Econ Syllabus

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Political Systems Course Syllabus Page 1 of 2

Parkview High School


COURSE TITLE .....ECONOMICS TERM .........................2014-2015
TEACHER .............Coach Doehrman ROOM #.......................10.126
Coach Nichols

Email Address
Teacher Web Page
Teacher Support
(Help sessions etc.)
Help sessions are available most days before school in Room 10.126

COURSE DESCRIPTION (Published in the Choice Book)
Economics offers students the opportunity to study the issues of scarcity and choices related to the use of limited resources. Students learn
how to apply the tools of economic analysis to personal, community, national, and international issues. Economic preparedness enables
students to make choices relying on past historical and geographical knowledge to actively and successfully engage in our complex society.
The entire list of Academic, Knowledge and Skills for each of the following curriculum strands in this course can be accessed through the
district web address at
A. Map and Globe Skills
B. Information Processing Skills
C. Fundamental Concepts
D. Microeconomic Concepts
E. Macroeconomic Concepts
F. International Economics
G. Personal Finance
1. Economic Systems
2. Supply and Demand
3. Economic Measurements
4. Monetary Policy
5. Fiscal Policy
6. International Economies
7. Fiscal Policy
Published Materials Instructional Supplies
Economics: Principles and Practices, Student Edition [Book]
by McGraw-Hill McGraw-Hill Education Hardback 672
pages ISBN 0078606934
1) Pen and Pencil
2) Binder/Folder/or Notebook
3) Textbook

Assignments Grade Weights Grading Scale
Class work
Reading Quizzes
Unit Tests
Final Exam
Class Assessments 35%
Summative Assessment 43%

Midterm 2%

Final Exam 20%
A: 90 and above
B: 80 89
C: 74 79
D: 70 73
F: 69 or below

Political Systems Course Syllabus Page 2 of 2

Expectations for Academic Success Additional Requirements/Resources
1) Read daily, ask questions, and actively participate
2) Participate constructively as a team member
3) Proof read written assignments and edit meaningfully
4) Review multiple sources of information
5) Challenge yourself to continuously improve
Tutoring Available
Helpful Resources
Community Support Services

Course Requirements and Supplies: Students will need to have a separate folder for their Political Systems
course. I recommend a 1 three ring binder. A notebook and writing utensils are also required for this course.
Colored pencils and/or markers will be beneficial to have. Students will be required to hand in all assignments on
or before their due date. Assignments turned in a late will lose a letter grade and no late work will be accepted
after 24 hours unless the student has an excused absence or permission from the teacher. Students will be given
ample time to complete their assignments. Excused late work will follow the guidelines set by Gwinnett County
Public Schools.

General Classroom Rules: Every student will be expected to show respect for themselves, their fellow students,
and their teachers at all times. This includes, but is not limited to, listening to whoever is speaking without
interrupting; cleaning up after yourself; absolutely no condescending remarks toward anyone or anything said
during class discussions. Failure to follow classroom rules could result in detention and/or a referral.

Other Important Rules:
1. Come prepared for class every day. Bring your textbook, folder, notebook, writing utensils, and assignments
when due.
2. Take notes during classroom lectures, discussions, and video presentations.
3. No textbooks are to be left in the classroom. They are your responsibility, not the teachers.
4. The teacher will dismiss the class, not the clock or the bell. You are to remain in your seat until dismissed. No
standing by the door.
3. Food and beverages (except water) are not allowed in the classroom.
4. Follow the dress code and cell phone/IPod/electronic devices policy.
5. Cheating/Plagiarism will not be tolerated in any capacity, and will result in a zero for the assignment/Test and
referral for disciplinary action.
6. There should be no phones out during class.

Attendance Policy: School policy limits a student to 10 absences (3 tardies equal 1 absence). Students are
expected to be in class and on time. This means you should be in your seat when the last bell rings. Repeated
tardies will not be tolerated. The classroom door will be closed and locked after the last bell. A late slip will be
required to get into class.

Make-Up Work Policy: Missed tests, quizzes, or homework assignments must be made up as soon as possible
after returning to school. Arrangements must be made within 5 school days of the absence. If arrangements are
not made within the 5 days, the student will receive a 0 for their grade. It is the students responsibility to seek
out the teacher and make arrangements.

Lastly, if you have any questions or concerns at any time throughout the semester regarding class assignments,
grades, or anything please feel free to come and talk to me. Lets have an educational and enjoyable semester.

**I reserve the right to make changes to this syllabus at any time

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