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In state legislatures around the country, consttuents and

groups foster ideas, partcipate in discussions and provide their

points of view to lawmakers. This process is an important part
of American Democracy.
The American Legislatve Exchange Council is Americas
largest nonpartsan, voluntary membership organizaton of
state policymakers, bringing together nearly one-third of the
countrys state legislators and hundreds of leading industry
experts and policy analysts to share ideas and experiences with
their counterparts around the country, evaluate how policies
work in other states and learn from others challenges.
Legislators receive academic research and policy analysis from
industry experts who actually work with the issues, processes
and problem-solving strategies upon which they vote, returning
more informed and beter prepared to serve the needs of their
Membership in the American Legislatve Exchange Council gives
legislators like me the golden opportunity to listen and learn
from the experiences of my peers. It is also very appealing that
business leaders have a seat at the table to discuss how they may
be impacted by the model policies we consider.
Speaker Tim Jones, Missouri
The American Legislatve Exchange Council is a giant
coachs clinic for legislators. We learn from each other
and work on model policy that then can be taken back to
our respectve states for vetng through the legislatve
Representatve Gary Banz, Oklahoma
To learn more about how the American Legislatve Exchange
Council helps develop innovatve solutons in partnership with
lawmakers and business leaders, or to become a member,
please visit
American Legislatve Exchange Council
2900 Crystal Drive, Suite 600
Arlington, VA 22202
Tel: 703.373.0933
Fax: 703.373.0927
Last Name
First Name
New Member Senator Delegate Representatve
Party Afliaton District Number
Leadership Positons
Commitee Assignments
Mailing Address 1: Legislatve Ofce
Street Address
P.O. Box
City State ZIP
Mailing Address 2: Home Business
Street Address
P.O. Box
City State ZIP
Cell Phone
Card: Visa MC AMEX Disc.
Card Number Exp.
CVC: Check Included ($100.00 for a two-year membership)
To Join the American Legislatve
Exchange Council, please fll out
and return the below form
American Legislatve Exchange Council is a 501 (c)(3) non-proft organizaton.
All contributons and membership fees are tax deductble
IRS Tax Code #52-0140979

Civil Justce Commerce, Insurance and Economic Development Educaton Energy, Environment and Agriculture
Health and Human Services Internatonal Relatons Justce Performance Communicatons and Technology Tax and Fiscal Policy
A two-year membership in the American Legislatve Exchange Council is just
$100. But, legislators interested in ofering increased support for the orga-
nizaton can join the $500+ club and give $500 or more in support of limited
government, free markets and federalism.
I will join the $500+ Club. Please accept my gif of

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