Acute Ethylene Glycol İntoxication - Part II.

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12 December 1999

CE Refereed Peer Review

Acute Ethylene Glycol

FOCAL POINT Intoxication. Part II.
★Acute ethylene glycol (EG) Diagnosis, Treatment, Prognosis,
intoxication, characterized by
hyperosmolality, high anion gap
metabolic acidosis, and acute
and Prevention*
renal failure, is a medical Tufts University
emergency that requires rapid Alison R. Gaynor, DVM
diagnosis and early, aggressive
Nishi Dhupa, BVM, MRCVS

KEY FACTS ABSTRACT: Acute ethylene glycol (EG) intoxication is a rapidly progressive, life-threatening
emergency with a complex pathophysiology—the key features of which include hyperosmolali-
■ Measurement of serum ty, high anion gap metabolic acidosis, and acute oliguric renal failure. Rapid diagnosis is critical
and requires a strong index of suspicion and often repeat analyses. Antidotal therapy is based
osmolality and calculation of the
on preventing biotransformation of EG to its toxic metabolites; however, intensive physiologic
osmolal and anion gaps may aid
monitoring and aggressive use of intravenous fluids and sodium bicarbonate are also essential
in diagnosis. components of treatment. Despite advances in our understanding of the pathophysiology and
therapy of EG intoxication, most animals are presented already in oliguric renal failure and may
■ Ethanol therapy is associated require hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis to survive the effects of this intoxication.
with central nervous system and
respiratory depression as well as

exacerbation of EG-induced cute ethylene glycol (EG) intoxication is a rapidly progressive medical
hyperosmolality and osmotic emergency characterized by hyperosmolality, profound high anion gap
diuresis. metabolic acidosis, and acute oliguric renal failure. Although EG itself
causes central nervous system (CNS) depression, serum hyperosmolality, and os-
■ 4-Methylpyrazole is the treatment motic diuresis, most of the toxic effects are caused by the products of its
of choice for dogs but not cats. metabolism after initial conversion by hepatic alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH;
Figure 1). Glycolate in particular has been shown to be primarily responsible for
■ Intensive monitoring and the severe metabolic acidosis that develops and is thought to be the most likely
aggressive use of intravenous major mediator of toxicity; however, the mechanism of renal tubular epithelial
fluids and sodium bicarbonate necrosis remains poorly understood. The pathophysiology, clinical stages, and
are essential in the management clinicopathologic findings of acute EG toxicosis were reviewed in Part I of this
of acute EG intoxication. two-part presentation. This article discusses the diagnosis, current treatment rec-
ommendations, prognosis, and prevention of this devastating intoxication.
■ The use of peritoneal dialysis
may allow cats and dogs to DIAGNOSIS
recover from acute renal failure Early, rapid diagnosis of EG intoxication is critical because the prognosis for recov-
secondary to EG intoxication. ery is inversely related to the time elapsed between ingestion and initiation of thera-
py.1 Clinicians must maintain a high index of suspicion because a history of inges-
*Part I of this two-part presentation appeared in the November 1999 (Vol. 21, No. 11)
issue of Compendium.
Compendium December 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

Measurement of serum osmo-

HO-CH2-CH2-OH lality, if available, and calcula-
Lactate Ethylene glycol tion of the osmolal gap may be
helpful diagnostic aids early in
dehydrogenase the course of intoxication be-
cause serum hyperosmolality
parallels (and is caused by) in-
Pyruvate HO-CH2-C O
H creasing serum EG concentra-
Glycoaldehyde tions.2–7 Osmolality is a measure
Citric acid cycle Glucose of the total number of solute
dehydrogenase particles per weight of a solvent;
Glyoxal sodium and potassium salts, urea,
and glucose are the osmotically
HO-CH2-C O active compounds that con-
Glycolate tribute to extracellular fluid os-
molality in normal animals. 8
Normal serum osmolality in
dogs and cats is roughly 280 to
310 mOsm/kg,1,2 although ref-
O C-C O α-Hydroxy, β-ketoadipate erence ranges vary among spe-
H OH c tor cies and laboratories.8 Evalua-
ine cofa
Glyoxylate Thia
m tion of the osmolal gap (i.e., the
Pyrid difference between measured
tor Glycine and calculated osmolality) is
helpful in detecting an in-
creased amount of an abnormal
O O Hippurate osmotically active solute (i.e.,
C-C EG) in the blood. Numerous
formulas are available for calcu-
Oxalate lating serum osmolality; those
that work well with one set of
Figure 1—Ethylene glycol metabolic pathways. Solid arrows indicate the quantitatively most instruments may not work well
important steps; broken arrows indicate postulated metabolic pathways. Pathways may vary in other laboratories.9 We prefer
according to species.
to use the following formula10:

tion is often unavailable, and clinical signs are relatively Calculated osmolality (mOsm/kg) =
nonspecific and may mimic other disease syndromes. 2(Na+ + K+) + (BUN ÷ 2.8) + (Glucose ÷ 18)
There are, however, a few key features that may aid in There is a significant correlation between serum EG
more rapid diagnosis. As discussed in Part I, clinical signs concentrations and the osmolal gap,4,5 such that the
of depression, vomiting, ataxia, polyuria, polydipsia, and serum EG concentration in dogs may be estimated by
tachypnea in combination with hyperosmolality, metabol- multiplying the osmolal gap by a factor of 6.2.5 Clini-
ic acidosis with an elevated anion gap (AG), isosthenuria, cians must keep in mind that serum osmolality and the
and calcium oxalate monohydrate or dihydrate crystalluria osmolal gap may not be elevated if animals are present-
are early findings in dogs and cats with acute EG intoxica- ed later in the course of intoxication (after most or all
tion. EG intoxication must also be considered in any ani- of the serum EG has been metabolized) or if animals
mal presenting with signs of acute renal failure. Laboratory have ingested small quantities of EG.
testing should ideally include a complete serum chemistry Another useful diagnostic aid is determination of the
profile, urinalysis, arterial or venous blood gas determina- AG, which is used to help characterize clinical causes of
tions, and preferably determination of ionized calcium metabolic acidosis. The AG is calculated as follows:
concentrations. Because the time of appearance of certain
of these key features, such as calcium oxalate crystalluria, AG (mEq/L) = (Na+ + K+) – (Cl– + HCO3–)
may vary among individuals, the importance of repeat
analyses cannot be overemphasized. Because positive and negative charges in the blood


Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium December 1999

must be in balance, there is erol and metaldehyde (snail

no true AG. As indicated by bait) will also cause false-
this formula, the calculated positive results.
AG is mainly caused by un- Because antifreeze often con-
measured serum anions, con- tains sodium fluorescein to de-
sisting of negatively charged tect radiator leaks, a Wood’s
proteins (primarily albumin) lamp may be used to help de-
and such inorganic acids as tect fluorescence in urine or
phosphate and sulfate. 8,11 gastric contents.14 Renal ul-
The addition of an organic trasonography, although not
acid (an unmeasured anion; pathognomonic, may also
in this case, primarily glyco- contribute to earlier diagnosis.
late) to the body results in Increased renal cortical echo-
a metabolic acidosis with a genicity may be seen as early
normal chloride level and an Figure 2—Ultrasonographic appearance of a kidney in a dog as 4 to 6 hours after inges-
increased AG. For cats and with anuric renal failure secondary to ethylene glycol intoxi- tion.15,16 With increasing time
dogs, “normal” AGs are ap- cation. (Courtesy of Dr. D. Penninck, Tufts University School and dose of EG, progressive
of Veterinary Medicine)
proximately 15 to 25 mEq/L, cortical and medullary hy-
although this also varies perechogenicity occur; at
among laboratories and species.8 An elevated AG may later stages, relatively hypoechoic areas appear at the
not be evident very early in the course of EG intoxica- corticomedullary junction and central medullary region
tion. In addition, the AG may appear normal in intoxi- (Figure 2). This “halo sign” is associated with the devel-
cated animals that are concurrently receiving potassium opment of anuria, and its presence warrants a grave
bromide therapy because bromide is not distinguished prognosis.15,16
from chloride in some assays. For cats and dogs presented in oliguric renal failure, a
Analysis of serum or urine concentrations of EG by renal biopsy is usually diagnostic for EG intoxication.
gas chromatography is the most specific diagnostic test Acute tubular necrosis with calcium oxalate crystals
for intoxication; however, such tests are expensive and within disrupted renal tubules is often seen.17–19 Renal
are not always readily available, even in human hospi- histopathology can also be used postmortem to make
tals.12 Laboratory testing for glycolate would also be use- or confirm a diagnosis of EG intoxication.
ful, especially because it can be detected 3 to 60 hours
after ingestion in dogs13 and for at least 72 hours in TREATMENT
cats.3 However, no tests for glycolate are currently avail- The goals of treatment for EG intoxication include
able at most medical centers or reference laboratories. preventing absorption, increasing excretion of both the
A commercial test kit (Allelic Biosystems Ethylene parent compound and its toxic metabolites, and pre-
Glycol Test Kit, PRN Pharmacal, Inc., Pensacola, FL) venting additional metabolism of EG. Because EG tox-
that appears to accurately measure blood EG concentra- icosis develops rapidly, treatment must be initiated
tions of 50 mg/dl or greater is available for use in dogs quickly and aggressively. If EG ingestion is known to
with EG intoxication; results are available within 30 have occurred within 1 to 2 hours, vomiting may be in-
minutes. The test kit, based on an enzymatic assay, is duced. However, clinicians must consider the risk of as-
most useful 1 to 12 hours after ingestion but may help piration in depressed animals. Gastric lavage and/or as-
document exposure for up to 24 hours. After 24 hours, piration may also be helpful if performed within 1 to 2
most EG will have been metabolized. The test kit is not hours of ingestion. The use of activated charcoal is
sensitive enough for use in cats and may yield negative widely advocated, although it may be of little use be-
results despite the ingestion of a lethal dose of EG. Al- cause EG is not significantly adsorbed by charcoal.20
though the test kit has never been validated, it appears to
be reliable and accurate.a Blood samples for testing Specific Therapy
should be drawn before initiation of any therapy because The cornerstone of specific therapy involves prevent-
false-positive results may occur with propylene glycol (an ing the metabolism of EG to its toxic metabolites by
additive in many anticonvulsants [e.g., diazepam] and inhibiting ADH, the enzyme responsible for the initial
other medications, including activated charcoal). Glyc- reaction in the EG metabolic pathway (Figure 1). The
Personal communication: Chew DJ, The Ohio State Univer- findings that the minimum lethal dose of EG in labora-
sity, 1998. tory animals was increased if the animals were given


Compendium December 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

ethanol simultaneously21 and sion.7 A study in cats, how-

that ethanol is a competitive
Suggested Protocols for Specific Therapy of
ever, suggested that blood
inhibitor of ADH with a Ethylene Glycol Intoxication in Dogs and Cats ethanol levels above 60
higher affinity than that of mg/dl are needed for effica-
EG22 led to the first success- Ethanol cy.29 Determination of blood
ful therapy of EG intoxica- Dogs: ethanol concentrations is
tion using ethanol in hu- 20% Ethanol1: not readily available in most
mans23 and subsequently in 5.5 ml/kg IV every 4 hr for five treatments, then veterinary hospitals.
dogs24,25 and cats.26 Best re- For years, alternative treat-
every 6 hr for four treatments
sults are achieved when etha- ments for EG intoxication
nol therapy is initiated early or
have been investigated in an
in the course of intoxication, Same total dose given CRI
attempt to avoid the inherent
before much of the EG has 7 disadvantages of ethanol
30% Ethanol (low-dose protocol) :
been metabolized (see Sug- therapy. Pyrazole and some
gested Protocols for Specific 1.31 ml/kg slow IV bolus, followed by 0.42
of its derivatives, particularly
Therapy of Ethylene Glycol ml/kg/hr for 48 hr 4-methylpyrazole (4-MP;
Intoxication in Dogs and or Antizol-VetTM and AntizolTM
Cats).1,24–26,28 Prolonged treat- 300 mg/kg slow IV bolus, followed by 100 [fomepizole], Orphan Medi-
ment is usually necessary be- mg/kg/hr CRI cal, Minnetonka, MN), have
cause ethanol therapy will been shown to markedly in-
increase the effective half-life Cats: hibit the activity of ADH in
of EG.3,4,7 20% Ethanol27: vitro33 and in vivo in both
Ethanol itself will cause animals4,6,34–36 and humans.37,38
5.0 ml/kg IV every 6 hr for five treatments, then
severe CNS and respiratory Although pyrazole is associ-
depression, usually necessi- every 8 hr for four treatments
ated with hepatotoxicity and
tating intensive monitoring or
bone-marrow toxicity,36 4-
and supportive therapy; this Same total dose given CRI MP has been shown to be a
is particularly true with inter- 6,17 strong competitive inhibitor of
mittent administration4,24,25,28 4-Methylpyrazole (50 mg/ml) ADH that is safe and effec-
and in cats.3,26,29 Ethanol also Dogs: tive in intoxicated dogs4,6,17,30,36
exacerbates EG-induced serum Initial loading dose: 20 mg/kg IVb and humans37,38 and does not
hyperosmolality and osmot- At 12 hours: 15 mg/kg IV induce CNS depression, hy-
ic diuresis.1,3,6,30 In animals At 24 hours: 15 mg/kg IV perosmolality, or osmotic di-
that respond to therapy, pe- c uresis. 4-MP has a slower
At 36 hours: 5 mg/kg IV
riods of ethanol-induced rate of elimination compared
CNS depression may become a50% Ethanol [100 proof] contains 393 mg ethanol/ml. with ethanol20 and therefore
progressively shorter.26,28 Be- bSlow IV infusion over 15 to 30 min. has a longer duration of ac-
cause bolus infusions of eth- cIf the dog is not recovered and there is suspicion of tion and a more practical
anol are associated with a high remaining unmetabolized ethylene glycol, continue to dosing schedule (see Suggest-
risk of respiratory arrest, 29 administer 5 mg/kg IV every 12 hr. ed Protocols for Specific
CRI = continuous-rate infusion; IV = intravenous.
administration as a continu- Therapy of Ethylene Glycol
ous infusion (see Suggested Intoxication in Dogs and
Protocols for Specific Therapy of Ethylene Glycol In- Cats).
toxication in Dogs and Cats) may be safer. In human Most dogs treated with 4-MP within 8 hours of EG
intoxication, maintaining blood ethanol concentrations ingestion have a favorable outcome.6 Adverse clinical
at 100 mg/dl is usually recommended for efficacy.20,31,32 signs (tachypnea, gagging, salivating, trembling) have
This requires frequent adjustments in infusion rates be- been reported in only one dog after repeated adminis-
cause ethanol itself is rapidly metabolized. The amount tration; these signs resolved with discontinuation of 4-
of ethanol required will also vary depending on the in- MP.17 Other potential advantages of 4-MP over ethanol
dividual and the amount of EG ingested.20 Alternative- include shorter hospitalization times and perhaps less
ly, a low-dose ethanol infusion protocol in which blood intensive monitoring.17 4-MP has been approved for
ethanol levels are maintained at 50 mg/dl has been used use in EG intoxication in dogs in the United States for
successfully in dogs and causes less severe CNS depres- several years; although it has been considered the treat-


Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium December 1999

Suggested Protocols for Supportive Therapy of Ethylene Glycol Intoxication in Dogs and Catsa
Therapy Purpose Parameters Monitored

IV crystalloid fluids Restore deficits and perfusion; Hematocrit and total plasma solids;
supply fluid for maintenance and body weight; urine output; heart rate;
ongoing losses; maintain diuresis mucous membrane color, capillary refill
time; central venous pressures;
Sodium bicarbonate Correct metabolic acidosis Arterial and/or venous blood gases;
Amount needed (mEq) = 0.3 × serum bicarbonate concentrations;
weight (kg) × base deficit/L (1⁄4 total carbon dioxide; urine pH
to 1⁄3 given slow IV bolus, the
remainder as a CRI over 4–6 hr)
6.2 mEq/kg IV every 4–6 hr
10% Calcium gluconate Control seizure activity, tetany, Electrocardiogram/bradycardia;
0.5–1.5 ml/kg slow IV bolus twitching seizures, twitching; serum and/or
(+/– 5–15 mg/kg/hr CRI) ionized calcium concentrations
Warming, turning, ophthalmic Additional therapy as needed Arterial blood gases, hemoglobin
lubrication; oxygen, ventilation; saturation (pulse oximetry), end-tidal
colloids, pressors; gastrointestinal carbon dioxide; arterial blood pressure,
protectants; avoidance of electrocardiogram; mentation/level of
aspiration consciousness; body temperature
See text for details.
CRI = continuous-rate infusion; IV = intravenous.

ment of choice for EG-intoxicated humans in France considered relatively nontoxic, and have been used or
since 1990,39 it was not approved for human use in the evaluated for use as food additives.20 1,3-Butanediol has
United States until late 1997.39 been shown to be efficacious in the treatment of EG in-
Although 4-MP is currently the treatment of choice toxication in dogs4,41,42; however, to our knowledge, no
in dogs, its use in cats cannot be recommended because studies have been reported that evaluate the use of
it has been shown to be effective only if given concur- pyrazoles or 1,3-butanediol in cats. It is unlikely that
rent with EG.3 As evidenced by this and by the lower further studies will be performed because of the efficacy
minimum lethal dose of EG and the earlier develop- and commercial development of 4-MP. Ethanol, al-
ment of crystalluria and azotemia in cats,3 it is apparent though not optimal, remains the recommended therapy
that considerable species differences exist in the for EG intoxication in cats.
metabolism of EG and the efficacy of various ADH in-
hibitors. Postulated reasons include a more rapid rate of Supportive Therapy
EG metabolism in cats3 and differences in the substrate Intensive physiologic monitoring and frequent
specificity of ADH33 and/or the pathways of EG bio- reevaluation are necessary in the management of EG-
transformation.40 Another proposed explanation is that intoxicated animals; patient status can change rapidly
feline renal tubular epithelium may be more sensitive throughout the course of treatment. Animals that pre-
to the cytotoxic effects of EG metabolites.3 sent or become severely obtunded or comatose may re-
Other 4-substituted pyrazoles may be better in- quire endotracheal intubation and ventilation in addi-
hibitors of ADH in cats and could possibly be useful. tion to hemodynamic support. Aspiration is a serious
Alkyldiols, such as 1,3-butanediol and 1,2-propanediol risk in these patients and must be avoided. Recumbent
(propylene glycol), are also substrates for ADH, are animals may need periodic turning to prevent conges-


Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium December 1999

tion and may require ophthalmic lubrication; thermal with underlying cardiopulmonary disease or that are
support is usually necessary as well. becoming oliguric, is also recommended.
Aggressive intravenous (IV) crystalloid fluid therapy Early and aggressive use of sodium bicarbonate is an-
is essential in the treatment of EG intoxication (Table other essential component of therapy in EG intoxica-
I). High infusion rates are usually required to combat tion, especially to help fully correct the initial excess of
the severe dehydration and hypoperfusion secondary to acids, particularly glycolate.34,48,49 The dose of sodium
EG- (and ethanol-) induced osmotic diuresis and other bicarbonate is controversial and, if possible, should be
ongoing losses, such as vomiting. Improved tissue per- based on determination of serial serum bicarbonate
fusion will also help correct metabolic acidosis and help concentrations using the following formula50:
promote renal excretion of EG and its toxic metabo-
Amount of HCO3– needed (mEq) =
lites.1,3,43,44 If possible, maintaining the animal in a state
0.3 × Weight (kg) × Base deficit/L
of diuresis is important because renal excretion of un-
metabolized EG is a major route for its elimina- If determination of serum bicarbonate concentra-
tion4,40,43–45 and depends on free water excretion.46 tions is unavailable, one recommendation is to use
Aseptic placement and maintenance of an indwelling sodium bicarbonate at a dose of 6.2 mEq/kg every 4 to
urinary catheter attached to a closed sterile collection 6 hours based on the fact that the average serum bicar-
system is important for monitoring urine output. Early bonate concentration in intoxicated cats and dogs is 8.5
in the course of intoxication, this will help ensure con- mEq/L.1 Ideally, serum bicarbonate levels should be
tinued diuresis and delivery of adequate volumes of IV monitored every 4 to 6 hours; at least 30 minutes must
fluids. Careful monitoring of urine output will also aid elapse after an infusion of sodium bicarbonate is com-
in the detection and management of oliguria and will pleted before its clinical effect can be determined.51
determine the reduced volumes of IV fluids required Monitoring urine pH may also be helpful. The aim of
during this period of limited urine production. Olig- therapy should be to increase the animal’s pH to 7.2 to
uria is defined as a urine output of less than 1 to 2 reduce the risk of life-threatening hemodynamic com-
ml/kg/hour in a volume-expanded animal.47 Monitor- plications. Bicarbonate therapy may also enhance renal
ing central venous pressures, particularly in animals excretion of glycolate by “ion trapping.”49,52 Potential
complications of sodium bicarbonate therapy include
(1) volume overload and exacerbation of hyperosmolal-
ity due to administered sodium, (2) tetany from de-
Raise the Standard of Practice at Your Hospital with creased serum ionized calcium concentrations sec-
ondary to increased binding of calcium to plasma

proteins, (3) paradoxical CNS acidosis as hyperventila-

’S •



tion decreases and carbon dioxide diffuses into cere-




R D S of


brospinal fluid, and (4) hypokalemia secondary to in-
tracellular movement of potassium.50
...An exciting new publication Treatment of seizures or tetany is occasionally re-

C O M P E N D I U M ’ S
quired in EG-intoxicated animals; if so, 10% calcium

’S •

from the trusted publishers of




R D S of


Feline Hepatic Lipidosis ■ Other abnormalities may be

Compendium. gluconate may be given very slowly at a dose of 0.5 to
1.5 ml/kg IV (to effect) with concurrent electrocardio-
found depending on the primary
Sharon A. Center, DVM, DACVIM disease.
Professor, Internal Medicine
College of Veterinary Medicine Laboratory Findings
Cornell University ■ CBC.

epatic lipidosis (HL) is the most common cause of jaundice in cats
in North America. It develops primarily in obese cats that have
recently been anorectic. By definition, HL occurs when >50% of
• Poikilocytosis (i.e., irregular
RBC shapes) is common.
• A mild nonregenerative anemia
accompanies primary
Expert help fast in a graphic monitoring.53 To maintain calcium levels, sub-
hepatocytes accumulate excessive triglycerides (TGs), resulting in severe cell

practical and readable format

underlying chronic
vacuolation, cholestasis, and liver dysfunction. Left untreated, HL progresses inflammatory disorders.
to metabolic dysregulation and death. Although HL was initially considered

sequent continuous IV infusion (5 to 15 mg/kg/hour)

• Hemolytic anemia may
an idiopathic disorder, it is now known to more commonly occur secondary be severe and related to
to other disease conditions. hypophosphatemia or Heinz
DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA constipation may occur as part of body formation at presentation
Historical Information primary disease, but these signs are and/or during treatment.
highly variable among cats. • Leukogram reflects underlying

may be necessary.53 If this is ineffective, more conven-

■ Age/gender/breed
predispositions. None. disorders; HL is not a reactive

Each monthly* issue

■ Other historical considerations. Physical Examination process (no necrosis,
• Most commonly noted in Findings inflammation, fibrosis).
indoor, obese cats; most cats ■ Unkempt and in poor condition, • Icteric plasma.
have been anorectic for several jaundice, and weakness. ■ Biochemistry.

tional anticonvulsants (e.g., diazepam) may be neces-

days or longer. ■ May have ptyalism without • Hyperbilirubinemia.
• On presentation, many have
lost at least 25% of pre-illness
body mass.
• Reclusiveness, affection, and
provocation or on oropharyngeal
■ Variable dehydration attributed
to anorexia, vomiting, and
• ↑↑↑ALP, ↑↑ALT, ↑↑AST,
normal or mildly ↑γGT.
Discordance between
ALP–γGT is an important
is peer-reviewed
diarrhea. diagnostic feature. The ↑γGT

sary. Calcium gluconate should not be used to treat

lethargy are typical owner
observations. ■ Head and neck ventroflexion. indicates necroinflammatory
• Jaundiced mucous membranes, ■ Cats show some signs
consistent with severe hepatic VOLUME 2 • NUMBER 10
nonpigmented skin or sclera, and OCTOBER 2000
hyperbilirubinuria may be noted. encephalopathy (HE), such as

In each article you will find:

lethargy, collapse, obtundation, INSIDE THIS ISSUE:
• Ptyalism, vomiting, diarrhea, or
Articles with this symbol provide
standards for canine patients.
and seizure activity.
■ Abdominal palpation discloses
nonpainful hepatomegaly.
Peer-Reviewed Articles on
hypocalcemia per se because this may increase the pre-
■ Danger signs
Articles with this symbol provide
■ Bleeding tendencies may be 1 Feline Hepatic Lipidosis
standards for feline patients.
evidenced by bruising around 6 Congenital Portosystemic Shunts
Articles with both symbols cover canine

cipitation of calcium oxalate in body tissues.20 Calcium

and feline topics. venipuncture, palpation, or
ultrasound probe sites. 10 Correction


■ Guidelines
■ Step-by-step tips should not be administered in solutions containing bi-
Subscribe today! carbonate or lactate because of formation of calcium
Standards of Care: Emergency salts.53
Call 800-426-9119. and Critical Care Medicine. Other suggested therapy for EG intoxication includes
Only $69 for 11 Concise. Authoritative. Cur-
information-packed issues.* rent. No general practice should the use of thiamine and pyridoxine to shunt the
*November/December is a combined issue.
be without it. metabolism of glyoxylate to α-hydroxy, β-ketoadipate
and glycine, respectively, and away from oxalate (Figure


Compendium December 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

1).31,43,49 Although often advocated in human EG intox- within 5 hours of EG ingestion have a good prognosis,
ication, their use is controversial because of a lack of ex- and most dogs will recover if treatment is begun by 8
perimental or clinical data supporting any beneficial ef- hours after ingestion.6 The prognosis for cats is good if
fects and the potential of pyridoxine to cause peripheral ethanol therapy is initiated within 3 hours of EG inges-
sensory neuropathies.20 Furthermore, therapy to reduce tion.3,26 Most animals, however, are presented after the
oxalate levels may not sufficiently block toxicity if other onset of oliguric renal failure,1,17,30,60 and for these dogs
metabolites, particularly glycolate, are responsible for and cats, the prognosis is grave.17,60 Most cats and dogs
the adverse effects of EG intoxication. that receive dialysis and survive the acute renal failure
For animals that are presented in oliguric renal fail- phase will eventually regain normal renal function, but
ure, although most of the EG will already have been it may take as long as 1 year to regain the ability to ade-
metabolized, there may still be some small benefit to quately concentrate urine; a few animals may remain
trying 4-MP or ethanol. More importantly, reestablish- isosthenuric.6,17,30
ment of diuresis should be attempted with the judi-
cious use of IV crystalloids, mannitol, furosemide, and PREVENTION
dopamine.47 (Interested readers are referred to this latter Continuing to increase public awareness about the
reference for an excellent review of therapy of acute re- dangers of EG will help prevent exposure and may
nal failure.) If adequate diuresis cannot be established, prompt earlier presentation of intoxicated cats and
hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis should be consid- dogs. Despite the use of more prominent warning la-
ered. The presence of intact tubular basement mem- bels on antifreeze products,61 the incidence of EG in-
branes and evidence of tubular epithelial regeneration toxication appears to be increasing.62 Antifreeze manu-
on histologic examination of renal biopsy specimens in- facturers and others whose products contain EG should
dicating potential reversibility19,54,55 may assist clinicians be encouraged to advertise the dangers of their prod-
in selecting candidates for dialysis. ucts more widely and to provide methods for their dis-
Hemodialysis is commonly used in human EG intox- posal. The addition of bittering agents to antifreeze and
ication not only to treat acute renal failure but also ear- other EG-containing products is another means of
ly in the course of intoxication to rapidly and effectively minimizing accidental ingestion that is already prac-
remove both EG and glycolate from the blood.32,44,49,52,56 ticed in some countries.63 A few antifreeze products
Early use of this invasive and expensive procedure has now contain propylene glycol rather than EG; although
recently been questioned, however, because of the rapid no nephrotoxicity is associated with propylene glycol
improvement seen with 4-MP therapy.20,38,57 Hemodial- ingestion, it does cause CNS depression, hyperosmolal-
ysis has also been demonstrated to efficiently and rapid- ity and osmotic diuresis, D-lactic acidosis with an in-
ly remove EG and glycolate from the circulation of creased AG, and (particularly in cats) Heinz-body
dogs,58 but the availability of this procedure in veteri- hemolytic anemia.64,65 Continued research into safe, ef-
nary medicine is currently limited. fective antifreeze products must be encouraged.
Peritoneal dialysis is a reasonable alternative for in-
toxicated dogs and cats in oliguric or anuric renal fail- REFERENCES
ure and will also remove EG and glycolate from the cir- 1. Grauer GF, Thrall MA: Ethylene glycol (antifreeze) poison-
ing in the dog and cat. JAAHA 18:492–497, 1982.
culation.19,23,28,43 Although labor-intensive, peritoneal 2. Grauer GF, Thrall MA, Henre BA, et al: Early clinicopatho-
dialysis may be life sustaining while providing time for logic findings in dogs ingesting ethylene glycol. Am J Vet Res
the kidneys to repair and resume function.19 Clinicians 45:2299–2303, 1984.
should be aware that because ethanol and 4-MP are 3. Dial SM, Hull Thrall MA, Hamar DW: Comparison of
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