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SoluLlon rocessed Plgh Lfflclency Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 1hln-lllm Solar Cells: MaLerlals and uevlce lnslghLs"

lnLeresL ln Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 (CZ1SSe) as a susLalnable maLerlal for use ln Lhln-fllm phoLovolLalcs has been lncreaslng
rapldly ln recenL years. 1he prospecL of produclng CZ1SSe devlces wlLhouL Lhe requlremenL Lo employ cosLly
vacuum-based deposlLlon meLhods has also aLLracLed conslderable aLLenLlon, culmlnaLlng ln Lhe recenL reporL of
an 11.1 efflclency CZ1SSe devlce where Lhe absorber was prepared vla soluLlon-based processlng. Whlle
represenLlng a remarkable Lechnlcal achlevemenL, Lhls record devlce ls fabrlcaLed by a rouLe whlch suffers from a
rellance on precursor chemlsLry LhaL may be challenglng Lo scale Lo large areas. AgalnsL Lhls background, we have
focused on chemlcal rouLes Lo CZ1SSe wlLh Lhe alm Lo dellver hlgh efflclency whlle slmulLaneously employlng
reagenLs wlLh aLLracLlve scalablllLy and handllng characLerlsLlcs. ln Lhls Lalk, we wlll descrlbe Lhls new approach for
Lhe fabrlcaLlon of CZ1SSe Lhln fllms uslng lnks comprlsed of mlxLures of blnary and Lernary meLal-chalcogenlde
nanocrysLals dlspersed ln slmple organlc solvenLs. 1he ablllLy Lo conLrol Lhe composlLlon of CZ1SSe ls a crlLlcal
challenge ln achlevlng good devlce efflclencles and our approach slmpllfles Lhls challenge Lo a sLralghLforward
blendlng of soluLlons. uslng Lhls approach we have produced CZ1SSe v devlces wlLh 1 sun AM 1.3C devlce
efflclency of 8.3 (9.6 acLlve area). We wlll dlscuss maLerlal and processlng parameLers crlLlcal Lo devlce
performance. AlLhough, CZ1SSe ls lso-sLrucLural Lo ClCS and ls predlcLed Lo have slmllar sLrucLural and elecLrlcal
properLles, a beLLer undersLandlng of Lhe devlce properLles ls requlred ln order for Lhls maLerlal Lo reach Lhe same
performance level as ClCS. uslng a varleLy of Lechnlques, lncludlng LemperaLure dependenL currenL-volLage
measuremenL, admlLLance specLroscopy and deep level capaclLance proflllng (uLC) we alm Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe
sources of efflclency losses ln Lhese devlces. 1he connecLlon beLween Lhese loss mechanlsms and devlce
mlcrosLrucLure as characLerlzed by elecLron mlcroscoples and Auger depLh proflllng wlll also be dlscussed.
Speaker 8lo:
!onaLhan Caspar
ur. Caspar ls a 8esearch lellow ln Lhe uuonL CenLral 8esearch and uevelopmenL organlzaLlon where he has been
a member of Lhe 1echnlcal SLaff slnce 1983. CurrenLly he leads a Leam focused on Lhe developmenL of soluLlon
based rouLes Lo susLalnably sourced maLerlals for Lhln-fllm phoLovolLalcs. ur. Caspar recelved hls S8 ln ChemlsLry
from Ml1 ln 1978, a hu ln lnorganlc ChemlsLry from 1he unlverslLy of norLh Carollna aL Chapel Plll, and carrled
ouL posLdocLoral Lralnlng aL CalLech prlor Lo [olnlng uuonL. ur. Caspar has publlshed more Lhan 43 Lechnlcal
papers ln peer revlewed [ournals and ls a co-lnvenLor on more Lhan 13 lssued uS paLenLs. Pls currenL research
lnLeresLs cenLer on Lhln-fllm maLerlals processlng and characLerlzaLlon for appllcaLlons ln phoLovolLalcs.
kaushlk 8oy Choudhury
ur. 8oy Choudhury ls a 8esearch hyslclsL ln Lhe uuonL CenLral 8esearch and uevelopmenL organlzaLlon, where
hls responslblllLles lnclude processlng and lnLegraLed opLoelecLronlc characLerlzaLlon of Lhln-fllm solar cells. Pe
recelved hls h.u. degree from 1he SLaLe unlverslLy of new ?ork aL 8uffalo. rlor Lo [olnlng uuonL ln 2011, he was
a 8esearch SclenLlsL ln Lhe MaLerlals Sclence and Lnglneerlng ueparLmenL aL Lhe unlverslLy of llorlda. ur. 8oy
Choudhury ls Lhe auLhor of over 23 Lechnlcal papers ln peer revlewed [ournals and 1 book chapLer, and ls a co-
lnvenLor on 1 lssued u.S. paLenL. Pls research lnLeresLs span novel lnorganlc, organlc and hybrld maLerlals for
nanoelecLronlc and energy appllcaLlons.

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