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2 felix FRIDAY 04 DECEMBER 2009

Technology Editor Samuel Gibbs


Welcome to the World Tablet Crunched

of Tomorrow.... no more
Technology Editor, Samuel Gibbs, takes a quick look back in the Samuel Gibbs Technology Editor

annuals of history, at what 1949 gave the world of technology

his week saw one of my most from TechCrunch, own the intellectual
anticipated devices of 2009- property behind the internet tablet. So,
If you’ve got this far into felix this week Boeing B-50 Superfortress bomber, maiden voyage. The British designed 2010 go the way of the Dodo however they proceed, it’s eventually
you should know by now that it’s our with four in-air refuelings on the way. de Havilland Comet was the first ever just before release. I’m talk- going to be the Court’s decision as to
60th birthday. To commemorate the commercial jet to reach full scale pro- ing about the CrunchPad, Michael whether this hotly anticipated device
rather fine achievement of 60 years duction. The early Comet models suf- Arrington’s attempt to create an inter- ever makes it to market. The irony here
in print, we’re going to take you back fered from catastrophic metal fatigue, net tablet built around a 10.2” touch is that Arrington is no stranger to IP
to 1949, sixty years in the past, to see not something you want travelling at screen and the Intel Atom processor. battles and infringement, as he’s will-
what technology was like in our first several hundred miles an hour, and The promise of a couch-friendly touch ing to publish any and all leaked data
year in print. had to be withdrawn from service for screen tablet for around the $300 and information, as he aptly showed
Technology, if you can call it that, a redesign resulting in the Comet 4 se- mark was pretty tempting. Up until with posts containing Twitter’s busi-
was very different back then as you ries. Derivatives of the Comet are still now, prototypes and mockups have ness model and their plans to monetize
can imagine. Computers had only just in service today including the Nimrod all looked great with Arrington hop- the free service.
started to make moves within the in- MRA4 which is set to see the RAF out ing to unveil the CrunchPad for mass In other news this week, Google
stitutions of learning whilst Microsoft, On May 23rd 1949, EDSAC, the first until the 2020s. production this week. News came, two has killed off development of Gears
Apple and other behemoths of 21st stored-program computer, kicked into August 29th 1949 saw the Soviet days before the official launch that a now that HTML 5 is making head-
century era weren’t even a twinkle in a life at Cambridge’s Mathematical Lab- Union test its first atomic bomb code fallout between TechCrunch and their way. Google’s plan for Gears was to
lucky man’s eye. oratory. Consisting of mercury delay named Joe 1, which borrowed heavily manufacturing partner has put the ky- introduce the concept of rich, offline
1949, apart from giving us household lines for memory and derated vacuum from the plutonium bomb dropped on bosh on the CrunchPad. webapps like Google Docs, Wave and
names such as Sigourney Weaver and tubes for logic, with data inputted via Nagasaki in 1945 by the US. A post on TechCrunch said that Gmail and force adoption of a standard
Arsene Wenger, also debuted some 5-hole punched tape and outputting Fusion Garage, the manufacturer of that did away with the need for plugins
impressive tech for the time. January via a teleprinter it certainly didn’t re- the fabled device, had decided to go like HTML5. Now that it’s mission is
17th saw the first VW Beetle roll into semble the modern PC. The EDSAC, it alone and make the device without complete, Gears will cease develop-
New York to a decidedly lackluster re- however, came packing something TechCrunch. As Arrington put it so ment but be maintained for the near
ception. Despite VWs best efforts, only rather special. It shipped with the succinctly it’s like: future, as more and more browsers be-
two 1949 models were sold in the US world’s first, albeit rather primitive, as- ‘...Foxconn, who build the iPhone, come HTML5 compliant.
that year. A bad start, but it wasn’t all sembler, which it could be argued was notifying Apple a couple of days before Talking about webapps, Facebook
bad as the Beetle was set to become the start of the global software indus- launch that they’d be moving ahead this week decided to do away with re-
the greatest automobile phenomenon try we know and love today. Another and selling the iPhone directly without gional networks in an effort to bolster
in American history. British technological first, like the any involvement from Apple.’ user privacy. It also made changes to
Internet, without which we wouldn’t The problem for Fusion Garage is many of it’s privacy settings to help
have many of things we can’t live with- that both it and CrunchPad, the team protect its 350m users.
out today.
June 8th 1949 saw the publication More from the military, the first of
of one of science-fiction’s most cele- the 20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling gun

brated and culturally significant books prototypes was produced and tested
of all time, George Orwell’s Nineteen in 1949. Various derivatives of the
Eighty-Four. The book told of a soci- impressive Vulcan cannon as it was
ety under total control from the top, known are still used in almost all fixed-
where independent thought was re- wing military aircraft today. The M61 You’ve read what we’ve got to say. If you’ve got a passion for
moved and it’s people suppressed. It also gave birth to the M134, which
also introduced the idea of Big Brother, you’ll probably know by the name of technology and have got something to say then get involved!
March 2nd 1949 saw the first ever watching your every move, something Minigun. Yes, that’s right, that hulking
non-stop around-the-world flight by we’re moving closer and closer too in massive gun that the Governor of Cali- Email us at:
the apply named Lucky Lady II. It took todays society. fornia had to be strapped to the floor
Captain James Gallagher and his crew Another truly revolutionary first to fire freehand in Terminator 2.
of 14 just under four days to make the took place in 1949 on July 27th as the 1949, the year that gave us Big Broth- If it’s something decent you might even end up in felix one week.
circumnavigation of the globe in their first ever jet-powered airliner made it’s er, felix and the jet air-liner.

Weekly Wrap-up: A quick guide to the best of the rest you might have missed
Samuel Gibbs Technology Editor In a break from tradition we’ll start but piracy or not, I don’t want people about the ugly? Are you living off Francisco area. The current iPhone
with the bad. Virgin Media announced snooping at everything I do or send Daddy’s trust fund or have recently 3GS carries an iPhone 2,1 identifier
this week that it would be doing some across the Internet including email, come into a load of money? Do you and it was spotted in much the same
Another week in Tech has flown by as snooping into 40% of it’s custom- IM, Waves and surfing. have £1.92m burning a hole in your way in testing in October 2008, eight
we head into December and the inevi- ers traffic using a technology called pocket? Well I’ve got just the thing for months before it’s eventual release.
table Christmas rush. This week we’ve CView, which conducts Deep Packet you. How about a solid gold iPhone What does this mean? Well, we already
had the good, the bad and the down- Inspection (DPI) in an effort to deter- encrusted with 136 flawless diamonds knew Apple was likely to release a new
right ugly rear their heads in the world mine the rate of music piracy across it’s just in the front bezel? The iPhone 3GS iPhone in just over 6 months time, but
of consumer technology. network. Yes that’s right, Virgin is go- supreme features a very rare, single the 3,1 identifier indicates that Apple
ing to examine everything that goes to cut, 7.1 carat diamond for a home but- will consider this a major hardware re-
and from your computer if you happen ton and 53 flawless diamonds making fresh. Whether this means a move to a
to be in the 40%. What does this really up the Apple logo on the back. Nice. PA Semi ARM chip, an OLED screen
mean? Well if you’re pirating music On with the good with more Apple or a forward facing camera for mobile
across an unencrypted network like rumours this week. Apple names it’s iChat is anyone’s guess.
BitTorrent, VM will know and what hardware via strict numerical num- Speaking of video calling, Fring
they’ll do about it is unknown. Virgin bering system, a single generation bought one-way video calling to the
are set to launch a music service in number followed by a decimal itera- iPhone this week with an app update.
conjunction with Universal and their tion number. An iPhone identified as While one-way video is not particular-
official line is that they want to gauge 3,1 has been spotted by a software ly useful, given hardware limitations,
piracy levels. I don’t know about you, Well that’s the bad out the way, how analytics program operating in the San it’s better than nothing right?

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