Island Transit Exec Director Martha Rose Letter To Island Transit Board Members

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August System Update

August 20, 2014

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Date: August 20, 2014
To: All Board Members
From: Martha M. Rose
Subject: August System Update

We have been so lightening speed busy that its difficult to fit all of the
activities in this update. I will provide as succinct a re-cap as possible.

As you are aware, the State Audit process is underway. We have had
multiple discussions with them regarding the financial situation we are in and
we have done the analysis on our end to see how, when and where this
current state of affairs evolved. The problem appears to be quite
straightforward from our analysis. We are looking forward to this audit
process to see their analysis.

We held public meetings to gather input on the suspended and modified
service levels. The meetings have been, for the most part, very beneficial
and helpful. We have, as an example, asked questions about route structures
and received many useful suggestions to improve the service delivery. In
addition, we gathered invaluable input that we can use as we move towards
reinstatement of these services. Naturally, when that time comes, we will
have additional rounds of public workshops to assist in the specific route

We will be able to provide service to our existing registered paratransit
customers on a space available, time permitting basis on south Whidbey for
those living outside the now modified service boundaries. Folks will have to
be a bit more flexible with their service requests. Obviously, some of our
folks will not have the luxury of being flexible, such as our kidney dialysis
August System Update
August 20, 2014
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riders. We will be using our road support personnel and anyone else available
to assist in the service delivery whenever necessary to ensure rides are met.

Public Hearing to Receive Input on Island Transits Six Year Transit
Development Plan (2014-2019).

As you are aware, we have a Public Meeting starting at 9:00 AM this Friday
before the Board meeting to receive input on the required Six Year Transit
Development Plan (TDP). This plan is required to be submitted by no later
than September 1
of this year. Capital and operating grant requests for
specific projects must be included in the TDP in order to be eligible to apply
for the funds.

We will be applying for a Consolidated Operating Grant so that we can get
back to health financially. The applications are due into WSDOT by mid-
November of this year. Awarded funds will be available effective July 1
2015.This TDP also includes additional capital projects for transit vehicles,
as well as other infrastructure needs such as bus shelters and dispatch
communications related equipment.

We have added a section on our website for agendas and approved minutes,
as well as for any other additional information regarding any and all transit
matters. We will also put ridership data and costs on the website. We had
been providing this information but things became so busy with the
construction project that many issues did not receive the attention they
required. We are getting back in touch with Robert Gilman, once a Board
member (City Council) from Langley, who assisted us with getting that data
on the website originally. We are in contact with Mr. Gilman to resume that
activity. The transit employee who was working on that aspect has retired,
so our replacement individual will need some introduction and training from
Mr. Gilman on the brilliant program he developed.

After the Public Hearing, we have the following agenda items for the

August System Update
August 20, 2014
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Business Item No. 1: Resolution No. 5-14, A Resolution of the Island
Transit Board of Directors authorizing certain persons to sign warrants and
investments on behalf of Island Transit (Supersedes Resolution No. 06-09).

This action is required to change the signing authority from our former
finance manager to our new financial analyst, Paul Arand.

Business Item No. 2: Resolution No. 6-14, A Resolution of the Island
Transit Board of Directors Adopting the Island Transit 2014-2019 Transit
Development Plan (TDP) and Authorizing the Executive Director to Sign any
and/or all Applicable Documents Relating to any and/or all Aspects of any
State and/or Federal Funds Relative to Capital and Operating Projects
Outlined in the Island Transit 2014-2019 TDP.

We will also be having an executive session to discuss potential litigation.

We expect a large crowd, so we are taking tables out of the main conference
room to make more seating areas, and will place more chairs outside in the
lobby to accommodate the overflow. We will have the lobby set up so that
people can hear what is going on in the conference room.

Thank you. See you Friday.

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