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Culture Shock!


Autor : Smith, Liz
Editorial :
Categora :
Pgina : 12
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : Schau mer amoi, dann seng ma scho... !ets "ait and
see, then "ell see. #sed "hen $a%arians "ant to end a
con%ersation "ith di&&ering o'inions and the outcome "ill (e re%ealed
in the distant &uture.) * 'o'ular +erman sa,ing
Pgina : 13
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : -hat does .unich mean to ,ou/ 0o ,ou thin1 o& it (eing
an al'ine cit, set on a mountain slo'e/ *ctuall, it is mostl, &lat. 0o
,ou thin1 o& (eer (eing consumed in %ast 2uantities/ -ell, it is
regarded as the (eer ca'ital o& +erman,, 'ossi(l, the "orld, and
,es, during the annual 31to(er&est, %ast 2uantities are consumed.
0o ,ou imagine men in !ederhosen 4leather trousers5 and "omen in
0irndls 4a 1ind o& 'ina&ore cut %er, lo"5/ 6he, can certainl, (e seen
dressed in this manner, and more so in summer at their street
&esti%als and at 31to(er&est.
Pgina : 13
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : * glance at .unichs ma' soon sho"s ,ou that it is an
old cit, "ith a small, clearl, de&ined, circular centre, dissected (,
small streets, &rom "hich radiate (road a%enues. *ll this is encircled
(, another circular road, "ell "ithin the cit, limits and a(out 2 1m
&rom the centre. *(out 10 1m &rom the centre is a "ide motor"a,, not
,et circular as the southern section is missing (ut it does di%ert tra&&ic
&rom &ar a"a, 'laces around the congested ur(an areas. * train
net"or1 is also e%ident, "hich has 772 1m 4278 miles5 o& inner9ur(an
lines and :; 1m 483 miles5 o& underground lines, so &or those li%ing in
the cit, centre a car isnt a necessit,.
Pgina : 17
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : Fl,ing in to .unich air'ort, man, 'eo'le are struc1 (,
the orderliness o& the countr,side. 6he &ields are rectangular, "ith the
%arious colours o& cro's de&ining the edges rather than hedges. 6he
ri%ers, "hich de&, regularit,, can (e 'ic1ed out (, the attendant trees
"hich trace dar1, meandering lines through the che2uered
countr,side. *t &irst, the narro" countr, roads are (arel, %isi(le, (ut
as the 'lane descends &or landing, ,ou can 'ic1 out the e<tensi%e,
"hite &arm (uildings, the agricultural "ealth o& the area, the
clustering hamlets and the di&&erent sha'ed stee'les o& the %illage
Pgina : 17
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : . 6he old train tic1et machines are a m,ster, &or man,
ne"comers, e%en &or +ermans, (ut these are (eing re'laced (,
touch screens "here ,ou can select man, di&&erent languages.
Pgina : 18
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : Students can &inish school "hen the, are si<teen, (ut
most o& these then ta1e an a''renticeshi'. 6he students "ho
continue "ith their academic studies ta1e their end o& school e<ams
at the age o& 1= and it is usual &or them to com'lete their &irst degree
at 27, or e%en 30, so the student
Pgina : 1;
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : areas ha%e an older, more so(er air than in other
>uro'ean cities. .an, o& the students "ho li%e in the surrounding
area return to their 'arents home in the e%enings.
Pgina : 1;
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : the trains, (uses and trams are usuall, so 'unctual that
,ou can almost set ,our "atches (, them.
Pgina : 1;
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : 6here are lots o& (ins around the cit, and in man, 'laces
these are se'arated into three sections, &or 'a'er, glass and other
ru((ish, to ma1e rec,cling easier.
Pgina : 17
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : ?d heard &rom man, that +erman, is an egalitarian
societ,, and it "ould certainl, a''ear so in the (eer gardens. 3n
closer ins'ection though, most 'eo'le socialise "ith others &rom the
same or similar 'ro&essions. .an, ,oung adults socialise a&ter "or1,
though generall, not "ith their "or1 colleagues, as "or1 and leisure
are 1e't a'art. Social interaction is o&ten at a s'orts or &itness centre
@resulting in a trim "or1&orce. !ots o& 'eo'le tra%el around to"n (,
(ic,cle, and the smooth c,cle 'aths adAacent to the road are onl, &or
(i1es and not to (e "al1ed onB 3ne can see e%en elderl, 'eo'le
'eddling around to"n
Pgina : 17
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : ?& someone comes to .unich &rom another 'art o&
+erman,, the, "ill immediatel, notice a di&&erence in (oth the culture
and the language. -ithin their &amil, and &riendshi' grou's, 'eo'le
&rom .unich are &un and &riendl,, (ut it doesnt o&ten e<tend to
'eo'le in the street. ?t is hard to smile at 'eo'le or start a
con%ersation "ith them i& there is no e,e contact &irst and 'eo'le
'assing each other in the street o&ten a%ert their e,es. ?m told that it
is (ecause o& the general culture o& not getting in%ol%ed "ith 'eo'le
the, dont 1no". ?t is not usual &or 'eo'le to
Pgina : 17
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : o'en doors &or others or &or 'eo'le to hel' others "ith a
hea%, case or a 'ushchair do"n a &light o& stairs. ?t is not rudenessC it
is Aust a di&&erent "a, o& (eha%ing. Similarl, "ith customer ser%iceC
here, the customer is not 1ingB 3&ten, a 2ueue "ill &orm "hilst the
cashiers &inish a con%ersation or go o&& to com'lete another tas1.
.an, &riends thought that it "as (ecause the, "ere
Pgina : 1:
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : &oreigners that sho' assistants "ere unhel'&ul or rude to
them and "ere u'set or angr,. ?n &act, e%er,one is treated the same
regardless o& "here the, are &rom.
Pgina : 1:
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : 6he tone o& %oice is %er, im'ortant in most countries,
and in $a%aria it is gra%ell, and (rus2ue. 3utsiders ma, thin1 an
argument is ta1ing 'lace "hen t"o $a%arians are ha%ing a &riendl,
Pgina : 1=
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : 6he dDcor in $a%arian homes is either hea%, and
traditional, "ith lots o& dar1 "ood and hea%, linen curtains or
colour&ul, angular and modern, (ut (oth st,les usuall, &a%our "ooden
&loors "ith a &e" rugs. ?t is normal in a $a%arian household &or 'eo'le
to ta1e o&& their shoes at or Aust inside the door, "hich hel's to 1ee'
the home clean.
Pgina : 1=
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : 6he "inters "ere a shoc1. ? 1ne" it could get cold here
(ut not this coldB 6he lo"est our thermometer has registered here is
928EF 4913oF5, ? thought onl, Si(eria got so cold. 6he small local la1e
can remain &roGen, solid enough &or s1aters, &or "ee1s. $elo" 910EF
417oF5 ? &eel as i& m, &ace is (eing (itten. ? "as told (, an al'ine
mountaineer that there is no such thing as cold, Aust ina''ro'riate
Pgina : 20
Fecha : 22/07/2013
Resaltado : 3H>RH?>- 3F !*I0 *I0 J?S63RK
Pgina : 21
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : .Lnchen, "hich means 'lace o& the mon1s. .unich is
(elie%ed to (e situated near the site o& a small settlement dating
(ac1 to the 700s that "as 'artl, run (, mon1s 4.unichen5.
Pgina : 22
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : $et"een 17;7 and 180:, .unich "as ruled (, 0u1e
*l(recht the -ise, "ho issued a decree esta(lishing 'rimogeniture
4inheritance (, the oldest son5, thus allo"ing &or the reuni&ication o&
all the duchies o& $a%aria. Je also encouraged and su''orted the
arts. 0uring his reign, great "or1s o& scul'ture, 'ainting and
architecture "ere 'roduced in the late gothic st,le. 6he e<ternall,
austere (ric1 cathedral, no" the s,m(ol o& .unich, "as (uilt at this
time and the to"ers com'leted in 17::.
Pgina : 23
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : 6he 0u1e &ought on the side o& the Ja's(urg d,nast, in
the 6hirt, Kears -ar, (et"een 1;1: and 1;7:. *s a result o& the "ar,
he ac2uired more lands and "as gi%en the title o& Mur&Lrst 4>lector5.
$ut the "ar e%entuall, too1 its toll and the occu'ation o& .unich (,
&irst the S"edish, &ollo"ed (, the S'anish arm,, as "ell as a
s"ee'ing 'lague, reduced the 'o'ulation o& .unich to less than hal&
its num(er (e&ore the "ar.
Pgina : 27
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : ?n 1777, the "hole court and its entourage, totalling
almost 3,000 'eo'le, mo%ed &rom .annheim to .unich. 6he cit,s
e<'ansion meant that the cit,s &orti&ications "ere demolished to
allo" &or ur(an de%elo'ment.
Pgina : 27
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : commissioned an *merican, $enAamin 6hom'son, and
a gardener, Friedric1 !ud"ig %on Sc1ell, to design the &irst 'eo'les
'ar1 on the continent o& >uro'e, the >nglischer +arten. ?n 1:00,
French re%olutionaries occu'ied .unich and Ia'oleon used the cit,
as his o'erational head2uarters.
Pgina : 28
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : Ia'oleon re"arded .a<imilian ?H Nose'h, successor to
Marl 6heodor "ho had died in 17==, &or his hel' (, (esto"ing u'on
him the title o& Ming .a<imilian ?.
Pgina : 28
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : $irth o& 31to(er&est 3n 17 3cto(er 1:10, .a<imilians
son, Fro"n Prince !ud"ig, married 6herese o& Sa<e9Jild(urghausen
in .unich. *s 'art o& the entertainment &or the "edding, a horse race
and a &ol1 &esti%al "ere held in a meado" to the "est o& the cit,. 6he
meado" (ecame 1no"n as 6heresien"iese, in honour o& the (ride.
*nd it is here that 31to(er&est is still held, ostensi(l, to
commemorate the "edding, though these da,s, the consum'tion o&
co'ious amounts o& (eer seems to (e the o%erriding aim o& the
Pgina : 28
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : F!3#R?SJ?I+ *R6S *I0 F#!6#R> *rchitect Marl %on
Fischer "on Ming .a< ? Nose'hs com'etition to design a ne"
theatre and the result "as the (uilding o& the Iationaltheater, a 'lace
"here the common 'eo'le could enAo, musical 'er&ormances.
#n&ortunatel, Aust &i%e ,ears a&ter com'letion in 1:1:, &ire gutted the
theatre. * 'lea "ent out to the 'eo'le to hel' 'ro%ide &unds &or its
re(uilding and to this end, a small ta< "as 'ut on (eer.
Pgina : 28
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : in 1:1:, .a<imilian Nose'h ? 'roclaimed a more li(eral
constitution, "hich 'ro%ided &or religious e2ualit, among Fatholics
and Protestants. -hen his son !ud"ig (ecame 1ing in 1:28, he
continued the 'olitical re&orms (egun (, his &ather and 'romoted
education and the arts on a grand scale. Ming !ud"ig ? "as &orced to
a(dicate (,
Pgina : 28
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : 1:7:. Je had s'ent tremendous amounts o& mone,
trans&orming .unich and the citiGens "ere unha'', "ith the 1ings
e<tra%agance. 6he 'ro(lems "ere e<acer(ated to some e<tent (,
'ress censorshi' at a time "hen the 'eo'le "anted more &reedom o&
e<'ression as "ell as the general unrest in >uro'e. 6he 'rimar,
reason &or his un'o'ularit,, ho"e%er, "as the 1ings a&&air "ith an
?rish dancer 1no"n as !ola .onteG.
Pgina : 2;
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : !ud"igs son, .a<imilian ??, succeeded his &ather and
.unich continued to e<'and. $, 1:80, it had 100,000 residents,
ma1ing it the &ourth largest +erman cit, a&ter $erlin, Jam(urg and
$reslau. 6hroughout the ne<t 1; ,ears, .a<imilian ?? encouraged
academics &rom the north o& +erman, to come and li%e in .unich,
enhancing the cit,s re'utation as a seat o& learning. Jis ministers
dealt "ith the running o& the cit, and state "hile he &ostered interest
in architecture, &ounding the $a%arian Iationalmuseum, the (eauti&ul
.a<imilianstrasse, the .a<imilianeum 4the (uilding "hich still
houses the $a%arian Parliament5 and the Regierungsge(Oude, "hich
is the seat o& go%ernment &or #''er $a%aria.
Pgina : 27
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : ?n 1:;7, .a<imilian ?? died and his 1:9,ear9old son
(ecame Ming !ud"ig ??. *t &irst, !ud"ig re&used Prussian chancellor
3tto %on $ismarc1s o&&er to Aoin a +erman &ederation under Prussian
rule and sided instead "ith *ustria during the Prussian)*ustrian -ar
in 1:;;. *ustrias de&eat and Prussias moderate stance to"ards
$a%aria e%entuall, led $a%aria to Aoin the +erman >m'ire under
Prussian Ming -illiam ? in 1:70.
Pgina : 27
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : Jo"e%er, Ming !ud"ig ?? 're&erred li&e in the countr, to
a&&airs o& state and s'ent much o& his time on his 'alaces and his
lo%e o& music. Fom'oser Richard -agner (ecame a close &riend,
and his music ins'ired the 1ing. !ud"ig had three 'alaces
constructed, one at Ieusch"anstein, the ins'iration &or -alt
0isne,s "orld9&amous castle in 0isne,landC Jerrenchiemsee, a
close co', o& HersaillesC and !inderho&, a little gem "ith &ormal
gardens set amidst "oodland. !ud"igs e<tra%agance incensed his
ministers, "ho had him declared insane. Jis death (, dro"ning, in
1::;, at the age o& 70 "as ne%er &ull, e<'lained. $ut Ming !ud"ig ??s
image li%es on in countless sou%enirs sold in .unich toda,.
Pgina : 27
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : !ud"igs (rother, Ming 3tto ?, "as mentall, un&it to
assume 'o"er, so the role &ell to his uncle, Prince Regent !uit'old,
"ho ruled (et"een 1::; and 1=12, heralding ,et another era o&
artistic de%elo'ment &or 'ainters, "riters and architect
Pgina : 27
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : ensuring that &e" o& the cit,s (uildings "ere taller than
si< store,s and there&ore smaller than the Fathedral Fhurch o& 3ur
!ad,. 6he 'o'ulation o& .unich had reached more than 800,000
"hen the Ieues Rathaus, the ne" to"n hall, the
Pgina : 2:
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : &ocus o& modern .unich, "as com'leted in .arien'latG
in 1=03. Prince Regent !uit'old died in 1=12 and the last o& the
-ittels(achs to rule, !ud"ig ???, reigned until 1=1:.
Pgina : 2:
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : * I>- >R* F3R .#I?FJ -hilst the rich in .unich
de%elo'ed aesthetic a''reciation, the 'oor masses (ecame
des'erate. #nem'lo,ment, disease and mortalit, amongst ,oung
adults "as on the increase, e<acer(ated (, the out(rea1 o& -orld
-ar ? in 1=17. +erman, lost the "ar in 1=1: and the 'eo'le o&
.unich, under socialist (anners, demanded a ne" constitution. 6he
1ing esca'ed &rom the angr, cro"ds under co%er o& dar1ness and a
Free Peo'les Re'u(lic "as declared, led (, Murt >isner. *rguments
raged (et"een the &actions on the right and the le&t o& the social
democrats and t"o months later, in Nanuar, 1=1=, elections "ere
held, "hich >isners 'art, lost. 6he conser%ati%es gained control and
'romoted nationalism. ?n 1=23, *dol& Jitler, the s'o1esman o&
se%eral right9"ing grou's, and his troo's marched into a meeting o&
$a%arian 'oliticians and declared a Putsch 4cou' dDtat5. *lthough
Jitler enAo,ed the su''ort o& man, 'eo'le, he "as arrested and
im'risoned in 1=23. Je "as released the &ollo"ing ,ear. Io central
go%ernment had control o%er +erman, in the 1=20s and the
%ictorious countries o& -orld -ar ? occu'ied the industrial areas,
contri(uting to gallo'ing in&lation. * ne" currenc, "as introduced in
1=27, and a degree o& calm
Pgina : 2:
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : returned to +erman, and .unich (ut "ith anti9Semitic
Pgina : 2:
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : J?6!>RS .#I?FJ ?n 1=2=, the #S Stoc1 ><change
colla'sed, launching the +reat 0e'ression o& the earl, 1=30s.
#nem'lo,ment "as "ides'read throughout the "estern "orld (ut it
"as highest in +erman,, "here it a&&ected almost a third o& the
"or1ing 'o'ulation. 6he result "as 'olitical 'olarisation. ?n .arch
1=33, the Iational Socialist Part, came to 'o"er. Jitler (ecame
Fhancellor o& +erman, "ith dictatorial 'o"ers,
Pgina : 2=
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : and 'romised solutions to +erman,s 'ro(lems. 6he
state in%ested in &loundering industries, created ne" industrial areas,
(uilt a motor"a, net"or1, ne" to"ns and started rearming militaril,.
6"o di%isions o& the +esta'o, the secret 'olice, "ere created. 6he
Sturm *(teilung 4S*5 or storm troo'ers, led (, >rnst RPhm "ere
street &ighters "ho "anted a Socialist re%olution. 6he SchLtGsta&&el
4SS5 "ere the elite unit o& the IaGi Part, led (, Jeinrich Jimmler,
"ho (ecame Fhie& o& Police &or .unich. 3n 30 Nune 1=37, the RPhm
Putsch, later 1no"n as the Iight o& the !ong Mni%es, too1 'lace. ?t
"as a success &or JimmlerC he had all dissenting mem(ers o& Jitlers
'art, either murdered or im'risoned in a 0achau concentration
cam'. Jimmler (ecame one o& Jitlers closest aides.
Pgina : 2=
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : -hite Rose Re(ellion 6he -hite Rose, a grou' o&
students &rom .unich #ni%ersit,, %oiced their dissent against the "ar
and the slaughter o& ,oung +ermans through a 'am'hlet. 6he, thre"
the 'am'hlets do"n on the &loor o& the uni%ersit,s main hall, (ut the
authors "ere caught and met their deaths in 1=73. ?n remem(rance
o& them, metal images o& their 'am'hlets ha%e (een set in the
ground in &ront o& the main uni%ersit, (uilding.
Pgina : 2=
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : ?n 1=38, .unich "as designated one o& +erman,s &i%e
FLhrer Fities and se%eral ne" (uildings "ere constructed. ?n the
same ,ear, the s"asti1a (ecame the o&&icial +erman &lag and in
Se'tem(er, anti9Ne"ish la"s "ere 'assed. .unich (ecame the
head2uarters o& the IaGi mo%ement, and it "as here in 1=3: that
Ie%ille Fham(erlain, Qdouard 0aladier, *dol& Jitler and $enito
.ussolini signed the .unich *greement, allo"ing the +erman
occu'ation o& FGechoslo%a1ia. -orld -ar ?? (egan in 1=3=, "hen
+erman, occu'ied Poland.
Pgina : 2=
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : P3S69-3R!0 -*R ?? .unich "as (om(ed throughout
the "ar, so "hen the *merican arm, arri%ed on 30 *'ril 1=78, it "as
to a cit, in
Pgina : 30
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : ruins. 3rder had to (e restored to the demoralised cit, o&
.unich. 6he 'o'ulation had (een hal%ed and man, o& the ,oung
men had (een 1illed or inAured. 6he occu',ing arm, 4the #nited
States arm, "as allotted the south o& +erman,5 as1ed &or hel', and
a &ormer ma,or hel'ed "ith the reorganisation o& the cit, (,
encouraging the 'o'ulation to hel'. 6he cit, council a''ro%ed a 'lan
'ut &or"ard (, councilman Marl .eitinger to re(uild the old cit, (ut to
se'arate the old and ne" Gones "ith a ring road. 0e(ris &rom
demolished (uildings "as cleared and ta1en to a 'iece o& s'are land
north o& the cit,, "here it &ormed a ru((le mountain. ?t "as on this
ru((le that 3l,m'ia'ar1 "as e%entuall, (uilt and "here the 1=72
.unich 3l,m'ics "ere held.
Pgina : 30
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : 6he &orce&ul FranG9Nose'h Strauss "as the (est 1no"n
'olitician o& modern $a%aria. * Aoint &ounder o& the FS#
Pgina : 30
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : the $a%arian .inister President &rom 1=;1 to 1=:0. Je
o%ersa" the trans&ormation o& $a%aria &rom an econom, reliant on
agriculture to (eing the centre o& +erman,s ne" econom,.
Pgina : 31
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : 6he 'resence in .unich o& the >uro'ean Patent 3&&ice
4>P35 is due to a large e<tent to FranG9Nose& Strauss. 6he (uilding,
"hich o'ened in 1=77, is on >rhardtstrasse, on the "est (an1 o& the
Ri%er ?sar, o''osite the 0eutsches .useum. 6he organisation has
continued to e<'and and no" em'lo,s almost 7,000 'eo'le,
including highl, 2uali&ied scientists and engineers in charge o&
e<amining each 'atent a''lication "ith meticulous care. ?n 1==2, the
ne" air'ort located near Freising o'ened, (earing the name o&
FranG9Nose& Strauss.
Pgina : 31
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : R>$?R6J 3F .#I?FJ ?ndustr, re9esta(lished itsel& in
and around the cit, in the second hal& o& the 20th centur,. .*I has
its massi%e %ehicle "or1s north"est o& the cit, at Marls&eldC $.- is
located Aust north o& the Petuelring in .il(ertsho&enC and Siemens
head2uarters is Aust south o& the cit, in 3(er9Sendling, although it
has (ranches all o%er the .unich area.
Pgina : 31
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : F>I6R> 3F 6>FJI3!3+K 6he economic acceleration
in the area continued as the centur, turned, and almost e%er,
&ortnight "ould see a ne" com'an, esta(lished "ithin 30 1m o&
.unich. Fisco started the ?6 trend in 1==3 and "as then Aoined (,
*maGon, Fell"a, and S*P, on sites near the air'ort at
Jall(ergmoos. Je"lettPac1ard, ?ntel,
Pgina : 31
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : !ogitech, .icroso&t and 3racle are Aust a &e" o& the
larger ?6 com'anies "ho (ene&ited &rom ha%ing land initiall,
designated and s'onsored (, the $a%arian Free State. 6here "ere
an estimated 1:,000 ?6 com'anies around .unich in 2000, gi%ing it
the highest densit, o& ?6 &irms in >uro'e and the &ourth "orld"ide.
6he &ortunes o& man, in the ?6 industr, e<'erienced a se%ere
do"nturn in 2001, resulting in most com'anies ha%ing to im'ose
cost9cutting measures.
Pgina : 32
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : Research in (iotechnolog, has also (een s'onsored (,
the Free State o& $a%aria. *n ?nno%ation and Founders Fentre &or
$iotechnolog, 4?R$5 "as (uilt in .artindor&, to the south o& .unich.
6he centre attracted man, ,oung scientists "ho ha%e set u' ne"
com'anies in the area. 6he +rosshadern Flinic, the +ene Fentre o&
the #ni%ersit, and the .a< Planc1 ?nstitute &or $iochemistr, and
Ieuro(iolog, are also located in .artindor&.
Pgina : 32
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : 6he construction industr, has seen a (oom in this
generation. 6he (uilding o& the &acilities &or the 1=72 3l,m'ics "as
&ollo"ed (, the construction o& (uildings to house (urgeoning
industries in the area and all their em'lo,ees. *s the cit, and its
su(ur(s e<'anded, the in&rastructure
Pgina : 33
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : "as im'ro%ed, resulting in ne" sho's, roads, hos'itals,
&ire and 'olice stations, se"age "or1s, ru((ish dis'osal de'ots and
s'orts &acilities. Plent, o& Ao(s &or architects, la",ers, estate agents,
construction "or1ers and man, other related trades "ere created.
6he ne" architectural st,les o& the 20th centur,, as seen in the FLn&
Jo& Fentre on the "est side o& 6heatinerstrasse, ha%e enhanced
central .unich.
Pgina : 33
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : .odern9da, $a%aria is s,non,mous "ith (oth la'to' and
!ederhosen, and unem'lo,ment in the state is the lo"est in
+erman,. ?n 2001, a 'oll "as ta1en and .unich "as selected &rom
among 38
Pgina : 33
Fecha : 23/07/2013
Resaltado : "ould li1e to li%e.
Pgina : 37
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : Ieuhauser Strasse. Fom'rising o& narro" streets, it has
the oldest restaurant in to"n, the Junds1ugel. ?t "as said that i& ,ou
"ere (orn along MreuGstrasse or 0amensti&tstrasse, there "as no
need to stra, &urther a&ield as e%er,thing ,ou needed in li&e "as to (e
&ound there. 6here are no" modern (loc1s o& a'artments (uilt on
sites once damaged (, (om(s, man, o& "hich are o"ned (, the
Fatholic Fhurch and the cit,s ta< o&&ices.
Pgina : 37
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : 6he more s'acious north9"estern 2uarter is home to the
cathedral, the 'olice head2uarters and the .inistr, &or Fulture. Soon
a&ter the &ounding o& .unich, the north9east section (ecame home to
the Jouse o& -ittels(ach. 6he ducal &amil, li%ed &irst in the *lter Jo&,
the old court, and a&ter 1871, in the ResidenG, "ith the 'eace&ul
Jo&garten adAacent. 6he &ormer Fentral .int is located in this elegant
2uarter, as is the Iationaltheater and the Rathaus, the magni&icent
'seudo9gothic to"n hall. ?t also has elegant sho's and hotels and a
&e" e<tremel, e<'ensi%e a'artments.
Pgina : 37
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : Iorth9"est !ehel, Aust north9"est o& the old cit,, used to
(e "here the cra&tsmen li%ed. $ounded (, the >nglischer +arten in
the north and the Ri%er ?sar to the east, it had s'lendid, s'acious
Pgina : 37
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : a'artments added around 1:70. Io", as one emerges
&rom the #9$ahn station alongside a 2uaint teasho' nestling (eneath
the 'arish church o& St *nna, it is the 2uiet elegance o& the 'lace that
a''eals. 6he small gardens and the monaster, e<ude calm, "hile
round the corner there are countless rented a'artments, some in
&aceless modern (loc1s erected a&ter the "ar. .a<imilian Strasse,
the most e<'ensi%e sho''ing street in .unich, has se%eral museums
and art galleries housed in hea%il, ornate (uildings.
Pgina : 38
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : Iorth o& Jau't(ahnho& is .a<%orstadt, an educational
(elt o& schools, institutes, &inancial o&&ices, museums and galleries,
"hich a''ear almost de%oid o& 'eo'le in the e%enings. Ket,
incongruousl,, these are some o& the most densel, 'o'ulated areas
in .unich.
Pgina : 38
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : Iorth o& .unic
Pgina : 38
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : Sch"a(ing, Aust north o& the old cit, centre has (een, &or
a(out 100 ,ears, one o& the most sought a&ter areas in "hich to li%e.
?ncor'orating the main uni%ersit, area and located close to the cit,
centre, it has a li%el, nightli&e o& its o"n and lots o& indi%idual sho's.
6hough 70 'er cent o& the area "as destro,ed during the last "ar,
much o& the re(uilding managed to retain the old st,le, gi%ing it an
esta(lished &eel. Jousing is mi<ed, &rom e<'ensi%e detached homes
"ith gardens, to a'artments &ound a(o%e sho's and o&&ices. 6rue to
old 'lanning la"s, the (uildings are usuall, no taller than si< store,s.
-hen the Marstadt de'artment store "as 'lanned in .Lnchener
Freiheit, it had to (e reduced (, a cou'le o& store,s (e&ore (uilding
'ermission "as granted. Sch"a(ing is es'eciall, 'o'ular "ith ,oung
singles, "ho lo%e its con%enient location, es'eciall, as the (eauti&ul,
s'acious, almost rural >nglischer +arten (orders the area to the
east. ?n summer, ca&Ds and (ars s'ill onto the 'a%ements and there
is a constant (uGG o& li&e.
Pgina : 38
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : Further north is .il(ertsho&en, an area o& industr, and
a'artments inters'ersed "ith lots o& small green s'aces. Nust to the
"est, the 3l,m'ic %illage that housed the 1=72 3l,m'ic contestants
is li1e a se'arate communit,. ?ts inha(itants, (oth students and
"or1ers, enAo, li%ing close to the 'ar1 and do not mind the
occasional 1;9store, (loc1s, the star1 lines and the
Pgina : 38
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : densit, o& the accommodations.
Pgina : 3;
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : 6he huge .*I truc1 "or1s dominate Marls&eld, "hich is
rather cut o&& &rom the rest o& .unich (, %ast rail"a, sidings,
Pgina : 37
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : 6he >ast 6he *u district, east o& the Ri%er ?sar
incor'orates Jaidhausen and $erg am !aim, "hich "ere "or1ing9
class areas during the earl, 20th centur,. *s the, are close to the
cit,, the older a'artments are no" 2uite sought a&ter and se%eral
'arts ha%e ne" de%elo'ments. Rents de'end on the 'rices set (,
the local council, "hich ta1es into consideration the amount o& local
industr, and the dirt and noise &rom the train trac1s near(,.
Pgina : 37
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : $ogenhausen is one o& the most elegant 'laces to li%e.
>%en the 1ing "as not allo"ed to ha%e his o'era house (uilt there.
Flose enough to the cit, ,et adAacent to the ri%er, it is a
Pgina : 37
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : 'eace&ul, so'histicated district o& old %illas. JerGog Par1,
"here man, modern mansions ha%e (een (uilt, is on the ri%ers old
&lood 'lain. * dra"(ac1 could (e that the onl, 'u(lic trans'ort is the
(us. Par1stadt is &urther east and the homes are not as e<'ensi%e.
6aller and taller a'artment (loc1s &or the 'roletariat ha%e (een
erected to"ards *ra(ella'ar1 and 3(er&Phring, though there are
Pgina : 72
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : 6o the -est ?n da,s o& old, the 1ings and their court had
to tra%erse Ieuhausen as the, Aourne,ed (et"een the t"o main
'alaces in .unich. Ieuhausen "as then a "or1ing class area o&
(re"eries. ?n 1=30, a ne", modern housing estate &or the middle
class "as de%elo'ed, incor'orating green areas. ?t "as said that,
architecturall,, the district "as ruined as much (, the 1=;0s (uildings
as the (om(s o& -orld -ar ??. 6hough dissected (, the ring road,
&riends li%ing there lo%e it and sa, it is li1e a %illage, "ith the
Rot1reuG'latG as its centre. 6o"ards I,m'hen(urg, home o& the
-ittles(ach (eauti&ul summer 'alace, +ern is a select district o&
grand, detached houses and a'artments, "here local sho''ers
(ustle along &rom Iot(urgstrasse to Roman'latG loo1ing elegant and
Pgina : 72
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : o& -estend and Sch"anthaler Johe are (esieged (,
%isitors &or t"o "ee1s o& the ,ear as 'eo'le head &or the 31to(er&est
in 6heresien"iese. $ehind its statue o& $a%aria, an old e<hi(ition
'ar1 has (een demolished to ma1e "a, &or more a'artment (loc1s.
6he huge industrial (ric1 (uildings o& the *ugustiner (re"er, edge
!ands(erger Strasse, "hile Jac1er9Pschorr (eer is (re"ed on
$a,erstrasse. !aim has se%eral t,'es o& trans'ort lin1s to the cit, (ut
remains a 'leasant su(ur( "ith a garden &eel. ?t is (ordered in the
"est (, MleingOrten, small allotments &or the local &lat d"ellers, and
has a large area de%oted to gro"ing sa'lings,
Pgina : 73
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : "hich, "hen tall enough, are trans'lanted to the streets
and 'ar1s. 3nl, an en%ironmentall,9a"are cit, "ould 1ee' such a
large area &or trees rather than de%elo' it. Mleinhadern also has "ell9
s'aced streets and an amia(le en%ironment. Pasing, Aust to the "est
o& the 'ar1s surrounding the I,m'hen(urg Palace, has the &eel o& an
old to"n that has (een s"allo"ed u' (, .unich. 6he old station
(uilding, small Hi1tualienmar1t and huge to"n hall are a testament to
its heritage. .an, 'arts o& the to"n contain (eauti&ul detached
houses, and there is a long area o& 'ar1land through "hich the tin,
Ri%er -Lrm &lo"s.
Pgina : 73
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : *lt9*u(ing must ha%e started out as a slee', &arming
hamlet (ut a(out 100 ,ears ago, houses and sho's started to
occu', the s'aces (et"een the &arms. 6o the south o& the rail"a,
line, *u(ing9SLd is dominated (, 119store, a'artment (loc1s that
d"ar& the man, &our9store, (loc1s. #nli1e the areas near the cit,
centre, there is 'lent, o& land &or the 1ids to 'la, on. *cross a s"ee'
o& &ields and t"o motor"a,s, the su(ur(an %illage o& !ochhausen is
di%ided into three sections (, the rail"a, and the (us, main road.
Pgina : 73
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : 6he +s o& the "est are se'arate little to"ns "ith their
o"n %er, di&&erent identities. +rP(enGell has some industr, and a
cou'le o& gru((,9loo1ing high9rise (loc1s. $ut it also has a lea&,,
s'acious co((led centre dominated (, a s'ar1ling "hite church and
modern sho's. * little stream and the rail"a, dissect the to"n.
*dAacent in the south is Puchheim$ahnho&, a grim area o& mainl,
&our, se%en and 139store, (loc1s. ?t is o(%ious that to"n 'lanners are
tr,ing hard to im'ro%e the area "ith ne"er ro"s o& sho's and trees
lining the streets (ut in some cases ? thin1 onl, the (ulldoGers "ould
succeed in im'ro%ing the 'lace. Puchheim93rt (,
Pgina : 73
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : contrast is a tin,, rundo"n &arming %illage into "hich
de%elo'ers ha%e inserted shin,, ne" detached houses "ith 'rett,
gardens. +ermering has a (ig e2uestrian centre to the north "ith lots
o& 'addoc1s and se%eral &arms, contrasting madl, "ith its &uturistic
glass and metal centre. 6hough there are modern high9rise
a'artments, the, are "ell9s'aced and there is also a 're'onderance
o& terrace and semi9detached houses. +auting is isolated &rom its
neigh(ours (, heaths and &orests,
Pgina : 77
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : a "onder&ul 'lace &or dogs to rom'. ?ts 2uaint little
station is at the to' o& a hill, "hile at the (ase, the old 'alace, no" a
museum, is 'ictures2uel, sited on a (end o& the ri%er. Small sho's
are situated on the hill and on the road "est that leads to a large
hos'ital. *n international school is Aust do"n the road.
Pgina : 78
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado :
Pgina : 78
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : P>3P!> 3F .#I?FJ
Pgina : 7;
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : 6he image o& the a%erage $a%arian is that o& a ha'',,
care&ree man in leather trousers (eing ser%ed tan1ards o& &oaming
(eer (, (ust,, &lirt, &emales. -hile that ma, (e true o& some o& the
local 'eo'le at 31to(er&est, it is not so &or the rest o& the ,ear.
Pgina : 7;
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : Fontrar, to this 're9concei%ed notion, $a%arians are not
a tall, (lond race. 6he a%erage $a%arian male is o& small to medium
height, dar19haired and 2uite (ul1,. 6he "omen tend to ha%e an
am'le (ust, not a %er, noticea(le "aist, hardl, an, (ottom and 2uite
slim legs, and the, too (ecome (roader as the, age.
Pgina : 7;
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : $a%arians are in the main orderl,, tid,, la"9a(iding,
honest and reser%ed "ith 'eo'le the, dont 1no". 3nce ,ou get to
1no" indi%idual $a%arians the, can (e charming, (ut getting to 1no"
them can (e a 'ro(lem. $a%arians themsel%es admit that the, ma,
o&ten a''ear grum', 4although the, ma, also 'oint out that $a%aria
is reno"ned &or (eing one o& the &riendliest regions in +erman,5. ?t is
disconcerting to "al1 do"n a su(ur(an street and no one ma1es e,e
contact "ith ,ou, much less smiles at ,ou. Ieigh(ours rarel, 'o'
round to %isit "ithout ha%ing &irst gone through a &ormal introduction,
usuall, (, a mutual &riend. ? am told that until Aust a &e" ,ears ago, it
"as u' to the ne" 'eo'le in the area to 1noc1 on the door o& their
neigh(ours and introduce themsel%es, though this could 'ose real
'ro(lems i& the ne" residents "ere una(le
Pgina : 77
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : to s'ea1 &luent +erman. Io"ada,s, 'eo'le doing this in
the cit, "ould (e thought 2uite 'eculiar.
Pgina : 77
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : Jome and &amil, are o& su'reme im'ortance to
$a%arians. * lot o& time is s'ent "ith relati%es and close &riends, and
there a''ears to (e no need &or outsiders. $ut once ,ou are
acce'ted as 'art o& their &amil,, there is no loo1ing (ac1. ?n &act, the
attention can sometimes (e almost o%er"helming. Recognition, then
&amiliarit,, ma, lead to a nod o& the head, then a S+rLss +ottT or
S.orgenT a&ter a &e" "ee1s or months. *&ter t"o ,ears o& li%ing in the
same street, a cheer, man "ho ? sa" se%eral times a "ee1 started
sa,ing, S+rLss 0ichT, rather than S+rLss +ottT. ? &elt then that "e
must &inall, (e on &riendl, terms.
Pgina : 77
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : $a%arians are &ree "ith their ad%ice i& the, see
something (eing done incorrectl,. ? once 'ar1ed the car (, the cur(
(ut &acing to"ards oncoming tra&&ic "hen a lad, started shouting
&rom a garden across the road, "arning me that i& the 'olice sa" the
car ? "ould (e in trou(le. ?t "as good o& her to "arn me, though her
manner "as more (rus2ue than that to "hich ? "as accustomed.
Pgina : 77
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : ?t is the dut, o& the 'eo'le to 1ee' the 'a%ement outside
their o"n house clean and clear o& sno". ?n the autumn,
Pgina : 7:
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : 'eo'le s"ee' the 'ath outside their o"n home to 1ee' it
&ree &rom lea%es. Se%eral times ? ha%e seen 'eo'le 'ic1 u' ru((ish
and 'ut it in the nearest (in.
Pgina : 7:
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : F*SJ?3I #ntil ? came to .unich, ? had ne%er (elie%ed
that 'eo'le "ould (e seen "earing their national costumes as
e%er,da, "ear (ut it ha''ens. .an, middle9aged and older ladies
can (e seen "earing the 6rachten 4traditional +erman costume5
"hile sho''ing. >s'eciall, 're%alent on &east da,s and &esti%als, one
can see the 6rachten e%er,"here in .unich. ?n &act, ,ou ma, &eel
li1e a real outsider i& ,ou are not "earing it. 6he men "ear
!ederhosen@usuall, (eige or light (ro"n suede trousers that end
Aust (elo" the 1nee, or suede shorts. >ither o& these ma, (e held u'
(, em(roidered suede (races and stra's. 6o 1ee' their legs "arm,
thic1 "oollen soc1s are "orn "ith stout shoes. Shirts are o&ten
collarless "ith &ull slee%es and ma, (e em(roidered "ith lea%es or
hunting moti&s, and s2uare cotton scar%es are sometimes 1notted
around the nec1. >m(roidered suede "aistcoats are "orn o%er the
shirts i& it is a little (it chill,. -oollen Aac1ets are usuall, gre,, (ro"n
or (eige "ith either
Pgina : 7:
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : horn or sil%er (uttons and are sometimes em(roidered
too. Jats are "orn (, most middle9aged and older men and are o&ten
adorned "ith (adges, &eathers or tu&ts o& &ur. 6he larger the coc1ade,
the more e<'ensi%e and 'restigious it is. ? ha%e seen some that cost
U 1800, and thats "ithout the hatB
Pgina : 7:
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : -hate%er the ladies ages or sha'es, the, all loo1 good
in their &ol1 costumes. 6he "omen "ear &ull9slee%ed, lacetrimmed
(louses and &ull s1irts or the 0irndl, usuall, "ith
Pgina : 7=
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : lace9trimmed 'etticoats 'ee'ing (elo" the hems. 6he
0irndl is "orn "ith an a'ron, the colour com'lementing the dress.
6he 6rachten can (e "orn &or an, occasion. Fotton or linen 6rachten
are used &or e%er,da, "ear, and "ool, ta&&eta, (rocade or %el%et are
reser%ed &or the e%ening. 6o com'l, "ith tradition, the s1irt should (e
at least 2.79m 4three9,ards5 "ide and all the 'leats must (e o& the
same de'th. $uttons are o&ten made o& "ood or horn (ut 'earl or
sil%er (uttons are used in the 6rachten "orn &or the e%ening.
Ne"eller, is sil%er and chun1,, o&ten dis'la,ing hearts or &lo"ers.
Sil1&ringed sha"ls are sometimes "orn around the shoulders. *
modern %ersion o& the 6rachten is a lo"9cut mini 'ina&ore dress
made o& (eige suede or linen, "ith thic1 cotton lace sho"ing (eneath
the hem and a &ull9slee%ed, cris' "hite (louse. 6he, certainl, turn a
&e" heads at the 31to(er&estB
Pgina : 7=
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : . 6he traditional colours "orn (, the men are the colours
o& camou&lage to (lend "ith the countr,side "hen the, go hunting.
Pgina : 80
Fecha : 11/0:/2013
Resaltado : $*H*R?*I S3F?>6K
Pgina : 80
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : r, the +erman state education s,stem does not ma1e it
eas, &or "or1ing mothers, as the times the 1ids &inish school 411:30
am &or the ,ounger children and 1:00 'm &or the older ones5, ma1e
childcare a necessit,. #n&ortunatel,, (ecause childcare is so
e<'ensi%e, it o&ten (ecomes uneconomical &or a mum to continue to
"or1, es'eciall, "ith more than one child. Fhildren also ha%e a lot o&
home"or1 and ? ha%e (een told that the childrens studies su&&er i&
mum isnt there to encourage and hel' them. 6his 'er'etuates the
role o& the man as the (read"inner "ith his Jaus&rau at home, her
interests centering on the 3 Ms o& Minder, Mirche and MLche, or
children, church and 1itchen in that order. For those "ho are more
&ortunate, grand'arents ta1e the role o& carers "hile the 'arents
"or1, (ut &or the man, 'eo'le that are (orn in other regions o&
+erman, or a(road, this is not a 'ossi(ilit,.
Pgina : 81
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : Joc1 di hera, dann samma mehra. Sit do"n, together
"e are more. @* $a%arian rh,me encouraging gregariousness
Pgina : 81
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : S3F?*!?S?I+ -?6J !3F*!S
Pgina : 83
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : 0os and 0onts
Pgina : 83
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : $a%arian (eha%iour is o&ten %er, &ormal, es'eciall, in the
"or1'lace. *lmost e%er,one is addressed as Jerr or Frau &ollo"ed
(, their &amil, name, though this is not so in the media "orld, nor
amongst the in&ormal teens and t"ent,9somethings. #ntil close
&riendshi's de%elo', adults tal1 to each other using the &ormal Sie &or
,ou rather than the more &amiliar 0u, "hich is usuall, used "ith
children, &amil, mem(ers and close &riends. *s1ing others to address
,ou as 0u im'lies a closeness not e%er,one is 're'ared &or. ?
actuall, &ind it easier to use Sie as the %er( endings are easier, "hich
? e<'lain to $a%arian &riends "hen the, as1 me to use 0u. ?
Pgina : 83
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : am not a &ormal &emale, Aust one "ho is not %er, good at
Pgina : 87
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : +irls and "omen ma, sha1e hands, (ut "hen the,
1no" each other 2uite "ell the, usuall, 1iss each other on each
chee1 "hen meeting. ?n a more &ormal setting, a man "ill stand to
sha1e hands (ut the lad, e<tends her hand &irst.
Pgina : 87
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : ?& ,ou are in%ited to a +erman home &or dinner, it is usual
&or those in%ited to gi%e &lo"ers to the hostess as a sign o&
a''reciation. ?t is also usual to ta1e a (ottle o& "ine, "hich the host
ma, ser%e or 1ee' &or another time.
Pgina : 8:
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : $>>R +*R0>IS@6J> S3F?*! >V#*!?S>RS 6his is
a great 'lace to ma1e &riendsB ?t is in the (eer gardens that all
&ormalit, melts a"a,. Peo'le mi< &reel, and are &riendl,, e%en to
strangers. 6here is no rigid class structure here and 'eo'le &rom all
"al1s o& li&e socialise together. 6he long "ooden ta(les are shared
(, "hoe%er comes along, (ut as1 i& the 'laces are &ree &irst, as the,
ma, (e reser%ed &or their &riends.
Pgina : ;0
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : FKF!> 3F !?F> +e(urt ?t is a tradition in $a%aria that
"hene%er a child is (orn 4+e(urt5 to decorate a tree or a 'ole in the
garden. * 'ole on "hich there is a large red heart ma, ha%e (een
erected &or the 'arents "edding, "ith their names and the date o&
the "edding 'ainted on and "ould still (e in 'lace i& the (irth o& the
child ha''ened "ithin the ,ear. $a(, clothes, (lue or 'in1, are the
main items o& decoration, and sometimes e%en a 'ram is
Pgina : ;0
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : hoisted alo&t. 6he 'ole also has a "ooden sign nailed to
it gi%ing the name o& the (a(, and the date o& the (irth, so the
neigh(ourhood is in&ormed o& the e%ent, and &riends can come and
ha%e a (eer to cele(rate. Some o& the items remain on the 'ole &or
as long as a ,ear. ? ha%e also seen giant stor1s &i<ed to (alconies
announcing an arri%al. So i& ,ou ha%e a $a%arian (a(,, (e sure to let
the neigh(ours 1no".
Pgina : ;1
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : Fhildrens (irthda,s or +e(urstag es'eciall, are a time
o& e<citement, o'ening cards and 'resents and ha%ing 'arties. .uch
is made o& the si<th (irthda, in $a%aria, as it is the last one (e&ore
the child starts school. 3&ten there is a large &amil, 'art,.
Pgina : ;1
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : * maAor landmar1 in a childs li&e is "hen he or she starts
+rade 3ne at school, a serious ste' a&ter the more rela<ed
atmos'here o& Mindergarten 4nurser, school5. Fhildren usuall, "ear
2uite smart clothes and are accom'anied to school (, their 'arents.
>ach child is gi%en a SchultLte@a colour&ul card(oard cone a(out
0.; m 427 inches5 tall@in "hich the, "ill &ind all their needs &or a da,
at school: 'encils, cra,ons, rulers, erasers and some e<ercise (oo1s.
6he state schools issue a list o& the necessities (e&orehand. *lso
included are small 'resents and lots o& s"eets to ease the childrens
"a, into school. For children attending +erman schools, the &irst da,
lasts &or onl, an hour, a&ter "hich the, ma, all go home or to a
restaurant &or a cele(rator, (runch "ith &amil, mem(ers.
Pgina : ;2
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : Fele(rating the >nd o& .ilitar, Ser%ice ?n +erman,,
e%er, (o, must do -ehrdienst 4militar, ser%ice5 &or 10 months a&ter
recei%ing their call u' 'a'ers at the age o& 1:. Fonscientious
o(Aectors must attend a hearing to 'resent their case and ma, (e
allo"ed to do Ri%ildienst 4social ser%ice5 instead. *n increasing
num(er choose the latter o'tion. 6he ,oung men cannot choose
"here to do their social ser%ice (ut it is o&ten in a hos'ital, an old
'eo'les home or a childrens home. Some monetar, incenti%e is
gi%en (ut not a su(stantial "age. 6he girls are not enlisted &or
militar, or social ser%ice, as historicall, the, "ere not allo"ed in the
arm,. 3n the "ee1end that the (o,s are released &rom their militar,
ser%ice, the, o&ten 'art, "holeheartedl,B Peo'le in .unich tend to
loo1 on "ith understanding at the loud cele(rations o& these ,oung
Pgina : ;3
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : JochGeit 6he night (e&ore the JochGeit 4"edding5, right
u' to midnight, &riends o& the (ridegroom ma, turn u' at his house
and smash croc1er, outside, as a "a, o& ushering luc1 in to married
li&e. ?t is the Ao( o& the (ridegroom to s"ee' u' all the (ro1en 'ieces
to 'ro%e that he "ill (e a good hus(and. *nother tradition is the
1idna''ing o& the (ride the night (e&ore the "edding (, &riends o& the
(ridegroom. Je is then contacted and the (rides "herea(outs
disclosed. 6he groom is then e<'ected to go to the (rides rescue
and 'a, a ransom, "hich is usuall, the cost o& (eer &or all her
1idna''ers. *s in man, -estern countries, a Recha(end 4stag night5
is organised &or the groom (, his &riends, as the, cele(rate his last
night o& &reedom, though these da,s it o&ten ta1es 'lace a(out a
month (e&ore, so that the groom doesnt su&&er the a&ter e&&ects on his
"edding da,. 6he stag night is usuall, held in a (ar or night clu(, and
the (eer &lo"s &reel,.
Pgina : ;3
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : Some $a%arian &riends ma, erect a "edding 'ole
outside the cou'les ne" home, a maAor &eat as a dee' hole must (e
dug to ensure the tall 'ole is secure. 6his is then decorated (, the
&riends and remains in 'lace until the &irst child is (orn or until a ,ear
has ela'sed, "hiche%er comes &irst. * 'art, is usuall, held "hen the
'ole is cut into &ire"ood. 3ccasionall, the 'ole is le&t and 'ainted in
(lue and "hite, (ecoming the cou'les .a,'ole, a traditional s,m(ol
in $a%aria.
Pgina : ;8
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : 0ahoam ist 0ahoam. 6he (est 'lace is at home. @*
'o'ular +erman sa,ing
Pgina : 78
Fecha : 12/0:/2013
Resaltado : *0H*I6*+>S 3F R>I6?I+ ?t is more common to rent
a 'lace in .unich than it is to (u,, as rent is chea'er in com'arison
to the high real estate 'rices.
Pgina : 7:
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : he strict o(ser%ance o& certain 2uiet times during the da,,
&rom 1:00 'm to 3:00 'm and (et"een 10:00 'm and 7:00 am the
ne<t da,. 0uring these times, one should re&rain &rom ma1ing
e<cessi%e noise, "hich includes %acuuming the house, using a drill,
mo"ing the la"n or allo"ing the children to 'la, nois, games. ?& ,ou
'la, a musical instrument, ,ou are limited to =0 minutes o& 'ractice a
da,, and ,ou must not distur( ,our neigh(ours. ?& ,ou are going to
hold a 'art,, ,our neigh(ours should (e in&ormed, 'articularl, i& ,ou
li%e in a rented a'artment. Peo'le are allo"ed to ha%e a (ar(ecue on
a terrace or (alcon,, (ut again the neigh(ours must not (e distur(ed
(, the noise or smo1e. ? "as also told that 'olitical 'osters should
not (e dis'la,ed on an a'artments outer "alls or "indo"s, as the,
ma, o&&end the other tenants
Pgina : :7
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : *ll dogs coming to li%e in .unich or (ought here must (e
registered "ithin t"o "ee1sC there is also an annual ta< im'osed.
Pgina : :7
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : ?t is also sensi(le to ha%e lia(ilit, insurance &or ,our 'et,
called 6ierhalterha&t'&licht, in case o& accident to other 'eo'le or their
'ro'ert,. Fats are co%ered (, the o"ners indi%idual 'olic,, (ut &or a
dog, the cost o& a 'olic, could (e a''ro<imatel, U :0 a ,ear. 6here
are also 'et health insurance 'olicies to 'rotect against une<'ectedl,
high (ills &or %eterinar, care.
Pgina : :7
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : 6he more "e sa" o& the small to"ns, the more "e
realised ho" o'en the $a%arian houses are to their neigh(ours %ie".
.an, o& the gardens ha%e &ences rather than hedges, and as the
gardens are 2uite small, there is o&ten no 'ri%ac,. ?n &act, &e" ha%e
gardens as the >nglish 1no" them. .ost gardens ha%e some grass
4not a manicured la"n5 and are adorned "ith a &e" shru(s and a
cou'le o& trees. Flo"er(eds are scarce. ?n the summer though,
houses and &lats are &estooned "ith tu(s o& geraniums and 'etunias,
(egonias and &uchsias, "hich also hang in 'ro&usion &rom the
"indo" (o<es.
Pgina : 17:
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : .>0?F*! F*R> .unich is reno"ned &or ha%ing
e<cellent medical &acilities, and 'eo'le come &rom other countries to
see1 medical care in the cit,s (rilliant 'ri%ate clinics. *n,one arri%ing
&rom a >uro'ean countr, must (ring their &orm >111, in order to
com'l, "ith the >uro'ean Fommunit,s Social Securit, Regulations.
6he &orm is a%aila(le &rom 'ost o&&ices in $ri
Pgina : 17:
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : com'anies. 6he &orm9holder is allo"ed to sta,
tem'oraril, in another >uro'ean countr, to ha%e medical treatment.
?& the &orm9holder needs to see a doctor or needs hos'italisation in
+erman,, the >111 has to (e su(mitted to the local general sic1ness
&und 1no"n as the *llgemeine 3rts1ran1en1asse 4*3M5. 3nce a
'erson (ecomes a resident in the area, the, must 'a, into the
+esetGliche Mran1en1asse 4+MH5 +erman health
Pgina : 17=
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : insurance s,stem including P&lege%ersicherung 4nursing
care insurance5. 6he 'a,ments &or these are ta1en directl, &rom
source, that is, the, are deducted directl, &rom ,our "ages and are
le%ied on the &irst U 3178 o& monthl, income. 6he 'a,ment entitles
the "age earner and de'endants to medical treatmentC the
de'endants (eing a s'ouse and children u' to the age o& 23, or 28 i&
the, are still in &ulltime education. ?& the s'ouse earns more than U
700 a month, then he or she must 'a, &or his or her o"n medical
insurance. * s'ouse earning less than this is co%ered under the
'artners medical insurance. 6he 'a,ment is 13.2 'er cent o&
earnings, though the em'lo,er generall, 'a,s hal& o& this.
Pgina : 17=
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : 6here are t"o le%els o& medical insurance in $a%aria:
'u(lic insurance and 'ri%ate health insurance. Pa,ments to 'u(lic
insurance can (e made through se%eral institutions, such as the
*3M, $>M, 0*M, Mau&mOnnische Mran1en1asse 4MMJ5, 6MM
6echni1er Mran1en1asse 46MM5 and the *1ti%e Mran1en1asse
Sch"a(en 4$MM5. Kou are gi%en a card, "hich loo1s li1e a credit
card, that must (e 'resented "hene%er treatment is needed,
there&ore (e sure to carr, it at all times. 6he doctor then su(mits the
(ill directl, to the insurance com'an, a&ter treatment. >ach 2uarter
there is also an additional le%, o& U 10 'a,a(le directl, to the doctors
Pgina : 180
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : *s time 'rogresses, it a''ears that the 'u(lic health
insurance schemes do 'ro%ide &e"er ser%ices. ?n some cases, such
as dentistr,, the insurance com'an, ma, not co%er all the costs, (ut
the 'atient should (e in&ormed o& this (e&ore treatment. >stimates &or
some e<'ensi%e treatments need to (e su(mitted to the insurance
com'an, &irst, and a second estimate (, another 'ractitioner ma, (e
as1ed &or. Hisits to o'ticians are 'aid &or (, the 'atient, unless the
'ro(lem re2uires a s'ecialist.
Pgina : 180
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : 6o o(tain (etter co%erage, additional RusatG 4'ri%ate
health insurance5 can (e ta1en out and 'atients ma, recei%e more
ser%ices, such as dental &illings, (etter hos'ital rooms or the choice
o& se%eral di&&erent hos'itals &or treatment. Pri%ate 'atients are also
more li1el, to (e a(le to ha%e a massage 'aid &or under their
insurance co%er. 3nce one o'ts &or 'ri%ate insurance, it is almost
im'ossi(le to return to the go%ernment scheme, e%en i& ,our source
o& income dries u'. $ut some 'eo'le still (elie%e it is "orth ma1ing
the shi&t &or the e<tra care. -ith 'ri%ate insurance, the 'atient must
'a, all the (ills &irst, then ma1e claims &or
Pgina : 181
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : the amount &rom their insurance com'an,.
Reim(ursements are usuall, done "ithin the month. Ja%ing sought
the ad%ice o& &riends and colleagues, ? su(se2uentl, &ound that
international insurance com'anies li1e $#P* and *W* PPP 'ro%ide
'ri%ate co%er in +erman,. Some *mericans continue to use their
*merican health insurance, %alid "orld9"ide, "hile on a "or1ing
contract in +erman,.
Pgina : 18=
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : chool starts at 7:78 am, and &or the &irst ,ear, classes
end at 11:30 am e%er, da,. *s the ,ears 'rogress, the hours s'ent at
school are longer, and the older children usuall, &inish classes at
1:00 'm. 6here is usuall, a (rea1 o& 20 minutes a&ter the &irst 1.8
hours and a second (rea1 o& 10 minutes a&ter the ne<t 1.8 hours.
Some schools are e<tending the school da, to raise the standard
and (ring the times more in to line "ith the rest o& >uro'e.
Pgina : 18=
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : 6he +rundschule is 'rimar, school, "hich children in
.unich attend &or &our school ,ears (et"een the ages o& si< and 10.
Fhildren are allocated the nearest school to their home. Religious
Pgina : 18=
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : instruction is 'art o& the school curriculum and children
"hose 'arents do not "ish them to ha%e religious instruction are
gi%en classes in ethics. Some children in the last t"o ,ears o&
+rundschule are o&&ered s"imming lessons, sometimes in the
a&ternoons. Io &ormal e<aminations are ta1en in the +rundschule,
(ut the 'arents recei%e a Reugnis 4re'ort5 on their childs
Pgina : 1;0
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : 'rogress t"ice a ,ear. +rades are onl, gi%en a&ter the
third ,ear, "ith one (eing the (est and si< the "orst grade. 6here are
e<ams to ascertain academic a(ilit, a&ter +rade 7 and then teachers
select the t,'e o& school most a''ro'riate &or the de%elo'ment o&
each indi%idual childs a(ilities, (ased on the mar1s achie%ed (, the
child and also his (eha%iour in the classroom. Parents can (ecome
%er, &rustrated i& their children do not realise the im'ortance o& these
e<ams and "or1 to attain good mar1s. 6he &li' side o& this is that
some children (ecome %er, stressed (e&ore the e<ams. 0uring this
'eriod, local radio stations set u' 'hone9in hel' lines so the children
can tal1 a(out their "orries. *n a%erage grade o& t"o or a(o%e must
(e achie%ed in order to gain entr, to a +,mnasium 4a selecti%e
secondar, school5, though i& su&&icient mar1s are not achie%ed, there
is sometimes a second chance to ta1e the tests the &ollo"ing ,ear.
Pgina : 1;0
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : Fhoosing a Secondar, School -hen it comes to
choosing a secondar, school, 'arents do ha%e a sa, and can a''l,
to di&&erent schools, i& their child is academicall, suited to them.
0i&&erent +,mnasien concentrate more on certain as'ects o& the
curriculum. * Ieus'rachliches +,mnasium is one that &ocuses on
modern languages, "hile a .athematisch9Iatur"issensscha&tliches
+,mnasium &ocuses on science and mathematics. * child "ho is
interested in la" and economics can o't &or a -irt
scha&ts"issenscha&tliches +,mnasium. Sometimes there are more
a''licants to these schools than there are 'laces, so 'u'ils li%ing
closer to the school are gi%en 'riorit,. * Realschule is &or 'u'ils &
Pgina : 1;0
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : acce'ted, 'u'ils ha%e to achie%e an a%erage o& 2.;; in
general 1no"ledge, maths and +erman &rom their +rundschule. *t
the end o& si< ,ears o& secondar, education, 'u'ils gain their .ittlere
Rei&e 4?ntermediate Jigh School Ferti&icate5, then the, ma, enrol into
Facho(erschule 4a s'ecialised collegeoriented high school5 &or more
education and later go on to a Fach9Jochschule 4technical college5
&or more 'ractical su(Aects. 6he, ma, choose to go to a Fachschule
Pgina : 1;1
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : uni%ersit,5, or some other t,'e o& training. 6here is also
the 'ossi(ilit, o& trans&erring to a Fachg,mnasium "here the, can
stud, &or the *(itur 4the +erman school lea%ing e<amination5, and
gain access to uni%ersities.
Pgina : 1;1
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : * Jau'tschule is a non9selecti%e school, +rades 8 to 10,
"here 'u'ils &ollo" a 'ractical "or19orientated curriculum. Jere
'u'ils stud, &or &i%e ,ears (e&ore the Jau'tschula(schluss 4&inal
test5, then most 'u'ils go on to some &orm o& training &or a trade at a
!ehre X $eru&sschule, a technical college. 6he Jau'tschule and
Realschule are e2ui%alent to a #S Aunior high school or a $ritish
secondar, modern school. * +,mnasium is a selecti%e secondar,
school. *&ter success&ull, com'leting si< ,ears o& education, all
'u'ils automaticall, gain their .ittlere Rei&e. Pu'ils usuall, stud, &or
nine ,ears, and then ta1e the *(itur at the age o& 1: or 1=. 6he *(itur
is ta1en in &our su(Aects and is a necessit, (e&ore acce'tance to
#ni%ersitOt 4uni%ersit,5 or other institutions o& higher education such
as the Jochschule or Fach9Jochschule.
Pgina : 1;1
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : * +esamtschule is a com'rehensi%e school catering &or
'u'ils o& di&&ering a(ilities and aims. Some 'arents see1 to a%oid
"hat the, (elie%e to (e an elitist s,stem &ound in man, +,mnasien,
(ut +esamtschule are still contro%ersial and the maAorit, o& 'arents
still 're&er the traditional s,stem. 6he *(itur is also o&&ered in
Pgina : 1;1
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : 6he &irst t"o ,ears in secondar, school are 1no"n as
3rientierungsstu&e and throughout this time, 'u'ils are assessed on
their suita(ilit, &or the t,'e o& school in "hich the, ha%e (een 'laced.
*t the end o& this 'eriod, some 'u'ils ma, decide t
Pgina : 1;1
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : S'ecial Schools 6here are alternati%e &orms o& education
o&&ered in +erman, such as the Rudol'h Steiner and -aldor&schule,
"here children are guided in their 'ursuits rather than seated and
taught. * +esamthochschule com(ines se%eral 1inds o& higher
education, such as a uni%ersit,, a teacher training college,
Pgina : 1;2
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : and an institute o& a''lied science. Students can stud,
&or a %ariet, o& degrees "ithin the same su(Aect area. 6his gi%es the
added &le<i(ilit, to s"itch courses, an o'tion that ma, not (e readil,
a%aila(le in other institutions.
Pgina : 1;2
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : Pri%ate schools ha%e not &igured large in the +erman
education s,stem (ut are gro"ing in 'o'ularit,. Recent >uro'ean
re'orts on the decline in the general standard o& +erman education
shoc1ed +erman 'arents, though $a%aria "as a to' state. *s a
result man, "ho can a&&ord it are o'ting &or 'ri%ate education.
Iot"ithstanding, the standard o& "or1 in the +,mnasien is said to (e
%er, good.
Pgina : 1=;
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : F330 *I0 0R?IM
Pgina : 1=7
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : $eer is the (elo%ed (e%erage o& the $a%arian. 6he three
(rands o& (eer most &re2uentl, &ound are Jelles, a light (eerC
-eiss(ier, a "heat (eer "ith a rather ,east, tasteC and 0un1el, a
dar1 (eer. 6"ice a ,ear, (re"eries 'roduce s'ecialit, (eers "ith a
higher alcohol content. 6he (est 1no"n is the 31to(er&est (eer,
-iesen(ier, "hich is consumed (, the .ass 4litre9siGed tan1ards5 (,
millions o& 'eo'le. 6he other is a strong (eer, Star1(ier, 'roduced in
.arch and made originall, (, mon1s. 6his strong (eer "as meant to
hel' them get through the da,s o& &asting during !ent. .an, 'eo'le
"anting a more thirst92uenching drin1 re2uest a Radler 4the "ord
actuall, means c,clist5, "hich is a mi<ture o& (eer and lemonade and
is an ideal re&reshment on summer Aaunts. $eer is o&ten 'resumed to
(e the most "idel, consumed drin1 in +erman,. $ut on a%erage, a
+erman consumes almost 1=0 litres o& co&&ee a ,ear, com'ared "ith
Aust 180 litres o& (eer.
Pgina : 1==
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : Sch"eine&leisch 4'or15, Marto&&el 4'otatoes5 and Mraut
4ca((age5 are the standard $a%arian &oods, as is the dense 'ale
(ro"n (read. +ermans are one o& the greatest 'or1 consumers in
the "orld and the, 're'are the meat in man, "a,s. Sch"eine(raten
is car%ed roast 'or1, "hereas Sch"einsha<e is a Aoint o& meat &rom
the (ottom o& the leg co%ered in crunch, crac1ling s1in. >ither o&
these ma, (e accom'anied (, Marto&&el1nPdel@dum'lings the siGe
o& tennis (alls made &rom 'otatoes. *n alternati%e is Semmel1nPdel
that is made &rom stale (read 4(ought in (ags at the su'ermar1et5,
sometimes mi<ed "ith semolina, gi%ing the dum'lings a more
sli''er,, ru((er, consistenc,. ?t tastes great "ith rich gra%, once ,ou
get used to the te<ture@some 'eo'le ne%er do. -iener SchnitGel is
1no"n internationall, as a thin &illet o& 'or1 coated in (readcrum(s
that is &ried.
Pgina : 1==
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : PutenschnitGel, also called 6ruthahnschnitGel, "hich
uses tur1e, instead o& 'or1. ?t is sometimes ser%ed "ith Marto&&elsalat
4'otato salad5, "hich ma, (e ser%ed either lu1e"arm or cold.
Pgina : 211
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : $>>R +*R0>IS #nli1e the 'ast, meals are no" ser%ed
in most (eer gardens at ta(les that are co%ered "ith clothes. 6he
'lain unco%ered "ooden ta(les remain a%aila(le &or those "ho (ring
their o"n 'icnics or "ho (u, meals &rom the sel&ser%ice "indo"s in
the (eer gardens. 6a(les are shared "ith "hoe%er comes along
regardless o& ran1 or creed. S?st hier
Pgina : 212
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : noch &rei/T meaning S?s this &ree/T is as1ed (,
ne"comers "hen seeing an a%aila(le seat. $eer is generall, ser%ed
at "ooden 1ios1s, la(elled *usschan1, (, the .ass though some do
ser%e Jal(e 4hal&9measures5.
Pgina : 213
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : .unichs $eer Jistor, ?n 181;, .unich "as the &irst cit,
to ha%e a !a" o& Purit, &or its (eer. $, then lots o& (eer "as (eing
(re"ed, es'eciall, in the monasteries. $ut "hen leaders o& the
Roman Fatholic Fhurch announced in 183= that no one could
'roduce (eer (et"een the saints da,s o& St +eorge and St .ichael,
"hich &ell on 23 *'ril and 2= Se'tem(er res'ecti%el,, "a,s had to (e
de%ised to 1ee' the (eer &resh throughout the hot .unich summers.
?n "inter, great 'its "ere &illed "ith ice and sno" to 1ee' the (eer
cool, a 'recursor to the storage cellars dug in the grounds o& the
(re"eries. 6hough the (eer 1e't (etter in the cellars, chestnut trees
"ith their (road hands o& lea%es "ere 'lanted to shade the cellars
and an, (eer stored a(o%e the ground. 6he (eer still gre" "arm as it
"as trans'orted &rom the (re"eries to the drin1ers, so the (re"eries
encouraged the drin1ers to come to them, (, 'lacing ta(les under
the shade o& the trees. *t &irst the (eer gardens also ser%ed &ood, (ut
the local restaurateurs "hose (usiness "as a&&ected com'lained to
the 1ing. !ud"ig ? then declared that i& a 'erson dran1 in a (eer
garden, the, "ould ha%e to (ring their o"n &ood. -hile there "ere
scores o& (re"eries in and around .unich in the 'ast, toda, there
are onl, a(out si< large (re"eries in to"n, (ut the, su''l, countless
(eer gardens.
Pgina : 23:
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : >nglischer +arten * local .unich ne"s'a'er sur%e,ed
the 'u(lic on their &a%ourite acti%it, on sunn, s'ring da,s. 6he
ans"er "as unanimous@a "al1 in the >nglischer +arten. Said to (e
the largest 'ar1 in >uro'e at o%er 8 1m 43 miles5 long, it is a magnet
&or the communit,@a (it o& countr, right in the centre o& to"n.
Peo'le c,cle, s1ate, stroll, 'la, games and music at the >nglischer
+arten. $ands and indi%idual musicians 'ractise in the 'ar1 or gi%e
&ree concerts to entertain 'assers9(,. ?n se%eral areas o& the 'ar1,
one ma, come across nude sun(athers at an, time &rom .arch to
3cto(er. +ermans are not reticent a(out discarding their clothes as
soon as the, get to the 'ar1 or onto a 'e((le (each on the (an1s o&
the ?sar. ?n summer, there are occasional 'olice 'atrols to ma1e sure
that the (ounds o& 'ro'riet, are not o%erste''ed.
Pgina : 280
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : Fishing #nder +erman la", no one is allo"ed to in&lict
'ain on an, creature "ith a (ac1(one, "hich o& course includes &ish.
6his means that &ishing &or the Ao, o& the 'ursuit, to su(se2uentl,
release the &ish, is not allo"ed. *n,thing caught must (e 1illed
2uic1l, and then eaten. .unich is surrounded (, la1es, ri%ers,
streams and canals, and children can o&ten (e seen "a%ing their
&ishing nets around in the "ater. $ut &ishing is onl, allo"ed i& ,ou are
under 11 ,ears o& age. *n,one older than that must ha%e a &ishing
licence and in order to get one, a "ritten e<am must (e 'assed. 6he
course leading u' to the e<am is 78 hours long and includes
'ractical e<'erience, 'lus as'ects o& (iolog,, chemistr,, (otan, and
ecolog,, as "ell as 1no"ledge o& the la"s on &ishing. 3ne must (e
a(le to recognise 70 s'ecies o& &ish and 1no" their indi%idual
s'a"ning seasons and &eeding ha(its. 6he e<am is onl, held once a
,ear, so (e "ell 're'ared or ,ou "ill miss out on another ,ear o&
Pgina : 2:3
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : !>*RI?I+ 6J> !*I+#*+>
Pgina : 2:7
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : Se%eral +ermans ha%e told me that onl, a &e"
1ilometres outside .unich, there are some old &ol1s "ith such a
strong local dialect that 'eo'le &rom other areas ha%e di&&icult,
understanding them.
Pgina : 2:8
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : *ctuall,, most 'eo'le under the age o& 38 do s'ea1
some >nglish, as it is taught in all schools, (ut man, do not li1e to
attem't s'ea1ing it &or &ear o& (eing misunderstood
Pgina : 2:8
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : Ja''il,, the most im'ortant "ord &or an,one@toilet@is
%er, similar to the >nglish "ord. -e can manage "ithout &ood or
drin1 in to"n (ut certainl, not the toilet. -o sind die toiletten/
4-here are the toilets/5 "ill (e a necessar, 'hrase. 6
Pgina : 2:;
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : >ntschuldigung or e<cuse me is used to get someones
attention, or "hen ,ou accidentall, (um' into some(od,, "hich is
2uite common during the (us, tourist season.
Pgina : 2::
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : 6he most common greeting in a $a%arian street is +rLss
+ott, roughl, translated as +ods greetings. 6hough not as man,
'eo'le attend the Fatholic Fhurch no"ada,s, $a%aria is still a
Fatholic state, and traditions li%e on. Ser%us is the trul, $a%arian
greeting &or hello and good(,e.
Pgina : 2::
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : .an, 'eo'le Aust sa, .orgen, an a((re%iation o& +uten
Pgina : 2::
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : * $a%arian good(,e is either 6schLss or Ser%us,
though the Jigh +erman %ersion *u& -iedersehn, or Aust
-iedersehn is o&ten heard. $itte is the "ord &or 'lease, and can
also (e used "hen 'ointing to something one "ants in a sho'. ?t also
means ,ou are "elcome. ?d li1e is ?ch mPchte and ? need, ?ch
$rauche. 0an1e is more commonl, used to than1 someone, though
0an1e SchPn and Hielen 0an1 are used too. Ja%ing eaten in a
restaurant ,ou could sit there all da, i& ,ou do not as1 &or the (ill
@$eGahlen (itte@and ,ou do not al"a,s get a recei't unless ,ou
as1 &or a Vuittung.
Pgina : 2::
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : *n >nglish &riend "ho is &luent in +erman told me that to
Aoin in a $a%arian con%ersation, onl, three "ords are necessar,.
6hese are +enau meaning e<actl,, 'recisel, or 2uite, >cht
Pgina : 2::
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : meaning reall,, and Stimmt meaning thats right.
Pgina : 2:=
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : 6here are se%eral +erman "ords that are so similar to
Pgina : 2:=
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : Sommer, -inter and -ind.
Pgina : 2:=
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : &alse &riends. Se%eral o& the "ords sound similar, such
as -ann meaning "henC ho"e%er, -enn means i&. -er does not
mean "here, (ut "ho. -here on the other hand is "o.
Pgina : 2=0
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : *m lia(sn (in ? do, "o scho gar(ad, a"a no ned gessn
is. ? li1e (eing there (est "hen the "or1 is done and it is lunchtime.
Socialising is (etter than "or1ing in the e,es o& man, $a%arians, so
it is great to arri%e at "or1 "hen someone else has com'leted it. @*
'o'ular +erman sa,ing
Pgina : 2=0
Fecha : 13/0:/2013
Resaltado : 3FF 63 -3RM
Pgina : 2=:
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : $oth &athers and mothers are no" entitled to ta1e lea%e
&or u' to three ,ears to loo1 a&ter their ne" (a(, under a scheme
called >rGie1LngsLrlaL(. 6he, can return to their &ormer Ao(s a&ter
the three ,ears are u'. 6he 'arents are also entitled to "or1 'art9
time, i& their com'an, has o%er 1; em'lo,ees, &or u' to 30 hours a
"ee1 throughout this 'eriod. 6he, are also entitled to ta1e an e<tra
,ear &rom "or1 "hen the child is (et"een the ages o& three and
eight. 3& course the com'an, does not 'a, &or the time o&&.
Pgina : 2=:
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : FJ?!0 $>I>F?6S ?n +erman,, i& a 'arent is "or1ing,
the, are entitled to claim (ene&its &or their children. 6hough ta<es are
higher than in man, countries, the child (ene&its are also generous.
Pgina : 2==
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : Mindergeld is 'aid to all &amilies "ith children under the
age o& 1:, or under 27 i& the, are still in &ull9time education. 6his
a''lies regardless o& "hether the children are their o"n, or i& the,
are in the 'arents long9term care. 6he (ene&it is also 'aid &or
children (et"een the ages o& 1: and 21, i& he or she is unem'lo,ed
and acti%el, loo1ing &or "or1. Pa,ments are made on a sliding scale.
*''ro<imatel, U 138 "as 'aid &or each o& the &irst t"o children, U 180
&or the third child and U 178 &or each su(se2uent child. 6his amount
is de'osited directl, into the 'arents (an1 account e%er, month. ?t is
also 'aid i& the child is on a %oluntar, social or en%ironmental ,ear,
"hich is o&ten ta1en (, some +erman 1:9,ear9olds a&ter the, ha%e
&inished school, instead o& doing militar, ser%ice. ?t is, ho"e%er, not
'aid i& the 'arents income e<ceeds U ;,000 a month.
Pgina : 2==
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : 6R*0> #I?3IS +erman trade unions are in%ested "ith
a lot o& 'o"er and it used to (e said that i& ,ou had a +erman "or1
contract, ,ou had a Ao( &or li&e. 6his is not reall, true these da,s,
although indi%idual unions still stri1e annual agreements "ith the
$a%arian go%ernment to get the (est 'ossi(le deals &or their
Pgina : 300
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : F3RP3R*6> F#!6#R>S
Pgina : 300
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : +enerall,, the older and more senior mem(ers o& the
com'anies are addressed as Jerr or Frau, &ollo"ed (, their
surname. Sie, the &ormal ,ou "as also used in con%ersations "ith
them. ?t a''eared that onl, the ,ounger sta&&, or those "ho "or1ed in
the media or in &oreign com'anies, es'eciall, *merican com'anies,
used the gi%en or Fhristian name at all le%els. Fertainl,, res'ect &or
senior management
Pgina : 301
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : and &or their 2uali&ications "as noticea(l, sho"n (, the
su(ordinates. * com'an, ? 1no" o& has a canteen that caters to all
the "or1ers 4most large com'anies do5 (ut the senior managements
ta(le "as the onl, one "ith a ta(lecloth.
Pgina : 301
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : ?n the legal and &inancial centres, attire is (usiness9li1e
and the clothes are as smart and so'histicated as in the (usiness
districts o& Paris, !ondon or Ie" Kor1. >lse"here, the smart/casual
theme is more 're%alent. .ost "omen "ear trousers, e%en in
summer, and men usuall, onl, "ear suits or smart Aac1ets to meet
clients or im'ortant 'eo'le "ithin their com'anies. ?t reall, is a smart
Pgina : 302
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : *lles hat ein >nde, nur die -urst hat G"ei. >%er,thing
has an end. 3nl, the sausage has t"o. @* common +erman sa,ing
Pgina : 302
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : F*S6 F*F6S *$3#6 .#I?FJ
Pgina : 30=
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : F#!6#R> V#?R
Pgina : 30=
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : S?6#*6?3I 1 6he (eer garden loo1s 2uite &ull. 0o ,ou:
Search &or an em't, ta(le. Stand in a strategic 'osition and "ait until
a ta(le is %acated. *s1 i& ,ou can Aoin a 'art, "ith some room le&t on
their ta(le. +o and &ind a 2uieter (eer garden/ Fomments 6he
correct res'onse is . ?n (eer gardens, it is usual to as1 to Aoin others
i& there is s'ace a%aila(le on their ta(le.
Pgina : 30=
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : S?6#*6?3I 2 -hen ,ou order a (eer in a .unich (eer
garden, do ,ou as1 &or a: Pint/ Stein/ Mrug/ .ass/ Fomments
6he ans"er is . * .ass, or measure, "hich is e2ui%alent to a litre, is
the usual 2uantit, o& (eer 'er ser%ing in (eer gardens.
Pgina : 310
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : S?6#*6?3I 7 Kou ha%e enAo,ed a delicious meal in a
local restaurant. 6he (ill is a reasona(le U 73 &or t"o. Kou 6ell the
"aiter to ta1e U 80. *cce't the change and lea%e a good ti' under
the side 'late. 6ell the "aiter to ta1e U 78. Pa, the set 'rice and
lea%e. Fomments 6he correct res'onse is . ?t is usual a&ter a meal to
round u' the (ill to the nearest U 8, though in international hotels it is
usual to ti' 10 'er cent or 18 'er cent.
Pgina : 310
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : S?6#*6?3I ; -hen does 31to(er&est (egin/ 3cto(er
Se'tem(er Io%em(er *ugust
Pgina : 311
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : Fomments 6he ans"er is . 31o(er&est (egins on the
third Sunda, in Se'tem(er. ?t is "armer than 17 3cto(er, "hen the
"edding that is commemorated originall, too1 'lace.
Pgina : 311
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : S?6#*6?3I 7 Kou are introduced to ,our (oss "i&e &or
the &irst time at a &ormal &unction. 0o ,ou Flic1 ,our heels together
and (o" Miss her on (oth chee1s Smile and sa, SJi, good to see
,ouT -ait until she e<tends her hand, then sha1e hands/ Fomments
6he correct re'onse is . Smile and "ait until she e<tends her hand to
sha1e. ?& she doesnt, it is (etter that ,ou do than &or nothing to
Pgina : 313
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : S?6#*6?3I 13 6he most usual siGe &or a &amil,
a'artment to rent in .unich is around ;0 s2uare metres :0 s2uare
metres 110 s2uare metres 130 s2uare metres 180 s2uare metres
Fomments . !oo1ing through the n
Pgina : 313
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : e"s'a'ers, the most usual siGe &or a &amil, a'artment in
.unich is :0 s2uare metres.
Pgina : 317
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : 03S *I0 03I6S
Pgina : 317
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : 03S
Pgina : 317
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : #nderstand that the gru&& tone used (, $a%arians isnt
hostilit,. 6al1 to other 'eo'le in the (eer garden. >%en i& ,our
+erman is 'oor it ma, turn out that the, s'ea1 >nglish, "hich the,
o&ten "ant to 'ractise. +o to the $a%arian &esti%als, as e%er,one is
reall, rela<ed there. 6r, the $a%arian &ood, most o& it is delicious.
Noin clu(s and meet 'eo'le ,ou ha%e something in common "ith.
6a1e some &lo"ers or a 'lant &or the host/hostess "hen ,ou are
in%ited to another home, es'eciall, &or (irthda,s. Fhocolates or "ine
are "elcome additions. 3&&er to ta1e ,our shoes o&& "hen ,ou arri%e
at someone elses home. .ost &amil, mem(ers and children do so in
their o"n and &riends houses. ?n%ite 'eo'le in to ,our home i& ,ou
"ant to (e good &riends. 0ress a''ro'riatel, to the area ,oure
%isiting. Some $a%arians dress 2uite &ormall, 4though not on the
ri%ers 'e((le (eaches, "hen the, ma, undress com'letel,B5. $u,
"arm clothes and (oots &or the "inter then ,ou ma, ne%er &eel the
cold. *l"a,s carr, an um(rella, the "eather is un'redicta(leB $ring
1ing9siGed (edding "ith ,ou as it is %irtuall, im'ossi(le to (u, here.
0ou(le (eds ha%e t"o single mattresses and usuall, t"o single
2uilts to co%er the occu'ants. #nderstand that rented homes are
'ainted "hite e%er,"here, and i& ,ou change the colour it must (e
returned to "hite "hen ,ou lea%e.
Pgina : 317
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado :
Pgina : 317
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado :
Pgina : 317
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : #nderstand that rented homes are 'ainted "hite
e%er,"here, and i& ,ou change the colour it must (e returned to
"hite "hen ,ou lea%e.
Pgina : 31:
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : 03I6S
Pgina : 31:
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado :
Pgina : 31:
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado :
Pgina : 31:
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado :
Pgina : 31:
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado : could o&&end the neigh(ours. Pla, loud music &or hours
on end as it ma, o&&end the neigh(ours. +et u'set (, 'oor ser%ice in
sho's and restaurants@ e%er,one is treated the same "hate%er
nationalit,. $ecome im'atient in 2ueues@e%er,one else is "aiting.
*rgue "ith 'olicemen, the, are al"a,s right. 4-orld"ideB5 6al1 a(out
the t"o -orld -ars, the +erman nation has mo%ed on and most
regard that 'art o& their histor, "ith horror.
Pgina : 31:
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado :
Pgina : 31:
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Resaltado :
Pgina : 337
Fecha : 1;/0:/2013
Fa%orito : For more in&ormation a(out an, o& these titles, 'lease
contact an, o& our .arshall Fa%endish o&&i ce

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