Online Game Notes

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Online Game Notes

How to Meet Women Online

I. Mistakes Most Guys Make

!Telling their entire life story

!Showing off too much

!Seeming desperate and needy

!Being too generic/not standing out

!Sending her long messages

REMEMBER: This is not a substitute for approaching women in real life

II. Mindset

!Screening women

!A complete joke / not taking it seriously
Free sites only

!Playful and funny

III. So many sites to choose from

!Dating sites
Paid, unpaid, niche, new

!Social networking sites
Facebook, *country specific*

She loves to do something, you love to do something, so why not do it



Some women are on their just for validation
Tends to be a younger crowd
You might as well do it because its free
Top sites: Plenty of Fish, OK Cupid

Women are more serious about finding someone
More women looking for a relationship
Tends to be older crowd
Top sites: Match, eHarmony

V. Learn about the competition

!Set up a fake page

!See things from her eyes

!See what kind of message most guys are sending her

VI. Things to watch out for

!Photoshopped pics

!Weird angles

!Only head shots

!Old pics

!Get her # if necessary and have her text you a recent pic

VII. Basics

!Use single instead of divorced

!Use not looking for intimate encounters

!Never check mark looking for a relationship or looking for friends with

!Keep it short

!Stand out!

!Secret: Edit your profile often to stay at the top of the searches

VIII. Pictures

!No pics with your shirt off or trying to impress (even if you have a nice body)

!No headshots

!Main profile pic should be something she has to click on (not a close up)

!Action shots are the best
On stage, traveling, leading a group, with friend (including girls), with cute

Post on

!Use the best photo as your main pic

IX. The Headline (or username)

!Tall, dark and blah blah blah

!The guy your mom warned you about

!I can keegle 180

!I want your money

!Im kind of an a-hole

!No X!
X = strippers, psychos, blondes, cocktail waitresses, etc.

!Yo, U wanna make a baby?

!Lets rob a bank

!NOTE: uses 13 character usernames

X. About Me Section

Not fond of the bar scene guess Im just seeing if theres anyone out there
that breaks the [city you live in] mold. Please do not message me if you are a
stripper, cocktail waitress, vergo, gemini, or if youve had plastic surgery
I love talkative outgoing women..but that doesnt mean you can call me 50
times a day!
No psychos weirdos or stage five clingers!

!Not taking it seriously
I don't feel like typing a long paragraphso here are some emoticons that
might describe me:

and this is the kind of girl I'm looking for:

interpret that as you like. i honestly don't go on this site a lot...but send a
message and we can talk about princesses and glitter

!Playful / funny

I want a woman to crap out at least 10 kids in the next 3 yrs so I can start
a child work factory like the ones in Beijing.

Dont even try to message me if youre just another one of those overly
horny perv chicks cruising the internet looking for innocent guys to take back
to their sex lair and take advantage of

If you think youll have any thoughts of grabbing the knife and letting loose
on my littleehhhm I mean big friend when Im sleeping after our first
fight.then let me say this: the mental hospital is not the same as my home

!Funny movie quotes

I know that YOU and I are gonna to get married on top of a mountain, and
there's going to be flutes playing and trombones and flowers and garlands of
fresh herbs. And we will dance till the sun rises. And then our children will
form a family band. And we will tour the countryside and you won't be

XI. Interests

!List a few real things (2 or 3)
playing drums, teaching lectures, travelling to India, astrology, cool guy

!List a joking thing
Riding unicorns through cartoon Pleasure Town
Brittney Spears back when she was bald (bald chicks are hot!)
Reading the bible written in the ancient Aramaic language (I like a

XII. First Date (Plenty of Fish)

You would take me out for lobster, then I would do all the things to you
that the last guy was too much of a wuss to do

Meet for a drink somewhere low key and public. That way if your crazy I
can fake an excuse like I have go home and walk my turtle. Hopefully my
turtle likes you or youre gone!


Wed fly to Vegas and get married by the fattest Elvis impersonator we
could find (with Minnie Me as the ring bearer of course) then divorce the next
day and take half your money

We'd go to party city and buy masks, then steal a car from the parking lot
and drive it to BofA. we'd then disable the senior citizen security guard
[without killing him because underneath this tough exterior, i still have a
heart] and then proceed to rob everybody blind, and make the old ladies take
off their jewelry. We'd go in and out really fast [not a sexual innuendo] before
the cops get there. Then wed get a room at a cheap motel in the next city
over and throw the money in the air and roll around in it while having crazy
sex fueled by the rush of the crimes we just committed...then you would
wake up the next morning finding me...and the money nowhere to be found!"

XIII. Editing Your Profile

!Cut out anything that does not help you attract YOUR type of woman

!Remove anything that could be misinterpreted in a negative way

!Trim the fat: what can you say in less words?

XIV. Contacting Women Online

!Dont worry if she doesnt respond

!Dont give up

Subject: Are you one of those girls
Body: who takes forever to do her hair and makeup or does it just look
that way?
Subject: You look like trouble
Body: Reading your profile I think your like an 75% match, not sure if you
can handle the other 25%
- Subject: I'm gonna be super original....
Body: and say "hi". Don't read too much into that. In fact, I'm just not
sure if this is gonna work out anymore. I feel like things are just moving too
fast. Its not you its me.

Subject: you look like
Body: your sitting on a pooper in that pic lol

Subject: hair
Body: Cool hairare you wearing a wig or is real?

!Viewed Me
Subject: Huh!? What!? Really!?
Body: So you checked me out but didnt msg me huh, what not sexy
enough for ya!omg Im so heart brokenIm just gonna to cuddle up on
the couch watching reruns of The Hills while eating ice cream out of the
carton and painting my toenails pink. No seriously, your probably just shy
its ok I wont biteor will I?

Subject: you cant just
Body: stop by my page without at least saying hi thats minus 2-points!
(btw it takes 10 cool points to get my numberyou have a lot of making up
to do)

XV. Follow Up Message

!Be a challenge
What do you have going for yourself other than your looks?
You seem pretty normal (surprising) Whats your story (in 30 words or
Make it or break it question..X
!X = favorite band, ninjas or pirates, etc.
Wow checking out your page you actually look like you have a good head
on your shoulders, which is getting harder to find these days. So whats the
- Tell me something cool about you I wouldnt know from reading your

XVI. Getting Her Number

!Just throw it out there
My fingers are getting tired from typing all day and I actually dont want to
associate work with emailing you. Give me a ring. 555-555-5555 block your #
if you want

!Dont ask
You know what, you seem pretty coollets exchange numbers and if youre
cool on the phone maybe well hang you text?

!Chat first
Hey Im not on here muchjust heard about this crazy new fad called
facebook. Doubt itll catch on. Whats your fb name? (use facebook chat)

XVII. She Doesnt Write Back

!"I feel like your ignoring me. this is not the way to maintain a health
relationship ;-). I'm gonna have to break up with you. so, I'm gonna need all of
my CD's back. and i don't know what we are going to do about "Peanut" (the
puppy i bought you for your birthday last year). I've grown attached to the little
guy. maybe we can work out some sort of joint custody arrangement. i should
have known this was going to happen. i mean you are way to high maintenance
for me anyway. i don't know how your last boyfriend put up with it. lol, oh i crack
myself up sometimes....haha. anyway, i know you haven't found someone more
fun to talk to, so hit me back.

XVIII. Assignments

a. Make an online profile if you dont already have one. The best free sites
are and Use the guidelines from
the lesson.

b. Post 5 8 pictures of yourself on Use the pictures
that are rated the highest on your online profile.

c. Make a fake female profile to get to know the competition. Use a free
dating site to make a fake female profile so you can see what other guys
are doing and learn what not to do.

d. Send out 5 messages a day using your online profile.

e. Approach 1 real woman a day (7 per week).

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