter. They are completely washed The other aspect of the same power is His play. Out of
from the atmosphere. Kabir Sahib says, “Everywhere this play man entangles himself into the strong net of
everyone demands goodness.” Goodness is the re- coming and going. When his mind compels him not
flection of forgiveness. By forgiving, the fire of anger to accept the play in full, man accepts the play which
begins to extinguish. There is no other way to make is only in his favour. This is ignorance. With ignoran-
it cool. By cementing the forgiveness in the heart, ce one loses the merits and collects demerits. If it is
wrath runs away permanently and you get rid of the removed by the grace of God, man sees through his
ego as well. own eyes: He is the only doer, he sees that He is the
fisherman, the fish, the ocean and the net Himself. He
To ‘forgive and forget’ is the heritage of the Saints Himself is the metal ball of the net and the bait. He is
alone and of those who follow the words of the the tank and He is the swan. He Himself is the bride
Saints. and the bride-groom. He is the father, He is the mo-
ther. He is the son, He is the wife.

We differentiate and so we create attachment against

Illusion and Ignorance love and reality. We do not see the reality. We create
artificiality according to our attachment. In both
All human beings are miserably attached to the world ways man suffers. And knowing not the reality, one is
and find no way to get rid of its effect, like a wall miserably in attachment. The reaction of the worldly
which does not leave the picture painted thereon. In attachment is never love. Instead there is lust, wrath,
this struggle, man wishes something, but something avarice, worldly love and ego. Five demons bring a
else happens. The binding factors go side by side. lot of wealth in form of diseases, and a stream of fire
We do everything beforehand to obtain peace and begins to flow inside. Just to hide away these short-
make efforts to avert pain. We only pay attention comings and dirt, man begins to decorate outwardly
when pain happens. The whole world, poor or rich, and becomes slave of the man-made remedies. Man

2 24 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Original handwritten manuscript by Dr. Harbhajan Singh about “Forgiveness”

becomes the slave to self-created problems. He does of a dreaded person. The whole world is afraid of its
not take the artificial things as such, but takes them own feelings. This is illusion. Doing the temporal or
as true. This is illusion. Illusion demerits the soul the worldly affairs without the proper guidance or
and the soul loses its power. Being weak, he takes realization, is to lose the worth of human life. Some
most of the things beyond his power, and when he rare persons understand the reality at once, others
sees these things partially or wholly done (by ano- cry afterwards. There may be many problems in
ther one), he takes it as super-natural. Man is bound your life, but there is always a definite hope, if you
in chains of illusion. Illusion creates fear. Out of fear, take the advantange of His presence.
the attention is fixed to illusion – see the condition

Th e C e n t r e f o r t h e W e s t I 2 2 5
St. Gilgen – Headquarters for the West
As more and more people started coming to the Centre, we realized we had to think about
getting bigger premises. In 1987 a beautiful house in St. Gilgen, Steinklüftstraße 34, could
be bought. It is located near the lake Wolfgangsee, Austria.

2 2 6 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Master saw our love and blessed us with His Centre in St. Gilgen. He sees the
heart and the wish of the child and also gives the way. When His colour was
growing so much, He gave us the Centre, which we could afford.
Harbhajan Singh

S t. Gi l g e n – H e ad q ua r t e r s f o r t h e W e s t I 2 2 7
Left and right: During renovation

Under Construction Through working together we learnt it was possible to

work in harmony on a spiritual level though people of
It first seemed impossible for us to afford a house for a all walks of life met each other.
Centre here, but then we found a suitable property. As
it was in a desolate condition, we were able to purchase Bhaji said about this time: Did you think it would be
it, and with the help of all, it was repaired and reno- possible for you to do all those things? In the begin-
vated. We always felt the nearness of the real owner of ning you claimed, since it was not so easy to buy such
the house. Like all other Centres of Unity of Man, it is a big place, that a good place was very costly. But
a place that does not belong to any individual, but is when you decided, Master gave you help. It was not
kept as an open house for all who search for spirituality. difficult, everything came itself. In the beginning I
Bhaji simply expressed: “It is the house of your Father.” said, “Master doesn’t need your money. Master needs

2 2 8 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
you. If you come, you give everything to Him.” Mas- Now this grace is growing more and more. Whatev-
ter needs your heart, Master needs you. Others, they er you could do, it was your own commitment, you
need money, they don’t need you. could do it for the Master, and you did it wholly and
solely. Your attention worked with Master’s Mission,
This Centre which is being built – to whom does it and really you could do a lot. It was Master’s wish to
belong? It belongs also to all those who have still to create a Centre in the West.
come into the world. The souls, which are gifted by
God, will certainly come here. They will bow down
their head here, because they will experience what
we are experiencing. Some even will experience
much more.

S t. Gi l g e n – H e ad q ua r t e r s f o r t h e W e s t I 2 2 9
2 3 0 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
On the foundation day – the day we took possession of the Centre – Master
blessed us with His shower. Then Bhaji said, “Now we have got at least one
Centre.”  Master answered, “Thousands of Centres will come up.”
Surinder Kaur

S t. Gi l g e n – H e ad q ua r t e r s f o r t h e W e s t I 2 3 1
2 3 2 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Room for Satsang and meditation, 1987

Rooms and Facilities

On 21 August, 1987, the first Satsang was held in the and what we have done for others. Everyone does for
new Centre. When Bhaji came from India in Decem- himself, but who does for others?
ber he spoke in his first Satsang:
I think and I feel also that you have all love and de-
It was always Master’s wish to have a Centre be- votion for Master, and you felt His vibration. Master
longing to Unity of Man, and you have made it so gave bread and water of life to anyone who worked
beautiful. You did a lot of work, it is a selfless service. there. This type of service, earned by the disciple at
Now you know, so many benefits are there in selfless any time in his lifetime, is a big heritage in itself. Few
service, and you can be proud of what you did in the years before some of our brothers and sisters asked us,
name of your Master. It is a blessing from Him – love “Is this vibration, which we always felt whenever we
from Him. One thing more: You have sympathy with visited India, possible here or not?” We said, “Yes, it is
each other. It is all through devotion. With devotion possible here, but how is it possible?” You have done it
you did each and everything. The vibration which is practically! This year when we came in the month of
here, you felt, you feel, and you will go on feeling. You March, we also felt that vibration. We are seeing the
know, Sant Kirpal Singh has taught us a lot of things, physical world with the physical eyes, and we cannot
but have we done something practically? When peo- differentiate. Not merely by opening the Third Eye,
ple see something practically done by you, they are but out of His vibration and radiation one starts to
always happy. Practice pays. Theories are taught eve- feel His presence – He is here. H.S.
rywhere. People like to see how much we have done,

S t. Gi l g e n – H e ad q ua r t e r s f o r t h e W e s t I 2 3 3
You are seeing this place (the

Centre), it is created by you, by the

grace of the Master. You find solace,

comfort and you are getting good

ideas from here. All your questions,

all your querries are answered here.

You carry vibration with you, that

helps you everywhere.

Satsang is a hedge against lots of

negative factors. For this purpose

one must wait till the weekend

to meet. When you sit together,

lots of problems are automatically

off. Christ said, “Where more than

two sit in my name– there I am.”

Master says that it is beyond praise,

where people sit in His sweet

remembrance, where people sit

in His name, where people decide

about their future: to live for others,

to forget their old problems and

surrender to the Masterpower.

Harbhajan Singh

2 3 4 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Right: Guest room
Below: Meeting room

S t. Gi l g e n – H e ad q ua r t e r s f o r t h e W e s t I 2 3 5
2 3 6 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Tapes and videos recorded at the time of
Sant Kirpal Singh and during Lectures and
Satsangs of Dr. Harbhajan Singh and Mrs.
Surinder Kaur are archived and brought to
modern standard. They are the basis for the
literature published by Unity of Man.

To provide brochures and books free of cost,

the Centre was equipped with a printing
press. Volunteer workers help in translating
and printing. The brochure “Sayings of Sant
Kirpal Singh” is sent all over the world.

Left: Office and Print office

Below: Audio- and Video archive

S t. Gi l g e n – H e ad q ua r t e r s f o r t h e W e s t I 2 3 7
Reverend Haack from

the Protestant Church

was a known specialist

for all kinds of religious

and spiritual groups.

On 7 October, 1989, he

accepted an invitation

to visit our Centre.

Bhaji had a long heart-

to-heart talk with him

and answered all his

questions. In the end,

Reverend Haack was

so impressed by Bhaji’s

personality that he asked

him to write something

in his private diary, in

which he collected the

words of outstanding

personalities he had met

in his life.

Above left: Dr. Harbhajan Singh with

Reverend Haack
Below left: Dining room

2 3 8 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
S t. Gi l g e n – H e ad q ua r t e r s f o r t h e W e s t I 2 3 9
Left: Dr. Harbhajan Singh with his grand-daughter, July 1988
Below: House for accomodation

24 0 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
The Centre includes a little house which is used for One time, during Bhaji’s summer visit, the children
accommodation and partially as stock. It is favoured prepared a little programme for Bhaji. They invited
by the children. him for a dinner and sang some songs, and Bhaji in
return brought a tape with songs from the Indian chil-
People of all ages meet at the Centre, and families come
with their children during their vacation. The children
loved Bhaji very much, and he was very loveable to- The children wanted a photo with Bhaji. He agreed
wards them. and gave a short talk afterwards.

S t. Gi l g e n – H e ad q ua r t e r s f o r t h e W e s t I 24 1
Dear children, you are singing very nicely, you are know the thoughts of all. If one knows a good thing,
singing from your hearts. You know, our Master was he tells others, then everyone knows. By getting to-
a brilliant student. He was always top in the class. gether one becomes more conscious.
Why? Because His attention was only one-sided. He
was self-centred. He always said, “Do one work at The third thing is, parents are very dear to you – aren’t
one time. If you do one work at one time, you will they? Your brother, your sister, they are very dear to
always be self-centred and that will bring you con- you, but you are also all brothers and sisters equally.
sciousness.” If the attention of the child is diverted, All should be loved equally. This is awakening. The
for example if he likes to play outside when it is time whole world belongs to you. You have to awaken
for the studies, then he will neither be able to play this love, brotherhood and unity everywhere in the
nor be able to study, because he is not self-centred. world.
His attention is going in both directions. If you do
something – do it whole-heartedly. Whatever you If your attention is identified only in the house, only
want to become in the world, you can become, it is to your near and dear ones, then who are the oth-
your heritage. Do you know what you are learning ers? They are also your nears and dears. Then what
here? You are learning something which no school is the purpose? You should have respectful love for
is teaching, and by knowing that subject you can be the parents, you should have respectful love for the
very happy throughout your life. nears and dears, and you will learn and give out eve-
rywhere the same thing. Attachment is at the level of
Secondly, your purpose of getting together is very senses and mind, whereas love comes through the
good and fine. Sitting together means that you have consciousness and awakening. It is the food for the
love for each other, you have common thoughts. We soul. So you should have love for each other. H.S.
can remove misunderstandings and can learn what
each one learnt. Then one knows what others know.
So by sitting together, by getting together, you can Right: Dr. Harbhajan Singh, St. Gilgen, 1989

24 2 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
S t. Gi l g e n – H e ad q ua r t e r s f o r t h e W e s t I 24 3
As mountains
surround the
Centre, we were
lucky when Bhaji
one time accom-
panied us on a
short trip to the
mountains. There
he rembered his
stay with Master
in Srinagar which
is also a highlying
region surrounded
by mountains.
Arrival at the airport Salzburg, December 1987
The world is very beautiful, but only due to Him. Generally we see
the picture, but forget the painter. Always remember the Creator
behind the creation and never forget Him.
Harbhajan Singh

A visit in the mountains, called Postalm, near the Centre, December 1987
Bhaji’s 60th Birthday
When Bhaji and Biji arrived in December 1992, we took the opportunity to celebrate Bhaji’s sixtieth
birthday. This was the only time we could celebrate it with him in the West.

24 6 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
My birthday is linked with all of

you. If you are happy, if you are

sincere to the Master, and if we

all live loveably – this credits

the Master. We celebrate the

Master’s birthday, all our birth-

days together, because we are

working for Him and He came

to serve the humanity. Our

cause is the same as that of our

Master. I do not differentiate

the birthdays. My birthday is

entirely dependent upon all

of you. I am dependent; I told

you, my life is in your hand,

because whatever we both

have got from the Master, we

have given to all.

Harbhajan Singh

S t. Gi l g e n – H e ad q ua r t e r s f o r t h e W e s t I 24 7
When the real disciple of the competent Master comes
in the Sangat, you feel some fragrance, and when you
embrace him or come near to him, the flow of inner
light is growing more.
Surinder Kaur
Whenever Bhaji was travelling somewhere, or whenever he read
some newspaper, he used to write something in the name of our
Master or he wrote one or two lines in the form of a poem
Surinder Kaur

Books and Writings

Throughout his life Bhaji gave Master’s message for to 1995, one could see Bhaji always with a pen and
the whole world. With his Satsangs, talks, messages, paper; sometimes he gave us the little papers for typ-
poems, letters and books, he brought Sant Kirpal ing, or we found them lying somewhere. During his
Singh into the hearts of all. In Europe, Bhaji had time stay in December 1990, in St. Gilgen, Bhaji wrote his
to focus on the writing of his books, whereas in India, first book, entitled, “Forever with Master, Vol. I”. In
it was nearly impossible. During the years from 1990 this book Bhaji wrote beautiful poems full of love and

2 5 0 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
During his stay in St. Gilgen, 1992

inspiration. In the prose part, he cleared all about the describes all the qualities and virtues in the life of a
time before and after Master’s departure, as well as Gurmukh.
about the successorship and the so-called masters. At
the end of the year 1992, the second book “Forever In 1994, under his supervision, the biography of Sant
with Master, Vol. II – Gurmukh” was published. The Kirpal Singh was published. There exist also many un-
term ‘Gurmukh’ means ‘True Disciple’ and the book published manuscripts.

S t. Gi l g e n – H e ad q ua r t e r s f o r t h e W e s t I 2 5 1
2 5 2 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Left: Working on the book “Forever
with Master, Vol. II”
Right: Original text of the book
“Forever with Master, Vol. II”

S t. Gi l g e n – H e ad q ua r t e r s f o r t h e W e s t I 2 5 3
Lecture Tours
Each year when Bhaji came, a summer lecture tour was organized in various European countries.
In his lectures, he spoke about the purpose of human life and treated the different aspects of
spirituality such as ethical life, karma, meditation and the need of competent guidance.

I came to the holy feet of Sant Kirpal Singh.

He was a Word-personified Form. He said,

“My dear child – you do that work!” He is

holding me, so that I cannot do anything

wrong. I say this throughout the world,

‘Come, do you want the experience? Come,

sit and see! That is your heritage – take it

back. Try to know who is your Father. It is

beyond your senses what He will give you’.

This is the reason why I never say, ‘I am the

Master’, though He has given me all pos-

sibilities. He has given me the blessing, He

Himself told me, “Do this work.” He gave me

the Initiation-chart and much more. Even

then I do not claim it. I see my Father is do-

ing everything, and that is sufficient for me.

Harbhajan Singh, London 20 May, 1989

Right: Bhaji at the airport for the flight to London

2 5 4 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
According to the teaching of the competent Masters, the Holy Scriptures, which speak in one opinion about
Bhaji clearly differentiated between spirituality and the direct and natural way back to God; whereas dif-
occultism, by explaining the negative effects of spir- ferent types of meditation invented by man have nega-
itual healing and the dangers of supernatural powers. tive effects on the soul and become a hindrance on the
He pointed out that the true aim of meditation is self- spiritual way.
knowledge and God-knowledge and always referred to

I have the privilege to come to a great country, which With social and moral values of life you can feel
produced great personalities, who fought against in- happy. Sometimes you feel unhappy, sometimes you
justice, poverty, hunger and lots of inhuman factors. have intolerance, and sometimes you have tolerance.
Here in this city many peace treaties of international So there are ups and downs in the life. How can we
significance were held and signed. Here lots of re- overcome these problems?
ligious institutions belonging to different faiths and
nationalities are welcomed, which are flourishing the It gives me a lot of happiness that French people want
brotherhood of men under the fatherhood of God, unity. They want the brotherhood of men under the
peace and equality. fatherhood of God. They want the higher values of
life, and that is what started here with lots of insti-
So this is really a big work. At least it is a stepping- tutions. I tell you, unity already exists, but we have
stone to social and moral values of life. The social forgotten it. It is only to be revived, it is in man.
and moral values of life are stepping-stones to some
extent to get some pleasures to remain in peace, but
this can be said to be a stepping-stone to reality, a
stepping-stone to the higher values of life. Extract from the lecture in Paris 25 May, 1989

2 5 6 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Dr. Harbhajan Singh on tour, 5 June, 1993

L e c t u r e Tou r s I 2 5 7
Man is always changed from heart -
forcibly nobody can be changed.
When somebody is changed out of love,
he will not commit mistakes.
Remain in your religions, love all traditions,
and give due respect to all rituals and rites,
but do not be affected by the shackles thereof.
Harbhajan Singh
Dr. Harbhajan Singh in Bonn-Bad Godesberg, 11 June, 1991
Left and right: During the lecture tours Bhaji and Biji were welcomed in the houses of the co-workers

Whilst accompanying Bhaji on various lecture tours personalities he met; yet at the same time he had a
and journeys, we at first hand were able to witness natural authority about himself. He never showed any
how natural, confident and self-centred he was. There fear or resilience to anyone. Being with him gave us a
were no airs and graces about him; no matter what lot of confidence and strength.

2 6 0 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
L e c t u r e Tou r s I 2 6 1
2 6 2 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Once in Sweden Bhaji was asked if he
ever had problems in his life.
Bhaji answered, “My Master has prepared
a very beautiful garden for me, I have
only to cross through its fragrance and I
never felt problems.”
Bhaji always used to say that somebody
has fetched him from inside. These are
the signs of devoted souls or Bhaktas,
they will never look at things as good or
bad, they always will go on with His love.
Surinder Kaur

Left: Bhaji and Biji during their stay in Stockholm, Sweden

L e c t u r e Tou r s I 2 6 3
2 6 4 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Frankfurt,Germany, 6 January, 1991

What is soul? The soul is a ray of His (God’s) thought. thought of that power, which is within vibrates, it
Soul is a ray of His wish. The soul felt its identity awakens the soul in the body. The soul is not satisfied
when it was separated from the ocean – the ocean of in this human body. The greatest help we can give is
consciousness, and for that it had to assume different the help to the soul. It is the greatest selfless service,
forms. It bears the physical, astral and causal body the service to our own self.
and is living in the material world, in the material
nature. The Masterpower reminds us, “You are the spirit, you
are the soul.” Man is the first creation of His thought.
Who knows, “I am the soul”? This awakening and Everything else came afterwards.
right understanding came out of its own self, from
the soul, and it could know that it has to go some- It is our ignorance that we think the fish lives in the
where, but it is tied in the body with mind and matter ocean. That power is innate in the soul and due to
and cannot get out of it. However, the link is there. Him we know that we are of the same essence as that
No one can separate the link from the origin. You of God. So the ocean lives in the fish and not the
know, as the clouds burst in the skies and it rains on fish in the ocean. If we know that, we are nearer to
the earth, so does it happen with the soul. When the the goal. H.S.

L e c t u r e Tou r s I 2 6 5
Wherever Bhaji and
Biji went, they tried
to get some inspira-
tion for Kirpal Sagar,
looking for nice garden
architecture, sport-
and lecture halls, etc.

Left: At the Britzer Garten – Neukölln,

Germany, 10 June, 1993
Right: During a lecture tour in Luzern,
Switzerland, 1993

2 6 6 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
L e c t u r e Tou r s I 2 6 7
Left and right: Dr. Harbhajan Singh
visiting a home for old aged in Berlin,
Germany, 11 June, 1993

2 6 8 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
When Bhaji visited a home for old aged in Berlin on room of one lady, who did not speak English at all, one
11 June, 1993, he got the opportunity to see some of the could hear her saying in German, “What a great per-
private rooms of the residents. When he just left the sonality visited my room today.”

L e c t u r e Tou r s I 2 69
2 7 0 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
This teaching is very
old. From where did
it come? It is God’s
teaching, and it is
in man. When God
made man, He made
man of His own
image. He dwells in
man. So man has the
highest rung in the
whole creation. It is
said, the macrocosm is
in the microcosm, so
all you need here and
hereafter is within you.
Harbhajan Singh

Left and right: At the book-fair in Leipzig,

Germany, 5 June, 1993

L e c t u r e Tou r s I 2 7 1
which may give us eternal happiness and makes us
realize our self and the Overself. There are instanc-
es from the lives of various great personalities who
came in the past, who sacrificed their worldly wishes
and who preferred the higher values of life. Their
teachings are with us. They sacrificed for the cause of
Truth, for the welfare of others, to maintain the hu-
manity in the world, and they created humility out of
their self-sacrifice. They lived in the world, but they
were no burden to the world. Burdens are only our
attachments and wishes. You can read beautiful ex-
amples in the Holy Scriptures, how they lived in the
world. They knew very well that what they had got
was a gift from God, and their purpose was to distrib-
ute and flourish it everywhere. I mean to say that we
should take those great personalities as an example.

Let us not do something only to please ourselves but

to learn how to sacrifice our wishes and to change
from bad views to good views, to leave the worldly
background and to have the contact with the spir-
itual background that is innate in everyone of us. A
time comes in the life of every person when he is
given a chance to realize his purpose. If we misuse
that very time, we lose a great opportunity in our life.
Therefore we should regard this Satsang for which
we have come together here as a golden opportunity.
We should forget the world, we should forget each
Above and right: Arrival and lecture in Amsterdam, 6 August, 1994 and everything, otherwise it is not going to leave us.
You may try to run after Maya (illusion) – you can-
not catch it. You may try to love it, but it won’t come
Spirituality is the science of the soul and directly under your control, but if you try to forget it using
deals with the soul and not with the physical organs, the worldly things for your necessity only, without
mind, or intellect. All Masters speak in one opinion caring too much for it, it will surrender and bow
about this subject, and their experiences are written down before your feet – this is what Kabir says. It
down in the Holy Scriptures. However, we do not at- includes everything in the world. But we are to think,
tend to them. Only what we have listened and also what is of first, second and third preference to us. We
digested that matters to us. What we learn and forget have to differentiate what we need and what we do
or do not digest, is not the food for the soul. We must not need, where we have to help and where we have
attend to these things and we should realize, what is to withdraw our attention, what is for others and
written in the scriptures and what is our subject but what is for God. All that we have to realize ourselves.
that we have forgotten. We trust only that very sub-
ject which suits us and serves our purposes, or we Now you see, there is a physical and a spiritual aspect
want to attend to those who tell us the way how to of life. The physical aspect of life means the worldly
fulfil our wishes and be happy in the world. Masters aspect of life. By the way how we live the worldly as-
do tell us how to overcome all those things and then pect of life we have to justify our position in order to
to create a strong wish or a ruling passion in our life maintain the spiritual aspect of life. Only while living

2 7 2 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
in the world we can learn that aspect. If you want to and everything that favoured Him. And through
run away from it, you won’t be able to learn it. The the way He played this game He taught a spiritual
world is a playfield for the play between your mind lesson to everyone. He played the game very ex-
and your soul, and you are the player. You are not actly. How? For worldly purposes He did everything
the mind, you are not the body. You are the soul, you in the name of God and thus He credited God. He
are the player in the game. How to play this game in didn’t want to take the credit out of it. Whereas, if in
the world? We simply have to learn to live with right some way we make a mistake, we should take it upon
thoughts, not with the outgoing faculties of the mind, ourselves. We should think over what more efforts
because by living with them, we are miserably misled we have to put in to credit the Master, to credit our
in this playfield and we are losing the game all the time. soul. Each day we can learn something in our life.
We have to win the game because it is only played by
us, by ourselves. We have to play it, since we caused I’m telling you all these things, since right from the be-
reactions. We came into the world only to justify our ginning we have got the birthright to have His power.
position in the play-field and to finish with this game. However, we were not taught all that, maybe due to
the negligence of our parents, maybe due to the bad
Various great Masters did a wonderful job in this effects of the world, or due to some so-called teach-
playfield. They always were the winners. As I told ings. Now you are given the chance to sit here (in the
you, you are the player and it is your game. You must Satsang) – it is God’s grace. Christ said, “Where more
not be the loser of this game any more because the than two sit in my name, there I am.” Your purpose of
power (which is keeping the game a going) is only coming here is unique: Only to realize your self and
given by you. You give the power and you are the to realize the Overself, and that is a golden opportu-
main player therein. Master has given beautiful ref- nity now. So let this be a new beginning in your life.
erences from His life, and most of you have read His
life-history. He was a very good player. He did each Extract of a lecture by Dr. Harbhajan Singh

L e c t u r e Tou r s I 2 7 3
During the lecture tour
in the Netherlands
on August 1994, Bhaji
agreed to have a picnic
on the seaside. At the
shore Bhaji held Satsang.

2 74 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
L e c t u r e Tou r s I 2 7 5
Meeting Personalities

Dr. Harbhajan Singh with Dr. von Weizsäcker, Annual Youth Meeting in Berlin, Germany, 1992

Students of the Kirpal Sagar Academy accompa- During this reception one boy spontaneously asked
nied Dr. Harbhajan Singh to Berlin. On 12 June, 1992, for an autograph and Dr. Harbhajan Singh loveably
they took part in a reception given by Dr. Richard von agreed and added some lines.
Weizsäcker, former President of Germany, during the
annual youth meeting at Bellevue Castle in Berlin. The
photo above shows Dr. Harbhajan Singh presenting a
Kirpal Sagar brochure to Dr. von Weizsäcker, along
with an invitation to the Unity of Man Conference in
Kirpal Sagar, 3-6 February, 1994.

2 7 6 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Meeting Mr. Michail Gorbachev accompanied by his wife Raissa and Mr. Likothal 1993, in Bern, Switzerland

Meeting Mr. Michail Gorbachev 1993, in Bern, Switzerland

2 7 8 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Meeting his Eminence Cardinal König of the Roman Catholic Church, 28 June, 1993, in Wien, Austria

A talk with the scientist Prof. Dr. Pietschmann at the Institute of Theoretical Physics in Wien, Austria

M e e t i n g P e r so n a l i t i e s I 2 7 9
UN World Conference on Human Rights
In June, 1993, Dr. Harbhajan Singh with his wife and a delegation of Unity of Man
participated in the UN World Conference in Wien, Austria

The delegation of Unity of Man

At the World Conference on Human Rights in He explained the aims of the World Conference on Uni-
Wien, Austria, Dr. Harbhajan Singh introduced the ty of Man, from 3 to 6 February 1994, to hold at Kirpal
conception of the work of Unity of Man to represent- Sagar, India, and invited them to participate. Dr. Har-
atives of science, religion, politics and personalities bhajan Singh held two lectures within the scope of the
of public life. NGO-programme (Non Government Organisation)

2 8 0 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Plenary Session of the States Conference on Human Rights in Wien

and on 18 June, he had the honour to address the Ple- Unity of Man as well as the project Kirpal Sagar in
nary Session of the States-Conference. India. The delegation of Unity of Man further partici-
pated in the NGO discussions and deliberations.
Unity of Man further contributed to the activities with
an exhibition illustrating the aims and activities of

M e e t i n g P e r so n a l i t i e s I 2 8 1
With Ibrahima Fall, Secretary-General on the UN World Conference of Human Rights in the United Nations office at the Austrian Centre, Wien

2 8 2 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
At the UN World Conference
on Human Rights in Vienna
in June 1993, I was asked to
speak in the Plenary Session
because I gave this very
universal teaching there.
The General Secretary of the
Human Rights Conference,
Mr. Ibrahima Fall, said to me,
“You have a very universal
view that appeals to every-
one, you may speak there.”
I replied, “Whether we are
politicians, religious or spir-
itual leaders, our purpose is
one and the same and that
is Man-making and Man-
Harbhajan Singh
With Mr. Lichem, leader of the podium discussion

M e e t i n g P e r so n a l i t i e s I 2 8 3
2 8 4 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Address to the Audience of the Plenary
Dr. Harbhajan Singh, 18 June, 1993

Dear brothers and sisters, answer is also within. Supposed, you put me a ques-
tion, and I gave you the wrong answer, you would
I want to share my views on these most important never cooperate with me, since you have the right
issues. I want to have some heart-to-heart talk with answer within you. So man is first a human being,
you, because I think the problems of the world are then we are wearing different labels, and we are read-
not political, but they are more spiritual. So we have ing in different schools and colleges. Our purpose is
to find a way out of these problems. As for example, to rise above the shackles.
there are individual problems in different countries.
Whether we are politicians, religious or spiritual Secondly, my opinion is that there are so many prob-
leaders, our purpose is one and the same: that is man- lems that have gone beyond the care of man, and if
making and man-service. If we live up to it and do we clutch to them, they will create more hatred and
with it, there will be total perfection, rather the solu- bloodshed in the world. There is only one solution:
tion to all the problems in our different countries. to forgive and forget. For there is a law of justice, and
there is a law of forgiveness. The law of justice can
Then, on the international level, we have to form a do a lot in the world, but what the law of forgiveness
common opinion. Which common opinion? – That can do, the law of justice cannot do. He who forgives
which already exists from our religions. I would like and forgets, is the brave and strong one. The law of
to tell you that God made man and man made reli- forgiveness is also called the law of grace. So he who
gion. Never in history a competent Master ever cre- forgives and forgets, is gracious and loveable to all.
ated a religion, but religion was created after their
physical departure by the so-called followers of the In my opinion, these are the things with which we
faith. Thereafter, they created lots of shackles there- have to be very sincere, potent and positive. Now all
in. those Masters who came into the world lived hun-
dred percent for others, and our purpose is also the
Now all these problems in the world are due to the same. It is from the Holy Scriptures that to live be-
shackles and not due to the true religion. So what are yond necessity is a sin. If really we live up to it, we
those shackles? Everyone knows because this man can save a lot for the poor and the needy, and we can
body is a true temple of God. Everything is within. It overcome lots of shortcomings of the human beings.
is a true Bible, a true Church, it is a true Mosque, it
is a true Koran, it is a true Gurdawara, a true temple. My last point concerns the problems of the women.
Man is made on the image of God. So what do we So far I didn’t think that women are different from
have to find? – That we are all one in God. We are all men. Both cannot live without each other. But the
one, our Father is one, and our purpose is one, and woman is the inspiration to the husband, to the chil-
our way back to God is one. dren, as well as to the surroundings. Christ has told
in the Bible, “Husband should love his wife as Christ
On this issue we have to see how peace can be ce- loves the church.”
mented in the world, how all these affairs can be set
right. If people really rise above their isms, sects and What does it mean? It is a beautiful thing to live with
religions, and premiers and presidents rise above it. If really we live with it, then there will be no prob-
their kingdoms, peace is already there, the human lem in the world. Because the woman is a source of
rights are already there. These are lying within man. bliss, and in the womb of the mother she gives the
Everything is innate in man. If there is a question, the right understanding to the unborn child, (that is al-

M e e t i n g P e r so n a l i t i e s I 2 8 5
Talking with the Roman Catholic Cardinal Etchegaray

ready) blessed by the Light and Sound Principle that lived with in the past, that becomes fake and void
was taught by all the competent Masters of the world. for her.
When the child comes out of the womb of the moth-
er, it cries due to its detachment. What do we do? We There is a very potent and positive way of life, and
show the light or we ring the bell, and the child feels we should live in this direction and we can give a lot
happy with it. to all other people. “Ye be perfect as your Father is
in the heaven.” These are most important issues, and
Now what should we do in this matter? When the you will find that all those problems in the world are
woman cries, she would only need the love and fa- due to different shackles, arising out of different reli-
vour from the man. If it is not given, her heart be- gions, but we should try to know the very base of the
comes stone-like, and whatever and whosoever she problem, that has arisen out of it. In this direction, I

2 8 6 I M as t e r ’ s M e ss e n g e r
Presenting an invitation for the Unity of Man World-Conference to Mrs. Corazon Aquino, Former President of the Philippines

would like to tell you, that our purpose in this world the way for any individual, and it is the noble task of
is very unique, and we should love others as we do those who help the cause of others. While sitting in
love our dear ones. This is the way to expand our the heart of this beautiful country, we should have
own self to embrace the whole humanity and prove appreciation for those who have put their heart and
ourselves as human beings in the true sense of the head, and let us pledge ourselves to go with higher val-
word. ues of life, since the purpose of human life is to meet
a good end. Let us go back to our country to preach
Only when we rise above the narrow confines of the truth through our higher values of life, so that
our own self, our own family, our own community there is an eternal peace in our heart. Thank you all.
or nation, we can take into our hearts the concerns
and sufferings of our near and far neighbours. It is Extract from the address

M e e t i n g P e r so n a l i t i e s I 2 8 7

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