Acute Ethylene Glycol İntoxication - PART I

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11 November 1999

CE Refereed Peer Review

Acute Ethylene Glycol
★The pathologic effects and
associated clinical signs of acute
Intoxication. Part I.
ethylene glycol (EG) intoxication, Pathophysiology and
including hyperosmolality,
metabolic acidosis, and acute
renal failure, are caused by both
Clinical Stages
EG and the products of its
metabolism. Tufts University
Alison R. Gaynor, DVM

■ Ingestion of as little as 4.4 to ABSTRACT: Acute ethylene glycol (EG) intoxication is a life-threatening medical emergency
6.6 ml/kg of EG in dogs and characterized by hyperosmolality, profound high anion gap metabolic acidosis, and oliguric or
1.5 ml/kg in cats may be anuric renal failure. Toxic effects and associated clinical signs of this syndrome are caused by
lethal. both EG and its metabolites, particularly glycolate; however, there is confusion in the medical
(human and veterinary) literature regarding the various metabolites of EG and their putative
roles in the pathophysiology of this devastating syndrome.
■ The metabolites of EG,
particularly glycolate, are

responsible for most of the serious medical emergency in both veterinary and human medicine,
associated clinical toxicity. ethylene glycol (EG) intoxication is characterized by hyperosmolality,
profound metabolic acidosis, and oliguric or anuric renal failure. Also
■ The clinical syndrome of acute known as 1,2-ethanediol,1–4 EG is a clear, colorless, odorless, water-soluble liquid
EG intoxication occurs in three that is commonly used as a permanent-type antifreeze.5–7 The compound is also
stages; however, the onset and widely used as an industrial solvent for manufacturing detergents, paints, lac-
progression of these stages are quers, pharmaceuticals, polishes, and cosmetics.8,9 Most common antifreeze
variable and unpredictable. products contain approximately 95% EG.10 The widespread availability of EG as
well as environmental contamination from improper disposal and storage pose a
■ Acute oliguric renal failure can danger to many animals. This article, which is Part I of a two-part presentation,
occur as early as 12 and 24 reviews the pathophysiology, clinical stages, and clinicopathologic findings of
hours after ingestion of EG in EG intoxication. Part II will discuss diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and preven-
cats and dogs, respectively. tion.
Ethylene glycol reportedly has a pleasant, sweet or bittersweet taste5,9–12 and im-
parts a warming sensation to the tongue and esophagus when swallowed.5 The
sweet taste is often quoted as being the reason dogs and cats ingest EG10–13; how-
ever, one study suggested that antifreeze (at least in the concentrations usually
available) is not particularly attractive to dogs.14 Dogs and cats confined without
water may ingest EG voluntarily.15 Other reasons for EG ingestion include curios-
ity,10 if it is the only available liquid when temperatures are below freezing, and
intentional poisoning.
Compendium November 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

Accidental EG intoxication in humans was first re- nase (ADH; Figure 1).1,28,29 Glycoaldehyde is then rap-
ported in 1930.16 The earliest clinical cases of EG in- idly oxidized to glycolate by mitochondrial aldehyde
toxication in dogs and cats were reported in 195117 and dehydrogenase1,8; small amounts of glyoxal may also be
1957,15 respectively. The toxicity of EG is partly related formed.1,8 The oxidation of glycolate to glyoxylate is an
to species susceptibility—cats and humans are among important rate-limiting step in EG metabolism, allow-
the most highly susceptible. Individual tolerance may ing for the accumulation of potentially high levels of
also be a determining factor in the amount of EG that glycolate in serum.3,30,31 Glyoxylate is then rapidly me-
can be safely consumed.7 In dogs, the reported mini- tabolized to oxalate.1,30 Alternative pathways for glyoxy-
mum lethal dose of undiluted EG is 4.4 to 6.6 ml/ late metabolism include reversible transamination to
kg7,18; however, it is as low as 1.5 ml/kg (the equivalent glycine, which requires pyridoxine as a cofactor,1 and
of 1 tablespoon of EG diluted 50:50 with water) in condensation to α-hydroxy, β-ketoadipate, which re-
cats12,19 and humans.1 quires thiamine as a cofactor.9 The quantitative impor-
Reports of the incidence of EG intoxication in ani- tance of these latter pathways is unknown.
mals are sparse. A review of necropsy records at the Because of species differences in EG metabolism, ear-
Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory from 1969 ly investigators suggested that EG itself might be toxic
to 1978 revealed 72 histopathologically confirmed cases in some species.1,10,28 EG causes an ethanol-like central
of EG intoxication in dogs (n = 47) and cats (n = 25).20 nervous system (CNS) depression5,7,10,32,33 and increased
Barton and Oehme21 reported 23 cases of EG intoxica- serum osmolality.25,27,34–37 However, studies using ADH
tion in dogs and cats seen at Kansas State University inhibitors in animals7,11,12,18,30,32,34 and humans6,38 have
from 1975 to 1980, with case-fatality rates of 59% and shown that inhibition of EG metabolism reduces toxi-
100%, respectively. At Colorado State University, EG city, confirming the primary role of metabolites. Gly-
poisoning was the second most commonly diagnosed oxylate and glycoaldehyde are more toxic than are any
type of intoxication from 1979 to 1986 (30 of 104 cas- of the other compounds on a per-weight basis.8,24,28,30
es) and had the highest overall case-fatality rate Effects of these aldehydes at the mitochondrial level in-
(43.3%) of all intoxications; from 1968 to 1986, the clude inhibition of the citric acid cycle and of sub-
case-fatality rate from EG intoxication was 70.4% for strate-level phosphorylation; they may also uncouple
dogs and 96% for cats.22 From 1993 to 1998, 114 cases oxidative phosphorylation.24 Glycolate, which also pos-
of EG intoxication in dogs (n = 91) and cats (n = 23) sesses an aldehyde group, may act similarly.9,30 These
were seen by the veterinary emergency services of Tufts aldehydes may also depress serotonin metabolism and
University and the University of Pennsylvania, with alter CNS amine levels.9
combined case-fatality rates of 43.9% for dogs and The contribution of glyoxylate and glycoaldehyde to
78.2% for cats.23 This apparently increased incidence clinical toxicity is unclear; because of their very short
may partly reflect improved clinician and owner aware- half-lives, these compounds are present in only minute
ness of the dangers of EG. amounts.8,24,30 Alternatively, the degree of glycolate ac-
cumulation has been shown to correlate with the pro-
METABOLISM AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY found high anion gap metabolic acidosis that is a hall-
Knowledge of the metabolic pathways of EG is criti- mark of EG intoxication.3,27,30,31,39 Glycolate is thought
cal to understanding the mechanisms of its toxicity and to be the most likely major mediator of EG toxicity,30
the rationale behind therapy. EG is rapidly absorbed although it is unclear whether glycolate is toxic only be-
from the gastrointestinal tract and is readily distributed cause it lowers the pH in body fluids or because the
throughout all body tissues.8,24 Although ingestion with glycolate anion itself has toxic properties. Lactate accu-
food may delay absorption,25 serum EG levels rise rap- mulation, secondary to the increased cytoplasmic ratio
idly by 1 hour after ingestion and are highest at 3 hours of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
after ingestion in both dogs11,25,26 and cats.27 These lev- (NADH) to NAD+ resulting from EG oxidation3,9,40,41
els remain significantly elevated for at least 12 hours and to the inhibition of pyruvate metabolism by alde-
and are usually undetectable 48 hours after inges- hydes, is also thought by some investigators to play a
tion.11,25 Unmetabolized EG is excreted through the role in the development of metabolic acidosis, at least
kidneys2; the amount depends on the species and the in human intoxication.9,40,41 Hypoperfusion will also
dose ingested.1,8 In dogs, urine EG levels peak 6 hours lead to lactate accumulation. Lactate levels have not
after ingestion.25 been specifically evaluated in EG-intoxicated dogs and
The metabolism of EG occurs primarily in the liver, cats. Hippuric acid, which is thought to be produced
where the first step involves the oxidation of EG to gly- from glycine in the presence of exogenous benzoic acid
coaldehyde by the cytosolic enzyme alcohol dehydroge- (a preservative in some antifreeze preparations),41 does


Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium November 1999

HO-CH2-CH2-OH The clinical syndrome of
Lactate Ethylene glycol EG intoxication is classically
described in three fairly dis-
dehydrogenase tinct stages.5,9,13,44 Clinical signs
and their severity are dose and
time related, however, and thus
Pyruvate HO-CH2-C O
H the onset and progression of
Glycoaldehyde stages are not always straight-
Citric acid cycle Glucose forward or predictable.

Glyoxal Stage 1
The first stage occurs 30 min-
HO-CH2-C O utes to 12 hours after ingestion
Glycolate and is associated with CNS dis-
orders; signs may resemble those
of alcohol intoxication.5,7,10,32,33
Early signs include CNS de-
pression and incoordination
O C-C O α-Hydroxy, β-ketoadipate that progress to ataxia and pare-
H OH cofa
c tor sis; somnolence; and sometimes
mine (especially when large amounts
Pyrid of EG are ingested) to focal or
tor Glycine generalized seizures, coma, and
death.11–13,18,34 Cats may become
unresponsive within 9 hours af-
O O Hippurate ter ingestion.27 Other less com-
C-C mon signs include muscle fas-
ciculations, head tremors, and
Oxalate nystagmus.45 Hypothermia is a
common finding, especially in
Figure 1—Ethylene glycol metabolic pathways. Solid arrows indicate the quantitatively most
important steps; broken arrows indicate postulated metabolic pathways. Pathways may vary
cats,27,45 and may be secondary
according to species. to CNS depression, hypoperfu-
sion, and possibly exposure to
low ambient temperatures. 45
not appear to play a role in the development of meta- Vomiting is also seen frequently and may be secondary
bolic acidosis. to direct gastric mucosal irritation from EG7,9,13 or the
The role of oxalate accumulation in the toxicity of EG, acute rise in serum osmolality. After the initial CNS de-
and particularly in the development of acute renal failure, pression, many animals often seem to recover but then
has not been clarified. Depending on the species, 0.05% rapidly deteriorate.19,31
to 3.79% of ingested EG is excreted in urine as oxalate ; Serum osmolality and osmolal gaps are significantly
cats are thought to produce more oxalate than do other increased by 1 hour after EG ingestion in both cats27
species.1 Oxalate combines with calcium in the blood to and dogs,25,34,36,37 paralleling serum EG concentrations.
form a soluble calcium oxalate complex that precipitates In dogs, serum hyperosmolality peaks 6 hours after in-
in the renal tubules and, to a lesser extent, in vasculature gestion and both it and cerebrospinal fluid osmolality37
of the brain, heart, and other organs. Some in- remain elevated for at least 12 hours.25,36,37 A severe nor-
vestigators believe that renal tubular epithelial damage mochloremic metabolic acidosis with a high anion gap
and subsequent renal failure may result from the precipi- occurs within 3 hours of ingestion and may persist for
tation of calcium oxalate crystals per se,18,38,42 whereas oth- at least 12 hours.25,34,36,45
ers believe that nephrotoxicosis is caused by direct cyto- Intoxicated dogs, but not cats, exhibit marked and
toxic effects of either oxalate5,19,43 or the other metabolites progressive polydipsia within 1 hour of EG ingestion7,25
of EG.9,11,26,28,30 The exact mechanism of renal tubular ep- that is thought to result from stimulation of the thirst
ithelial necrosis and failure remains unknown. mechanism by the acute rise in serum osmolality. Se-


Compendium November 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

vere polyuria is common in both species and can lead may be partially attributable to the severe metabolic aci-
to serious dehydration and hypoperfusion. Because the dosis. Cardiopulmonary manifestations appear to be
canine proximal convoluted tubule is not permeable to recognized less often in cats and dogs than in humans.
EG,2 a marked osmotic diuresis occurs. In addition, be- Pulmonary edema has been described in human pa-
cause of the structural similarity between EG and tients,5,9,49 only some of whom had concurrent myocar-
ethanol, it has been suggested that EG may inhibit the dial damage and congestive heart failure.49,50 Congestive
release of vasopressin in a manner similar to that of heart failure has not been reported in cats or dogs with
ethanol.25,46 Serum hyperosmolality is normally a strong EG toxicosis, although myocardial dilation has been de-
stimulus for vasopressin release and renal water conser- scribed in cats.19 Pulmonary edema and congestion are,
vation. however, fairly common postmortem findings in small
Acute CNS signs have been attributed to the actions animals.7,11,13,19 The cause of noncardiogenic pulmonary
of the aldehyde metabolites of EG9,13,45 as well as to edema in EG intoxication is unclear; a neurogenic ori-
serum hyperosmolality and metabolic acidosis.3,37,45 In- gin was suggested as early as 1957,5 and adult respirato-
creases in effective extracellular fluid osmolality result ry distress syndrome has been suggested by hemody-
in cellular dehydration and can cause depression, namic monitoring in at least one human patient. 49
lethargy, and weakness that may progress to seizures, Severe acidemia may also predispose to pulmonary con-
coma, and death in severe cases.47 Alternatively, brain gestion via direct venoconstrictive effects.48
metabolism and regulation of brain volume are im-
paired by severe acidemia, resulting in progressive ob- Stage 3
tundation and coma.48 The third clinical stage, onset of oliguric renal failure,
generally occurs 24 to 72 hours after ingestion of EG in
Stage 2 dogs but may be seen as early as 12 hours after inges-
Cardiac and pulmonary manifestations occur in the tion in cats.27 Most cats and dogs are presented at this
second clinical stage, 12 to 24 hours after EG ingestion. stage of intoxication, when most of the EG has already
Tachypnea and tachycardia are fairly common signs in been metabolized. Manifestations include depression,
dogs7,13,18 and may also be noted in cats19; these signs anorexia, vomiting, azotemia or uremia, and minimal


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Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium November 1999

urine output with a low to course of intoxication9,45 or

fixed specific gravity.9,11,13,18,25 later in association with olig-
Complete anuria often de- uria and anuria.
velops by 72 to 96 hours af- Hypocalcemia is seen in
ter ingestion. Flank pain is at least 50% of affected dogs
a common finding on ab- and cats13,25,27,36,37,45,51 and is
dominal palpation,13 and oral assumed to be secondary to
ulcerations and seizures may chelation of calcium by ox-
be seen secondary to urem- alate, although this has nev-
ia.7,9,11,18 er been proven. Although
the degree of hypocalcemia
CLINICOPATHOLOGIC can be severe,52 development
FINDINGS Figure 2—Calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals in the urine sed- of clinical signs (e.g., tetany)
Hematologic iment of a dog with ethylene glycol intoxication. (Courtesy is thought to be uncommon
Hematologic findings are of Drs. G. Freden and J. Knoll, Tufts University School of in cats and dogs, possibly
relatively nonspecific in EG Veterinary Medicine.) because the ionized calcium
intoxication. Neutrophilic fraction tends toward nor-
leukocytosis and lympho- mality in the presence of
penia are common9,25,26,36,45,51 metabolic acidosis.45 In hu-
and are attributed to endo- man intoxication, tetany,
genous corticosteroid release seizures, and possibly car-
secondary to vomiting, CNS diac malfunction are consid-
depression, and metabolic ered to be caused by hypo-
acidosis.25,26 The hematocrit, calcemia.9,33,53
total protein, and hemo- Hyperglycemia is also com-
globin concentrations may mon and is seen in more than
be slightly decreased sec- 70% of affected cats and
ondary to volume expansion dogs.27,36,45 Hyperglycemia is
from polydipsia in dogs 25 thought to be caused by inhi-
Figure 3A
but are more often elevated bition of glucose metabolism
secondary to dehydration. by aldehyde metabolites of
EG and by an increased re-
Biochemical lease of epinephrine and cor-
Concurrent with the early ticosteroids in response to
development of metabolic stress. 27,33,45 In addition,
acidosis, decreases in blood hypocalcemia may inhibit in-
pH and bicarbonate concen- sulin secretion54 and acidemia
trations on arterial or venous may induce insulin resistance
blood gas evaluation as well and inhibit glycolysis.48
as decreased total carbon di- Increases in blood urea ni-
oxide and an elevated anion trogen and creatinine are
gap on serum chemistry anal- seen with the development
ysis are seen as early as 3 Figure 3B of acute renal failure, al-
hours after ingestion.3,25,27,34,36 Figure 3—Calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals in the urine though severe dehydration
Hyperphosphatemia may oc- sediment of a dog with ethylene glycol intoxication (A and early in the course of intoxi-
cur with the onset of azo- B). The crystals in B are viewed with polarized light. (Cour- cation may cause prerenal
temia and acute renal failure; tesy of Drs. G. Freden and J. Knoll, Tufts University School azotemia.
elevations in inorganic phos- of Veterinary Medicine.)
phorus that occur early in Urinalysis
the course of intoxication are thought to result from the Calcium oxalate crystalluria is a consistent finding in
presence of phosphate-containing rust inhibitors in EG intoxication in all species studied,9,25,28,33,45,53,55,56 ap-
many antifreeze preparations. Hyperkalemia may be pearing in urine as early as 3 hours after ingestion in
noted, either secondary to metabolic acidosis early in the cats27 and by 4 to 6 hours after ingestion in dogs.11,25,57


Compendium November 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

Although the well-known dihydrate (weddelite) octahe- epithelial necrosis, remain incompletely understood.
dral or envelope-shaped form may be seen (Figure Knowledge of the EG metabolic pathways is also
2),55,56 the monohydrate (whewellite) form (Figure 3) is necessary in understanding the rationale behind specific
much more commonly observed in cases of EG intoxi- therapy. Rapid diagnosis and early aggressive therapeu-
cation.9,25,28,33,53,55,56 Often misidentified as hippurate tic intervention are essential in the management of EG-
crystals,9,28 x-ray diffraction studies have proven conclu- intoxicated dogs and cats. Part II of this presentation
sively that these spindle or hemp-seed–shaped crystals will address details of diagnosis, therapy, prognosis, and
are indeed calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals.55,56 prevention of acute EG intoxication in dogs and cats.
Dumbbell and budding-crystal forms of the monohy-
drate crystals may also be observed.55 REFERENCES
Isosthenuria may be observed as early as 3 hours after 1. Gessner PK, Parke DV, Williams RT: Studies in detoxica-
EG ingestion.25,36 Glucosuria concurrent with normo- tion. 86. The metabolism of 14 C-labelled ethylene glycol.
Biochem J 79:482–489, 1961.
glycemia has been observed in dogs36,45,52 and humans6 2. Swanson RE, Thompson RB: Renal tubular handling of
and is thought to occur secondary to widespread proxi- glycerol and ethylene glycol in the dog. Am J Physiol 217:
mal tubular damage.55 Normoglycemic glucosuria has 553–562, 1969.
not been observed in cats.27 Aciduria, hematuria, renal 3. Clay KL, Murphy RC: On the metabolic acidosis of ethy-
lene glycol intoxication. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 39:39–49,
epithelial cells, and cellular and granular casts are other 1977.
frequent urinalysis findings.9,25,27,36,45,51,53 4. Beasley VR, Buck WB: Acute ethylene glycol toxicosis: A re-
view. Vet Hum Toxicol 22:255–263, 1980.
CONCLUSION 5. Berman LB, Schreiner GE, Feys J: The nephrotoxic lesion of
Acute EG intoxication is a rapidly progressive, life- ethylene glycol. Ann Intern Med 46:611–619, 1957.
threatening emergency with a complex pathophysiolo- 6. Wacker WEB, Haynes H, Druyan R, et al: Treatment of
ethylene glycol poisoning with ethyl alcohol. JAMA 194:
gy. Despite improvements in our knowledge of the 1231–1233, 1965.
metabolic pathways of EG and the specific effects of 7. Kersting EJ, Nielson SW: Experimental ethylene glycol poi-
EG and its various metabolites, some of the mecha- soning in the dog. Am J Vet Res 27:574–582, 1966.
nisms of its toxicosis, particularly that of renal tubular 8. McChesney EW, Golberg L, Parekh CK, et al: Reappraisal

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Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium November 1999

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Email: 39. Jacobsen D, Ovrebo S, Ostborg J, et al: Glycolate causes the
to order your copy or request a catalog of the
VLS BOOKS acidosis in ethylene glycol poisoning and is effectively re-
complete line of VLS books, journals, and videos. VE T E R I N A RY L E A R N I N G SYS T E M S moved by hemodialysis. Acta Med Scand 216:409–416,
Compendium November 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

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47. Rose BD: Clinical Physiology of Acid-Base and Electrolyte Dis-
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49. Catchings TT, Beamer WC, Lundy L: Adult respiratory dis- Gaynor and Dhupa were affiliated with the Department of
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50. Eder AF, McGrath CM, Dowdy YG, et al: Ethylene glycol University, North Grafton, Massachusetts. Dr. Dhupa is
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51. Connally HE, Thrall MA, Forney SD, et al: Safety and effi-
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firmed ethylene glycol intoxication in dogs: 107 cases (1983– Dr. Dhupa is also a Diplomate of the American College of
1995). JAVMA 209:1880–1883, 1996. Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care.
52. Zenoble RD, Myers RK: Severe hypocalcemia resulting from

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