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An Experimental and Clinical Investigation
% &''( OTC P)*lis+ing Corp
,,," er i c -son i a n + . pnos i s" c om
Pre/ace to t+e Second Edition
T+e explication# in t+e /irst edition o/ t+is *oo-# o/ t+e
experimental and clinical aspects o/ +.pnotic time
distortion as a speci/ic concept and a ne, tec+ni0)e
,as a most intrig)ing tas- /or t+e a)t+ors" T+e reception
accorded t+e *oo-# as evidenced *. /avora*le revie,s# t+e
ex+a)stion o/ /irst and second printings# t+e receipt o/
letters o/ in0)ir. a*o)t experimental proced)res /rom
researc+ ,or-ers in man. parts o/ t+e co)ntr.# even /rom
a*road# and t+e /avora*le comment /rom scores o/
clinicians on t+eir o,n )tili1ation o/ +.pnotic time
distortion# +ave *een most stim)lating"
Ho,ever# t+e a)t+ors can ta-e credit /or onl. a small
part o/ t+is" T+e timing o/ t+e /irst edition# 234(# ,as
*ot+ /ort)ito)s and /ort)nate" T+e impet)s given *.
5orld 5ar II to t+e scienti/ic )se o/ +.pnosis ,as
contin)ing in t+e /orm o/ progressive development o/
general medical interest" T+e dental pro/ession# long
interested# mani/ested t+is *. ta-ing t+e lead in +.pnosis in o//ice practice" T+e e//orts
previo)sl. made *. t+e ps.c+olog. departments o/
vario)s )niversities to aro)se a ,idespread interest in
researc+ in +.pnosis too- on a ne, vitalit." Con6
temporaneo)s ,it+ t+is constantl. gro,ing interest# t+e
/irst edition ,as iss)ed# and it pro/ited greatl. t+ere/rom"
Additionall.# it ,as a *oo- ,ritten *. p+.sicians in ,+ic+
p)rel. experimental and p)rel. clinical ,or- ,it+ ne,
and di//erent applications ,ere presented6t+is at a time
o/ searc+ing /or ne, tec+ni0)es /or special adaptation to
t+e pro*lems o/ ps.c+osomatic medicine"
ess t+an a .ear a/ter t+e /irst edition ,as p)*lis+ed#
*)t expressive onl. o/ t+e /act t+at interest in scienti/ic
+.pnosis ,as not limited to an. one co)ntr.# t+e 7ritis+
Medical Association /ormall. approved o/ t+e medical )se
and teac+ing o/ +.pnosis and disapproved its )se *. t+e
lait." Also in 2344# Mar0)ette 8niversit. Sc+ool o/
Dentistr.# and in 2349# T)/ts 8niversit. Sc+ool o/ Dental 6
Medicine# to give examples o/ academic interest#
cond)cted /ormal seminars on +.pnosis as a part o/
postgrad)ate instr)ction" T+en# in 234:# T+e American
Societ. o/ Clinical H.pnosis ,as organi1ed on a national
level ,it+ international a//iliations ,it+ ot+er national
scienti/ic societies and ,it+ a mem*ers+ip *ased on a
doctoral degree in ps.c+olog.# dentistr. or medicine" T+)s#
t+ere ,as ina)g)rated an era o/ generali1ed pro/essional
approval o/ scienti/ic *. +.pnosis and t+e enlistment o/ t+e
interest and participation o/ clinicians ever.,+ere"
In 234;# t+e American Medical Association /ormall.
approved t+e )se and teac+ing o/ +.pnosis as a medical
met+odolog. o/ signi/icant val)e" !)rt+er recognition
,as accorded *. ot+er national and state or regional
medical and dental societies"
Against t+e *ac-gro)nd o/ t+is interest# a second edition is
*eing iss)ed as a restatement o/ a met+odolog. o//ering an
opport)nit. /or *ot+ researc+ and clinical application in a
,ide variet. o/ pro*lems in medicine and dentistr.# *ot+
p+.siological and ps.c+ological" Aside /rom minor
c+anges and additions to t+e /irst section o/ t+is *oo-#
t+e <)sti/ication /or calling t+is iss)e a second edition is t+e
/act o/ an addition o/ a relativel. *rie/ *)t ne, and di//erent
t+ird section# clinicall. oriented *)t pit+ a variet. o/
experimental signi/icances" T+is ne, section# in t+e
a)t+ors= opinion# constit)tes a decidedl. important
ela*oration o/ anot+er signi/icant aspect o/ +.pnotic time
distortion6an aspect onl. *rie/l. mentioned in disc)ssions
in t+e /irst edition# *)t ,+ic+ ,as entirel. overloo-ed /or
ela*oration *ot+ experimentall. and clinicall." T+is p+ase
o/ +.pnotic time distortion is t+e s+ortening or
condensation o/ s)*<ective time experience# t+e
converse o/ t+e s)*<ective lengt+ening or time
expansion treated at lengt+ in t+e /irst edition" T,o t.pes
o/ o*servational /indings are emplo.ed to explicate t+e
mani/estations o/ s)*<ective time condensation# t+ose
deriving /rom )nplanned spontaneo)s developments and
t+ose arising /rom a s.stematic emplo.ment o/ time
condensation as a clinical meas)re in t+e +andling o/
s)*<ectivel. di//ic)lt or distressing experiences"
5it+ t+is ne, section added to t+e *oo-# t+e a)t+ors
/eel t+at t+e. +ave no, restated and completed a
reasona*l. compre+ensive description o/ t+e concept o/
s)*<ective +.pnotic time distortion" It is t+eir +ope t+at
t+e experimental and clinical ,or- o/ ot+ers ,ill contin)e
t+e tas- o/ investigating t+e ps.c+osomatic pro*lems
involved in s)*<ective time val)es# *ot+ expanded and
condensed# and ,+ic+ are so important# ,+et+er in +ealt+
or illness# in t+e experiential li/e o/ t+e individ)al"
" !" C"
M" H" E
Pre/ace to t+e !irst Edition
T+e ,or- reported in t+is monograp+ ,as done# as
occasion arose# in t+e period *et,een !e*r)ar. 23(; and
Ma. 234(" As t+e experiments progressed# t+e /indings
led to spec)lation concerning t+eir signi/icance and
possi*le implications" So intrig)ing ,ere some o/ t+e
0)estions raised t+at# rat+er t+an attempting to st)d.
ex+a)stivel. an. single one o/ t+em# a n)m*er o/ pilot
experiments involving di//erent pro*lems ,ere carried
o)t" In ot+er ,ords it ,as# in a sense# li-e ma-ing a series
o/ 6s+ort explorator. trips in vario)s directions into a
strange land" It is t+e +ope o/ t+e a)t+ors t+at t+is
presentation ma. stim)late ot+ers to vent)re /)rt+er"
In Part I t+e a)t+or +as /reel. dra,n )pon t,o articles#
>Time Distortion in H.pnosis" I> and >Time Distortion in
H.pnosis# II># originall. p)*lis+ed in t+e 7)lletin o/ t+e
?eorgeto,n 8niversit. Medical Center" !)rt+ermore#
C+apters 2;# 23# and && are +ere reprinted# ,it+ some
c+anges# /rom articles appearing in t+e @o)rnal o/
Ps.c+olog. and in Science" On t+e ot+er +and# a good deal
o/ previo)sl. )np)*lis+ed ,or- is incl)ded in Part I" Part
II# in ,+ic+ case reports are presented# is entirel. ne,
except /or one section"
T+e a)t+ors are most grate/)l to Dr" Harold Rosen /or
+is interest and enco)ragement d)ring t+e experimental
p+ase o/ t+e ,or-" T+e. also ,is+ to t+an- t+e
?eorgeto,n 8niversit. Medical Center# t+e Macmillan
Compan.# t+e American Association /or t+e
Advancement o/ Science# and Dr" Carl M)rc+ison /or
permission to )se material /ormerl. p)*lis+ed *. t+em"
" !" C"
M" H" E"
T+is is t+e onl. detailed st)d. o/ a single# speci/ic
+.pnotic tec+ni0)e 6aside /rom t+at o/ s.mptom6
disappearance *. direct ver*al s)ggestion6,it+ ,+ic+ I
personall. am /amiliar" As s)c+# it constit)tes a signal
contri*)tion to t+e /ield"
Dr" Cooper=s /irst article on Time Distortion appeared in
23(;" In t+is# and in +is /ive s)*se0)ent p)*lications on
t+e s)*<ect# +e +as ver. speci/icall. restricted +is
de/inition o/ t+e term to t+at o/ a mar-ed di//erence
*et,een t+e seeming d)ration and t+e cloc- reading o/ a
given interval o/ time" T+is o/ itsel/# as ,e all -no,# is a
not )ncommon p+enomenon" It ma. occ)r d)ring t+e
stress o/ *attle# ,+ile dreaming# or ,+en )nder t+e
in/l)ence o/ dr)gs li-e mescalin Ape.oteB" T+e concept# as
developed *. Dr" Cooper# +o,ever# connotes slo,ing o/ t+e
s)*<ective perception o/ time# )nder rigidl. set and
speci/icall. stated conditions# *. means o/ +.pnotic
tec+ni0)es ,+ic+ +e descri*es in detail in t+is *oo-"
A n)m*er o/ criticisms +ave *een levelled against Dr"
Cooper=s previo)sl. p)*lis+ed researc+ on t+e s)*<ect" It
+as *een stated# /or instance# t+at +e attempts to
explain complex ps.c+ological processes *. semantic
devices# t+at +e is extremel. naive ps.c+ologicall.# and
t+at ,+at +e *elieves to *e /acilitation o/ learning Aand
,+at ot+ers sometimes term learning e//ectivenessB co)ld
,ell *e conditioned *. /actors ot+er t+an t+ose implied
*. time distortion# alt+o)g+ ,+at t+ese /actors are +as
not *een descri*ed"
I/# nevert+eless# t+ese criticisms *e stated# not
negativel. *)t positivel. and constr)ctivel.# it soon
*ecomes apparent t+at t+e ,+ole pro*lem o/ learning
e//ectiveness6and t+e /actors ) t+is6comes to
t+e /ore" Conditions +ave *een /orm)lated# *ot+ in
+is earlier p)*lications and in t+is vol)me# ,+ic+ ma.
,ell *e ta-en into consideration in an. /)rt+er
experimental st)d. o/ t+e learning process" T+is is a
meaning/)l and signi/icant contri*)tion# and m)st *e
considered o/ prime importance" 5it+ mar-ed alteration
in time perception# so it seems# accelerated mental
activit. appears possi*le" It is t+is# in /act# ,+ic+ is
disc)ssed# investigated and eval)ated# /rom variant
p+ilosop+ical# ps.c+ologic and ps.c+iatric angles o/
approac+# t+ro)g+o)t t+is *oo-" One m)st commend t+e
ind)str. and t+e diligence ,it+ ,+ic+ d)ring t+e past six
.ears Dr" Cooper +as so conscientio)sl. investigated and
developed so important a concept"
Time distortion )nder +.pnosis is one /orm o/ time
manip)lation" Its t+erape)tic implications ,ere detailed
*. Dr" Eric-son# in an article ,ritten in colla*oration ,it+
Dr" Cooper# as earl. as 234'" T+e second +al/ o/ t+is
,or-# +o,ever# lists t+em in detail6and ,it+ signi/icant
ill)strative case material" Stress is on t+e ad<)vant )se
o/ t+is ver. speci/ic +.pnotic tec+ni0)e in attempts on
t+e part o/ t+e t+erapist to +elp +is patient most rapidl.
and most meaning/)ll."
T+is means# o/ co)rse# t+at t+e experiential *ac-gro)nd
o/ t+e patient6+is capacities# +is *e+avior# +is t+in-ing
and +is emotions m)st all constantl. *e ta-en into
consideration" Inter6personal# intra6personal and o*<ect
relations+ips are t+ere/ore *ro)g+t into s+arp /oc)s" T+e
pro*lems involved# and t+e ingen)it. ,it+ ,+ic+ t+e. can
*e solved# ma. *e seen ,it+ t+e s+arpness o/ caricat)re
/rom t+e a*stracted case protocols incorporated in t+e
second +al/ o/ t+is monograp+"
Dr" Eric-son=s previo)s researc+ ,it+ +.pnotic
tec+ni0)es +as placed +im in t+e /ore/ront o/ t+e ,orld=s
a)t+orities on t+e s)*<ect" He +as st)died# devised and
eval)ated a n)m*er o/ +.pnotic tec+ni0)es6and reported
+is res)lts in some o/ t+e most signi/icant o/ t+e
p)*lications on t+e s)*<ect" O)r )nderstanding o/ t+e
motivational *ases o/ +)man *e+avior +as *een
increased *. t+e experimental ps.c+ological# and t+e
clinical t+erape)tic# researc+ ,+ic+ +e and +is co6,or-ers
+ave p)*lis+ed on cr.stal ga1ing# a)tomatic ,riting# t+e
ind)ction o/ parallel experimental ne)roses# t+e silent
consideration o/ ot+er non6ne)rotic and more ade0)ate
met+ods o/ resolving /actors ) s.mptoms# etc"
His ,or- on time regression# ,+ic+ +as alread. *een
p)*lis+ed# and +is ,or- on time progression# ,+ic+ is no,
in p)*lication# is o/ prime importance" And +is present
st)d. o/ possi*le t+erape)tic implications# ,+en )tili1ed
,it+ speci/ic patients# o/ time distortion is e0)all. sig6
To s)mmari1eC t+e concept o/ time distortion# in t+e
ver. speci/ic sense in ,+ic+ t+at term is de/ined in t+is
,or-# *)t in its non6t+erape)tic implications# is
investigated# and eval)ated in t+e /irst +al/ o/ t+is *oo- *.
Dr" Cooper" In so doing# conditions are /orm)lated ,+ic+
can6and per+aps m)st6*e ta-en into consideration later
on in experimental st)dies o/ t+e learning process" T+e
clinical p+enomena involved# ,it+ speci/ic re/erence to
t+erape)tic applications# are disc)ssed and st)died *. Dr"
Eric-son# along ,it+ meaning/)l ill)strative case material#
in t+e second +al/ o/ t+is ,or-"
All o/ )s ,+o ,or- in t+e /ield o,e a de*t o/ gratit)de
to t+e t,o a)t+ors /or t+is detailed contri*)tion o/ t+eirs"
It is a privilege and an +onor to +e invited to ,rite t+e
!ore,ord to t+is monograp+"
Sc+ool o/ Medicine
T+e @o+ns Hop-ins 8niversit .
C+apter 2 E Introd)ction
C+apter & E Time
C+apter F E De/initions
C+apter ( E S)*<ects
C+apter 4 E Met+ods
C+apter 9 E Training
C+apter : E Experimental 7asis o/ T+is Report
C+apter ; E Miscellaneo)s Activities
C+apter 3 E Co)nting
C+apter 2' E So)nd Signals
C+apter 22 E Metronome
C+apter 2& E Revie, and Practice
C+apter 2F E Coincidental Happenings
C+apter 2( E Special In0)ir.
C+apter 24 E Association
C+apter 29 E T+o)g+t
C+apter 2: E Creative Mental Activit.
C+apter 2; E Motor earning
C+apter 23 E Nonmotor earning
C+apter &' E Mat+ematical Mental Activit.
C+apter &2 E Pol.grap+ St)dies
C+apter && E A Semantic Interpretation o/ Ger*al S)ggestion
C+apter &F E Concl)sion
S)*<ective Time Condensation as Distinct /rom Time
Since t+e +)man mind /irst ,a-ened /rom sl)m*er# and
,as allo,ed to give itsel/ /ree rein# it +as never ceased
to /eel t+e pro/o)ndl. m.sterio)s nat)re o/ time6
conscio)sness# o/ t+e progression o/ t+e ,orld in
time#6o/ 7ecoming"
Experimental St)dies
inn !" Cooper# M"D"
In essence# t+e st)dies +ere presented concern
experience ind)ced in t+e +.pnoti1ed s)*<ect as a res)lt
o/ ver*al s)ggestion" 7. experience ,e mean t+e
contents o/ t+e s)*<ect=s /ield o/ a,areness" It t+)s
incl)des all t+ose entities ,+ic+ are immediatel. -no,n#
among ,+ic+ are sensations# drives# /eelings# emotions#
images# meaning6tone# volition# etc"# and memories
t+ereo/" It is important to point o)t t+at t+is de/inition
ma-es no stip)lation as to ,+et+er a given experiential
entit. is demonstra*le to ot+ers or not" A c+air t+at t,o
persons loo- at and descri*e to eac+ ot+er is an
experiential entit. <)st as is an +all)cinated c+air
-no,n onl. to one individ)al" It is ,ell -no,n# o/
co)rse# t+at t+e /ield o/ a,areness ma. *e altered *. t+e
direction o/ one=s attention# *)t t+is is not an important
consideration +ere" On t+e ot+er +and# )nder t+e a*ove
de/inition# ,e cannot recogni1e s)c+ a term as
>)nconscio)s experience> ,+en t+is term means
>experience> o/ ,+ic+ t+e s)*<ect is not a,are" An
)nconscio)s person ma. *e a,are o/ experience in t+e
/orm o/ a dream# o/ co)rse" T+)s +e is conscio)s o/ t+e
dream# t+o)g+ clinicall. )nconscio)s" On t+e ot+er +and#
,+en t+ere is no a,areness# t+ere is no experience in t+e
sense in ,+ic+ ,e s+all )se t+e ,ord"
et )s s)ppose t+at a man participates in a 246min)te
con/erence *)t ma-es no note o/ t+e time" A/ter t+e
con/erence ,e as- +im# >Ho, long did t+e con/erence
last>= and +e replies# >I don=t -no,# I didn=t note t+e
time"> 5e t+en as- +im# >Ho, long did its d)ration
seem to *eI> and +is repl. is# >It seemed to *e a*o)t &4
min)tes"> T+is statement as to +o, long t+e interval
*et,een t+e *eginning and end o/ t+e con/erence seemed
to *e# ,e s+all call t+e seeming d)ration o/ t+e interval"
et )s no, s)ppose t+at o)r /riend# instead o/ ignoring
t+e time# noted t+at it ,as nine o=cloc- ,+en +e started
t+e con/erence# and t+at it ,as 3C24 ,+en +e ended it" It
is 0)ite o*vio)s t+en# provided t+e cloc- ,as r)nning
properl.# t+at t+e tip o/ t+e min)te6+and moved over 24
one6min)te divisions d)ring t+e interval *et,een t+e
start and t+e termination o/ t+e con/erence" In t+is case
o)r /riend# i/ as-ed +o, long t+e con/erence lasted# can
tr)t+/)ll. repl.# >24 min)tes"> In so stating t+is res)lt o/ +is
cloc- o*servations# i"e"# t+at t+e interval ,as 24
min)tes long# +e is giving ,+at ,e s+all term t+e cloc-
reading o/ t+e interval"
T+ese t,o concepts# seeming d)ration and cloc- reading
o/ an interval# ,ill *e disc)ssed at greater lengt+ in anot+er
section" 5e ,is+ to point o)t +ere# +o,ever# t+at t+e )nits
emplo.ed +ave t+e same name in eac+ case Amin)tes in t+is
instanceB and t+at all intervals t+at can *e -no,n in
experience can *e considered /rom *ot+ points o/ vie,"
!)rt+ermore# depending )pon circ)mstances# t+e. ma. *e
in close agreement or at ,ide variance" In t+e a*ove
examples# t+e t,o di//ered *. 2' min)tes" 5+en t+ere is a
mar-ed di//erence *et,een t+e seeming d)ration and t+e
cloc- reading o/ a given interval# ,e sa. t+at time
distortion is present"
As ,ill *e pointed o)t later# *ot+ d)ration and se0)ence
are -no,n in immediate experience# /or ,e can sa. o/
events t+at one is *e/ore or a/ter or sim)ltaneo)s ,it+
ot+er and# ,it+in limits# ,e can readil. disting)is+ *et,een
t+e lengt+s o/ t,o s)ccessive intervals" T+is -no,ing
o/ se0)ence and d)ration is e//ected *. means o/ o)r
time sense or sense o/ experiential time# and t+e present
,ere )nderta-en in order to learn ,+et+er or not t+e sense
o/ d)ration o/ an interval can *e deli*eratel. altered *.
means o/ ver*al s)ggestion in t+e trance state" 5 e s+all
+ave a good deal to sa. a*o)t experiential time in t+e
/ollo,ing pages# *)t it is ,ell to note +ere t+at it is
apparentl. a concept ,+ic+ is not readil. grasped *. some
individ)als" T+e reason /or t+is is not at present clear# *)t it
+as led to a considera*le amo)nt o/ di//ic)lt. in t+e
comm)nication o/ o)r /indings to s)c+ persons# ,+o
+ave not in/re0)entl. stated t+at t+e. +ad not t+e slig+test
idea as to ,+at t+e a)t+ors ,ere driving at"
T+e initial experiments involved t+e )se o/ a metronome
,+ic+ ,as stri-ing at a constant rate o/ one stro-e
second" T+e s)ggestion ,as given to t+e +.pnoti1ed
t+at t+e metronome ,as *eing grad)all. slo,ed do,n# and
t+e reports indicate t+at t+e s)*<ect act)all. experienced a
mar-ed slo,ing in t+e r+.t+m" In ot+er ,ords# t+e seeming
d)ration o/ t+e intervals reportedl. *ecame greatl.
T+e next st)dies involved t+e participation *. t+e s)*<ect
in +all)cinator. activit. d)ring t+e seemingl. prolonged
intervals# and t+e res)lts indicated t+at large amo)nts o/
s)c+ activit. co)ld *e engaged in )nder t+ese
circ)mstances" In ot+er ,ords# ,it+ t+e cloc- reading
*et,een metronome stro-es one second# and t+e seeming
d)ration o/ t+e intervals one min)te# t+e s)*<ect reported#
d)ring ten s)ccessive stro-es# an amo)nt o/ activit. t+at
,as appropriate to ten min)tes rat+er t+an ten seconds" It
is especiall. signi/icant t+at t+is activit. seemed to
progress at a normal or c)stomar. rate as /ar as t+e
s)*<ect ,as concerned"
S)*se0)entl.# a tec+ni0)e ,as developed ,+ere*.
+all)cinator. activit. co)ld *e prod)ced )nder
conditions o/ time distortion ,it+o)t t+e )se o/ a
metronome" T+e /ollo,ing report o/ an experiment ,ill
serve to give t+e reader a general idea o/ t+e proced)re
,+ic+# ,it+ variations# ,as )sed in most o/ t+is st)d."
T+e s)*<ect# ,+o ,as in a moderatel. deep trance# la.
motionless on a co)c+ ,it+ +er closed t+ro)g+o)t" E"
stands /or experimenter# S" /or s)*<ect"
2" E" 5+at ,o)ld .o) li-e to do no,I
&" S" I=d li-e to spend a +al/ +o)r riding in an
F" E" No, listen to me care/)ll." 5+en I give .o)
t+e starting signal *. >No,#> .o)=re
going to spend at least a +al/ +o)r o/ .o)r
special time riding in an a)tomo*ile# and it=s
going to *e a nice ride" Here comes t+e starting
signal# >No,">
ATen seconds laterB
(" E" No, ma-e .o)r mind a *lan-"
AT+e s)*<ect ,as t+en ,a-ed"B
4" E" Tell me ,+at +appened# please"
9" S" AT+e s)*<ect told +o, s+e and +er sister# *ot+
c+ildren at t+e time# sat on t+e *ac- seat o/ t+e car
and co)nted co,s seen along t+e ,a." Her sister
,on t+e game# co)nting (4 to +er (&" T+en t+e.
decided to co)nt licenses *earing t+e letter >C>"
T+is ,as slo,# /or t+ere ,as *)t little tra//ic"
T+e. *ot+ sa, t+e same ones# 2( in all" T+en t+e.
stopped at a roadside stand to *). lemonade /rom
a little girl ,it+ pigtails and several missing teet+
*eca)se t+e. >/elt sorr. /or +er>"B
:" E" 5as it realI
;" S" Yes"
3" E" 5ere t+ere an. omissionsI
2'" S" No"
22" E" Did .o) en<o. itI
2&" S" O+# .esJ
2F" E" Ho, long did it seemI
2(" S" A +al/ +o)r eas."
It is most important to point o)t t+at t+e s)*<ect la.
motionless d)ring t+is +all)cinator. experience"
T+e /ollo,ing terminolog. is applied to t+e vario)s parts
o/ t+e a*ove proced)reC
Item F" T+is contains an introd)ctor. expression# >No,
listen to me care/)ll." 5+en I give .o) t+e starting signal
*. =no,="> >Yo)=re going to spend at least a +al/
+o)r o/ .o)r special time> is t+e assigning o/ t+e s)ggested
personal time" T+e expression >riding in an a)tomo*ile#
and it=s going to *e a nice ride#> is -no,n as t+e activit.
instr)ction" >Here comes t+e starting signal# KNo,=#> is sel/6
Item (" T+is expression is -no,n as t+e termination
Item 4" T+is is t+e re0)est /or a report"
Item 9" T+is is t+e s)*<ect=s report"
Item 2F" T+is is a re0)est /or t+e seeming d)ration o/ t+e
Item 2(" T+is is t+e seeming d)ration as reported *.
t+e s)*<ect"
T+e 2'6second cloc- reading o/ t+e interval *et,een t+e
starting signal and t+e termination signal constit)tes t+e
allotted time" T+e interval itsel/# d)ring ,+ic+ t+e s)*<ect
engages in t+e s)ggested activit.# ist+e activit. interval"
It is evident /rom Items 2 and & t+at in t+is partic)lar
experiment t+e s)*<ect ,as given a c+oice o/ activities"
T+is is *. no means necessar.# *)t is o/ some importance
d)ring training"
T+e /act t+at t+e seeming d)ration AItem 2(B o/ t+e
activit. ,as >a +al/ +o)r eas.># ,+ereas t+e cloc- reading
,as 2' seconds# indicated t+at time distortion ,as present"
T+e s)*<ect=s report in Item 9 is allegedl. a simple
narrative acco)nt o/ a trip s+e too- in an a)tomo*ile#
mig+t <)st as ,ell +ave *een made concerning an
,a-ing trip as concerning an +all)cinated one" T+e s)*<ect
insisted t+at# in giving t+is report# s+e re/erred to +er
recollection o/ a ver. real experience# <)st as s+e ,o)ld i/
,ere reco)nting a ,a-ing event" 5e +ave spared no e//ort
to cross6examine s)*<ects on t+is point and ,it+o)t
exception t+e. insist t+at s)c+ is t+e nat)re o/ t+eir mental
processes ,+ile reporting" O/ co)rse# t+e amo)nt o/ detail
t+at one spontaneo)sl. o//ers in telling o/ a past experience
varies ,it+ t+e individ)al and +is instr)ctions as ,ell as
,it+ ,+at +e +appened to notice" 7. as-ing special
0)estions concerning detail# s)*<ects ,ill s)ppl. an
additional amo)nt /rom t+eir recollection o/ t+e
experience" It is ,ell to point o)t t+at in normal li/e
one /re0)entl. ma. not o*serve a great deal concerning
one=s p+.sical environment *eca)se one=s attention ma. *e
directed else,+ere"
No ot+er s)ggestion t+an t+at given in Item F ,as )sed"
Yet ,e see t+at in t+is reported activit. o/ t+e s)*<ect=s o,n
c+oosing s+e and +er sister am)sed t+emselves *.
an old6/as+ioned game -no,n as >roadside cri**age>#
,+ic+ involves co)nting" T+e /act t+at some o/ +er previo)s
tas-s ,ere concerned ,it+ co)nting +all)cinator. o*<ects
pro*a*l. explains t+is" 5e consider t+at t+e co)nting
experiments# ,+ic+ ,ill *e descri*ed later# are o/
special signi/icance# /or t+e. provide )s ,it+ a sort o/
>s)*<ective cloc->"
Anot+er interesting t+ing a*o)t t+is report is t+e
presence o/ ,+at mig+t *e termed a >coincidental
+appening>" 5e re/er to t+e incident o/ stopping to *).
lemonade /rom t+e little girl" S)c+ a t+ing is so t.picall.
+)man and nat)ral t+at# in o)r opinion# it lends credence to
t+e s)*<ect=s report" 5e +ave enco)ntered man. similar
incidents# and s+all list a n)m*er o/ t+em else,+ere"
It need +ardl. *e pointed o)t t+at t+e )s)al *asis ,e
+ave /or an ass)mption concerning t+e nat)re o/ anot+er
individ)al=s experience is some /orm o/ comm)nication"
T+is is most commonl. e//ected *. means o/
ver*ali1ation# eit+er spo-en or ,ritten" Spo-en ,ords
are an a)ditor. p+enomenon# and ,ritten ,ords a vis)al
one# and *ot+ *elong to t+e >p)*lic> ,orld" It is o*vio)s
t+ere/ore t+at o)r pro*lem is to eval)ate# in terms o/ +er
act)al experience# o)r s)*<ect=s report# and it is )pon t+e
ans,er to t+is 0)estion t+at t+e signi/icance o/ t+is ,or-
I/ o)r s)*<ect ,as deli*eratel. /a*ricating /or an. reason
,+atsoever# or i/ s+e ,as ind)lging in )nconscio)s
/a*rication or ela*oration# ,e are in no position to
-no, t+e nat)re o/ +er experience d)ring t+e activit.
Anot+er possi*ilit.# as ,ill *e s+o,n in C+apter &&# is
t+at o)r s)ggestion gave rise to a del)sion# t+at is# to t+e
mere *elie/ t+at s+e +ad ta-en an a)tomo*ile ride# and t+at
s+e /illed in t+e descriptive details d)ring +er report
eit+er conscio)sl. or )nconscio)sl." In t+is connection
it is ,ell to remind t+e reader t+at in normal ,a-ing li/e
a person ma. remem*er# and t+ere/ore *elieve rig+tl.#
t+at +e +as *een in a certain place in t+e past# *)t +e is
nonet+eless )na*le to s)ppl. an. o/ t+e details" I/ o)r
s)*<ect ,ere )nder t+e del)sion t+at s+e +ad ta-en an
a)tomo*ile ride# t+at is# i/ s+e simpl. *elieved t+at s+e
+ad# and i/ s+e ,as +onest and ,as not ind)lging in
)nconscio)s /alsi/ication or ela*oration# s+e ,o)ld
merel. state t+at s+e co)ld give none o/ t+e details
alt+o)g+ s+e ,as certain s+e too- t+e ride" Act)all.# t+is
+as occ)rred among o)r s)*<ects"
In Item 2&# t+e repl. >O+# .esJ> ,as given ,it+
o*vio)s emotional /eeling"
It is to *e +oped t+at t+e a*ove *rie/ introd)ction ,ill
ind)ce t+e reader to entertain in +is mind at least t+e
possi*ilit. t+at o)r s)*<ects= reports are indeed
descriptions o/ real experiences" T+is ma.# in t+e opinion
o/ some persons# *e as-ing a great deal o/ t+eir cred)lit.#
and so it mig+t *e appropriate to point o)t t+at all o/ )s
accept t+e realit. o/ noct)rnal dreams# t+emselves a
nat)rall. occ)rring /orm o/ +all)cinator. p+enomena ,+ic+
/re0)entl. s+o, time distortion" T+e reason /or t+is general
acceptance is )ndo)*tedl. t+e /act t+at dreams are a com6
mon +)man experience -no,n to eac+ o/ )s" Yet o)r
evidence t+at ot+er people t+an o)rselves do dream consists
solel. in ver*al reports /rom t+e dreamer" Tr)e#
+all)cinator. experience )nder conditions o/ time distortion
in t+e trance state +as *een +ad *. a relativel. small
n)m*er o/ experimental s)*<ects# *)t t+is /act in itsel/ is not
an ade0)ate reason /or to t+ese reports t+e same
stat)s# as /ar as credi*ilit. is concerned# t+at ,e grant to
reports concerning t+e common noct)rnal dream" 5e
reali1e# o/ co)rse# t+at t+e experiences alleged *. o)r s)*6
<ects# ,+en ta-en in con<)nction ,it+ t+eir time relations#
are astonis+ing and# on /irst consideration# some,+at
incredi*le" Ho,ever# do)*ts concerning t+e veracit. o/
s)c+ reports m)st not *e *ased on t+e ama1ing nat)re o/
t+eir content# *)t rat+er on s)c+ tendencies to,ards
/alsi/ication# ela*oration# or del)sion prod)ction as ma.
*e connected ,it+ t+e trance state and t+e p+enomena
associated t+ere,it+" T+e possi*le role pla.ed *. t+ese
and ot+er /actors ,ill *e disc)ssed at some lengt+ in
s)*se0)ent c+apters"
T+e initial experiments *ro)g+t )p man. 0)estions# as
indeed did s)*se0)ent ones# and t+is ,or- as a ,+ole is
an attempt to ans,er some o/ t+em" T+e res)lting
investigations +ave *een less t+oro)g+ in some instances
t+an in ot+ers# and conse0)entl. t+e res)lts var. in
signi/icance" 5e are presenting t+e less concl)sive /indings
along ,it+ t+e more concl)sive ones in t+e +ope t+at t+is
,ill stim)late /)rt+er researc+ in a /ield t+at ma. prove
/r)it/)l /rom t+e point o/ vie, o/ ps.c+olog.# ps.c+iatr.#
and p+ilosop+."
Einstein +as made t+e /ollo,ing statementC >T+e
experiences o/ an individ)al appear to )s arranged in a
series o/ eventsL in t+is series t+e single events ,+ic+ ,e
remem*er appear to *e ordered according to t+e criterion o/
Kearlier= and Klater=" T+ere exists# t+ere/ore# /or t+e
individ)al# an I6time# or s)*<ective time" T+is in itsel/ is
not meas)ra*le" I can# indeed# associate n)m*ers ,it+ t+e
events# in s)c+ a ,a. t+at a greater n)m*er is associated
,it+ t+e later event t+an ,it+ an earlier one" T+is
association I can de/ine *. means o/ a cloc- *.
comparing t+e order o/ events /)rnis+ed *. t+e cloc- ,it+
t+e order o/ t+e given series o/ events" 5e )nderstand *. a
cloc- somet+ing ,+ic+ provides a series o/ events ,+ic+
can *e co)nted"> A2B AAlso see /ootnote at t+e end o/ t+e
5+ile t+e +ands o/ a cloc- move /rom one position to
anot+er# an in/inite n)m*er o/ ot+er c+anges ta-e place
in t+e cosmos" And ,+erever t+at p+enomenon ,+ic+
,e call a,areness exists# t+ere is pro*a*l. a sense o/ t+e
passage o/ time# and a sense o/ se0)ence" In ot+er ,ords#
experience seems to *e insepara*l. inter,oven ,it+ time
sense ,+ic+# as is tr)e o/ ot+er >primar.> experience# is
inde/ina*le" Yet ,e all -no, ,+at it is# and ,e
apparentl. conceive o/ d)ration as a magnit)de# /or ,e
spea- o/ a long or a s+ort time# and readil. compare time
intervals one ,it+ anot+er" O)r experience o/ time di//ers
/rom t+at o/ space in a strange ,a. in t+at it seems to *e
o/ )s# and insepara*le /rom o)r ver. existence"
et )s s)ppose t+at ,e gentl. stri-e t,o stones
toget+er t,ice" T+e t,o so)nds so prod)ced constit)te
t,o experiential events ,+ic+ are remem*ered" O/ t+ese
so)nds ,e can sa.C
2" T+e. occ)rred sim)ltaneo)sl. ,it+ t+e stri-ing
toget+er o/ t+e stones"
&" Eac+ ,as present /or onl. an instant"
F" One so)nd preceded t+e ot+er"
(" 7et,een t+em t+ere ,as an interval o/ time"
4" T+e interval +ad d)ration"
9" D)ring t+e interval ,e ,ere a,are o/ t+e passage
or /lo, o/ time
All t+is is -no,n in immediate experience ,it+o)t
re/erence to an. sort o/ a cloc-# and ,e re/er to t+e means
,+ere*. t+is is possi*le as o)r time sense# or sense o/
experiential time" O)r a,areness o/ t+e >/lo,> or passage
o/ time is con/ined to t+e present and o)r recollection o/
t+is permits )s to -no, d)ration" D)ration is a non6spatial
magnit)de and# ,it+in limits# ,e can compare t+e d)ration
o/ time intervals or events" T+e s+ortest percepti*le
d)ration is t+e instant# ,+ic+ ma. *e t+o)g+t o/ as a point
in experiential time" Since d)ration is a magnit)de# points
or loci are ordered ,it+in it# so t+at ,e can -no, t+at one
instant is earlier or later t+an anot+er" In ot+er ,ords# t+e
relation se0)ence is -no,a*le in immediate experience"
5+en t,o events are experienced at t+e same instant# ,e
are a,are o/ t+e relation sim)ltaneit." T+e term experiential
time# t+en# in its *roader meaning# incl)des all t+ese con6
cepts" In a narro,er )sage# it is applied to t+e /eeling o/
It is o)r sense o/ d)ration ,+ic+ leads )s to t+in- o/
experiential time intervals as magnit)des" And indeed# s+ort
experiential time intervals can *e tr)l. compared# ,it+in
limits# *. re/erring to o)r sense o/ d)ration" T+)s ,e can
-no, in immediate experience t+at one s)c+ interval is
longer t+an anot+er" !)rt+ermore# since o)r li/e is reg)lated
*. cloc-s# eac+ o/ )s +as a more or less de/inite idea o/ t+e
sense o/ d)ration ,e )s)all. experience ,+en t+e second6
+and o/ a cloc- moves over one one6second division" T+is
allo,s )s# ,it+ /air acc)rac.# to co)nt at s)c+ a rate t+at t+e
second6+and o/ a cloc- moves over one one6second
division in t+e interval *et,een eac+ pair o/ n)m*ers" T+ese
>experiential seconds> mig+t *e considered to *e tr)e )nits#
t+o)g+ inacc)rate ones# o/ experiential time" T+e same ma.
*e said o/ >experiential min)tes> and small m)ltiples
8n/ort)natel.# as ,ill *e seen *elo,# t+e ,ord
>d)ration> is )sed in p+.sics in an entirel. di//erent sense"
In p+.sics it means t+e cloc- reading o/ a time interval# t+at
is# t+e advance o/ cloc-6+ands# meas)red in spatial
)nits# d)ring an interval"
In classical p+.sics a con/)sing position +as *een ta-en
concerning t+e experiential time interval# /or +ere it is
stip)lated t+at intervals o/ experiential time s+all *e
compared *. means o/ t+e motion o/ *odies" T+)s t,o s)c+
intervals are de/ined as e0)al ,+en a *od.# moving )nder
exactl. t+e same circ)mstances in *ot+ cases# moves as
/ar d)ring one interval as d)ring t+e ot+er" !or practical
p)rposes# t+e rotation o/ t+e eart+ +as *een c+osen as an
instance o/ motion t+at contin)es )nder >exactl. t+e
same circ)mstances># and so i/ a point on t+e eart+=s
s)r/ace moves t+ro)g+ an arc o/ t+e same lengt+ d)ring
t,o intervals o/ experiential time# t+e intervals are said
to *e e0)al" And as o)r ordinar. cloc-s are cali*rated to
t+e rotation o/ t+e eart+# ,+en a point on a cloc- +and
moves t+ro)g+ an arc o/ t+e same lengt+ d)ring t,o
intervals# t+e intervals# again# are said to *e e0)al" In
experience# motion implies c+arge in position in
experiential space and t+is is meas)red *. means o/
experiential spatial )nits" In t+e case o/ t+e min)te6+and
o/ a cloc-# t+e circle on t+e dial over ,+ic+ t+e tip
moves is divided into 9' e0)al arcs called min)tes" In
t+e case o/ t+e second6+and# t+e circle is divided into
9' e0)al arcs called seconds" T+ese arcs# t+en# are
distances on t+e circ)m/erence o/ a circle over ,+ic+
t+e +and moves" T+e. are experiential spatial )nits#
and t+e >intervals> *et,een eac+ t,o min)te6mar-s
and eac+ t,o second6mar-s are experiential spatial
intervals# and not intervals o/ experiential time" Tr)e# i/
a person notes t+e instant at ,+ic+ t+e min)te6+and is at
t+e point mar-ed 2&# and t+at at ,+ic+ it is at t+e point
mar-ed 2# +e is a,are t+at t+ese t,o instants are
separated *. an interval o/ experiential time" 7)t +is
sense o/ d)ration ,+ile t+e +and moves over t+ese same
/ive min)te6divisions ma. *e ver. di//erent ,+en# an
+o)r later# +e repeats t+e o*servation# /or t+is sense o/
d)ration depends )pon man. di//erent /actors"
In time distortion in +.pnosis# t+ere ma. *e a ver.
mar-ed di//erence in t+e experiential d)ration o/ t,o time
intervals d)ring eac+ o/ ,+ic+ a cloc- +and advanced t+e
same distance" T+e /irst one ma. seem to t+e s)*<ect to
last one min)te and t+e second one F' min)tes#
depending )pon t+e s)ggestions given" Yet ,+en
compared according to t+e met+od o/ t+e p+.sicists# t+e
intervals are prono)nced e0)al" T+)s o)r cloc-s do not
tr)l. meas)re# or compare# 0)antities o/ experiential
Cloc-6dial )nits are# o/ co)rse# ar*itraril. related to t+e
rotation o/ t+e eart+" 5+ile t+e second6+and o/ a cloc-
moves over one one6second division# a point on t+e
eart+=s s)r/ace advances *. approximatel. one ;9(''t+
part o/ t+e circ)m/erence o/ t+e circle in ,+ic+ it moves"
5e s+all )se t+e term cloc- reading AC"R"B /or t+ese cloc-6
dial distances as meas)red in seconds or min)tes# t+e term
cloc- to incl)de t+e ordinar. cloc-# t+e ,atc+# or t+e
stop6,atc+" In t+e metronome experiments# o)r
metronome ,as cali*rated to a cloc-" T+e expression
>t+e rate o/ t+e metronome ,as constant at 9' stro-es per
min)te> means t+at 9' stro-es ,ere so)nded ,+ile t+e
min)te6+and o/ a cloc- advanced over one6min)te division
on t+e dial# or t+at d)ring t+e experiential time interval
*et,een an. t,o s)ccessive stro-es# t+e second6+and
o/ a cloc- advanced over one one6second division"
In s)mmar.# t+e seconds and min)tes s+o,n on o)r cloc-
dial are experiential spatial )nits# <)st as are t+e centimeters
or inc+es on a r)ler" T+e. meas)re di//erence in t+e
position o/ a +and res)lting /rom motion d)ring an
experiential time interval" It is clear t+en# t+at
alt+o)g+ ,e re/er to t+em as )nits o/ time# it is a time t+at
is 0)ite di//erent /rom experiential time" Indeed# t+e ,ord
time# as +ere )sed# can readil. *e de/ined in terms o/ spatial
concepts" 5e designate t+is /orm o/ time as cloc- time#
p+.sical time# o*<ective time# or ,orld time A5"T"B"
!ootnote 6 Einstein# in t+e 4t+ edition o/ +is *oo- >T+e Meaning o/ Relativit.>
APrinceton 8niversit. Press# 2344B sa.s on page 2# >5e )nderstand *. a cloc-
somet+ing ,+ic+ provides a series o/ events ,+ic+ can *e co)nted# and ,+ic+ +as ot+er
properties o/ ,+ic+ ,e s+all spea- later"> T+en# on page &" +e sa.s# >T+e conception o/
p+.sical *odies# in partic)lar o/ rigid *odies# is a relativel. constant complex o/ s)c+
sense perceptions" A cloc- is also a *od.# or a s.ste m# in t+e same sense# ,it+ t+e
additional propert. t+at t+e series o/ events ,+ic+ it co)nts is /ormed o/ elements all o/
,+ic+ can *e regarded as e0)alM"
T+e time o/ experience" In t+is ,or-# d)ration is t+e
most important component o/ experiential time" Ho,ever#
t+e sense o/ t+e passage or >/lo,> o/ time and t+e temporal
relations o/ se0)ence and sim)ltaneit. are -no,a*le onl.
t+ro)g+ o)r sense o/ experiential time" T+is +as *een
disc)ssed in C+apter &"
5ORD TIME A5"T"B /or ,orld time are cloc- time# p+.sical time#
or o*<ective time" T+is sort o/ time ,as disc)ssed in
C+apter &# ,+ere it ,as pointed o)t t+at its )nits are
reall. spatial# and are read /rom t+e dial o/ a cloc- or
5+en ,e spea- o/ t+e ,orld time o/ a time interval or
event ,e re/er to t+e cloc- reading d)ring t+e event or
interval" In s)c+ cases# t+e term ,orld time A5"T"B and
cloc- reading AC"R"B are interc+angea*le"
5+en ,e allot a de/inite amo)nt o/ ,orld time to a tas-#
,e call t+is t+e allotted time AA"T"B o/ t+e tas-" 5+ere no
allotted time is )sed# t+at is# ,+ere t+e s)*<ect is
instr)cted to noti/. )s *. signal ,+en +e +as /inis+ed a
tas-# ,e re/er to t+e cloc- reading *et,een t+e
starting signal and +is signal as t+e ,orld time A5"T"B o/
t+e tas-"
T+e cloc- reading o/ a time interval or an event is t+e
distance# meas)red in seconds or min)tes# over ,+ic+ a
cloc- +and +as advanced d)ring t+e interval or event" In
ot+er ,ords# it is t+e n)m*er o/ second6divisions or min)te6
divisions over ,+ic+ t+e +and moved d)ring t+e interval or
In some instances ,e spea- o/ t+e >act)al d)ration> or
>,orld time> o/ an interval instead o/ its >cloc- reading>"
5e pre/er >cloc- reading> to >act)al d)ration> *eca)se t+e
term emp+asi1es t+e /act t+at it is an experiential spatial
T+is is a person=s ans,er to t+e 0)estion# >Ho, long did
it seemI> T+is 0)estion ma.# o/ co)rse# re/er to an interval#
or to an event" An event# )nless instantaneo)s# +as a
*eginning and an end# and t+)s occ)pies t+e interval
*et,een t+ese t,o points in experiential time" In
previo)s p)*lications ,e +ave )sed t+e term >Estimated
Personal Time AE"P"T"B> /or t+is concept"
5e all come to associate# in o)r minds# a certain 0)antit.
o/ s)*<ective time ,it+ a given amo)nt o/ movement o/
cloc- +ands" T+)s t+e term >one second> or >one
means not onl. a certain distance advanced *. t+e cloc-
+ands# *)t li-e,ise a s)*<ective time interval ,it+ a
d)ration" Indeed# as mentioned a*ove# i/ ,e are as-ed to
co)nt o)t a series o/ one6second intervals# in t+e a*sence
o/ a cloc-# ,e can do so ,it+ a /air degree o/ acc)rac."
Alt+o)g+ ,e cannot at present acc)ratel. meas)re
experiential time# ,e can gain some idea o/ t+e seeming
d)ration o/ a time interval or o/ an event *. as-ing a
,a-ing person# >Ho, long did it seemI> He mig+t repl.
t+at >It seemed a long time> or >It seemed a s+ort
time"> I/ ,e as- +im# >Ho, man. min)tes did it seem
to *eI> +e mig+t repl. t+at t+e interval seemed to *e /ive
min)tes long" 7. t+is +e means t+at +is sense o/ t+e
o/ time d)ring t+e interval# t+at is# +is sense o/ its d)ration#
,as approximatel. t+at ,+ic+ +e generall. experiences
,+ile t+e min)te6+and o/ a cloc- advances over /ive
one6min)te divisions#6i"e" t+ro)g+ an arc o/ F' degrees"
On *eing in/ormed t+at t+e cloc- +and +ad advanced
*. onl. t,o min)tes# +e mig+t repl.# >It seemed longer
t+an it ,as A*. t+e cloc-B">
No, let )s s)ppose t+at ,e as- a ,a-ing individ)al# ,+o
+as not +ad access to a cloc-# +o, long a certain meeting#
,+ic+ ,e -no, to +ave ta-en F' min)tes# lasted" He ,ill#
*e/ore ans,ering# revie, +is experience d)ring t+e time
interval" In /act# +e ma. revise +is /irst ans,er as +e
re/lects /)rt+er on t+e matter"
I/ +e ,as impatient# )ncom/orta*le# or anxio)s# +is initial
estimate ma. *e longer t+an it ,o)ld ot+er,ise *e" T+)s
+e mig+t sa. t+at >It seemed to *e a long time# /or I
,as *ored and )ncom/orta*le# and impatient to meet
someone ,+o ,as ,aiting /or me"> T+e contrar. is li-el.
to *e t+e case i/ +e ,as interested or a*sor*ed in somet+ing#
or ,as en< +imsel/"
In t+e a*sence o/ an. distinct emotional coloring to +is
experience# or a/ter +e +as considered s)c+ o/ t+is as t+ere
,as# +e ma. next revie, ,+at +appened d)ring t+e
interval6,+at +e sa, or +eard or did or t+o)g+t# etc"# and
even t+en +e ma. /ind con/licting evidence on ,+ic+ to
*ase +is <)dgment" His concl)sions# ,+en /inall. arrived
at# ma. lead to a revision o/ an. t+at ,as *ased on +is
emotional tone"
In an. event# s)c+ estimates o/ t+e d)ration o/ an
interval as t+ose <)st cited constit)te t+e seeming
d)ration o/ t+e interval# or t+e estimated personal time"
On t+e ot+er +and# ,+ere t+e person involved /inds a
>cloc-6s)*stit)te># +is ans,er does not /all in t+is
categor." !or instance# o)r /riend ma. later recall t+at a
/amiliar train ,as +eard to pass <)st as t+e meeting started#
and anot+er s+ortl. a/ter it ended" T+is leads +im to con6
cl)de# rig+tl.# t+at t+e meeting pro*a*l. lasted a*o)t a +al/
+o)r# as +e -ne, ,+en t+e trains ,ere d)e to pass *.# so
t+at t+e. s)*stit)ted /or a cloc-"
Again# ,+ere a person +as t+e means o/ act)all.
calc)lating t+e advance o/ a cloc- d)ring an interval# ,e no
longer consider t+e res)lt o/ s)c+ a process as an estimate"
T+)s# a .o)ng man ,+o ver. nearl. ran +is car over a
cli// ,+ile ta-ing +is /iancee /or a drive# reported t+at t+e
time interval d)ring ,+ic+ t+e. ,ere in danger
seemed to *e ver. long" In anal.1ing certain ot+er
aspects o/ +is experience# +e told o/ doing an amo)nt o/
t+in-ing and re/lecting t+at ,as appropriate to a long
interval" In ot+er ,ords# t+e seeming d)ration ,as long"
Ho,ever# on considering t+e n)m*er o/ /eet ,+ic+ t+e car
+ad slid ,it+ loc-ed ,+eels and its pro*a*le speed ,+en
t+e emergenc. occ)rred# +e ,as a*le to calc)late t+at t+e
cloc- reading d)ring t+e emergenc. ,as *)t a /e,
i-e,ise# a /rig+tened parac+)ter mig+t sa. t+at it
seemed man. min)tes *e/ore +is =c+)te opened" In
anal.1ing ot+er aspects o/ +is experience# +e mig+t
report t+at# ,+en it /inall. did open# it did so in a
ver. leis)rel. /as+ion# appearing to )n/old in >slo,
motion> as +e ,atc+ed it" T+)s# +is earlier estimate o/ t+e
seeming d)ration ,as con/irmed *. vis)al experience"
Ho,ever# /rom +is -no,ledge o/ +is altit)de# speed o/ /all#
and ot+er /actors# +e can# *. calc)lation# /inall. concl)de
rig+tl. t+at# d)ring t+e interval *et,een t+e p)lling
o/ t+e cord and t+e opening o/ t+e =c+)te# t+e second6+and
o/ a ,atc+ advanced over onl. a /e, one6second divisions"
In s)mmar.# t+en# ,e can sa. t+at# in t+e ,a-ing state#
seeming d)ration# or estimated personal time# is an
estimate o/ t+e d)ration o/ an event or time interval in
t+e a*sence o/ a cloc-# or a cloc-6s)*stit)te# or t+e
necessar. data /or calc)lation"
S)c+ an estimate ma. *e given onl. in vag)e terms s)c+
as >long> or >s+ort>" On t+e ot+er +and# it is o/ten
expressed in seconds or min)tes" T+ese# o/ co)rse# are
experiential seconds or min)tes t+at +e +as come to -no,
/rom past experience"
No,# i/ ,e as- a person +o, long one o/ +is dreams
seemed to *e# +is ans,er ,ill generall. *e *ased
)pon +is
experience in t+e dream# and +is ans,er ,ill *e in terms
o/ t+e min)tes or +o)rs o/ +is dream6time"
@)st as t+e dreamer +as *een in a di//erent ,orld# so
t+e +.pnoti1ed s)*<ect# d)ring +all)cinated experience o/
t+e ,it+ ,+ic+ ,e are dealing# +as *een in a di//erent
,orld" Tr)e# in some experiments# ,e +ave >in<ected>
so)nd signals into +is +all)cinations# *)t t+ese +ave
/itted into +is +all)cinated ,orld as part o/ its /a*ric"
In as-ing a s)*<ect /or a report on a previo)s
+all)cinated experience# it is immaterial ,+et+er +e *e still
in t+e trance state# or a,a-e" In eit+er event# in to
t+e 0)estion# >Ho, long did it seemI> +e ,ill generall.
ass)me correctl. t+at ,e are re/erring to +is sense o/ t+e
passage o/ time in +is +all)cinated ,orld" I/ +e doesn=t# ,e
can readil. explain to +im t+at ,e are not as-ing +im to
estimate +o, long t+e experience lasted according to o)r
stop6,atc+# *)t +o, long it seemed to +im to last# as +e
lived it" Once t+e s)*<ect )nderstands t+is# t+e act)al /orm
in ,+ic+ t+e 0)estion is p)t is immaterial" 5e generall.
)se# >Ho, long did it seemI> >Ho, long did it
ta-eI># or
>Ho, long ,as itI> He ,ill t+en go a*o)t t+e ans,er <)st
as t+e ,a-ing individ)al ,ent a*o)t estimating t+e
d)ration o/ +is ,a-ing experience" And +is ans,er ,ill
mean t+at i/ t+e experience +ad occ)rred ,+ile +e ,as
a,a-e# +e ,o)ld +ave estimated t+e d)ration as so man.
min)tes or# +ad a cloc- *een present in t+e +all)cinated
,orld# its min)te6+and ,o)ld +ave advanced so /ar"
Having de/ined ,+at ,e mean *. t+e seeming d)ration
o/ a time interval# ,+ic+ is a concept involving
experiential time# and t+e cloc- reading o/ a time
interval# ,+ic+ involves ,orld time# ,e s+all proceed to a
disc)ssion o/ time distortion" T+e reader s+o)ld /irst *e
reminded# +o,ever# t+at ,+en a person expresses t+e
seeming d)ration o/ a time interval in terms o/ seconds or
min)tes# as in >It seemed to last /ive min)tes#> +e
means t+at +e ,o)ld expect t+e min)te6+and o/ a cloc-
to advance over /ive one6min)te divisions d)ring t+e event
or interval" T+is estimate# as pointed o)t in t+e previo)s
c+apter# is arrived at a/ter re/lecting )pon vario)s aspects
o/ +is experience d)ring t+e interval or event" In t+e case
o/ time intervals o/ ver. s+ort seeming d)ration# +e need
onl. re/er to +is idea o/ t+e d)ration o/ a second# or small
m)ltiples t+ereo/"
5+en t+e seeming d)ration o/ a time interval# expressed
in seconds# is mar-edl. di//erent /rom t+e cloc- reading
o/ t+e same time interval# ,e sa. t+at time distortion is
present" Mat+ematicall.# time distortion is present ,+en
t+e n)merical val)e o/ t+e ratio S"D"NC"R" Aor S"D"N5"T"B is
considera*l. larger or smaller t+an 2" Incidentall.# in
t+ese experiments ,e are interested in prod)cing ratios
,it+ a n)merical val)e greater t+an 2"
It is o*vio)s t+at# )nder ordinar. ,a-ing conditions#
one=s estimate o/ an interval o/ experiential time# t+at is#
its seeming d)ration# is rarel. in exact agreement ,it+ t+e
cloc- reading o/ t+e interval" ?enerall.# it is eit+er
some,+at greater or some,+at less" 5e reserve t+e term
time d i s t o r t i o n /or t+ose cases ,+ere t+e
is a large one and conse0)entl. ,+ere t+e sense o/
d)ration is /ar o)t o/ its )s)al proportion to t+e cloc-
reading" T+e relation t+)s is a distorted one# and ,e
can re/er to t+e experiential time o/ t+e person involved
as distorted time" An extreme example is t+e case ,+ere a
+.pnoti1ed s)*<ect experiences an +o)r=s +all)cinator.
activit. in# sa.# a t+ree6second reading on o)r stop,atc+"
It is at once evident t+at t+e concept time distortion
involves t,o constit)ent concepts# t+e seeming d)ration
and cloc- reading o/ a given experiential time interval# and
cannot *e -no,n )ntil ,e +ave determined *ot+ o/ t+ese
constit)ents" A person ,+o +as +ad a narro, escape and
+as experienced a long seeming d)ration d)ring t+e time
interval occ)pied *. t+e event# can concl)de t+at time
distortion ,as present onl. a/ter +e +as learned t+at t+e
cloc- reading o/ t+e interval ,as ver. m)c+ s+orter t+an
t+e seeming d)ration" i-e,ise# in o)r experiments ,it+
+.pnoti1ed s)*<ects# ,e can concl)de t+at time
distortion ,as present onl. a/ter ,e +ave compared t+e
cloc- reading o/ an +all)cinator. experience ,it+ t+e
s)*<ect=s report o/ its seeming d)ration"
In t+e ,a-ing individ)al# time distortion is a /airl.
common experience" As mentioned a*ove# intervals ,it+
t+e same cloc- reading ma. +ave a ver. s+ort seeming
d)ration d)ring pleas)re and am)sement# or interest# and a
ver. long one d)ring *oredom# anticipation# discom/ort# or
anxiet." T+is /inds expression in s)c+ /ol- sa.ings as
>Time /lies on love=s ,ings#> or >T+e ,atc+ed pot never
In previo)s papers# ,+ere t+e seeming d)ration o/ an
interval is m)c+ longer t+an t+e cloc- reading# as in t+e
case o/ t+e >,atc+ed pot># ,e +ave said t+at time ,as
>slo,ed># /or >T+e min)tes seemed to drag *.#> so to
spea-" Some persons# on t+e ot+er +and# t+in-ing o/
time as a /lo,ing stream# ta-e t+e vie, t+at t+is is reall. a
>speeding )p> o/ time# /or a larger segment o/ t+e stream
+as passed *. d)ring t+e given cloc- reading o/ t+e interval
t+an ,o)ld ordinaril. *e t+e case" Con/)sion can *e
avoided *. dropping t+e terms >slo,ing> or >speeding
)p> o/ time# and merel. stating ,+et+er t+e ratio o/ t+e
seeming d)ration to t+e cloc- reading AS"D"NC"R"B or to t+e
,orld time AS"D#N5"T"B o/ t+e interval is increased or
decreased in time distortion" As mentioned a*ove# all t+e
,or- reported in t+is monograp+ deals ,it+ a deli*erate
increase in t+is ratio"
Time distortion is ver. common in dreams# ,+ere man.
+o)rs o/ dream6li/e ma. *e experienced in *)t a /e,
min)tes *. t+e cloc-" Anot+er o/ time distortion# and a
most interesting one# ma. *e enco)ntered in times o/
or narro, escape# ,+ere intervals o/ ver. *rie/ cloc-
reading seem to *e long" In s)c+ cases# t+e long seeming
or s)*<ective time interval# ma. *e /illed ,it+ t+o)g+ts
and images proceeding at an apparentl. normal rate# and
movement in t+e >p+.sical ,orld># o/ten ver. rapid in
terms o/ cloc- time# ma. appear to t+e victim to occ)r in
>slo, motion>" It is *. no means rare /or t+e individ)al
involved to report t+at# in t+e emergenc.# +is
per/ormance ,as improved *eca)se +e seemed to +ave
more time /or decisions" Again# persons ,+o +ave nearl.
dro,ned +ave reported reliving large segments o/ t+eir
lives in ,+at proved to *e *)t a /e, min)tes" S)c+
experience proceeds at a normal rate as /ar as t+e victim is
One ps.c+iatrist# Asee /ootnote at t+e end o/ t+e c+apterB
,+o ,as in an a)tomo*ile t+at s-idded o// t+e road and
t+at t)rned completel. over t,ice *e/ore landing at t+e
*ottom o/ a decline# commented a*o)t +is s)*<ective
/eeling t+at time ,as no, eit+er standing still or going in
slo, motionL it seemed to +im as t+o)g+ it too-
approximatel. +al/ an +o)r /rom t+e time t+e car started
to t)rn over till it +it t+e decline on t+e side# as t+o)g+ it
too- anot+er +al/ an +o)r *e/ore t+e car t)rned over to
its roo/# as t+o)g+ t+ere ,as still anot+er +al/ an +o)r
*e/ore it t)rned over to t+e ot+er side# etc"6and since it
t)rned over t,o /)ll times in all# as t+o)g+ in t+e s+ort
space o/ less t+an a /e, seconds# over t,o +o)rs +ad
T+e sense o/ d)ration ma. *e altered also *. organic
*rain lesions# certain dr)gs# t+e ps.c+oses and
ps.c+one)roses# deliri)m# and toxic states" In general#
time seems to pass more rapidl. /or t+e aging t+an /or
t+e .o)ng"
5elc+ A&'B +as made a st)d. o/ time distortion in
+.pnoticall.6ind)ced dreams# and Eric-son A3B +as
reported t+e p+enomenon in a +.pnoti1ed s)*<ect ,+o
,as reliving past events" Inglis A2'B +ad a s)*<ect ,+o
claimed to *e a*le to *ring a*o)t an apparent slo,ing o/
o*served p+.sical p+enomena at ,ill# and to +ave
emplo.ed t+is a*ilit. to advantage ,+ile *oxing# ,+en it
aided +im in placing *lo,s"
!inall.# time sense can *e deli*eratel. altered *.
+.pnotic s)ggestion and a predetermined degree o/
distortion t+)s e//ected"
Depending )pon t+e circ)mstances# certain ot+er c+anges
in experience ma. accompan. time distortion" T+e
/ollo,ing o)tline presents some o/ t+e more important o/
T+e ratio *et,een t+e seeming d)ration and t+e cloc-
reading o/ an interval is increased"
Sensor. experienceC
No c+ange in apparent speed o/ progression"
Non6sensor. experienceC
No c+ange in apparent speed o/ progression"
T+e dream
T+e ratio *et,een t+e seeming d)ration and t+e cloc-
reading o/ art interval is increased"
Sensor. experience /rom t+e p+.sical ,orldC
P+.sical stim)li are )s)all. not experienced as s)c+"
Dream experienceC
M)c+ activit. ma. ta-e place in an interval o/ ver.
*rie/ cloc- reading" T+is activit. appears# to t+e s)*<ect#
to proceed at a normal or c)stomar. rate"
5it+ t+e proper tec+ni0)e# t+e ratio *et,een t+e seeming
d)ration and t+e cloc- reading o/ an interval ma. *e greatl.
increased# and in a controlled ,a."
Sensor. experience /rom t+e p+.sical ,orldC
In t+e /e, cases ,+ere t,o so)nds +ave *een in<ected
into +all)cinator. experiences# t+e ratio *et,een t+e
seeming d)ration o/ t+e interval and its cloc- reading
+as *een increased"
5+ere a single contin)o)s so)nd +as *een so in<ected#
its S"D"N C"R" ratio +as li-e,ise *een increased"
Hall)cinator. and non6sensor. experienceC
M)c+ activit. ma. ta-e place in an interval o/ ver.
*rie/ cloc- reading" T+is activit. appears# to t+e
s)*<ect# to proceed at a normal or c)stomar. rate"
T+e narro, escape
T+e ratio *et,een t+e seeming d)ration and t+e cloc-
reading o/ an interval ma. *e greatl. increased"
Sensor. experienceC
All sensor. experience ma. seem to *e slo,ed
do,n# action appearing to occ)r in >slo, motion>"
Act)all.# +ig+ speeds in t+e p+.sical ,orld are o/ten
Non6sensor. experienceC
T+o)g+t# imager.# etc"# are o/ten m)c+ increased in
amo)nt per )nit o/ ,orld time" As /ar as t+e person
involved is concerned# t+e activit. seems to proceed at
a normal rate"
S)*<ective# experiential# or ps.c+ological time"
T+is is a time interval# or a d)ration# t+at is s)ggested
to t+e s)*<ect )nder +.pnosis and ,+ic+# in a good s)*<ect#
*ecomes t+e time o/ +is experience" It is generall. )sed in
connection ,it+ a contin)o)s activit.# *. telling t+e s)*<ect
t+at +e ,ill engage in it /or a certain lengt+ o/ time" O/
co)rse# s)*<ects come to reali1e# d)ring a series o/
experiments# t+at t+e seeming d)ration o/ t+eir
+all)cinated activities +as *een di//erent /rom t+e
reading s+o,n *. t+e experimenter=s ,atc+"
5+en ,e ma-e an a//irmation to a +.pnoti1ed s)*<ect
concerning +imsel/ ,e are giving +im a s)ggestion# and +is
response ,ill *e to +ave certain experiences" Similar e//ects
ma. *e prod)ced *. giving +im a command" His response
,ill# o/ co)rse# depend )pon man. /actors# among t+em
+is o,n past experience and +is )nderstanding o/ ,+at is
said to +im"
5+en ,e s)ggest to t+e s)*<ect t+at +e *e some place# or
do somet+ing# ,e sa. t+at ,e are assigning to +im an
activit." His response# in eit+er case# involves a c+ange in
+is /ield o/ a,areness" T+is response ma. involve t+e
+all)cinator. prod)ction o/ t+ose /orms o/ experience
t+at ma-e )p# in t+e ,a-ing state# t+e so6called >p+.sical
,orld>" i-e,ise# ot+er /orms o/ sensation ma. *e
prod)ced# as ,ell as /eeling# emotion# t+o)g+t# etc"
O*vio)sl.# t+e variet. o/ assigna*le experiences is
almost limitless" I/ ,e simpl. s)ggest t+at +e *e
some,+ere# ,+at +e does in +is +all)cinated ,orld is
entirel. )p to +im" I/ ,e speci/. t+at +e do somet+ing# s)c+
as ta-e a ,al-# c+ange a tire on +is car# pla. some game#
*). a pair o/ s+oes# listen to a record# ,atc+ a set o/
tennis# t+in- over some pro*lem# etc"# +e still +as a ,ide
/ield to c+oose /rom# incl)ding t+e time and t+e place o/
t+e activit." T+e s)ggestion t+at a s)*<ect >ta-e a ,al->
is more general# or less speci/ic# t+an t+at +e >ta-e a
,al- in do,nto,n 5as+ington># ,+ile t+e s)ggestion
t+at +e relive a certain experience is a +ig+l. speci/ic
one" 7. )sing a s)ggested personal time# ,e can# ,it+in
limits# control t+e seeming d)ration o/ a tas-"
T+ere is a di//erence *et,een ,atc+ing *ase*all#
ironing clot+es# or co)nting g)m6drops# on t+e one +and#
and ,atc+ing t+ree innings o/ a *ase*all game# ironing six
s+irts# or co)nting 2'' g)m6drops# on t+e ot+er" T+e /ormer
activities co)ld t+eoreticall. contin)e more or less inde/i6
nitel.# ,+ereas t+e latter are# *. de/inition# circ)mscri*ed"
5e call t+em contin)o)s and completed activities#
2" Contin)o)s activit.C A contin)o)s activit. is one ,+ic+
progresses to no stip)lated limit as /ar as de/inition o/
t+e activit. itsel/ is concerned" In t+ese experiments#
contin)o)s activities are generall. limited# in seeming
d)ration# *. assigning to t+em a s)ggested personal time
AS"P"T"B" Examples areC ,al-ing /or ten min)tes#
pic-ing /lo,ers /or +al/ an +o)r# listening to m)sic /or
/ive min)tes# etc"
&" Completed activit.C A completed activit. is one
,+ic+ progresses to t+e /)l/illment o/ certain
stip)lated or
implied conditions Anone o/ t+em concerning t+e
d)rationB# at ,+ic+ point it reac+es completion" T+)s it is
sel/6limited" Examples areC to c+ange a tire# to co)nt a
given n)m*er o/ o*<ects# to ,al- a certain distance# etc"
It ,ill *e noted t+at ,e +ave de/ined t+e completed
activit. as *eing limited *. considerations ot+er t+an
d)ration" T+is is done in order to permit a special treatment
o/ t+e time /actor"
T+e signal /or t+e +all)cinated activit. to *egin"
T+e signal# given *. t+e experimenter# /or t+e
+all)cinated activit. to cease# or# in t+e case o/ tas-s
,it+ no allotted time# t+e signal# given *. t+e s)*<ect#
t+at s)c+ activit. +as ceased"
5+en t+e" experimenter designates# *. signal# t+e time at
,+ic+ t+e s)*<ect is to *egin a tas- and t+at at ,+ic+ +e
is to end it# ,e sa. t+at t+e interval *et,een t+e signals is
t+e allotted time# and re/er to t+e /irst signal as t+e starting
signal and t+e second as t+e termination signal" T+e
allotted time is t+e cloc- reading o/ t+e ,orld time and is
never told to t+e s)*<ect d)ring an experiment" It is
evident at once t+at t+is is a di//erent tec+ni0)e /rom one
,+ere t+e experimenter gives t+e starting signal# *)t ,+ere
t+e s)*<ect +imsel/ indicates t+e completion o/ t+e tas-
*. signalling
s)c+ completion to t+e experimenter" T+e )se o/ an allotted
time# o/ co)rse# permits t+e experimenter acc)ratel. to
control t+e ratio *et,een t+e seeming d)ration and t+e
,orld time in tas-s ,+ere a s)ggested personal time is
)sed and accepted" It also permits +im to control t+e ratio
*et,een t+e amo)nt o/ activit.# as implied *. t+e partic)lar
tas- assigned# and t+e ,orld time"
It ,as ,+ile experimenting ,it+ t+e allotted time t+at a
most interesting and inexplica*le /inding came to lig+t" A
description o/ t+ese experiments /ollo,s" T+e letter E
re/ers to t+e experimenterL S to t+e s)*<ect"
2" Tas- AC !irst t+e /ollo,ing tas- ,as assigned" Since it
proceeds to a stip)lated limit At+e pic-ing o/ /o)r ro,s
cottonB# it is a completed tas-" T+ere is no s)ggested
personal time# /or not+ing ,as said to t+e s)*<ect
concerning +o, long s+e ,as to ,or-" S+e ,as told to
signal ,+en s+e ,as /inis+ed# and +ence t+ere ,as no
allotted time"
E" Yo) are in a cotton /ield# and are going to pic-
some cotton" Tell me# please# ,+at .o) see"
S" AT+e s)*<ect descri*ed a cotton /ield"B
E" Sta. t+ere# and listen to me care/)ll." 5+en I give
.o) t+e starting signal *. >No,># .o) ,ill pic- /o)r
ro,s o/ cotton# co)nting t+e *olls as .o) pic- t+em# one at
a time" Yo) ,ill not +)rr." 5+en .o)=ve /inis+ed# .o)=ll
let me -no, *. raising .o)r rig+t +and" Here comes
t+e starting signal# >No,>"
T+e s)*<ect raised +er rig+t +and &2: seconds a/ter t+e
starting signal +ad *een given# and reported t+at s+e +ad
pic-ed :23 cotton *olls" S+e pic-ed ,it+ +er rig+t +and
part o/ t+e time# and ,it+ +er le/t +and part o/ t+e time#
s+i/ting t+e *ag accordingl." S+e pic-ed onl. ripe *olls#
leaving t+e green ones alone" Sometimes s+e stopped and
*r)s+ed t+e leaves aside to ma-e s)re t+at s+e +adn=t missed
an." S+e didn=t +)rr.# *)t s+e ,or-ed steadil." It ,as late
a/ternoon# and t+e ,oods along t+e ,est edge o/ t+e /ield
cast a s+ado," S+e stated t+at s+e seemed to +ave *een
,or-ing a*o)t an +o)r and t,ent. min)tes" 5+en as-ed to
demonstrate# *. co)nting alo)d# t+e rate at ,+ic+ s+e
pic-ed t+e cotton# s+e co)nted to 49 in one min)te"
&" Tas- 7C T+e /ollo,ing tas- ,as t+en assigned" Note
t+at ,+ereas Tas- A ,as a completed activit.# ,it+o)t
an allotted time or a s)ggested personal time# Tas- 7 is a
contin)o)s activit. since it is# in itsel/# )nlimited" T+e
allotted time ,as t+ree seconds# and t+e s)ggested per6
sonal time one +o)r and t,ent. min)tes"
E" Yo) are no, in a cotton /ield and are going to pic-
some cotton" Tell me ,+at .o) see"
S" AT+e s)*<ect descri*ed a cotton /ield"B
E" Sta. t+ere and listen to me care/)ll." 5+en I give
.o) t+e starting signal *. >No,># .o) are
going to pic- cotton /or an +o)r and t,ent. min)tes"
Yo) ,ill not +)rr.# and .o) ,ill co)nt eac+ *oll as
.o) pic- it" Here comes t+e starting signal# >No,>"
AT+ree seconds later"B
E" No, ma-e .o)r mind a *lan-" Yo)r mind is no,
a *lan-" Tell me ,+at +appened# please"
S" AT+e s)*<ect reported t+at s+e +ad pic-ed and
co)nted ;9& cotton *olls# one at a time" Again# s+e
+ad not +)rried# *)t ,or-ed steadil." !rom time to
time# s+e *r)s+ed t+e leaves aside to ma-e s)re t+at
s+e +adn=t missed an." It ,as ver. >real> and ,as com6
para*le to +er per/ormance in t+e previo)s tas-" As-ed
+o, long it seemed# s+e replied# >An +o)r and t,ent.
min)tes"> As-ed to demonstrate# *. co)nting alo)dL
t+e rate at ,+ic+ s+e pic-ed t+e cotton s+e co)nted to
9 ; in one
It ,as t+is report on Tas- 7# indicating as it did t+at
t+e s)*<ect +ad approximatel. t+e same >amo)nt> o/
experience in t+ree seconds as s+e +ad previo)sl. +ad in
&2 seconds# t+at led )s to investigate /)rt+er t+e
relations *et,een t+e amo)nt o/ activit. and t+e allotted
time" !)rt+ermore# it revealed t+e allotted time as one o/
t+e most important concepts involved"
In t+e terminolog. presented a*ove# t+e tas-s ma. *e
descri*ed as /ollo,sC
Tas- A"T"
5"T" S"D" D"R" Co)nt
A ' O ' ' &2: sec" ;' min" 49Nmin" :23
7 F sec" ' O O F sec" ;' min" 9;Nmin" ;9&
In t+e co)nting experiments# t+e s)*<ect ,as
/re0)entl. as-ed to demonstrate# *. co)nting o)t lo)d#
t+e rate at ,+ic+ +e +ad co)nted +all)cinated o*<ects"
T+is ,as done *ot+ d)ring trance and post6+.pnoticall."
In t+e /ormer instances# t+e s)*<ect +ad /inis+ed t+e tas-
and ,as pres)ma*l. not in a p+ase o/ response to
T+is prod)ct# demonstrated rate m)ltiplied *. seeming
d)ration# is a prod)ct )sed in t+e co)nting tas-s" It
indicates t+e co)nt t+at ,o)ld *e reac+ed i/ t+e s)*<ect
co)nted at t+e demonstrated rate /or a period e0)al to
t+e estimated personal time"
T+is prod)ct# demonstrated rate m)ltiplied *. ,orld time#
gives )s t+e co)nt t+at ,o)ld *e reac+ed i/ t+e s)*<ect
co)nted at t+e demonstrated rate /or a period e0)al to
t+e ,orld time"
T+e space o/ experience" 5e sa.# /or instance# t+at t+e
contents o/ o)r vis)al /ield are ordered and extended in
experiential space" Spatial relations li-e,ise are
immediatel. -no,a*le in a)ditor. and tactile and some
ot+er /orms o/ experience and ,e can correlate some o/
t+ese sense6speci/ic spaces into a more general one"
T+)s ,e can locate a certain so)nd in relation to a
certain portion o/ o)r vis)al /ield"
T+e reporting# *. t+e s)*<ect# o/ +is +all)cinated
activit. ,+ile it is act)all. proceeding" It +as *een )sed
*. )s ver. rarel.# t+e most /re0)ent occasion *eing as a
prel)de to some o/ t+e co)nting experiments"
!ootnoteC Dr" Harold Rosen# in a personal comm)nication"
C+apter (
Pertinent data concerning t+e s)*<ects )sed in t+ese
experiments is presented *elo,
TA7E 2

Hig+ Sc+ool
Hig+ Sc+ool
Hig+ Sc+ool
Hig+ Sc+ool
Hig+ Sc+ool
Hig+ Sc+ool
S)*<ects C# E# H# I and M ,ere ps.c+olog. st)dents"
In t+is c+apter# certain met+ods o/ more or less general
application ,ill *e descri*ed" T+ose t+at are limited to
a partic)lar gro)p o/ experiments trill *e considered in
t+e appropriate sections"
In all t+e experiments# a tas- ,as assigned to t+e
+.pnoti1ed s)*<ect# and t+e relation *et,een t+e
seeming d)ration and t+e cloc- reading o/
experience ,as st)died# along ,it+ certain aspects o/ t+e
experience itsel/" T+e seeming d)ration# and a
description o/ t+e experience# ,ere determined *. as-ing
t+e s)*<ect /or a report" T+e cloc- reading ,as ta-en /rom
a stop6,atc+ or in some instances it ,as calc)lated
/rom a metronome"
S)*<ects eit+er la. s)pine on a *ed# or sat in a c+air#
,it+ t+eir closed" It is important to point o)t t+at t+e.
remained motionless t+ro)g+o)t# regardless o/ ,+at t+e.
,ere doing in t+eir +all)cinated ,orld" D)ring t+e earl.
training sessions# ,e generall. told t+e s)*<ect to i ma g i
n e t+at +e ,as living t+e s)ggested experience" T+is
conve.ed to +im t+e idea t+at ,e did not expect an.
motor per/ormance in t+e >p+.sical= ,orld"
Ger. occasionall.# d)ring earl. training# some
motion ma. *e o*served d)ring +all)cinator. activit."
T+is can *e prevented *. s)ggesting to t+e s)*<ect t+at#
d)ring tas- per/ormance# regardless o/ ,+at +e does in
t+e +all)cinated ,orld# +is >p+.sical> *od.# as opposed
to t+e *od. ,+ic+ engages in t+e +all)cinator. activit.#
,ill remain motionless" Alt+o)g+ s)c+ a statement ma.
*e t+eoreticall. am*ig)o)s# t+e s)*<ect invaria*l.
-no,s ,+at t+e experimenter means *. it# and responds
Ind)ction o/ a simple trance state ,as e//ected *.
s)ggestions o/ sleep" In general# a moderatel. deep
trance state ,as 0)ite satis/actor.# *)t t+ere ,ere# o/
co)rse# individ)al variations in t+is regard" Except in
special instances# s)*<ects ,+o s+o,ed a tendenc. to
develop an amnesia ,ere given t+e s)ggestion t+at t+e.
,o)ld remem*er t+eir experiences"
I/ it ,as /elt advisa*le to clear t+e s)*<ect=s mind o/
resid)al scenes *e/ore starting an experiment# +e ,as told#
>No,# an. scenes t+at .o)=ve *een seeing are
disappearing /rom vie," T+e. +ave no, disappeared# and
.o)r mind is no, a *lan-">
Sessions ,ere generall. +eld /o)r or /ive da.s a ,ee-# in
0)iet s)rro)ndings# and )s)all. lasted an +o)r"
Eac+ individ)al experiment consists o/ t+e /ollo,ing
5e generall. )se t+e expression# PNo,# give me .o)r
attention# please" 5+en I give .o) t+e starting signal# *. KNo,=# .o)=re going to A.o) ,illB QM
Here instr)ctions are given to t+e s)*<ect concerning
t+e experience t+at +e is to +ave" T+e. ma. *e general or
speci/ic# according to t+e ,is+es o/ t+e experimenter" A list
o/ t.pical activit. instr)ctions /ollo,sC
Contin)o)s Activities ,it+o)t S)ggested Personal
PQ go ,al-ing"M
PQ *e in t+e co)ntr.# pic-ing *lac-*erries"M
PQ *e listening to a record"M
PQ ta-e t+e pennies o)t o/ t+e *ox# and place t+em
on t+e ta*le and co)nt t+em# one *. one# as .o) do
PQ *e in a t+eater# ,atc+ing a s+o,"M
PQ go in s,imming"M
PQ go on a picnic"M
PQ *e at a part."M
PQ *e at ,or-"M
PQ go s+opping"M
PQ *e at an am)sement par-"M
PQ *e at a dance"M
Completed Activities ,it+o)t S)ggested Personal TimeC
P""" prepare a meal"M
PQ *). a pair o/ s+oes"M
PQ ,atc+ a movie Ks+ort="M
PQ ta-e a ,al-"M
PQ dra, a pict)re"M
PQ ,atc+ a set o/ tennis"M
PQ do somet+ing ,+ic+ .o) ,ill en<o."M
PQ ma-e .o)r *ed"M
PQ c+ange a tire on .o)r car"M
PQ ,rite a letter"M
PQ disc)ss some matter ,it+ a
/riend"M PQ +ave .o)r +air c)t"M
PQ *e ; .ears old# and ,ill leave .o)r +o)se and ,al-
to sc+ool"M
I/ a s)ggested personal time is )sed# it is assigned along
,it+ t+e activit. instr)ctions" T+is is generall. done in one
o/ t+e /ollo,ing ,a.sC
>Yo)=re going to A.o) ,illB spend Aat leastB 2'
min)tes Ao/ .o)r special timeB ,atc+ing a *ase*all game">
>Yo)=re going to A.o) ,illB *e ,atc+ing a *ase*all
game" Yo) ,ill do t+is /or Aat leastB 2' min)tes Ao/ .o)r
special timeB">
T+e term >at least># ,+ic+ is optional# gives a certain
lee,a. to t+e s)*<ect"
S)*<ects come to t+in- o/ t+e time o/ =t+eir +all)cinator.
experiences as *eing di//erent /rom t+at o/ t+e ,a-ing
,orld# <)st as is t+e time experienced in dreams" T+is#
indeed# is tr)e# and it is o/ten )se/)l to enco)rage t+is point
o/ vie, d)ring training# as is pointed o)t in C+apter 9"
5+en a s)*<ect is +elped *. t+is concept# ,e are i-el. to
)se t+e p+rase# >o/ .o)r special time># a/ter a designated
time interval"
Examples o/ activit. instr)ctions ,it+ an
assigned s)ggested personal time /ollo,C
Contin)o)s Activities ,it+ S)ggested Personal TimeC
PQ go ,al-ing /or 2' min)tes"M
PQ *e in t+e co)ntr. pic-ing *lac-*erries" Yo) ,ill
do t+is /or Aat leastB 2' min)tes"M
PQ listen to a record /or 4 min)tes"M
PQ pic- /lo,ers in a garden /or 24 min)tes"M
PQ spend Aat leastB 2' min)tes o/ .o)r special
time ta-ing t+e pennies o)t o/ t+e *ox and placing
on t+e ta*le" Yo) ,ill co)nt t+em# one *. one# as .o)
do so"M
PQ spend 2' min)tes in a t+eater# ,atc+ing a
s+o,"M PQ *e at a picnic /or +al/ an +o)r"M
PQ spend Aat leastB &' min)tes o/ .o)r special time at
a part.#M
Completed Activities ,it+ S)ggested Personal TimeC
T+ese are seldom )sed# /or t+e assigning o/ a completed
activit. implies an appropriate experiential time"
PQ prepare a meal" It ,ill ta-e an +o)r"M
PQ *). a pair o/ s+oes" It ,ill ta-e &' min)tes"M
PQ ,atc+ a movie =s+ort=" It ,ill ta-e 2' min)tes"M
Time distortion is aided *. ass)ring t+e s)*<ect t+at +e
,ill +ave all t+e time +e needs and t+at +e ,ill not +ave to
+)rr." S)*<ects state t+at s)c+ ass)rance ena*les t+em to
relax and# )nless one is dealing ,it+ a ver. pro/icient
s)*<ect# it is advisa*le to ma-e )se o/ t+is tec+ni0)e
/re0)entl." 5e )se s)c+ s)ggestions as t+e /ollo,ingC
>Yo) ,ill not +ave to +)rr.# /or .o) ,ill +ave all t+e
time .o) need">
>Don=t +)rr.L ta-e .o)r time">
>Remem*er# .o) +ave an )nlimited amo)nt o/ special
time availa*le and ,ill ta-e as m)c+ o/ t+is as
.o) need to /inis+ t+e tas- ,it+o)t +)">
>Yo) ,ill do t+is slo,l.# /or .o) ,ill +ave all t+e
time .o) need">
>oiter over t+is tas-L do it slo,l.">
>Relax and ta-e t+ings eas." T+ere=s no need to
>Yo) ,ill complete t+e tas-# ,it+o)t +) /or
.o) ,ill +ave plent. o/ time">
T+e a*ove o/ s)ggestion is ver. e//ective# and
/re0)entl. ena*les a s)*<ect to /inis+ a completed
activit. in a leis)rel. manner# ,it+in t+e allotted time#
,+ereas previo)sl. +e +ad *een )na*le to do so"
It is important to point o)t t+at ,e do not tell t+e s)*<ect
t+e allotted time# and t+at ,e never give an. s)ggestion to
+im t+at ,ill conve. an. idea related to +) or t+e
rapid progression o/ events" In /act# as stressed a*ove# ,e
give +im ever. ass)rance t+at +e ,ill +ave plent. o/ time
and ,ill not +ave to +)rr." T+is is emp+asi1ed *eca)se
some experimenters# not /)ll. )nderstanding t+e concept
o/ time distortion# +ave given s)ggestions to t+e e//ect
t+at experiences ,ill >/las+> or >r)s+> t+ro)g+ t+e
s)*<ect=s mind" T+is# o/ co)rse# is <)st t+e opposite
res)lt to t+at ,+ic+ ,e aim /or" Tr)e# i/ t+e experimenter
co)ld +imsel/ o*serve t+e events in +is s)*<ect=s mind as
t+e. )n/old )nder t+e o/ time distortion descri*ed in
t+is report6t+at is# ,+ere t+e S"D"NC"R" ratio is m)c+
larger t+an 26t+e activit. ,o)ld *e /o)nd to proceed at a
ver. rapid rate in terms o/ ,orld time" 7)t ,e are not
interested in t+is +.pot+etical /inding in giving o)r
s)ggestion" Rat+er# ,e are interested in ind)cing in t+e
s)*<ect experience t+at progresses at a normal or nat)ral
rate as /ar as +e is concerned and t+at is accompanied *. a
sense o/ d)ration appropriate to t+is rate" T+at ,e are
s)ccess/)l is evidenced *. t+e s)*<ects= reports"
T+e ,riting o/ notes on a report# or t+e planning /or a
s)*se0)ent tas- ma.# o/ co)rse# ta-e several min)tes" In
s)c+ cases# ,e generall. sa. to t+e s)*<ect# >No, let .o)r
mind ,ander ,+it+er it ,ill# to pleasant scenes"> T+is
permits +im to engage in des)ltor. +all)cinator. activit.
o/ +is o,n c+oosing# and allo,s +im to relax" 5+en ,e
read. to assign t+e next tas-# ,e sa.# >No, give me .o)r
attention# please" An. scenes .o)=ve *een seeing are no,
disappearing /rom vie," Yo)r mind is no, a *lan-">
D)ring long sessions# it is o)r c)stom to allo, t+e
s)*<ect to re/res+ +imsel/ *. assigning to +im t+e
/ollo,ing tas-C >Yo) ,ill spend as m)c+ time as .o)
,is+ doing somet+ing t+at .o) ,ill en<o."> In t+e case o/
accomplis+ed s)*<ects# an allotted time o/ &' or F' seconds
is )sed /or t+is >recess>" 5it+ ot+er s)*<ects# it is longer"
T+is is simpl. t+e ,ord# >No,>"
T+is is t+e period *et,een t+e starting and t+e
termination signals# d)ring ,+ic+ t+e s)*<ect per/orms t+e
assigned tas-" Its cloc- reading is t+e same as t+e allotted
time AA"T"B ,+en s)c+ is )sed" 5+en no allotted time is
)sed# it is t+e same as t+e ,orld time A5"T"B o/ t+e activit."
a" In t+e presence o/ an allotted time AA"T"B# t+e
termination o/ t+e activit. is# o/ co)rse# *ro)g+t a*o)t *.
t+e experimenter" It is explained to t+e s)*<ect t+at ,+en
t+e experimenter ,is+es +im to terminate t+e
+all)cinator. activit.# +e ,ill sa.# >No,# ma-e .o)r
mind a *lan-#> or >No,# *lan-"> He is told t+at t+is
constit)tes t+e >termination signal> /or all tas-s in ,+ic+
t+e experimenter gives s)c+ a signal# and t+at# ,+en it is
given# all +all)cinator. activit. ,ill stop immediatel."
Having explained to t+e s)*<ect t+at +e ,ill receive
*ot+ a starting and a termination signal# t+e /ollo,ing
s)ggestions are given a/ter t+e activit. instr)ctionsC
A2B 5it+ a contin)o)s activit. ,it+ a s)ggested
personal time
>I s+all give t+e termination signal ,+en t+e time is
A&B 5it+ a completed activit.
>.o) ,ill +ave plent. o/ time# *et,een signals# to
complete t+e tas- ,it+o)t +)">
In t+is ,or-# ,e )se an allotted time ,it+ almost all t+e
tas-s" Conse0)entl.# o)r s)*<ects come to expect t+e
termination signal as a matter o/ co)rse" T+)s# in trained
s)*<ects# it is )nnecessar. to sa. an.t+ing# ro)tinel.#
a*o)t t+e termination signal ,+en an allotted time is
*" In t+e a*sence o/ an allotted time AA"T"B# and ,+en t+e
s)ggested activit. is a completed one# t+e s)*<ect is
instr)cted to noti/. t+e experimenter ,+en +e +as /inis+ed
t+e tas-" He is told" >5+en .o)=ve /inis+ed# .o) ,ill let me
-no, *. KNo,="> T+is is also done ,it+ contin)o)s
activities ,it+o)t an allotted time# ,+ic+ are al,a.s given a
s)ggested personal time AS"P"T"B in t+ese experiments"
D)ring t+e earl. experiments# ,e re0)ested a report
/rom t+e s)*<ect immediatel. a/ter t+e completion o/ a
given tas-# and ,+ile +e ,as still in t+e trance state" He
,as t+en ,a-ed# and a ,a-ing report ,as o*tained" As
t+ese ,ere al,a.s in agreement# it *ecame o)r c)stom to
omit t+e trance report" T+)s# a n)m*er o/ tas-s co)ld *e
assigned and reported )pon in a single trance session"
T+e /ollo,ing expressions are )sed in o*taining general
>Tell me ,+at +appened# please">
>No,# tell me a*o)t it">
>Tell me ,+at .o) did">
>5+at +appenedI>
>5+at did .o) doI>
Ot+er 0)estions are t+en as-ed# s)c+ asC
>Ho, long did it seemI>
>Did .o) /inis+I>
>5as it realI>
>Did .o) +)rr.I>
>5ere t+ere an. omissions or gapsI>
>Did .o) en<o. itI>
T+e /ollo,ing s)ggestion is generall. )sed in ,a-ing t+e
s)*<ectC >I=m going to ,a-e .o) no, *. co)nting to 4"
5+en I reac+ 4 .o)=ll *e vide a,a-e and re/res+ed# and
,ill remem*er ever.t+ing .o)=ve done" Here comes t+e
,a-ing co)nt 6 One# .o)=re ,a-ing# ,a-ing# ,a-ing"
T,o# .o)=re ,a-ing# etc"> It is important to point o)t t+at#
except /or t+e instr)ctions t+at t+e s)*<ect ,ill remem*er
+is experiences# not+ing is ever said to t+e s)*<ect t+at
,o)ld /all in t+e categor. o/ a post6+.pnotic s)ggestion"
In ot+er ,ords# post6+.pnotic s)ggestions# except /or t+e
instance <)st noted# are scr)p)lo)sl. avoided"
In t+e ta*)lation o/ res)lts# code designations are *)ilt )p
/rom t+e /ollo,ing s.m*olsC
A"T"OC no allotted time ,as )sed"
A"T"6! C an allotted time ,as )sed"
AC a contin)o)s activit."
7 C a completed activit."
2C no mention is made o/ t+e d)ration o/ t+e
&C +e s)*<ect is told# >Yo)=ll +ave plent. o/
time#> or is given a similar s)ggestion"
FC a de/inite s)ggested personal time AS"P"T"B is
T+)s A"T"'# Al means t+at no allotted time ,as )sed#
t+at t+e activit. ,as contin)o)s# and t+at no stip)lation
,as made concerning its d)ration"
I" 5it+o)t allotted time
Contin)o)s activit.
5it+o)t s)ggested personal time ACode A"T"'# AlB
>Yo)=re going to go ,al-ing"> AT+is o/ activit.
,as not )sed in t+ese experiments# as it ,o)ld tend
to contin)e inde/initel."B
5it+ s)ggested personal time ACode A"T"'# AFB
>Yo)=re going to ,al- /or 2' min)tes">
Completed activit.
5it+o)t s)ggested personal time ACode A"T"O# 7IB
>Yo)=re going to dra, a pict)re">
5it+ s)ggested personal time ACode A"T"'# 7FB
>Yo)=re going to spend 2' min)tes dra,ing a
II" 5it+ allotted time
Contin)o)s activit.
5it+o)t s)ggested personal time ACode A"T"O# AlB
>Yo)=re going to go ,al-ing">
5it+ s)ggested personal time ACode A"T"O# AFB
>Yo)=re going to spend 2' min)tes ,al-ing">
Completed activit.
5it+o)t s)ggested personal time ACode A"T"O# 7IB
>Yo)=re going to dra, a pict)re">
5it+ s)ggested personal time ACode A"T"O# 7FB
>Yo)=re going to spend 2' min)tes dra,ing a
In t+is section# t+ose tec+ni0)es ,ill *e considered
,+ere*. a s)*<ect# alread. trained in t+e prod)ction o/ t+e
more common p+enomena c+aracteristic o/ t+e trance
state# is ta)g+t to experience time distortion and to
per/orm t+e vario)s sorts o/ tas-s disc)ssed in t+is
Alt+o)g+ a small percentage o/ >good> s)*<ects ,ill
prod)ce man. o/ t+e p+enomena )nder disc)ssion on t+e
/irst attempt to elicit t+em# it is most important /or
investigators to reali1e t+at t+e training o/ s)*<ects /or
time distortion in +.pnosis )s)all. re0)ires
time# e//ort# and s-ill" Met+ods t+at s)cceed ,it+ one
s)*<ect ma. /ail ,it+ anot+er# and a -een appreciation o/#
and sensitivit. to# t+e delicate interpersonal relations+ip
involved in +.pnosis is o/ paramo)nt importance# along
,it+ reso)rce/)lness# and t+e ,illingness to tr.
original and approac+es" 7. and large# training in
time distortion re0)ires /rom t+ree to &' +o)rs A*est spent
in dail. sessionsB# not incl)ding t+e time re0)ired /or t+e
training in +.pnosis per se" !)rt+ermore# once learned# t+e
a*ilit. decreases ,it+ lac- o/ )se and retraining ma. t+en
*e necessar. to restore t+e /ormer level o/ pro/icienc."
5it+ s)//icient e//ort# and t+e proper tec+ni0)e# t+e
p+enomenon can pro*a*l. *e prod)ced# to
degrees# in t+e ma<orit. o/ s)*<ects" A cas)al approac+ to
t+e ,or- is almost certain to lead to disappointment"
In general# it ma. *e said t+at time distortion# and related
p+enomena# depends )pon a +ig+ degree o/
,it+dra,al# *. t+e s)*<ect# into +is +all)cinated ,orld#
,it+ an lac- o/ a,areness o/ +is s)rro)nd6
ings as s)c+" T+is state o/ detac+ment# in ,+ic+ t+e
s)*<ect *ecomes completel. engrossed in +is
+all)cinator. experience# constit)tes t+e /irst goal in
training" 5+en ac+ieved# s)*<ects ,ill report t+at# d)ring
t+eir tas- per/ormance# t+e. ,ere 0)ite )na,are o/ t+eir
s)rro)ndings" Indeed# some s)*<ects +ave reported t+at# at
t+e termination signal# t+e. experienced a slig+t ><olt> or
>s+oc->" One s)*<ect gave evidence o/ +er engrossment in
a di//erent ,orld *. re/erring to t+e termination o/ t+e
tas- *. >5+en .o) called me o)t# I ,as com*ing
m. +air"> 5+en s+e said t+is# s+e ,as still in t+e trance
state# reporting on t+e per/ormance o/ a <)st6completed
tas-" S)dden noises li-e,ise ,ill ><olt> a s)*<ect ,+o is
+all)cinating d)ring time distortion# and sometimes t+e.
,ill destro. t+e prod)ction"
A most +elp/)l s)ggestion to enco)rage ,it+dra,al
/rom t+e p+.sical ,orld is# >D)ring t+ese experiences
.o) ,ill *e completel. )na,are o/ .o)r s)rro)ndings in
t+e ,a-ing ,orld">
Prior to t+e starting signal# ,+ile t+e experimenter is
assigning t+e tas-# s)*<ects generall. t+in- a*o)t ,+at
t+e. ,ill do" T+en# ,it+ t+e starting signal# ,ell6trained
s)*<ects /ind t+emselves in t+e +all)cinated ,orld# living
t+e assigned experience" T+is ma. or ma. not proceed
t+e lines t+e. +ad planned# *)t it generall. satis/ies t+e
conditions stip)lated in t+e instr)ctions# and is s)*<ect to
volitional direction *. t+e s)*<ect" T+)s# not onl. does
+e do ,+at ,as s)ggested to +im *)t# ,it+in t+is
limitation# +e ,ill carr. o)t decisions as +e is /aced ,it+
t+em# <)st as +e does ,+en a,a-e" One s)*<ect# /or
instance# ,+ose ,rist *ecame )ncom/orta*le ,+ile
+all)cinating t+e ,riting o/ a large amo)nt o/ material#
interr)pted t+e ,riting long eno)g+ to go into t+e
*at+room and p)t some alco+ol on t+e lame ,rist At+is ,as#
o/ co)rse# +all)cinator. activit. onl.# and involved no
act)al movementB"
T+e ,ell6trained s)*<ect does not conscio)sl. constr)ct
t+e details o/ +is +all)cinated ,orld# *)t rat+er /inds
+imsel/ among t+em" In ot+er ,ords# ,+atever *e t+e
mec+anism o/ p+antas. prod)ction# it is spontaneo)s and
e//ortless" T+is is in s+arp contrast to t+e case o/ t+e ,a-ing
s)*<ect ,+o is as-ed# sa.# to imagine t+at +e is loo-ing
at +is +o)se" Here +e is li-el. deli*eratel. to constr)ct t+e
image /rom +is -no,ledge o/ it# and t+is is accompanied
*. more or less e//ort# depending )pon +o, good a
vis)ali1er +e is" And even t+en +is prod)ctions generall.
lac- ,+at D)nne re/ers to as >realit. tone># ,+ic+ is so
c+aracteristic o/ +all)cinator. experience" One o/ o)r
s)*<ects exempli/ied t+is in descri*ing +o, +e ,ent a*o)t
p)tting +imsel/ into a sel/6ind)ced trance state" He said# >I
/irst imagine m.sel/ in a certain sit)ation as# /or instance# on a r)**er ra/t o// a *eac+" I loo- a*o)t me and
vis)ali1e t+e ra/t# t+e ,ater# and so /ort+# and imagine
t+at I /eel t+e ,arm s)n on m. *ac- and +ear t+e ,aves"
A/ter a ,+ile# ever.t+ing comes into /oc)s# and I=m
Ract)all. t+ereS">
5e +ave al,a.s )sed t+e ,ord >No,> as a starting and
termination signal# and +ave avoided conc)rrent reporting
almost entirel." Conc)rrent reporting is t+e reporting on an
experience# *. t+e s)*<ect# as +e is act)all. living it# and
is# o/ co)rse# common practice in experimental +.pnosis"
5e avoid it *eca)se ,e *elieve t+at it tends to prevent t+e
s)*<ect /rom *ecoming detac+ed /rom +is s)rro)ndings in
t+e p+.sical ,orld# and +ence /rom learning time distortion"
O*vio)sl.# experience proceeding in distorted time cannot
*e reported conc)rrentl.# /or it proceeds too rapidl.
relative to ,orld time"
It ,o)ld seem t+at realit. tone is in some ,a. dependent
)pon a /ree /lo, o/ material /rom t+e )nconscio)s" Since
most persons dream# it ma. *e ,ell to cite dreams#
pointing o)t to t+e s)*<ect t+at t+e. are a /orm o/
+all)cinator. experience# t+at t+e. s+o, realit. tone and
time distortion# and t+at t+e dreamer is 0)ite )na,are o/
+is s)rro)ndings" T+is ,ill give +im an idea o/ t+e sort o/
t+ing t+at ,e are a/ter" And in order to enco)rage a /ree and
spontaneo)s /lo, o/ material /rom t+e )nconscio)s# it is
pro*a*l. advisa*le to instr)ct t+e s)*<ect to permit /ree
association to g)ide +is imager. d)ring +is earl. training"
Some s)c+ s)ggestion as t+e /ollo,ing ma. *e )sedC
>5+en I give .o) t+e starting signal *.
RNo,S# .o) ,ill let some sort o/ vis)al image# or
scene# come to .o)" It ma-es no di//erence ,+at it is"
As .o) ,atc+# ot+er images ,ill come# o/ t+eir o,n
accord# one a/ter anot+er" T+ese images ,ill *ecome
more and more clear and more and more real# so t+at
event)all. .o) ,ill /ind .o)rsel/ =act)all. t+ere= in
anot+er ,orld" Yo) ,ill *e a part o/ t+at ,orld# ,+ic+
,ill *e <)st as real as t+e ,a-ing ,orld# and .o) ,ill tr)l.
live s)c+ experiences as .o) +ave t+ere" A/ter a ,+ile I
s+all sa. to .o)# KNo,# ma-e .o)r mind a *lan-=#
,+ere)pon all +all)cinator. activit. ,ill cease" I s+all t+en
as- .o) to tell me ,+at .o) sa,6 or did# *)t .o) need
tell me onl. ,+at .o) ,is+ o/ .o)r experience">
T+e s)*<ect is t+)s introd)ced to t+e )se o/ a starting
signal and a termination signal"
T+e s)*<ect s+o)ld *e allo,ed several min)tes Aallotted
timeB /or s)c+ an exercise"
T+e next step is to assign de/inite tas-s" T+ese tas-s
s+o)ld *e /amiliar ones# and t+e instr)ctions s+o)ld *e as
general as possi*le" T+is permits t+e s)*<ect a ,ide range
o/ action# ,it+ a minim)m o/ limitations" 5e ma. simpl.
instr)ct +im to do an.t+ing +e ,is+es" At /irst ,e ma. tell
+im t+at +e is to i ma gi ne +imsel/ in s)c+ a place# or
doing s)c+ and s)c+ a t+ing" Soon ,e discontin)e t+e )se
o/ t+e
p+rase >to imagine> and tell +im t+at +e ,ill *e in s)c+ a
place# or ,ill do so and so# adding t+at >it ,ill *e ver. real#
so t+at .o) ,ill act)all. live t+e experience">
As training progresses# a series o/ tas-s are r)n ,it+
completed activities" In t+ese# it is important to ass)re t+e
s)*<ect# a/ter t+e activit. s)ggestion# t+at +e ,ill >+ave
plent. o/ time *et,een signals to complete t+e tas->" In
order to *e certain t+at t+e allotted time is long eno)g+
/or +im so to complete t+e tas-# it ma. *e assigned /irst
,it+ no allotted time# allo,ing t+e s)*<ect to signal
,+en +e +as /inis+ed" Having noted t+e ,orld time# t+e
tas- is t+en repeated# )sing t+e ,orld time as t+e allotted
time" 7. t+is tec+ni0)e ,it+ a n)m*er o/ tas-s#
t+e s)*<ect is introd)ced to t+e )se o/ completed
activities t+at +e Aan /inis+ ,it+in an allotted time"
Examples o/ s)c+ tas-s /ollo,C
P5+en I give .o) t+e starting signal *. RNo,S# .o)
PQ ta-e a ,al-"M
PQ *). a pair o/ s+oes"M
PQ ,atc+ a movie Rs+ortS"M
PQ order a meal in a resta)rant"M
PQ dra, a pict)re"M
PQ polis+ .o)r s+oes"M
PQ c+ange a tire on a car"M
PQ +ear a record"M
Here again# a report o/ eac+ tas-# ,it+ its seeming
d)ration# s+o)ld *e o*tained"
Earl. in training# t+e seeming d)ration ma. *e ,a.
o)t o/ proportion to t+e amo)nt o/ activit. reported" As
t+e ,or- progresses# t+is disproportion tends to disappear#
and t+e amo)nt o/ activit. *ecomes more appropriate to
t+e experiential time"
Next# contin)o)s activities ,it+ a s)ggested personal
time and an allotted time are introd)ced" T+e >/inis+ing> o/
s)c+ activities consistsL o/ co)rse# in t+e activit. +aving
contin)ed /or t+e s)ggested personal time" Here again# it
ma. *e ,ell to r)n t+e activit. /irst as a tas- ,it+o)t an
allotted time# allo,ing t+e s)*<ect to signal ,+en +e +as
/inis+ed" It can t+en *e repeated# )sing t+e ,orld time
interval as t+e allotted time" 5it+ t+is# t+e s)*<ect s+o)ld
*e ass)red t+at >,+en t+e time As)ggested personal timeB is
)p# t+e termination signal ,ill *e given"> T+ese activities
are introd)ced *. telling t+e s)*<ect t+at +e ,ill *e at a
certain place# or doing a certain t+ing" T+e reliving o/
pleasant past experiences is a o/ tas- t+at is )se/)l
at t+is stage o/ training" Ho,ever# an. /amiliar o/
activit. is 0)ite satis/actor.# s)c+ as t+e /ollo,ingC
P5+en I give .o) t+e starting signal *. KNo,=#
.o) ,illQ
PQ *e at a *eac+"M
PQ *e in t+e co)ntr."M
PQ *e in sc+ool"M
PQ *e at ,or-"M
PQ *e on a vacation"M
PQ *e ta-ing a ,al-"M
PQ *e at a movie"M
PQ *e ta-ing a drive in a car"M
T+e s)*<ect s+o)ld *e as-ed /or a report a/ter eac+ tas-#
and t+e seeming d)ration o/ t+e experience s+o)ld *e
as-ed /or" Time distortion ,ill soon *ecome evident to t+e
experimenter and# at some point in t+e training# it is
advisa*le to point o)t to t+e s)*<ect t+e di//erence *et,een
t+e seeming d)ration and t+e cloc- reading d)ring +is
experiences" T+is ,ill +elp +im to reali1e t+at time
distortion is a /act# and t+at +e +imsel/ can experience it
0)ite nat)rall." In t+is ,a.# t+e s)*<ect ,ill *ecome ac6
c)stomed to /inis+ing >completed> activities and
>contin)o)s> ones A,it+ a s)ggested personal timeB ,it+in
an allotted time"
T+e next step is to r)n a series o/ tas-s# eit+er completed
or contin)o)s A,it+ s)ggested personal timeB# )sing at /irst
an allotted time long eno)g+ to permit t+e s)*<ect to /inis+
t+e tas- and t+en# in repeating it# grad)all. to decrease t+e
allotted time in steps o/ /rom 2' to F' seconds" T+e
s)*<ect# >ca)g+t s+ort> at /irst# ,ill soon learn to ad<)st
to t+e s+orter allotted time# and ,ill /it +is +all)cinator.
experience into t+e interval allo,ed +im# ,it+o)t
+) or compromising in an. ,a." T+)s +e learns to
,or- ,it+ s+ort allotted times" Ho,
/ar t+e process can
*e carried is not -no,n at present"
A /e, ,ords are in order concerning s)ggested personal
time" T+is is )sed# as a r)le# onl. ,it+ contin)o)s activities#
and ma. *e introd)ced *. s)c+ an expression as# >Yo) ,ill
spend 2' min)tes Ao/ .o)r special timeB doing so and so">
Or# t+e experimenter ma. sa.# a/ter t+e activit.
instr)ctions# >Yo) ,ill do t+is /or 2' min)tes">
Some s)*<ects readil. accept t+is earl. in t+eir trainingL
ot+ers +ave di//ic)lt. doing so" T+e di//ic)lt. seems to
arise /rom at least t,o /actors6a resid)al a,areness o/
s)rro)ndings and conse0)entl. o/ ,orld time# and a deep
conviction t+at it ><)st is impossi*le>" Practice# and )se
o/ a deeper trance# ,ill +elp overcome t+e /irst di//ic)lt."
5it+ t+e second# it ma. +elp to point o)t to t+e s)*<ect
t+at +e +as on man. occasions d)ring +is training +imsel/
experienced t+e varia*ilit. o/ s)*<ective time in relation to
,orld time" T+e res)lts o/ some o/ +is earlier tests ,ill
convince +im o/ t+is ,+en s+o,n to +im"
Repeated ass)rance# to t+e s)*<ect# t+at +e ,ill +ave
plent. o/ time /or +is tas- is o/ great importance d)ring
training# and s+o)ld *e )sed /re0)entl." S)c+ s)ggestions
s+o)ld *e given ,it+ conviction# and it is o/ten ,ise to
repeat t+em man. times" Examples areC
>Yo) ,ill +ave plent. o/ time">
>Yo) ,ill not +ave to +)rr.">
>Yo) ,ill +ave all t+e time .o) need">
>Relax and ta-e .o)r time">
>Yo) can loiter over it i/ .o) ,is+">
>Remem*er# .o) +ave an )nlimited s)ppl. o/ special
trance time at .o)r disposal# so ta-e as m)c+ o/ it as
.o) need">
>Yo) are to do t+is slo,l.# ,it+o)t +)">
5e +ave /o)nd t+e /ollo,ing tec+ni0)e )se/)l# at times#
in teac+ing t+e s)*<ect to ,or- ,it+ s+ort allotted times"
It consists merel. in s)ggesting a series o/ 2' tas-s# eac+
,it+ an allotted time o/ 2' seconds# ,it+ reporting de/erred
)ntil t+e series +as *een completed"
' sec"C >5+en I give .o) t+e starting signal *.
KNo,=# .o) ,ill get a +airc)t"""
2' sec"C >No,">
&' sec"C >No,# *lan-" At t+e next signal .o) ,ill
,as+ .o)r car"""
F' sec"C >No,">
(' sec"C >No,# *lan-" At t+e next signal .o) ,ill *). a
pair o/ s+oes"""
4' sec"C >No,">
Anot+er +elp/)l tec+ni0)e is to repeat a given tas- over
and over# -eeping t+e allotted time constant" Alt+o)g+ t+e
s)*<ect ma. not *e a*le to /inis+ it at /irst# +e o/ten ,ill
learn to do so# ,it+o)t +) in t+e slig+test# a/ter
repeated attempts" T+is ,ill /acilitate +ig+ degrees o/ time
distortion in s)*se0)ent tas-s"
To enco)rage progress# t+e activit. instr)ction
s+o)ld *e /ollo,ed *. s)c+ s)ggestions as t+e /ollo,ing#
given repeatedl.# and ,it+ convictionC
>Yo) ,ill /inis+ t+is# ,it+o)t +)">
>Remem*er# .o)=re going to /inis+ t+is tas-# and
.o) ,on=t +)rr."> >Yo) ,ill ta-e as m)c+ time as
.o) need to /inis+ t+e tas- ,it+o)t +)">
>Yo) ,ill /inis+ t+e tas-">
A most interesting tec+ni0)e# learned /rom Eric-son and
applica*le to a ver. ,ide range o/ s)ggestions is# a/ter an
a//irmator. s)ggestion# to as- t+e s)*<ect t+e 0)estion#
>5on=t .o)I> t+)sC
>Yo) ,ill /inis+# ,on=t .o)I>
T+e s)*<ect# in ans,ering >Yes#> increases t+e li-eli+ood
o/ +is o)t t+e s)ggestion"
T+is tec+ni0)e ma. *e )sed ,it+ commands in t+e
/ollo,ing ,a.C
>Ta-e as m)c+ time as .o) need in order to /inis+ t+e
tas-" Yo)=ll do t+is# ,on=t .o)I>
Even /)rt+er a//irmator. rein/orcement ma. *e o*tained
*. adding" >Are .o) s)reI> a/ter t+e s)*<ect +as
ans,ered >Yes> to t+e a*ove 0)estion"
As is pointed o)t else,+ere# t+e +all)cinator.
prod)ctions ,it+ ,+ic+ ,e deal in t+ese experiments are#
in certain important respects# di//erent /rom most dreams"
On t+e ot+er +and# t+e noct)rnal dream is t+e commonest
/orm o/ experience t+at resem*les t+em# and in ,+ic+
time distortion is present" T+ere/ore# in some s)*<ects#
prod)ction o/ a /e, +.pnoticall.6ind)ced dreams ma.
serve as a )se/)l introd)ction to +all)cinator. experience o/
t+e sort ,e see- to develop" I/ dreams are prod)ced# ,e
explain to t+e s)*<ect t+at ,e s+all as- /or no more o/ t+em#
*)t s+all strive /or prod)ctions t+at are identical ,it+
,a-ing experience# t+at are contin)o)s# >real> experiences#
,+ic+ +e ,ill act)all. live" T+)s t+e. ,ill >ma-e sense>#
,ill *e ric+ in detail# and ,ill contain no omissions or gaps"
5e m)st /re0)entl. s)ggest t+at t+e experiences ,ill *e
>ver.# ver. real# so t+at .o) ,ill act)all. live t+em>" T+is
is extremel. important"
At some point d)ring training# it is desira*le to disc)ss
time ,it+ t+e s)*<ect" Ho, t+is is done ,ill var. ,it+
di//erent experimenters" 5e generall. emplo. some s)c+
approac+ as t+e /ollo,ingC
>T+ere are t,o -inds o/ timeC one# t+e time t+e cloc-
tells )s# t+e ot+er# o)r o,n sense o/ t+e passage o/ time"
T+e /irst o/ t+ese is -no,n as p+.sical# or solar# or ,orld
time" It is t+e time )sed *. t+e p+.sicists and t+e
astronomers in t+eir meas)rements# and *. all o/ )s in o)r
,or-ada. li/e" T+e second is called personal# or
s)*<ective time" Einstein re/ers to t+is as KI6time="
>It is t+is s)*<ective time t+at ,e are most interested in
+ere" One o/ t+e most important t+ings a*o)t it is t+at it
is ver. varia*le" T+)s# i/ several persons are as-ed to
<)dge t+e lengt+ o/ a /ive min)te interval as meas)red
*. a cloc-# t+e. ma. +ave ver. di//erent ideas as to
t+e d)ration o/ t+e interval# depending )pon t+e
circ)mstances in ,+ic+ eac+ person /inds +imsel/" To t+ose
,+o ,ere en< t+emselves# or ,+o ,ere a*sor*ed in
some interesting activit.# t+e interval mig+t ,ell seem
s+orter" On t+e ot+er +and# to t+ose in pain or discom/ort#
or anxiet.# t+e /ive min)tes ,o)ld seem m)c+ longer" 5e
call t+is time distortion# and t+e most /amiliar example o/
it is /o)nd in t+e dream" Yo) .o)rsel/ +ave pro*a*l.
o/ten noticed t+at .o) can experience man. +o)rs o/
dream li/e in a ver. s+ort time *. t+e cloc-"
PNo,# it +as *een repeatedl. demonstrated t+at
s)*<ective time appreciation can *e +all)cinated <)st as
.o) can +all)cinate vis)al or a)ditor. sensations# in
response to s)ggestion d)ring +.pnosis" T+e s)*<ect t+)s
act)all. experiences t+e amo)nt o/ s)*<ective time t+at
is s)ggested to +im" So# in a sense# .o) +ave a Kspecial
time= o/ .o)r o,n# ,+ic+ .o) can call on as .o) ,is+"
Moreover# .o) +ave an )nlimited s)ppl. o/ it" It is t+e time
o/ t+e dream ,orld and o/ t+e +all)cinated ,orld# and
since it is readil. availa*le# .o) ,ill never +ave to +)rr.
in t+ese tests" !)rt+ermore# it *ears no relation ,+atever
to t+e time o/ m. ,atc+# ,+ic+# conse0)entl.# .o) ,ill
>$no,ing t+ese t+ings# .o) can no, relax and ta-e .o)r
Certain s)ggestions ot+er t+an t+ose pertaining to
speci/ic tas-s +ave proved )se/)l" Among t+ese are t+e
>As ,e practice t+ese tas-s# t+e. ,ill *ecome easier and
easier /or .o)">
>5it+ practice# t+e experiences ,ill *ecome more and
more clear# and more and more real# so t+at .o) ,ill
act)all. live t+em">
>5it+ eac+ experience# .o) ,ill go deeper and deeper
>T+e experiences ,ill come o/ t+eir o,n accord#
promptl. and e//ortlessl.# ,+en I give .o) t+e starting
>T+e experiences ,ill stop immediatel.# as I give .o)
t+e termination signal">
T+ro)g+o)t t+e training# advantage is ta-en o/ t+e
2" T+e in+erent tendenc. to,ard spontaneo)s time
distortion in +all)cinated activities"
&" T+e e//ort and t+e need on t+e part o/ t+e +.pnoti1ed
s)*<ect to carr. o)t s)ggestions# especiall. to /inis+ a
completed activit."
F" T+e /act t+at# at t+e *eginning at least# /amiliar
activities are more readil. +all)cinated t+an )n/amiliar
(" T+e /act t+at t+e interest and c)riosit. o/ t+e s)*<ect#
and +is /eeling o/ *eing prod)ctive# tend to improve
cooperation and per/ormance" Advantage can *e ta-en o/
t+is *. giving +im s)//icient )nderstanding o/ ,+at +e
is doing so t+at +e accepts and does not re<ect it"
4" T+e tendenc. to improve ,it+ practice"
In all training# it is o/ t+e )tmost importance /or t+e
experimenter to give t+e s)*<ect +is )ndivided attention
,+en addressing +im" S)*<ects are 0)ic- to detect t+e
slig+test deviation /rom t+is approac+# and ma. resent
+ig+l. an. evidence t+at t+e. t+emselves are not t+e sole
o*<ect o/ t+e experimenter interest and attention" T+)s# t+e.
can o/ten tell# *. c+anges in +is voice# ,+en t+e
experimenter is t+in-ing o/ somet+ing else# or t)rning
+is /ace a,a.# as in loo-ing at +is notes# etc"# even t+o)g+
t+eir are closed"
It m)st *e remem*ered t+at s)*<ects var. ,idel. in
t+eir capa*ilities as regards time distortion in +.pnosis"
A/ter a /e, +o)rs o/ training# t+e experimenter ,ill +ave
o*tained a /air idea as to a given s)*<ect=s a*ilit. to ac0)ire
t+is s-ill" !or ro)tine experimental ,or-# it +as *een o)r
polic. to contin)e training ,it+ onl. t+ose ,+o are
Experimental 7asis o/ T+is Report
O)r /irst experimental ,or- on time distortion in
+.pnosis ,as done earl. in 23(; AFB" T+ree s)*<ects ,ere
)sed# all o/ ,+om demonstrated t+e p+enomenon o/ time
distortion# and preliminar. st)dies ,ere done on one o/
In t+e s)mmer o/ 234'# a more extended st)d. o/ t+e
pro*lem ,as )nderta-en# )sing 9 s)*<ects A(B" T+is in0)ir.
extended over 249 experimental +o)rs" In addition to
repeating and extending experiments reported in 23(;# it
approac+ed related matters s)c+ as t+e in<ection o/ so)nd
signals into +all)cinator. activities# mat+ematical mental
activit.# and t+e revie, and practice o/ previo)sl. learned
Since t+en# ,or- +as *een done ,it+ six more s)*<ects#
,it+ special emp+asis )pon motor learning A9B# non6motor
learning A4B# and mat+ematical mental activit.#
association# and creative mental activit." T+is ,or- +as
incl)ded# in addition# a certain amo)nt o/ /)rt+er
experimentation ,it+ miscellaneo)s activities# metronome
tas-s# so)nd signals# and vario)s ot+er activities"
Pol.grap+ st)dies +ave *een made ,it+ one s)*<ect"
Altoget+er# over ;'' +o)rs o/ experimental ,or- ,it+
s)*<ects +as *een done# and t+e a)t+or +imsel/ +as
)ndergone training as a +.pnotic s)*<ect"
Miscellaneo)s Activities
An. sort o/ activit. t+at +as meaning# to t+e
s)*< ect# ma. *e assigned as an experimental tas-"
T+e /ollo,ing is a partial list o/ tas-s assigned in t+is
,or-# and ,ill serve to give t+e reader a general idea
o/ t+e sort o/ activit. emplo.edC
7eing at a certain place
7).ing vario)s t+ings
Co)nting vario)s o*<ects
Disc)ssing vario)s matters
Doing +o)se,or-
Doing somet+ing o/ t+e s)*<ect=s c+oice
Eating meals
!ree association Having
one=s +air c)t istening to
m)sic or poetr. Picnic-ing games
Preparing tal-s
Preparing meals
Reciting poetr.
Reliving past experiences
St) and revie,ing
T+in-ing a*o)t vario)s pro*lems
Gisiting /riends
5atc+ing games# movies# or pla.s
5or-ing at one=s vocation
T+e /ollo,ing t,o reports are representative o/ t+ose
o/ +)ndreds o/ miscellaneo)s tas-s ,+ic+ +ave *een
assigned to o)r s)*<ects in t+e co)rse o/ t+is ,or-"
S)*<ect M
Tas- instr)ctionsC >5+en I give .o) t+e starting
signal *. =No,=# .o)=ll spend a +al/ an +o)r
doing somet+ing .o) en<o.# li-e going on a picnic">
Allotted timeC Ten seconds"
S)ggested personal timeC Hal/ an +o)r"
R e p o r t C > M . mot+er and sister and I ,ere driving
o)t in Ne, Mexico ,+en ,e decided to *). some
and +ave a picnic" T+e onl. store +ad no ,einers# onl.
some /at sa)sages# and onl. /o)r o/ t+ose# so ,e *o)g+t
t+em and some *)ns and drove on to a place ,it+ *ig#
+ig+ cli//s" T+en I started to tr. to *)ild a /ire and
/o)nd ,e +ad no matc+es# so I tried to lig+t it ,it+ t+e
lig+ter *)t it ,o)ldn=t catc+" T+en I t,isted )p a piece
o/ ne,spaper and tried to po-e it in t+e gas tan- to get
it sat)rated ,it+ gasoline# *)t it ,o)ldn=t po-e in" A*o)t
t+is time# a police car drove )p and m. sister said# >Tr. to
act li-e ,e=re not *)ilding a /ire"> T+e police said# >Yo)
+aving some tro)*leI> and I ans,ered# >Yes# tro)*le
*)ilding a /ire"> So t+e. said# >Yo)=re <)st not good *o.
sco)ts" I/ .o)=d ,al- a co)ple o/ steps .o) co)ld /ind
some stones to stri-e toget+er#> and one ,al-ed *ac-
to,ard +is car" I t+o)g+t +e ,as going to get some
stones# *)t instead +e got some matc+es /rom +is car and
lit a /ire" I told t+em I ,as sorr. ,e co)ldn=t invite
t+em to eat ,it+ )s *)t ,e didn=t +ave eno)g+">
T+e seeming d)ration ,as one +o)r"
S)*<ect I
Tas- instr)ctionsC >5+en I give .o) t+e starting
signal *. =No,=# .o)=re going to go s,imming /or
24 to &' min)tes">
Allotted timeC Ten seconds"
S)ggested personal timeC 24 or &' min)tes"
ReportC >I ,as on t+e *eac+# a ver. roc-. *eac+#
/acing an extremel. clear# *l)e sea" I ran and dived into
t+e sea and s,am )nder ,ater /or a min)te or t,o"
5+en I s)r/aced# I sa, a ra/t a*o)t &'' .ards a+ead and
s,am to,ard it" 5+ile I ,as s,imming# a motor *oat -ept
1ig1agging )p in /ront o/ me" I /inall. reac+ed t+e ra/t
and la. on it /or a ,+ile" T+e scene ,as ver. vivid# and
,as nota*le /or t+e *l)eness o/ t+e s-. and ,ater">
T+e seeming d)ration ,as a +al/ +o)r"
In neit+er case ,as t+e experience a re6living o/ a
previo)s one" T+e action ,as contin)o)s# ,it+o)t
omissions# and ,as ver. >real>" T+e reliving o/ past
experiences can# o/ co)rse# *e ver. easil. prod)ced *.
giving t+e appropriate s)ggestion"
Ta*le & gives some o/ t+e signi/icant data o*tained in
one o/ t+e earlier gro)ps o/ experiments" T+ose not
involving an allotted time ,ere done earl. in t+e
s)*<ects= training" T+ose ,it+ an allotted time are
examples o/ t+e s)*<ects= *etter per/ormance /or t+is
o/ tas-" T+e amo)nts o/ previo)s training and practice
varied ,idel."
T+e s)*<ects o/ ta*le & ,ere selected /or t+e experiments
merel. *eca)se it +ad *een demonstrated t+at t+e. ,ere
capa*le o/ experiencing# in degrees# t+e trance
state" S)*<ects D# !# and ? +ad +ad no previo)s
experience ,it+ +.pnosisL C and H +ad +ad some
s)c+ experienceL E# ,it+ /ive +o)rs# +ad +ad t+e most"
T+ere is a mar-ed di//erence *et,een s)*<ects as
regards t+eir a*ilit. to prod)ce t+e vario)s
p+enomena )nder st)d." T +is is to *e expected#
it is mentioned +ere in order to call attention to t+e /act
t+at t+e amo)nt o/ training re0)ired is varia*le ,it+in
,ide limits" T+)s one s)*<ect ma. re0)ire onl. t+ree
+o)rs o/ training ,+ile anot+er ma. re0)ire t,ent."
?ood s)*<ects# ,+o +ave +ad considera*le experience
,it+ time distortion# ,ill learn to prod)ce large amo)nts o/
+all)cinator. activit. in a ver. s+ort allotted time AAT"B"
As previo)sl. mentioned# t+is activit. is reported as *eing
contin)o)s# and ver. >real># and proceeding at a normal
or nat)ral rate as /ar as t+e s)*<ect is concerned"
Invaria*l.# t+e amo)nt o/ action is /ar in excess o/ ,+at a
,a-ing individ)al co)ld experience in t+e same allotted
time" 5it+ completed activities# t+e seeming d)ration is
generall. appropriate" 5it+ contin)o)s activities# t+e
amo)nt o/ action ma. *e 0)ite appropriate to t+e s)ggested
personal time AS"P"T"B# or it ma. *e less"
S)c+ s)*<ects ma. ro)tinel. report +aving /inis+ed
>completed> tas-s# ,+ose seeming d)ration is F' to 9'
min)tes# in an allotted time AA"T"B o/ t+ree seconds" 5it+
contin)o)s activities# t+e. ma. report a seeming d)ration
AS"D"B o/ an +o)r or more# ,it+ an appropriate amo)nt
o/ activit.# in a similar allotted time" One reported
seeing a *as-et*all game in an allotted time o/ one
TA7E &
A"T"'# 72
A"T"'# 72
A"T"'# 72
A"T"'# 72
A"T"'# 7&
A"T"'# 72
A"T"'# 72
A"T"O# A2
A"T"O# A2
A"T"O# A2
A"T"O# A2
A"T"O# A2
A"T"O# A2
A"T"O# A2
A"T"O# A2
A"T"O# A2
A"T"O# 72
A"T"O# 72
A"T"O# 72
A"T"O# 72
A"T"O# 7&
A"T"O# 72
A"T"O# 72
A"T"O# 72
A"T"O# 72
A"T"O# 72
A"T"O# 7F
5al-ing one mile
5atc+ing movie
5al-ing to sc+ool
5al-ing to sc+ool
Painting a pict)re
istening to m)sic
5al-ing to sc+ool
?ro)p disc)ssion
?ro)p disc)ssion
!ree association
?ro)p disc)ssion
5atc+ing races
Morning ro)tine
Ma-ing a pie
istening to m)sic
5atc+ing *allet
5atc+ing /oot*all
Gisiting /riends
5atc+ing races
Considering a
2 +r"
2 +r"
2 +r"
second" Anot+er co)nted 3&'' 77 s+ot# one *. one# in
/ive seconds" He ,as seated# in a *at+ing s)it# alongside a
s,i mmin g pool and t+r e, t+e s +ot into a *)c - et
as +e co)nted t+e m" A/ter co)nting eac+ &'''# +e
,o)ld s,im t+e lengt+ o/ t+e pool" As +is /ingers ,ere
moist# +e +ad some di//ic)lt. +andling t+e s+ot# as t+e.
are small" T +e demonstrated rate ,as :& per
min)te" Ot+er s)*< ects +ave ta-en long ,al-s# *een
on >dates> or at dances or picnics# ,atc+ed games# done
s+opping# tal-ed ,it+ /riends# prepared lect)res# relived
/ormer experiences# etc"# in an allotted time o/ 2' seconds"
S)c+ activities# in t+e ,a-ing state# ,o)ld ta-e /rom
+al/ an +o)r to several +o)rs"
An anal.sis o/ a large n)m*er o/ tas-s involving
miscellaneo)s activities permits t+e /ollo,ing statements to
*e made concerning t+em"
Experiential time
I/ ,e simpl. assign a prolonged# completed activit. to a
s)*<ect and as- +im to let )s -no,
,+en +e +as /inis+ed
it# ,e s+all /ind t+e /ollo,ing to *e tr)eC
a" He ,ill complete t+e activit."
*" It ,ill appear to proceed at t+e )s)al rate"
c" It ,ill pro*a*l. ta-e less t+an t+ree min)tes *.
,orld time"
d" It ,ill seem# to t+e s)*<ect# to ta-e m)c+ longer"
In ot+er ,ords# t+ere ,ill *e de/inite time distortion even
t+o)g+ t+e s)ggestion made no stip)lation ,+atever
concerning time"
T+ese relations are s+o,n in an anal.sis o/ 44 tas-s in
,+ic+ t+e activit. ,as a completed one# and in ,+ic+ t+ere
,as no allotted time AA"T"B or s)ggested personal time
5orld time
secs" Maxim)mQQQQQQQQQQQQ"Q"
&:' secs" Minim)m QQQQQQQQQQQQQ"
F4 secs"
AverageQQQQ""QQQQQQQQQQ 2: min"
min" Minim)mQQQQQ""QQQQQQQQ" F
S"D" ,as invaria*l. longer t+an
It is t+)s seen t+at# in +all)cinator. activit. in
+.pnosis# t+ere is apparentl. an in+erent tendenc. /or
time distortion to occ)r"
Anot+er *asic consideration is t+e /act t+at t+e s)*<ect
,ill tr. +is *est to carr. o)t ,+atever is s)ggested 6 to
>o*e. orders> in ot+er ,ords" T+)s i/# ,it+ a given
activit.# ,e )se an allotted time and grad)all. decrease
t+is in repeated tas-s# ass)ring t+e s)*<ect t+at +e ,ill
not +ave to +)rr. and ,ill +ave plent. o/ time# +e ,ill
learn some+o, to ad<)st +is +all)cinated action to t+e
s+ort ,orld time interval" He ,ill >/it it in># so to spea-"
Yet +e ,ill contin)e to complete t+e assignment ,it+o)t
+) it ,ill appear to *e real in ever. ,a.# and t+e
experiential time ,ill *e appropriate" 8se is made o/ t+is in
training s)*<ects# and it is o/ considera*le importance /or
t+is reason"
A little re/lection ,ill reveal t+at in assigning a
completed activit. ,e not onl. assign a de/inite amo)nt o/
action# *)t also# in e//ect# an appropriate amo)nt o/
experiential time" T+is is especiall. tr)e i/ ,e tell t+e
s)*<ect not to +)rr." T+e reason /or t+is# o/ co)rse# is
t+at t+e a,areness o/ action or c+ange is invaria*l.
accompanied *. a sense o/ t+e passage o/ time"
On t+e ot+er +and# time sense itsel/ ma. *e prolonged
,it+o)t t+e a,areness o/ an e0)ivalent amo)nt o/ action"
T+is is seen in t+e dream# ,+en t+ere is o/ten a relative
povert. o/ action" It is also tr)e in t+ose +.pnoticall.
ind)ced +all)cinations ,+ere# on occasions generall. in6
volving a s)ggested personal time AS"P"T"B# t+e amo)nt
o/ activit.# t+o)g+ large# is still m)c+ less t+an ,o)ld *e
expected ,+en one considers t+e seeming d)ration
5e can see /rom t+e a*ove t+at# in +.pnoticall.
ind)ced +all)cinations# t+e experiential time is in/l)enced
*. some in+erent /actor# and *. t+e assigned activit. itsel/"
A t+ird consideration# and a most e//ective one# is t+e
direct s)ggestion o/ a s)*<ective time interval 6 t+e )se
o/ a s)ggested personal time AS"P"T"B"
Amo)nt o/ action
5+ere a contin)o)s activit. is )sed# and t+ere is no
s)ggested personal time AS"P"T"B# t+e accomplis+ment
depends )pon t+e rate at ,+ic+ t+e s)*<ect c+ooses to
carr. o)t +is +all)cinated action and t+e allotted time AAT"B
or ,orld time A5"T"B"
On t+e ot+er +and# ,+ere a contin)o)s activit. is
)sed and a s)ggested personal time AS"P"T"B given# t+e
s)*<ect ,ill strive to /ill )p +is s)ggested interval ,it+
action" Most o/ o)r co)nting experiments are o/ t+is
and are indeed remar-a*le"
5it+ a completed activit.# t+e most important /actor
determining t+e amo)nt o/ action is# o/ co)rse# t+e
assignment itsel/" 5it+in )ndetermined limits# a
pro/icient s)*<ect ,ill complete activities as re0)ested"
T+e essential points in t+e a*ove disc)ssion o/ t+e
relation *et,een o/ activit.# S"P"T"# amo)nt o/
activit.# and S"D" are recapit)lated *elo,C
I" Contin)o)s activit."
a" 5it+o)t S"P"T"
Amo)nt o/ action depends )pon s)*<ect=s c+osen
speed o/ +all)cinator. action# and )pon A"T" or 5"T"
S"D" ,ill *e appropriate to t+e action"
*" 5it+ S"P"T"
Amo)nt o/ action ,ill *e consistent ,it+ S"P"T"
,+ere t+e s)*<ect is pro/icient"
S"D" ,ill e0)al S"P"T"
II" Completed activit."
a" 5it+o)t S"P"T"
Amo)nt o/ action is determined *. t+e s)ggested
S"D" is appropriate to t+e s)ggested activit."
*" 5it+ S"P"T"
Amo)nt o/ action is determined *. t+e s)ggested
S"D" e0)als S"P"T"
It is )nderstood# o/ co)rse# t+at t+e s)*<ect +as +ad
eno)g+ training to +ave *ecome pro/icient" T+)s# in a
sense# t+e a*ove statements appl. to t+e >ideal> s)*<ect"
T+e commonest s+ort6coming is an ina*ilit. /)ll. to accept
a s)ggested personal time AS"P"T"B"
It is clear /rom t+e a*ove t+at +all)cinated action and
s)*<ective time are# to a certain degree# inter6related"
Time distortion# as e//ected in t+ese experiments# is
accompanied *. a mar-ed increase in t+e ratio S"D"N5"T"
It is )s)all. accompanied *. an appropriate increase in
+all)cinated activit." In order to prod)ce t+ese res)lts#
t+en# t+e /ollo,ing conditions s+o)ld *e /)l/illedC
!or a contin)o)s activit.C
A /amiliar activit."
!or a completed activit.C
A /amiliar activit. t+e completion o/ ,+ic+ re0)ires a
relativel. long period o/ time"
S"P"T"66not o/ primar. importance" I/ )sed# it s+o)ld
*e appropriate"
In generalC
S)*<ects o/ten /ind t+at t+e s)ggestion# >Please don=t
+)rr.# .o)=ll +ave plent. o/ time#> reass)res t+em
and +elps t+em to relax"
7. /ar t+e most dramatic res)lts ,ere t+ose o*tained in
t+e co)nting experiments" T+ese ,ere )s)all. r)n as
contin)o)s activities ,it+ a s+ort allotted time AAT"B and a
moderatel. long s)ggested personal time AS"P"T"B" In a /e,
instances# +o,ever# t+e s)ggestion ,as p)t in t+e
completed /orm *. >Since .o) can easil. co)nt
F' in a min)te# .o) ,ill +ave no di//ic)lt. co)nting at
least F'' in ten min)tes" Please ta-e .o)r time and don=t
+)rr."> T+is ,as generall. done d)ring training# in an
attempt to )tili1e t+e per/ormance6increasing val)e o/ t+e
completed activit." In still ot+ers# it ,as s)ggested to t+e
s)*<ect t+at +e co)nt a de/inite n)m*er o/ o*<ects"
Sometimes t+e s)*<ect ,as given a >previe,> o/ +is
s)rro)ndings in t+e /ollo,ing mannerC
>Yo) no, see several large *ags o/ g)m drops on a ta*le"
Please tell me ,+at .o) see">
T+en# a/ter a *rie/ description *. t+e s)*<ect# >Sta. t+ere
no,# and listen to me">
T+e activit. s)ggestion ,as t+en given"
It is *. no means necessar. to )se a >previe,># and in
t+e later experiments it ,as omitted# t+e instr)ctions *eing
li-e t+ose in experiment (" T+is is in -eeping ,it+ o)r
polic. o/ avoiding conc)rrent reporting"
Ta*le F s+o,s t+e res)lts o/ some o/ t+e earlier co)nting
experiments" T+e s)*<ects *elong to t+e same gro)p as
t+ose ,+ose per/ormances are ta*)lated in ta*le &"
It ,ill *e noted t+at t+e co)nt# alt+o)g+ m)c+ greater
t+an t+e prod)ct AD"R"BA5"T"B# is almost invaria*l. less
t+an AD"R"BAS"D"B" Sometimes t+e s)*<ects +ad no
explanation /or t+is" At ot+er times t+e. ascri*ed t+e
discrepanc. to t+e /act t+at part o/ t+e time ,as occ)pied
ot+er,ise t+an *. co)nting"
T+e /ollo,ing individ)al experiments ,ill give t+e
reader a /ar *etter idea o/ t+is o/ tas- t+an an.
general disc)ssion co)ld possi*l. provide" T+e letter E
stands /or experimenter# S /or s)*<ect"
A"T"O# 7F
A"T"O# 7F
A"T"O# 7F
Pennies A4'B T
!lo,ers A24'B
Pearls A&''B T
Candies A&''B
2'S U
&'S U
&'S U
9'S U
9'S U
2'S U
24S U
&'S U
&'S U
2'S U
2'S U
U Time s)ggestion ,as preceded *. t+ep+rase >a least>"
T S)*<ect to co)nt# at least t+is n)m*er"
S)*<ect 7
E" Yo)=re *ac- on t+e /arm# and are going to c+)rn some
*)tter" Tell me ,+at .o) see"
S" AS)*<ect descri*ed t+e scene in some detail" S+e
,as sitting on t+e *ac- porc+# ,it+ a croc-er. c+)rn
+al/ /)ll o/ mil-" S+e mentioned t+e paddle ,it+ t+e
>crosspiece> on it# and t+e +ole in t+e top o/ t+e
c+)rn# t+ro)g+ ,+ic+ t+e paddle passes"B
E" No, <)st sta. t+ere /or a ,+ile# and listen
care/)ll." Yo)=re going to c+)rn t+at mil-# and it=s going
to ta-e .o) ten min)tes# ,+ic+ ,ill *e plent. o/ time"
5+ile c+)rning# .o) =re going to co)nt t+e stro-es"
s+all gi ve .o) a si gnal to start# and anot+er
signal# at t+e end o/ ten min)tes# to stop" Here comes
t+e signal
6>Start> AIn t+e earl. experiments# t+e ,ord >start> ,as
)sed as t+e starting signal instead o/ >no,>B"
AT+ree seconds laterB
E" No, stop" T+e ten min)tes are )p" No, ma-e .o)r
mind a *lan-" Yo)r mind is a *lan-" No, tell me a*o)t it"
Tell me ,+at .o) did# +o, +ig+ .o) co)nted# and +o, long
.o) ,ere c+)rning"
S" AS+e reported t+at s+e co)nted 22( stro-es# and
c+)rned /or ten min)tes" Ever.t+ing ,as ver. real to +er"
T+e c+)rning *ecame more di//ic)lt to,ard t+e end as t+e
*)tter /ormed# and t+is slo,ed t+ings do,n" S+e +eard t+e
c+)rning# and +ad plent. o/ time" At t+e >stop> signal t+e
entire scene /aded /rom vie,"B
E" S+o, me# *. co)nting o)t lo)d# +o, .o) co)nted t+e
S" AS+e co)nted to 9' in one min)te# adding t+at to,ard
t+e end t+e stro-es *ecame slo,er *eca)se o/ t+e increased
resistance /rom t+e *)tter"B
E" I=m going to ,a-e .o) )p *. co)nting to ten" Yo) ,ill
remem*er all a*o)t t+is experience and tell me a*o)t it"
S" AOn ,a-ing s+e is again as-ed to give a report" Her
stor. is similar to t+e a*ove# incl)ding t+e n)m*er o/
stro-es co)nted# t+e time estimate# and t+e demonstrated
In t+is example# t+en# t+e ,orld time A5"T"B and t+e
allotted time AA"THB ,as t+ree seconds# t+e s)ggested
personal time AS"P"T"B 2' min)tes# t+e seeming d)ration
AS"D"B 2' min)tes# and t+e demonstrated rate AD"R"B 9'
stro-es per min)te"
T+e prod)ct o/ t+e demonstrated rate times t+e seeming
d)ration AD"R"BAS"D"B is 9''" Yet t+e s)*<ect insists t+at s+e
too- onl. 22( stro-es# t+at s+e co)nted eac+ stro-e
individ)all.# and t+at s+e ,as occ)pied /or t+e /)ll ten
min)tes" 5+en as-ed# post6+.pnoticall.# a*o)t t+e
discrepanc.# s+e +ad no explanation to o//er"
S)*<ect ?
E" 5+at ,o)ld .o) li-e to do no,I
S" M. +)s*and molds *)llets /or +is g)n" I co)ld *e
co)nting t+em as +e ma-es t+em"
E" !or +o, long do .o) ,ant to do t+isI
S" !or ten min)tes"
E" 5+en I give .o) t+e starting signal *. saving >No,>#
.o)=re going to spend at least ten min)tes o/ .o)r special
time co)nting *)llets as .o)r +)s*and ma-es t+em" I/ t+e
so)nd sign al is given# .o) ,ill *e a,are o/ it" Here comes
t+e starting signal E PNo,M"
AT+e pitc+ instr)ment 6as so)nded /rom tine /o)rt+ to t+e
sevent+ second"B
ATen seconds laterB
E" No, ma-e .o)r mind a *lan-" Yo)r mind is no, a
*lan-" No, tell me a*o)t it"
S" It ,as at a molding part. o/ t+e cl)*" T+ere ,as 0)ite a
cro,d t+ere" I co)nted /or ma.*e six min)tes and ran o)t o/
*)llets# so I ,aited /or more" I didn=t co)nt t+e /)ll ten
min)tes" 5+ile I ,as co)nting t+em t+is ot+er *o. ,al-ed
)p 6 +e ,as tal-ing and ,aving +is arms" T+e pot o/ lead
tipped over" It *)rned +is /oot rat+er *adl." I got )p *)t
t+en sat do,n again and contin)ed co)nting" T+e ot+ers
,ere r)nning all over t+e place" T+e remainder o/ t+e lead
,e p)t *ac- on t+e stove" I co)nted (3F" T+at=s ,+en I
stopped and ,aited" T+en later I got )p to 4(9"
E" Did .o) +)rr.I
S" I didn=t +)rr. too m)c+ as I ,as co)nting# *)t I -ept
E" 5as it realI
S" Yes"
E" 5+en I give .o) t+e signal to start# please s+o, me#
*. co)nting alo)d# +o, .o) co)nted t+e *)llets" No,"
S" AS)*<ect co)nted at a rate o/ 4( per min)te"B
E" 5ere .o) a,are o/ t+e so)nd signalI
S" 5+en t+e. spilt t+e lead it si11led a lot"
E" Ho, long ,as t+e si11lingI
S" It seemed li-e t+ree or /o)r min)tes"
AT+is interpolation o/ t+e so)nd signal into t+e
+all)cinated activit. ,ill *e disc)ssed later"B
S)*<ect ?
E" 5+at ,o)ld .o) li-e to do no,I
S" To pac-age some coo-ies" I )sed to do t+is"
E" !or +o, longI
S" T,ent. min)tes"
E" 5+en I give .o) t+e starting signal *. >no,>#
.o)=re going to spend at least t,ent. min)tes o/ .o)r
special time pac-aging coo-ies" As .o) do t+is# .o)=ll co)nt
t+em" I/ t+e so)nd signal is given# .o) ,ill *e a,are o/ it"
Here comes t+e starting signal 6 >No,>"
AT+e pitc+ instr)ment ,as so)nded /rom t+e /i/t+ to t+e
eig+t+ second"B
ATen seconds laterB
E" No, ma-e .o)r mind a *lan-" Yo)r mind is no, a
*lan-" No, tell me a*o)t it# please"
S" I ,as do,n in t+e *asement" T+ere ,ere ,or- ta*les" I
,as co)nting" I co)nted t+em as I p)t t+em in t+e smaller
sac-s" I co)nted 2''F" T+at ,as all I got" In t+e middle t+e
telep+one o)tside rang on and on" @)st a/ter t+at t+ere ,as
so m)c+ coo-ie d)st all over t+at I started to snee1e" I
snee1ed ten or t,elve times" I <)st co)ldn=t stop" I dropped
one pac-age" I didn=t ans,er t+e p+one"
E" 5+en I give .o) t+e signal to start# please s+o, me#
*. co)nting alo)d# +o, .o) co)nted t+e coo-ies" No,"
S" AS)*<ect co)nted at a rate o/ sixt. per min)te"B
E" Ho, long did t+e telep+one ringI
S" It m)st +ave *een /ive or six min)tes" No one
ans,ered it o)tside"
S)*<ect I
Tas- instr)ctionsC P5+en I give .o) t+e starting signal *. KNo,=# .o) ,ill /ind .o)rsel/ seated at a ta*le" On
t+e ta*le ,ill *e a large *ox o/ pennies" Yo) ,ill ta-e t+e
pennies /rom t+e *ox# one at a time# and place t+em on t+e
ta*le# co)nting t+em as .o) do so" Yo) ,ill do t+is /or ten
S)ggested personal timeC In t+e /irst seven tas-s# t+is ,as
-ept constant" In t+e last /o)r# it ,as varied"
Allotted timeC In t+e /irst seven tas-s# t+is ,as varied" In
t+e last /o)r# it ,as -ept constant"
Red)cing t+e allotted time to 4 seconds in tas- & is
accompanied *. a lo,ering o/ t+e co)nt and o/ t+e seeming
d)ration" !)rt+er red)ction to F seconds in tas- F does not
s+o, t+is e//ect# as t+e s)*<ect +as ad<)sted to t+e s+ortened
allotted time" In tas-s ( and 4# ,it+ an allotted time o/ one
second# ,e again see t+e same e//ect as in tas- &# *)t /)ll
recover. +as *een made in tas- :"
TA7E (
Co)nting pennies
S"D" O!
S"D" O!
Having ad<)sted to an allotted time o/ one second# it is
interesting to note t+at in tas- ;# ,it+ an allotted time o/ 2'
seconds# t+e co)nt is increased" T+e s)*<ect reported t+at +e
>co)nted /or t+e /irst ten min)tes and t+en ,aited /or t+e
termination signal" I <)st sat t+ere and ran m. +ands
t+ro)g+ t+e pile o/ coins# spreading t+em over t+e ta*le"> In
tas-s 3 and 22# +e li-e,ise /inis+ed +is /ive min)tes and
one min)te co)nting# respectivel.# and t+en sat ,aiting /or
t+e termination signal"
T+ese tas-s s+o, t+at# ,it+ a constant s)ggested personal
time# t+e co)nt varies ,it+ t+e allotted time# )ntil an
ad<)stment is made as in tas- :" 5+en t+e allotted time is
constant# t+e co)nt varies ,it+ t+e s)ggested personal time"
S)*<ects )ndo)*tedl. +ave an idea +o, man. o*<ects
t+e. ordinaril. ,o)ld co)nt in t+e s)ggested personal time
and tend to approac+ t+at /ig)re"
So)nd Signals
T+e idea o/ exploring +all)cinator. activities *. means o/
in<ected so)nd signals ,as s)ggested to )s *. Dr" @" 7"
R+ine A2(B"
In one gro)p o/ tests t+e s)*<ects ,ere told to ta-e a
/amiliar ,al- /rom +o)se to sc+ool" No allotted time AAT"B#
or s)ggested personal time AS"P"T"B# ,as )sed" 8pon
/inis+ing# t+e s)*<ect said >No,>" A single s+ort so)nd
signal# prod)ced *. stri-ing a damped glass ,it+ a metal
-ni/e# ,as emplo.ed at vario)s intervals /rom t+e start" T+e
s)*<ect ,as t+en as-ed to estimate# at t+e end o/ t+e test#
t+e personal time o/ t+e entire experience and t+e
approximate location o/ t+e so)nd signal" T+e latter t+e.
)s)all. did *. considering ,+ere# in t+eir ,al-# t+e. ,ere
,+en t+e. +eard t+e signal" !ig)re 2 s+o,s t+e relation o/
t+e signal to ,orld and experiential times"
In ot+er cases a pitc+ instr)ment ,as so)nded /or a
-no,n lengt+ o/ time d)ring an activit. ,it+ an allotted
time" T+e s)*<ect ,as later as-ed to estimate its d)ration"
Some o/ t+e res)lts are s+o,n in ta*le 9"
T+e s)*<ects even t+o)g+ /ore,arned# ,ere not al,a.s
a,are o/ t+e so)nd signal# and ,+en t+e. ,ere# it ,as
experienced in vario)s /orms"
Stri-ing t+e glass# to some s)*<ects# so)nded exactl. as it
does normall.# and did not ta-e on an. signi/icance in t+e
+.pnotic scene" More o/ten +o,ever it ,as +eard as a
some,+at similar so)nd# s)c+ as a t)m*ler dropping on t+e
/loor# ice stri-ing t+e side o/ t+e pitc+er# an o*<ect /alling
on a +ard s)r/ace# etc" Sometimes# +o,ever# t+e act)al
so)nd signal ac0)ired an entirel. di//erent signi/icance# e"g"
t+e si11ling o/ t+e lead and t+e ringing o/ t+e telep+one
noted a*ove"
Since t+e s)*<ect +ad *een led to expect a so)nd signal#
+e 0)ite possi*l. anticipated it and incl)ded appropriate
>properties> in +is +all)cination" T+)s# in t+ree s)ccessive
co)nseling scenes# glass aas present eit+er as a t)m*ler or a
!ig" 2" 7ased on t+e data s+o,n in ta*le 4" T+e pairs o/
lines represent t+e ,orld time interval AaB# and t+e personal
time interval A*B# /or a given test" T+e mar-ers s+o, ,+ere
t+e so)nd signal act)all. occ)rred in relation to t+e ,orld
time interval Aon lines aB# and its location in t+e personal
time interval Aon lines *A# as determined *. as-ing t+e
s)*<ect +o, long it seemed /rom t+e *eginning o/ t+e
activit. to t+e signal" 6Note t+at t+e s)*<ect locates t+e
signals ,it+ /air acc)rac."
Even so# t+ere is m)c+ /ood /or t+o)g+t +ere# /or an
o*<ect m)st /all *e/ore it can stri-e t+e /loor and ma-e a
noise# and t+ere m)st +e some ca)se /or t+e /all" Some+o,
or ot+er# all t+is is arranged in a most s-ill/)l ,a."
Interestingl. eno)g+# to one s)*<ect t+e so)nd signal came
<)st as +e str)c- a pole ,it+ a stic-" A/ter telling a*o)t it#
+e added# >I +ad anticipated +itting t+e pole# /or I sa, it in
t+e distance"> It ma. *e t+at t+ere is a de/inite lag *et,een
t+e comm)nication o/ t+e signal to t+e *rain and its entr.
into t+e +all)cinated ,orld as an appropriate part o/ t+e
Similarl. ,it+ t+e pitc+ instr)ment# at times it ,as
)nc+anged# *)t more o/ten it ,as altered"
TA7E 4
Signal Total Signal Total
S)*<ect C
S)*<ect D
S)*<ect E
TA7E 9
Time Asec"B
A"T"O# 7F
A"T"O# A2
4t+ E 2't+
Frd E 4t+
(t+ E :t+
4t+ E ;t+
(t+ E :t+
4t+ E ;t+
4t+ E 9t+
2't+ E 24t+
A)to +orn
Pi-e a
F or ( R
F or (S
F or (S
4 or 9S
T+e presence in o)r gro)p o/ t,o m)sicians# one ,it+
>a*sol)te pitc+># gave )s t+e opport)nit. o/ determining
,+et+er a so)nd# coming into t+e +all)cinated ,orld o/
altered time sense# ,o)ld itsel/ *e altered in tone# i"e"#
lo,ered# *. virt)e o/ t+e ne, time relations A;B" T+e
ans,er apparentl. depends )pon t+e degree to ,+ic+ t+e
so)nd is disg)ised" In +all)cinations ,+ere it ,as +eard as
a +orn and an air6raid >all clear># t+e pitc+ ,as recogni1ed
as C" 8s)all.# +o,ever# t+ere ,as little resem*lance to t+e
original# t+e pitc+ instr)ment *eing +eard vario)sl. as a
*ird# a /an# a s0)ea-. la,n6mo,er# t+e *)11ing o/ a cro,d
o/ people# etc"
O/ considera*le signi/icance is t+e /act t+at almost
al,a.s t+e d)ration o/ t+e so)nd seemed m)c+ longer t+an
it act)all. ,as" T+is is ,+at ,e ,o)ld expect in t+e
presence o/ time distortion and# in a ,a.# con/irms t+e
reports o/ t+e s)*<ects" Here too ,e +ave t+e a,areness o/ a
p+.sical p+enomenon d)ring time distortion# and t+e event
seems to *e slo,ed" Compare t+is ,it+ reports /rom
persons /ollo,ing a narro, escape# ,+o ma. sa. t+at ,orld
events appeared to *e in >slo, motion>"
Not al,a.s ,as t+e intr)der ,elcome# /or on several
occasions t+e +all)cination ,as completel. destro.ed" On
ot+ers t+e s)*<ect ,o)ld *ecome >nervo)s># irritated# or
In /act# one s)*<ect reported t+at in s)*se0)ent ,al-s#
,+enever +e passed t+e spot at ,+ic+ +e +ad previo)sl.
*een ><olted> *. t+e so)nd signal# +e +ad a sense o/
impending tro)*le" Here# apparentl.# ,e +ave an instance
o/ conditioning to a +all)cinated environment" T+is is evi6
dence o/ t+e s)*<ective realit. o/ t+e experience"
5e +ave# on a /e, occasions# in<ected *rie/ so)nds into
contin)o)s co)nting activities in ,+ic+ an allotted time ,as
)sed# as-ing t+e s)*<ect to note t+e n)m*er o/ t+e o*<ect
t+at +e is +andling ,+en +e +ears t+e signal" Res)lts
sometimes c+ec- closel.# *)t at ot+er times t+e. do not"
T+is inconsistenc. is )ndo)*tedl. related to t+e mec+anism
,+ere*. t+e s)*<ect adapts +is experience to an allotted
time# and is most o*sc)re"
T+e /irst experiment in time distortion ,as )nderta-en in
order to determine ,+et+er# in t+e +.pnoti1ed s)*<ect# t+e
seeming d)ration o/ t+e time interval *et,een t,o so)nds
can *e prolonged *. means o/ direct s)ggestion in t+e
trance state" A >good> s)*<ect# entirel. ignorant o/ t+e
nat)re o/ t+e experiment# ,as placed in a moderatel. deep
trance state *. means o/ s)ggestions o/ sleep" A/ter
ind)ction +ad *een accomplis+ed# a metronome ,as
started# t+e rate *eing one stro-e per second" T+e s)*<ect
,as told t+at t+e so)nds s+e +eard ,ere *eing prod)ced *.
a metronome# and t+at t+e rate ,as one stro-e per second"
T+e experimenter t+en told +er t+at +e ,as going to slo,
do,n t+e metronome grad)all.# and t+at s+e ,as to listen
care/)ll. as +e did so" 5+en# in +er opinion# t+e metronome
+ad *een slo,ed do,n till its rate ,as onl. one stro-e per
min)te# s+e ,as to noti/. t+e experimenter *."
Having given t+ese instr)ctions# t+e experimenter# ,+ile
t+e metronome contin)ed to stri-e at a constant rate o/ one
stro-e per second# said# >It=s going slo,er and slo,er 6
slo,er and slo,er 6 slo,er and slo,er# etc"> T+ese
s)ggestions ,ere spaced at intervals o/ /rom /ive to 24
A/ter a min)te or so# t+e s)*<ect said# >No,>" 5+en
as-ed +o, /ast t+e metronome ,as going# s+e replied#
>A*o)t one stro-e per min)te"> T+e metronome ,as t+en
stopped# and t+e s)*<ect ,as ,a-ed# ,+ere)pon s+e
con/irmed t+e report given in t+e trance state"
It is o*vio)s /rom t+e a*ove t+at# i/ t+e s)*<ect=s report is
a tr)e description o/ +er experience# to,ards t+e end o/ t+e
experiment t+e interval *et,een t,o s)ccessive metronome
stro-es# act)all. one second in lengt+ as >meas)red> *. t+e
cloc-# seemed to +er to *e a*o)t one min)te" In ot+er
,ords# t+e interval ,as similar to t+at ,+ic+ s+e generall.
experiences *et,een t,o events t+at are one min)te apart"
T+e same interval seemed to t+e experimenter to *e a*o)t
one second" T+)s# as a res)lt o/ s)ggestion in t+e trance
state# t+e s)*<ect +ad /inall. experienced a series o/
intervals# eac+ ,it+ a seeming d)ration o/ a*o)t a min)te#
*et,een t+e metronome stro-es" On t+e ot+er +and# t+e
experimenter experienced intervals t+at seemed to *e o/
a*o)t a second eac+# *et,een t+e same stro-es" Since
interval constit)tes one /orm o/ experiential time# ,e can
sa. t+at t+is experiment s)ggests t+at experiential time ,as
act)all. >given> to t+e +.pnoti1ed s)*<ect *. means o/
s)ggestion" T+is mar-ed di//erence *et,een t+e seeming
d)ration o/ an interval and its cloc- reading constit)tes time
It is seen in t+e a*ove experiment t+at t+e experiencing
*. t+e s)*<ect o/ eac+ interval# t+e seeming d)ration o/
,+ic+ ,as# to +er# one min)te# too- place *et,een t,o
>p+.sical> events At,o s)ccessive metronome stro-esB
spaced at an interval o/ ,orld time Aone secondB t+at ,as
determined *. t+e experimenter and ,as )n-no,n to t+e
8sing t+e terminolog. presented in C+apter F# t+ese
res)lts ma. *e ta*)lated as /ollo,sC
Tas- 6 to experience a sense o/ d)ration o/ 2 min)te
S)ggested personal time 6 2 min)te
Seeming d)ration Ato s)*<ectB 6 l min)te
Allotted time 6 2 second
5orld time 6 2 second
In t+e second experiment# t+e s)*<ect ,as again told t+at
t+e metronome ,o)ld *e slo,ed to one stro-e per min)te"
S+e ,as to indicate t+is occ)rrence *. >No,># as
s+e +ad done previo)sl." A/ter s+e +ad complied s+e ,as
told t+at s+e ,o)ld *e given a signal Atap on t+e /orearmB at
,+ic+ time s+e ,o)ld start to revie, in +er >mind=s e.e>
some o/ +er sc+ool da.s d)ring t+e /i/t+ grade# seeing in
+er imagination t+e sc+ool# t+e teac+er# and +er
companions" S+e ,o)ld do t+is /or ten min)tes 6 t+at is# ten
stro-es o/ t+e metronome 6 at t+e end o/ ,+ic+ time s+e
,o)ld *e noti/ied to stop"
T+e metronome ,as stopped a/ter ten *eats 6 ten seconds#
,orld time6and t+e s)*<ect ,as ,a-ed )p" On 0)estioning#
t+e /ollo,ing signi/icant experiences ,ere reco)ntedC
2" T+e metronome ,as most certainl. >slo,ed do,n>"
&" A good 2' min)tes +ad elapsed *et,een signals"
F" S+e +ad >lots o/ time># and sa, clearl. t+e sc+ool and
+er class mates"
(" S+e expressed great s)rprise ,+en told t+at t+e
metronome +ad not c+anged rate# and t+at act)all. +er
experience +ad ta-en onl. ten seconds"
Here again# time sense ,as altered# to a predetermined
degree# *. t+e experimenter" In addition# t+e s)*<ect
reported an amo)nt o/ experience t+at ,as more nearl.
commens)rate ,it+ t+e s)*<ective time involved t+an ,it+
t+e ,orld time" T+is activit. seemed to proceed at a normal
or nat)ral rate as /ar as s+e ,as concerned"
T+e data on t+is experiment areC
Tas- 6 visiting +er sc+ool
S)ggested personal time 6 2' min)tes
Seeming d)ration Ato s)*<ectB 6 2' min)tes
Allotted time 6 2' seconds
5orld time 6 2' seconds
T+e a*ove experiments indicate t+at t+e experience o/
d)ration itsel/ ma. *e altered *. s)ggestion in t+e trance
state# and t+at large amo)nts o/ +all)cinator. experience#
proceeding at a normal rate as /ar as t+e s)*<ect is
concerned# ma. *e +ad in ver. *rie/ periods o/ cloc- time"
In training a s)*<ect /or metronome experiments# +e is
p)t into t+e trance state and t+en t+e metronome is started#
t+e rate *eing one stro-e per second" T+e s)*<ect is told t+at
t+e so)nds are *eing prod)ced *. a metronome# t+at t+e
rate is one stro-e per second# and t+at +e is to listen to it
care/)ll." He is t+en told t+at t+e experimenter is going to
slo, it do,n grad)all.# and t+at ,+en its rate +as decreased
to one stro-e per min)te# +e At+e s)*<ectB is to noti/. t+e
experimenter *. >No,>"
T+e metronome is act)all. allo,ed to contin)e at its
original rate# *)t t+e experimenter sa.s# /rom time to time#
>It=s going slo,er and slo,er6slo,er and slo,er6slo,er and
slo,er#> etc" T+ese s)ggestions are spaced at intervals o/
/rom /ive to 24 seconds"
Some s)*<ects are )na*le to accept s)c+ s)ggestions and
,ill report eit+er no slo,ing# or onl. slig+t slo,ing" Ot+er
s)*<ects ,ill accept t+em /)ll. and# a/ter a lengt+
o/ time# ,ill sa.# >No,>" T+e instr)ment is t+en stopped#
and t+e s)*<ect is as-ed /or +is report# ,+ic+ ,ill *e to t+e
e//ect t+at t+e metronome act)all. slo,ed do,n to one
stro-e per min)te"
T+e metronome is again started# t+e rate *eing one stro-e
per second" T+e s)*<ect is told to listen to it /or a ,+ile# and
+e is told its tr)e rate" T+e /ollo,ing s)ggestion is t+en
givenC >5+en I give .o) t+e starting signal# *.
KNo,=# .o) ,ill start co)nting t+e metronome stro-es# eac+
o/ ,+ic+ .o) ,ill +ear" As .o) listen and co)nt# t+e
metronome ,ill go slo,er and slo,er" 5+en# in .o)r
opinion# its rate +as slo,ed do,n to one stro-e ever. &'
seconds# .o) ,ill let me -no, *. =No,="> AT+e
co)nting is# o/ co)rse# p)rel. +all)cinated co)nting" T+e
s)*<ect act)all. remains silent and motionless"B At t+e
termination signal# t+e metronome is stopped" Pro/icient
s)*<ects ,ill report t+e same co)nt as t+e experimenter"
T+e a*ove experiment ma. *e varied *. incl)ding# in t+e
tas- instr)ctions# t+e expression# >In *et,een stro-es# .o)
,ill engage in an. sort o/ +all)cinator. activit. t+at .o)
,is+"> In s)c+ a case# good s)*<ects ,ill +ave a variet. o/
experiences in t+e intervals"
T+e criteria /or s)ccess in t+e metronome tas-s are t+at
t+e s)*<ect=s co)nt o/ t+e metronome stro-es *e t+e same as
t+e experimenter=s# and t+at t+e s)*<ect report a slo,ing o/
t+e metronome to t+e stip)lated rate"
Metronome training ,as given to six s)*<ects and
s)cceeded in t+ree"
Revie, and Practice
A /e, pilot experiments ,ere r)n in an e//ort to learn
,+et+er o)r s)*<ects co)ld revie, /or a +istor.
examination in distorted time" T+e res)lts ,ere
inconcl)sive# *)t it led one o/ t+em# a pro/essional violinist#
to attempt to revie, certain pieces and to practice t+ese
,+ile in a sel/6ind)ced trance# )sing +er >special time> /or
t+is p)rpose" Her o,n acco)nt o/ t+e proced)re /ollo,s"
>I p)t m.sel/ into a trance and t+en practiced in several
di//erent ,a.s" I mig+t see t+e m)sic *e/ore me and mar-
t+e spots t+at needed extra practice" I ,o)ld t+en pla. t+e
di//erent spots over and over )ntil I got t+em 6 ,+ic+
+elped m. /inger memor. *eca)se I ,as act)all. in
t+e trance"> AT+is ,as +all)cinated activit. onl." In ot+er
,ords# s+e ,as >act)all.> onl. in t+e +all)cinated
,orld and not in t+e p+.sical ,orld"B
>I did Kpassage practice= 6 pic-ing +ard passages and t+em in several ,a.s to /acilitate speed and
>T+en I ,ent t+ro)g+ t+e ,+ole composition /or
contin)it." In doing t+is in Kspecial time= I seemed to get an
immediate grasp o/ t+e composition as a ,+ole">
T+)s s+e ,as a*le to practice and revie, long pieces
over and over in ver. *rie/ ,orld time periods# and s+e
/o)nd t+at not onl. did +er memor. improve stri-ingl.# *)t
also +er tec+nical per/ormance" T+is remar-a*le res)lt is
attested to *. +er +)s*and# +imsel/ a m)sician" In ot+er
,ords# s+e /elt t+at +all)cinated practice o/ t+ese pieces#
learned .ears ago# improved +er s)*se0)ent per/ormance"
It is impossi*le at present to eval)ate t+ese reports ,+ic+#
i/ con/irmed# carr. important implications /or /acilitation o/
t+e learning process" T+e. s)ggest at least t,o possi*ilities
/or ma-ing )se o/ distorted time in t+e +.pnoti1ed s)*<ect"
T+e /irst is t+at t+e memori1ing o/ ne, material mig+t *e
speeded )p *. +all)cinating t+e /re0)ent repition# eit+er
vis)al or a)ditor. /orm# o/ ,+atever is to *e learned" T+e
second# o/ co)rse# is t+at +all)cinated practice and revie,
*e )sed to aid in t+e ac0) ring o/ ne, motor s-ills"
Reports on in0)ir. into t+ese t,o possi*ilities ,ill *e
presented in s)*se0)ent c+apters"
Coincidental Happenings
Not in/re0)entl. certain /ort)ito)s and sometimes
)n,elcome t+ings occ)rred and ,ere reported" T+e. are
listed +ere *eca)se t+e. so convincingl. *espea- t+e realit.
o/ t+ese experiences# all o/ ,+ic+ occ)rred d)ring time
5+ile ro,ing a *oat# t+e s)*<ect lost an oarloc-"
5+ile pic-ing )p s+ells# +e stepped on a <ell.6/is+"
5+ile getting o)t o/ t+e ,a. o/ an a)tomo*ile# +e tripped
over t+e c)r*"
>Mot+er +elped me on ,it+ m. coat" It ,o)ldn=t *)tton"
Dad *)ttoned t+e vest">
In c+anging a tire# +e /o)nd onl. F l)gs in place" ater +e
/o)nd t+e /o)rt+ one in t+e +)*6cap"
>I +)rried to get past a +a./ield ,+ic+ ,as irritating m.
In c+anging electric lig+t *)l*s# t+e one +e t+re, into t+e
scrap*as-et *ro-e"
5+ile drilling# t+e man next to +im >passed o)t> /rom
+eat prostration"
As-ed to sing a in c+)rc+# >I stood on t+e plat/orm
and anno)nced to t+e 7aptists t+at I ,as going to sing a
@e,is+ c+ant" I sang it all t+e ,a. t+ro)g+"> AIn an allotted
time o/ 2' seconds"B
5+ile *)rning tras+# +e ,atc+ed t+e matc+ *)rn do,n#
a/ter stri-ing it on +is pants"
>I s+aved *)t I didn=t ,as+ m. /ace a/ter,ards" I didn=t
+ave a)t+orit. to do t+at"> AS)ggestion >Yo)=re going to
s+ave"> A"T" 2' seconds"B
>T+e *arn door st)c- *eca)se it +ad *een raining">
>5+ile getting s+aved# t+e *ar*er spent so m)c+ time
tal-ing to t+e ot+er *ar*er t+at t+e lat+er *egan to set">
5+ile p)lling )p and co)nting iris# >T+e reason it too- so
long ,as *eca)se I +ad to get t+e dirt o// t+em">
5+ile ,atc+ing a /oot*all game# +is attention ,as dra,n
a,a. /rom t+e pla. *. a /ig+t in t+e stands"
In co)nting potatoes# as +e removed t+em /rom a *as-et
and placed t+em in a sac-# some /ell *ac- into t+e *as-et
and +it t+e rim" >I +ad to co)nt t+em over again">
5+ile co)nting candies as +e removed t+em /rom a *ox#
>T+ere ,as a stra,*err. cream t+at +ad *een mas+ed and
crac-ed and +ad r)n a little *it" 5+at to do ,it+ it passed
t+ro)g+ m. mind">
In co)nting g)m6drops# +e noticed t+at some ,ere st)c-
toget+er" >I p)lled o)t t+e ,+ole *)nc+ and *ro-e t+em o//
and p)t t+em in separate piles">
5+ile pic-ing *erries# t+e carton got so /)ll t+at t+e. -ept
/alling o)t"
5+ile riding t+e ,aves d)ring a s,im# s+e +it t+e
5+ile ,as+ing t+e *a*.# s+e spilled all t+e ,ater"
In ma-ing sand,ic+es# s+e c)t +er /inger ,it+ t+e -ni/e#
and it *led" In co)nting c+ic-ens# s+e noticed t+at one +ad
started spro)ting ,ing /eat+ers# and one ,as sic-"
In tr)t+ and conse0)ences# >T+e. *lind/olded me
and a /ello, -issed me and em*arrassed me">
>T+e Gictrola started slo,l." I +ad to ,ind it again">
5+ile roller6s-ating# s+e /ell do,n" 5+ile croc+eting# t+e
t+read *ro-e" In *).ing s+oes# s+e tried on /o)r pairs /irst"
A st)dent ,+o came /or co)nseling said# >I ,ant .o) to
-no, t+at I=m not +ere *eca)se I=m cra1.">
5+ile co)nting c+ic-ens# t+e /irst >lo)s. c+ic-en>
de/ecated in +is +and" As-ed ,+at +e t+en did# +e replied#
>I ,iped it o// on t+e second c+ic-en">
A s)*<ect >got *ored> ,+ile revie,ing a college co)rse"
At a picnic# a sna-e /rig+tened t+e s)*<ect"
5+ile *)s. se,ing# >I ,as interr)pted *. someone
coming to t+e door">
In doing mat+ematical pro*lems# >I +ad to go over t+em
again sometimes">
>5+ile ,al-ing# I met m. sc+oolteac+er" S+e stopped
and tal-ed a*o)t F min)tes">
A teac+er ,+o ,as c+ec-ing a s)*<ect=s res)lts made +er
nervo)s *eca)se s+e >tal-ed so m)c+>"
5+ile *o,ling# s+e /ell do,n and >s-inned> +er -nee"
5+ile dancing# t+e +eel *ro-e on one o/ t+e s)*<ect=s
s+oes" >It em*arrassed me#> s+e said"
5+ile in s,imming# s+e *ro-e t+e clasp on +er *at+ing
One s)*<ect# in pic-ing /lo,ers# reported t+at s+e +ad so
man. in +er arms t+at t+e. inter/ered ,it+ t+e tas-# adding#
>Yo) can=t pic- ,it+ /lo,ers in .o)r /ace">
5+ile se,ing# a s)*<ect +ad tro)*le ,it+ t+e mac+ine" >It
-ept t)rning aro)nd">
Some s)*<ects report s)c+ +appenings /ar more /re0)entl.
t+an do ot+ers" T+ose listed a*ove ,ere ta-en /rom t+e
records o/ nine s)*<ects"
Special In0)ir.
In t+is section# certain aspects o/ +all)cinator. experience
)nder conditions o/ time distortion in +.pnosis ,ill *e
disc)ssed" Alt+o)g+ ,e present t+is material at t+is point# it
is to *e )nderstood t+at it is *ased )pon t+e entire *od. o/
experimental ,or- )pon ,+ic+ t+is treatise is /o)nded"
As mentioned else,+ere# t+ere is a mar-ed tendenc. /or
readers to disco)nt o)r s)*<ects= reports# on t+e ass)mption
t+at t+e. represent /alsi/ication or ela*oration" T+is is ver.
)nderstanda*le# and t+e 0)estion t+at it raises is# o/ co)rse#
o/ paramo)nt importance" 5e +ave alread. pointed o)t t+at
time distortion in t+e noct)rnal dream is a ver. common
experience# and t+ere/ore is accepted as a /act"
8n/ort)natel.# t+e n)m*er o/ persons ,+o +ave
experienced time distortion in +.pnosis# and t+e related
p+enomena# is at present extremel. small" Hence t+e
critical reader# not +aving +ad t+e experience# demands
,+at +e calls >o*<ective> evidence in t+is latter case# even
t+o)g+ +e readil. accepts reports concerning dreams
,it+o)t t+is" In /act# it is at present impossi*le to
demonstrate# >o*<ectivel.># anot+er person=s experience"
T+ere are# +o,ever# met+ods o/ approac+ ,+ic+ mig+t
s)pport or controvert t+e ass)mption t+at t+e s)*<ects are
telling t+e tr)t+ as t+e. -no, it" Among t+ese are t+e
2" T+e demonstration o/ t+e a*ilit. o/ t+e s)*<ect to
>)tili1e> +is distorted time *. per/orming simple
mat+ematical operations# or coding pro*lems not
involving mat+ematics" At present# ,e +ave no
evidence t+at t+is can *e done" T+is is disc)ssed in
C+apter &'"
&" T+e demonstration o/ p+.siological c+anges
appropriate to alleged emotional experiences" T+is
+as *een done in trance state st)dies ,it+o)t )sing
time distortion" 5it+ time distortion# it +as not *een
attempted# *)t s)ccess ,o)ld appear )nli-el.
*eca)se t+e experience proceeds at s)c+ a rapid rate
relative to ,orld time t+at gross p+.siological
c+anges ,o)ld not *e expected" Possi*le exceptions
,o)ld *e electrom.ograp+ic and
electroencep+alograp+ic st)dies"
F" Recall o/ details o/ /orgotten experiences on reliving
t+em in distorted time" 5e +ave done t+is ,it+ a /e,
s)*<ects# ,it+ s)ccess" One s)*<ect relived +er (t+
*irt+da.# and man. o/ t+e details ,ere /o)nd to *e
acc)rate ,+en c+ec-ed *. +er mot+er" T+e s)*<ect
,as in +er t+irties at t+e time o/ t+e experiment"
Anot+er s)*<ect relived re+earsals o/ a pla. staged 2'
.ears previo)sl.# and recovered a good deal o/ lost
material" A t+ird# a pianist# apparentl. recovered lost
s-ill in t+e per/ormance o/ a piano piece learned
.ears *e/ore# *. +all)cinator. practice" T+ere +ave
*een ot+er similar cases" In eac+ instance# t+e recall
occ)rred d)ring experience in distorted time"
(" >8tili1ation> o/ distorted time to /acilitate creative
mental activit." T+is is disc)ssed in C+apter 2:"
4" >8tili1ation> o/ distorted time to /acilitate t+e
learning process" T+is is disc)ssed in C+apters 2;
and 23"
9" T+erape)tic res)lts /rom t+e emplo.ment o/ time
distortion in +.pnosis /or t+e reliving o/ past
:" T+e experiencing o/ t+e sort o/ p+enomenon )nder
disc)ssion *. t+e experimenter +imsel/"
;" T+e )se o/ t+e pol.grap+" AC+apter &2B
isted *elo, are certain less concl)sive considerations#
,+ic+ seem to indicate t+at t+e s)*<ects are telling t+e tr)t+
as t+e. -no, it"
2" T+e int)ition o/ t+e experimenter ,+o +as listened to
man. reports# 0)estioned man. s)*<ects# and
o*served t+eir manner o/ ans,ering"
&" T+e in+erent +onest. o/ t+e s)*<ects# and t+eir
scienti/ic interest"
F" T+e insistence# *. t+e s)*<ects# t+at t+e reporting ,as
an entirel. di//erent event /rom t+e +all)cinator.
(" T+e s)*<ects= o/ten *itter resentment at *eing
s)spected o/ /alsi/ication" Several s)*<ects# a/ter
repeated cross6examination# t+reatened to 0)it"
4" T+e direction o/ 0)estions directl. to t+e
)nconscio)s# a tec+ni0)e )sed *. Eric-son"
9" T+e res)lts o/ >in<ecting> so)nd signals into
+all)cinated activities ,+ere no allotted time ,as
:" T+e spontaneo)s expression *. t+e s)*<ect o/
emotion d)ring reporting# in some instances# and +is
s)*se0)ent ama1ement at learning t+e tr)e time
relations involved"
;" T+e >incidental +appenings> ,it+ ,+ic+ o)r reports
are replete"
3" T+e +earing o/ long pieces o/ m)sic# in ver. s+ort
periods o/ ,orld time# *. trained m)sicians" A piece
o/ m)sic is a pattern# extended in experiential time#
and t+ese reports
s)pport t+e allegations o/ ot+er s)*<ects to t+e e//ect
t+at t+eir experiences +ave contin)it."
2'" Apparent practice e//ects# noted *. a second
m)sician d)ring act)al per/ormance# a/ter p)rel.
+all)cinated practice in distorted time"
22" T+e /ollo,ing isolated incidents /)rnis+ evidence o/
t+e tr)t+ o/ t+e s)*<ects= reportsC
aB T+e o)t o/ advice received /rom
+all)cinated /riends Aater in t+is c+apterB"
*B An instance o/ conditioning to an +all)cinated
environment AAt t+e end o/ C+apter 2'B"
cB A case o/ +all)cinated and act)al
motor activit. AIn t+e *eginning o/ c+apter 2;B"
et )s no, consider t+e +.pot+esis t+at o)r s)*<ects are
telling t+e tr)t+ as t+e. -no, it# *)t t+at t+eir reports are
*ased on ,+at ,e s+all term >/alse memories>" S)c+
>memories> are >/alse> *eca)se t+e. do not represent an
act)al previo)s event"
Normall.# in t+e process o/ recall# a person d)ring a time
interval tF6t(# +as an experience# termed a memor.# ,+ic+
is *elieved *. +im to represent a previo)s experience +ad
*. +im d)ring an earlier interval t26t&" et )s ass)me t+at
an individ)al experiences recall as a*ove de/ined and let )s
re/er to it as >case 2>"
No,# it is conceiva*le t+at# )nder certain conditions# a
person mig+t# d)ring an interval tF6t(# +ave an experience
t+at +as# as /ar as +e is concerned# all t+e mar-s o/ a
memor.# *)t ,+ic+ act)all. is not a representation o/ an
experience d)ring an. previo)s interval t26t&" et )s
ass)me t+at an individ)al +as s)c+ an experience# and let )s
re/er to it as >case &>" S)c+ recall ,o)ld t+en *e *ased on a
>/alse memor.> as a*ove de/ined"
It is o*vio)s t+at in a >case 2> o/ sit)ation# provided
t+at t+e experience d)ring t26t& occ)rred in t+e >p)*lic
,orld># its /act)alit. can o/ten *e esta*lis+ed" On t+e ot+er
+and# ,+ere t+e earlier experience ,as an event t+at did not
occ)r in t+e >p)*lic ,orld># as in t+e case o/ a dream# it is
m)c+ more di//ic)lt to prove t+at it too- place" T+e alleged
experiences o/ o)r s)*<ects d)ring t+e t26t& intervals
resem*le dreams in t+is regard"
It is t+ere/ore important to consider t+e possi*ilit. t+at
o)r s)*<ects= experiences d)ring t+e tF6t( intervals are a-in
to t+ose in t+e >case &> o/ experience and t+ere/ore do
not act)all. represent an. earlier event" I/ s)c+ *e t+e case#
o)r s)*<ects are not experiencing tr)e recall# as de/ined at
t+e *eginning o/ t+is disc)ssion"
It is o)r opinion t+at o)r s)*<ects act)all. /all into t+e
>case 2> gro)p" T+e /ollo,ing considerations are cited in
s)pport o/ t+is opinionC
2" T+e /indings reported in C+apters 2: and 23
concerning creative mental activit. and non6motor
&" T+e /act t+at so)nd signals# given at time t2# or
d)ring an interval t2
t& # are mentioned in t+e reports
as an integral part o/ t+e alleged +all)cinator.
experiences" Incidentall.# s)c+ >p)*lic ,orld> so)nds
+ave o/ten *een reported to appear in noct)rnal
In t+e accomplis+ed s)*<ect t+e +all)cinations possess a
+ig+ degree o/ >realness># ,+ic+ is /airl. consistent" At
times# +o,ever# reports ,ill mention a lac- o/ clearness in
t+e imager." S)c+ instances are# on t+e ,+ole# in/re0)ent"
O/ten# +o,ever# t+e de/inition and clarit. ,ill *e con/ined
to t+ose t+ings ,+ic+ occ)p. t+e immediate attention# t+e
*ac-gro)nd remaining vag)e"
As training develops t+e a*ilit. to +all)cinate# so also it
aids in t+e prod)ction o/ scenes t+at are real and tr)e to li/e"
T+)s# ,it+ practice# t+ere comes an increase in detail and in
color" To enco)rage t+is# ,e dail. gave o)r s)*<ects t+e
/ollo,ing s)ggestion6>In t+is trance an. scenes .o) see ,ill
*e ver. clear and an. experiences .o) +ave ,ill *e ver.
real# so t+at .o) ,ill act)all. live t+em">
One ver. stri-ing evidence o/ t+e realness o/ t+e
activities is t+e /re0)ent reporting o/ accidental or
coincidental +appenings" !or instance# t+e s)*<ect ,+o is
croc+eting *rea-s +er t+read# and later c)ts +er /inger ,+ile
ma-ing sand,ic+es or spills t+e ,ater in ,+ic+ s+e is
*at+ing +er c+ild" Anot+er one# as-ed to *)rn some r)**is+#
stri-es t+e matc+ on +is pants and ,atc+es it as it *)rns# or#
,+ile ,al-ing past a +a./ield# *egins to snee1e" T+e c+al-
t+at t+e angr. teac+er t+ro,s stri-es t+e *lac-*oard and
*rea-s# and t+e little *o.# ,+ose ears stand o)t so /ar#
scratc+es +is +ead as +e strives to /ind t+e ans,er to +is
pro*lem" S)c+ telltale details ,ere /re0)entl. mentioned#
and a partial list o/ t+em is given else,+ere"
It ,as not )ncommon /or t+e s)*<ects to sa. +o, m)c+
t+e. en<o.ed an activit. and +o, m)c+ t+e. regretted its
termination" At ot+er times t+e. ,o)ld get tired or *ecome
*ored" In one case# a s)*<ect ,+o +ad *een ,a-ed ,as
telling a*o)t an activit. in ,+ic+ +e seemed to *e 0)ite
.o)ng# A/ter telling +o, ro)g+ t+e gro)nd ,as over ,+ic+
+e +ad *een dragging a *)s+el *as-et o/ apples# +e as-ed#
>Did I *reat+e +ard.> 5+en ans,ered in t+e negative +e
replied# >T+en I g)ess I m)st +ave <)st imagined it"> T+)s#
t+e s)*<ective realit. o/ t+e experience ,as so great t+at
even in t+e ,a-ing state +e expected p+.sical
mani/estations o/ it"
One o/ o)r s)*<ects A$B ,as told t+at# at t+e starting
signal# s+e ,o)ld disc)ss some pro*lem or decision ,it+
some /riends# and ,o)ld come to a de/inite concl)sion
concerning it" T+e topic disc)ssed ,as to *e some act)al
0)estion ,it+ ,+ic+ s+e ,as /aced# *)t s+e ,as ass)red
t+at t+e experimenter ,o)ld not as- +er ,+at it ,as# and
t+at +e did not ,is+ to -no," S+e reported t+at s+e +ad
disc)ssed a pro*lem /or a +al/ +o)r or so ,it+ several
/riends# and +ad reac+ed a decision"
Some mont+s later# s+e told t+e experimenter t+at t+e
pro*lem s+e +ad disc)ssed concerned t+e completion o/ a
+o)se t+at s+e and +er *rot+er +ad started /or +er mot+er"
Her *rot+er +ad *een )na*le to meet +is part o/ t+e
/inancial o*ligations# and s+e +ad *een /aced ,it+ t+e
decision as to ,+et+er to arrange a loan and complete t+e
+o)se# or to sell +er interest in it" S+e reported t+at# >M.
/riends advised me to complete it# and I ,onder i/ .o) ,ill
lend me t+e mone. to go do,n to 66666 in order to ma-e
arrangements ,it+ t+e /inance compan.">
T+e experimenter# on +earing t+is# explained to +er t+at
t+e onl. >advice> s+e co)ld possi*l. receive /rom +er
+all)cinated /riends originated in +er o,n mind# and +e
ca)tioned +er against acting on s)c+ advice in t+e /)t)re"
Her repl. ,as# >5ell# t+e. seemed to -no, ,+at t+e. ,ere
tal-ing a*o)t# and t+e advice seemed to *e ver. good"> T+e
loan /or *)s /are ,as gladl. made# and t+e +o)se ,as
/inanced and completed# and# /ort)natel.# ever.t+ing t)rned
o)t most satis/actoril." T+at t+e +all)cinated experience
m)st +ave *een ver. real# to t+e s)*<ect# goes ,it+o)t"
!)rt+er evidence along t+ese lines is seen in t+e
/ollo,ing case" T+e experimenter told a s)*<ect A@B t+at one
o/ t+e t+ings t+at intrig)ed +im At+e experimenterB most
,as t+e 0)estion as to ,+at a +all)cination# as s)c+# is
act)all. made o/ Ameaning t+e >st)//> o/ ,+ic+ it is
composedB" >!or instance#> +e said# >,+at ,as t+at
s,imming pool t+at .o) ,ere diving into act)all. made
o/I> T+e s)*<ect=s repl. ,as# >It ,as made <)st li-e an.
ot+er pool# Doe"> T+is ans,er stresses t+e pool=s realness#
to t+e s)*<ect# ,+o inadvertentl. +ad completel. missed t+e
intended meaning o/ t+e 0)estion"
In anot+er instance As)*<ect $B t+e experimenter# anxio)s
to determine ,+et+er it re0)ired e//ort on +er part to
prod)ce t+e contents o/ +er +all)cinated ,orld# or ,+et+er
t+e. appeared spontaneo)sl.# said# >I ,ant to -no,
,+et+er it is an e//ort /or .o) to +ave t+ese experiences">
T+e repl. ,as" > Sometimes it is"> As-ed to ela*orate on
+er ans,er# s+e said# >5ell# /or instance# ,+en .o) +ad me
see a *as-et*all game t+e ot+er da.# I ,asn=t read. ,+en
m. *o. /riend called /or me# and I +ad to +)rr. ,it+ m.
*at+ and m. nails so as not to -eep +im ,aiting too long">
Here again# s+e misconstr)ed t+e 0)estion in a ,a. t+at
attests t+e realness# to +er# o/ t+e experience"
On t+e ot+er +and# to t+e incompletel. trained s)*<ect#
t+e /eeling o/ realit. tone is not necessaril. present" Most
interesting is t+e /ollo,ing report /rom s)*<ect N ,+o#
incidentall.# +ad an anal.tical mind# and co)ld express
+ersel/ ,it+ great clarit."
S+e +ad *een doing ,or- on motor learning ,+ic+
involved t+e act)al ,a-ing o/ a piano piece a/ter
+all)cinated practice# in t+e trance state# )nder time
E" As .o) sat do,n at t+e piano to pla.# a/ter trance
practice# did .o) +ave a /eeling t+at .o) co)ld do it# or notI
S" It ,as di//erent in t+e trance"
E" In ,+at ,avI
S" T+ere ,ere more distractions ,+en I ,as a,a-e#
*eca)se I ,as ,orried ,+et+er I co)ld do it or not# and t+at
didn=t a//ect me in t+e trance" In t+e trance# I co)ld +ear t+e
m)sic# and m. +ands ,o)ld pla." Even i/ t+e. pla.ed t+e
,rong notes# I didn=t +ave t+e ><ar> o/ +earing t+e ,rong
notes" I co)ld onl. tell t+e. ,ere ,rong *. t+e /eel" T+e
so)nd 6 I -ept +earing it over and over and it never stopped"
And all t+e time I ,as +earing I ,o)ld /)m*le aro)nd# sort
o/# )ntil I co)ld coordinate t+e /eel o/ t+e -e.s and t+e
so)nd" And t+at=s t+e di//erence *et,een t+e" " " It=s li-e t,o
separate processes in t+e trance 6 t+e +earing# and t+e
/eeling# so t+at ,+en I sit do,n to t+e piano reall.# I still
+ave t+e /eel# *)t t+e so)nd in m. mind is overs+ado,ed
*. t+e so)nd t+at comes o)t o/ t+e piano" In t+e trance# I
/eel t+at I +ave some control over t+e /eel and tile so)nd#
*)t I +ave no control over t+e real piano A,+en a,a-eB" I
/eel t+at I=m reall. t+e agent" It=s me imagining t+e so)nds#
and it=s me /eeling /or t+e -e.s" So t+e m)sic t+at res)lts is
more li-e I ,as t+e instr)ment# and t+e ,+ole t+ing is <)st a
matter o/ coordination o/ m. o,n /ac)lties"
E" Did .o) +ave t+e /eeling t+at .o) +ad act)all. *een
S" Yes6a/ter I ,o-e )p and *e/ore I sat do,n at t+e
piano" I +ad t+e /eeling t+at I +ad *een" 7)t t+ese
-e.s Ao/ t+e real pianoB ,ere +arder and colder# and t+e.
didn=t even /eel 0)ite t+e same si1e" On ,a-ing# I reali1ed
t+at I +ad *een in a trance and +ad remem*ered somet+ing I
+adn=t t+o)g+t o/ /or 4 or 9 .ears" In t+e trance# I +ad none
o/ t+at in m. mind at all"
T+is ama1ing piece o/ introspection s+o,s t+at t+is
partl.6trained s)*<ect +ad not .et ac+ieved complete
>o*<ectivit.> in relation to +er +all)cinator. prod)ctions"
Indeed# s)*<ects tr)l. are t+e >agent> o/ t+eir experiences in
t+e +all)cinator. ,orld# *)t t+e. seldom reali1e it"
5e +ave t+e same s)*<ect to t+an- /or t+e /ollo,ing"
E" Please compare t+e +all)cinated trip .o) <)st too-
,it+ a real trip"
S" In t+e real trip I ,as a,/)ll. excited# anticipating t+e
)n-no,n" In t+e trance# I=m excited *eca)se I -no, +o,
m)c+ /)n ,e +ad" In t+e real t+ing# I ,o)ld ,onder ,+at
,e ,ere going to do" T+at time# in t+e trance# ,as spent
contemplating ,+at I -ne, ,o)ld +appen"
5e m)st not generali1e /rom t+ese individ)al reports# *)t
rat+er vie, t+em as expressions o/ t+e personalit. ma-e6)p
o/ t+e person giving t+em" Ot+er s)*<ects# /or instance#
+ave prod)ced movie >s+orts> t+at ,ere +ig+l. entertaining
and t+at t+e. +ad never seen *e/ore" i-e,ise# t+e. +ave
made )p stories# in distorted time# to tell to +all)cinated
Action ,as contin)o)s in all *)t a ver. /e, +.pnoticall.
s)ggested experiences" T+is ,as ascertained *. /re0)ent
0)estioning" In /act# t+e s)*<ect +imsel/ ,o)ld )s)all.
vol)nteer in/ormation concerning an omission or a s-ip"
5+en t+ese occ)rred# t+ere ,as generall. a s+i/ting o/
scene ,it+o)t apparent transit /rom one location to t+e
ot+er" Anot+er /orm ,o)ld *e a >/loating> /rom one place
to anot+er instead o/ ,al-ing" One s)*<ect did t+is ,+en
s+e *ecame *ored"
In several instances# a s+i/t o/ scene apparentl.
represented an amnesia# /or on *eing as-ed to relive t+e
action# t+e s)*<ect reported t+e missing experience"
T+e +earing o/ rat+er long pieces o/ m)sic# ,it+o)t
omission# *. m)sicians is most s)ggestive o/ tr)e
contin)it." One o/ o)r s)*<ects ,as a s-illed pro/essional
violinist# and anot+er an accomplis+ed amate)r" T+e.
/re0)entl. reported t+at t+ere ,ere no omissions in t+e
/amiliar pieces t+e. +eard or pla.ed in trance" Ot+er
s)*<ects gave similar testimon. concerning /amiliar pop)lar
Anot+er point t+at *espea-s contin)it. is t+at in<ected
so)nd Signals invaria*l. arrived d)ring +all)cinator.
action" In ot+er ,ords# t+is o/ exploration revealed no
action6/ree intervals"
T+e co)nting experiments also s)pport t+e vie, t+at
contin)it. is present"
In ,ell6trained# >good> s)*<ects# t+e o)tstanding /acts
a*o)t t+eir time sense# as revealed *. t+eir reports# are t+e
2" T+e +all)cinated activit. appears# to t+e s)*<ect# to
proceed at a normal or c)stomar. rate" It is contin)o)s#
,it+o)t >gaps># and seems >ver. real>"
&" 5+ere a completed activit. is experienced# ,it+o)t a
s)ggested personal time AS"P"T"B# t+e seeming d)ration
AS"D"B is appropriate to t+e amo)nt o/ activit."
F" 5+ere a s)ggested personal time is )sed ,it+ a
contin)o)s activit.# t+e seeming d)ration o/ t+e activit.#
or o/ t+e interval *et,een t+e starting and termination
signals# ,ill *e t+e same as t+e s)ggested personal time"
(" T+e seeming d)ration o/ t+e interval *et,een
metronome stro-es can *e prolonged# to a predetermined
degree# *. s)ggestion"
4" 5it+in limits# completed activities ,ill *e /inis+ed
,it+in t+e allotted time"
O/ considera*le interest is t+e /act t+at occasionall. a
s)*<ect=s +all)cinated activit. ,ill involve >,aiting>" T+)s#
one s)*<ect# ,+ile at an am)sement par-# reported t+at# >At
t+e roller coaster# t+ere ,as a long line o/ people# and ,e
+ad to ,ait"> Even more remar-a*le ,as t+e report o/
anot+er s)*<ect to t+e e//ect t+at on several occasions#
,+ile engaged in an activit. d)ring distorted time# s+e
/o)nd +ersel/ t+in-ing +o, tired t+e experimenter m)st get
,aiting so long /or +er to /inis+"
!or s)ccess/)l >)tili1ation> o/ experiential time *.
increased mental activit. it is pro*a*le mandator. t+at t+e
s)*<ect *e totall. )na,are o/ +is s)rro)ndings and o/ ,orld
time" 5it+ some s)*<ects t+is is di//ic)lt at /irstL ,it+
ot+ers it is eas." T+ree o/ o)r s)*<ects ,ere apparentl.
+elped *. a *rie/ tal- on t+e relation *et,een s)*<ective
and p+.sical time# t+e dream *eing cited as t+e most
/amiliar example o/ t+e varia*ilit. o/ t+e /ormer" T+e
transition period ,+ic+ preceded t+e /)ll acceptance o/
>special time> in t+ese s)*<ects ,as most interesting# as t+e
/ollo,ing acco)nts ,ill s+o,"
T+e e//orts o/ t+ese s)*<ects to get a,a. /rom ,orld time
are ,ort+. o/ note" One o/ t+em A!B# ,+o said s+e seemed
al,a.s to *e a,are o/ ,orld time# ,o)ld +all)cinate a
,eird cellop+ane covering /or +ersel/# into ,+ic+ to
>escape>" 5it+ t+is p)lled do,n over +er# s+e ,as a*le to
+ear several min)tes o/ m)sic# in normal tempo# d)ring *)t
a /e, seconds o/ ,orld time" Her di//ic)lties disappeared
one da.# and ,it+ t+em t+e necessit. /or t+ese odd
creations# ,+ile s+e ,as co)nting silentl. t+e stro-es o/ an
+all)cinated metronome" S+e co)nted &: metronome
stro-es in 44 seconds and as s+e did so# /o)nd +ersel/
,atc+ing a >s-.6,riting> pilot in t+e air" S+e ,as m)c+
impressed ,it+ ,+at s+e sa," >Here I am co)nting *.
m.sel/ in one -ind o/ time and ,atc+ing an airplane do
/anc. loops# and it seemed to me t+at +e +ad so m)c+ time
to -ill *et,een stro-es" He +ad time to do all -inds o/ /anc.
loops and t+ings# and it didn=t seem strange at all" I/ +e +ad
*een ,riting a ,ord# ,+ic+ +e ,asn=t# t+ere ,ere eno)g+
loops to ta-e care o/ a six6 or seven6letter ,ord"> ater s+e
said# >I t+in- t+e t+ing t+at convinced me most Ao/ t+e
realit. o/ anot+er sort o/ timeB ,as seeing t+e airplane# and
noting +o, easil.# e//ortlessl.# or )n+)rriedl. it ,as
looping in *et,een stro-es" He seemed to +ave so m)c+
time to -ill" No, I reall. reali1e t+at t+e t+ing to do is to
relax and accept t+e /act t+at t+ere is more t+an one -ind o/
Anot+er remar- t+at is ,ort+. o/ record ,as made *. a
s)*<ect AEB ,+o# ,+ile in t+e trance state# re/)sed to
demonstrate t+e rate at ,+ic+ s+e pic-ed /lo,ers" 5+en
as-ed ,+. s+e co)ldn=t do so# s+e said# >I=ll tr.# *)t I tell
.o) I pic-ed 2(4 in 2' min)tes and I can=t repeat it no, *e6
ca)se I don=t +ave a time limit rig+t no,6neit+er a time
limit nor a limit on t+e /lo,ers I mig+t pic-" It doesn=t
coincide" 7)t t+ere I=m in a certain /rame o/ mind6and it
can=t *e repeated +ere" I can=t do it incomplete6in a
/ragment" It=s impossi*le" I can do it again tooJ>
T+en# a/ter ,a-ing# s+e said# >5ell# I consider t+is a
)ni0)e experience ,it+ a certain time limit and a certain
amo)nt o/ ,or- to *e accomplis+ed" I/ t+e time limit or t+e
amo)nt o/ ,or- or *ot+ are eliminated# it is not t+e same
experience an. more# so I can=t s+o, .o) in a /ragment
+o, it ,ent# or +o, it ,as">
Some ,ee-s later s+e ,as cr.stal6ga1ing in a trance and
,as as-ed to see +ersel/ pic-ing t+e same /lo,ers# and to
co)nt t+em alo)d as s+e did so" 8nder t+ese circ)mstances
s+e readil. complied" T+e demonstrated rate ,as (& per
Anot+er s)*<ect ACB# in t+e transition period# once tried to
escape ,orld time *. >going o// /rom t+e main s+a/t o/ a
mine>" His di//ic)lties ,ere /)rt+er revealed in t+e
/ollo,ing remar-sC
S" Here=s a /)nn. t+ing no," I ,as conscio)s t+at t+e
p+.sical time ,as per+aps 22 seconds# *)t t+e
+all)cinated time seemed to *e a*o)t t,o min)tes" And I
,as a*le to move t+ese mar*les# one at a time# ,it+o)t
ta-ing a +and/)l or an.t+ing li-e t+at and ,it+o)t
E" 5ere .o) a,are t+en o/ t,o time /actorsI
S" Yes 6 I ,as a,are o/ t+e conscio)sness o/ p+.sical
time and also o/ +all)cinated time"
E" 5o)ld it *e /air to sa. t+at .o) ,eren=t completel.
lost in t+e +all)cinated experienceI
S" No 6 I ,as engrossed in t+e +all)cinated experience
*)t .et some ot+er /actor seemed to indicate t+at it ,as
merel. 2' or 22 seconds"
E" 5ere .o) a,are o/ t+at ,+ile .o) ,ere co)nting
S" No 6 *)t ,+en I said A,+ile reportingB >t,o
min)tes># t+e ot+er /actor came into pla. and gave a
0)iver66a p+.sical s+oc- to m. *od.# and t+en t+e idea o/
22 or 2' seconds came"
In some o/ t+e tests t+e s)*<ects spontaneo)sl.
+all)cinated a ,atc+ or a cloc-" In ot+ers# t+ese instr)ments
,ere s)ggested to t+em" 8s)all.# *)t not al,a.s# t+e time
indicated *. t+e +all)cinated timepieces ,as appropriate to
t+e s)*<ects= experience"
T+e /ollo,ing is s)*<ect @=s ans,er to a re0)est t+at +e
tell +o, +e learned to distort time# d)ring +is trainingC
>At t+e start# /orget ever.t+ing else" @)st do ,+at +e At+e
experimenterB told .o) to do" Concentrate strictl. on ,+at
.o)=re going to do" Yo) start on t+e tas- assigned and onl.
t+at" Don=t t+in- a*o)t t+e time" 7e/ore .o) -no, it# t+e
tas- is over ,it+# and it seems li-e a long period o/ time#
and .o) tr. to recall ,+ere .o) ,ere 6 =5+ere +ave I *eenI
5+ere am II= As soon as .o)r mind gets on t+e tas-# and
.o)=re doing it# it /eels ver. real" T+en .o) ,onder ,+.
.o)=ve stopped# and .o) ,ant to go *ac- and retrace ,+at
.o)=ve done" And it seems li-e a long time# a ver. long
period o/ time6ma.*e 24 or F' min)tes" i-e .o)=re
dreaming and ,a-e )p# .o) /eel .o)=ve *een ,+erever .o)r
dream is# and t+en reali1e .o)=ve *een in *ed" Yo)r mind
ma. r)n over a lot o/ t+ings in addition to t+e tas-"
Sometimes I don=t ,rite as m)c+ as .o) sa. I s+o)ld" I sa.#
KI can do it ,ell no,"= So I stop" T+en I mig+t <)st ,ait# or I
mig+t do man. t+ings6.o) don=t -no, ,+at" It ma. seem a
mont+6ma.*e a mont+" ots o/ t+o)g+ts and scenes go
t+ro)g+" T+e. ma. <)mp /rom one t+ing to anot+er# li-e in
a dream" T+e. go /aster" 7)t t+e tas- itsel/ ,ent at reg)lar
or )s)al speed">
It s+o)ld *e noted t+at t+e a*ove acco)nt contains
evidence t+at# d)ring training# t+e s)*<ect ,as a,are o/
*ot+ >special time> and ,orld time# as ,as t+e case ,it+
several o/ t+e ot+ers"
A ver. t+o)g+t/)l and intelligent s)*<ect ANB made t+e
/ollo,ing remar-s a*o)t +er experiences ,it+ time
>I can see t+e *eginning and t+e end o/ ever.t+ing I do in
a trance" i-e a dream# it=s a ro)nd t+ing6it=s not a
progression" In m)sic .o) +ave to *egin at t+e *eginning
and pla. it t+ro)g+ to t+e end# *)t in a painting .o) can see
it all at once" In t+e s+ort+and t+ings As+e ,as ,or-ing on
t+e +all)cinated ,riting o/ s+ort+and s.m*olsB I=m not as
s)re o/ t+e end">
S+e ,ent on to sa.# >T+at doesn=t ma-e sense" I ,as
going to sa. t+at t+e. ,ere t+e same# *)t t+e. ,eren=t"
A/ter t+e signal# I +ave t+e /eeling o/ t+e ,+ole experience#
and t+en I can go /rom t+e general to t+e partic)lar" In t+at
,a. I don=t s-ip" 7e/ore I +ad +ad practice# little tin. t+ings
,o)ld +old me )p# and I=d +ave to exert e//ort to get *.
T+e s)*<ect ,as# at t+is period in +er training# ,or-ing
,it+ an allotted time o/ 2' seconds" S+e ,as a*le# ,it+
/amiliar activities s)c+ as riding +orse*ac-# or dining in a
resta)rant# to +ave &' min)tes o/ contin)o)s experience
)nder t+ese circ)mstances" 7)t ,+en it came to t+e +all)ci6
nated ,riting o/ a s+ort+and s.m*ol man. times# s+e co)ld
not complete t+e tas-"
5+ile ,e ,ere disc)ssing t+is di//ic)lt.# s+e said# >I
mig+t tr. seeing t+e *eginning and t+e end# as I do ,it+#
sa.# t+e ot+er sort o/ activities"> 5e decided to tr. t+is
met+od# and assigned +er t+e tas- o/ seeing a ,+ole page o/
a given s.m*ol# and t+en to trace t+em" T+is met ,it+
partial s)ccess# as ,ill *e seen in +er reportC
S" I sa, t+e page 6 t+e s.m*ol ,as >t+ese>" So I ,ent
*ac- and traced it over"
E" Ho, man. ,ere t+ereI
S" A*o)t a +)ndred"
E" Co)ld .o) /eel .o)r +and ,riting itI
S" Yes"
E" Ho, long did it seem to ta-e .o)I
S" I don=t -no," Not ver. long"
E" Did .o) +)rr.I
S" Yes"
E" 5+.I
S" I co)ldn=t pin t+em do,n" T+e. ,eren=t ver. clear#
and I ,anted to get t+em ,ritten so t+e. ,o)ldn=t /ade
7. no means do all s)*<ects +ave s)c+ di//ic)lties as
cited in t+is section" It is indeed /ort)nate t+at some o/ t+em
do# +o,ever# *eca)se s)c+ reports give )s an insig+t into
t+e nat)re o/ +all)cinator. prod)ctions in distorted time
t+at co)ld *e o*tained in no ot+er ,a." One idea t+at
s)ggests itsel/ is t+at# some,+ere in t+e )nconscio)s#
patterns are ela*orated as ,+oles /rom elements or )nits
assem*led /rom past experience# and t+at# at t+e level o/
experience# t+ese patterns are >lived t+ro)g+> at a normal
or c)stomar.6 rate as /ar as t+e s)*<ect is concerned# .et
,it+ extreme rapidit. relative to ,orld time"
5e do not consider t+ese +.pnoticall. ind)ced
experiences to *e identical ,it+ dreams# and +ave never
)sed t+e ,ord >dream> in a s)ggestion )nless ,e ,is+ to
prod)ce s)c+ an entit." T+at o)r s)*<ects ,ere# in most
cases# a,are o/ a di//erence is evidenced *. t+e /act t+at
t+e. occasionall.# ,+ile resting# ,o)ld sa.# >I ,ent to sleep
and +ad a dream"> Ho,ever# t+ese dreams +ad no
connection ,it+ t+e experimental ,or-" 7et,een
assignments it ,as c)stomar. to give t+e s)ggestion# >No,
let .o)r mind ,ander ,+it+er it ,ill 6 to pleasant scenes#>
in response to ,+ic+ t+e. )s)all. engaged in des)ltor.
+all)cinated activit.# ,+ic+ t+e. did not consider t+e same
as dreaming"
!ive o/ o)r s)*<ects ,ere as-ed to compare t+ese t,o
t.pes o/ activit.# and all /elt t+at t+ere ,ere di//erences"
T+eir remar-s /ollo,"
Concerning +all)cinated activities in +.pnosisC
Hall)cinations are#
PQ*etter organi1ed"M
PQmore real t+an dreams"M
PQdirected dreams"M
PQver. tr)e to li/e# and t+e experiences carr. on as i/
t+e. ,ere reall. +appening"M
PYo) are conscio)s o/ ,+at .o) are doing and can
control t+e sit)ation *etter"M
PT+e. ma-e sense ,+ereas dreams are o/ten sill. and
Concerning dreamsC
Dreams are#
PQless meaning/)l"M
PQo/ten /ar6/etc+ed"M
PT+e. contain nonsense and extraneo)s t+ings"M
PT+e. s+o, less contin)it."M
PT+e. contain somet+ing impossi*le or )nreal"M
PIn dreams t+e mind <)mps /rom one s)*<ect to
anot+er and it is as i/ t+e dreamer ,ere loo-ing on
instead o/ participating in it"M
PMost dreams are next to impossi*le"M
T+e s)*<ects ,it+ t+e *est per/ormance all reported t+at
,+ile engaged in an assignment t+e. ,ere completel.
)na,are o/ t+eir s)rro)ndings" T+e ones ,+o ,ere )na*le
to lose to)c+ completel. ,it+ t+e p+.sical ,orld +ad
di//ic)lties ,it+ time distortion"
T+e relation o/ t+e allotted time to t+e +all)cinated
experience is a most interesting one"
It +as alread. *een pointed o)t t+at# d)ring training# i/ ,e
repeat a given assignment# )sing a s+orter and s+orter
allotted time ,it+ eac+ repetition# t+e s)*<ect ,ill /it t+e
experience into t+e s+ortened allotted time ,it+o)t its *eing
c+anged in an. ,a." T+is is tr)e ,+et+er t+e tas- *e a
completed one# or a contin)o)s one ,it+ a s)ggested
personal time" T+)s# a s)*<ect ma. +all)cinate t+e ,riting
o/ a certain ,ord F' times in an allotted time o/ 2' seconds
at t+e /irst assignment# and# at t+e second# +ave t+e same
experience# proceeding at t+e same rate as /ar as +e is
concerned# in an allotted time o/ t+ree seconds"
Again# ,e ma. assign as a tas- t+e ta-ing o/ a &'6min)te
,al-# and +ave t+e s)*<ect tell )s ,+en +e +as /inis+ed"
T+)s# no allotted time is )sed" T+e s)*<ect# a/ter# sa.# &2;
seconds# tells )s t+at# +e +as /inis+ed t+e ,al-" Next# let )s
assign t+e identical tas-# *)t t+is time ,e tell t+e s)*<ect
t+at ,e s+all noti/. +im to stop ,+en t+e &' min)tes are )p"
T+)s ,e )se an allotted time +ere# and s+all ass)me t+at it
is 2' seconds" A good s)*<ect ,ill +ave completed t+e
assignment at t+e termination signal# ,it+o)t +) and
it ,ill *e identical to t+e previo)s experience" T+ere ,ill *e
no di//erence# in t+e +all)cinated activit. as s)c+# *et,een
t+e earl. portion o/ t+e ,al- and t+e later portion"
5e +ave no explanation /or t+is a*ilit. o/ t+e s)*<ect to
+ave# ,it+in limits# identical experiences# or similar
>amo)nts> o/ experience# in di//erent ,orld time intervals"
T+ere is no evidence t+at t+ese +all)cinated experiences
ordinaril. ta-e place instantaneo)sl. relative to ,orld time"
On t+e contrar.# t+e in<ecting o/ so)nd signals# some o/ t+e
co)nting experiments# and t+e ina*ilit. o/ s)*<ects to
complete an activit. i/ t+e allotted time is too s+ort# all
indicate t+at t+e activities are extended in ,orld time"
Ho,ever# in some cases it ,o)ld seem t+at# at t+e termina6
tion signal# a previo)sl. )n/inis+ed tas- ma.*e completed
almost instantaneo)sl. relative to ,orld time# and .et in
reg)lar tempo as /ar as t+e s)*<ect +imsel/ is concerned"
And t+e ,ell6trained s)*<ect ,ill operate ,it+ ama1ingl.
*rie/ allotted time intervals# as in t+e case o/ s)*<ect $# ,+o
,atc+ed an entire *as-et*all game in t+e interval *et,een
t,o +and6claps placed as close toget+er as t+e experimenter
co)ld place t+em"
TA7E :
Estimation o/ s+ort intervals A2'6F' secondsB
C 2&'
D ;4
E 2''
! 24'
? 2''
H 99
Estimation o/ long intervals A24 min)tes to several +o)rsB
C ;'
D F'
E 66
! &4
? &4
H &4
T+e s)*<ects all said t+at t+e +all)cinated activit. never
started *e/ore t+e starting signal# and t+at it invaria*l.
ended a*r)ptl. at t+e termination signal"
As an example o/ t+e s)dden cessation o/ action# one
s)*<ect told +o, t+e signal came as +e ,as reac+ing /or
somet+ing# and +is +and ,as in mid6air as t+e +all)cination
Aside /rom t+eir intrinsic signi/icance# t+ese /indings
spea- against retrospective /alsi/ication"
Ta*le : s+o,s t+e a*ilit. o/ a gro)p o/ o)r s)*<ects to
estimate *ot+ s+ort and long ,orld6time intervals ,+ile
engaged in vario)s activities# in t+e ,a-ing state"
5it+ t+e s+ort intervals# ,+ic+ varied /rom 2' to F'
seconds# t+e activities ,ere co)nting small o*<ects# sorting
cards# tal-ing# and reading" T+e instr)ctions# incidentall.#
,ere patterned a/ter t+ose )sed )nder +.pnosis in assigning
activities" 5it+ t+e longer intervals# ranging /rom 24
min)tes to several +o)rs# ordinar. dail. occ)pations ,ere
engaged in"
It is 0)ite o*vio)s /rom t+e res)lts in ta*le : t+at t+e
estimated times are in /ar closer agreement ,it+ t+e act)al
,orld6time intervals t+an )nder t+e o/ time distortion
st)died in t+is report"
T+e /ollo,ing experiments ,ere per/ormed in order to
determine ,+et+er t+e process o/ association co)ld *e
/acilitated *. t+e )se o/ time distortion in +.pnosis"
?RO8P 2
Activit. instr)ctionsC >On +earing a ,ord# ,+ic+ I s+all
sa.# .o) ,ill +ave an experience">
Allotted timeC 2' seconds" T+e ,ord itsel/ constit)ted t+e
starting signal"
S)ggested personal timeC none"
ReportingC No spo-en report ,as as-ed /or" On ,a-ing#
t+e s)*<ect ,as given a list o/ t+e ,ords and descri*ed +er
experiences in ,riting" Tas-s ,ere assigned in gro)ps o/
ten dail." In t+e /ollo,ing reports# t+e ,ord /ollo,s t+e
n)meral designating t+e tas-" 5e present a /airl. large
n)m*er o/ t+ese *eca)se t+e. conve. s)c+ a clear
impression o/ t+e sort o/ +all)cinator. experience ,it+
,+ic+ ,e are dealing"
2" @AGA 6 I sa, a pict)re o/ a gro)p o/ islands# one o/
,+ic+ ,as S)matra# and -ept to see i/ @ava ,as t+ere
*)t co)ldn=t /ind it or# t+at is# it ,o)ldn=t sta. p)t" Once I
,o)ld seem to locate it some place and loo- a,a.L and
,+en I loo-ed *ac- it ,o)ld seem to +ave disappeared"
&" TRI7E 6 5e ,ere dancing t+e s0)a, dance *)t I
co)ldn=t learn +o,"
F" !OC$ 6 I sa, a snaps+ot o/ m.sel/ at age /ive
standing ver. dressed )p at t+e edge o/ a +)ge /loc- o/
c+ic-ens" AT+e snaps+ot is real# and I +aven=t seen it /or
a*o)t &' .ears# as all m. pict)res ,ere lost ,+en ,e
(" ITH8ANIAN 6 5e ,ere at a part. and some men
eating little dried /is+ -ept calling eac+ ot+er >7rot+er
it+)anian>" T+e. -ept la)g+ing and I tried to /ind o)t
,+at t+e <o-e ,as and t+e. ,o)ld o//er me some o/ t+e
4" HA! 6 M. mot+er ,as to get admitted to an
Indian +ospital /or treatment and t+e admitting n)rse as-ed
/or proo/ t+at s+e ,as X Indian" M. mot+er said s+e ,as Y"
>One6+al/ is not one6/o)rt+#> said t+e n)rse# and m. mot+er
<)st loo-ed at me +elplessl. *)t I co)ldn=t t+in- o/ an. good
9" !I!TH 6 I sa, a *)ilding ,it+ great
,+ite pillars" I ,as loo-ing at t+e top to see ,+at -ind o/
arc+itect)re t+e. ,ere" T+e /i/t+ one seemed to *e di//erent#
*)t I ,as )na*le to anal.1e t+e di//erence# t+o)g+ I ,as
s)re t+ere ,as some i/ I=d -eep loo-ing"
:" THREE 6 I sa, a station6,agon ,it+ >T+ree Sisters
Ranc+> lettered on t+e side and ,ondered i/ it ,ere mine#
*)t I decided not to get in it"
;" ENO8?H 6 M. sister and I ,ere acting sill. and
giggling" M. mot+er -ept >T+at=s eno)g+" T+at=s
eno)g+"> Prett. soon s+e span-ed )s and ,+en ,e cried#
said# >T+at=s eno)g+> and span-ed )s some more" I
,ent o)t )nder t+e persimmon tree and +ated +er"
3" A 6 I ,as doing *ead,or- on a *)c-s-in p)rse" I
,anted to ma-e m. o,n design and c+oose m. o,n colors#
*)t t+e lad. ,+o ,as teac+ing me made t+e c+oice /or me"
Alt+o)g+ t+e *eads ,ere all si1es and I +ad to -eep sorting
t+em to ma-e t+em /it t+e design# it t)rned o)t ver. ,ell
and I ,as most pleased"
2'" !E5 6 I +eard t+e p+rase >/e, s)cceed> r)nning over
and over in m. mind and tried to connect it ,it+ somet+ing"
!inall. I decided it +as somet+ing to do ,it+ crossing an
imaginar. line# not p+.sical# *)t color# racial or social"
22" THE 6 I ,as in t+e living room o/ m. +ome and m.
mot+er ,as teac+ing me to read" It ,as ver. repetitio)s
material 6 >Hop# +op ,ent t+e little *ird" T+e little *ird
+opped"> S+e +ad me prono)nce >t+e> ,it+ a long e# not
2&" THIS 6 AT+is# t+at"B T+ese ,ords came to me toget+er
on t+e s)ggestion o/ >t+is># and I ,as in a car riding /rom
?all)p to Al*)0)er0)e ,it+ a man ,+o ,as a mediator
/rom t+e a*or Department" He gave me a long lect)re on
t+e ine//icienc. o/ most people=s voca*)lar.# +o,
important it ,as to -no, t+e proper ,ords to /it t+e proper
places# and +o, meaningless to /ill .o)r tal- ,it+ >and t+)s
and so># >and t+is and t+at># and >5+atc+amacallit>"
2F" S8CH 6 I ,as *a-ing a pie *. a ne, recipe and t+e
cr)st ,as all cr)m*l. and ,o)ldn=t sta. toget+er# t+o)g+ I
-ept adding ,ater"
2(" AN 6 I ,as a*o)t eig+t# and +ad <)st read /rom a large
*oo- a sill. p+rase ,+ic+ I -ept repeating# en< its
silliness and contin)it.# >An Illinois. nois. noise anno.s a
nois. o.ster"> I +ad t+e measles and ,asn=t s)pposed to *e
24" SOME 6 I ,as on a *)s ,it+ t+e ,ind *lo,ing in t+e
open ,indo," T+e people sitting *e+ind me ,ere tal-ing#
t+e one not lo)d eno)g+ to disting)is+ +er voice *)t t+e
ot+er ,o)ld sa. no, and again in a lo)d# I6told6.o)6so
tone# >5ell# some do# and some don=t"> !irst I -ept to
st)d.# *)t /inall. gave )p and tried to +ear# to no avail"
29" I 6 I sa, m.sel/ as a little girl reciting t+e pledge o/
allegiance to t+e /lag to m. /at+er" T+e /irst time I ,as <)st
memori1ing it" T+e next time ,as several .ears later and I
+ad gro,n 0)ite a *it"
2:" THO8 6 An old /armer ,as -neeling do,n in t+e
m)d getting read. to pra. ,+en a preac+er came aro)nd t+e
side o/ t+e +o)se and said# >Yo) don=t need to pra. t+ere# so
long as .o)=re ,illing to">
2;" HE 6 A little girl ,as ,al-ing *.# p)lling petals o//
daisies# >He loves me# +e loves me not"> Eac+ time
s+e ,o)ld end ,it+ >He loves me not> and start on a ne,
one" I gave +er some more# and as s+e ,al-ed a,a.# s+e
seemed to +e +aving *etter l)c-# ending ,it+ t+e positive
statement lo)der and ,it+ /inalit."
23" SHE 6 M. co)sin Et+el ,as visiting )s ,+en I ,as
seven .ears old" Ever. place ,e ,ent people ,o)ld
exclaim# >Isn=t s+e *ea)ti/)lI> I t+o)g+t so# too# and s+e
*ecame m. idol rig+t t+en# *)t s+e ,al-ed a,a. and never
came *ac-"
&'" 5E 6 I ,as st) to de/ine t+e /eeling o/
>in6gro)p> to m.sel/ so I co)ld state it in ,ords" I t+o)g+t#
>It=s a /eeling o/ =,e6ness=# *)t ,ill )nderstand ,+at
I mean *. t+atI T+en I t+o)g+t# it=s t+e di//erence *et,een
t+in-ing o/ m.sel/ separatel. rat+er t+an >Here ,e are
&2" YO8 6 A *armaid ,as pointing to a +and,ritten sign
on a door# >Please Close Door> and )nderneat+# >T+is
Means 8"> S+e said# >Yo) don=t -no, +o, m)c+ e//ect t+at
last p+rase +as" 5e +ad t+at sign =Please Close Door= )p /or
mont+s and t+e door ,as never closed" As soon as I added
=T+is Means# 8=# started closing it">
&&" THEE 6 I +ad <)st received a telep+one call /rom Dic-
and ,as dressing to go o)t# p)11ling over ,+. I +ad never
noticed *e/ore t+at +e )sed >t+ee> in direct address# or i/ +e
reall. didn=t *)t I +ad <)st +eard +im ,rong t+at time" I
listened partic)larl. /or it later# *)t co)ld not detect it"
&F" M.6I sa, m.sel/ age /o)rteen +)gging a little dog" I
,as living ,it+ /riends# and t+e little dog ,as t+e /irst t+ing
t+at I /elt +ad ever *elonged to me to not +ave to s+are ,it+
sisters# and I ,as /iercel. possessive a*o)t +im"
&(" ME 6 T+ere ,ere tr.6o)ts /or a sc+ool pla. *eing
given and I ,anted one part desperatel. and +ad st)died t+e
part 0)ite care/)ll." Ho,ever# ,+en it came m. t)rn# t+e
teac+er ,o)ldn=t let me sa. m. lines *)t told me to sing
instead" I tried# *)t no one co)ld +ear me and I ,ent on
/eeling ver. small and inade0)ate"
&4" THY 6 I ,as ver. small# a*o)t t+ree# and m. mot+er
,as sitting in a *ig +ig+6*ac-ed roc-er teac+ing me to read
/rom a *ig 7i*le" 5+en I did ,ell# s+e ,o)ld give me
ro)nd colored candies ,+ic+ I=d p)t in a small <ar and save"
&9" HIS 6 M. /at+er +ad <)st ret)rned /rom a trip and ,e
,ere anxio)sl. ,aiting /or +im to open +is grip to see ,+at
+e +ad *ro)g+t" 5+en +e opened it# it smelled so good o/
s+aving creams# etc" T+en +e gave )s t+e cand. +e=d
*ro)g+t# and let me loo- at t+e g)n +e al,a.s carried ,+ic+
+ad a *)//alo6+ead carved ivor. +andle"
&: THEIR 6 5+ile I ,as riding on a train# an Indian
co)ple got on" T+e. ,ere so pleased ,it+ t+emselves I
started ,atc+ing t+em no, and again# glancing )p /rom m.
*oo-" It ,as getting close to m. stop# so I started e.eing
m. l)ggage to -no, ,+ere it all ,as ,+en I sa, t+ere ,as
anot+er *lac- *ag <)st li-e mine" I ,as ,ondering ,+ic+
,as t+eir *ag ,+en t+e man as-ed t+e ,oman in a distinct
voice ,it+ an Indian accent# >5+irs t+e sootcase#> and s+e
ans,ered *. pointing ,it+ +er lips and >It=s over
&;" HERSE! 6 >D># a neig+*or in Yan-ton# ,as calling
to +er little girl# >Don=t r)n" Yo)=ll +)rt .o)rsel/"> I /elt
sorr. /or t+e little girl# /or I t+o)g+t >S+e=s not a/raid s+e=ll
+)rt +ersel/# s+e=s <)st a/raid s+e=ll get +er ,+ite s+oes
&3" THIS 6 I ,as ,or-ing in m. /lo,er garden# sort o/
sitting on m. +a)nc+es and reac+ing close to t+e +o)se to
p)ll ,eeds ,+en I /elt somet+ing cool and smoot+ ,it+ m.
+and" I dre, it o)t and it ,as a prett. apple6green sna-e" I
p)t it do,n and it slo,l. cra,led a,a."
F'" 5HICH 6 I ,as telling a little girl t+at I t+o)g+t I
,o)ld <)st +ave a sand,ic+ /or dinner" S+e in0)ired#
>5+at=s a sand,itc+I> >Don=t *e sill." Patt.# .o) -no,
,+at a sand,ic+ is" Yo) +ave t+em /or l)nc+ ever. da.#> I
said" >7)t I ,as t+in-ing o/ a K,itc+#= .o) -no,#> s+e said#
and smiled"
F2" THAT E I ,as ,al-ing *. A)nt Rosie=s c+ic-en .ard
and t+ere *. t+e side o/ it ,as a co, seemingl. ,earing a
lad.=s stra, +at" 5+en s+e c+e,ed# t+e c+erries on it ,o)ld
*o)nce" I loo-ed *ac- as I ,ent on# and t+e co, ,as still
t+ere ,earing t+e +at"
F&" THOSE 6 I +ad an apartment in a private +ome and
<)st as I ,as getting read. to go o)t# Mrs" D" called
acc)singl.# >Yo) didn=t ,ater t+e la,n toda.#> and ,+ile I
,as to decide ,+et+er to go *ac- and do it or go on
and catc+ m. *)s# sprin-lers sprang )p all over t+e la,n
and got me all ,et# so I <)st ,al-ed on to,ard t+e *)s"
FF" $I 6 I ,as on m. grandmot+er=s /arm ,+en t+e
+ired men ,ere going over to t+e pigpen earl. in t+e
morning" I ran a/ter t+em and t+e. c+ased a little pig and
c)t its t+roat# and it ran aro)nd di11il. s0)ealing and
sp)rting *lood" I /elt -ind o/ sorr. /or it# *)t t+e. said it ate
smaller little pigs# so t+en I ,as glad"
F(" SEEP 6 I ,as in a +ospital in a room ,it+ *l)e
,allsL I -ept +earing a s,eeping so)nd# and a n)rse ,as to ,a-e me to ,as+# *)t I didn=t ,ant to ,a-e )p and
-ept to sta. asleep"
F4" I!T 6 I ,as ,atc+ing t+e *)rning o/ Zo1o*ra# and as
+e gave +is last cr. and collapsed# I /elt a certain /reedom
as t+o)g+ a ,eig+t +ad *een li/ted /rom m. mind"
F9" EAGE 6 I ,as co)nting# co)nting and re6co)nting to
see i/ I +ad eno)g+ leave to cover t+e vacation I ,anted to
ta-e" 5+en I /o)nd I pro*a*l. +adn=t# I decided to re0)est
5OP and 0)it , a*o)t it"
F:" SEEPIN? 6 I seemed to *e sleeping in a great pine
/orest on a *ed o/ pine needles" T+e scent o/ pine ,as
+eav. and t+e ,ind sig+ed t+ro)g+ t+e trees <)st as I=d
al,a.s +eard" I m)st +ave *een onl. +al/6asleep# *eca)se I
,as conscio)s o/ t+ese t+ings and o/ en< t+em and
t+in-ing# >I m)st /ind o)t ,+ere I am so t+at I can come
F;" COME 6 am a*o)t /o)r or /ive .ears old# am at m.
grandmot+er=s /)neral# and people are singing# >Come#
come# come""" > I t+o)g+t it ,as a ver. prett. song and
,is+ed t+e. ,o)ld sing it at o)r c+)rc+"
F3" !O8ND
M. mot+er +ad sent me to t+e garden to
pic- potato *)gs# and I ,as +ating ever. min)te o/ it"
S)ddenl. I loo-ed do,n and sa, I +ad /o)nd a r)*. ring I
+ad lost .ears ago" I ,as most excited# and p)t it on
immediatel. to see i/ it still /it# ,+ic+ it did# and ,as as
good as ne,"
('" EAT 6 I ,as a*o)t 2&# ,as visiting a /amil. /riend
and sitting o)t *ac- o/ +er +o)se eating a sand,ic+ s+e +ad
made /or me" I ,as ver. +)ngr.# and ,as ,ondering
,+et+er I mig+t as- /or anot+er as I +ad never +ad one at
+ome t+at tasted so good" T+en m. mot+er came o)tside
and ,as read. to go +ome"
(2" !O5 6 It ,as late Novem*er and I ,as sitting on a
*eac+ in San !rancisco alone ,atc+ing t+e e** and /lo, o/
t+e ,ater and /eeling a little cold"
(&" 7O5 6 2 ,as sitting in t+e living room in a /riend=s
+o)se and +er +)s*and ,as teac+ing me to *lo, smo-e6
rings" S)ddenl. I /elt ver. ill and ,as em*arrassed a*o)t it#
so I said I +ad to see Agnes a*o)t somet+ing and r)s+ed
)pstairs and la. on t+e *ed /or 0)ite a ,+ile"
(F" ?RAZE 6 I ,as sitting in a car near !t" De/iance idl.
,atc+ing some s+eep gra1ing and t+in-ing +o, dirt. s+eep
,ere# and ,is+ing I dared as- t+e Nava<o to s+o, me +o,
t+e. /ixed t+eir +air"
T+ese experiences ,ere all contin)o)s and ver. >real>"
T+eir seeming d)ration ,as /rom "4 min)tes to several
?RO8P &
!ree association ,as tested in t+e /ollo,ing tas-sC
5a-ingC T+e s)*<ect ,as told t+at a ,ord ,o)ld *e said
to +er and t+at t+is ,o)ld *ring to mind anot+er ,ord# and
t+en anot+er# and so on" In F' seconds s+e ,rote t+e
/ollo,ing in response to t+e ,ord >*arrel>C stave# rain,ater#
mos0)itoes# /ever# temperat)re# t+ermometer# get ,ell"
Trance stateC Activit. instr)ctionsC >I s+all sa. a ,ord to
.o)" T+is ,ord ,ill *ring to mind anot+er ,ord# and t+en
anot+er# and so on" T+is ,ill go on /or at least 2' min)tes"
T+e ,ord is *a*.">
Allotted timeC 2' seconds"
S)ggested personal timeC at least 2' min)tes"
ReportC No spo-en report ,as as-ed /or" On ,a-ing# s+e
,rote t+e /ollo,ingC *a*.# *o.# s+oes# r)n# /all do,n# +ill#
@ac- and @ill# +)rr.# li*rar.# *oo-s+elves# F cents# g)m#
steal# neig+*or# road# c)ll# telep+one# Cecil# dress# /lo,ers#
dance# @ames# ,restle# grit teet+# get# loo- /ierce# ,in#
s+ooting# s)n# doctor# trial# devil"
As-ed to descri*e t+e process# s+e said# >T+e. ,ere
scenes" I ,o)ld see somet+ing li-e a little *o.# and t+e
,ord ,o)ld come" T+en I=d see ,+ite s+oes on +im# and t+e
,ord Ks+oes= ,o)ld come" T+en I=d see +im r)nning# and
t+e ,ord Kr)n= ,o)ld come">
On anot+er occasion t+e s)*<ect reported (' or 4'
associations" T+e allotted time ,as 2' seconds# s)ggested
personal time 2' min)tes# and seeming d)ration 4 min)tes"
S+e ,as not as-ed to ,rite t+em o)t# *)t t+e /ollo,ing
report ,as o*tainedC
E" Did .o) t+in- o/ t+ingsI
S" Yes"
E" Ho, long did it seemI
S" I don=t -no,# a*o)t /ive min)tes"
E" Did .o) +ave man. associated t+o)g+tsI
S" Yes" It ,ent more <agged" T+e ot+er ,as all orderl.
and progressive" T+is started as an orderl. progression"
T+en it <)mped aro)nd" T+ere ,as a -ind o/ progression#
*)t not m)c+"
E" In ,+at /orm did t+ese associations come to .o)I
S" 5ell# it seemed li-e it ,as ,+at .o) call
experiences# *eca)se it seemed li-e I ,as t+ere"
E" Did .o) recogni1e an. act)al experiences .o)=d +ad
S" Yes"
E" 5ere .o) t+e same age all t+ro)g+I
S" No"
E" 5as t+ere an. sex)al material
S" No"
E" Can .o) give me t+e ro)g+est sort o/ an estimate as
to +o, man. experiences t+ere ,ereI
S" O+# (' or 4'"
E" No,# as .o) t+in- o/ t+is tas-# do an. 0)estions
arise in .o)r mindI
S" No"
E" 5as t+ere an emotional content to an. o/ t+ese
S" Mostl. a -ind o/ pleasant /eeling# *)t not6not an.
deep emotion one ,a. or anot+er"
E" 5ere an. o/ t+e experiences s)c+ as ,o)ld *e
accompanied *. prono)nced emotion in t+e ,a-ing state
i/ .o) act)all. +ad t+emI
S" No# I don=t t+in- so# alt+o)g+ in t+e *eginning one
,as connected ,it+ a /)neral" I ,as .o)ng" I mig+t +ave
*een emotional# *)t /or c+ildren I g)ess t+ose t+ings are
more o/ a social a//air"
E" 5+at ,as t+e .o)ngest age at ,+ic+ .o) /o)nd
S" I ,as a c+ild in one o/ t+e scenes *)t I ,as not a,are
o/ m. age" T+at scene ,ent on /or 0)ite a ,+ile" T+en# in
t+e next# it s-ipped )ntil I ,as a*o)t &&# and t+at didn=t
last ver. long"
In /irst reading t+e a*ove acco)nts# t+e 0)estion arises at
once concerning t+e validit. o/ t+e reported associations"
5ere t+e. act)all. t+e res)lt o/ t+e experiment and did t+e.
occ)r in distorted timeI Or do t+e. represent a com*ination
o/ s)c+ associations ,it+ an admixt)re o/ )n,itting ,a-ing
associations occasioned *. t+e ver. process o/ reporting in
t+e ,a-ing stateI S+o)ld t+e latter *e t+e case# ,+ile it
,o)ld not invalidate t+e associations t+emselves as
meaning/)l to t+e s)*<ect# it ,o)ld pose t+e experimental
pro*lem o/ di//erentiating associations developed in time
distortion /rom t+ose arising /rom ,a-ing activit."
Ho,ever# care/)l reading o/ t+e acco)nts discloses a
signi/icant and mar-edl. consistent pattern" T+is is t+at# in
practicall. ever. acco)nt# t+e experience lies not in t+e
narrative ,ords )sed in reporting *)t in t+e experiential and
time d)ration implications o/ t+e acco)nt" Personal
pro*lems involving time and c+aracteri1ed *. do)*t#
)ncertaint.# repetitio)s e//ort# /r)stration# ,aiting# tension#
decisions# am*ivalences# etc" mar- t+e ma<orit. o/ t+e
reports" !)rt+ermore# t+e d)ration o/ t+e time implied is
*e.ond t+at needed /or t+e narrative signi/icance"
!or example# in Tas- 4# t+e /irst t,o sentences constit)te
a simple narration" T+e last sentence is a statement o/ an
experiential pro*lem em*racing do)*t# )ncertaint.#
/r)stration and re0)iring time and repeated e//ort" In Tas-
2F# t+e narrative concerned *a-ing a pie *. a ne, recipe
,it+ t+e cr)st >all cr)m*l.>" T+e experiential and time
d)ration aspects are expressed *. t+e implications o/ t+e
,ords >and it ,o)ldn=t sta. toget+er t+o)g+ I -ept adding
,ater to it"> And t+e acco)nt o/ Tas- F&# in addition to
ill)strating similar signi/icances# s)ggests strongl. t+e
additional item o/ a dream experience"
T+e report o/ t+e experiment on /ree association is
similarl. signi/icant" T+e res)lts sec)red *. t+e ,a-ing
control activit. ,ere t+ose ordinaril. elicited" T+e trance
activit. in time distortion ,as o/ anot+er c+aracter entirel.#
*ot+ in -ind and extent# alt+o)g+ t+e act)al temporal
d)ration ,as onl. a t+ird as long" It ,as not onl. m)c+
more extensive *)t it ,as ver. greatl. ela*orated" Instead
o/ /ree association *. ,ords# ,+ole scenes ,ere )tili1ed
/rom ,+ic+ a single ,ord ,as a*stracted to meet t+e
demand o/ t+e experimental sit)ation" In addition# a sense
o/ participation in t+e scenes# eit+er as a spectator or as an
actor# ,as reported# ,it+ t+e s)*<ect experiencing t+e sel/ at
a ,ide range o/ age levels"
5+ile t+ese experiments are not s)//icientl. extensive to
,arrant de/initive concl)sions# t+e signi/icances o/ t+e
res)lts o*tained are +ig+l. indicative t+at time distortion
can *e )tili1ed to /acilitate t+e association o/ ideas" O)t o/
s)c+ association can come t+e recover. o/ /orgotten and
repressed memories"
All o)r s)*<ects /elt t+at t+e t+o)g+t processes t+e.
emplo.ed in t+eir +all)cinations ,ere compara*le to t+ose
o/ t+e ,a-ing state" In /act# some o/ t+em /elt t+at t+e.
,ere possi*l. o/ a s)perior t+ere *eing an increased
a*ilit. to consider sit)ations as a ,+ole" One said# >Con6
siderations are ,eig+ed o)t mentall. instead o/ ver*all.">
5e ,ere# )n/ort)natel.# )na*le to give t+is matter t+e
attention it deserved"
5e /eel t+at t+is is tr)e t+o)g+t" I/ s)c+ indeed *e t+e
case# t+en it is o*vio)s t+at t+is all6important mental
activit.# at least a /orm o/ it# can ta-e place at ver. rapid
rates# ,+ile appearing to proceed normall." It is o*vio)s
also t+at s)c+ t+o)g+t can deal onl. ,it+ concepts availa*le
t+ro)g+ memor." Yet it is possi*le t+at t+e increased
accessi*ilit. o/ material /rom t+e )nconscio)s mig+t *e
advantageo)s )nder certain circ)mstances"
T+ree sorts o/ tas-s ,ere assigned in investigating t+e
a*ilit. o/ s)*<ects to emplo. t+o)g+t d)ring time distortion
in +.pnosis"
In t+ese tas-s# t+e s)*<ect ,as presented ,it+ a pro*lem
to consider# and given *ot+ an allotted time A2' secondsB
and a s)ggested personal time A2' min)tesB /or its
completion" T+e /ollo,ing example ,ill ill)strate t+e
>I=m going to give .o) a pro*lem to solve in ten min)tes"
A/ter I tell .o) t+e pro*lem .o) ,ill receive a signal# at
,+ic+ .o) ,ill start ,or-ing on it" At t+e end o/ ten
min)tes I s+all give .o) t+e signal to stop" Yo) ,ill +ave
plent. o/ time"
>No, +ere is t+e pro*lem" A .o)ng girl is in love ,it+ a
.o)ng man ,+o ,ants to marr. +er" Ho,ever# t+e girl +as
an invalid mot+er ,+o is dependent )pon +er# and to ,+om
s+e /eels o*ligated" S+e +esitates to marr. *eca)se s+e does
not ,is+ to *)rden +er /iance ,it+ +er mot+er# and .et s+e
is ver. anxio)s to get married and does not ,is+ to sacri/ice
+er entire li/e to +er mot+er" T+ese .o)ng people ,ant .o)r
>5+en I give .o) t+e signal .o)=re going to t+in- t+is
sit)ation over /rom all points o/ vie, and a/ter,ards tell
me ,+at concl)sion .o) came to"
>Here comes t+e signal 66 Start">
Ten seconds# ,orld time# later s+e ,as told# >Time is )p"
No, tell me a*o)t t+e pro*lem">
T+e s)*<ect reported t+at s+e sa, and tal-ed to a .o)ng
man and a girl a*o)t t+is# t+eir pro*lem" S+e disc)ssed t+e
matter at lengt+ ,it+ t+em# as-ing t+e girl vario)s 0)estions
and receiving ans,ers" S+e s)ggested t+at t+e girl ,or-
a/ter marriage in order to s)pport +er mot+er# ,+o# s+e /elt#
s+o)ld not live ,it+ t+e .o)ng people *)t rat+er ,it+ some
/riend +er o,n age" S+e did not t+in- t+at t+e girl s+o)ld
give )p +er li/e to +er mot+er# *)t on t+e ot+er +and# s+e
s+o)ldn=t s+ir- +er responsi *ilit." S+e s+o)ld marr. *. all
means" S+e tal-ed mostl. to t+e girl" >T+e *o. didn=t +ave
m)c+ to sa.">
Her acco)nt o/ t+is experience ,as ama1ing in t+e
/)llness o/ detail and t+e amo)nt o/ re/lection t+at it
apparentl. indicated" T+is ,as especiall. s)rprising in vie,
o/ t+e /act t+at in ,a-ing li/e t+e s)*<ect is not prone to
spec)late on matters" 5+en told t+at s+e +ad t+o)g+t t+e
pro*lem t+ro)g+# not in ten min)tes *)t rat+er in ten
seconds# s+e ,as asto)nded"
N)mero)s ot+er pro*lems ,ere presented /rom time to
time# among t+em t+e /ollo,ingC
S+o)ld a .o)ng girl# da)g+ter o/ ,ell6to6do parents# see-
a <o*I
5+at are t+e relative merits o/ government and private
ind)str. emplo.mentI
Are .o) in /avor o/ comp)lsor. militar. trainingI
5+at do .o) t+in- a*o)t segregation o/ t+e Negro in t+e
In ever. case t+e reports gave evidence o/ care/)l and
t+oro)g+ consideration# and t+e estimated personal time
interval ,as al,a.s t+e same as t+e s)ggested one" S+e
didn=t +ave to +)rr." S+e al,a.s >sa,> somet+ing 6 t+at is#
s+e sa, and tal-ed to t+e .o)ng co)pleL s+e sa, t+e girl
,+o ,as disc)ssing t+e <o*L s+e sa, a government o//ice
*)ilding and a /actor.L in considering t+e Negro pro*lem
s+e ,as ,atc+ing a gro)p o/ poor and s+a**. Negroes in a
small so)t+ern to,n" A /is+6*o,l ,it+ names in it appeared
,+ile s+e ,as considering comp)lsor. militar. training"
T+e last test done ,as given a s)ggested personal time o/
2' min)tes# *)t an allotted time o/ onl. t+ree seconds" T+e
s)*<ect reported t+at s+e seemed to *e ,or-ing on it /or ten
min)tes# and gave a ver. complete acco)nt o/ +er
Co)nseling tas-s# assigned to ps.c+olog. st)dents# ,o)ld
also /all in t+is gro)p"
A sample o/ t+e /ormer is t+e /ollo,ing tas- assignmentC
>5+en I give .o) t+e starting signal# *. KNo,=# .o)
,ill spend &' min)tes preparing an o)tline /or a s+ort tal-
to a gro)p o/ senior +ig+ sc+ool st)dents" T+e topic ,ill *e#
KPs.c+olog. as a Career=" No,"> S)*<ect I ,as )sed /or a
small gro)p o/ s)c+ experiments# )sing an allotted time o/
/ive seconds" As a control# a similar tas- ,as assigned to
+im in t+e ,a-ing state# ,it+ t+e same allotted time" 5it+
t+e trance tas-s# +e accepted t+e S"P"T" in /)ll# and ,as a*le
to do a good deal o/ orderl. t+in-ing# alt+o)g+ t+is ,as not
/)ll. appropriate to t+e S"P"T" As-ed to comment on +is
,a-ing per/ormance as compared to t+e trance activit.# +e
replied# >T+ere=s no comparison" I +ardl. got started Ain t+e
,a-ing tas-B">
S)c+ tas-s involve a re6ordering o/ elements /rom past
experience# and t+)s constit)te# in a sense# creative t+o)g+t"
T+e same is tr)e o/ t+e prod)ction o/ movie >s+orts> never
*e/ore seen# in distorted time" Some o/ t+e comedies# or
animated cartoons# ,ere 0)ite am)sing and ,ere en<o.ed
*. t+e s)*<ects" T+e ma-ing )p o/ stories involving
stip)lated c+aracters is anot+er example o/ t+is sort o/
creative activit." 5it+ t+ese# a sample s)ggestion ,o)ld *e#
>""" .o)=re going to ma-e )p a stor. a*o)t a +orse# an old
,oman# and a s+ip"> T+is o/ tas- is# o/ co)rse# /amiliar
to /or +as +ad a c+ild as- +im# >Please
tell me a stor."> T+e +all)cinator. dra,ing o/ pict)res /alls
into t+is categor. also"
T+is is disc)ssed in C+apter &'"
Creative Mental Activit.
T+e /ollo,ing experiment ,as r)n in order to investigate
t+e possi*ilit. t+at creative mental activit. can *e
/acilitated )nder conditions o/ time distortion in +.pnosis"
T+e s)*<ect AMB ,as a secretar. ,+o ,as also going to
college# ,+ere s+e ,as ma<oring in ps.c+olog." S+e +ad
long *een interested in dress designing and possessed
considera*le talent in t+e /ield"
Her ,ritten acco)nt o/ +er c)stomar. approac+ to
designing a dress /ollo,sC
>5+en I +ave decided t+at I ,ant to design a dress# I
)s)all. loo- aro)nd at dresses in s+op ,indo,s and at
pict)res o/ dresses in ne,spapers and maga1ines# and I ma.
loo- at material" And I )s)all. over*). t+e material
*eca)se I am not s)re .et +o, I=m going to ma-e it" I ta-e
t+e material and pla. ,it+ it a,+ile and drape it on me"
T+en I generall. start c)tting m)slin patterns" 5+en I +ave
a *asic pattern t+at pleases me# I c)t o)t t+e material and
ma-e t+e dress# deciding on t+e details as I go along"
Sometimes I dra, as I go along# *)t I never dra, t+e ,+ole
t+ing" It=s sort o/ a ,or-ing tool# not a design to ,or- /rom"
I o/ten ,or- intermittentl. over a period o/ several mont+s#
sometimes /or several +o)rs at a time on /rom /o)r to ten
As a control# ,e t,ice assigned to +er in t+e ,a-ing state
t+e tas- o/ designing a dress" In t+e /irst case# s+e le/t +er
des- at t+e end o/ a +al/ +o)r and said# >I=m <)st ,asting m.
time *eca)se I can=t t+in- o/ an.t+ing a*o)t an.t+ing" I
don=t +ave one single idea"> In t+e second# s+e li-e,ise
prod)ced not+ing in t+e co)rse o/ a +al/ +o)r" Her ,ritten
report on ,+at s+e did ,as# >I sat t+ere and t+o)g+t or#
more precisel.# tried to t+in-# *)t t+e onl. t+ings I t+o)g+t
o/ at all ,ere ne,spaper or maga1ine pict)res o/ dresses" I
can=t <)st sit do,n and design somet+ing# and I never
attempt to *eca)se I -no, it is )seless">
Activit. instr)ctionsC T+ese ,ere t+e same in all t+e
tas-s# and ,ere as /ollo,sC >5+en I give .o) t+e starting
signal *. KNo,=# .o)=re going to design a dress"
Yo)=ll +ave all t+e time .o) need">
Allotted timeC T+is varied /rom ten seconds to one
S)ggested personal timeC >Yo)=ll +ave all t+e time .o)
T+is tas- ,as assigned six times" No spo-en report ,as
ta-en in an. instance" T+e s)*<ect ,as ,a-ed immediatel.
a/ter t+e completion o/ eac+ trance activit. and as-ed to
dra, a pict)re o/ t+e dress s+e +ad designed and to descri*e
it *rie/l." In tas- 2# t+e pict)re ,as not re0)ested" T+ese
reports /ollo,C
Tas- I
>I +ad some *eige ta//eta s+ant)ng *)t not eno)g+ to do
,+at I ,anted" I -ept t+in-ing and meas)ring t+e material#
and /inall. decided I co)ld accomplis+ ,+at I ,anted *.
ma-ing t+e dress a straig+t s+eat+# and )sing t+e remaining
material c)t /rom t+e side to ma-e a pleated collar ,it+
long ties" T+e long ties ,o)ld ma-e it possi*le to ,ear it
also as a pepl)m">
Allotted timeC Ten seconds"
Seeming d)rationC One +o)r"
Tas- &
Allotted timeC Ten seconds"
Seeming d)rationC One +o)r"
Additional reportC
E" 5+ere ,ere .o)I
S" I ,as at +ome"
E" Ho, long did .o) seem to *e ,or-ing at itI
S" O+# a*o)t an +o)r" I ,as sitting at a ta*le# loo-ing
o)t o/ t+e ,indo, and t+in-ing"
E" Did .o) do some dra,ingI
S" Yes# a/ter I +ad t+o)g+t it all t+ro)g+"
Tas- F
Allotted timeC !ive seconds"
Seeming d)rationC Several +o)rs"
Additional reportC
E" An.t+ing to sa. a*o)t t+e dressI
S" No# except t+at I s+o)ld li-e to ma-e it"
E" Had .o) ever designed t+is *e/oreI
S" No"
E" Ho, long ,ere .o) ,or-ing on itI
S" Several +o)rs# li-e an a/ternoon"
Tas- (
Allotted timeC One second"
Seeming d)rationC One and a +al/ +o)rs"
Tas- 4
Allotted timeC One second"
Seeming d)ration" One and a +al/ +o)rs"
Additional reportC
E" 5+at do .o) t+in- o/ t+e dressI
S" I li-e t+e idea a*o)t t+e *elt" T+e rest I don=t t+in-
m)c+ a*o)t one ,a. or t+e ot+er"
E" 5+ere ,ere .o) ,or-ing on itI
S" At +ome"
E" Did .o) dra, a pict)reI
S" Yes"
E Did .o) +)rr.I
S" No"
Tas- 9
Allotted timeC Ten seconds"
Seeming d)rationC One +o)r"
Additional reportC
E" Ho, long did it seem t+at .o) ,ere ,or-ingI
S" Ma.*e an +o)r"
E" Did .o) dra, t+e dress in t+e tranceI
S" No"
E" 5+at did .o) doI
S" I <)st t+o)g+t a*o)t it" !irst I t+o)g+t a*o)t pleats#
E" Did .o) /inis+I
S" Yes" I -ne, ,+at I ,as going to do"
E" Yo)r s)rro)ndingsI
S" I ,as sitting in an eas. c+air at +ome" I don=t )s)all.
)se pencil and paper" A/ter I +ave t+e dress in mind# I
ma. dra, it" 8s)all. I don=t dra, )ntil a/ter I +ave made
it or started# so I can see +o, it=s going to ,or-"
E" 5ere .o) pleased ,it+ t+e dressI
S" Yes"
T+e s)*<ect# on *eing ,a-ed and as-ed to dra, t+e
dresses# ,ent a*o)t t+is ,it+ no +esitation ,+atsoever" It
too- +er a*o)t 24 min)tes" T+ere is little do)*t t+at s+e +ad
t+e idea o/ t+e /inis+ed dress in mind" In ot+er ,ords# s+e
+ad alread. created t+e design" T+ese designs ,ere all ne,
ones# and s+e ,as pleased ,it+ t+e res)lts"
S+e ,as as-ed to compare +er experience d)ring one o/
t+e +al/6+o)r ,a-ing tas-s ,it+ t+at d)ring trance tas- 9"
Her report /ollo,sC
>In comparing t+e tas- in t+e ,a-ing state ,it+ t+at
carried o)t in t+e trance state and recorded in t+e ,a-ing
state# I s+o)ld sa. t+atC
>In t+e ,a-ing state I sat t+ere /or ages and tried ever.
,a. I -ne, +o, to t+in- o/ somet+ing and co)ld not"
5+ile to t+in-# I doodled *its o/ dresses I +ad seen
pict)res o/# *)t I never did t+in- o/ an.t+ing t+at even
seemed original in an. ,a."
>In t+e trance state# m. mind seemed clearer and I didn=t
+ave to tr. so +ard" I +ad several ideas ,+ic+ I manip)lated
)ntil I +ad ,+at I considered t+e *est com*ination in m.
mind" ater I recorded t+em on paper" T+e trance activit.
seemed to last a*o)t an +o)r">
T+e /ollo,ing is +er description o/ t+e met+ods s+e )sed
in +er trance designingC
>In some o/ t+em I +ad material and I sort o/ ,or-ed t+e
design o)t as I ,ent along" In ot+ers# I didn=t +ave t+e
material# and I <)st t+o)g+t a*o)t t+e designs# )s)all.
starting ,it+ t+e details at t+e nec- and ,or-ing do,n"
Sometimes I dre, t+em and sometimes I didn=t">
O/ co)rse# no generali1ations can *e dra,n /rom t+is one
experiment" Ho,ever# t+ese res)lts s)ggest t+at distorted
time can *e >)tili1ed> /or creative mental activit. in a /ield
in ,+ic+ t+e s)*<ect is adept"
Motor earning=
As alread. mentioned# one o/ o)r s)*<ects# a pro/essional
violinist# *ecame convinced t+at p)rel. +all)cinated
practice o/ previo)sl. learned pieces# )sing +er special
trance time# ,as +elp/)l to +er" In /act# s+e +as since )sed
t+is met+od# in a sel/6ind)ced trance state# /or preparing /or
recitals" Her report o/ +er earlier experiences /ollo,sC
>I p)t m.sel/ into a trance and t+en practiced in several
di//erent ,a.s" I mig+t see t+e m)sic *e/ore me and mar-
t+e spots t+at needed extra practice" I ,o)ld t+en pla. t+e
di//erent spots over and over )ntil I got t+em 6 ,+ic+
+elped m. /inger memor. *eca)se I ,as act)all. in
t+e trance"> AT+is ,as +all)cinated activit. onl." In ot+er
,ords# s+e ,as >act)all.> onl. in t+e +all)cinated
,orld and not in t+e p+.sical ,orld"B
>I did Kpassage practice=6pic-ing +ard passages and t+em in several ,a.s to /acilitate speed and
>T+en I ,ent t+ro)g+ t+e ,+ole composition /or
contin)it." In doing t+is in Kspecial time= I seemed to get an
immediate grasp o/ t+e composition as a ,+ole">
T+)s# allegedl.# s+e ,as a*le to practice and revie, long
pieces over and over in ver. *rie/ ,orld time periods# and
s+e /o)nd t+at not onl. did +er memor. improve stri-ingl.#
*)t also +er tec+nical per/ormance" T+is remar-a*le res)lt
is attested to *. +er +)s*and# +imsel/ a m)sician" In ot+er
,ords# s+e /elt t+at p)rel. +all)cinated practice o/ t+ese
pieces# in distorted time# improved +er s)*se0)ent
T+is nat)rall. led )s to /)rt+er in0)ir. into t+is s)*<ect#
and into t+e possi*le )se o/ a similar met+od /or learning
ne, motor s-ills" T+ere are# incidentall.# several reports in
t+e literat)re A2F# 29# 23B o/ t+e e//ectiveness o/ >imaginar.
practice> in t+e ac0)isition o/ s)c+ s-ills in t+e ,a-ing
state" ovatt A2&B +as reported t+e )se o/ +all)cinator.
practice o/ motor activities in t+e trance state" Mar-ed time
distortion ,as present"
It s+o)ld *e emp+asi1ed +ere t+at# d)ring p)rel.
+all)cinated motor activit. )nder time distortion in
+.pnosis# t+e s)*<ects remain motionless t+ro)g+o)t"
Despite t+is# t+e. report t+at t+e. >reall. participate in t+e
activit.> and# on ,a-ing# /eel <)st as i/ t+e. +ad done so
and +ad ac0)ired t+e *ene/it o/ an. practice t+at mig+t +ave
*een involved"
In one s)*<ect# an electrom.ogram ,as ta-en d)ring t+e
p)rel. +all)cinated practice o/ s)*ordinate6+and ,riting
and# t+o)g+ t+ere ,as no grossl. discerni*le motion# action
c)rrents ,ere pic-ed )p /rom single motor )nits# )sing
)nipolar needle electrodes placed in a s)per/icial /lexor
m)scle o/ t+e t+)m*"
5e -no, o/ t,o interesting cases ,+ere motor activit.
+appened to accompan. +all)cinator. activit. )nder
conditions o/ time distortion"
One o/ t+em +as *een /)rnis+ed )s *. a colleag)e A2;B"
He +.pnoti1ed +is son and s)ggested to +im t+at +e ,o)ld
see a movie" T+is s)ggestion ,as carried o)t *. t+e *o.
d)ring t+e co)rse o/ a /e, min)tes" D)ring t+e
+all)cinator. activit. t+e /at+er noticed t+at t+e *o.=s +and
moved ver. rapidl. /rom +is rig+t -nee to,ard +is mo)t+
and *ac- again" On *eing ,a-ed# t+e *o. reported t+at +e
+ad# indeed# seen a movie" 5+en as-ed ,+. +is +and
moved as it did# +e replied# >I ,as eating popcorn"> It
,o)ld seem# t+en# t+at t+e motor activit.# ,+ic+ proceeded
at a rate o/ t,o or t+ree movements per second# represented
an attempt on t+e part o/ a limited portion o/ t+e
ne)rom)sc)lar apparat)s to prod)ce motion t+at ,as ,it+ t+e +all)cinator. activit. ,+ic+ ,as pro6
ceeding in distorted time"
Again# Inglis A2'B +ad a s)*<ect ,+o delivered a speec+#
,+ic+ +e +ad memori1ed# at a rate o/ over ('' ,ords a
min)te" T+is ,as recorded on a record and ,as
)nintelligi*le" Interestingl. eno)g+# t+e spea-er t+o)g+t
t+at +e ,as spea-ing at a normal rate"
T+e a*ove considerations led )s to +.pot+esi1e t+at
possi*l. t+ere is some central s.naptic# and at times even
perip+eral# electrical activit. t+e
+all)cination o/ motor action d)ring distorted time in
+.pnosis" It +as *een impossi*le# to date# to proceed /)rt+er
,it+ electrom.ograp+ic st)dies# *)t t+is is certainl.
indicated# /or t+e amo)nt o/ electrical activit. per second
mig+t *e /o)nd to var. directl. ,it+ t+e amo)nt o/
+all)cinated action# per second o/ ,orld time"
S)*<ects I# @# $# and M ,ere )sed in t+is experiment"
T+e s)*<ects in t+is st)d. ,ere /irst trained so t+at t+e.
co)ld /inis+ t+e +all)cination o/ completed activities
involving approximatel. a +al/+o)r=s action in an allotted
time o/ 2' seconds# and co)ld experience a s)ggested
personal time interval o/ F' min)tes as s)c+# and approac+
t+e /illing o/ t+is interval ,it+ an appropriate amo)nt o/
+all)cinated activit. ,it+in an allotted time o/ 2' seconds"
T+e. ,ere t+en trained to +all)cinate t+e ,riting o/ a
,ord# ,it+ t+e s)*ordinate +and# at least 2' times# in an
allotted time o/ 2' seconds# doing it care/)ll. and ,it+o)t
T+e experiment ,as planned on t+e t+eor. t+at a
ne)rom)sc)lar pattern ,+ic+ +ad *een implanted in t+e
,a-ing state mig+t *ecome more deepl. impressed *.
trance practice in distorted time" In c+oosing an ex6
perimental activit.# it ,as necessar. to select one t+at did
not depend apprecia*l.# /or its exec)tion# )pon vis)al space
perception" Among s)c+ s-ills considered ,ere,riting# adding mac+ine operation#
-nitting# and s)*ordinate6+and ,riting" T+e last one ,as
c+osen# and proved to *e /airl. satis/actor."
At eac+ dail. session# t+e s)*<ect /irst sat at a des- and
copied once# in pencil# a sentence containing all t+e letters
o/ t+e alp+a*et# as ,ell as a list o/ /rom 2' to &' individ)al
,ords" His instr)ctions ,ere as /ollo,sC
Please ,rite t+e sentence and t+e ,ords ,it+ .o)r le/t
+and Ain t+e case o/ t+e le/t6+anded s)*<ect# rig+t +andB"
Since )se/)l ,riting is a compromise *et,een per/ect
letter6/ormation and practical speed .o) ,ill strive to
prod)ce good ordinar. ,riting s)c+ as .o) mig+t )se in
.o)r dail. ro)tine" Please >p)s+ .o)rsel/> a *it so as to
enco)rage progress"
A/ter t+is p+.sical ,riting ,as /inis+ed# a moderatel.
deep trance state ,as ind)ced *. s)ggestions o/ sleep# t+e
s)*<ect *eing seated in an armc+air ,it+ +is closed"
T+e /ollo,ing s)ggestion ,as t+en givenC
5+en I give .o) t+e starting signal *. >No,>#
.o) ,ill /ind .o)rsel/ sitting at a des- ,it+ pencil and
paper at +and" Yo) ,ill t+en pic- )p t+e pencil and ,rite
t+e ,ords I give .o)# ,it+ .o)r le/t +and# at least F'
times" Yo) ,ill ,rite exactl. as .o) did at m. des- a *it
ago# and ,ill not +)rr.# /or .o) ,ill +ave all t+e time
Aspecial trance timeB t+at .o) need" T+e ,ord is >+orse>"
A/ter an allotted time interval o/ /rom t+ree to 2' seconds#
depending )pon t+e s)*<ect# t+e termination signal >No,#
*lan-># ,as given" T+is meant to t+e s)*<ect t+at +e ,as to
discontin)e all +all)cinated activit. and ma-e +is mind a
T+e remaining ,ords ,ere t+en assigned and practiced in
an identical ,a.# and t+en t+e sentence ,as given# to *e
,ritten o)t 2' times"
Earl. in t+e experiment t+e s)*<ect# a/ter *eing ,a-ed#
,as as-ed to ,rite t+e material again" T+is ,as
s)*se0)entl. discontin)ed# as it constit)ted an increase in
t+e amo)nt o/ act)al p+.sical ,riting involved" Still later#
onl. a sentence ,+ic+ contained all t+e letters o/ t+e
alp+a*et ,as assigned /or p+.sical ,riting" Trance practice
t+en involved t+e repeated ,riting o/ t+e individ)al letters
as ,ell as t+e ,ords"
S)*<ects ,ere tested *e/ore t+e experiment *egan# on
several occasions d)ring t+e experiment# and again at its
concl)sion" T+e n)m*er o/ letters copied d)ring t+e
original test served as a >*ase6line> /or meas)ring /)t)re
improvement" T+e instr)ctions /or t+ese tests ,ere as
Yo)r per/ormance is no, to *e tested" Yo) ,ill cop.
t+is material# ,riting ,it+ .o)r le/t +and# /or /ive
min)tes" I s+all tell .o) ,+en to *egin and ,+en to stop"
Yo) ,ill attempt to prod)ce good ordinar. +and,riting#
and ,it+in t+is limitation# ,ill ,or- as rapidl. as pos6
si*le" Here comes t+e signal 66>No,>"
5it+ one exception# s)*<ects ,or-ed one +o)r dail.#
S)nda.s excl)ded"
All t+e s)*<ects reported t+at tas- per/ormance seemed to
*e easier /ollo,ing +all)cinated practice"
T+e. invaria*l. reported t+at t+eir p)rel. +all)cinated
,riting seemed ver. >real># and t+at a/ter ,a-ing t+e. /elt
as i/ t+e. +ad p+.sicall. ,ritten t+e ,ords# <)st as t+e. +ad
d)ring t+e preceding period o/ p+.sical ,riting" T+e
amo)nt o/ t+is +all)cinated ,riting done increased as t+e
experiment progressed" !or t+e single ,ords# it ,as never
less t+an 2' repetitions# and sometimes ,as ,ell over F'"
T+e more pro/icient s)*<ects averaged *et,een &' and F'
repetitions" All /elt t+at t+e. +ad ac0)ired t+e same practice
e//ect t+at t+e. ,o)ld expect /rom an e0)ivalent amo)nt o/
p+.sical ,riting"
TA7E ;
A 7 C D E
Improvement AWBQQQQQQ
P+.sical ,riting AlettersBQQQ
P+.sical ,riting Amin)tesBQQ"
Hall)cinated ,riting Amin"BQQ
On several occasions# s)*<ects reported /atig)e or
discom/ort in t+e +and or ,rist d)ring +all)cinated ,riting#
and t,o s)*<ects said t+at t+is persisted a/ter ,a-ing"
Electrom.ograp+ic st)dies in one s)*<ect s+o,ed action
c)rrents to *e present in a s)per/icial /lexor o/ t+e t+)m*
d)ring t+e +all)cinated ,riting"
Ta*le ; s+o,s t+e percentage increase in o)tp)t as related
to p+.sical and +all)cinated ,riting" A ,ide individ)al
variation is apparent in t+ese res)lts"
T,o gro)ps o/ controls are availa*le" T+e /irst is a gro)p
/rom a*o)t :4 amp)tees ,+o ,ere trained in s)*ordinate6
+and ,riting *. a t+erapist at one o/ t+e 8"S" Arm.
+ospitals" In/ormation concerning t+ese individ)als ,as
o*tained /rom t+e person ,+o trained t+em# and it is to *e
emp+asi1ed t+at +er estimate o/ t+e time re0)ired is o/ t+e
most approximate sort# /or t+e training +ad *een done
d)ring and s+ortl. a/ter t+e recent ,ar# and no stress +ad
*een placed )pon t+e time element" T+e patients ,ere
tested /or per/ormance# +o,ever# on vario)s occasions"
!rom among t+ese# t+e individ)al to *e considered +ere
,as mentall. normal# in +is >late teens> or in +is
>t,enties># /ree /rom severe emotional dist)r*ance relative
to +is disa*ilit.# ,it+ a normal s)*ordinate extremit.# and
,it+ a +ig+6sc+ool or college ed)cation" It is t+e opinion o/
t+e a*ove6mentioned instr)ctor t+at s)c+ an individ)al
co)ld *e expected to do)*le +is &'6min)te o)tp)t o/
s)*ordinate6+and ,riting a/ter F' +o)rs o/ practice" T+is
practice ,as )s)all. divided into dail. one+o)r periods"
T+e a*ove gro)p leaves m)c+ to *e desired as a control#
even t+e n)m+er o/ individ)als in t+e categor. descri*ed
*eing )n-no,n" 5it+ d)e allo,ance /or t+is /act# +o,ever#
t+e opinion expressed ,o)ld indicate a de/inite advantage
/or t+e learning met+od descri*ed in t+is paper"
Since a de/inite amo)nt o/ p+.sical ,riting# in t+e ,a-ing
state# ,as done *. o)r s)*<ects# it is necessar. to tr. to
eval)ate its contri*)tion to t+e improvement s+o,n" In
order to do t+is ,e assigned to a gro)p o/ /ive college
st)dents t+e /irst 2#9(; letters o/ t+e material )sed *. o)r
s)*<ects" T+is ,as copied in s)*ordinate6+and ,riting# t+e
instr)ctions *eing t+e same as t+ose )sed in t+e experiment"
T+e material is /airl. compara*le in amo)nt to t+at copied
*. S)*<ects C and D at t+e time t+at t+e. +ad improved &2
percent and ;: percent respectivel." T+ese tas-s ,ere
assigned over a compara*le n)m*er o/ da.s" 8n/ort)natel.
it ,as necessar. to emplo. one o/ o)r s)*<ects to assign
and s)pervise t+ese tas-s# and t+)s anot+er varia*le ,as
T+e improvement s+o,n *. t+ese controls ,as 22# 24#
22(# 2';# and ;( percent" T+)s# it ,o)ld seem t+at t+e mere o/ t+e material co)ld *e s)//icient to acco)nt /or
t+e improvement s+o,n *. o)r s)*<ects"
T+ere is no evidence# in t+e res)lts o/ t+is experiment#
t+at t+e learning process itsel/ is /acilitated *. trance
practice )nder conditions o/ time distortion in +.pnosis"
T+e ver. nat)re o/ t+ese st)dies ma-es proper control
most di//ic)lt# *eca)se individ)als var. ,idel. in t+eir
a*ilit. to ac0)ire ne, motor s-ills# and ever. *it o/
p+.sical ,riting emplo.ed d)ring an experiment o/ t+is
design contri*)tes to t+e learning process" !)rt+ermore# t+e
matter o/ motivation# *ot+ in t+e ,a-ing and t+e trance
states# is a varia*le o/ great importance# as ,ell as is t+e
interpretation *. t+e s)*<ect o/ t+e instr)ctions preceding
eac+ test o/ per/ormance"
Possi*l. t+e ideal met+od o/ st) t+is pro*lem ,o)ld
*e to ta-e a /airl. large gro)p o/ st)dents at t+e *eginning
o/ a co)rse in in a secretarial sc+ool# train t+em as
o)r s)*<ects ,ere trained# and t+en# eac+ da.# give t+em a
s+ort period o/ trance practice on material learned t+at da."
T+is gro)p co)ld t+en *e compared ,it+ t+e rest o/ t+e
class" S)c+ an experiment ,o)ld *e most interesting# and
not speciall. di//ic)lt" It is conceiva*le# even# t+at t+e
practice co)ld *e assigned to t+e entire experimental gro)p
at one time at t+e end o/ eac+ da."
It is di//ic)lt to -no,# in t+e present experiment# +o, to
interpret t+e report on t+e ,a-ing6state training o/ t+e
gro)p o/ amp)tees mentioned a*ove" T+is report#
o*vio)sl.# indicates a de/inite advantage in /avor o/ trance
practice in distorted time"
On t+e ot+er +and# in o)r o,n gro)p o/ special controls#
it is 0)ite clear t+at no s)c+ advantage appears" Possi*l.#
practice e//ects mig+t *e demonstra*le in a motor s-ill
,+ere t+e >=ne)ro6m)sc)lar pattern> ,as a *it more solidl.
implanted t+an ,as t+e case ,it+ t+ese s)*<ects# ,+o
p+.sicall. ,rote eac+ ,ord *)t once" T+e allied 0)estion o/
revie, o/ previo)sl. solidl. learned material# s)c+ as a
long neglected piano piece# s+o)ld *e investigated"
An attempt ,as made to determine ,+et+er t+e learning
o/ a ne, motor s-ill co)ld *e /acilitated *. p)rel.
+all)cinated practice )nder conditions o/ time distortion in
T+e considerations t+at led )p to t+is in0)ir. are
!ive s)*<ects ,ere )sed" T+e design o/ t+e experiment
,as to allo, t+e s)*<ects to ,rite ,ords and sentences#
once eac+# ,it+ t+e s)*ordinate +and# ,+ile in t+e ,a-ing
state" T+is ,as done in order to /orm a de/inite ne)ro6
m)sc)lar pattern" T+en# in t+e trance state# ,+ile t+e
s)*<ects remained motionless# and )nder conditions o/ time
distortion# t+e. +all)cinated t+e repeated ,riting o/ t+e
,ords ,ritten ,+ile a,a-e"
T+e s)*<ects /elt t+at t+is p)rel. +all)cinated activit. ,as
ver. real# and t+at t+e. +ad o*tained practice e//ects
compara*le to a similar amo)nt o/ p+.sical ,riting" T+e
+all)cinated ,riting seemed to proceed at t+e same rate as
t+e previo)s p+.sical ,riting# and t+e experiential time ,as
appropriate" Increased ease ,as reported d)ring s)*se0)ent
,a-ing per/ormance"
Progress in learning ,as meas)red in terms o/ t+e
n)m*er o/ letters ,ritten in a ,a-ing period o/ /ive
min)tes# )sing a pre6experimental test as t+e *ase" T+is data
is ta*)lated"
A single electrom.ograp+ic st)d. o/ one s)*<ect d)ring
trance practice s+o,ed action c)rrents in a s)per/icial
/lexor o/ t+e t+)m*"
T+e per/ormance o/ t,o inade0)ate control gro)ps is
T+e /indings are disc)ssed# and s)ggestions o//ered /or
/)t)re investigations"
P)rel. +all)cinated practice o/ s)*ordinate6+and ,riting#
tinder conditions o/ time distortion in +.pnosis# gives t+e
s)*<ect a /eeling o/ +aving ac0)ired t+e practice e//ects o/ a
similar amo)nt o/ act)al ,riting in t+e ,a-ing state"
5a-ing per/ormance o/ tas-s practiced as descri*ed is
accompanied *. a /eeling o/ increased ease as compared to
pre6practice per/ormance"
T+ere is no evidence# in t+e res)lts o/ t+ese experiments#
t+at t+e learning process itsel/ is /acilitated *. s)c+
practice" T+e pro*lem +ere st)died deserves /)rt+er
!ootnoteC Reprinted# ,it+ some c+anges# /rom PTime Distortion in H.pnosis and Motor
earningM# *. "!" Cooper and C"H" T)t+ill# in @o)rnal o/ Ps.c+olog.# 234&# F(# 9:6:9
Nonmotor earning=
In t+e co)rse o/ o)r earlier ,or-# reports ,ere
occasionall. o*tained ,+ic+ *ro)g+t )p t+e possi*ilit. t+at
nonmotor learning co)ld *e /acilitated *. trance practice
)nder conditions o/ time distortion" One s)*<ect /elt t+at +is
learning o/ poetr. ,as so /acilitated" In anot+er case# t+e
s)*<ect ,as +aving great di//ic)lt. learning t+e stage
*)siness in a s+o, ,+ic+ +e ,as re+earsing A&B" He ,as
given 9 re+earsal periods# eac+ ,it+ an allotted time o/ 24
seconds and a s)ggested personal time o/ 24 min)tes# all in
one session" T+e director o/ t+e pla. ,as not in/ormed as to
t+is practice and# so /ar as is -no,n# t+e s)*<ect +ad no
/)rt+er training )ntil t+e next act)al re+earsal" T+e director#
,+o +ad *een told merel. to ma-e special note concerning
t+e s)*<ect=s per/ormance# stated# ,+en intervie,ed a/ter
t+e /ollo,ing re+earsal# t+at >t+e s)*<ect ,ent t+ro)g+ +is
role per/ectl."> In order to /)rt+er investigate t+is possi*le
application o/ time distortion in +.pnosis# t+e /ollo,ing
experiment ,as per/ormed"
In t+is disc)ssion# presentation time is t+e time in
seconds re0)ired to present ver*all. to t+e s)*<ect t+e
material to *e learned" T+e term >st)d. period> connotes
t+e time allo,ed t+e s)*<ect /or t+e st)d. o/ eac+ letter6
gro)p6pair# and t+)s does not incl)de presentation time" Its
onset ,as indicated *. t+e signal >No,># or >Ta-e>"
T+e p)rpose o/ t+is st)d. ,as to compare t,o met+ods o/
learning nonsense material" In one# t+e s)*<ect emplo.ed
certain learning tec+ni0)es ,+ile a,a-eL in t+e ot+er# +e
emplo.ed t+e same tec+ni0)es in t+e +all)cinated ,orld#
)nder conditions o/ time distortion# ,+ile in t+e trance
T+e s)*<ect AIB ,as a &&6.ear6old# single# male grad)ate
st)dent in ps.c+olog." He ,as cooperative and intelligent
and an excellent +.pnotic s)*<ect" He +ad +ad considera*le
experience ,it+ t+e experimental )se o/ nonsense s.lla*les#
and +ad *een trained in time distortion"
T,o series o/ 2'' paired nonsense letter6gro)ps o/ F
letters eac+ ,ere )sed" Some o/ t+ese ,ere s.lla*lesL ot+ers
,ere consonant gro)ps" Eac+ pair ,as printed ,it+ *l)e
cra.on# in large on a F> x 4> card t+)sC C?@6VDH"
T+e series ,ere o/ compara*le di//ic)lt."
T+e tas- ,as to learn to give correctl.# ,it+in t+ree
seconds# t+e second gro)p in t+e pair# in response to t+e
ver*al presentation o/ t+e /irst gro)p *. t+e experimenter"
At eac+ dail. session# /ive pairs /rom one series o/ letter6
gro)ps ,ere learned *. t+e s)*<ect ,+ile a,a-e# and /ive
pairs /rom t+e ot+er series ,+ile +e ,as in t+e trance state"
T,ent.6/o)r +o)rs later +e ,as tested /or retention and
relearning" 5a-ing and trance tas-s ,ere assigned in
alternate order on s)ccessive da.s"
2" earning
At eac+ session t+ere ,as an initial *asic presentation#
/ollo,ed *. s)ccessive r)ns t+ro)g+ t+e live cards"
a" A,a-eC A2B 7asic presentationC T+e s)*<ect sat at a
ta*le ,it+ pencil and paper at +and# and ,as instr)cted to
print o)t eac+ letter6gro)p6pair /ive times# t+em over
to +imsel/ and /orming associations ,+ile doing so" He ,as
to start printing immediatel. a/ter t+e presentation o/ a
given pair" T+e experimenter# in a period o/ 2' seconds#
t+en read t+e /irst pair o/ letter6gro)ps to +im t+)sC >C?@#
das+# VDHL C?@# das+# VDHL No,>" T+e >No,> mar-ed
t+e end o/ t+e 2' seconds# and ,as t+e starting signal /or
t+e s)*<ect to print t+e material /ive times" As +e printed# +e
said t+e letters to +imsel/ and tried to /orm associations"
5+en t+is ,as /inis+ed# t+e pair on t+e next card ,as
presented in t+e same ,a." T+e average time ta-en *. t+e
printing ,as &9"4 seconds# ma-ing a total average time o/
F9"4 seconds per letter6gro)p6pair"
A&B R)nsC On completion o/ t+e a*ove# t+e r)ns ,ere
*eg)n# eac+ preceded *. a s+)//ling o/ t+e cards" T+e
s)*<ect sat ,it+ +is closed" T+e experimenter read
alo)d t+e /irst gro)p o/ one o/ t+e pairs# and t+e s)*<ect
immediatel. stated t+e second gro)p i/ +e co)ld" At t+e end
o/ t+ree seconds# t+e experimenter said# >Ta-e># ,+ere)pon
t+e s)*<ect opened +is and loo-ed at t+e card" He t+en
immediatel. closed +is and proceeded to memori1e
d)ring a /ive6second st)d. period# )sing non6motor
met+ods" T+is period ,as terminated *. t+e presentation o/
t+e /irst letter6gro)p o/ t+e next pair" S)*se0)ent r)ns
/ollo,ed immediatel. and contin)ed )ntil all t+e responses
,ere correct" T+e maxim)m n)m*er o/ r)ns re0)ired ,as
It is t+)s evident t+at a r)n constit)ted *ot+ a test o/
per/ormance and an opport)nit. /or learning or /or
TA7E 3
Progress in learning








7asic presentationQQ""
!irst r)nQQQQQQ"
Second r)nQQQQQ"
T+ird r)nQQQQQQ
!o)rt+ r)nQQQQQ""
IC Avg" d)ration o/ st)d. period"
IIC Total n)m*er o/ )nlearned pairs st)died d)ring t+e 2'' st)d. periods o/ a
given designation"
IIIC Total n)m*er o/ pairs learned in t+e 2'' st)d. periods o/ a given designa6
IGC Percentage learned o/ t+e total )nlearned pairs presented d)ring t+e 2''
st)d. periods o/ a given designation"
*" Trance stateC A moderatel. deep trance state ,as
ind)ced *. s)ggestions o/ sleep"
It is important to point o)t t+at t+e /ollo,ing s)ggestions
and instr)ctions pertain to t+e s)*<ect=s experience in t+e
+all)cinated ,orld onl." T+is ,orld# incidentall.# is ver.
real to +im# and it is in t+is# rat+er t+an in t+e p+.sical one#
t+at +e carried o)t +is trance st)d. in distorted time#
incl)ding t+e Ap)rel. +all)cinatedB printing" T+ro)g+o)t# +e
remained motionless# ,it+ +is closed# except t+e e.e
response to >Ta-e>"
A2B 7asic presentationC T+e /ollo,ing s)ggestions ,ere
given to t+e s)*<ectC
>Yo)=re no, going to learn some nonsense letter6gro)ps"
Yo) ,ill +ave ample time *et,een signals to learn t+em
solidl." AT+is re/erence to >ample time> ,as )nderstood *.
t+e trained s)*<ect to re/er to +is >special time>"B As I give
.o) a pair# .o) ,ill print it o)t /ive times# exactl. as .o)
did ,+ile a,a-e# t+e letters to .o)rsel/ and /orming
associations as .o) do so" A/ter t+at .o) ma. print t+em
some more# or sa. t+e letters over to .o)rsel/ man. times
more in order to ta-e advantage o/ repetition# or /orm
)n)s)al associations# or adopt an. ot+er met+od o/ learning
t+at .o) ,is+" T+is activit. ,ill impress t+e material )pon
.o)r memor." It is important t+at .o) ta-e as m)c+ o/ .o)r
special trance time as is necessar." Yo) ,ill not +)rr.# and
it ,ill *e eas. to learn t+em and to recall t+em later">
D)ring t+e last 2F sessions t+e a*ove s)ggestions ,ere
given ver*atim" Prior to t+at# t+e same ideas ,ere
presented# *)t t+e ,ording ,as varied slig+tl. at times"
Immediatel. a/ter giving t+e s)ggestions# t+e act)al
presentation o/ t+e material ,as *eg)n" T+e s)*<ect sat at a
ta*le ,it+ +is closed# and t+e letter6gro)ps ,ere read
to +im exactl. as in t+e ,a-ing state" T+en# at t+e starting
signal# +e *egan +is trance st)d.# )sing distorted time" At
t+e end o/ onl. /ive seconds allotted time# t+e amo)nt *eing
)n-no,n to t+e s)*<ect# t+e experimenter gave t+e
termination signal A>No,# *lan->B# indicating to t+e s)*<ect
t+at +e ,as to stop all mental activit. and ma-e +is mind a
*lan-" T+e next pair ,as t+en presented" T+)s t+e
presentation time ,as 2' seconds# and t+e +all)cinated
activit. lasted /ive seconds"
A&B R)nsC D)ring t+e r)ns# t+e tec+ni0)e ,as identical
,it+ t+at )sed in t+e ,a-ing state# except t+at t+e s)*<ect#
in t+e /ive6second st)d. period# closed +is again and#
)sing distorted time# practiced m)c+ as +e +ad d)ring t+e
*asic st)d. period /or t+e trance state"
&" Retention test and relearning
Here t+e s)*<ect ,as a,a-e t+ro)g+o)t" T+ere ,as o/
co)rse no *asic presentation" R)ns ,ere assigned )ntil t+e
responses ,ere all correct" T+e tec+ni0)e ,as identical
,it+ t+at alread. descri*ed /or r)ns in t+e ,a-ing state"
T+is testing ,as generall. done &( +o)rs a/ter t+e original
learning# *)t in some instances several da.s intervened"
TA7E 2'
Average learning time
Incl)ding presentation timeQQQQ"QQQQ
Not incl)ding presentation timeQQQQ"QQ"
(2" 4
F2" 4
2:" :
:" :
TA7E 22
Retention and relearning
Avg" relearning time per letter6gro)p6pair AsecB"""
9" ;
4" 2
T+e s)*<ect stated t+at trance st)d. in distorted time
seemed easier t+an ,a-ing st)d." Not onl. did +e +ave
more time /or associations# ,+ic+ in addition came more
easil.# *)t +e +ad t+e *ene/it o/ rote practice" He al,a.s
+ad plent. o/ time# and /elt t+at +e +ad reall. learned t+e
material *. t+e end o/ t+e st)d. period# even i/ +e didn=t
al,a.s remem*er it" He did not +)rr.# and all activit.
seemed to +im to proceed at t+e normal or c)stomar. rate"
Alt+o)g+ eac+ st)d. period lasted onl. /ive seconds# it
seemed to +im to *e /o)r or /ive min)tes"
8nder t+e conditions o/ t+is experiment# t+e res)lts
certainl. indicate t+at t+e st)d. in t+e trance state ,as more
e//ective t+an t+at in t+e ,a-ing state" !)rt+er investigation
,ill *e necessar. to determine t+e relative signi/icance# in
t+is /acilitation o/ t+e learning process# o/ s)c+ /actors as
post6+.pnotic s)ggestion# increased motivation# and *etter
concentration on t+e one +and# and o/ tr)e >)tili1ation> o/
distorted time on t+e ot+er" 5e /eel t+at t+e latter is o/
considera*le importance# and are inclined to *elieve t+at
t+e allotted time co)ld +ave *een c)t do,n /rom /ive to
t+ree seconds or less ,it+o)t materiall. altering t+e res)lts"
T,o met+ods o/ learning nonsense material ,ere
compared" In one# t+e s)*<ect emplo.ed certain learning
tec+ni0)es ,+ile a,a-eL in t+e ot+er# +e emplo.ed t+e
same tec+ni0)es in t+e +all)cinated ,orld# )nder conditions
o/ time distortion# ,+ile in t+e trance state" T+e average
learning time per letter6gro)p6pair# incl)ding t+e time
re0)ired /or presentation o/ t+e material# ,as (2"4 seconds
in t+e /ormer series# and 2:": in t+e latter" I/ t+e
presentation time o/ 2' seconds is not incl)ded# t+e times
are F2"4 seconds and :": seconds# respectivel."
Retention ,as 23 per cent in eac+ series# t+e average
relearning times *eing 9"; seconds and 4"2 seconds per
letter6gro)p6pair /or t+e ,a-ing and trance series#
T+)s t+e trance st)d. in distorted time ,as more
e//ective t+an t+e ,a-ing st)d."
!ootnoteC Reprinted# ,it+ some c+anges# /rom PTime Distortion in H.pnosis and Motor
earningM# *. "!" Cooper and C"H" T)t+ill# in @o)rnal o/ Ps.c+olog.# 234&# F(# 9:6:9
Mat+ematical Mental Activit.
A large n)m*er o/ experiments ,ere done in order to
determine ,+et+er distorted time co)ld *e >)tili1ed> /or t+e
per/ormance o/ certain t.pes o/ mat+ematical mental
activit." Di//erent sorts o/ tas-s ,ere emplo.ed# among
t+em t+e /ollo,ingC
a" S)*<ect a,a-e
A line o/ poetr.# or a s+ort sentence# ,as read to t+e
s)*<ect *. t+e experimenter" T+e s)*<ect ,as t+en to
determine t+e n)m*er o/ letters in t+e expression" He co)ld
do t+is >in +is +ead># or )se pencil and paper" His ans,er#
and t+e time ta-en to o*tain it# ,ere recorded"
*" S)*<ect in trance state
A similar tas- ,as assigned /or sol)tion *. t+e s)*<ect in
+is +all)cinated ,orld" In some cases# no allotted time ,as
)sed" In ot+ers# a s+ort allotted time# and a relativel. long
s)ggested personal time ,ere emplo.ed" T+e ans,er# and
t+e time ta-en to o*tain it# ,ere recorded"
a" S)*<ect a,a-e
A description o/ t+e s)*<ect=s +o)se ,as o*tained# and it
,as explained to +im t+at t+e ,indo,6panes and t+e stair
steps ,o)ld *e )sed as >co)nters> in an imaginar. tas-" A
de/inite order o/ progression# in co)nting /rom pane to
pane# ,indo, to ,indo,# and room to room# ,as
stip)lated" A sample ,a-ing tas- /ollo,s" >Imagine
.o)rsel/ standing at t+e second ,indo, in t+e living room#
,it+ .o)r /inger to)c+ing t+e F
pane" 5+en I give .o) a
n)m*er to Kco)nt o)t=# .o) ,ill# in .o)r imagination#
proceed /rom pane to pane# ,indo, to ,indo,# room to
room# in t+e manner agreed )pon" Yo) ,ill to)c+ eac+ pane
as .o) co)nt it# and step on eac+ step as .o) co)nt it" 5+en
.o) /inis+# .o) ,ill tell me at ,+at pane or step .o) end
)p" T+e n)m*er is ;46No,"> His ans,er and t+e time
re0)ired ,ere recorded"
*" S)*<ect in trance state
Here t+e p+rase# >in .o)r imagination># ,as omitted" T+e
s)*<ect +all)cinated t+e +o)se# o/ co)rse" A series o/ tas-s
,ere r)n ,it+o)t an allotted time# and ,it+ a s+ort allotted
time and a relativel. long s)ggested personal time" T+e
ans,er and t+e time involved ,ere recorded"
a" S)*<ect a,a-e
Gario)s simple arit+metical pro*lems# or series o/ simple
operations# ,ere assigned" Some o/ t+ese ,ere to *e done
>in +is +ead>" In ot+ers# +e co)ld )se pencil and paper" T+e
ans,ers and t+e time ,ere recorded"
*" S)*<ect in trance state
T+e tas-s ,ere similar to t+ose assigned in t+e ,a-ing
state" In some cases# no allotted time ,as )sed" In ot+ers# a
s+ort allotted time and a relativel. long s)ggested personal
time ,as emplo.ed" In t+e +all)cinated ,orld# t+e s)*<ect
did some o/ t+e tas-s >in +is +ead># some ,it+ pencil and
paper# some on a *lac-*oard# and# in some cases# +e
,atc+ed a /riend do t+em on a *lac-*oard" T+e ans,er and
t+e time ,ere recorded"
a" S)*<ect a,a-e
T+e n)m*ers /rom 2 to &9 ,ere assigned# in order# to t+e
&9 letters o/ t+e alp+a*et" T+ese ,ere designated as t+e
code n)m*ers o/ t+e letters# and ,ere memori1ed *. t+e
s)*<ect" 8sing t+ese# code n)m*ers /or lettergro)ps# ,ords#
or sentences co)ld *e o*tained in an. prescri*ed /as+ion# stip)lated arit+metical operations" i-e,ise#
met+ods co)ld *e prescri*ed /or converting s)c+ a n)m*er
into a letter" S)c+ tas-s ,e re/er to as coding tas-s# and
+)ndreds o/ t+em ,ere )sed" T+e ,a-ing s)*<ect did t+em
>in +is +ead># t+e ans,er and t+e time *eing recorded"
*" S)*<ect in trance state
T+e tas-s ,ere similar to t+ose assigned in t+e ,a-ing
state" In some cases# no allotted time ,as )sed" In ot+ers# a
s+ort allotted time and a relativel. long s)ggested personal
time ,ere emplo.ed" In per/orming t+ese tas-s in t+e
+all)cinated ,orld# t+e s)*<ect did some o/ t+em >in +is
+ead># some ,it+ pencil and paper# some on t+e
*lac-*oard# and insome cases +e ,atc+ed a /riend do t+em
on a *lac-*oard" T+e ans,er and t+e time ,ere recorded"
T,o s)*<ects ,ere )sed /or t+ese experiments# and
neit+er s+o,ed an. evidence o/ a*ilit. to >)tili1e> distorted
time /or t+e o/ mental activit. st)died" 5+ere no
allotted time ,as )sed# t+e s)*<ect=s per/ormance ,as
approximatel. t+e same as in t+e ,a-ing state" 5+ere a
s+ort allotted time ,as )sed# t+e per/ormance# in terms o/
correct ans,ers# ,as no *etter t+an c+ance ,o)ld give#
even t+o)g+ t+e s)ggested personal time ,as )s)all.
accepted in /)ll"
S)*<ect $ +ad di//ic)lt. ,it+ even t+e simplest
arit+metical pro*lems in t+e ,a-ing state" In t+e
+all)cinated solving o/ t+e pro*lems# ,it+ a s+ort allotted
time and a relativel. long s)ggested personal time# s+e
invaria*l. *elieved t+at t+e ans,er s+e o*tained ,as
correct" !aced ,it+ some o/ +er operations# in t+e ,a-ing
state# s+e ,o)ld repl.# >5ell# it seemed to *e rig+t ,+en I
did it"> And ,ell it ma. +ave# /or in o)r s)ggestion ,e
al,a.s ass)red t+e s)*<ect t+at s+e ,o)ld not +ave to +)rr.#
t+at s+e ,o)ld c+ec- +er ,or- care/)ll.# and t+at s+e
,o)ld get t+e correct ans,er"
S)*<ect I# on t+e ot+er +and# ,as a good mat+ematician"
His o*servations on +is experience6al,a.s )ns)ccess/)l6in to solve t+e vario)s pro*lems in distorted time are
ver. revealing" In t+is sort o/ tas-# t+e action" invaria*l.
>lac-ed contin)it.># or s+o,ed >disconnected points>"
>T+in-ing o/ a letter# t+en getting a n)m*er# t+en adding
ot+ers# etc" 6 t+is is a discontin)o)s process" Yo) +ave to
s+i/t .o)r operational activit." It doesn=t seem to *e
cond)cive to promoting or a*etting good time distortion">
On t+e ot+er +and# >An.t+ing t+at=s contin)o)s# s)c+ as
+and6,riting# listening to m)sic# engaging in an. sort o/
contin)o)s activit.# and t+ings o/ t+at sort# I *elieve are
cond)cive to prod)cing good time distortion">
et )s compare AaB# t+e +all)cinator. co)nting o/ a large
n)m*er o/ coins as t+e. are removed /rom a *ox 6 an
activit. t+at proceeds readil. in distorted time and t+at
seems# to t+e s)*<ect# to *e >contin)o)s># and A*B# t+e
+all)cinator. co)nting# in t+eir order o/ occ)rrence# o/ t+e
letters in a sentence 6 an activit. ,+ic+ invaria*l. seems to
*e ==discontin)o)s>"
In AaB# ,e /ind t+e /ollo,ing to *e tr)eC
2" T+e process o/ co)nting# per se# as distinct /rom
co)nting certain o*<ects# is a /irml. esta*lis+ed pattern"
&" i-e,ise# t+e repetitive motor act involved in s)c+ a
tas- is a 0)ite /amiliar one"
F" T+e prod)ction# *. t+e mind# o/ an +all)cinated coin
/or t+e +all)cinated +and to pic- )p and place on an
+all)cinated ta*le is# again# consistent ,it+ t+e ,ell6
trained s)*<ect=s a*ilit."
(" Most important o/ all 6 no )n-no,n is involved"
In A*B# t+e /ollo,ing is tr)eC
In co)nting t+e letters in a sentence# in t+e order in
,+ic+ t+e. occ)r# an association is /ormed *et,een eac+
letter and a mem*er o/ a series o/ )ni0)e s.m*ols -no,n
as n)m*ers"
In t+is partic)lar tas-# t+e location o/ t+e letters in
experiential space determines t+e se0)ential order in
,+ic+ t+e. are to *e associated ,it+ a n)m*er"
In co)nting# per se# t+e individ)al mem*ers o/ t+e
n)m*er series are *ro)g+t to mind in a de/inite order or
se0)ence# and t+e act o/ co)nting is extended in
experiential time" In co)nting t+e letters in o)r sentence#
se0)ential ordering o/ t+e n)m*ers in t+e n)m*er series
determines t+e order in ,+ic+ t+e. are to *e associated ,it+
a letter"
I/ ,e ma-e t+e association as a*ove stip)lated# ,e s+all
reac+ t+e end o/ a given line ,it+# let )s sa.# t+e association
*et,een >n> and >F9># and can t+en sa. t+at t+e line
contained F9 letters# and t+at >n> is t+e F9t+ in t+e
stip)lated order" In ot+er ,ords# ,e +ave ans,ered t+e
0)estion# >I/ ,e associate t+e letters ,it+ n)m*ers in t+is
stip)lated /as+ion# ,+at n)m*er ,ill *e associated ,it+ t+e
last letter in t+e lineI>
Here# t+en# t+e s)*<ect is relating t+e n)m*ers in a
stip)lated se0)ence to t+e letters# li-e,ise ta-en in a certain
se0)ence" In so doing# eac+ relating o/ letter to n)m*er is a
ne, experience"
5+et+er a ,a-ing s)*<ect does s)c+ a tas- as t+e a*ove
>in +is +ead># )sing imager.# or a +.pnoti1ed s)*<ect
+all)cinates t+e process# +e m)st#
2" $no, +o, to co)ntL
&" Remem*er t+e sentence and t+e order in ,+ic+ t+e
letters appearL
F" Associate onl. one n)m*er ,it+ eac+ letter# and do
t+is in t+e stip)lated manner"
Apparentl.# t+is sort o/ mental activit. cannot proceed# in
distorted time# at a rate# relative to ,orld time# t+at is an.
greater t+an in t+e ,a-ing state"
It is interesting to note t+at an. o/ t+ese operational tas-s#
i/ assigned repeatedl.# ,ill proceed more and more easil.#
)ntil /inall. t+e. *ecome >contin)o)s> and can *e
completed ,it+in a ver. s+ort allotted time" 7)t ,+en t+is
is ac+ieved# t+e. are no longer pro*lems containing an
)n-no,n# *)t rat+er are /amiliar patterns o/ past
5e can sa.# t+en# t+at onl. t+ose activities ,+ic+ can *e
constr)cted /rom elements o/ past experience or ne,
com*inations t+ereo/# can proceed# in distorted time# at an
increased rate relative to ,orld time" T+e solving o/
mat+ematical pro*lems o*vio)sl. does not /all into t+is
categor.# /or t+e ans,er is not to *e /o)nd in t+e s)*<ect=s
past experience"
Pol.grap+ St)dies
T+e pro*lem o/ /alsi/ication in reporting ,as investigated
*. means o/ t+e pol.grap+# or >lie detector># in a &46.ear6
old /emale ,it+ a +ig+6sc+ool ed)cation As)*<ect $B" S+e
,as t+e least criticall.6minded o/ o)r s)*<ects" A $eeler
pol.grap+ ,as )sed# t+e tests *eing cond)cted *. a
ps.c+ologist ,+o +ad +ad a ,ide experience in t+e )se o/
t+is instr)ment" A ver*atim report o/ t+e experiments#
o*tained *. /ollo,s"
T+e letter E stands /or t+e experimenter# S /or t+e s)*<ect#
and P /or t+e ps.c+ologist ,+o cond)cted t+e pol.grap+
Pol.grap+ not recording"
Ind)ction o/ trance state"
2" E" Ma-e .o)rsel/ com/orta*le# Miss @ones" Yo) -no,
,+at ,e are going to do# don=t .o)I 5e are going to give
.o) a tas- and t+en ,e are going to as- some 0)estions
later# and t+en ,e are going to s)*<ect .o) to a pol.grap+"
Close .o)r please# and get .o)rsel/ per/ectl.
com/orta*le and relaxed" I am going to p)t .o) in a deep
+.pnotic sleep"
Yo) are going deep# deep asleep# into a deep +.pnotic
sleep# deeper and deeper# deeper and deeper asleep# deep#
deep sleep" Yo) are completel. com/orta*le and .o) are
entirel. relaxed# and .o) are going deep asleep# deep
asleep# into a deep +.pnotic sleep# deeper and deeper#
deeper and deeper asleep# deeper and deeper# deeper and
deeper asleep# into a deep# deep +.pnotic sleep# deep
asleep# deep# deep asleep# in a deep +.pnotic sleep"
Yo) are no, deep asleep# in a deep +.pnotic sleep6and in
t+is sleep .o) ,ill accept and carr. o)t an. s)ggestions t+at
I give to .o)" An. experiences t+at .o) +ave ,ill *e <)st as
real as i/ .o) ,ere a,a-e" And .o) ,ill sta. deep asleep
)ntil I ,a-e .o)"
Pol.grap+ not recording"
S)*<ect in trance state"
No,# listen to me care/)ll.# please" 5+en I give .o) t+e
starting signal *. >no,># .o) are going to coo- a
meal" Here comes t+e signal" No,"
No, *lan-# please" Yo)r mind is no, a *lan-" No, I am
going to ,a-e .o) *. co)nting to /ive" 5+en I reac+ /ive#
.o) ,ill *e ,ide a,a-e and re/res+ed and .o) ,ill
remem*er ever.t+ing .o) +ave done"
One# .o) are ,a-ing# ,a-ing# ,a-ing" T,o# ,a-ing#
,a-ing# ,a-ing" T+ree# ,a-ing# ,a-ing# ,a-ing" !o)r# .o)
are almost a,a-e" !ive# .o) are ,ide a,a-e and re/res+ed"
Are .o) a,a-e no,# Miss @onesI
&" S" Yes"
Pol.grap+ not recording"
S)*<ect a,a-e"
F" E" Tell me ,+at +appened# please"
(" S" 5ell# I entered t+e -itc+en to prepare dinner# and I
+ad /ried c+ic-en" I too- t+e c+ic-en o)t o/ t+e *ox and
salted it and p)t some pepper on it and /lo)r" I p)t t+e pan
on t+e stove# p)t some grease in it# let it get +ot" T+en I
dropped t+e c+ic-en in" T+en I p)t a pan on t+e stove to p)t
some /ro1en *eans in and let t+e ,ater *oil# and ,+ile t+e
,ater ,as *oiling# I peeled some potatoes /or /renc+ /ries
and I p)t t+e pan on t+e stove ,it+ t+e potatoes to /r.# p)t
some grease in t+em# and ,+en t+e grease got +ot I dropped
t+e potatoes in t+e pan# and as I dropped t+em in# some
grease popped on m. arm" I *)rnt m. arm# so I p)t some
*)tter on it rig+t a,a. and t+e spots *egan to *)rn 0)ite a
*it" T+en it ,as all rig+t" T+en I -ept standing over t+e
stove# noticing t+e c+ic-en" T+en I ,ent in t+e room to sit
do,n and listen to t+e radio ,+ile t+e /ood coo-ed" In
a*o)t ten min)tes it ,as all read." I ,ent in and c)t t+e
+eat o// )nder t+e c+ic-en and t+e *eans and potatoes"
4" E" Is t+ere an.t+ing elseI
9" S" No# t+at=s all"
:" E" 5as it realI
S" S" Yes# ver. real"
3" E" Ho, long did it seemI
2'" S" A*o)t (4 min)tes"
22" E" 5ere t+ere an. gaps or omissionsI
2&" S" None at all"
2F" E" Miss @ones# I am going to as- t+e stenot.pist to
read *ac- t+e report t+at +e too- do,n /rom .o) 6 .o)
2(" S" Yes"
AT+e report ,as read as re0)ested"B
24" E" Yo) +eard it# Miss @onesI
29" S" Yes"
2:" E" 5as it tr)e or /alseI
2;" S" Tr)e"
Pol.grap+ recording"
S)*<ect a,a-e"
23" P" All rig+t" 5e are read. to *egin" Do .o) no, live
in 5as+ingtonI
&'" S" Yes"
&2" P" Did .o) go to ,or- toda.I
&&" S" Yes"
&F" P" 5as t+e report .o) gave tr)eI
&(" S" Yes"
&4" P" 5ere .o) *orn in AprilI
&9" S" Yes"
&:" P" 5as .o)r trance experience realI
&;" S" Yes"
&3" P" Have .o) )sed .o)r sic- leave /alsel. more t+an
/ive timesI
F'" S" No"
F2" P" 5o)ld .o) s,ear to t+atI
F&" S" Yes"
FF" P" Have .o) *een on t+e pol.grap+ *e/ore tonig+tI
F(" S" Yes"
F4" P" 5ere t+ere an. gaps or omissions in .o)r trance
experience tonig+tI
F9" S" No"
F:" P" Is toda. 5ednesda.I
F;" S" Yes"
F3" P" 5ere t+ere an. gaps or omissions in .o)r trance
experience tonig+tI
('" S" No"
(2" P" Did .o)r trance experience ta-e a*o)t (4 min)tesI
(&" S" Yes"
(F" P" Have .o) /alsel. ans,ered an. o/ m. 0)estionsI
((" S" No"
T+e allotted time o/ t+e trance tas- ,as 2' seconds"
T+ere ,as no s)ggested personal time"
T+e seeming d)ration o/ t+e +all)cinator. trance
experience ,as >a*o)t (4 min)tes>"
In t+e pol.grap+ test# 0)estions &F# &:# F4# F3# (2 and (F
are >relevant> in t+at t+e. pertain to t+e trance experience"
V)estions 23# &2# &4# &3# F2# FF# and F: are >non6
relevant>" S)c+ 0)estions are a necessar. part o/ a
pol.grap+ test" T+e. do not pertain to t+e trance
Pol.grap+ not recording"
Ind)ction o/ trance state"
2" E" Yo) are no, relaxing and .o) are com/orta*le" Yo)
are going deep asleep# into a deep +.pnotic sleep" One 6
deep asleep# deep# deep asleep" T,o 6 .o) go deeper and
deeper# deeper and deeper asleep# into a deep +.pnotic
sleep" T+ree6deeper and deeper# deeper and deeper asleep"
!o)r6deep asleep# deeper and deeper# deeper and deeper#
into a deep +.pnotic sleep" !ive6deep asleep# deep# deep
asleep" Six6deeper and deeper" Seven6deeper and deeper
asleep# into a deep +.pnotic sleep" Eig+t6deeper and deeper#
deeper and deeper asleep" Nine6deeper and deeper# deeper
and deeper and deeper" Ten6deep# deep asleep# deep# deep
Yo) are no, in a deep +.pnotic sleep" And in t+is sleep#
.o) ,ill *e a*le to accept and carr. o)t an. s)ggestions
t+at I give to .o) and .o) ,ill sta. deep asleep" And an.
experiences .o) +ave ,ill *e ver.# ver. real" T+e. ,ill *e
<)st as real as i/ .o) ,ere a,a-e" 7)t .o) are going to sta.
deep asleep )ntil I ,a-e .o)"
Pol.grap+ not recording"
S)*<ect in trance state"
&" E" No,# give me .o)r attention# please" 5+en I give
.o) t+e starting signal *. >No,># .o) are going to
/ind .o)rsel/ seated at a ta*le" On t+at ta*le ,ill *e a s+oe
*ox /)ll o/ <ell. *eans" Yo) ,ill ta-e t+e <ell. *eans /rom
t+e *ox one at a time and ,ill co)nt t+em one *. one" Yo)
,ill loo- at eac+ <ell. *ean as .o) +andle it" Yo) ,ill do
t+is /or at least ten min)tes" Yo) ,ill not +)rr." Is t+at
F" S" Yes"
(" E" Here comes t+e starting signal" No," No, *lan-"
Yo)r mind is no, a *lan-" I am going to ,a-e .o) no,#
Miss @ones# *. co)nting to /ive" 5+en I reac+ /ive# .o) ,ill
*e ,ide a,a-e and re/res+ed"
One6.o) are ,a-ing# ,a-ing# ,a-ing" T,o6,a-ing#
,a-ing# ,a-ing" T+ree6,a-ing# ,a-ing# ,a-ing" !o)r6.o)
are almost a,a-e" !ive6.o) are ,ide a,a-e and re/res+ed"
4" E" Are .o) a,a-eI
9" S" Yes"
Pol.grap+ not recording"
S)*<ect a,a-e"
:" E" Tell me ,+at +appened# please"
;" S" I sat do,n at t+e ta*le to co)nt <ell. *eans# and t+e.
,ere in a large s+oe *ox# all di//erent colors" And I too-
t+em o)t one at a time to co)nt t+em# and as I co)nted
t+em# I laid t+em on t+e ta*le# and I co)nted ;&2 <ell.
3" E" Did .o) loo- at eac+ <ell. *ean as .o)
+andled itI
2'" S" Yes# I did"
22" E" No,# Miss @ones# I ,o)ld li-e .o) to demonstrate
/or me *. co)nting o)t lo)d t+e rate at ,+ic+ .o) co)nted
t+ose <ell. *eans"
2&" S" One# t,o# t+ree# /o)r# /ive# six# seven# eig+t# nine#
ten# eleven E
2F" E" Ger. good" Ho, long did it seemI
2(" S" A*o)t ten min)tes"
24" E" Did .o) do an.t+ing elseI
29" S" No"
Pol.grap+ recording"
S)*<ect a,a-e"
2:" P" All rig+t" 5e are no, read. to *egin t+e
Apol.grap+B test# so .o) <)st ass)me t+e position as )s)al"
Do .o) +ave t+ree *rot+ersI
I;" S" Yes"
23" P" Do .o) +ave t,o sistersI
&'" S" Yes"
&2" P" Did .o) co)nt ;&2 <ell. *eansI
&&"S" Yes"
&F" P" Do .o) ,or- /or Interstate CommerceI
&("S" Yes"
&4" P" Did .o) loo- at eac+ <ell. *ean as .o) +andled itI
&9"S" Yes"
&:" P" Have .o) ever *een dr)n-I
&;" S" No"
&3" P" Are .o) ver. s)re a*o)t t+atI
F'" S" Yes"
F2" P" Are .o) no, in 5as+ington# D" C"I
F&" S" Yes"
FF" P" 5as .o)r trance experience realI
F("S" Yes"
F4" P" Have .o) ever +ad .o)r *lood press)re ta-enI
F9" S" Yes"
F:" P" 5ere t+ere an. gaps or omissions in .o)r
F;" S" No"
F3" P" Did it seem to ta-e ten min)tesI
('" S" Yes"
(2" P" Have .o) /alsel. ans,ered an. o/ m.
(&" S" No"
T+e allotted time in t+is experiment ,as 2' seconds"
T+e demonstrated rate o/ co)nting ,as 99 per min)te"
Pol.grap+ recording"
Ind)ction o/ trance state"
2" E" Are .o) a,a-e no,I
&" S" Yes"
F" E" Close .o)r no,# please# and ma-e .o)rsel/ as
com/orta*le as possi*le" I am going to p)t .o) in a trance
again" Yo) are com/orta*le no, and .o) are relaxed# and
.o) are going into a deep +.pnotic sleep" Yo) are going
deep# deep asleep# deeper and deeper# deeper and deeper
asleep# into a deep +.pnotic sleep" Deeper and deeper#
deeper# deeper asleep" Are .o) no, in a trance stateI
(" S" Yes"
Pol.grap+ recording"
S)*<ect in trance slate"
4" E" Yo) are a c+ild" Is t+at statement tr)e or
9"S" !alse"
:" E" No,# go deeper asleep" Deeper and deeper# deeper
and deeper asleep# deeper and deeper# deeper and deeper
asleep" Yo) are a c+ild" Is t+at statement tr)e or /alseI
S" S" Tr)e"
3" E" Tr)e" No,# Miss @ones# I am going to ,a-e .o) *.
co)nting to /ive" 5+en I reac+ /ive# .o) ,ill +e ,ide a,a-e
and re/res+ed and .o) ,ill remem*er ever.t+ing .o) +ave
done" Here comes a ,a-ing co)nt" One6.o) are ,a-ing#
,a-ing# ,a-ing" T,o6,a-ing# ,a-ing# ,a-ing" T+ree6
,a-ing# ,a-ing# ,a-ing" !o)r6.o) are almost a,a-e" !ive6
.o) are ,ide a,a-e and re/res+ed"
Pol.grap+ not recording"
S)*<ect a,a-e"
2'" E" Are .o) a,a-eI
22" S" Yes"
2&" E" Did .o) see an.t+ing in t+e tranceI
2F" S" No"
2(" E" Did .o) +ear an.t+ingI
24" S" No"
29" E" Ho, did .o) -no, .o) ,ere a c+ildI
2:" S" I /elt li-e one" I ,as /o)r .ears old6/o)r or /ive
.ears old" 7)t I didn=t see or +ear an.t+ing"
2;" E" Is t+ere an.t+ing elseI
23" S" No"
Pol.grap+ recording"
Ind)ction o/ trance state"
2" E" Close .o)r no,# please" I am going to p)t .o)
asleep againL .o) are completel. relaxed no, and .o) are
com/orta*le# and .o) are going into a deep +.pnotic sleep"
Deep asleep# into a deep# deep +.pnotic sleep" Deeper and
deeper# deeper and deeper asleep" Deeper and deeper#
deeper and deeper asleep" Deep# deep asleep" Are .o) no,
in t+e trance stateI
&" S" Yes"
Pol.grap+ recording"
S)*<ect in trance state"
F" E" Yo) are a man" Is t+at statement tr)e or /alseI
(" S" !alse"
4" E" I am going to p)t .o) deeper asleep no," Deeper
and deeper# deeper and deeper asleepL deeper and deeper#
deeper and deeper asleep" Yo) are a man" Is t+at statement
tr)e or /alseI
9" S" Tr)e"
:" E" No,# Miss @ones# listen to me" I am going to ,a-e
.o) *. co)nting to /ive" 5+en I reac+ /ive# .o) ,ill *e
,ide a,a-e and re/res+ed and .o) ,ill remem*er
ever.t+ing .o) +ave done" One6.o) are ,a-ing# ,a-ing#
,a-ing" T,o6,a-ing# ,a-ing" T+ree6,a-ing# ,a-ing#
,a-ing" !o)r6.o) are almost a,a-e" !ive6.o) are ,ide
a,a-e and re/res+ed"
Pol.grap+ not recording"
S)*<ect a,a-e"
;" E" Did .o) see or +ear an.t+ingI
3" S" I co)ld see" I sa, m.sel/ as a man"
2'" E" Did .o) +ear an.t+ingI
22" S" No" I didn=t +ear an.t+ing"
2&" E" Descri*e ,+at .o) sa,"
2F" S" I co)ld see m.sel/ in a man=s s)it"
T+e report /rom t+e ps.c+ologist ,+o cond)cted t+e
pol.grap+ tests in t+e a*ove /o)r experiments /ollo,sC
>T+e opinion o/ t+e examiner# *ased )pon t+ese
pol.grams# is t+at t+e s)*<ect ,as telling t+e tr)t+ in +er
It s+o)ld *e noted t+at Experiments F and ( do not
involve time distortion" T+e. are presented to ill)strate t+e
e//ect o/ a deepening o/ t+e trance state )pon t+e
acceptance o/ a s)ggestion"
T+)s# in Experiment F# t+e s)ggestion# >Yo) are a c+ild#>
is not accepted ,+en /irst given *)t is accepted a/ter t+e
trance +as *een deepened" T+e same is tr)e o/ t+e
s)ggestion# >Yo) are a man#> in Experiment ("
It is interesting to note t+at t+e s)*<ect=s acceptance o/ t+e
s)ggestion# >Yo) are a c+ild#> consists in /eeling li-e a
c+ild" Having once *een a c+ild# t+is ,as a /eeling t+at s+e
+ad experienced in t+e past" On t+e ot+er +and# s+e +ad
never *een a man# and conse0)entl. in accepting t+e
s)ggestion# >Yo) are a man#> s+e co)ld not /eel li-e a man"
So instead# s+e sa, +ersel/ as a man" V)estioned /)rt+er
a*o)t t+is# s+e said# >It ,as as i/ I ,as seeing m.sel/ in a
A Semantic Interpretation o/
Ger*al S)ggestion=
T+e +all)cinator. prod)ctions in t+e trance state come# o/
co)rse# /rom t+e )nconscio)s# *)t ,e s+all not concern
o)rselves ,it+ t+is aspect o/ t+e pro*lem" 5e s+all# rat+er#
consider t+e experiential ,orld o/ t+e +.pnoti1ed s)*<ect66
in ot+er ,ords# +is present experience# and s+all leave to
t+e investigator o/ t+e )nconscio)s t+e dept+ aspects o/ t+e
0)estions treated" T+e +.pnoti1ed s)*<ect is -eenl.
conscio)s and# ,it+ some exceptions# +is +all)cinator.
experiences are s)*<ect# at least in t+eir *road design# to
ego6direction" T+e )se o/ t+e ,ord ego# in t+is disc)ssion#
is not to *e con/)sed ,it+ its !re)dian )se" 7. ego ,e
mean simpl.# >T+e conscio)s and permanent s)*<ect o/ all
experience> A5e*sterB"
T+is treatise# t+en# considers immediate present
experience" A/ter an introd)ctor. disc)ssion concerning
,ords# it ta-es )p di//erence as -no,n in experience#
relation# t+e present# and time" T+is provides a *ac-gro)nd
/or disc)ssing experience /rom t+e point o/ vie, o/ its com6
ponent )nits" S)*se0)ent sections are devoted to meaning6
tone# t+e semantic signi/icance o/ t+e ,ord >is> and t+e
ver* *e# /alsi/ication in +.pnosis# t+e 0)antitation o/
experience# and /inall. certain spec)lations concerning time
distortion and t+e trance state itsel/"
5e s+all *egin ,it+ t+e /ollo,ing 0)otation /rom t+e
*oo-# Mat+ematician=s Delig+t# *. Sa,.er"
On t+e ot+er +and" t+ere are interesting sign o/ t+e ,a. in ,+ic+
+)man t+o)g+t +as *een *)ilt )p t+ro)g+ dail. experience" One
s)c+ sign is to *e /o)nd in t+e ,ords ,e )se" Tr. to imagine# i/
.o) can# a cave6man Aor ,+oever it ,as t+at /irst developed
lang)ageB to sa. to a /riend# >5+at t+is ,riter sa.s a*o)t t+e
s0)are root o/ min)s one does not agree ,it+ m. p+ilosop+. at
all"> Ho, ,o)ld +e manage to ma-e +is /riend )nderstand ,+at +e
meant *. s)c+ a*stract ,ords as >p+ilosop+.># >min)s one>#
>agree> and so /ort+I Ever. c+ild# in learning to spea-# is /aced *.
t+e same pro*lem" Ho, does it ever come to -no, t+e meaning o/
,ords# apart /rom t+e names o/ people and o*<ects it can seeI
It is instr)ctive to ta-e a dictionar.# and to loo- )p s)c+ ,ords"
Almost al,a.s# one /inds t+at a*stract ,ords# t+e names o/ t+ings
,+ic+ cannot *e seen# come /rom ,ords /or act)al o*<ects or
actions" Ta-e# /or instance# t+e ,ord >)nderstand>" 7ot+ in ?erman
and Englis+ it is connected ,it+ t+e ,ords >to stand )nder>" In
!renc+# >Do .o) )nderstandI> is >Comprene1vo)sI># ,+ic+ means
>Can .o) ta-e +old o/ t+atI> rat+er li-e t+e Englis+ p+rase# >Can
.o) grasp t+atI> Still toda.# people ma-e s)c+ remar-s as# >Tr. to
get t+at into .o)r +ead">
In learning to spea-# a c+ild /ollo,s m)c+ t+e same road" It
learns t+e names o/ its parents and o/ +o)se+old o*<ects" It also
learns ,ords ,+ic+ descri*e its /eelings# >Are .o) +)ngr.I> >Are
.o) tiredI> >He loo-s +app."> >Don=t *e /rig+tened"> >Can=t .o)
remem*erI> >Sa. .o) are sorr.">
Ever. p+ilosop+er# ever. pro/essor# ever. sc+ool6teac+er t+at
ever lived *egan in t+is ,a.6,it+ ,ords to descri*e t+ings seen# or
t+ings /elt" And all t+e complicated ideas t+at +ave ever *een
t+o)g+t o/# rest )pon t+is /o)ndation" Ever. ,riter or spea-er t+at
ever invented a ne, ,ord +ad to explain its meaning *. means o/
ot+er ,ords ,+ic+ people alread. -ne, and )nderstood" It ,o)ld
*e possi*le to dra, a +)ge /ig)re representing t+e Englis+
lang)age# in ,+ic+ eac+ ,ord ,as represented as a *loc-# resting
on ot+er *loc-s6t+e ,ords )sed to explain it" At t+e *ottom ,e
s+o)ld +ave *loc-s ,+ic+ did not rest on an.t+ing" T+ese ,o)ld *e
t+e ,ords ,+ic+ ,e can )nderstand directl. /rom o)r o,n
experience6,+at ,e see# ,+at ,e /eel# ,+at ,e do A2:B"
5it+ t+e a*ove *rie/ remar-s concerning ,ords and t+eir
meaning# ,e s+all proceed to disc)ss certain *asic aspects
o/ immediate present experience" Immediate present
experience ma-es )p# /or eac+ o/ )s# o)r experiential
,orld" T+is# o/ co)rse# ma. incl)de representations o/ past
experience and ne,l.6created com*inations o/ s)c+
s.m*ols# t+e latter incl)ding dreams# /antasies# >imaginar.>
prod)ctions# +.pot+eses# etc" Hall)cinations# o/ co)rse# are
a /orm o/
present experience" T+e /)t)re# as ,ell as t+e past
and present# can *e t+o)g+t o/ in s)c+ terms"
T+e space and time o/ present experience ,e s+all term
experiential space# and experiential time" 5e can de/ine a
point in experiential space as t+e smallest recogni1a*le
>area> o/ experience ordered in experiential space# and a
point in experiential time as t+e *rie/est recogni1a*le ex6
perience ordered in experiential time"
T+ere is# /or eac+ o/ )s# a vast ,orld ,+ic+ ,e +ave
created /rom o)r o,n past experience# incl)ding t+e
comm)nications o/ ot+ers# and /rom o)r imagination" Its
>contents> are not ,it+in o)r present experience# *)t are
represented t+erein *. ideas# and range all t+e ,a. /rom
t+e door in *ac- o/ me# to t+e /ield o/ a,areness ,+ic+
m. /riend sa.s +e experiences# to t+e electron" In man.
cases t+e. can *e *ro)g+t into present experience i/ ,e
are ,illing to go to t+e necessar. tro)*le" As a r)le#
+o,ever# ,e get along 0)ite ,ell *. simpl. ass)ming t+at
,e s+o)ld /ind t+em i/ ,e loo-ed# and it is in terms o/
t+is ,orld t+at ,e plan o)r dail. lives# and o)r /)t)re"
T+is is t+e ass)mptive ,orld# m)c+ o/ it ordered in
ass)mptice space# and all o/ it ordered in ass)mptive
2" Di
/erence as perceived in experiential space
In disc)ssing di//erence# let )s /irst consider vis)al
experience" Since all vis)al experience is extended in
experiential space# ,e cannot experience di//erence in
0)alit. ,it+o)t di//erence in extension and in location"
!ig)re : represents t,o gra. circles# A and 7# t+e
gra.ness *eing identical in 0)alit.# intensit.# and extension"
5e s+all s)ppose t+at t+eir *ac-gro)nd is a ,+ite screen#
so placed t+at t+e entire /ield can *e perceived at a given
instant t" T+e experience o/ seeing t+ese circles ,e s+all
call E# and t+e loci o/ t+e circles S2 and S& respectivel." T+e
area *et,een t+e circles is loc)s S&" E2 is o)r experience at
S& and time tL EF is o)r experience at S& and time tL EF is
o)r experience at SF and time t"
At time t
!I?" :
T+e /ollo,ing# t+en# is tr)eC
AaB E& di//ers /rom E2# in 0)alit.# intensit.# and extension#
and loc)s in experiential space" O/ experience E2# ,e can
a//irm# >?ra.ness is"> O/ experience E&# ,e can a//irm#
>?ra.ness is not">
A*B EF# di//ers /rom E&# in 0)alit.# intensit.# and extension#
and in loc)s in experiential space" O/ experience E&# ,e
can a//irm# >?ra.ness is not"> O/ experience EF# ,e can
a//irm# >?ra.ness is">
AcB E2# di//ers /rom EF onl. in loc)s in experiential space"
O/ *ot+ E2# and EF# ,e can a//irm# >?ra.ness is">
T+e /ollo,ing is evident i/ ,e consider E2# and E&
T+ese experiences are identical in loc)s in experiential
time# *)t di//er in 0)alit.# intensit.# and extension# and in
loc)s in experiential space" 7. t+ese di//erences# ,e -no,
t+e >t,o6ness> o/ experiences E2# and E&"
At a given loc)s in experiential time# t+en# di//erence in
0)alit. or intensit. o/ experience can *e -no,n onl. at
di//erent loci in experiential space"
T+e /ollo,ing is evident i/ ,e consider E2# and EF
T+ese experiences are identical in loc)s in experiential
time# and in 0)alit.# intensit.# and extension# *)t di//er in
loc)s in experiential space"
7. di//erence in loc)s in experiential space alone# t+en#
,e -no, t+e >t,o6ness> o/ experiences E2# and EF"
Di//erence in loc)s in experiential space# t+en# is t+at *.
,+ic+# at a given point in experiential time# ,e can -no,
>t,o6ness> in experience t+at is o/ )ni/orm 0)alit. and
5e can t+)s sa.# >Experience is ordered in experiential
space i/# at time t# =t,o6ness= can *e -no,n *et,een
experiences t+at are identical in 0)alit. and in intensit.">
5e can )se t+is criterion in examining vario)s components
o/ experience"
T,o experiences# so -no,a*le as >t,o># are separated *.
an interval o/ experiential space" Since t+e. are experienced
at time t# t+e. nat)rall. /all into t+e present"
&" Di//erence as perceived in experiential time
!ig)re ; represents t+ree se0)ential experiences at times t2#
t&# and tF# respectivel.# prod)ced *. /las+ing a gra. circle#
at loc)s S# t,ice on a s0)are ,+ite screen" T+e center o/ t+e
circles coincides ,it+ t+e center o/ t+e screen" T+e circle
/las+ed at t2# is# o/ co)rse# identical in gra.ness and in
intensit. t+ereo/# and in si1e# to t+at /las+ed at tF" T+e
/las+es eac+ occ)p. an >experiential instant>" T+e interval
*et,een t+em is '"'9 seconds" T+)s t+e t,o circles /all
,it+in t+e >d)ration> o/ t+e ps.c+ological present"
E2 is experience at loc)s S and time t2L E& is experience
at loc)s S and time t&L EF is experience at loc)s S and time
T+e /ollo,ing# t+en# is tr)eC
AaB E& di//ers /rom E2 in 0)alit. and intensit.# and in
loc)s in experiential time" O/ experience E2# ,e can a//irm#
>?ra.ness is"> O/ experience E&# ,e can a//irm# >?ra.ness
is not">
A*B EF di//ers /rom E& in 0)alit. and intensit.# and in
loc)s in experiential time" O/ experience E&# ,e can a//irm#
>?ra.ness is not"> O/ experience EF# ,e can a//irm#
>?ra.ness is">
AcB EF di//ers /rom E2 onl. in loc)s in experiential time"
O/ *ot+ E2 and EF# ,e can a//irm# >?ra.ness is">
T+e /ollo,ing is evident i/ ,e consider E2 and E&
T+ese experiences are identical in loc)s in experiential
space# *)t di//er in 0)alit. and in intensit.# and in loc)s in
experiential time"
7. t+ese di//erences# ,e -no, t+e >t,o6ness> o/
experiences E2 and E&"
At a given loc)s in experiential space# t+en# di//erence in
0)alit. or intensit. o/ experience can *e -no,n onl. at
di//erent loci in experiential time# i"e"# se0)entiall."
T+e /ollo,ing is evident i/ ,e consider E2 and E&
T+ese experiences are identical in loc)s in experiential
space# and in 0)alit.# intensit.# and extension# *)t di//er in
loc)s in experiential time"
7. di//erence in loc)s in experiential time alone# t+en# ,e
-no, t+e t,o6ness> o/ experiences E2 and EF"
Di//erence in loc)s in experiential time Ase0)enceB# t+en#
is t+at *. ,+ic+# at a given loc)s in experiential space# ,e
can -no, >t,o6ness> in experience t+at is o/ )ni/orm
0)alit. and intensit."
T,o experiences# so -no,a*le as >t,o># are separated *.
an interval o/ experiential time" I/ s)c+ an interval is
s)//icientl. *rie/# t+e t,o experiences# and t+e interval
*et,een t+em# /all into t+e present# and t+e interval +as a
ver. *rie/ d)ration t+erein" 7eing in t+e present# memor. is
not necessar. /or t+e appreciation o/ d)ration" T+e
experience o/ longer >d)rations># or time intervals is# o/
co)rse# dependent )pon memor."
Notice t+at# in t+e a*ove example# d)ration# and
se0)ential di//erence o/ experiences# are -no,a*le onl. in
immediate experience# and constit)te experiential time"
5+ere t+ere is no se0)ence *et,een t,o experiences# ,e
sa. t+at t+e. are sim)ltaneo)s" Sim)ltaneit. is# li-e
se0)ence# a relation *et,een t,o )nit experiences# and is
-no,n in immediate experience"
It ,ill *e remem*ered t+at ,e stip)lated t+at t+e t,o
/las+es in o)r example ,ere >instantaneo)s> in t+at t+e.
occ)pied points in experiential time as de/ined else,+ere"
I/ ,e ass)me t+is to *e tr)e o/ onl. one o/ t+em# t+e ot+er
still *eing ver. *rie/# ,e can t+en sa. t+at t+e. are similar
in 0)alit.# intensit.# and extension# and in loc)s in
experiential space# *)t di//er in d)ration"
In t+e example in /ig)re :# ,e can readil. see t+at o)r
experience ,as ordered in experiential time# *)t not
extended t+erein# ,+ereas it ,as *ot+ ordered and extended
in experiential space" On t+e ot+er +and# in t+e example in
/ig)re ;# o)r experience ,as *ot+ ordered and extended in
experiential time At+e interval +ad d)rationB# and ordered
and extended in experiential space"
T+e -no,ing o/ di//erence invaria*l. implies t+e
concomitant -no,ing o/ >one6ness> and >t,o6ness>L o/
)nit. and n)m*er# and is extremel. important"
In t+e example in /ig)re : a*ove# o/ experience ordered
and extended in experiential space at time t# di//erence in
loc)s in experiential space is -no,n sim)ltaneo)sl. ,it+
>one6ness># and >t,o6ness> 6as a sort o/ triad" As mentioned
a*ove# di//erence ma-es possi*le t+e -no,ing o/ n)m*er"
In t+e example in /ig)re ; a*ove# o/ experience ordered
and extended in experiential time# and in experiential space#
at a given loc)s S ,e again +ave t+e triad# >one6ness>#
>t,o6ness># and di//erence# +ere in experiential time"
7eca)se o/ t+e s+ortness o/ t+e time interval# t+e
experience /alls into t+e present" I/ a longer interval is
involved# o/ co)rse# recall is necessar. in order to -no,
Di//erence ma-es possi*le t+e experiencing o/ relation"
Relation ma. *e de/ined as# >an. aspect or 0)alit. ,+ic+
can *e predicated onl. o/ t,o or more t+ings ta-en
toget+er# as direction# resem*lance# or o/ one t+ing
considered as a /actor o/ itsel/# sel/6identit.> A5e*sterB"
et )s imagine t,o s0)are *l)e /ields# A and 7# eac+
containing t,o red circles" All t+e circles are identical in
color and in intensit. t+ereo/# *)t t+ose in !ield A are
arranged verticall.# ,+ile t+ose in !ield 7 are +ori1ontal"
Considering /irst onl. !ield A# ,e can a//irm t+at t+e
circles t+erein are ordered and extended in experiential
space" T+)s relation exists *et,een t+em6relation in
experiential space" O/ t+e circles in !ield 7# ,e can ma-e
t+e same predication" In addition# +o,ever# ,e can sa. t+at
t+e spatial relation *et,een t+e circles in !ield A is
di//erent /rom t+at *et,een t+ose in !ield 7" T+e same is
tr)e o/ experience# at time t# t+at is merel. ordered in
experiential space# as in t+e case o/ t,o identical so)nds"
5e +ave seen t+at some /orms o/ experience come to )s
extended in experiential space" T+e /act t+at several
se0)ential red circles# /las+ed eac+ /or an >instant> )pon a
,+ite *ac-gro)nd at ver. *rie/ intervals# are experienced in
t+e present# demonstrates t+at t+e present +as d)ration" In
t+e present m)c+ experience is extended in *ot+
experiential space and experiential time"
It ma. ,ell *e t+at it is *eca)se o/ t+e d)ration o/ t+e
present t+at ,e can recogni1e occ)rring c+ange" 5e sa.#
/or instance# >It is c+anging color#> or >It is moving>
Ac+anging position in experiential spaceB" 5+en ,e o*serve
an o*<ect moving against its *ac-gro)nd in o)r vis)al /ield#
as it moves# certain portions o/ t+e *ac-gro)nd *ecome
se0)entiall. covered and )ncovered" It is t+is# pro*a*l.#
t+at ena*les )s to discern motion )nder t+ese conditions"
Occasionall.# +o,ever# ,e experience motion in an o*<ect
in t+e a*sence o/ t+is covering and )ncovering" !or
instance# I +ave on m. des- a glass paper6,eig+t" It +as a
s0)are *ase and a sp+erical dome" I/ I spin it on its dome
and ,atc+ it# immediatel. a/ter it +as come to rest it ,ill
appear to t)rn slo,l. in t+e opposite direction to t+e
spinning" T+is ill)sion is an interesting case o/ experiential
motion# recogni1ed in some ot+er ,a. t+an t+at mentioned
et )s ret)rn# /or a moment# to motion as ordinaril.
perceived in t+e vis)al /ield" 5e notice t+at it al,a.s +as
direction# and t+at t+is is al,a.s a,a. /rom an earlier
position and to,ards a /)t)re one" T+)s o)r appreciation o/
se0)ence determines direction" et )s no, consider a *od.
t+at is moving across o)r vis)al /ield# in a straig+t line" 5e
not onl. appreciate t+is /act# *)t also can tell ,+et+er its
speed o/ progress is ,+at ,e call >constant># or ,+et+er it
varies" I/ it varies# ,e can -no, ,+et+er s)c+ c+ange
occ)rs rapidl. or slo,l." i-e,ise# i/ its pat+ *e circ)lar#
,e can -no, constant or c+anging speeds along t+is pat+"
I/ t+e pat+ c+anges direction at random# ,e can perceive a rate o/ s)c+ c+ange" 5e can sa.# >It=s c+anging
direction rapidl.6or slo,l."> It is# o/ co)rse# ,ell -no,n
t+at all t+is is -no,a*le onl. approximatel.# and ,it+in
/airl. narro, limits# *)t# nevert+eless# -no,a*le it is# and
t+is is )ndo)*tedl. t+e res)lt o/ a *lend o/ o)r appreciation
o/ a *od.=s position in experiential space# relative to ot+er
aspects o/ t+e /ield# and o/ o)r sense o/ se0)ence" In ot+er
,ords# it is d)e to a *lend o/ o)r perception o/ experiential
space and o/ experiential time# occ)rring in t+e present6
,+ere some experience is extended in experiential space#
and some in experiential time# *)t ,+ere most experience is
extended in *ot+"
In o)r ordinar. cloc-# t+e series o/ events provided is t+e
passage o/ t+e +ands past certain points on t+e
circ)m/erence o/ a circle" et )s consider an electric cloc-
,it+ a long >s,eep> second +and# ,+ic+ ma-es one
revol)tion a min)te" T+e +and t+)s passes 9' s)c+ points in
eac+ revol)tion" As ,e ,atc+ it# ,e s+all note t+e
/ollo,ingC AaB T+e +and appears to move at a constant rate"
A*B T+e time intervals *et,een its passing o/ an. t,o
s)ccessive points seem to *e e0)al" AcB T+e arcs *et,een
s)c+ points are e0)al# *eing 9 degrees"
et )s no, leave consideration o/ t+ese s+orter time
intervals and consider t+e +o)r +and and t+e min)te +and
onl." And let )s see ,+at ,e do ,+en# as ,e are loo-ing at
o)r cloc-# someone as-s t+e 0)estion# >5+at time is itI>
Sim)ltaneo)sl. ,it+ t+is 0)estion Asim)ltaneit. is -no,n
in immediate experienceB I note t+e relative location# in
experiential space# o/ t+e +ands o/ m. cloc- to t+e mar-s
on t+e dial# and sa.# >It is 2& o=cloc-">
No, let )s repeat t+is experiment a *it later# and s)ppose
t+at m. ans,er no, is >It is 4 min)tes past 2&"> 5it+ t+is# I
am ,ell a,are t+at one reading preceded t+e ot+er
Ase0)enceB# and t+at *et,een t+e t,o I +ave experienced a
time interval# ,+ic+# in t+is case# +ad a cloc- reading o/ 4
I am li-el. to sa.# i/ as-ed# t+at t+e interval ,as >4
min)tes long># /or c)stom sanctions t+is expression"
Ho,ever# t+e interval itsel/ +as not *een meas)red# and all
I can reall. concl)de /rom m. cloc- reading is t+at d)ring
t+e interval t+e cloc- +and moves over 4 one6min)te di6
visions or t+ro)g+ an arc o/ F' degrees"
Since ,e generall. )se solar time in o)r meas)rements#
o)r ordinar. cloc-s indicate to )s t+e relative position
*et,een a point on t+e eart+=s s)r/ace and t+e s)n"
T+)s# in e//ect# o)r ans,er to t+e 0)estion# >5+at time is
itI> amo)nts to >As I note t+e time# t+e relation o/
point P on t+e eart+=s s)r/ace# to t+e s)n# is t+is"> And# in
ans,ering t+e 0)estion# >Ho, long ,as t+e intervalI> I sa.#
in e//ect# >D)ring t+e interval# t+e point P moved t+ro)g+
2"&4 degrees"> In one second *. o)r cloc- s)c+ a point
,o)ld move t+ro)g+ '"''(29O degrees"
O)r sense o/ sim)ltaneit. is necessar. in order to ma-e a
cloc- reading o/ an. event" T+e event# in t+e case o/ t+e
0)estion >5+at time is itI> ,as t+e 0)estion itsel/# and t+e
reading ,as ta-en sim)ltaneo)sl. ,it+ it" It mig+t <)st as
,ell +ave *een an. ot+er event# s)c+ as a pistol s+ot" T+)s#
in noting t+e time at ,+ic+ a pistol s+ot is +eard# ,e read
o)r cloc- at t+at point in experiential time at ,+ic+ ,e +ear
t+e report" In so reading t+e cloc-# ,e note t+e point on t+e
cloc- dial at ,+ic+ t+e moving +and is located at s)c+ an
instant" I/ t,o s)ccessive s+ots are to *e timed# t+e same
process is applied in t+e case o/ t+e second s+ot as in t+at o/
t+e /irst" 7et,een t+e t,o# ,e experience a sense o/
d)ration# and t+e moving +and c+anges its loc)s in
experiential space relative to t+e cloc- dial and t+e distance
covered can *e meas)red in experiential spatial )nits" As
pointed o)t previo)sl.# +o,ever# s)c+ )nits do not in an.
sense meas)re o)r /eeling o/ d)ration d)ring t+e interval#
/or )nits o/ c+ange in spatial loc)s6t+e seconds )sed *. t+e
p+.sicists and t+e mat+ematicians# are a ver. di//erent
t+ing /rom experiential time# since t+e. are *ased )pon
experiential spatial perception" T+e /ail)re to reali1e t+is
+as cast m)c+ con/)sion over t+e pro*lem# >5+at is timeI>
Experiential time is s)*<ect to +ig+ degrees o/ distortion"
One o/ t+e most interesting instances o/ t+is is seen#
occasionall.# in t+e presence o/ danger" Man. persons +ave
reported t+at# at s)c+ times# movement in experiential space
seemed to progress ver. slo,l.# and t+eir sense o/ d)ration
,as appropriate to t+is slo,ing" Yet an )ninvolved
o*server mig+t state t+at t+ings +appened ,it+ great
rapidit." T+is is an instance o/ t+at sort o/ time distortion in
,+ic+ t+e involved person experiences no more se0)ential
events t+an does t+e onloo-er# *)t t+e. seem# to t+e victim#
to proceed ver. slo,l." On t+e ot+er +and# t+ere are
inn)mera*le reports /rom persons ,+o +ave nearl.
dro,ned and ,+o sa. t+at t+e. re6lived great segments o/
t+eir li/e# at a normal pace# in ,+at ,as act)all. *)t a /e,
seconds or min)tes" Here man. se0)ential events are
experienced# in nat)ral tempo# in a ver. *rie/ interval *.
t+e cloc-" 5e see a similar p+enomenon in t+e noct)rnal
dream# and in +all)cinated activit. )nder conditions o/ time
distortion in +.pnosis" 7)t# alasJ t+ere is no onloo-er to
,itness s)c+ experiences"
Experience is +eterogeneo)s# *eing composed o/ man.
parts or gro)ps o/ parts" T+ere are sensations# drives#
/eelings# emotions# images# meaning6tone# volition# etc"#
and memories t+ereo/" Some experience presents ,+at ,e
call intensit.# ,+ic+ ma. var. in degree" 7et,een an. t,o
sorts o/ experience# ,e can -no, relation" 5e can -no,
c+ange" 5it+ t+e aid o/ memor.# ,e can -no, and deal
,it+ past experience t+at extended t+ro)g+ man.
>presents>" T+)s# patterns o/ experience extended in time#
s)c+ as a piece o/ m)sic# or a *attle# or an. ot+er action#
can *e appreciated *. )s" Di//erence# in s+ort# ena*les )s to
perceive experience in )nits and gro)ps o/ )nits"
Among )nits o/ primar. experience# images and
meaning6tone are o/ special interest to )s +ere" 7ot+ are
related to past experience# and *ot+ are -no,n onl. t+ro)g+
Images are experiences t+at resem*le portions o/ past
experience# .et are -no,n# *. t+e s)*<ect# to di//er
t+ere/rom in some ,a." 5+en images sim)late s)c+
experience so closel. as to *e )ndi//erentia*le t+ere/rom#
t+e. cease to *e images# as /ar as t+e s)*<ect is concerned#
/or to +im t+e. +ave no, *ecome >t+e real t+ing>" S)c+
conviction is c+aracteristic o/ +all)cinator. experience"
It is important to point o)t t+at ,e do not restrict t+e )se
o/ t+e ,ord >image> to representations o/ vis)al experience#
*)t consider it to *e applica*le to representations o/ all
/orms o/ experience"
T+ere is anot+er /orm o/ experience ,+ic+ ,e re/er to as
t+o)g+t" T+ere is pro*a*l. little to *e gained +ere *.
entering into t+e controvers. over so6called imageless
t+o)g+t# i/ /or no ot+er reason t+an t+at t+ere ma. *e a ,ide
variation# in t+is regard# *et,een individ)als" S)//ice it to
sa. t+at ,e do t+in-# and t+at some o/ )s can do a great
deal o/ t+in-ing ,it+o)t m)c+ imager. or m)c+
ver*ali1ation" T+)s I can prepare a dissertation on >/ear>#
,it+o)t# to an apprecia*le degree# experiencing t+e emotion
itsel/" Or I can t+in- a*o)t t+e impact o/ t+e internal
com*)stion engine )pon modern c)lt)re ,it+o)t
t+e image o/ s)c+ an engine t+ro)g+ all m. deli*erations"
T+)s# non6ver*al t+o)g+t emplo.s not onl. images# *)t
somet+ing else as ,ell" T+is ot+er constit)ent is some,+at
a-in to a /eeling# and ,e s+all call it t+e meaningtone o/
non6ver*al experience" A given experience apparentl.
ena*les )s later eit+er to recall its image# or to experience a
)ni0)e sort o/ /eeling ,+ic+ can o/ten *e resolved# i/ ,e
,is+# into images" T+at it cannot al,a.s *e so resolved is
seen in t+e /act t+at ,e o/ten -no, t+at ,e=ve *een places
and done t+ings# *)t are )na*le to s)ppl. details t+at ,o)ld
+ave *een /ort+coming s+ortl. a/ter t+e event" T+is /eeling
AmeaningtoneB is di//erent /rom all ot+er sorts o/ /eeling#
<)st as color is di//erent /rom so)nd or taste" More
important# +o,ever# is t+e /act t+at t+e meaning6tone
related to a given experiential )nit is di//erent /rom t+at
related to an. ot+er )nit# and t+ere/ore t+ere are )nits o/
meaning6tone corresponding to )nits o/ experience" In ot+er
,ords# ,+ereas all )nits o/ meaning6tone di//er /rom eac+
ot+er# t+e. still +ave a 0)alit. t+at is common to all and t+at
permits )s to classi/. t+em as meaning6tone"
Pro*a*l. most t+o)g+t emplo.s images# meaning6tone#
and ,ords" Images and meaning 6tone ma-e )p t+e class
>idea># as t+is term is commonl. )sed"
All /orms o/ experience +ave a certain 0)alit. in
common" It is t+is 0)alit. t+at permits )s to place s)c+
di//erent entities as color# so)nd# to)c+# taste# odor# /eeling#
emotion# cognition# volition# etc"# in a class designated *.
t+e term >experience>" T+is 0)alit. is t+at o/ *eing in o)r
/ield o/ a,areness# and conse0)entl. o/ existing" In ot+er
,ords# ,+at ,e are a,are o/ exists /or )s" T+e -no,ing o/
t+is common mar-# t+at is# t+e /eeling Aitsel/ an experienceB
t+at ,+at ,e are a,are o/ +as *eing# is derived /rom o)r
past# and it constit)tes a vag)e atmosp+ere in ,+ic+ an.
given experience is set" 5e s+all call it experience6tone"
7)t on +aving an experience ,+ic+ ,e +ave +ad *e/ore# o)r
memor.# as a res)lt o/ /ormer associations# contri*)tes
anot+er element to o)r /ield o/ a,areness" T+is element#
,+ic+ ma-es possi*le t+e cognition# recognition# )n6
derstanding# or meaning o/ an. designated experience# ,e
s+all call meaning6tone"
T+)s# on loo-ing at a /amiliar o*<ect s)c+ as a spoon# o)r
vis)al experience is colored *. o)r entire past experience
,it+ spoons" T+ere/ore# in addition to t+e vis)al experience#
,e +ave a /eeling o/ /amiliarit. or o/ recognition" In ot+er
,ords# t+e spoon means somet+ing to )s" Meaning6tone
t+at is aro)sed *. non6ver*al experience ,e call t+e
meaningtone o/ non6ver*al experience"
No, let )s consider a c+ild ,+o +as not .et learned to
tal-# *)t ,+o is /amiliar ,it+ spoons" Ever. time +e sees a
spoon +e ,ill also experience t+e associated meaning tone"
No, s)ppose t+at someone points to a spoon t+at t+e c+ild
sees and sa.s >spoon>" An association is t+en /ormed in t+e
c+ild=s mind *et,een t+e vis)al experience o/ seeing a
spoon and t+e a)ditor. experience o/ +earing t+e ,ord
>spoon> 6and in t+e /)t)re t+e +earing o/ t+e ,ord ,ill
aro)se t+e same meaning6tone t+at +it+erto ,as aro)sed on
seeing a spoon" Meaning6tone t+at is aro)sed *. ver*al
experience ,e call t+e meaning6tone o/ ver*al experience"
It corresponds ro)g+l. to t+e connotation o/ t+e ,ord# in
t+e sense t+at a ,ord >connotes t+e ver. vario)s and s)*tle
t+o)g+ts and emotions ,+ic+ cl)ster a*o)t t+at idea in t+e
+)man mind> A7arrett 5endellB" In logic t+is is re/erred to
as >meaning in intension>" 5e )se t+e term >meaning6tone>
in pre/erence to >meaning> alone in order to emp+asi1e t+e
/act t+at it re/ers to a /eeling# <)st as do t+e ,ords
recognition# *elie/# c)riosit.# do)*t# etc"# and# as in t+eir
case# it is a 0)alitativel. )ni0)e /eeling" In +earing a
sentence ,+ic+ ,e )nderstand# ,e /eel t+e meaning" A
good reader# ,+o does not ver*ali1e# ,ill experience at a
glance t+e meaningtone o/ large gro)ps o/ ,ords" In so
doing# ,e ma. sa. t+at +e experiences t+e idea expressed
*. s)c+ ,ords" T+)s# ,+at ,e re/er to as t+e meaning 6
tone o/ a ver*al experience is# in most ,a.s# similar to ,+at
,e re/er to as t+e meaning6tone o/ non6ver*al experience#
and# li-e it# is divisi*le into )nits" An idea# t+en# is a )nit o/
meaning6tone# non6ver*al or ver*al# andNor o/ imager."
Ever. ,ord ,+ic+ ,e )nderstand is capa*le o/ aro)sing in
)s one or more )nits o/ meaning tone# depending )pon t+e
n)m*er o/ de/initions it +as" T+ese )nits o/ meaning6tone#
or ideas# +ave a )ni0)e propert. in t+at t+e. are resolva*le
into ot+er )nits o/ meaning6tone# and into images o/
previo)s experience" In ot+er ,ords# t+e. are resolva*le
into t+e )nits o/ ,+ic+ t+e. are composed"
T+e /ollo,ing examples ,ill aid )s in isolating meaning6
tone /or st)d.C
AaB et )s s)ppose t+at someone sa.s /or )s a ,ord in a
/oreign lang)age ,+ic+ ,e don=t )nderstand" 5e perceive
t+e so)nd o/ t+e ,ord# o/ co)rse" And ,e +ave a /eeling o/
+earing somet+ing ,e don=t )nderstand# possi*l. along ,it+
one o/ c)riosit." No, let t+e person explain t+e meaning o/
t+e ,ord to )s" T+e next time +e sa.s t+e ,ord# ,e s+all
+ave an entirel. di//erent /eeling ,+en ,e +ear it" It ,ill
mean somet+ing to )s" It ,ill +ave conve.ed to )s an idea"
A*B Man. persons +ave noticed t+at# i/ t+e. sa. a ,ord
over and over again# ,it+ t+eir attention /oc)ssed )pon t+e
so)nd o/ t+e ,ord# it loses its meaning temporaril.# and a
/amiliar ,ord seems to *e nonsense" Here t+e meaning6tone
*ecomes lost"
AcB 5e +ave all +ad t+e experience o/ +aving an idea and
.et *eing )na*le to express it" 8nder s)c+ circ)mstances#
,e ma. sa.# >I -no, Ai"e"# /eelB ,+at I ,ant to sa.# *)t I
can=t p)t it into ,ords"> T+is is an example o/ pre6
ver*ali1ation meaning6tone"
5e can ma-e clear ,+at ,e mean *. t+e resol)tion o/
meaning6tone i/ ,e consider ,+at ,e do ,+en someone
as-s )s to explain to +im t+e meaning o/ a ,ord ,+ic+ +e
doesn=t )nderstand" T+e ,ord at once aro)ses in )s a )nit o/
meaning6tone# t+at is# an idea" As ,e attend t+is# ot+er )nits
o/ meaning tone# ,+ic+ ,e ma. or ma. not ver*ali1e# as
,ell as certain images# ta-e its place" I/ ,e contin)e t+is
process long eno)g+# all t+e )nits o/ meaning tone are
/inall. resolved to t+eir component images o/ primar.
experience" 5e can ver*ali1e alo)d /rom time to time# )ntil
o)r /riend sa.s t+at +e )nderstands"
All meaning6tone# t+ere/ore# is resolva*le to images# and
it can all *e comm)nicated# *. ,ords# to anot+er person"
T+e images li-e,ise can *e ver*ali1ed# *)t )nless t+e ot+er
person +as +ad t+e experience to ,+ic+ t+e ,ords re/er# +e
can never experience it solel. as t+e res)lt o/ +earing t+e
It is 0)ite o*vio)s /rom t+e a*ove t+at meaning tone
depends )pon past experience" 7)t t+e most important
t+ing a*o)t it is t+at it is a /orm o/ /eeling t+at is )ni0)e
*ot+ 0)alitativel. and in t+at it is resolva*le in t+e manner
Alt+o)g+ meaning6tone itsel/ is a part o/ o)r immediate
present experience# it depends )pon memor.# <)st as images
do" T+e /ollo,ing classi/ication o/ present experience ma.
prove )se/)l to t+e reader# /or it s+o,s t+e relation o/
meaning6tone to ot+er concepts t+at are o/ importance in
t+e ens)ing disc)ssion"
Present experience I
Experience t+at is not dependent )pon memor.
AaB Son6ver*al
A*B Ger*al II
Experience t+at is dependent )pon memor.
AaB Imager.
A*B Meaning6tone
A c+ild# learning to tal-# repeatedl. +ears a//irmations
made *. ot+ers a*o)t +is immediate present experience"
Man. s)c+ a//irmations# moreover# are made concerning a
speci/icall. designated portion o/ +is experience ,it+ t+e
intention# on t+e part o/ an older person# o/ /orming an
association in t+e c+ild=s mind *et,een s)c+ a portion o/
+is experience and certain ver*al s.m*ols" T+is ma. *e
done in response to a 0)estion *. t+e c+ild# ,+o ma.
merel. point in0)iringl. to an o*<ect s)c+ as a *oo-# or
,+o ma. point to it and as- >5+at=s t+atI> On t+e ot+er
+and# +is elder ma. dra, t+e c+ild=s attention to a *oo- *.
pointing to it and >7oo-># or# >T+at is a *oo-">
In t+e a*ove process# t+e c+ild=s attention is /oc)ssed
)pon a designated entit. Aor experiential )nitB ,it+in +is
/ield o/ a,areness" At t+e same time# o/ co)rse# +e
experiences ,+atever meaning tone ma. *e associated ,it+
t+is non6ver*al experience" Sim)ltaneo)sl. ,it+ t+ese
events# +e +as t+e a)ditor. experience o/ +earing a gro)p o/
so)nds" In t+e speci/ic instance mentioned a*ove# t+en# t+e
/ollo,ing elements s+are t+e c+ild=s /ield o/ a,arenessC
AaB Seeing a *oo- Aa I experienceB"
A*B T+e meaning6tone o/ t+e *oo- ,+ic+ +e sees Aa
II experienceB"
AcB Hearing t+e ,ords# >T+at is a *oo-> Aa I
7eca)se o/ t+is close association *et,een AaB# A*B# and AcB
,e ,o)ld expect t+at# in t+e /)t)re# t+e presence in
experience o/ an. one o/ t+ese t+ree elements ,o)ld tend to
*ring t+e ot+er t,o to mind"
et )s no, s)ppose t+at t+e c+ild later +ears a person in
anot+er room sa.# >T+is is a *oo-"> T+is ,ill aro)se in +is
mind meaning6tone similar to A*B a*ove and +e ma.
experience a vag)e image o/ a *oo-" T+)s t+e ,ords no,
+ave meaning to +im# alt+o)g+ +e +imsel/ sees no *oo-"
i-e,ise# in t+e /)t)re# seeing a *oo- ,ill aro)se meaning6
tone and +e can ver*ali1e t+is *. >T+is is a *oo-">
In t+e +.pnoti1ed s)*<ect# a ver*al a//irmation
concerning +is experience not onl. aro)ses its meaning6
tone# *)t t+is meaning6tone ma. ca)se t+e s)*<ect to +ave
t+e non6ver*al experience ,it+ ,+ic+ it +as *een associated
in t+e past" T+)s# i/ ,e point to a pac-age o/ cigarettes t+at
t+e s)*<ect sees and sa.# >T+is is a *oo-#> +e ,ill +ave t+e
experience o/ seeing a *oo- rat+er t+an a pac-age o/
cigarettes" 5+ile learning to tal-# +e al,a.s sa, a *oo- as
+e +eard t+e a//irmation >T+is is a *oo-#> and t+is ma.
+ave some *earing on t+e /act t+at +e +all)cinates s)c+ an
experience later ,+en t+e a//irmation is made to +im in t+e
trance state" T+)s# t+e +earing o/ t+e ver*al a//irmation
aro)ses t+e associated meaning6tone and t+is in t)rn leads
to an +all)cinator. II experience" T+is experience
resem*les t+ose ,+ic+ in t+e past +ave *een associated
,it+ t+is meaning6tone" S)c+ +all)cinator. experiences
tr)l. exist or +ave *eing /or t+e s)*<ect" In ot+er ,ords# /or
+im t+e. are ver. >real>"
It goes ,it+o)t t+at a c+ild +ears co)ntless
a//irmations concerning designated portions o/ +is
immediate present experience" T+e great ma<orit. o/ t+ese
contain t+e ver* >*e># in t+e present tense# t+)sC >$itt. is
p)rring"> >T+e dog is c+asing t+e *all"> >T+e. are *ig
*o.s"> >Yo) are tall"> O/ t+e t+ree /orms o/ t+e present
tense o/ *e6>am># >are># >is>6t+e last is pro*a*l. most o/ten
+eard" In an. event# man. man. a//irmations )sing man.
di//erent ,ords are +eard# *)t t+e ,ords >is># >are># and
>am> occ)r /ar more o/ten t+an an. ot+ers" No,
i/ ,e *ear
in mind t+at t+ese a//irmations )s)all. re/er to designated
portions o/ t+e c+ild=s immediate present experience# it is
eas. to see t+at t+e ver* *e *ecomes associated ,it+
experience" And# since ,+at ,e are a,are o/ exists /or )s#
it comes to *e associated ,it+ t+e existence o/ t+ings" T+is
,ill *e *ro)g+t o)t *. parap+rasing a /e, a//irmations as
A2B $itt. is p)rring" I am a,are o/ a p)rring -itt." A
p)rring -itt. exists A/or meB"
A&B T+e dog is c+asing t+e *all" I am a,are o/ a dog
c+asing t+e *all" A dog c+asing t+e *all exists A/or meB"
AFB T+e. are *ig *o.s" I am a,are o/ t+ose *ig *o.s"
T+ose *ig *o.s exist A/or meB"
A(B Yo) are tall" I am a,are o/ a tall .o)" A tall .o)
exists A/or meB"
T+e ver* *e t+en comes to +ave an existential meaning#
or )sage" t+e ver* in t+is sense# t+e simplest
t+o)g+t t+at I can +ave concerning experience is t+e
a//irmation# >It is"> 5+en I sa. t+is# I mean >It exists"> I
don=t mean t+at I t+in- it exists# t+at I ,onder i/ it exists#
t+at I do)*t i/ it exists# or t+at I ass)me t+at it exists" Nor
does m. a//irmation in/er an. ver*al s.m*oli1ation o/ ,+at
I experience" I simpl. mean t+an I am a,are o/ experience
to ,+ic+ I re/er *. t+e prono)n >it># i"e"# t+at /or me m.
experience +as *eing# or >isness>" I am a,are o/ it# >It is">
In t+e a*ove disc)ssion# t+e )se o/ t+e ,ord >it> implies
t+at I di//erentiate experience /rom t+e experiencer o/ all
experience6t+e ego6s)*<ect /rom t+e nonego" T+is ego6
s)*<ect is named >I>" And ,+en I sa. >It is#> I -no, it
existsL I am convinced o/ t+e tr)t+ o/ t+e a//irmation" T+is
conviction is a /eeling 6a /eeling a-in to *elie/# and it is
*orn o/ experience" I ma. a//irm t+en# ,+at is a tr)ism#
>5+at I am a,are o/# is"> It is most important to point o)t
t+at# as I ma-e t+is a//irmation# I +ave a /eeling o/ *elie/ or
conviction" Evidence o/ t+e close relation *et,een ot+er ex6
perience and *elie/ is /o)nd in t+e old prover*# >Seeing is
5e +ope t+at o)r interpretation o/ t+e a//irmation >It is#>
no, +as meaning /or t+e reader" T+is )se o/ >is> +ere is t+e
same as t+at o/ >am> in t+e a//irmation# >I am"> And# ,e
repeat# it implies t+e completion o/ t+e ego6nonego
di//erentiation# /or ,it+o)t experience t+ere can *e no
experiencer" It also implies a p+ilosop+ical t)rn o/ mind on
t+e part o/ t+e a//irmer"
It ,ill *e noted t+at >is># in t+e a*ove a//irmations# is not
)sed in t+e so6called >cop)lative> sense# as it does not
indicate a relation *et,een s)*<ect and predicate"
et )s no, examine t+e )se o/ t+e ,ord in t+is latter
,a.# *. considering t+e sentence# >An apple is a /r)it">
Here >is> o*vio)sl. indicates a relation *et,een t+e
concept >apple> and t+e concept >/r)it># t+is relation *eing
t+at o/ part to ,+ole" In resolving t+e meaning6tone o/ t+is
sentence# ,e s+all resolve t+at o/ t+e t,o concepts in t)rn"
In t+is process# at some point# ,e s+all *e a,are o/ certain
>)nits> t+at are present in *ot+ concepts" I/ ,e consider
s)c+ )nits o/ meaning6tone# andNor images# ,e can# ,it+
t+e aid o/ recall# a//irm o/ t+em# >T+ese /rom Kapple= are
similar to t+ese /rom =/r)it="> Or# >T+is gro)p o/ )nits /rom
Kapple= is similar to t+is gro)p o/ )nits /rom K/r)it="> In so
a//irming ,e are )sing >is> in its existential sense"
Again# in t+e sentence# >T+e onl. person in vie, is m.
*rot+er># in resolving t+e meaning6tone o/ t+e p+rase >T+e
onl. person in vie,> on t+e one +and# and o/ >m. *rot+er>
on t+e ot+er# ,e /ind a common experiential )nit" T+is )nit
is t+e image o/ m. *rot+er# and t+e relation is one o/
Anal.sis ,ill reveal t+e same meaning to >is> in its )se in
s.llogistic reasoning" It merel. consists o/ a//irming a
similarit. or a di//erence6relations t+at are -no,a*le in
immediate experience6*et,een t,o primar. )nits o/
present experience" T+o)g+ a cop)lative# its existential
sense is retained"
7)t t+e ,ord >is> Aand t+e ver* *eB is not al,a.s )sed in
t+e existential sense" S)ppose# /or instance# t+at I come
across a strange o*<ect# and examine it care/)ll.# /inding
o)t a good deal a*o)t it in t+e process" ater I see some
people p)tting it to )se# and m. in/ormation concerning
t+e o*<ect is /)rt+er increased" 5it+ all t+is -no,ledge# I
can do a good deal o/ t+in-ing a*o)t it# even t+o)g+ I don=t
-no, its name"
No, let )s s)ppose t+at someone comes along# points to
t+e o*<ect in m. presence# and sa.s# >7a1oo-a>"
M. experience t+ere)pon ma. *e descri*ed as /ollo,s" I
see t+e man pointing to t+e o*<ect# and I +ear +im sa.#
>7a1oo-a>" T+is /orms an association in m. mind *et,een
t+e o*<ect pointed to and a certain so)nd" Conse0)entl.# in
t+e /)t)re# t+e so)nd ,ill aro)se in me t+e meaning6tone o/
t+e o*<ect# and possi*l. an image o/ it"
In t+is pointing to t+ings and naming t+em# t+e person so
doing )s)all. sa.s# >T+is is a *a1oo-a Aor ot+er nameB"> Or#
in naming a past or /)t)re experience# +e mig+t )se t+e
sentence# >T+at ,as a *a1oo-a#> or# >T+at ,ill *e a
*a1oo-a"> T+)s t+e ,ord >is> and t+e ver* *e come to +ave#
in addition to t+e existential meaning6tone# t+e meaning6
tone associated ,it+ >pointing to># or indicating# an o*<ect"
5e s+all call t+is t+e s.m*ol6/ixing meaning6tone o/ t+e
,ord >is> and t+e ver* *e" So ,e see t+at# in t+e a*ove
instance# o*<ect and name are lin-ed *. a ver*al experience
At+e ,ord >is># or some /orm o/ t+e ver* *eB# ,+ic+ +as t,o
meanings# i"e"# conviction o/ existence on t+e one +and# and
a >pointing to> on t+e ot+er"
T+)s# ,+ile loo-ing at a *oo-# ,e can no, sa.# AaB >It
is"> T+is is e0)ivalent to" >T+at t+ing At+e *oo-B
exists"> A*B >It is a *oo-"> T+is is e0)ivalent to
>T+at t+ing is called a *oo-">
In *rie/# t+en# ,+enever t+e ver* *e is +eard or read# in its
meaning6tone *ot+ o/ t+e a*ove components occ)r" T+is
/act is o/ great importance in t+e mec+anism o/ response to
s)ggestion in t+e trance state# /or it provides t+e lin-
*et,een t+e spo-en ,ord and non6ver*al experience# since
all a//irmations in t+e present tense can *e re6stated in a
/orm in ,+ic+ t+e ver* *e appears" T+e meaning6tone o/ a
given ver*al a//irmation is t+)s associated ,it+ t+e vis)al
or a)ditor. perception o/ t+e ,ords t+ro)g+ t+e s.m*ol6
/ixing )se o/ t+e ver* *e# and ,it+ non6ver*al experience
t+ro)g+ its existential )se" As ,ill *e seen *elo,# in t+e
trance state# a s)ggestion aro)ses /irst t+is d)al meaning
tone# *. virt)e o/ t+e s.m*ol6/ixing association# and t+en
t+is meaning6tone gives rise to t+e experience /rom ,+ic+
its existential component ,as *)ilt )p"
No, let )s imagine t+at an ad)lt is instr)cted to respond
to m. statement to +im# >Yo) are a c+ild#> *. >I am
a c+ild"> Even t+o)g+ +e is ,ide a,a-e and -no,s t+is to
*e /alse# t+e mere o/ t+e sentence m)st call /ort+ in
+im# in meaning6tone# a vag)e and ten)o)s /eeling o/
conviction t+at +e is a c+ild# alt+o)g+ +e -no,s onl. too
,ell t+at +e isn=t" And i/ ,e as- +im ,+et+er t+e statement
is tr)e or /alse# +e ,ill repl.# >!alse>"
No, let )s +.pnoti1e +im# and repeat t+e experiment"
A/ter +earing o)r statement# +e ,ill repeat it in t+e /irst
person" His experience# t+ere)pon or s+ortl. t+erea/ter# ,ill
depend )pon +o, good a s)*<ect +e is"
AaB It ma. *e identical to t+at in t+e ,a-ing state# and
,+en as-ed a*o)t t+e tr)t+ o/ t+e statement# +e ,ill sa.#
A*B He ma. experience t+e conviction t+at +e is a c+ild
and# ,+en as-ed# tell )s t+at t+e statement is tr)e" T+ere
ma. *e no ot+er +all)cinated activit. o/ an. sort" I/ ,e as-
+im +o, +e -no,s +e=s a c+ild# +e ma. sa.# >I <)st -no, it#
t+at=s all"> He >-no,s> it *eca)se +e *elieves it" To +im# t+e
a//irmation is tr)e" He is acc)ratel. ver*ali1ing +is mean6
AcB He ma. +ave t+e experience descri*ed in A*B pl)s degrees o/ +all)cinated activit.# s)c+ as
,it+ +is to.s# tal-ing to +is parents# etc" In an. event# s)c+
+all)cinated activit. ,ill *e appropriate to# and s)pportive
o/# t+e a//irmation and t+e *elie/ to t+e
e//ect t+at +e is a c+ild" So# ,+en as-ed# +e ,ill repl. to )s
t+at t+e statement is tr)e" And i/ ,e as- +im +o, +e -no,s
t+at +e is a c+ild# +e mig+t sa.# >7eca)se I ,as
,it+ m. to.s">
O/ co)rse# t+e a*ove trance experience co)ld +ave *een
prod)ced ,it+o)t +is ver*all. responding to m. s)ggestion#
>Yo) are a c+ild#> *. >I am a c+ild">
!rom t+e a*ove ,e see t+at in +.pnotic s)ggestion ,e
reverse t+e process seen in ver*ali1ation# i"e"# a speci/ic
experience a meaning6tone ,ord# so t+at it *ecomes#
,ord meaning6tone speci/ied experience" And t+)s#
*. means o/ ,ords# ,e act)all. give experience" T+is# ,e
*elieve# is t+e *asic mec+anism involved in t+e response to
s)ggestion in t+e trance state"
Time distortion in +.pnosis is e//ected in exactl. t+e
same ,a." Here ,e can give to t+e s)*<ect great amo)nts o/
experience# in t+e /orm o/ se0)ential events# i/ ,e ,is+#
and all ,it+ an appropriate sense o/ t+e passage o/ time" Or#
*. direct s)ggestion# +e can experience d)ration per se"
7e/ore considering /alsi/ication# ,e ,is+ to call attention
to a /e, o/ t+e properties o/ sentences" A sentence ma.
indicate an a//irmation# an interrogation# or a demand# and
its meaning6tone ,ill incl)de t+e corresponding /eeling#
i"e"# somet+ing resem*ling conviction# do)*t# or insistence"
T+ese /eelings are comm)nicated *. t+e ,ords t+emselves#
t+eir order# and t+e ,a. in ,+ic+ t+e. are said"
Interrogation is conve.ed )s)all. in all t+ree o/ t+ese ,a.s
in a)ditor. ver*ali1ation# and *. a 0)estion6mar- ,+en
,ritten" Ho,ever# in spea-ing# interrogation ma. *e
expressed solel. *. in/lection" i-e,ise# a spo-en
a//irmation ma. conve. greater or less conviction#
depending )pon t+e stress placed )pon certain ,ords"
Incidentall.# in/lection# timing# and emp+asis# are /actors o/
great importance in +.pnotic s)ggestion"
5e +ave alread. pointed o)t t+at in ever. a//irmation
t+ere is t+e element o/ *elie/" T+is element# ,+ic+ is /o)nd
invaria*l.# ,e s+all call a//irmation6tone"
In t+e second o/ t+e t+ree possi*le reactions to t+e
a//irmative s)ggestion listed a*ove# onl. a deep conviction
o/ t+e tr)t+ o/ t+e statement ,as experienced *. t+e s)*<ect"
In ot+er ,ords# in t+e trance state# t+e s)ggestion led t+e
s)*<ect to *elieve t+e a//irmation# *)t not to prod)ce
con/irmator. +all)cinator. experience" Yet t+e a*sence o/
s)c+ +all)cinator. experience does not indicate t+at t+e
s)*<ect ,as /alsi/.ing"
In t+e t+ird possi*le reaction listed# on t+e ot+er +and#
*ot+ *elie/ and con/irmator. +all)cinator. experience ,ere
present" T+is s)pportive activit. ma. proceed all t+e ,a. to
a detailed image6prod)ction" Or it ma. stop s+ort o/ t+is# or
it ma. *e >spott.>66 incomplete in regard to some concepts#
*)t complete in regard to ot+ers" It certainl. can never *e
complete ,+ere t+e s)ggested material# or parts t+ereo/#
mean not+ing to t+e s)*<ect in terms o/ experience" An
+onest s)*<ect ma.# )nder t+ese circ)mstances# do one o/
several t+ings# o/ ,+ic+ t+e /ollo,ing t,o are samples" He
ma. simpl. report no +all)cinator. experience" Or +e ma.
>+ide> t+e )n-no,n entit. in somet+ing /amiliar" T+)s# one
o/ o)r s)*<ects# told t+at +e ,o)ld see a >*rem/ra># reported
seeing a ,oman a parcel" In t+e parcel ,as t+e
It is to *e emp+asi1ed t+at t+e /ail)re o/ a s)*<ect to
report s)pportive or con/irmator. +all)cinator. experience
in no ,a. implies t+at +e is /alsi/.ing" Naive o*servers are
onl. too prone to <)mp to t+e ,rong concl)sion in t+is
regard" One o/ o)r s)*<ects reported# a/ter a /e, seconds o/
+all)cinated activit.# t+at s+e ,as sitting ,it+ a gro)p t+at
,as disc)ssing t+e meaning o/ a certain 0)otation" T+is is
exactl. ,+at +ad *een s)ggested to +er" On in0)ir. as to
,+at t+e. +ad said# s+e replied t+at t+e. +ad said t+at
><)stice is good># t+is *eing not+ing more t+an t+e o*vio)s
meaning o/ t+e 0)otation" V)estioned /)rt+er# s+e insisted
t+at s+e +eard and )nderstood ever. ,ord" 8pon o)r
pointing o)t t+at t+is ,as a ver. meager report on a
conversation t+at s+e said lasted &' min)tes# ,e ,ere again
disappointed *. +er merel. parap+rasing ,+at s+e +ad
alread. said" No,# on t+e /ace o/ it# t+is loo-s li-e
So let )s consider a +.pot+etical ,a-ing sit)ation" Mr" A
meets Mrs" 7 on t+e street" T+e. stop and tal- /or 2'
min)tes a*o)t a certain presidential candidate C" Mr" A is
rat+er impatient# and rat+er *ored# and ver. m)c+ o)t6
tal-ed *. t+e ,oman# ,+o c+atters on at great lengt+"
Soon t+erea/ter# I meet Mr" A# ,+o tells me a*o)t +is
enco)nter" T+en I as- +im some 0)estionsC
V" 5+at did s+e +ave onI
A" I don=t -no," I didn=t notice"
V" 7)t s+e +ad somet+ing on# didn=t s+eI
A" I +ope so" Yes# o/ co)rse s+e did"
V" Ho, long did s+e tal- to .o)I
A" Too long" Ma.*e 2' min)tes" Ma.*e &'"
V" 5+at did s+e tal- a*o)tI
A" A*o)t candidate C"
V" 5+at did s+e sa. a*o)t +imI
A" S+e +opes +e gets *eaten in t+e election"
V" 5+at elseI
A" T+at ,as t+e gist o/ ,+at s+e said"
V" Not+ing moreI
A" S+e tal-ed a lot# *)t t+at ,as a*o)t all s+e said"
V" And .o) mean to sa. t+at .o) listened to +er /or 2'
A" At least"
V" Did .o) +ear and )nderstand ever. ,ordI
A" O/ co)rse I did" 7)t I didn=t pa. eno)g+ attention to
remem*er it all"
No one ,o)ld t+in- t+at Mr" A ,as /alsi/.ing in an. ,a."
He /orgot t+e meaning6tone o/ man. o/ Mrs 7=s sentences#
t+o)g+ +e certainl. +eard ever. ,ord" And# ,+at=s more
important# +e remem*ered# in a sense# ,+at s+e said"
T+is is ver. similar to o)r s)*<ect=s report" T+e di//erence
lies in t+e /act t+at t+e gaps in Mr" A=s report ,ere d)e to
lac- o/ attention# or to /orgetting t+e >s)pporting evidence>"
In o)r s)*<ect=s report# on t+e ot+er +and# t+e gaps ,ere t+e
res)lt o/ t+e /act t+at s+e +ersel/ +ad no ideas on t+e
0)otation ot+er t+an t+e meager report s+e gave o/ t+e con6
7ot+ Mr" A and o)r s)*<ect -ne, t+at t+e. +ad +ad t+e
experience t+e. reported" In t+e case o/ t+e s)*<ect# s+e
-ne, it t+ro)g+ *elie/# +aving accepted t+e a//irmation
contained in t+e s)ggestion# pl)s s)c+ concomitant
+all)cinator. activit. as s+e prod)ced" 5+en one states
,+at one -no,s to *e tr)e# ,e don=t consider it
T+ere are )ndo)*tedl. man. /actors ,+ic+ determine t+e
amo)nt o/ s)pportive +all)cinator. activit." It ,ill var.
according to ,+et+er t+e s)*<ect is to relive a past
experience or to create a ne, one6,+et+er t+e activit. is a
/amiliar one or not6,+et+er it is simple or complex" T+e
s)*<ect=s personalit. ma-e6)p# +is attit)de to,ard t+e tas-#
t+e ,ording o/ t+e s)ggestion# and t+e dept+ o/ t+e trance
are li-e,ise important" !inall.# t+ere are t+ose /actors
,+ic+ determine t+e release o/ material /rom t+e
)nconscio)s" One t+ing is certain6+all)cinations can *e
constr)cted onl. /rom >)nits> ,+ic+ one +as -no,n in past
As a prel)de to presenting t+e experiment reports# it is
advisa*le to o//er t+e /ollo,ing classi/icationsC
O)r disc)ssion o/ meaning6tone ena*les )s to delineate
t+ree stages in its resol)tion# as /ollo,sC Primar. stage# No
resol)tionL Secondar. stage# Partial resol)tion into
component )nits andNor imagesL Tertiar. stage# Complete
resol)tion into images" In a some,+at similar /as+ion# ,e
can consider t+e possi*le t.pes o/ response to t+e
a//irmation# as a ,+ole# expressed in an. s)ggestion" T+ese
AaB Negative response" T+e s)*<ect=s response is similar
to t+at prod)ced *. t+e s)ggestion ,+en given in t+e
,a-ing state" A*B Primar. response" T+ere is t+e experience
o/ *elieving t+e a//irmation to *e tr)e# *)t no s)pportive
+all)cinator. activit." AcB Secondar. response" T+ere is not
onl. *elie/ in t+e tr)t+ o/ t+e a//irmation Aprimar.
responseB# *)t degrees o/ s)pportive +all)cinator.
activit. as ,ell" In some o/ t+e component )nits o/ t+e
a//irmation# +o,ever# t+ere ma. *e eit+er a negative# or a
primar.# response onl." 5e ma.# i/ ,e ,is+# spea- o/
>earl.> or >advanced> secondar. responses" AdB Tertiar.
response" In addition to a primar. response to t+e
a//irmation as a ,+ole# t+ere is a ric+ s)pportive
+all)cinator. prod)ction compara*le# in detail# to ,a-ing
T+is classi/ication permits )s to anal.1e o)r s)*<ect=s
response to a given s)ggested a//irmation# or# as ,ill *e
done *elo,# to t+e component parts t+ereo/" In t+e latter
case# o/ co)rse# eac+ o/ t+ese parts is considered to *e a
>,+ole> in itsel/"
In t+e experiments reported +ere t+e allotted time ,as
one second" T+e /irst t,o are reported ver*atim" T+e letter
E stands /or experimenter# S /or s)*<ect"
2"U E" 5+en I give .o) t+e starting signal *.
>No,># .o) ,ill +ear someone recite t+e /irst verse o/ a
/amiliar poem" No,"6 No, *lan-"
&" E" Tell me ,+at +appened# please"
F" S" I +eard someone recite ( lines o/ >T+e Honest Man>"
(" U E" At t+e next signal# .o)=re going to +ear a verse
/rom a it+)anian poem" No,"6 No, *lan-"
4" E" Tell me ,+at +appened# please"
9" S" I +eard someone reciting ( lines /rom a piece o/
:" E" 5+at lang)age ,as it inI
S" S" Englis+"
3" E" Did .o) )nderstand itI
2'" S" No"
22" E" 5+.I
2&" S" T+e ,ords ,eren=t distinct eno)g+"
2F"U E" At t+e next signal# .o)=re going to +ear anot+er
verse /rom a it+)anian poem in it+)anian" No,"6 No,
2(" E" Tell me ,+at +appened# please"
24" S" I +eard a man=s voice reciting a piece o/
29" E" An.t+ing elseI
2:" S" I co)ldn=t )nderstand it"
2;" E" Can .o) repeat an. o/ itI
23" S" No"
&'"U E" At t+e next signal# .o)=re going to +ear a
it+)anian ,oman tell a*o)t going to mar-et# in
it+)anian" No,"6 No, *lan-"
&2" E" Tell me ,+at +appened# please"
&&" S" I +eard a lad.=s voice tal-ing# and s+e ,as spea-ing
ver. /ast" I co)ldn=t )nderstand +er"
&F"U E" At t+e next signal# .o)=re going to +ear a
it+)anian ,oman tell a*o)t going to mar-et# in
it+)anian# and .o) ,ill )nderstand ,+at s+e=s"
No,"6 No, *lan-"
&(" E" Tell me ,+at +appened# please"
&4" S" I +eard a lad. telling me a*o)t +er trip to t+e
&9" E" An.t+ing elseI
&:" S" I )nderstood ,+at s+e ,as"
&;" E" Can .o) tell me a*o)t itI
&3" S" S+e ,as telling a*o)t t+e nice vegeta*les s+e +ad
/rom t+e mar-et# +o, t+e greens ,ere nice and /res+# and
+o, cro,ded t+e mar-et ,as" AS)*<ect ,as +ere stopped
/rom /)rt+er reporting"B
F'" E" 5+at lang)age did s+e spea-I
F2" S" It ,asn=t Englis+"
F&" E" Are .o) s)re .o) )nderstood +erI
FF" S" Yes"
F(" E" 5+at lang)age ,as it# do .o) -no,I
F4" S" No"
F9" E" 5as it it+)anianI
F:" S" I don=t -no,"
F;" E" 5as it a lang)age .o) )nderstoodI
F3" S" I )nderstood ,+at s+e ,as"
('" E" Did .o) -no, t+e lang)ageI
(2" S" No"
(&" E" Ho,# t+en# co)ld .o) )nderstandI
(F" S" I don=t -no,# *)t I did"
At t+is point# t+e s)*<ect ,as ,a-ed"
((" E" Do .o) +ave an.t+ing to sa. a*o)t t+isI
(4" S" I co)ld +ear +er tal-ing# and all" I )nderstood ,+at
s+e ,as *)t I don=t -no, ,+at lang)age s+e ,as
(9" E" Did .o) )nderstand me to sa. it+)anianI
(:" S" Yes"
(;" E" Have .o) ever +eard t+e ,ord *e/oreI
(3" S" No"
4'" E" Sa. it /or me"
42" S" I can=t prono)nce it"
4&" E" 5as t+e experience realI
4F" S" Yes"
U Asteris- indicates a direct s)ggestion"
In anal.1ing t+ese reports /or s)pportive +all)cinator.
activit.# let )s remem*er t+at ,e m)st loo- /or a response
t+at is more t+an a mere rea//irmation or parap+rasing o/
t+e original s)ggestion"
Response to S)ggestion 2" In & and F# ,e see t+at t+is is a
tertiar. response" T+e s)*<ect +eard /o)r lines /rom a
certain poem t+at s+e +ad memori1ed some time
Response to S)ggestion (" T+is is pro*a*l. an earl.
secondar. response" As seen in (9642# s+e +ad never +eard#
and co)ldn=t even prono)nceL t+e ,ord >it+)anian># ,+ic+
pro*a*l. meant to +er merel. a strange lang)age" Ans,er
;# >Englis+># is t+ere/ore some,+at o/ a s)rprise )ntil it
occ)rs to )s t+at it+)anian poems are translated into Eng6
lis+" Never +aving +eard a it+)anian poem in an.
lang)age# s+e co)ld not prod)ce an.t+ing )nderstanda*le# 3
and 2'" So# as seen in 22 and 2&# ,+at s+e +eard ,as
indistinct" It is a not )ncommon experience to over+ear
indistinct conversations and .et *e /airl. certain t+at t+e.
are in Englis+"
Response to S)ggestion 2F" In vie, o/ t+e evidence# in
t+e s)*<ect=s previo)s report# o/ t+e reso)rce/)lness o/ t+e
)nconscio)s# ,e ,orded 2F in s)c+ a ,a. as to corner +er"
T+e response is a primar. one# 2( t+ro)g+ 23"
Response to S)ggestion &'" Here# ,+ile still s)ggesting
t+at s+e +ear it+)anian# ,e assigned more readil.
prod)ci*le material as t+e topic" T+e response# as seen in
&2 and &&# is earl. secondar.# /or >S+e ,as spea-ing ver.
/ast"> T+at t+e response to t+e ,ord >it+)anian> in
s)ggestions 2F and &' ,as negative is seen in F9 and F:"
Response to S)ggestion &F" S)ggestion &F is t+e same as
&' except t+at t+e additional s)ggestion" >Yo) ,ill
)nderstand ,+at s+e=s> ,as given explicitl. and
T+e s)*<ect=s response is a secondar. one# as seen in &(
and &4# &; and &3# (( and (4" Note t+at s+e insists t+at s+e
)nderstood# &9 and &:# F& and FF# and prod)ced s)pportive
+all)cinator. activit. in t+e /orm o/ +earing a ,oman
tal-ing# as ,ell as s)pportive meaning6tone" In 4' and 4l is
seen +er ina*ilit. to prono)nce t+e ,ord >it+)anian>" In
F; and F3# s+e +ersel/ spontaneo)sl. reveals t+at s+e
experienced t+e meaning6tone o/ t+e ,oman=s ,ords#
alt+o)g+ s+e didn=t -no, +er lang)age# (' and (2# (( and
(4" In (& and (F# s+e stic-s *. +er g)ns# and o//ers no
Incidentall.# it ma. ,ell *e t+at some noct)rnal dreams
consist largel. o/ meaning6tone# ,it+ relativel. little vis)al
or a)ditor. +all)cination" In o)r ,or- on time distortion in
+.pnosis# +o,ever# ,e are interested in o*taining
prod)ctions t+at are >ver. real> in respect to s)c+ +all)ci6
nator. activit."
In neit+er t+e a*ove nor t+e /ollo,ing experiment did ,e
in0)ire concerning vis)al +all)cinator. activit."
2"U E" 5+en I give .o) t+e starting signal# *.
>No,># .o) ,ill +ear a man disc)ss Sc+oenlein=s disease"
No, 6 No, *lan-"
E" No, tell me a*o)t it please"
&" S" I +eard a man disc)ss Sc+oenlcin=s disease"
F" E" Did .o) )nderstand t+e ,ordsI
(" S" No"
4" E" Did .o) +ear t+e ,ordsI
9" S" Yes"
:" E" 5ere t+e. ,ords .o) -ne,I
;" S" Yes"
3" E" Did .o) )nderstand t+emI
2'" S" No"
22"U E" At t+e next signal# .o) ,ill +ear a man disc)ss
Sc+oenlein=s disease# and .o) ,ill )nderstand ,+at +e sa.s"
No, 6 No, *lan-"
E" No, tell me ,+at +appened"
2&" S" I +eard a man disc)ssing Sc+oenlein=s disease"
2F" E" An.t+ing elseI
2(" S" And I )nderstood ,+at +e ,as"
24" E" Tell me ,+at +e said"
29" S" APa)seB6AE" )rged S" to ans,erB" I can=t explain it"
2:" E" Are .o) s)re .o) )nderstoodI
2;" S" Yes"
23" E" 5+. can=t .o) explain it t+enI
&'" S" I can=t explain it li-e +e explained it to me"
&2" E" Explain it to me in .o)r o,n ,ords# t+en"
&&" S" I can=t" I <)st )nderstand it"
&F" E" Are .o) s)re .o) )nderstand itI
&(" S" Yes"
&4" E" PositiveI
&9" S" Yes"
At t+is point t+e s)*<ect ,as ,a-ed"
&:" E" An.t+ing to sa.I
&;" S" I don=t li-e t+em *eca)se I can=t tell .o) ,+at
+appened" I co)ld +ear +im tal-ing and I )nderstood6I even
)nderstood ,+at +e ,as *)t I can=t explain it"
&3" E" Are .o) s)re .o) )nderstoodI
F'" S" Yes"
F2" E" Is t+ere an. 0)estion in .o)r mind a*o)t t+atI
F&" S" No"
FF" E" Do .o) -no, an.t+ing a*o)t Sc+oenlein=s
F(" ;" No"
F4" E" Did .o) ever +ear t+e ,ord *e/oreI
F9" S" No"
F:" E" Did .o) +ear ever. ,ordI
F;" S" Yes" I <)st got a general idea o/ t+e disease +e ,as
F3" E" Can .o) tell it to meI
('" S" No"
(2" E" 5+. notI
(&" S" I <)st can=t explain it t+e ,a. +e explained it"
(F" E" Can .o) explain it in an. ot+er ,a.I
((" S" No" I <)st )nderstood ,+at +e ,as"
U Asteris- indicates a direct s)ggestion"
5e s+all not comment in detail )pon experiment &#
/)rt+er t+an to point o)t t+e >solidit.> o/ conviction s+o,n
in t+e primar. response to t+e a//irmation >and .o) ,ill
)nderstand ,+at +e sa.s#> in 22" It can readil. *e
interpreted in greater detail *. t+e reader# in t+e manner
exempli/ied in t+e /irst one" It is interesting to note#
+o,ever# t+at in &; ,e see evidence o/ t+e desire# on t+e
part o/ a good s)*<ect# to carr. o)t a s)ggestion completel."
Here t+e s)*<ect=s prod)ction# *eca)se t+e term
>Sc+oenlein=s disease> meant ver. little to +er# ,as ver.
meager# and t+is gave +er a /eeling o/ /r)stration"
2"U E" 5+en I give .o) t+e starting signal *.
>No,># .o) ,ill see a little girl" Yo) ,ill pa. special
attention to ,+at s+e is ,earing# so t+at .o) can tell me
a*o)t it" No,6No, *lan-"
E" Tell me a*o)t it please"
&" S" AT+e s)*<ect gave a ver. detailed description o/ a
c+ild ,+o ,as ,aiting /or a *)s" S+e +ad on a *l)e
ging+am dress# ,it+ red trimmings# a nec-lace# and patent
leat+er s+oes"B
F" E" 5+at did s+e loo- li-eI
(" S" AS)*<ect stated t+at s+e ,as a*o)t 22 .ears old# and
descri*ed +er +air and /eat)res"B
4" E" Have .o) ever seen t+e c+ild *e/oreI
9" S" No"
U Asteris- indicates a direct s)ggestion"
Experiment F ill)strates t+e ric+ness o/ t+e response
,+en a +ig+l. meaning/)l tas- ,as assigned"
5e +ave +ad literall. scores o/ t+is o/ report in o)r
st)dies o/ time distortion in +.pnosis# and generall.
interr)pt t+em in order to get along ,it+ t+e ,or-" S)*<ects
are as li-el. to create ne, com*inations o)t o/ /amiliar
smaller )nits o/ experience# as ,as t+e case a*ove# as t+e.
are to prod)ce entire scenes or actions t+at t+e. +ave
act)all. experienced in t+e past" T+is can *e controlled# o/
co)rse# *. direct s)ggestion# and t+is /act raises t+e
possi*ilit. t+at creative t+in-ing mig+t *e s)*<ect to
/acilitation *. t+is tec+ni0)e"
5e +ope t+at ,e +ave s+o,n# *. no,# t+at all t+at
appears to *e /alsi/ication is not s)c+" In /act# ,+en dealing
,it+ an +onest s)*<ect# socalled retrospective /alsi/ication
or ela*oration# in reporting experience# ma. ,ell *e rare"
5e need +ardl. point o)t t+at# ,+en a s)*<ect reports +is
experience o/ conviction# ,e do not consider s)c+ reporting
to *e /alsi/ication" In so doing# +e is tr)t+/)ll. and
acc)ratel. reporting on +is immediate present experience" It
,o)ld seem 0)ite o*vio)s# t+en# t+at /or acc)rate
experimental ,or-# t+e sine 0)a non is to deal onl. ,it+
intrinsicall. +onest individ)als" I/ t+is is done# and reports
are anal.1ed as s+o,n a*ove# t+ere ma. *e removed /rom
+.pnosis t+e stigma t+at no, s)rro)nds it in man. persons=
minds# and t+at expresses t+e ass)mption# *. man.# t+at
most o/ t+e p+enomena are t+e res)lt o/ an attempt on t+e
part o/ t+e s)*<ect# *e it deli*erate or )nconscio)sl.
motivated# to deceive t+e experimenter" D)e to t+is attit)de#
p+enomena t+at ma. ,ell prove to *e o/ great importance
in t+e )nderstanding o/ mind# are vie,ed# ,it+ ><a)ndiced
e.e> and tong)e in c+ee-# as *eing evidence o/ some /orm
o/ tric-er."
As ,or- ,it+ time distortion in +.pnosis +as progressed#
less and less )se +as *een made o/ t+e prod)ction# *. direct
s)ggestion# o/ intervals o/ experiential time As)ggested
personal timeB# and ,e +ave come to place more emp+asis
on t+e prod)ction o/ a series o/ events# eac+ extended in
experiential time" T+ese proceed at a normal or c)stomar.
rate as /ar as t+e s)*<ect is concerned# and +is experiential
time is appropriate" S)c+ an event ma. consist o/ an.t+ing
/rom a simple action# s)c+ as removing a coin /rom a *ox
and placing it on a ta*le# to s)c+ activities as +earing a
piece o/ m)sic# ,atc+ing a movie s+ort# or a game
o/ tennis" T+e val)e o/ s)c+ )nits o/ action is t+at t+e. can
*e co)nted" T+is gives )s a met+od o/ 0)antitating
experience# and o/ controlling it in 0)antitative# as ,ell as
0)alitative# terms" !or instance# ,e ass)me t+at# in a given
allotted time o/# sa.# one second# a s)*<ect ,o)ld
experience a greater n)m*er o/ +all)cinator. events in
removing /rom a *ox and placing on a ta*le 4'' coins# t+an
in doing t+e same ,it+ 2''" It also provides )s ,it+ a sort
o/ >s)*<ective cloc-># since it s)pplies )s ,it+ a series o/
events ,+ic+ can *e co)nted" Since t+ese +all)cinated
activities are remem*ered# ,e nat)rall. ass)me t+at t+e.
ma-e some sort o/ impress )pon t+e central nervo)s
s.stem# and are pro*a*l. accompanied *. electrical
activit." T+is at once raises t+e 0)estion as to ,+et+er# *.
prod)cing a large n)m*er o/ se0)ential +all)cinated events
in a ver. *rie/ interval as meas)red *. a stop6,atc+#
properl. placed intracere*ral electrodes mig+t not s+o,
evidence o/ s)c+ electrical activit.# ,+ic+ ,o)ld var. ,it+
t+e >amo)nt> o/ experience"
It ma. ,ell *e t+at t+e in/ant is )na,are o/ an ego6
nonego di//erence" I/ so# at t+is period t+ere can *e# /or
+im# onl. experience A,it+o)t an experiencerB# 0)alitativel.
+eterogeneo)s# and increasingl. so as se0)ential events
/ollo, one anot+er" T+ro)g+ vision# at least# +e earl.
-no,s experiential space# and motion t+erein# and +is
random movements *ring m)c+ ne, experience to +im#
,+ite memor. ma-es possi*le ideation# and +e event)all.
/inds t+at +e can vol)ntaril. c+ange +is experience t+ro)g+
movement" It is +ere# possi*l.# t+at +e /irst *ecomes a,are
o/ t+e ego6s)*<ect"
Since directed t+o)g+t# at t+is period in development# is
pro*a*l. ver. limited# ,e can ass)me t+at volition is prett.
,ell con/ined to c+anging t+e spatial relations o/ t+at large
segment o/ +is experience t+at is ordered in experiential
space# and ,+ic+ ,ill later come to constit)te# /or +im# t+e
>p+.sical> ,orld" In /act# t+e onl. ,a. in ,+ic+ +e can
c+ange t+is portion o/ +is experience is to move its
component )nits" Indeed# in t+e last anal.sis# man=s
progress in >con0)ering> nat)re# ,+et+er it *e exempli/ied
*. t+e *)ilding o/ a great dam# or *. t+e e//ecting o/
n)clear /ission# +as *een made solel. *. rearranging# in
experiential space# certain portions o/ +is experience t+at
are ordered t+erein"
Event)all. o)r erst,+ile in/ant +as not onl. made t+e
ego6nonego di//erentiation# *)t +e divides experience into
,+at +e calls a >p+.sical> ,orld# o/ ,+ic+ +is *od. is a
)ni0)e part# and a >s)*<ective> ,orld" He is li-el. to /orget
t+at *ot+ are still experience" Ever. time +e moves a /inger
or pic-s )p an o*<ect +e is merel. c+anging t+e pattern o/
t+at /orm o/ experience t+at is ordered in experiential
space# <)st as# in directed t+o)g+t# +e is c+anging t+e
pattern o/ anot+er segment o/ +is experience" And alt+o)g+
+is t+o)g+ts# +is /eelings# or +is dreams# are di//erent /rom
t+e gra.ness# coldness# and resistance to +is moving +and
t+at go to ma-e )p t+e stone ,all t+at +e examines# still# all
are experience# all can *e recalled# and all can *e
T+e ego6nonego relation is a most *a//ling one" Its parts
are di//erent# .et insepara*le" 5e can /oc)s o)r attention
)pon an. segment o/ o)r experience# /rom t+e vie, ,e
ga1e )pon to o)r innermost t+o)g+ts and /eelings# *)t t+e
el)sive experiencer6t+e ego6s)*<ect# can never *e >ca)g+t>"
Since t+e ego seems to +ave *een derived /rom experience
itsel/# possi*l. ,e s+o)ld consider serio)sl. Prospero=s
declaration t+at# >5e are s)c+ st)// as dreams are made
It ,o)ld seem t+at volition necessaril. implies ideation#
,+ic+ de/ines t+e act to *e carried o)t# *e it one o/
movement# or o/ directed t+o)g+t# a//irmation# in0)ir.#
<)dgment# decision# etc" T+)s t+e ,a-ing individ)al *rings
a*o)t directed c+ange in experience t+ro)g+ t+e medi)m o/
t+e idea# t+at is# meaning tone andNor imager."
In t+e +.pnoti1ed s)*<ect# ,e +ave t+e same mec+anism#
*)t a /ar greater variet. o/ experience is s)*<ect to c+ange#
t+is c+ange *eing primaril. determined *. t+e meaning6
tone aro)sed *. t+e ,ords ,+ic+ t+e s)*<ect +ears" 5it+ a
>good> s)*<ect# ,it+in t+e /rame,or- o/ +is )nderstanding
and +is past experience# +is entire /ield o/ a,areness ma.
*e altered" T+is ma.# and /re0)entl. does# incl)de
volitional activit." Pro*a*l. an. sort o/ experience can *e
prod)ced# /rom drive# /eeling# emotion# and ideation# to
+all)cinator. prod)ctions constr)cted /rom )nits o/ past
experience ordered in experiential space"
2" Time distortion can *e demonstrated in t+e ma<orit.
o/ s)*<ects in ,+om a moderatel. deep trance can *e
&" In all pro*a*ilit.# t+e s)*<ects act)all. +ave t+e
experiences t+e. allege" I/ t+is *e tr)e# t+en time sense can
*e deli*eratel. altered to a predetermined degree *.
+.pnotic s)ggestion# and s)*<ects can +ave an amo)nt o/
experience )nder t+ese conditions t+at is more nearl. com6
mens)rate ,it+ t+e s)*<ective time involved t+an ,it+ t+e
,orld time" T+is activit.# ,+ile seeming to proceed at a
normal or nat)ral rate as /ar as t+e s)*<ect is concerned#
act)all. ta-es place ,it+ great rapidit."
F" Retrospective /alsi/ication or ela*oration does not
enter into t+e s)*<ects= reports# ,+en t+e s)*<ects are
properl. selected"
(" T+ese experiences d)ring distorted time are
4" T+o)g+t# )nder time distortion# ,+ile apparentl.
proceeding at a normal rate /rom t+e s)*<ect=s point o/
vie,# can ta-e place ,it+ extreme rapidit. relative to
,orld time" S)c+ t+o)g+t ma. *e s)perior# in certain
respects# to ,a-ing t+o)g+t"
9" T+ere is some evidence t+at t+e recover. o/ material
/rom t+e )nconscio)s can *e /acilitated"
:" T+ere is some evidence t+at creative t+o)g+t can *e
;" T+ere is little evidence t+at motor learning can *e
/acilitated# *)t t+e pro*lem deserves /)rt+er st)d.#
especiall. in vie, o/ reports on >imaginar. learning> in
t+e ,a-ing state"
3" T+ere are some /indings t+at s)ggest t+at nonmotor
learning can *e /acilitated"
2'" 5e +ave done a good deal o/ ,or- to determine
,+et+er or not mat+ematical mental activit. can *e
/acilitated and# to date# t+e ans,er is t+at it cannot" T+e
sort o/ +all)cinator. activit. t+at ,e see in time distortion
in +.pnosis is *)ilt )p /rom )nits o/ past experience# made
availa*le *. association" T+e solving o/ simple
mat+ematical and coding pro*lems pro*a*l. involves
some ot+er /actor t+at cannot operate in distorted time"
22" Onl. t+ose activities ,+ic+ can *e constr)cted /rom
elements o/ past experience or ne, com*inations t+ereo/#
can proceed# in distorted time# at an increased rate relative
to ,orld time" T+e solving o/ mat+ematical pro*lems
o*vio)sl. does not /all into t+is categor.# /or t+e ans,er is
not to *e /o)nd in t+e s)*<ect=s past experience"
2&" T+ese experiments s)ggest t+at it is possi*le# *.
means o/ time distortion in +.pnosis# /or a s)*<ect to
experience a stip)lated n)m*er o/ events in a >cloc- time>
interval o/ t+e experimenter=s c+oosing" T+is can *e rigidl.
controlled" T+)s# in a 46second interval *. t+e cloc-# a
s)*<ect can *e made to experience 2' events# similar in
nat)re and o/ e0)al seeming d)ration" T+en# in anot+er 46
second interval *. t+e cloc-# +e can *e made to experience
2#''' events similar to t+e previo)s 2'" T+is means t+at
experience per se can *e isolated and treated in terms o/
co)nta*le events" In ot+er ,ords# t+e 0)antitation o/
experience ,o)ld seem to *e possi*le" 5+et+er or not an.
correlation can *e /o)nd *et,een t+e >magnit)de> o/ t,o
s)c+ gro)ps o/ co)nta*le events A*ased on t+e n)m*er o/
eventsB and p+.siological or ot+er ps.c+ological
processes# remains to *e seen"
T+e Clinical and
T+erape)tic Applications o/
Time Distortion
Milton H" Eric-son# M"D"
T+e Clinical and T+erape)tic
Applications o/ Time
T+e discover. or development o/ a ne, concept in
science poses di//ic)lt 0)estions concerning its de/inition
and its event)al signi/icances and applications" In t+e
experimental ,or- constit)ting t+e ma<or part o/ t+is *oo-#
t+e term >Time Distortion> +as *een )sed as o//ering a
reasona*l. concise ,a. o/ expressing a met+odolog. /or a
st)d. o/ time itsel/ as one o/ t+e essential elements in t+e
experience o/ +)man living" To so emp+asi1e time as an
integral part o/ +)man experience ma. *e considered trite#
*)t it is not trite to recogni1e time as an element /)ll. as
,ort+. o/ investigation as an. ot+er /actor in +)man living"
Yet s)c+ investigative st)dies +ave *een serio)sl.
neglected" !rom recognition o/ t+is oversig+t and long
interest in t+e experiential signi/icance o/ time came t+e
senior a)t+or=s impet)s /or t+e /oregoing experimental
In s+aring ,it+ +im a small part o/ t+e experimental
st)dies# t+is ,riter *ecame interested in t+e 0)estion o/ t+e
clinical and t+erape)tic applications o/ t+e experimental
/indings" T+e p)*lication o/ t+e /irst experimental st)d. AFB
s)ggested de/inite possi*ilities o/ ne, and *etter
)nderstandings o/ ps.c+ological /)nctionings and#
conse0)entl.# o/ di//erent and more searc+ing proced)res
and met+odologies in dealing ,it+ ps.c+ological pro*lems"
S)*se0)ent experimental st)dies and tentative applications
o/ t+e /indings to clinical ,or- con/irmed t+at /irst
impression" In t+e second experimental st)d. A(B# t+ese
impressions +ave *een disc)ssed in t+e /orm o/ a general
s)mmar. as /ollo,sC
!oremost to t+is ,riter are t+e implications o/ time distortion
in t+e /ield o/ ps.c+ot+erap." Certainl. no one 0)estions t+e
importance o/ t+e s)*<ective experiential li/e o/ t+e individ)al#
nor t+e present )nsatis/actor.# la*orio)s# timecons)ming# and
)nscienti/ic met+ods o/ st) it"
5+at constit)tes a s)*<ective realit.I O/ ,+at seemingl.
pertinent and irrelevant elements is it comprisedI In ,+at ,a. is
it integrated into t+e total li/e o/ t+e personI 5+at sel/6expressive
p)rposes does it serve /or t+e personalit.I 5+at determines its
validit.I Ho, does it di//er /rom a memor.# a dream# a /antas.
and /rom retrospective /alsi/icationI In ,+at ,a. is it distorted
*. present met+ods o/ conc)rrent or retrospective reporting# and
+o, m)c+ time does it re0)ireI All o/ t+ese considerations are
to)c+ed )pon eit+er directl. or indirectl. in t+is st)d. and eac+
o/ t+em constit)tes a signi/icant pro*lem in ps.c+ot+erap.# to
sa. not+ing o/ ps.c+olog. in general"
T+e girl ,+o# in an allotted 2' seconds# s)*<ectivel.
experienced in vol)mino)s detail a F'6min)te a)tomo*ile ride
)pon ,+ic+ a report co)ld *e made ,it+ >stills> o/ t+e scenes#
demonstrated a c+allenging possi*ilit. o/ a ne, approac+ to t+e
exploration o/ t+e experiential past o/ t+e individ)al"
T+e s)*<ect ,+o /o)nd it impossi*le to demonstrate in t+e
,a-ing state +er experiential *e+avior in pic-ing /lo,ers *eca)se
it ,as )nder a >di//erent> time limit and ,or- limit# and .et#
,ee-s later in a trance state ,as a*le to demonstrate in act)al
accord ,it+ t+e previo)s /indings# discloses t+e possi*ilit. o/
controlled st)dies o/ s)*<ective realities"
Del)sions and +all)cinations +ave long constit)ted intrig)ing
pro*lems" T+e. are s)*<ective realities accepted *. t+e person as
o*<ective realities" Yet# one o/ o)r experimental s)*<ects
experienced dragging a *as-et o/ apples ,it+ s)c+ vividness t+at
+e expected t+e experimenter to note +is /orced respirations#
,+ic+# similar to t+e *as-et# ,ere onl. s)*<ectivel. real"
Nevert+eless# +e recogni1ed t+e total experience as entirel.
s)*<ective *)t did so ,it+o)t it losing t+e experiential /eeling o/
its o*<ective realit." Experimental st)dies patterned /rom t+is and
t+e ot+er similar /indings a*ove mig+t lead to a *etter
)nderstanding o/ pat+ological del)sions and +all)cinations"
T+eories o/ learning and memor. are constantl. in need o/
revision ,it+ eac+ ne, development in experimental st)dies in
t+ose /ields" In t+is regard# t+e /indings on t+e s)*<ect ,+o# in an
allotted 2' seconds# too- a long ,al- and developed a
conditioned response reaction *. *eing ><olted> *. an inter<ected
so)nd signal# pose de/inite pro*lems /or researc+ on learning#
memor.# and conditioning"
Similar is t+e instance o/ t+e violinist ,+o# in allotted 2'6
second periods# s)*<ectivel. experienced vario)s
compositions ,it+ practice e//ects as attested *. a competent
critic" S)*se0)ent to t+is st)d.# s+e made )se o/ +er >special
personal time> to experience s)*<ectivel. practicing a di//ic)lt
long6/orgotten composition# and t+en pla.ed it s)ccess/)ll. in
realit. /rom memor. ,it+o)t +aving seen t+e ,ritten m)sic /or
In t+is same connection# one ma. spec)late )pon t+e role o/
motor /)nctioning in mental learning since t+is violinist
s)*<ectivel. experienced t+e total process o/ t+e violin#
st) t+e ,ritten m)sic# and memori1ing it# ,+ile s)pine
and inactive# and .et demonstrated t+e act)al e//ects o/ realit.
A tempting experimental st)d. *ased on t+ese /indings ,o)ld
*e t+e ex+i*ition o/ a /orm *oard to naive s)*<ects and +aving
t+em in special personal time# at an +all)cinator. level# practice
assem*ling it" T+e /indings o/ t+is st)d. ,arrant t+e ass)mption
t+at# even as motor activit. /acilitates learning in ever.da.
realit.# s)*<ective motor activit.# as contrasted to o*<ective# is an
e//ective aid to memor. and learning"
Anot+er interesting# act)all. signi/icant /inding *ears )pon
t+e validit. o/ t+e experiential realities to t+e s)*<ects# negates
ass)mptions o/ retrospective /alsi/ication# and serves to con/irm
t+e /indings o/ vario)s competent experimenters t+at +.pnosis
cannot *e )sed to ind)ce anti6social *e+avior" T+is ,as t+e dis6
cover.# in several instances# t+at s)ggested +all)cinator.
activities ,ere )nexpectedl. regarded as o*<ectiona*le *. t+e
s)*<ects" T+e reactions ,ere essentiall. t+e same in all cases and
can *e ill)strated *. t+e /ollo,ing example"
T+e s)*<ect ,as instr)cted to experience +ersel/ in t+e role o/
a ps.c+ologist co)nseling a client relative to a pro*lem
involving epileps." Alt+o)g+ ,illing to serve as a co)nselor# t+e
experiential realit. o/ t+e sit)ation ,as so great t+at s+e co)ld
not tolerate t+e tas- o/ dealing ,it+ t+e pro*lem *eca)se s+e /elt
t+at epileps. ,as *e.ond t+e rig+t/)l scope o/ a ps.c+ologist
and t+at an. co)nseling s+e mig+t o//er ,o)ld *e )net+ical"
Accordingl.# s+e re/erred +er +all)cinator. client to a medical
man and developed intense resentment and +ostilit. to,ard t+e
experimenter /or calling )pon +er to violate# even at a s)*<ective
level# +er personal code o/ et+ics"
5+ile m)c+ co)ld *e said a*o)t t+e implications o/ time
distortion and t+e experimental /indings reported +ere in relation
to concepts o/ gestalt ps.c+olog.# t+e molar ps.c+olog. o/
Tolman# H)ll=s modern *e+aviorism and !re)dian ps.c+olog.#
t+is ,ill *e le/t to t+e special interests o/ t+e reader" Time and its
relations+ips constit)tes a signi/icant element in all
ps.c+ological /)nctioning no matter /rom ,+at sc+ool o/
t+o)g+t it is vie,ed" Hence# an. st)d. dealing ,it+ t+e element
o/ time itsel/ in ps.c+ological /)nctioning m)st necessaril. +ave
important *earing )pon ever. sc+ool o/ t+o)g+t# and t+is
concept o/ time distortion o//ers a ne, approac+ to man.
ps.c+ological pro*lems"
A /inal item o/ special interest to t+is ,riter centers aro)nd t+e
pro*lem so pertinent in researc+ in clinical ps.c+olog. and
ps.c+ot+erap.# namel.# t+e pro*lem o/ +o, to create /or a
s)*<ect or a patient a sit)ation in ,+ic+ to respond ,it+ valid
s)*<ective realit." Certainl.# t+is st)d. indicates t+e possi*ilit.
o/ m)c+ more rigoro)s controlled researc+ ,it+ time as aid
rat+er t+an as *arrier"
Since t+e p)*lication o/ t+e a*ove# opport)nities +ave
arisen /rom time to time to )tili1e or to adapt vario)s
experimental /indings in clinical and t+erape)tic ,or-"
Ho,ever# it m)st *e noted t+at experimental st)dies and
clinical ,or- *elong to di//erent categories o/ endeavor" In
t+e /ormer# rigoro)s controls m)st *e exercised and t+e
o*<ect is t+e determination o/ possi*ilities and pro*a*ilities"
In clinical ,or-# t+e ,el/are o/ t+e patient transcends all
ot+er matters# and controls and scienti/ic exactit)des o/
proced)re m)st give ,a. to t+e experiential needs o/ t+e
patient in t+e t+erape)tic sit)ation" Anot+er o/ meas)re
o/ validit.# di//erent /rom t+e controlled scienti/ic
met+odolog. o/ experimental proced)re# +olds in clinical
,or-" S)c+ a meas)re is constit)ted *. t+e t+erape)tic
res)lts t+at can *e de/initel. related to t+e proced)re
emplo.ed and ,+ic+ are )nderstanda*l. derived /rom it"
Since t+e clinical sit)ation o/ ps.c+ot+erap. is not a
Procr)stean *ed# )tili1ation o/ experimental /indings and
concepts m)st necessaril. depend )pon t+e patient=s needs
and desires and t+e attendant circ)mstances" It can not *e a
matter o/ /)rt+ering special interests o/ t+e t+erapist"
Hence# an. )tili1ation m)st a,ait t+e opport)nities and oc6
casions presented *. t+e patient and not represent a planned
proced)re esta*lis+ed o)t o/ context ,it+ t+e developing
needs o/ t+e patient in t+erap."
!)rt+ermore# t+e concept o/ time distortion does not
constit)te in itsel/ a /orm o/ ps.c+ot+erap." Rat+er# it o//ers
a met+od *. ,+ic+ access can *e gained to t+e experiential
li/e o/ t+e patient" An. t+erap. res)lting derives /rom a
separate process o/ reordering t+e signi/icances and val)es
o/ t+e patient=s experiential s)*<ective and o*<ective
T+e /ollo,ing case reports are t+ose o/ patients ,+o
presented an opport)nit. to investigate t+e applica*ilit. o/
time distortion to ps.c+ot+erape)tic pro*lems" T+ese
reports are presented relativel. *rie/l. and emp+asis is
placed )pon t+e salient points" No e//ort +as *een made to
ela*orate extensivel. )pon t+e d.namics o/ t+e individ)al
case# since t+e p)rpose o/ t+e reports is to demonstrate as
clearl. as possi*le t+e pro*lem# t+e sit)ation and t+e
circ)mstances ,+ic+ led to t+e )tili1ation o/ time
distortion# and t+e res)lts o*tained"
T+e /irst case +istor. ill)strates an )n,itting and
)nintentional spontaneo)s )tili1ation o/ time distortion *. a
patient previo)s to Cooper=s initial p)*lication" It is
presented *eca)se it demonstrates not onl. t+e )se o/ time
distortion *)t +o,# in t+e ordinar. co)rse o/ ps.c+ot+erap.#
an opport)nit. can arise /or t+e )tili1ation o/ time
distortion" Needless to sa.# at t+e time o/ t+is occ)rrence#
t+is ,riter ,as at a loss to )nderstand ,+at +ad +appened#
*)t it laid t+e /o)ndation /or a pro/o)nd interest in Cooper=s
/irst p)*lication /o)r .ears later"
T+e patient# an artist in +is earl. t+irties# so)g+t t+erap.
primaril. /or marital pro*lems and secondaril. /or
personalit. di//ic)lties" D)ring t+erap.# despite +is s)ccess
in t+e /ield o/ portraits# landscapes and still li/e painting# +e
/elt extremel. /r)strated *eca)se +e +ad not painted a circ)s
pict)re" !or more t+an ten .ears# even previo)s to +is
marriage# +e +ad +opelessl. desired to paint s)c+ a pict)re
*)t +ad not even s)cceeded in ma-ing a preliminar. s-etc+"
He +ad not even *een a*le to t+in- s)//icientl. clearl. on
t+e s)*<ect to spec)late on ,+at /ig)res or scenes +e mig+t
,is+ to portra." T+e entire pro<ect remained a vag)e
)nde/ined >circ)s pict)re>"
Alt+o)g+ +is ot+er pro*lems ,ere clari/ied d)ring
mont+s o/ t+erap.# not+ing ,as accomplis+ed in t+is
regard" Even pro/o)nd somnam*)listic +.pnotic trances#
,it+ vario)s tec+ni0)es# elicited onl. t+e explanation# >I=m
completel. *loc-ed mentall." I can=t t+in- an. /)rt+er t+an
Kcirc)s pict)re="> He co)ld not even s-etc+ a possi*le
composition plan o/ vertical and +ori1ontal lines# +is )s)al
met+od o/ ,or-ing o)t preliminar. s-etc+es"
Since t+e patient ,is+ed /)rt+er t+erap. in t+is
connection# a deep trance ,as ind)ced and +e ,as given t+e
/ollo,ing post6+.pnotic s)ggestionsC
2" Stretc+ a large canvas in t+e neig+*or+ood o/ &( x ('
inc+es" It ma. *e larger or smaller6possi*l. a golden
&" Sec)re a more t+an ade0)ate ne, s)ppl. o/ paint
t)*es and pigments and set t+em )p as i/ in preparation
/or painting"
F" Ma-e o)t a dail. +o)rl. sc+ed)le /or t+e next t+ree
mont+s# *loc-ing o)t +o)rs t+at mig+t *e )sed /or
painting t+e circ)s pict)re A+is )s)al proced)re in
planning a ne, paintingB"
He ,as t+en a,a-ened and dismissed ,it+ an amnesia
/or trance events"
A /e, da.s later# ,it+ no reali1ation o/ t+e post6+.pnotic
nat)re o/ +is per/ormance# +e reported t+at +e +ad made a
time sc+ed)le /or t+e next t,o mont+s" T+is sc+ed)le
,o)ld permit +im# i/ +e ,or-ed +ard# to /inis+ +is present
commitments ,it+in t,o ,ee-s" T+en# over t+e remaining
period# t+ere ,o)ld *e *loc-s o/ time totalling sevent.
+o)rs ,+ic+ +e ,o)ld reserve a*sol)tel. /or an e//ort to
paint a circ)s pict)re" No mention ,as made in relation to
t+e ot+er post6+.pnotic s)ggestions"
He ,as +.pnoti1ed deepl. and instr)cted to /)l/ill +is
c)rrent commitments ade0)atel." T+en +e ,as to set a*o)t
t+is proposed pro<ect# ,or-ing slo,l.# care/)ll. and
painsta-ingl. as +e al,a.s did# ,it+o)t r)s+ing or
+)" In so doing# t+e sevent. allotted +o)rs ,o)ld pass
,it+ )tter and incredi*le speed" Yet +e ,o)ld ,or-
satis/.ingl. and at a normal tempo" AT+e intended p)rpose
o/ t+is instr)ction ,as to prevent +im /rom /eeling t+e
*)rden o/ a long6contin)ed tas-"B
All o/ t+is instr)ction ,as emp+aticall. and repetitio)sl.
given to ins)re ade0)ate )nderstanding"
T,o da.s later a +ig+l. excited telep+one call ,as
received /rom +im# as-ing /or an immediate intervie,"
His stor. ,as as /ollo,sC 5+ile completing a c)rrent
pict)re# +e ceased ,or- to eat +is l)nc+ o/ sand,ic+es in
t+e st)dio" 5+ile so doing# +e decided to stretc+ a ne,
canvas# t+in-ing vag)el. t+at +e mig+t )se it /or t+e
pro<ected pict)re"
T+is done# +e pic-ed )p t+e remainder o/ +is sand,ic+
and /o)nd it inexplica*l. dr." P)11led *. t+is# +e c+anced
to loo- at t+e stretc+ed canvas and ,as )tterl. ama1ed to
/ind a /res+l. completed oil painting o/ a circ)s scene" 5it+
intense c)riosit. +e examined it care/)ll.# /eeling
exceedingl. pleased and satis/ied ,it+ it" S)ddenl. +e sa,
+is signat)re in t+e corner A,+ic+ +e ordinaril. appended
rit)alisticall. onl. ,+en +e +ad given +is /inal approval to
+is ,or-B and noted at t+e same time t+at t+e st.le o/
painting ,as +is o,n" Immediatel. +e +ad r)s+ed to t+e
telep+one# o*serving on t+e ,a. t+at t+e cloc- gave t+e
+o)r as 9C'' p"m" All t+e more *e,ildered# +e +ad
telep+oned# >Somet+ing=s +appened" Can I see .o)
rig+t a,a.I> To t+is acco)nt +e added# >5+at +appenedI
5+at +appenedI>
Since +e +ad *ro)g+t t+e pict)re ,it+ +im# +e ,as
0)estioned a*o)t it" T+e per/orming dog in it ,as reall. a
neig+*or=sL t+e e0)estrienne ,as +is recentl. ac0)ired
second ,i/e# t+e clo,n ,as +imsel/# and t+e !erris ,+eel
,as one +is present ,i/e +ad recentl. descri*ed in a
reminiscence" Yet t+e painting as a circ)s pict)re ,as more
t+an satis/.ing to +im as a person and as a critical artist" AAt
art ex+i*itions in vario)s states# critics +ave all *een most
/avora*le in t+eir comments"B
He ,as m)c+ p)11led *. +is replies to t+e 0)estioning
and -ept reiterating# >It=s t+e circ)s pict)re I=ve al,a.s
,anted *)t it=s got not+ing to do ,it+ an. ideas I ever +ad
a*o)t a circ)s pict)re" It=s mineL it=s a circ)s pict)reL it=s
,+at I ,ant" 7)t ,+at +appenedI>
He ,as +.pnoti1ed and as-ed to explain"
>5+en I +ad t+e canvas stretc+ed li-e .o) told me to#
I -ne, I +ad plent. o/ time" So I ,or-ed on it as slo,l.
and as care/)ll. as I co)ld" I painted <)st t+e ,a. I
al,a.s do6slo,l." And I +ad tro)*le# too" I -ne, t+e
clo,n=s coat +ad to *e *l)e and t+e ri**on and t+e
!erris ,+eel also" T+e. +ad to *e t+e same s+ade o/
*l)e *)t a di//erent *l)e" I )sed di//erent pigments /or
eac+ one# and it ,as an a,/)l slo, <o* mixing t+ose
di//erent pigment com*inations to get t+e same s+ade
o/ color" And I +ad tro)*le ,it+ t+e +orse=s mane" I
,anted to ,or- o)t an entirel. ne, tec+ni0)e /or t+at
and I /inall. s)cceeded" AT+e critics also commented
/avora*l. on t+at item o/ tec+ni0)e"B 7)t I didn=t +ave
to +)rr. *eca)se I +ad plent. o/ time" And t+en ,+en I
+ad it /inis+ed# I st)died it a long time# ma-ing s)re
t+at it ,as all rig+t and ,+en I ,as /inall. s)re# I
signed it" T+en I pic-ed )p m. sand,ic+ and ,o-e )p"
I didn=t remem*er a t+ing and ,+en I sa, t+e pict)re I
got p)11led and scared" I even examined t+e st)dio
doors6t+e. ,ere still loc-ed on t+e inside" So I -ne,
t+at I +ad *etter see .o) in a +)rr." 7)t it is a good
pict)re" 7e s)re .o) +elp me to -no, t+at I reall.
painted it">
5+ile +e no, -no,s +e painted it# +is general
)nderstanding o/ t+e entire matter is s-etc+. and vag)e *)t
+is satis/action is )nc+anged" A .ear later +e commented
on t+e >c)rio)s /act> t+at in da.lig+t t+e t+ree s+ades o/
*l)e are identical *)t t+at )nder di//erent lig+ting e//ects
t+e. are dissimilar" !rom t+is +e +ad >ded)ced> t+at +e
>m)st +ave )sed di//erent pigments">
T+erap. ,as terminated a /e, sessions a/ter t+e
completion o/ t+e pict)re"
Regardless o/ t+e d.namics involved# t+e +.pnotic
s)ggestions given# and t+e p)rposes served /or t+e patient#
one /)ndamental /act remains" T+is is# t+at a tas- conceived
o/ as re0)iring# on t+e *asis o/ long experience# a total o/
a*o)t sevent. +o)rs# ,as accomplis+ed in six ,it+ no
-no,n preliminar. preparation# at a totall. )nexpected time
and in a /as+ion alien to esta*lis+ed patterns o/ *e+avior
and ,or-" T+e parallelism *et,een t+is report and man. o/
t+e experimental /indings reported in t+e /irst part o/ t+is
*oo- is at once o*vio)s and pertinent"
T+is next case report is decidedl. di//erent" It is an
example o/ t+e intentional t+erape)tic )se o/ time distortion
as a conse0)ence o/ a /ail)re to sec)re res)lts *. ot+er
met+ods" And since t+erap. ,as t+e desired goal# t+ere ,as
no opport)nit. to )tili1e t+e clinical sit)ation to
demonstrate time distortion per se" Rat+er# its existence as a
realit. in t+e sit)ation ,as ass)med and all e//orts ,ere
directed to t+e sec)ring o/ t+erape)tic res)lts as a direct
o)tcome o/ its )tili1ation"
T+e patient ,as a t+irt.6.ear6old t,ice6married ,oman
,+o ,as -no,n to +ave s)//ered /rom rec)rrent episodes o/
+.sterical amnesia c+aracteri1ed *. essentiall. complete
personal disorientation" T+ese attac-s dated /rom t,o .ears
prior to +er second marriage six .ears ago" Since it +ad
*een a +ast. ,ar6time marriage# +er second +)s*and -ne,
practicall. not+ing a*o)t +er past except t+at s+e ,as a
,ido, ,it+ t,o c+ildren# and t+at s+e +ad rec)rrent >sic-
spells ,+en s+e didn=t -no, not+ing>"
S+e ,as /irst seen in cons)ltation ,+ile +ospitali1ed ,it+
amnesia" S+e gave t+e date as 23F( and descri*ed +ersel/ as
a ,oman *)t co)ld give no ot+er in/ormation" S+e did not
recogni1e +er name# +er +)s*and or +er c+ildren" S+e
complained o/ a severe +eadac+e and +er appearance and
*e+avior corro*orated t+is complaint"
S+e made# as ,as )s)al /or +er# a s)dden spontaneo)s
recover. a/ter t+ree ,ee-s in t+e +ospital and le/t +)rriedl.
in a state o/ terror )pon discovering ,+ere s+e ,as"
S+e ,as seen at +ome t+e next da." S+e ,as /)ll.
oriented *)t still /rig+tened" S+e explained t+at man. times
in t+e past s+e +ad s)ddenl. a,a-ened in a +ospital a/ter
*eing )nconscio)s /or da.s at a time or even ,ee-s"
Ho,ever# s+e ,as )ncooperative a*o)t /)rt+er 0)estioning
or t+erap."
S+e ,as seen again /ive mont+s later" D)ring t+at time
t+ere +ad *een a n)m*er o/ *rie/ amnesic periods d)ring
,+ic+ s+e +ad *een cared /or at +ome *. constant
s)pervision" No, s+e ,as again amnesic and t+e onl.
in/ormation t+at co)ld *e elicited ,as t+at s+e ,as a
,oman and t+e .ear ,as 23F(" S+e ,as +ospitali1ed and
+eavil. sedated /or a ,ee-" S+e t+en made +er )s)al s)dden
spontaneo)s recover. *)t t+is time s+e ,as cooperative
a*o)t t+erap."
S+e ,as intervie,ed dail. /or t+e next t+ree mont+s /rom
t,o to /o)r +o)rs eac+ da." Onl. a scant. o)tline +istor. o/
+er present marriage co)ld *e o*tained" As /or +er previo)s
li/e experiences# s+e -ne, onl. t+at s+e +ad *een ,ido,ed#
*)t not t+e .ear# alt+o)g+ s+e -ne, t+e *irt+dates o/ +er
c+ildren" Not+ing more o/ apparent signi/icance ,as
elicited" Mention o/ t+e date 23F( ,as ,it+o)t an.
apparent meaning to +er" S+e expressed do)*ts a*o)t t+e
correctness o/ +er /irst name" T+is lac- o/ -no,ledge o/ +er
past ,as most /rig+tening to +er and ever. in0)ir. ca)sed
+er intense anxiet."
Concerning +er amnesic states# s+e regarded t+em as
periods o/ )nconscio)sness" S+e descri*ed t+em most
)nsatis/actoril." T.pical o/ +er acco)nts is t+e /ollo,ingC
>5+en I ,o-e )p in t+e +ospital# t+e last t+ing I
remem*ered ,as ,al-ing do,n t+e street ,+en a tr)c-
came along"> Or# it co)ld +ave *een going to t+e store or
reading a ne,spaper"
D)ring t+ose /irst t+ree mont+s ever. possi*le e//ort ,as
made to sec)re some )nderstanding o/ +er pro*lem" Since
s+e proved to *e an excellent s)*<ect# ever. +.pnotic
tec+ni0)e -no,n to t+e ,riter ,as emplo.ed to no avail"
5+ile s+e co)ld *e regressed in age# s)c+ regression ,as
limited to t+e relativel. normal +app. periods o/ t+e past
eig+t .ears" Indeed# ever. e//ort to reconstr)ct +er past *.
,+atever tec+ni0)e ,as restricted to some limited period o/
t+e recent past" A)tomatic ,riting and dra,ing# cr.stal
ga1ing# dream activit.# mirror ,riting# /ree association#
random )tterances Ai"e"# ever. /i/t+# eig+t or tent+ ,ord t+at
comes to mindB# depersonali1ation# disorientation#
identi/ication ,it+ ot+ers# dissociation tec+ni0)es and ot+er
met+ods ,ere /)tile" Yet it ,as o*vio)s t+at s+e ,as
to cooperate *)t onl. relativel. meaningless material o/ t+e
recent past ,as sec)red"
Additionall. d)ring t+is time# s+e developed /re0)ent
amnesic states o/ one to t+ree da.s= d)ration" D)ring t+em
s+e al,a.s gave t+e date as 23F(" 5+ile s+e co)ld *e
+.pnoti1ed deepl. in t+ese states# and +.pnotic p+enomena
elicited# t+ese ,ere restricted and limited in c+aracter to
vario)s aspects o/ t+e act)al o//ice sit)ation" T+)s# s+e did
not recogni1e t+e ,riter *)t did regard +im as a possi*l.
/riendl. stranger" S+e vie,ed t+e ,all calendar as >some
-ind o/ a <o-e> since it did not read 23F(" S+e co)ld
+all)cinate readil. and ,o)ld co)nt t+e *oo-s in an
+all)cinator. *oo-6case" S+e ,o)ld ,rite simple sentences
)pon re0)est# *)t did not seem to )nderstand ,+at ,as
meant ,+en e//orts ,ere made to +ave +er ,rite +er name#
geograp+ical location or age" Not+ing t+at impinged )pon
+er personal li/e seemed to *e compre+ended" Ho,ever# to
a colleag)e experienced in +.pnosis# *)t )nac0)ainted
,it+ +er# s+e ,as o*vio)sl. in a trance" S+e ,o)ld a,a-en
/rom t+ese trances in t+e amnesic state"
T+ese amnesic periods )s)all. terminated a/ter a nig+t=s
sleep# or# i/ more t+an a da. in d)ration# responded to
+eav. sedation"
On one occasion# in t+e ,riter=s presence# s+e c+anced to
see t+ro)g+ t+e ,indo, a 7orden=s mil- tr)c- and
immediatel. s+e developed a t+ree6da. amnesia" Several
da.s a/ter +er recover.# d)ring an intervie, s+e +appened
to see on t+e ,riter=s des-# p)rposel. placed t+ere# a small
calendar advertising 7orden=s mil-" Anot+er t+ree6da.
amnesia occ)rred" ater# s+e ,as as-ed to cop. a ,ee-end
sales advertisement" 8pon reac+ing t+e item o/ 7orden=s
mil-# a t+ird t+ree6da. amnesia ens)ed" Still later# ,+ile
disc)ssing recipes# 7orden=s mil- ,as mentioned *. t+e
,riter ,it+ a similar res)lt" !inall.# s+e ,as as-ed ,+at a
male +og ,as called and ,+at a *ear slept in" S+e gave t+e
correct ans,ers" S+e ,as t+en as-ed# ,it+ care/)l
emp+asis )pon t+e -e. ,ords# >5+at ,o)ld +appen i/ .o)
p)t a *oar in a denI> Her repl. ,as simpl.# >I g)ess t+e
*ear ,o)ld eat +im">
Ho,ever# t+e amnesic states ,ere /re0)ent and ,ere
apparentl. ca)sed *. a variet. o/ ot+er stim)li not
recogni1ed *. t+e ,riter"
Ever. e//ort ,as made to sec)re some meas)re *. ,+ic+
t+e amnesias co)ld *e interr)pted or a*orted" !inall.# a
ver. simple meas)re ,as /o)nd" Since s+e co)ld *e
regressed to a previo)s age ,it+in t+e eig+t.ear limit# and
since s+e al,a.s gave t+e date as >sometime in 23F(> ,+en
amnesic# t+e regression tec+ni0)e in reverse ,as emplo.ed"
T+)s# s+e ,o)ld *e +.pnoti1ed# and# in a s.stematic#
repetitio)s /as+ion# told# >Yes# it is 23F(# and t+e seconds
and t+e min)tes are passing one *. one# and as t+e seconds
and t+e min)tes pass# so do t+e +o)rs# and ,it+ t+e passage
o/ t+e +o)rs# so do t+e da.s pass" As t+e da.s pass# so do
t+e ,ee-s" T+e ,ee-s come and go and t+e mont+s pass
and 23F4 is coming closer and 23F( is passing# passing"
And a/ter 23F4 ,ill come 23F9# ,+ic+ ,ill pass# and t+en it
,ill *e 23F:#> etc"# )ntil t+e c)rrent time ,as reac+ed"
!re0)ent need to )tili1e t+is tec+ni0)e rapidl. red)ced t+e
initial period o/ t+irt. min)tes to less t+an /ive in *ringing
+er o)t o/ +er amnesic state" On t,o occasions# ,+en s+e
,andered a,a. /rom +ome and ,as pic-ed )p amnesic *.
t+e police# +er memor. ,as promptl. restored *. t+is
A la*orio)s /)tile e//ort ,as made# /ollo,ing t+is
s)ccess# to regress +er /rom 23F( to 23FF or earlier" T+en
an e//ort ,as made# a/ter getting +er to accept t+e arg)ment
t+at t+ere ,ere .ears antedating 23F(# to ind)ce +er to
/orget 23F( and to experience t+e date as 23F'# ,it+ t+e
+ope o/ *)ilding )p /rom t+at date" T+is and n)mero)s
variations o/ t+e general idea /ailed"
A/ter t+ree mont+s= /ail)re to ma-e recogni1a*le progress
,it+ +er# it ,as decided to emplo. time distortion"
In t+e g)ise o/ s+aring personal satis/actions in past
pro/essional experimental ,or-# several prolonged sessions
,it+ +er ,ere devoted to presenting t+e general concepts
and experimental proced)res o/ time distortion# all as
somet+ing o/ onl. intellect)al interest to +er" In so doing# it
,as +oped to avoid an. meas)res o/ de/ense against t+is
t+erape)tic approac+"
T+is ,as done in *ot+ t+e ,a-ing and t+e +.pnotic states"
5+en s+e seemed to +ave a good compre+ension o/ ,orld#
solar# cloc-# special# experiential and allotted time# time
distortion# and time distortion experiments# t+e s)ggestion
,as o//ered t+at s+e mig+t li-e to engage in an experiment
compara*le to t+ose t+at +ad *een read and explained to
+er" S+e agreed readil. and seemed to *e )nder t+e
impression t+at t+e pro<ect ,as essentiall. a mere
contin)ation o/ t+e alread. p)*lis+ed st)d."
T+e next da. s+e ,as +.pnoti1ed deepl. and instr)cted as
/ollo,sC Asee /ootnote at t+e end o/ t+e c+apterB
>Yo) +ave man. times ta-en a trip in a car and
en<o.ed it immensel." T+e car ,as moving ver. rapidl."
Yo) sa, t+is sig+t# .o) sa, t+at scene# .o) said t+is#
.o) said t+at# all in an ordinar. ,a." T+e car moved /ast
*)t .o) ,ere sitting 0)ietl.# <)st going along" Yo) co)ld
not stop t+e car# nor did .o) ,ant to" T+e telep+one
poles ,ere so man. /eet apart and t+e. came along one
*. one and .o) sa, t+em pass" Yo) sa, t+e /ields and
t+e. passed *.# large /ields# small /ields# and .o) co)ld
onl. ,ait 0)ietl. to see ,+at ,o)ld *e in t+e next /ield#
and to see ,+et+er t+e next +o)se ,o)ld *e *ric- or
/rame" And all t+e time t+e car ,ent along and .o) sat
0)ietl.# .o) sa,# .o) t+o)g+t# all in .o)r o,n ,a.# at
.o)r o,n speed# <)st as it +appened# and t+e car <)st -ept
going" Yo) did not need to pa. attention to t+e car# <)st
to ,+at next ,o)ld +appen# a /ield# a +o)se# a +orse or
,+atever ,as next"
>Ho,ever# t+is experiment ,ill not *e a car ride" I
+ave <)st )sed it to explain more /)ll. to .o)" I co)ld
+ave descri*ed going t+ro)g+ t+e coo-ing o/ a dinner6
peeling potatoes# ,as+ing carrots# p)tting on por-
c+ops6an.t+ing t+at .o) co)ld +ave done"
>No, I=m going to give .o) m)c+ more time t+an .o)
need to do t+is experiment" I ,ill give .o) t,ent.
seconds ,orld time" 7)t in .o)r special time# t+at t,ent.
seconds ,ill *e <)st as long as .o) need to complete
.o)r ,or-" It can *e a min)te# a da.# a ,ee-# a mont+ or
even .ears" And .o) ,ill ta-e all t+e time .o) need"
>I ,ill not tell .o) .et ,+at .o)r experiment or tas- is"
As soon as .o) nod .o)r +ead to s+o, t+at .o) are
read.# I ,ill start t+e stop ,atc+ and give .o) t+e signal
no, and ver. rapidl. I ,ill name t+e tas- and .o) ,ill
start at t+e *eginning o/ it# t+e ver. *eginning# and go
rig+t t+ro)g+ to t+e end# no matter +o, /ar a,a. it is in
time" Read.I All rig+t# listen care/)ll. /or t+e clic- o/
t+e ,atc+# m. signal# and t+e name o/ t+e tas-" No, 6
/rom C+ild+ood to No,6Remem*erJ> AT+e No, ,as
repeated as literall. a do)*le signal"B
Her response ,as a tremendo)s startle reaction# a gasp# a
mar-ed p+.sical sl)mping in +er c+air and a /ro1en /acial
T,ent. seconds later s+e ,as told >Stop> and ,as as-ed#
>5ill .o) tell me i/ I a,a-en .o)I>
!or several +o)rs t+ere ,as a tremendo)s o)tpo)ring o/
+er past tra)matic memories" T+ese ,ere related in a most
remar-a*le /as+ion" S+e detailed t+em as i/ t+e. ,ere
act)all. in t+e co)rse o/ +appening# or as i/ t+e. ,ere items
o/ t+e ver. recent past and# at t+e same time# in a
dissociated /as+ion# s+e o//ered comments and interpolated
remar-s *earing )pon m)c+ later events" !or example# s+e
*egan +er acco)nt ,it+C
>M. dress is pin-" It=s m. *irt+da." I=m sitting in a +ig+
c+air" I=m going to eat m. ca-e" M. dadd. is going to
-iss me" He /alled do,n" T+at=s ,+at +appened" M.
/at+er died o/ +eart /ail)re" I ,as t+ree .ears old" Pin-
dress" 5+en De*ora+ A+er da)g+terB ,anted a pin-
*irt+da. dress I /orgot ever.t+ing and I ,ent to t+e
+ospital" I co)ldn=t t+in-" M. +ead ac+ed"""" I=m going on
a train ride" M)mmie is ta-ing me" It=s /)n" See t+e prett.
trees" T+ere=s co,s# too" M)mmie is co)g+ing" S+e=s sic-"
Her +and-erc+ie/ is all red" AP)lmonar. +emorr+age"B I=m
scared" M. mot+er is so sic-" And ever# time Elaine A+er
second da)g+terB +ad a nose *leed# I got sic-"""" M. +ands
+)rt6+e=s going to +)rt me" I can=t get a,a."""" I=m so tired
and t+irst.6+e -eeps doing it6+e=s going to -ill me6I ,is+
some*od. ,o)ld come"> AT+is ,as a long stor. o/ *eing
tied +and and /oot to a *ed /or t+ree da.s and repeatedl.
raped *. a man named 7orden"B
Anot+er acco)nt ,as t+at o/ +er deliver. in 23F( o/ +er
still*orn c+ild res)lting /rom t+e raping# and +er vivid
report o/ t+e deliver. scene and +er grie/ over it" >T+at=s
,+en ever.t+ing in me died" I co)ldn=t stand to remem*er">
T+ree more instances t+at ma. *e cited are +er /irst
+)s*and=s in/idelit. and t+e /inding o/ a love letter /rom +is
paramo)r in +is e//ects# and +er present +)s*and=s receipt o/
a letter /rom a /ormer /iancee# ,it+ a conse0)ent amnesia
res)lting /or +erL t+e s)icide o/ one o/ t+e girls in t+e
maternit. +ome d)ring +er o,n sta. t+ere *. +anging /rom
a c+andelier# and +er o,n da)g+ter o/ similar age
crepe paper to a c+andelier as a C+ristmas decorationL and
t+e inexplica*le deat+ o/ +er t+ird c+ild ,+ile in *ed
one nig+t# and reading a ne,spaper acco)nt o/ a similar
instance" All o/ t+ese ,ere vividl. descri*ed in t+e present
tense and t+en related to act)al amnesic episodes"
T+ere ,ere man. more compara*le tra)matic
experiences recalled and disc)ssed# all in c+ronological
order" T+is re0)ired man. +o)rs *e/ore s+e co)ld complete
+er revie, o/ +er past" Gario)s o/ t+e events co)ld *e
veri/ied# some appeared to *e +.sterical /antasies o/ a
mor*id c+aracter and .et later some o/ t+ese ,ere /o)nd to
*e tr)e"
Her t+erape)tic response to t+is cat+arsis ,as decidedl.
good" Ho,ever# t+ere ,ere several more *rie/ amnesic
episodes *)t eac+ time s+e recovered promptl. and ,as
a*le to de/ine t+e precipitating stim)l)s and to relate it to
eit+er an incompletel. disc)ssed tra)ma or to one t+at +ad
*een overloo-ed" In eac+ instance t+e precipitating
stim)l)s lost its e//ect )pon +er" !or example# )pon
moving to a ne, location# s+e readil. p)rc+ased +er mil-
/rom t+e 7orden tr)c- t+at travelled t+at street"
S+ortl. a/ter all t+is +er +)s*and deserted +er" S+e
responded *. divorcing +im# sec)ring emplo.ment and
s)pporting +er c+ildren ade0)atel." Her emplo.ers t+o)g+t
+ig+l. o/ +er"
T+erap. ,as discontin)ed )pon +er gaining
emplo.ment# except /or *rie/ cas)al visits at long intervals"
In /inal appraisal# t,o .ears a/ter termination o/ t+erap.#
s+e ,as still an +.sterical personalit. *)t ,ell
controlled# and /)nctioning at an ade0)ate personal# social
and economic level"
5+at +appened d)ring t+at event/)l t,ent. seconds a/ter
mont+s o/ /)tile e//ort# and +o, it +appened# can *e
spec)lated )pon *est in terms o/ t+e experimental /indings
reported in t+e /irst part o/ t+is *oo-" T+at t+e previo)s
,or- ,it+ t+e patient 0)ite pro*a*l. laid t+e /o)ndation
/or t+e /inal o)tcome does not militate against t+e
signi/icance o/ ,+at occ)rred in t,ent. seconds time"
Her narrative o/ ,+at +appened# extended over man.
+o)rs# ,as given largel. in t+e present tense" Yet at t+e
same time# it ,as given ,it+ interpolated comments and
explanations relating long past events o/ +er li/e ,it+ t+ose
o/ t+e recent past" T+is indicates t+at t+e narrative ,as not
a simple initial revivi/ication o/ t+e past" Rat+er# it
strongl. s)ggests t+at in t+ose t,ent. seconds s+e +ad
ac+ieved a s)//icientl. compre+ensive recollection o/ +er
li/e +istor. to *e a*le to see it in meaning/)l perspective"
T+en# in +er narrative# co)c+ed in t+e terms in ,+ic+ s+e
+ad reac0)ired +er memories# s+e comm)nicated it to t+e
,riter /or +is )nderstanding and at t+e same time ac+ieved
/or +ersel/ an e//ective cat+arsis o/ +er experiential past"
7e/ore )tili1ation o/ time distortion# t+erap. ,as a
clinical /ail)re" T,ent. seconds o/ time distortion#
,+atever t+at ma. mean clinicall.# res)lted in a
t+erape)tic s)ccess o/ a -no,n t,o .ears= d)ration"
T+is case report concerns a relativel. circ)mscri*ed
emotional pro*lem /or ,+ic+ t+e concept o/ time distortion
,as emplo.ed as an expeditio)s and experimental meas)re"
T+e patient# a t,ent.6/ive6.ear6old st)dent# ,or-ing +is
,a. t+ro)g+ college# ,as primaril. interested in t+e /ield o/
entertainment" His voice ,as /air and +e accompanied
+imsel/ on a g)itar" 7eca)se o/ +is promise as a singer# a
nig+t cl)* gave +im reg)lar ,ee-6end emplo.ment" 8n6
/ort)natel.# as t+e ,ee-s ,ent *.# +is per/ormance s+o,ed
no improvement and +e ,as noti/ied t+at +e ,o)ld *e
replaced at t+e /irst opport)nit."
T+is +ad ca)sed +im m)c+ disco)ragement# anxiet. and
depression and +e so)g+t t+erap. *eca)se o/ +is +opeless
His +istor. disclosed not+ing o/ immediate signi/icance
except t+at +is st)dies and +is reg)lar ,ee-6da.
emplo.ment on a late s+i/t# in addition to t+e ,ee-6end
engagement# gave +im practicall. no time /or practice"
!)rt+er in0)ir. disclosed t+at "+is late s+i/t ,as
c+aracteri1ed *. sp)rts o/ activit. /ollo,ed *. intervals o/
T+is /act s)ggested a possi*ilit. /or )tili1ing time
distortion" Accordingl.# t+e 0)estion o/ +.pnosis ,as
raised ,it+ +im and +e dispiritedl. expressed +is
,illingness to tr. an.t+ing" He proved to *e a good
+.pnotic s)*<ect and ,as easil. trained in +.pnotic
T+is accomplis+ed# +e ,as s.stematicall. instr)cted#
)nder +.pnosis# in Cooper=s experiments on time distortion
)ntil +is )nderstanding o/ t+e general concepts ,as good"
T+e s)ggestion ,as o//ered t+at +e mig+t participate in a
time distortion experiment" He ,as disinterested in t+e idea
*)t did consent rel)ctantl." He pre/erred t+at attention *e
given to +is pro*lem"
Accordingl.# on a Monda.# ,+ile in a pro/o)nd trance#
+e ,as given a series o/ post6+.pnotic s)ggestions" T+ese
,ere t+at +e ,as to )tili1e# /rom time to time# eac+ nig+t
t+e idle periods at ,or- to develop *rie/ 2'6 to F'6second
trances" D)ring t+ese trances# at an +all)cinator. level# +e
,o)ld +ave ade0)ate special personal time to practice
extensivel. *ot+ +is singing and +is" Since t+e
trances ,o)ld *e *rie/ in cloc- time# and since +is
practicing ,o)ld *e +all)cinator. in c+aracter# +is /ello,6
,or-ers ,o)ld not note more t+an t+at +e appeared
momentaril. sel/6a*sor*ed"
He ,as a,a-ened ,it+ a total amnesia /or t+e trance
instr)ctions and given an appointment /or t+e next Monda."
He reported excitedl. at t+at intervie,# >I=ve got a ne,
lease on li/e" Sat)rda. ,as t+e *est nig+t I +ave ever +ad"
S)nda. nig+t I did so ,ell t+at t+e *oss said t+at i/ I -ept
on t+at ,a.# I co)ld *e s)re o/ m. <o*" I don=t )nderstand it
*eca)se I didn=t get a c+ance all ,ee- to practice" 7)t
S)nda. I got o)t m. tape recorder and made a ne,
recording" T+en I pla.ed it and some o/ m. old recordings
/or comparison" S)nda.=s so)nded as i/ I +ad +ad a lot o/
practice" I ,as ama1ed to /ind o)t +o, m)c+ I +ad
improved" I m)st +ave )nconscio)sl. ironed o)t some
emotional -in- t+at ,as inter/ering">
H.pnoti1ed# +e explained t+at +e +ad averaged at least
t+ree long# as ,ell as several *rie/# practice sessions per
nig+t" D)ring t+e long sessions lie ,ent t+ro)g+ +is
repertoire and t+e *rie/ sessions ,ere )sed /or t+e practice
o/ individ)al selections" Eac+ time ever.t+ing seemed to
proceed at a normal tempo" Additionall.# +e /re0)entl.
made an +all)cinator. tape recording ,+ic+ +e >pla.ed
*ac-> so t+at +e co)ld listen to +is practicing and t+)s note
errors /or correction" At no time +ad an. o/ +is associates
seemed to notice +is periodicall. preocc)pied state" He
expressed +is intention o/ contin)ing ,it+ t+is met+od o/
practice and s)pplementing it ,it+ ordinar. practice"
At t+e present time# man. mont+s later# +e still +as all o/
+is <o*s and +is ,ee-end stipend +as *een greatl.
increased" He +as enlarged +is repertoire and +e practices
at ever. opport)nit. in t+e ordinar. state and in post6
+.pnotic trances in time distortion"
He is still )na,are o/ +is trance activities *)t is greatl.
ama1ed at t+e rapidit. ,it+ ,+ic+ +e learns ne,
To date +e +as made no e//ort to appl. t+is special
learning in an. ot+er ,a." Nor +as s)c+ a s)ggestion *een
o//ered to +im since t+e excellent t+erape)tic res)lt mig+t
possi*l. *e <eopardi1ed *. ot+er experimental e//orts"
T+is case report is essentiall. a parallel o/ some o/ t+e
experimental /indings reported *. Cooper" 5+ile t+e
validit. o/ t+is report rests )pon t+e *are /acts o/ t+e
patient=s statements and +is contin)ed emplo.ment at an
increased stipend# t+ere can *e no 0)estion t+at t+e concept
o/ time distortion served a signi/icant personalit. p)rpose
/or t+e patient" Additionall.# o/ partic)lar note# is t+e /act
t+at t+e patient ela*orated t+e s)ggestions given +im *.
incl)ding an +all)cinator. tape recorder to /)rt+er still
more t+e +all)cinator. practice sessions# and t+at +e +as
contin)ed to )tili1e time distortion in learning ne,
T+e manner in ,+ic+ t+is patient so)g+t t+erap. ,as *ot+
c+allenging and *a//ling" Her seemingl. impossi*le
demand ,as met *. t+e )tili1ation o/ time distortion ,+ic+
res)lted in ama1ing and s)rprisingl. rapid t+erape)tic
S+e ,as a nineteen6.ear6old girl# emplo.ed in a dental
o//ice# and s+e s)//ered /rom a severe reaction to t+e sig+t
o/ *lood" 8s)all. s+e /ainted# alt+o)g+ occasionall. s+e
*ecame onl. na)seated and greatl. distressed" Ot+er,ise
s+e ,as a competent and ,illing and gen)inel.
interested in dental ,or-" S+e ,as directl. re/erred /or
t+erap. *. +er ,+o expressed a +ope to retain +er
services and at t+e same time a /ear t+at +er *e+avior o/ t+e
past /e, mont+s precl)ded an. s)c+ +ope"
S+e arrived at t+e o//ice accompanied *. a c+aperone"
S+e seated +ersel/ and smoot+ed +er dress do,n ,it+
exaggerated modest. and ,as )tterl. *rie/ and /inal in +er
statements" S+e declared t+at s+e +ad come /or t+erap.# t+at
t+is ,as to *e accomplis+ed in a single intervie, and t+at
+.pnosis ,as to *e emplo.ed"
T+e protest t+at s+e ,as demanding a miracle ,as
disregarded *. +er" S+e merel. reiterated +er demand"
5+en as-ed /or +er +istor.# s+e replied# >T+e doctor A+er
emplo.erB +as alread. told .o) over t+e p+one" All t+e time
I=ve ,or-ed /or +im# I=ve /ainted ever. time I sa, *lood and
I +ate *eing pic-ed )p o// t+e /loor over and over again" I=m
going to lose m. <o* and I ,ant to ,or- in a dental o//ice"
T+at=s m. am*ition" T+at=s all .o) need to -no," No,# I
,ant to *e c)red" I ,ant .o) to +.pnoti1e me rig+t a,a.
and c)re me"> It ,as as i/ s+e +ad indicated an ac+ing toot+
and s+e ,as demanding an extraction"
A deep somnam*)listic trance ,as ind)ced ,it+
remar-a*le ease" As-ed i/ s+e ,ere read. /or t+erap.# s+e
s+oo- +er +ead negativel. and as-ed t+at >t+ings> *e
>c+anged>" T+is cr.ptic re0)est led to an in0)ir. a*o)t t+e
c+aperone=s presence" S+e as-ed t+at t+e c+aperone *e
dismissed >tact/)ll.>"
5+en t+is ,as done# s+e +astil. and ,it+ great )rgenc.
declared# >I=m scared6I don=t -no, ,+.6I=m a/raid to t+in-
and I ,on=t t+in-" Yo) +ave got to +.pnoti1e me some more
or I=ll ,a-e )p6I <)st can=t sta. asleep" @)st -eep me asleep
and don=t let me ,a-e )p" Yo) +ave got to +elp me *)t
don=t let me -no, a*o)t it )ntil it=s all over and do it /ast
I=ll ,a-e )p and /aint" I don=t ,ant to -no, an.t+ing and I
don=t ,ant .o) or an.*od. else to /ind o)t ,+at=s ,rong" So
don=t tr. to /ind o)t and don=t let me ,a-e )p"> M)c+ o/ t+is
,as repeated ,it+ emp+asis"
S+e ,as ass)red t+at +er ,is+es ,o)ld *e met to t+e
/)llest extent" T+e s)ggestion ,as o//ered t+at# /irst o/ all#
it mig+t *e ,ell to +ave +er experience# as a means o/
-eeping +er +.pnoti1ed and as a meas)re o/ giving +er
satis/action# t+e vario)s common p+enomena o/ t+e
+.pnotic trance" S+e agreed readil. as i/ *eing given a
reprieve# *)t admonis+ed t+e ,riter not to /orget t+e
pro*lem o/ t+erap. a/ter,ards"
!or /i/t. min)tes s+e en<o.ed t+oro)g+l. experiencing a
great variet. o/ t+e common +.pnotic p+enomena" Care
,as exercised constantl. neit+er to impinge )pon +er
personal li/e in ind)cing t+e +.pnotic mani/estations nor to
see- an. )nderstanding o/ +er as a person"
S+e ,as t+en told# ,+ile still in t+e trance# t+at t+ere
remained a co)ple more p+enomena ,+ic+ s+e co)ld
en<o." One o/ t+ese ,as related to time and ,o)ld reall.
center aro)nd a stop ,atc+# ,+ic+ ,as ex+i*ited to +er"
5it+ ever. e//ort to *e instr)ctive# s+e ,as reminded o/
t+e rapidit. ,it+ ,+ic+ time passed ,+en s+e ,as pleased#
+o, slo,l. ,+en *ored# t+e endlessness o/ a /e, seconds=
,ait /or an intensel. regarded o)tcome o/ a matter in
do)*t# t+e rapidit. ,it+ ,+ic+ a mere ,ord co)ld ca)se to
/las+ t+ro)g+ t+e mind t+e contents o/ a ,ell6li-ed *oo- or
t+e events o/ a long# +app. trip and t+e tremendo)s
rapidit. and moment)m o/ t+o)g+t and /eelings"
Against t+is *ac-gro)nd# a detailed ela*oration ,as
presented o/ t+e concept o/ distorted# personal# special or
experiential time as contrasted to cloc- time" Extensive
disc)ssion ,as also o//ered o/ t+e >normal tempo> o/
distorted or experiential time"
5+en s+e seemed to )nderstand# t+e explanation ,as
o//ered t+at t+is +.pnotic p+enomenon co)ld *e initiated
/or +er *. giving simple instr)ctions ,+ic+ s+e co)ld
easil. accept /)ll." T+ese instr)ctions ,o)ld *e /ollo,ed
*. t+e starting signal o/ >No,># at ,+ic+ time t+e stop6
,atc+ ,o)ld *e started" T+en# ,+en t+e p+enomenon +ad
*een completed# s+e ,o)ld *e told to stop" T+is
explanation ,as repeated )ntil s+e )nderstood /)ll."
T+en ,it+ compelling" progressive# rapid# emp+atic#
insistent intensit.# s+e ,as told# >7egin at t+e *eginning#
go all t+e ,a. t+ro)g+ in normal experiential tempo ,it+ a
tremendo)s r)s+ o/ /orce# s-ipping not+ing# incl)ding
ever.t+ing# and reac+ a /)ll complete )nderstanding o/
ever.t+ing a*o)t 7lood6No,">
S+e reacted to t+e ,ord >*lood> *. a violent start#
trem*led *rie/l.# *ecame p+.sicall. rigid# and clenc+ed
+er /ists and <a," S+e appeared to *e in ac)te p+.sical
distress *)t too rigidl. involved p+.sicall. and mentall. to
*rea- into disr)ptive actions"
T,ent. seconds later# at t+e command >Stop># s+e
relaxed# sl)mped in t+e c+air and *reat+ed +ard"
Immediatel. s+e ,as told emp+aticall.# >Yo) no,
-no,# .o) )nderstand# .o) no longer need to /ear" Yo)
don=t even need to remem*er ,+en .o) are a,a-e# *)t
.o)r )nconscio)s no, -no,s# and ,ill contin)e to -no,
and to )nderstand correctl.# and t+)s give to .o) t+at ease
.o) ,ant">
S+e ,as as-ed i/ s+e ,is+ed to a,a-en or to t+in- t+ings
Her repl. ,as# >I=ve done m. t+in-ing" 5a-e me )p">
Her ,a-ing remar-s ,ere# >I=m all tired o)t" I /eel
simpl. ,as+ed )p" 5+ere is Miss D At+e c+aperoneBI
5+at=s *een going on6did .o) p)t me in a trance6did s+e
see meI>
T+e repl. ,as made t+at s+e +ad *een +.pnoti1ed and
given an opport)nit. to learn +.pnotic p+enomena *)t t+at
Miss D +ad not *een a ,itness" S+e as-ed t+at Miss D *e
s)mmoned and some )nimportant demonstration *e given
to s+o, Miss D ,+at +.pnosis ,as"
5+en t+is +ad *een done# s+e remar-ed# >I s)ppose 2
o,e .o) a /ee# *)t I don=t even -no, ,+." 7)t I am going
to ma-e .o) ,ait /or it" I don=t -no, ,+.">
S+e ,as told to ret)rn in one mont+=s time" S+e replied# >I
s)ppose I ,ill# *)t t+ere is no reason to do so#> and
t+ere)pon too- +er depart)re"
ate t+e next da. +er telep+oned# stating#
>5+atever .o) did# ,or-ed" S+e +as assisted all da. in
com/ort# +andling extracted teet+# ,as+ing o)t *lood.
tra.s# and even pic-ing )p *lood. teet+ and examining
t+em" I +aven=t said a ,ord a*o)t .o) nor +as s+e and I
don=t t+in- it ,ise">
T+ree ,ee-s later part o/ t+e /ee ,as received" A ,ee-
later# s+e came in to sa.# >I don=t -no, ,+. .o) ,ant to see
me" T+ere is no reason" I=ve +ad to get anot+er <o*" M. *oss
is going into t+e Arm." So I=ve got anot+er <o*" It=s ,it+ Dr"
Y Aa dentist ,+o does extractionsB" I li-e *eing a dental
A /e, da.s later a telep+one call ,as received /rom +er"
S+e in0)ired a*o)t t+e *alance o/ t+e *ill and expressed
regret /or +aving overloo-ed it" As-ed a*o)t +er ,or-# s+e
declared t+at it ,as ,onder/)l and t+at s+e ,o)ld place a
c+ec- in t+e mail immediatel.# as# indeed# s+e did" Her
good ad<)stment is -no,n to +ave contin)ed /or more t+an
a .ear"
To disc)ss t+is report ,it+o)t emp+asi1ing t+e o*vio)s is
di//ic)lt" One can readil. state t+at it demonstrates t+at
sometimes *rie/ ps.c+ot+erap. can *e remar-a*l.
e//ectiveL t+at t+e dict)m t+at t+e )nconscions# i/ t+erap. is
to *e ac+ieved# m)st *e al,a.s made conscio)s ,arrants
serio)s do)*tL and t+at t+e concept o/ time distortion lends
itsel/ in a remar-a*le ,a. to clinical t+erape)tic ,or-"
5+at t+e patient=s pro*lem ,as and t+e nat)re o/ its
ca)ses remain )n-no,n# even to +er conscio)s mind" T+at
it ,as a circ)mscri*ed ne)rosis is a reasona*le pro*a*ilit."
E0)all. pro*a*le is t+at t+erap. *. ot+er met+ods# given
more cooperation# co)ld +ave led to a similar t+erape)tic
res)lt" Ho,ever# t+e /act remains t+at# ,+atever +er pro*6
lem ,as and +o, t+e t+erap. ,as ac+ieved# t+e concept o/
time distortion proved applica*le and e//ective )nder
adverse conditions in meeting ade0)atel. t+e patient=s
T+e /ollo,ing case is reported /or t,o reasons" It
ill)strates a pro*lem compara*le to t+e preceding case
+istor. in t+at# despite m)c+ previo)s t+erap.# t+e entire
t+erape)tic res)lt ,as determined *. t+e +andling o/ a
single session" Secondl.# t+e cr)cial sit)ation ,as one in
,+ic+ time distortion co)ld +ave *een )sed most
advantageo)sl. *)t ,as not# since it antedated Cooper=s
experimental ,or-" Gie,ed in retrospect# +o,ever# in
terms o/ ,+at +appened and t+e /inal res)lt# t+e )tili1ation
o/ time distortion co)ld easil. +ave resolved t+e omino)s
di//ic)lties t+at developed"
T,o .o)ng ,omen in t+eir mid6t,enties +ad *een
intimate /riends since earl. c+ild+ood" No, t+e. ,ere
roommates and engaged in t+e same occ)pation" Eac+ +ad
in/l)enced t+e ot+er in t+e c+oice o/ ,or-" 7ot+ ,ere
mem*ers o/ a minorit. gro)p and +ad gro,n )p in a com6
m)nit. ri/e ,it+ pre<)dice" 7ot+ enco)ntered pre<)dice in
t+eir dail. ,or-" Eac+ con/ided in t+e ot+er and t+e.
reg)larl. exc+anged s.mpat+. and enco)ragement" T+eir
identi/ication ,it+ eac+ ot+er ,as remar-a*l. strong and
t+eir relations+ip ,as de/initel. sisterl. in" T+eir
ad<)stment ,it+in t+eir o,n gro)p ,as good# *)t t+e. ,ere
*ot+ regarded as decidedl. ne)rotic and t+e. t+emselves
recogni1ed t+eir ne)rotic patterns o/ *e+avior" Eac+
enco)raged t+e ot+er to see- ps.c+ot+erap. *)t neit+er +ad
t+e co)rage to do so /or +ersel/"
T+eir ne)roses deepened and one nig+t $a. complained
t+at all da. s+e +ad /elt strange and di//erent" Peg tried to
com/ort +er *)t /o)nd +er pec)liarl. )napproac+a*le" T+e
next morning $a. ,as even more dist)r*ed and on t+e ,a.
to ,or- +er erratic *e+avior attracted t+e attention o/ t+e
police" 5+en +ospitali1ed s+e mani/ested an ac)tel.
catatonic state"
!or a*o)t a mont+# Peg *rooded over $a.=s condition#
,ondering o*sessionall. i/ s+e s+o)ld >let m.sel/ go li-e
$a. did>" Her ,or- per/ormance /ailed greatl.# and s+e
spent m)c+ time staring into space"
!inall.# and rel)ctantl.# s+e decided to see- t+erap." !o)r
ps.c+iatrists ,ere cons)lted# t,o o/ ,+om stated t+at t+eir
sc+ed)le ,as too /)ll" T+e ot+er t,o declared t+at t+e. did
not +ave t+e training re0)isite /or +er pro*lem" S+e ,as
t+en re/erred to t+e ,riter" In0)ir. o/ t+e ot+er ps.c+iatrists
disclosed t+at t+e. /elt t+at s+e ,as an >incipient# i/ not an
act)al catatonic># and not amena*le to t+erap. at t+e time"
H.pnot+erap. ,as emplo.ed /rom t+e *eginning# *)t
progress ,as slo,# )ncertain and di//ic)lt" !re0)entl. s+e
appeared on t+e verge o/ an ac)te ps.c+osis" Repeatedl.
d)ring intervie,s# *ot+ in t+e ,a-ing and t+e trance states#
s+e ,o)ld ponder t+e idea o/ >giving )p> and >letting
m.sel/ go <)st t+e ,a. $a. did>"
One evening s+e entered t+e o//ice /or +er )s)al
appointment ,earing a completel. ne, o)t/it# incl)ding
even +at# s+oes and +and*ag" Most serio)sl. and in a
/rig+tened manner# s+e declared# >I don=t -no, ,+at I=m
doing" I can=t a//ord t+ese clot+es" Eit+er I=m going to
improve or I=m +aving a last /ling *e/ore t+e. loc- me )p"
Ma.*e m. )nconscio)s -no, >
5it+ t+is remar- s+e closed +er and developed a
deep +.pnotic trance"
S+e ,as as-ed ,+. s+e +ad p)rc+ased t+e ne, clot+es"
S+e ans,ered# >I don=t -no," Eit+er I=m going to get ,ell or
I=m going to get ,orse" 5a-e me )p">
S+e aro)sed ,it+ an apparent amnesia /or +er trance
state" Immediatel. s+e as-ed# >Instead o/ ,or-ing# can=t ,e
+ave a little cas)al conversationI>
Ho,ever# a/ter a /e, commonplace remar-s# s+e
declared s)ddenl. t+at s+e +ad <)st remem*ered t+at s+e
+ad dreamed t+e previo)s nig+t" T+is dream# s+e -ne,# ,as
tremendo)sl. important# *)t s+e co)ld not recall its
content" Per+aps a little re/lection ,o)ld ena*le +er to
remem*er it"
A/ter a co)ple o/ min)tes o/ t+o)g+t/)l silence# s+e
leaped to +er /eet and screamed# >No# no# I ,on=t remem*er
an. more" I ,on=t" I ,on=t" It=s too +orri*le" I=m going to
/orget it so t+at I can never remem*er t+e rest o/ it" It=s too
+orri*le" I=d go cra1. i/ I remem*ered it">
T+en# spea-ing to +ersel/# s+e proceeded to )tter a ,+ole
series o/ a)to6s)ggestions# patterned a/ter t+e ,riter=s
tec+ni0)e o/ s)ggestions# to ind)ce an amnesia" S+e
concl)ded t+en ,it+ a sel/6satis/ied remar-# >I=ve <)st
/orgotten somet+ing# I don=t -no, ,+at it ,as even a*o)t#
*)t I do -no, t+at I can=t even t+in- o/ ,+at it mig+t *e" It=s
completel. /orgotten">
In a s)*d)ed# /rig+tened ,a.# s+e contin)ed# >I -no,
I=ve done somet+ing I s+o)ldn=t +ave done# *)t I don=t
-no, ,+at it ,as" It ,as somet+ing a*o)t /orgetting# *)t
,+at I don=t -no," It ,as ,rong# *)t I=m glad I did it#
a,/)ll. glad" 7)t no, I ,ill +ave to give )p t+erap.
*eca)se t+ere is no +ope /or me# and I=m glad" ?ood
5it+ di//ic)lt. s+e ,as pers)aded to remain at least long
eno)g+ /or a social visit# *)t s+e -ept declaring# >It=s no
Ho,ever# s+e ,as /inall. ind)ced to revie, s)per/iciall.
and disinterestedl. some o/ t+e ,or- o/ previo)s sessions#
*)t ,as adamant in +er re/)sal to permit /)rt+er +.pnosis"
!inall. s+e ,as pers)aded to allo, t+e ,riter to tr. to
/ind o)t ,+at s+e +ad done t+at ,as ,rong and ,+ic+ +ad
made ever.t+ing >all over> /or +er" S+e agreed rel)ctantl.#
*)t again stip)lated t+at +.pnosis ,as not to *e emplo.ed"
A ,+ole series o/ spec)lations ,as o//ered to +er# among
,+ic+# in random order# ,ere incl)ded# dreaming#
remem*ering a dream# and /orgetting a dream" S+e listened
attentivel. and t+o)g+t/)ll. *)t discarded ever. possi*ilit.
S+e t+en anno)nced +er intention o/ leaving at once and
going to visit $a.# >*eca)se I=m going to do somet+ing
+orri*le ,+en I get to +er ,ard">
T+e plea ,as o//ered t+at s+e sta. a little longer to please
t+e ,riter" S+e .ielded rel)ctantl. *)t *egan pacing t+e
o//ice" S+e smiled to +ersel/# piro)etted# ,aved +er arms#
giggled# and no, and t+en stared a*stractedl. into space"
Her attention co)ld *e sec)red /airl. readil.# alt+o)g+ onl.
At last# a/ter m)c+ pers)asive e//ort# s+e consented to *e
+.pnoti1ed *)t declared t+at s+e ,o)ld terminate t+e trance
and ,al- o)t o/ t+e o//ice# never to ret)rn# i/ t+ere ,ere an.
+int at t+erap. or even investigation o/ +er ideas"
A n)m*er o/ trances ,ere ind)ced and )tili1ed to elicit
demonstrations o/ t+e common +.pnotic p+enomena in an
impersonal manner"
5+en an e//ort ,as made to ind)ce cr.stal ga1ing# s+e
protested t+at t+at meas)re +ad *een )sed t+erape)ticall.
,it+ +er" S+e ,as reass)red *. +aving +er +all)cinate a
rose *)s+ and co)nt t+e roses on it"
Ho,ever# an. attempt at depersonali1ation#
disorientation# or regression elicited prompt protest and
t+reats o/ ,a-ing and leaving"
More t+an /o)r /)tile +o)rs ,ere spent in la*orio)s
e//orts to gain control o/ t+e sit)ation" In retrospect# t+e
concept o/ time distortion co)ld +ave *een readil. and
easil. )tili1ed" 5it+ t+e /irst development o/ +er adverse
reaction# t+ere co)ld +ave *een made a s+i/t /rom t+e
t+erape)tic sit)ation to a simple experimental sit)ation
involving distorted time" T+en# in all pro*a*ilit.# +er
*e+avior ,o)ld +ave paralleled t+at o/ Patients 7 or E"
Ho,ever# a/ter t+is extensive e//ort ,it+ +er# a sol)tion
o/ t+e sit)ation ,as /inall. reac+ed *. means o/ a simple#
/ort)nate stratagem"
S+e ,as told# >Since .o) are terminating t+erap. and I
s+all not see .o) again# I ,o)ld li-e to as- a parting /avor" I
+ope .o) ,ill grant it" It is t+is" Yo) entered t+e o//ice
,earing a ne, o)t/it and I ,as glad to see .o)" No, I
,o)ld li-e to +.pnoti1e .o) and send .o) o)t o/ t+e o//ice
to enter it again as .o) did earlier# so t+at once more I can
+ave t+e pleasant /eeling I +ad ,+en I /irst sa, .o) tonig+t"
5ill .o) do t+isI>
S+e agreed and a deep trance ,as ind)ced" S+e ,as
instr)cted# >eave t+e o//ice# ,al- )p t+e +all a s+ort
distance# t)rn and t+en come do1en t+e +all and enter m.
o//ice in exactl. t+e ,a. .o) did )pon arriving# /eeling and
*elieving as .o) enter t+at .o) +ave <)st arrived and give
me t+e same initial greeting">
In +er ,illingness to grant t+is parting /avor# s+e ,as so
attentive to t+e act)al ,ording o/ t+e instr)ctions t+at s+e
/ailed to perceive t+eir signi/icant implications"
S+e o*e.ed t+e instr)ctions exactl. and t+)s reentered
t+e o//ice regressed in time to t+e moment o/ +er original
arrival" T+ere*.# an amnesia +ad *een e//ected /or
ever.t+ing t+at +ad alread. occ)rred in t+e o//ice"
In t+is ne, ps.c+ological setting# it *ecame relativel.
eas. to g)ide a second co)rse o/ developments"
7. tec+ni0)es o/ dissociation# depersonali1ation#
disorientation and cr.stal ga1ing# t+e patient ,as ena*led to
ac+ieve ade0)ate insig+t into and )nderstanding o/ *ot+ t+e
dream and t+e )ncooperative dist)r*ed *e+avior related to
T+erea/ter# t+e co)rse o/ t+erap. ,as /avora*le and rapid
and it ,as soon terminated as s)ccess/)l" More t+an eig+t
.ears +ave veri/ied t+is <)dgment"
Per+aps tec+nicall. t+is case report# li-e t+at o/ Patient
A# ma. *e regarded as not *elonging properl. to t+is series"
Ho,ever# it ill)strates# and all t+e more clearl. since it is in
retrospect# +o, t+e concept o/ time distortion# +ad it *een
availa*le# co)ld +ave *een applica*le and e//ective in an
extremel. di//ic)lt t+erape)tic sit)ation" In its a*sence#
+o)rs o/ /)tile anxiet.# ,+ic+ certainl. did not *ene/it t+e
patient# +ad to elapse )ntil a /ort)nate stratagem o/
ps.c+ological mane)vering met t+e patient=s needs"
Ot+er,ise# t+e pro*a*le o)tcome ,o)ld +ave *een
!)rt+ermore# t+is case presentation ill)strates t+e
constant need# in ever. /ield o/ endeavor# to revie, t+e
past in terms o/ ne,er )nderstandings and# t+)s# to ac+ieve
a *etter compre+ension o/ *ot+ t+e old and t+e ne,"
T+is /inal case report concerns a di//ic)lt ps.c+iatric
pro*lem in ,+ic+ t+erape)tic progress ,as exceedingl.
slo, and di//ic)lt )ntil resort ,as +ad to t+e )tili1ation o/
time distortion"
T+e patient# in +is mid6t,enties# complained o/ a variet.
o/ s.mptoms" He s)//ered /rom over,+elming o*sessional
/ears o/ +omosex)alit.L +e +ad /re0)ent disa*ling
+eadac+esL +e ,as extremel. /ear/)l and s+.L +e lived /rom
da. to da. ,it+o)t an. interestsL +e ,as *ot+ agorap+o*ic
and cla)strop+o*icL and +e ,as a/raid to loo- at ,omen
*eca)se t+e. *ecame +ideo)s creat)res in some
inexplica*le ,a. t+at ca)sed +im to *e a/raid to loo- at
T+ese s.mptoms# o/ more t+an six mont+s= d)ration# +ad
developed rapidl. some eig+teen mont+s a/ter +e +ad
completed +is militar. service *)t +e co)ld not attri*)te
t+em to an. partic)lar set o/ circ)mstances nor to an.
partic)lar time" T+e. +ad merel. developed ,it+ s)c+
distressing rapidit. t+at +e ,as not a*le to remem*er t+eir
onset nor t+e order in ,+ic+ t+e. appeared"
T+e personal +istor. +e gave disclosed little o/
recogni1a*le signi/icance nor ,as +e at all interested in
disc)ssing it" His concern ,as a repetitio)s reco)nting o/
+is present condition"
Ho,ever# it ,as learned t+at +is militar. +istor. ,as
credita*le and t+at +e +ad +ad active com*at experience"
8pon disc+arge /rom t+e Arm.# +e +ad s.stematicall.
visited n)mero)s relatives in t+e East and t+en +ad come
to Ari1ona /or emplo.ment"
S+ortl. t+erea/ter# +is /at+er and stepmot+er +ad moved
to Ari1ona *eca)se o/ +is /at+er=s +ealt+" 5+ile +e did not
live ,it+ t+em# +e visited t+em ,ee-l. )ntil s+ortl. *e/ore
entering t+erap. and +e s)pported t+em ,illingl." His
relations+ip ,it+ t+em *ot+ +ad al,a.s *een and still ,as
His mot+er +ad died >,+en I ,as <)st a little *o." It ,as
on m. tent+ *irt+da." S+e ,as a,/)l good to )s -ids"
T+ere ,ere eleven o/ )s"
S+e died s)ddenl.# I g)ess it ,as +er +eart" 5e ,ere
a,/)l poor and it ,as a reall. to)g+ str)ggle" 5e ,ere glad
,+en Dad married Mom" T+ings got easier t+en">
!)rt+er extensive 0)estioning elicited one ot+er item o/
possi*le signi/icance" T+is ,as t+at s+ortl. prior to t+e
onset o/ +is s.mptoms# contrar. to +is )s)al +a*it# +e +ad
slept poorl. and +ad +ad most dist)r*ing dreams# none o/
,+ic+ +e +ad remem*ered s)*se0)entl."
T+en one morning on +is ,a. to ,or- +e sa, a prett.
girl# *)t a closer loo- disclosed +er to +ave t+e +ideo)s
appearance o/ a >rotting corpse>" T+is terri/ied +im" !)rt+er
do,n t+e street +e sa, anot+er girl approac+ing# and# as
t+e. met# s+e too ass)med t+e appearance o/ a >=rotting
corpse>" Do)*ts o/ +is sanit. came to +is mind and t+ese
,ere rein/orced *. t+e discover. t+at ever. /emale +e met
*ecame trans/ormed into a similar revolting sig+t" 5+en +e
/inall. reac+ed t+e large /actor. room ,+ere +e ,or-ed
,it+ a score o/ ot+er men# +e /elt protected and most
grate/)l to t+em# *)t dra,n to t+em emotionall. in a
>+orri*le sentimental ,a.>"
T+erea/ter <o) *ac- and /ort+ and ,or-ing
*ecame nig+tmare experiences /or +im"
On pa.da. +e +ad to stand in line in a small o//ice to
receive +is c+ec- /rom a .o)ng /emale cler-" He *ecame
oppressed *. t+e small si1e o/ t+e room and /elt +opelessl.
trapped" !ollo,ing t+is# +e ,as )na*le to sleep in +is room
)nless t+e ,indo,s ,ere open and t+e door slig+tl. a<ar#
and repeatedl. d)ring t+e nig+t +e ,o)ld a,a-en to see i/
all ,ere ,ell"
He so)g+t t+erap. *eca)se +e /elt +imsel/ on t+e verge o/
insanit.# ,it+ s)icide t+e onl. ot+er possi*le alternative"
T+erape)tic intervie,s /or man. ,ee-s .ielded little
more t+an a comp)lsive repetitio)s reco)nting o/ material
alread. related" He ,as averse to +.pnot+erap. and insisted
t+at i/ +e tal-ed long eno)g+# +e ,o)ld s)cceed in >tal-ing
it o)t>"
!inall.# since +is /)nds ,ere *eing ex+a)sted# +e ,as
pers)aded to permit +.pnosis as a possi*le stim)lant to
more rapid progress" Ho,ever# +e emp+asi1ed t+at act)al
t+erap. m)st *e limited to t+e ,a-ing state" Accordingl.# it
,as agreed t+at t+e +.pnosis ,o)ld *e emplo.ed simpl. to
give +im access to )nconscio)s material ,+ic+ co)ld t+en
*e disc)ssed in t+e ,a-ing state"
He proved to *e a good s)*<ect and# a/ter intensive
training to ins)re a good +.pnotic per/ormance# +is
permission ,as as-ed /or a t+erape)tic investigation" T+is
,as re/)sed and +e insisted ane, on onl. ,a-ing t+erap."
Accordingl.# +e ,as told t+at an experiment re0)iring ten
to t,ent. seconds= time co)ld *e done t+at ,o)ld
)ndo)*tedl. ena*le +im to get at t+e core o/ +is di//ic)lties"
Reass)red *. t+e *revit. o/ t+e time re0)ired# +e consented
He ,as s.stematicall. ta)g+t a ,or-ing -no,ledge o/
time distortion in m)c+ t+e same /as+ion as +as *een
descri*ed a*ove"
5+en t+is +ad *een completed# +e ,as given t+e
/ollo,ing instr)ctionsC
>5it+ t+is stop,atc+ I ,ill give .o) an allotted ,orld
time o/ t,ent. seconds" In .o)r o,n special
experiential time# t+ose t,ent. seconds ,ill cover
+o)rs# da.s# ,ee-s# mont+s# even .ears o/ .o)r
experiential li/e" 5+en I sa. =No,=# .o) ,ill *egin t+e
experiment" 5+en I sa. =Stop=# .o) ,ill *e /inis+ed"
D)ring t+at t,ent. seconds o/ ,orld time# .o) ,ill sit
0)ietl.# neit+er spea-ing nor moving# *)t mentall.# in
.o)r )nconscio)s# .o) ,ill do t+e experiment# ta-ing
all t+e experiential time .o) need" T+is .o) ,ill do
t+oro)g+l.# care/)ll." As soon as I give .o) t+e starting
signal# I ,ill name t+e experiment and .o) ,ill do it
completel." Are .o) read.I
>No,6?o t+ro)g+ all t+e ca)ses o/ .o)r pro*lem"
Immediatel. +e a,a-ened# sig+ed deepl.# ,iped t+e
perspiration /rom +is /ace and stated# >It ,as m. mot+er"
S+e al,a.s told me to tr)st +er" I ,as so mad ,+en s+e
died and I +ated +er">
He pa)sed# and t+en ,ent on to explain# ver. m)c+ as
Patient 7 did *)t ,it+ m)c+ less tendenc. to vivi/. so
intensel." He emplo.ed tenses in a compara*le /as+ion and
interpolated explanations similarl."
A s)mmar. o/ +is )tterances is as /ollo,sC
>I ,as a little *o. sitting in +er lap" I came +ome
/rom sc+ool and I /ell and *it m. tong)e and s+e told
me to tr)st +er" T+at ,as +er ,a. o/ com/orting# I
s)ppose# *)t I didn=t )nderstand" T+e cat scratc+ed me
Ar)**ing +is +andB" Al,a.s s+e said KTr)st me"= S+e
promised me a *irt+da. part. ,+en I gre, )p" I ,aited
and ,aited6+)ndreds o/ da.s" I can /eel t+at ,aiting
rig+t no," It ,as so long" I ,aited /or +er to t)c- me in
*ed6s+e is good" I ,aited /or +er to get me a penn. /or
cand.6I ,aited and ,aited" Al,a.s s+e said =Tr)st me"=
It all +appened rig+t +ere in t+is room *)t I t+o)g+t I
,as *ac- in Penns.lvania" I +ad to r)n +ome /rom
sc+ool *eca)se I pla.ed too long and I ,as late" And
al,a.s# al,a.s# al,a.s I +eard +er sa.# Kal,a.s tr)st
Mot+er# <)st tr)st Mot+er# .o) can al,a.s tr)st
Mot+er"= S+e is <)st it to me over and over and
over all t+e .ears"
>I +ave <)st *een gro,ing )p /rom a little *o."
Ever.t+ing t+at +appened to me t+at made mot+er sa.
=Tr)st me= +as <)st *een +appening rig+t +ere"
>T+ere ,ere so man. o/ t+em" I can tell .o) t+em i/ I
s+o)ld# I don=t need to *eca)se t+e. all led to t+e same
t+ing" AHe ,as ass)red t+at ot+er details co)ld *e given
>I ,as ten .ears old t+at da." Mot+er promised me a
special *irt+da. dinner and ca-e" 5e ,ere too poor to
+ave t+ose t+ings" I ,anted it so *ad" S+e -ept telling
me all da.# =Tr)st Mot+er to ma-e .o)r ca-e# t+e *est
ca-e .o) ,ill ever +ave in all .o)r li/e"= S+e is going in
t+e -itc+en# s+e stopped# I sa, +er get pale" S+e said
+er arm and s+o)lder +)rt and s+e ,ent to *ed and I sat
and ,atc+ed +er die" T+e last t+ing s+e said ,as =Tr)st
me"= I ,as mad at +er6s+e promised me and s+e al,a.s
told me to tr)st +er and I did and I didn=t +ave m.
*irt+da." I +ated +er6I ,as sad# too" I didn=t -no, +o,
to /eel and I ,as scared" 7)t I /orgot all t+at" I <)st
remem*ered it +ere"
>And t+en Dad and Mom came to Ari1ona" I visited
t+em reg)lar" T+en one da. +e told me con/identiall.
t+at +e +ad cancer and t+at t+e doctors said +e +ad onl.
a mont+ le/t to live" AAct)all. t+e /at+er lived nearl. a
.ear"B I ,as /eeling *ad a*o)t t+is" I +eard +im tell it to
me <)st t+e ,a. +e did t+en" T+en later Mom said#
>T+is is t+e tent+ *irt+da. o/ o)r marriage#> and I /ro1e
)p sti// and I <)st no, +eard +er sa. it again <)st li-e
s+e did t+en" T+en I ,as going to *ed and to
sleep *)t I -ept ,a-ing )p *eca)se I -ept seeing dead
*odies" I +ated t+em" T+e. ,ere m. mot+er" And ever.
one o/ t+em -ept =Tr)st me"= And I tried to r)n to
m. Dad and clim* into +is lap and I ,anted +im to love
me and com/ort me and p)t +is arms aro)nd me" And I
co)ld not /ind +im an.,+ere and ever.,+ere I loo-ed#
I sa, Mot+er dead and KTr)st me"=
>And t+e next da. ever.t+ing *egan" T+e girls on t+e
street# m. cra1. ideas"
>T+at=s +o, m. pro*lem started" No, it=s over ,it+">
T+e patient ,as rig+t" T+erap. ,as complete except /or a
/e, more intervie,s" D)ring t+ese +e revie,ed vario)s
incidents o/ t+e past and disc)ssed +is con/)sed t+in-ing
and emotions as a c+ild and +is conse0)ent development o/
intense g)ilt reactions"
A .ear +as passed" He is engaged to *e married# and is
+app. and ,ell ad<)sted"
One can onl. spec)late on +o, long a time t+erap. *.
ot+er met+ods ,o)ld +ave re0)ired" E0)all. ,ell one can
,onder +o, time distortion# in t,ent. seconds# co)ld e//ect
a removal o/ s)c+ massive repressions and activate into
seemingl. c)rrent realit. so great a ,ealt+ o/ experiential
8ndo)*tedl. t+e preceding e//orts at t+erap. and t+e
esta*lis+ed rapport constit)ted a signi/icant and essential
/o)ndation /or t+e t+erape)tic res)lts o*tained" It does not
seem reasona*le to t+is ,riter t+at# in t+is -ind o/ a
pro*lem# time distortion co)ld *e )sed as an initial
proced)re" 7)t t+e res)lts do indicate t+at time distortion
+as de/inite clinical and t+erape)tic applications"
Per+aps t+e *est ,a. to s)mmari1e t+ese clinical st)dies
is to re/er t+e reader to t+e concl)sions at t+e end o/ t+e
experimental section o/ t+is *oo-" In so doing# t+e
parallelism *et,een t+e experimental /indings and t+e
clinical /indings is easil. recogni1ed"
St)d. o/ t+e concept o/ time distortion *. controlled
experimental researc+ led to /indings o/ de/inite
ps.c+ological interest and signi/icance" T+e same concept
,as )tili1ed independentl. in t+e totall. di//erent /ield o/
clinical and t+erape)tic pro*lems" It .ielded res)lts
con/irmator. and s)pplementar. o/ t+e experimental
/indings" T+e t+erape)tic res)lts o*tained indicate t+e
validit. o/ t+e concept o/ time distortion and its
applica*ilit. to ps.c+opat+ological pro*lems"
T+ere remains no, t+e need /or /)rt+er and more
extensive and varied st)d. o/ time distortion *ot+ as an
experimental ps.c+ological pro*lem and as a )se/)l
concept applica*le to clinical and t+erape)tic ,or-"
!ootnoteC T+ese instr)ctions are pro*a*l. m)c+ too ela*orate# *)t a /irst
experimental t+erape)tic e//ort ,it+ a ne, met+odolog. is not an occasion /or
econom." T+e. are presented rat+er /)ll. in order to demonstrate t+e e//ort at
!)rt+er Considerations o/
Time Distortion
Milton H" Eric-son# M"D"
Eli1a*et+ M" Eric-son# 7"A"
S)*<ective Time Condensation
as Distinct /rom Time
S+ortl. a/ter t+e p)*lication o/ t+e /irst edition o/ t+is
*oo-# one o/ t+e a)t+ors o/ t+is ne, section AE"M"E"B noted
a de/inite oversig+t in t+e development and explication o/
t+e concept o/ time distortion and its clinical applications"
T+is ne, section is intended to correct t+at omission and to
clari/.# /rom a slig+tl. di//erent angle# t+e concept o/ time
distortion and ot+er aspects o/ its clinical application"
In *ot+ t+e experimental and t+e clinical sections o/ t+is
*oo-# t+e concept o/ time distortion +as *een developed
)nilaterall. in relations+ip to t+e >lengt+ening> or
>expansion> o/ s)*<ective time" T+e converse
mani/estation# t+at is# t+e >s+ortening># >contraction># or
>condensation> o/ s)*<ective time +as received no direct
recognition or ela*oration# except /or *rie/ mention in
disc)ssions to esta*lis+ contrast val)es" Ho,ever# t+e
implications to *e derived /rom# and t+e ded)ctions
,arranted *.# t+e experimental and t+e clinical sections o/
t+is *oo- ma-e apparent t+at time distortion as an
experiential p+enomenon ma. *e eit+er in t+e nat)re o/
s)*<ective >time expansion> or its converse# >time
T+o)g+ not t+en recogni1ed as s)c+# t+e /irst
experimentall. and clinicall. signi/icant instance o/
+.pnotic time condensation -no,n to t+ese ,riters
occ)rred some .ears previo)s to t+e initial ,or- *asic to
t+e /irst edition o/ t+is *oo-"
T+e sit)ation ,as t+at o/ a .o)ng ,oman trained as an
+.pnotic s)*<ect /or t+e deliver. o/ +er /irst c+ild" No
s)ggestions o/ an. sort +ad *een given +er concerning +er
perception o/ time except t+at s+e ,o)ld >+ave a good
time> and ,o)ld >en<o. +aving +er *a*.>"
Nevert+eless# spontaneo)sl. s+e experienced t+e
/ollo,ing s)*<ective p+enomenaC
2" T+e t,ent. mile a)tomo*ile ride to t+e +ospital
seemed to *e remar-a*l. rapid# despite +er repeated
e+ec-ings o/ t+e speedometer ,+ic+ al,a.s disclosed a
speed ,it+in esta*lis+ed limits"
&" T+e elevator ascent to t+e maternit. /loor seemed to *e
)nd)l. rapid and in mar-ed contrast to t+e de/inite
slo,ness o/ s)*se0)ent rides in t+at elevator"
F" T+e deliver. room preparation o/ t+e patient seemed
*arel. to *egin *e/ore it ,as completed"
(" N)rses seemingl. das+ed in and o)t o/ t+e +ospital
roomL and orderlies appeared to r)n rapidl. )p and do,n
t+e corridor and ever.*od. apparentl. spo-e ,it+ t+e
)tmost rapidit." S+e expressed mild ,onderment at t+eir
>+)rried> *e+avior"
4" T+e o*stetrician >darted in and o)t> o/ t+e room#
>+astil.> c+ec-ing t+e progress o/ +er la*or and +e seemed
scarcel. to complete one examination *e/ore *eginning t+e
9" T+e min)te +and o/ t+e *edside cloc- appeared to
move ,it+ t+e speed o/ a second +and# an item o/
*e,ilderment on ,+ic+ s+e commented at t+e time"
:" !inall.# s+e ,as trans/erred to t+e deliver. room cart
and ,as >raced> do,n t+e corridor to t+e deliver. room#
,+ere t+e min)te +and on t+e ,all cloc- ,as also >moving
,it+ t+e speed o/ a second +and>"
;" Once in t+e deliver. room# t+e trans/er to t+e deliver.
ta*le# t+e draping o/ +er *od.# and t+e act)al *irt+ o/ t+e
*a*. seemed to occ)r ,it+ almost *e,ildering rapidit."
Act)all. t+e la*or lasted a total o/ t+ree +o)rs and ten
min)tes# and +ad *een remar-a*l. eas. and )n+)rried"
Detailed in0)iries o/ t+e mot+er s)*se0)ent to deliver.#
s)pplemented *. vario)s pertinent comments s+e +ad made
d)ring la*or# served to /)rnis+ an ade0)ate acco)nt o/ t+e
greatl. increased s)*<ective tempo o/ all t+e activities
comprising +er total experience" All o/ t+is# s+e explained#
+ad >interested> +er >mildl.># *)t s+e +ad *een m)c+ more
interested in t+e arrival o/ +er *a*."
T+e interpretation o//ered at t+at time o/ +er s)*<ective
experience ,as t+e simple <oc)lar statement t+at s+e
>o*vio)sl. <)st co)ldn=t ,ait /or t+e *a*.>"
Cooper=s development o/ t+e concept o/ time distortion#
+o,ever# ma-es apparent t+e /act t+at t+e patient# in +er
eagerness to ac+ieve mot+er+ood# spontaneo)sl. emplo.ed
t+e process o/ s)*<ective time condensation# t+ere*.
experientiall. +astening a desired goal"
T+e a*ove case report is a stri-ingl. ill)strative example
o/ spontaneo)s experiential condensation o/ s)*<ective
time" Ho,ever# t+is p+enomenon is one o/ common
experience in ever.da. living" 5e all readil. recogni1e
+o, pleas)res vanis+ on /leeting ,ings# *)t# to date# it +as
*een primaril. t+e poet ,+o +as *est descri*ed time val)es#
as ,itnessC >Time travels in divers paces ,it+ divers
persons" I=ll tell .o) ,+o Time am*les ,it+al# ,+o Time
trots ,it+al# ,+o Time gallops ,it+al# and ,+o +e stands
still ,it+al"> AS+a-espeare# >As Yo) i-e It#> Act III# Sc" &#
line F&;//"B
A common general recognition is easil. given to time
condensation in dail. living" T+e vacation is so m)c+
s+orter t+an t+e calendar time# t+e +app. visit o/ +o)rs=
d)ration seems to *e o/ onl. a /e, min)tes= lengt+6indeed#
too man. pleas)res seem to *e m)c+ too *rie/"
8n/ort)natel.# in t+e ver. intensit. o/ o)r desire to
contin)e to en<o.# ,e s)*<ectivel. s+orten time and
conversel.# in o)r )n,illingness to s)//er# ,e s)*<ectivel.
lengt+en time and t+)s# pain and distress travel on leaden
T+ese spontaneo)s )nt)tored learnings /rom ever.da.
experiences s)ggest t+e importance o/ a contin)ed and even
more extensive st)d. o/ time distortion in *ot+ o/ its
aspects o/ s)*<ective expansion and condensation"
In o)r experience# as ,ell as t+e experience o/ vario)s
colleag)es# t+e read. reversal o/ t+e )s)al or ordinar.
learnings o/ s)*<ective time distortions seem to *e limited
primaril. to learnings ac+ieved in relation to +.pnosis" In
t+is regard# a ,ealt+ o/ o*servations +as *een made on
+.pnotic s)*<ects in *ot+ experimental and clinical
To cite an example# a dental patient# ,+o +ad an
extensive -no,ledge o/ +.pnosis and ,+o ,as de/initel.
interested in s)*<ective time expansion# so)g+t +.pnotic
training /or dental p)rposes" T+e res)lts ac+ieved did not
derive /rom t+e act)al +.pnotic instr)ctions given# *)t ,ere
expressive o/ t+e patient=s o,n ,is+es /or s)*<ective
experiences" Dental anest+esia and com/ort ,ere ac+ieved
*. a process o/ dissociation and regression *. ,+ic+ s+e
s)*<ectivel. *ecame a >little girl again and pla.ed all
a/ternoon on t+e la,n"> As /or t+e dental experience itsel/#
as s+e remem*ered experiencing it s)*<ectivel.# s+e
ad<)sted +ersel/ in t+e dental c+air# relaxed# opened +er
mo)t+ and ,as astonis+ed to +ear t+e dentist sa.# >And t+at
,ill *e all toda."> S+e s)rreptitio)sl. c+ec-ed +er ,atc+
,it+ +is cloc- and t+en ,it+ anot+er cloc- *e/ore s+e co)ld
*elieve t+at an +o)r +ad elapsed" Yet# at t+e same time s+e
,as a,are o/ t+e prolonged dissociative regressive
s)*<ective experience s+e +ad +ad as a c+ild /or an entire
T+)s# ,it+in t+e /rame,or- o/ a single total experience#
*ot+ s)*<ective time expansion and time condensation ,ere
ac+ieved to /)rt+er entirel. separate *)t sim)ltaneo)s
experiences# t+at is# sim)ltaneo)s as nearl. as t+e ,riters
can <)dge"
Anot+er s)*<ect# )ntrained in time distortion# ,as
emplo.ed repeatedl. to demonstrate +.pnotic p+enomena
at t+e close o/ an +o)r long lect)re" A/ter t+e /irst /e,6
occasions# t+e s)*<ect developed a trance state at t+e
*eginning o/ t+e lect)re ,+ic+ persisted )ntil t+e
demonstration ,as concl)ded" 7. c+ance it ,as discovered
t+at t+erea/ter t+e s)*<ect inevita*l. mis<)dged t+e lapse o/
time *. approximatel. t+e d)ration o/ t+e lect)re" A/ter
repeated o*servation o/ t+is mani/estation# in0)ir. elicited
t+e signi/icant explanation /rom t+e s)*<ect# >O+# I <)st
stopped t+e cloc-" I didn=t ,ant to ,ait all t+at time ,+ile
.o) lect)red"> 7. t+is s+e meant t+at s+e did not ,is+ to
experience t+e long ,ait /or t+e close o/ t+e lect)re"
Instead# s+e +ad arrested s)*<ectivel. t+e passage o/ time
and t+ere*. red)ced it to a momentar. d)ration" Or# as s+e
expressed it in +er o,n ,ords# >Yo) see# t+at ,a.# .o) start
t+e lect)re# I go into a trance and stop t+e cloc- and rig+t
a,a. t+e lect)re is over and it is time /or t+e
demonstration" T+at ,a. I don=t +ave to ,ait"> In ot+er
,ords# s+e +ad s)*<ectivel. arrested t+e passage o/ time
and t+ere*. +ad red)ced t+e d)ration o/ t+e lect)re to a
seeming moment"
T+at report is *)t one o/ man. similar acco)nts t+at co)ld
*e cited" One o/ )s AM"H"E"[ +as repeatedl. enco)ntered
over a period o/ .ears# ,+ile assisting in cond)cting post6
grad)ate seminars on +.pnosis# vol)nteer s)*<ects#
t+emselves p+.sicians# dentists or ps.c+ologists# ,+o +ave
spontaneo)sl. developed time condensation" !)rt+ermore#
t+e. +ave done t+is ,it+o)t previo)s training in +.pnosis
or in time distortion"
8s)all. t+e sit)ation in ,+ic+ t+is mani/estation
developed ,as one ,+erein t+e teac+ing needs o/ t+e
lect)re period re0)ired t+e repeated ,it+dra,al o/ t+e
instr)ctor=s attention /rom t+e vol)nteer s)*<ect"
One s)c+ s)*<ect# in a post6trance revie, o/ +is +.pnotic
activities in an e//ort to develop a more ade0)ate
)nderstanding o/ +.pnotic p+enomena# in0)ired at lengt+
a*o)t t+e nat)re and genesis o/ +is apparentl. altered vis)al
perception o/ t+e lect)re room cloc-" He explained t+at#
d)ring +is trance state# +e +ad *een distracted and
/ascinated *. +is discover. o/ a repeated sporadic
movement o/ t+e min)te +and o/ t+at cloc-" T+is +and# +e
explained# did not consistentl. move slo,l. and reg)larl."
Some o/ t+e time it didL speci/icall.# in t+ose periods
d)ring ,+ic+ t+e instr)ctor -ept +im *)s. at vario)s tas-s"
5+en le/t to +is o,n devices *. t+e instr)ctor=s attention
directed to t+e classroom# +e noted t+at t+e min)te +and
>,o)ld stand still /or a ,+ile# t+en <er- a+ead /or ma.*e
/ive min)tes# pa)se# and t+en per+aps <er- a+ead /or
anot+er /i/teen min)tes" Once it <)st slid aro)nd a /)ll t+irt.
min)tes in a*o)t t+ree seconds= time" T+at ,as ,+en .o)
,ere *)s. )sing t+e ot+er s)*<ect Aa second vol)nteerB" It
anno.ed me ,+en .o) -ept demanding m. attention ,+en I
,anted to ,atc+ t+at cloc-"> In0)ir. disclosed t+at +is
a,areness o/ t+e passage o/ time +ad greatl. decreased" In
ot+er ,ords# +e# too# +ad >stopped t+e cloc->"
Anot+er example o/ t+e experiential val)es o/ time
condensation relates to t+e experience o/ a dentist ,+o
emplo.ed +.pnosis extensivel. in +is practice"
8n/ort)natel.# in t+e individ)alit. o/ +is personal tec+6
ni0)e in maintaining a trance state# +e conditioned +is
patients to a contin)ing s)ccession o/ ver*ali1ations" Even
more )n/ort)natel.# as +e *ecame a*sor*ed in t+e
intricacies o/ +is ,or- on t+e patient# +e ,o)ld /ind
+imsel/ )na*le to ver*ali1e" T+e res)lt ,as t+at +is patients
,o)ld aro)se /rom t+e trance state to t+e m)t)al distress o/
*ot+ dentist and patient" One o/ t+e ,riters AE"M"E"B# on
t+e *asis o/ +er o,n personal experience# s)ggested t+at +e
emplo. time condensation *. teac+ing it to +is patients so
t+at t+e. mig+t a**reviate t+e time *et,een +is ver6
*ali1ations and t+)s *ecome )na,are o/ +is silences" T+e
res)lts /or t+at dentist ,ere excellent"
T,o /)rt+er instances o/ t+e clinical )se o/ time
condensation in t+e t+erap. o/ individ)al patients can *e
cited" T+e /irst o/ t+ese concerns t+e report *. one o/ )s
AM"H"E"B given *e/ore t+e Ar-ansas Medical Societ. in
Ma. 23'; on >H.pnosis in Pain/)l Terminal Illness> and
accepted /or p)*lication in 23'3 *. T+e American @o)rnal
o/ Clinical H.pnosis"
In t+is report an acco)nt is given o/ t+e teac+ing o/ time
condensation# in association ,it+ ot+er ps.c+ological
meas)res# to a pro/essional man in t+e last stages o/
pain/)l terminal carcinomato)s disease" T+e clinical
res)lts o*tained in t+is patient de/initel. indicated a +ig+l.
signi/icant relie/ o/ t+e patient=s distress# a part o/ ,+ic+
,as directl. attri*)ta*le to time condensation" Partic)larl.
/or t+is patient did time condensation appear to precl)de
vario)sl. a s)*<ective a,areness# memor. and anticipation
o/ pain" T+e )se/)lness in t+is one case s)ggests t+e
possi*ilit. o/ its )tili1ation as a clinical meas)re o/
red)cing s)*<ective a,areness o/ p+.sical distress and
As a concl)ding ill)stration o/ time distortion involving
*ot+ s)*<ective time condensation and time expansion in a
complementar. relations+ip# a clinical +istor. /rom t+e
practice o/ one o/ )s AM"H"E"B is cited" In t+is report# an
acco)nt is given o/ t+e experimental6clinical t+erape)tic
proced)re emplo.ed in t+e alleviation o/ a s.mptomatic
T+e patient# a /i/t. .ear old socialite# ,as re/erred *. +er
/amil. p+.sician /or +.pnot+erap." !or man. .ears s+e
+ad s)//ered a .earl. average o/ /ort.6/ive severe
incapacitating migraino)s +eadac+es /or ,+ic+ t+ere +ad
*een /o)nd no organic *asis" S+e +ad o/ten *een +os6
pitali1ed /or t+ese attac-s *eca)se o/ severe de+.dration
and )ncontrolla*le vomiting" T+e attac-s lasted /rom not
less t+an t+ree +o)rs to as long as t+ree ,ee-s"
Alt+o)g+ t+e patient ,as desiro)s o/ t+erap.# s+e ,as
incompre+ensi*l. demanding# dictatorial and act)all.
)ncooperative as /ar as ps.c+ot+erape)tic exploration ,as
concerned" S+e ,anted all t+erap. to *e accomplis+ed# ver.
de/initel. so# ,it+in /o)r visits at intervals o/ t,o ,ee-s"
H.pnosis and an. +.pnotic proced)res considered
val)a*le *. t+e t+erapist ,ere to *e emplo.ed ,it+ t+e
exception o/ an. ps.c+ological investigative proced)res"
T+e entire sit)ation ,as to *e so +andled t+at s+e ,as not
to +ave an. serio)sl. incapacitating attac-s# t+at is# attac-s
o/ over t+ree +o)rs d)ration# in t+e six ,ee-s period o/ +er
Ho,ever# it ,as also +er demand t+at# since s+e +ad +ad
t+ese +eadac+es /or man. .ears ,it+ great reg)larit.# s+e
,anted t+em to contin)e *)t in s)c+ /as+ion t+at t+e.
,o)ld serve to meet +er >+idden personalit. needs> *)t
,it+o)t inter/ering ,it+ +er as a /)nctioning personalit."
AT+e patient ,as intelligent# college6*red# ,ell6in/ormed#
+appil. married and a devoted grandmot+er"B S+e
s)ggested t+at t+e c+aracter o/ t+e +eadac+es mig+t *e
c+anged *)t not t+e /re0)enc." Ho,ever# t+is ,as *)t a
s)ggestion# s+e declared# and s+e ,as content to rest t+is
responsi*ilit. )pon t+e t+erapist"
In repl. to +er# t+e demand ,as made t+at t+e t+erapist
re0)ired as a special consideration t+at s+e report .earl. to
+im as a /orm o/ ins)rance o/ +er t+erap." A/ter care/)l
t+o)g+t# s+e agreed to do so /or t,o .ears providing no /ee
,as c+arged# *)t t+erea/ter# t+e t+erapist ,o)ld sec)re an.
in/ormation /rom +er /amil. p+.sician"
Despite +er attit)de to,ard t+erap. in directing it#
restricting proced)res and esta*lis+ing limits# s+e ,as
readil. accepted as a patient# since s+e presented an
excellent opport)nit. /or a com*ined experimental and
clinical approac+" 5+en in/ormed o/ t+is o/
acceptance# s+e agreed readil."
T+e act)al approac+ to +er pro*lem# in addition to *eing
oriented to +er demands# ,as *ased )pon a com*ined
experimental6clinical proced)re )tili1ing in se0)ence
s)*<ectivel. condensed and expanded experiential time# t+e one to en+ance t+e ot+er"
S+e proved to *e an excellent s)*<ect# developing a
pro/o)nd somnam*)listic trance ,it+in ten min)tes"
T+e /irst instr)ction given to +er ,as t+at s+e ,as to
accept no s)ggestion t+at ,as contrar. to +er ,is+es and to
resist e//ectivel. an. attempt to violate an. o/ +er
instr)ctions" Next s+e ,as told to exec)te /)ll. all o/ t+ose
instr)ctions given +er in act)al accord ,it+ +er expressed
desires" In t+is manner# +er /)ll responsive ac0)iescence
,as sec)red in relations+ip to *ot+ +er resistances and +er
act)al cooperation ,it+ possi*le t+erape)tic gains"
T+e t+erape)tic plan devised /or +er ,as relativel.
simple" T+e /irst proced)re a/ter t+e ind)ction o/ a deep
trance ,as to instr)ct +er /)ll. in t+e concepts o/ time
expansion and time condensation" T+en s+e ,as told t+at
s+e ,as# ,it+o)t /ail# to +ave a relativel. severe migraine
attac- o/ not more t+an t+ree +o)rs d)ration sometime
,it+in t+e next ,ee-" T+e severit. o/ t+is attac- and its
termination ,it+in t+ree +o)rs ,as imperative to ade0)ate
t+erape)tic res)lts"
T+e /ollo,ing ,ee-# s+e ,as to +ave anot+er and even
more severe attac-" It ,o)ld di//er# +o,ever# /rom t+e
+eadac+e o/ t+e preceding ,ee- in t+at# ,+ile it ,o)ld last
in s)*<ective or experiential time slig+tl. more t+an t+ree
+o)rs# it ,o)ld last in solar time as meas)red *. a stop6
,atc+ not more t+an /ive min)tes"
7ot+ o/ t+ese +eadac+es ,ere to develop ,it+ mar-ed
s)ddenness# and s+e ,as to go to *ed immediatel. and
a,ait t+eir termination"
T+e patient ,as t+en a,a-ened ,it+ an amnesia /or +er
trance experiences and in/ormed t+at s+e ,as to ret)rn in
t,o ,ee-s time" Mean,+ile# s+e ,as not to *e dist)r*ed or
distressed *. an. +eadac+es s+e mig+t +ave"
5+en t+e patient ,as seen t,o ,ee-s later# s+e
developed a trance readil. )pon entering t+e o//ice" S+e
reported t+at s+e +ad o*e.ed instr)ctions /)ll.# and +ad
experienced t,o +eadac+es" T+e /irst persisted t,o +o)rs
and /i/t. min)tes# and t+e second almost /ive min)tes"
Nevert+eless t+e second +eadac+e seemed to *e m)c+
longer t+at t+e /irst and s+e +ad dis*elieved +er stop,atc+
)ntil s+e +ad c+ec-ed t+e act)al cloc- time"
T+e /irst +eadac+e +ad developed at 2' a"m" and +ad
terminated at ten min)tes to one o=cloc-" T+e ot+er +ad
*eg)n s+arpl. at ten o=cloc- and s+e +ad sei1ed +er
stop,atc+ /or some )n-no,n reason and +ad proceded to
lie do,n on +er *ed" A/ter ,+at +ad seemed to *e man.
+o)rs# t+e +eadac+e +ad terminated as s)ddenl. as it +ad
*eg)n" Her stop,atc+ gave t+e d)ration as exactl. /o)r
min)tes and /i/t.6/ive seconds" S+e /elt t+is to *e an error
since s+e ,as certain t+at t+e time m)st *e some,+ere near
mid6a/ternoon" Ho,ever# c+ec-ing ,it+ t+e cloc-s in t+e
+o)se corrected t+is misappre+ension"
5it+ t+is acco)nt completed# t+e next proced)re ,as to
o)tline t+e co)rse o/ +er t+erap. /or t+e next t,o ,ee-s" To
ins)re +er /)ll cooperation instead o/ +er ,ar.
ac0)iescence# s+e ,as instr)cted t+at s+e ,as /irst to
scr)tini1e t+em care/)ll. /or t+eir legitimac. and t+en to
ans,er /)ll. a n)m*er o/ 0)estions"
In t+is ,a. s+e ,as led into a//irming t+at ten o=cloc- in
t+e morning ,as a >good time to +ave a +eadac+e>L t+at
Monda. morning ,as t+e pre/era*le da.# *)t t+at an. da.
o/ t+e ,ee- co)ld *e s)ita*le i/ ot+er matters so indicatedL
t+at on occasion# it mig+t *e /easi*le to +ave +eadac+es on
s)ccessive da.s and t+)s >to meet personalit. needs> /or a
t,o ,ee-s period instead o/ >meeting t+em> on a ,ee-l.
*asis o/ one +eadac+e per ,ee-" It ,as also agreed t+at s+e
,o)ld +ave to consider t+e /easi*ilit. o/ +aving a
>spontaneo)s )nplanned> +eadac+e at rare intervals
t+ro)g+o)t t+e .ear" T+ese +o,ever ,o)ld pro*a*l. *e less
t+an t+ree solar +o)rs in lengt+"
To all o/ t+is t+e patient agreed"
T+ere)pon s+e ,as instr)cted to +ave +eadac+es o/ less
t+an /ive min)tes eac+ *eginning at ten o=cloc- on t+e next
t,o6Monda. mornings"
Again s+e ,as a,a-ened ,it+ an amnesia and dismissed"
8pon +er next visit# t+e patient demanded an explanation
o/ t+e events o/ t+e preceding t,o ,ee-s" S+e explained
t+at s+e +ad +ad t,o social engagements ,+ic+ s+e +ad
cancelled *eca)se o/ a premonition o/ a +eadac+e" In *ot+
instances +er premonition +ad *een correct" 7ot+ +eadac+es
,ere remar-a*le in +er experience" 7ot+ ,ere so severe
t+at s+e +ad *ecome disoriented in time" 7ot+ made +er /eel
t+at several +o)rs +ad passed in agoni1ing pain *)t t+at a
stop,atc+ s+e +ad /elt impelled to ta-e to *ed ,it+ +er
disclosed t+e +eadac+es to *e onl. a co)ple o/ min)tes in
S+e ,as ans,ered *. t+e statement t+at s+e ,as
)ndergoing a com*ined experimental6clinical +.pnot+erap.
t+at ,as developing ade0)atel. and t+at no /)rt+er
explanation co)ld *e o//ered as .et" S+e accepted t+is
statement a/ter some *rie/ t+o)g+t and t+en developed o/
+er o,n accord a deep trance state"
Immediatel. s+e ,as given ade0)ate commendation /or
t+e excellence o/ +er cooperation# *)t no /)rt+er
explanation ,as o//ered and no in0)iries ,ere made o/ +er"
!)rt+er t+erape)tic ,or- centered aro)nd teac+ing +er a
more ade0)ate appreciation o/ s)*<ective time val)es" T+is
,as done *. +aving +er# still in t+e trance state# determine
,it+ a stop,atc+# t+e act)al lengt+ o/ time t+at s+e co)ld
+old +er *reat+" In t+is ,a. it *ecame possi*le to give +er
an e//ective s)*<ective appreciation o/ t+e )nend)ra*le
lengt+ o/ sixt. seconds# to sa. not+ing o/ ninet. seconds"
Against t+is *ac-gro)nd o/ stop,atc+ experience# s+e
,as given +.pnotic s)ggestions to t+e e//ect t+at#
+ence/ort+# ,+enever +er >personalit. needs> so indicated#
s+e co)ld develop a +eadac+e" T+is +eadac+e co)ld develop
at an. convenient time on an. convenient da.# and ,o)ld
last a >long# long sixt. ,+ole seconds> or even an
>)nend)ra*l. long# pain/)ll. long# ninet. seconds>" It
,o)ld 0)ite pro*a*l. *e excr)ciatingl. pain/)l"
5+en it ,as certain t+at t+e patient )nderstood +er
instr)ctions# s+e ,as dismissed"
S+e ret)rned in t,o ,ee-s to declare it ,as +er last visit#
since s+e expected t+erap. to *e concl)ded" T+ere)pon s+e
developed a pro/o)nd somnam*)listic trance"
S+e ,as immediatel. told t+at t+e t+erapist ,is+ed to
revie, ,it+ +er t+e proceedings o/ t+e previo)s intervie,s
and t+e res)lting events" S+e replied# >T+at is all so
)nnecessar." I remem*er per/ectl. ever.t+ing in m.
)nconscio)s mind" I )nderstand and I approve and I ,ill
cooperate /)ll." Is t+ere an.t+ing ne, .o) ,is+ to tell meI>
S+e ,as reminded t+at it ,as possi*le t+at on rare
occasions s+e mig+t develop an >)nexpected# )nplanned#
completel. spontaneo)s +eadac+e">
S+e replied t+at s+e remem*ered and t+at i/ t+ere ,ere
not+ing more to *e done# s+e ,is+ed to terminate t+e
intervie, ,it+o)t dela." 8pon t+e t+erapist=s assent# s+e
ro)sed /rom t+e trance# t+an-ed t+e t+erapist# stated t+at a
c+ec- ,o)ld *e sent in t+ree mont+s= time# at ,+ic+ time
s+e ,o)ld send also a preliminar. report"
T+e reports received in t+e next t,o .ears and /rom +er
p+.sician since t+en +ave all disclosed t+at t+e patient
*ene/ited extensivel." S+e +as on t+e average a*o)t t+ree
>)nexpected +eadac+es> a .ear# lasting /rom t,o to /o)r
+o)rs" At no time +as s+e re0)ired +ospitali1ation# as +ad
*een t+e case previo)sl."
Ho,ever# once a ,ee-# ,it+ rit)alistic care# )s)all. at ten
o=cloc- on a Monda. morning
# s+e enters +er *edroom# lies
do,n on t+e *ed# and +as a +eadac+e ,+ic+ s+e descri*es
as >lasting /or +o)rs *)t t+e stop,atc+ al,a.s s+o,s it onl.
lasts /rom /i/t. to eig+t. seconds" It <)st seems /or +o)rs"
And t+en I=m all over ever. *it o/ it /or anot+er ,ee-"
Sometimes I even +ave t+ose +eadac+es on t,o s)ccessive
da.s and t+en" I=m /ree/or t,o ,ee-s" Sometimes I even
/orget to +ave one and not+ing +appens">
Case S)mmar. and ?eneral Comment
T+is last case +istor. ill)strates a n)m*er o/ important
considerations" It demonstrates e//ectivel. *ot+ t+e val)e o/
t+e experimental ps.c+ological approac+ in ps.c+ot+erap.
as contrasted to traditional met+ods and t+e e//icac. o/ an
alleviation o/ a s.mptomatic mani/estation ,+en ade0)ate
allo,ance and provision is made /or t+e )n-no,n
personalit. str)ct)re and its resistances to t+erap." Also# it
discloses clinical and experimental possi*ilities in t+e
varied )tili1ation o/ t,o distinct aspects o/ s)*<ective time
Ho,ever# o/ greater signi/icance /or t+e p)rposes o/ t+is
*oo-# t+is case +istor. in con<)nction ,it+ t+e material
preceding it demonstrates t+e importance experimentall.#
clinicall. and experientiall. o/ s)*<ective time distortion
,+et+er as time expansion or as time condensation"
2" 7ARNETT# " T+e 8niverse and Dr" Einstein" Ne, Yor-C
Sloan# 234'"
&" 7R8NSE# A" @" Personal comm)nication"
F" COOPER# " !" Time distortion in +.pnosisC I" 7)ll"#
?eorgeto,n 8niv" Med" Center# 23(;# 2# &2(6&&2"
(" COOPER# " !" AND ERIC$SON# M" H" Time distortion in
+.pnosisC II" 7)ll"# ?eorgeto,n 8niv" Med" Center# 234'#
4" COOPER# " !" AND ROD?IN# D" 5" Time distortion in
+.pnosis and nonomtor learning" Science# 234&# 224# 4''6
9" COOPER# " !" AND T8THI# C" H" Time distortion in
+.pnosis and motor learning" @" Ps.c+o# 234&# F(# 9:6
:" COOPER# " !" Time distortion in +.pnosis# ,it+ a semantic
interpretation o/ t+e mec+anism o/ certain +.pnoticall.
ind)ced p+enomena" @" Ps.c+o# 234&# F(# &4:6&;(
S" S)ggested *. P" !" Cooper# @r"
3" ERIC$SON# M" H" Development o/ apparent
)nconscio)sness d)ring +.pnotic reliving o/ tra)matic
experience" Arc+" Ne)rol \ Ps.c+iat"# Dec" 23F:# F;# 2&;&6
2'" IN?IS# N" R" Personal comm)nication"
22" @ACO7SON# E" Electrop+.siolog. o/ mental activities" Am"
@" Ps.c+o"# 23F&# ((# 9::693("
2&" OGATT# 5" !" H.pnosis and S)ggestion" Rider and Co"#
2F" PERRY# H"M" T+e relative e//icienc. o/ act)al and
>imaginar.> practice in /ive selected tas-s" Arc+" Ps.c+o#
23F3# F(# 26:9"
2(" RHINE# @" 7" Intervie,"
24" ROSEN# HAROD" Personal comm)nication"
29" R87IN6RA7SON# ?" St)dies in t+e ps.c+olog. o/
memori1ing piano m)sicC GI" A comparison o/ t,o /orms
o/ mental re+earsal and -e.*oard overlearning" @" Ed)c"
Ps.c+ol"# 23(2# F&# 43F69'&"
2:" SA5YER# 5"5" Mat+ematician=s Delig+t" Middlesex#
EnglandC Peng)in 7oo-s# 23(F"
2;" SNO5# H" " Personal cosmnn)ication"
23" GANDE# R" A# DAGIS# R" A" AND C8?STON# H" A"
T+e /)nction o/ mental practice in t+e ac0)isition o/
motor s-ills" @" ?en" Ps.c+ol"# 23(F# &3# &62F6&4'"
&'" 5ECH# " T+e space and time o/ ind)ced +.pnotic dreams"
@" Ps.c+ol"# 23F469# 2# 2:262:;"

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