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A Press Release for the Arab Networks of the Euro-Mediterranean Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue Between

An Appeal to top the !ar Against Ci"ilians in #a$a
20 \ 08 \ 2014
%n the wake of the %sraeli &''upation brutal !ar on #a$a trip( whi'h has led to these s'ar) nu*bers +,
The number of Palestinians killed has reached 1,977, including 1,417 civilians, of hom 4!0 are children and 2"9 are omen#
The serious in$ur% of 10,19" Palestinians, including ",084 children, 1,970 omen and "!8 elderl%#
The destruction of over 17000 houses& ith an estimated 100,000 'eo'le hose homes ere destro%ed or damaged be%ond re'air in addition to at least
141 schools#
The dis'lacement of over 400(000 civilians#
The massacre of com'lete 4) families#
The destruction of a number of our colleague Palestinian *+,s offices from the -./ netork members#
0 12*,34- statistics5
!E- the ignator) .eads of the Arab Networks for the Euro-Mediterranean Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue Between Cultures,
1# 3ondemn ith all e6'ressions of discontent the dis'ro'ortionate aggression and ar crimes committed b% the 7sraeli arm% against the Palestinian 'eo'le
and the unarmed innocents in +a8a 9tri'&
2# :eclare our solidarit% and su''ort to the 'eo'le of +a8a and the Palestinian 'eo'le fighting to end the 7sraeli occu'ation, the ,*.; occu'ation in the
"# :emand the 2nited *ations to send an inde'endent international fact<finding mission to investigate the ar crimes committed, along ith determine
res'onsibilities and referring the res'onsible 'arties to the international $ustice&
4# :emand the 2nited *ations to send immediate international troo's to 'rovide 'rotection to the innocent, unarmed Palestinian 'eo'le in the occu'ied
Palestinian territor% in 19!7, in the =est >ank including the ,ccu'ied ?ast @erusalem and +a8a 9tri' to guarantee the a''lication of international
'rotection las&
)# :emand the -rab .eague& ?uro'ean 2nion& 2nited *ations and all international institutions and entities& human rights institutions& and all su''orters of
$ustice and freedom in the orld to 'ut 'ressures on the 7sraeli ,ccu'ation +overnment using all 'ossible 'eaceful methods for immediate end of siege
of the +a8a 9tri' as it is 'art of the one occu'ied territor%&
!# 3onsider that the onl% radical solution for the Aiddle ?ast conflict and to end the -rab<7sraeli conflict is to end the 7sraeli occu'ation to all the occu'ied
-rab territor% since 19!7, and the establishment of an inde'endent Palestinian state so ever%one ill live in securit%, 'eace, and stabilit%#
1. Mr. Fathi Darweesh and Yosri Darweesh, Heads of the Palestinian network of the Euro-Mediterranean Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue
Between ultures!
". Ms. #ina $sha%, Head of the &ordanian 'etwork of the Euro-Mediterranean Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue Between ultures!
(. Ms. #ahida Darweesh &a)our, Head of the Le)anese 'etwork of the Euro-Mediterranean Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue Between ultures!
*. Mr. A+,an -keil, Head of the Eg+.tian 'etwork of the Euro-Mediterranean Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue Between ultures!
/. Mr. Anis Boufrikha, Head of the 0unisian network of the Euro-Mediterranean Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue Between ultures!
1. Mr. Moha,,ad Fah,i, Head of the Moro22an 'etwork of the Euro-Mediterranean Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue Between ultures!
3. Mr. Moloud 4alhi, Head of the Algerian 'etwork of the Euro-Mediterranean Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue Between ultures.

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