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ESP Section of Math 251 Multivariable Calculus
12:30 2:20 MWF
Instructor Inforation Class !ssistant
David Miller
Associate Professor
West Virginia University
408G Armstrong Hall
#04$%&#$%0'' ()t %#%#
*o+y Devine
Mathematics Ma,or
West Virginia University
"ffice #ours: &-#0 . '0-%0 MW/$ d"ring the day on *"esdays 0e$mail if yo" !ant to sto1 +y2 or +y
a11ointment 3ote- ($mail is a good !ay to get in to"ch !ith me !hen 4 am not availa+le in my office
Prere%uisites: (ach st"dent in Math %5' m"st satisfy the 1rere6"isite for this co"rse 0Grade of D or
+etter in Math '57 or 1lacement2 4f yo" do not meet the 1rere6"isites8 yo" !ill +e administratively
dro11ed from this co"rse 4n addition8 yo" sho"ld have a firm gras1 of Math '55 and Math '57
Course &oals: *he co"rse goals are-
'2 ()tend the conce1ts of derivatives and integrals to # dimensions
%2 9earn +asic conce1ts in 9inear Alge+ra 0matrices8 solving system of e6"ations8 and vector
#2 9earn +asic conce1ts in Vector :alc"l"s
Eer'in' Scholars Pro'ra (ESP)- *he (;P class is designed after s"ccessf"l nation!ide (;P
co"rses *he str"ct"re at WVU is different in the sense that !e are challenging yo" in class and s"11orting
yo" o"t of class !ith str"ct"red sessions8 class assistance to ans!er 6"estions8 and an instr"ctor that !ill
assistant yo" in learning the material 4n addition8 the class si<e is smaller than reg"lar calc"l"s classes
and yo" !ill have an instr"ctor8 t!o grad"ate st"dents8 and one "ndergrad"ate assisting d"ring class 4
+elieve !ith a commitment to s"ccessf"l from st"dents along !ith the (;P s"11ort system8 !e !ill have a
f"n and 1ros1ero"s time this /all
*e+tboo,: (ssential :alc"l"s- (arly *ranscendentals8 +y =ames ;te!art
3ote- *his is the same te)t+oo> that !as "sed in Math '55 and Math '57
Class Forat: *he format of the class !ill +e 4n6"iry ?ased 9earning 04?92 4?9 !ill occ"r +y st"dents
!or>ing in gro"1s of # or 4 on !or>sheet 1ro+lems *he str"ct"re of the class !ill +e the follo!ing-
'2 ;t"dents !ill !or> each day on s1ecific assigned !or>sheet 1ro+lems and contin"e to !or> on
other !or>sheet 1ro+lems after s1ecified 1ro+lems are com1lete and time 1ermits
%2 Presentations of the gro"1 1ro+lems !ill +e 1resented on the +oard +y randomly selected
mem+er0s2 of gro"1 or the !hole gro"1 *herefore all gro"1 mem+ers sho"ld +e a+le to e)1lain
the s1ecified 1ro+lems
#2 ;t"dents !ill comment and criti6"e the 1resented 1ro+lems "ntil there is a consens"s and no
other 6"estions
42 Points !ill +e given for st"dent 1artici1ation . +oth 1resenters and o+servers
52 ;t"dents !ill !or> on the ne)t Wor>sheet as time 1ermits and home!or> assignments !ill +e
handed o"t near the end of the class
72 @ccasionally8 6"i<<es !ill +e given to assess st"dentsA "nderstanding of material B"i<<es co"ld
ha11en at any time d"ring the class
E+ainations: *entative dates and times of exams are listed below. They are subjected
to change, but are stated to give you a general idea of approximately when they will
be given.
*est ' ;e1tem+er 'C8 %0'%
*est % @cto+er '58 %0'%
*est # 3ovem+er &8 %0'%
ESP Section of Math 251 Multivariable Calculus
12:30 2:20 MWF
*est 4 3ovem+er #08 %0'%
Decem+er '%8 %0'% from # . 51m
Ma>e$"1 tests m"st +e a11roved +y the instr"ctor and !ill only +e given in extreme sit"ations !ith official

#oe-or,: ;t"dents !ill +e assigned e)ercises o"t of the +oo> 0or as home!or> !or>sheets2 to !or> in
gro"1s or individ"ally and hand in *he e)ercises !ill +e +oth ro"tine and non$ro"tine 1ro+lems
Home!or> !ill +e assigned 0+et!een 5 to '0 1ro+lems2 after most classes *herefore there !ill +e an
assignment d"e at the be'innin' of ost classes an. ust be turne. in at the be'innin' of the ne+t
class session/ ;ol"tions sho"ld +e !ritten on one side of the 1a1er so that the +ac> 1age can +e "sed to
sho! corrected ans!ers for any 1ro+lem that is !or>ed incorrectly Pro+lems !ill +e graded on the
1resentation8 com1leteness8 and correctness
0ui11es: B"i<<es !ill +e given 1eriodically !ith some sched"le in advance8 some ta>e$home8 and others
given as 1o1$6"i<<es *he 6"i<<es !ill ma>e s"re st"dents are >ee1ing "1 !ith the material and
"nderstanding +asic 1rinci1les Altho"gh the 1ro+lems in class !ill +e more challenging gro"1 1ro+lems8
st"dents need to ma>e s"re they "nderstanding the +asics 1rinci1les on :alc"l"s to do !ell on e)ams
!tten.ance: Attendance is im1ortant for yo" s"ccess in the co"rse Attendance !ill +e ta>en reg"larly
and may +e "sed as 1art of yo"r class 1artici1ation *he daily home!or> andDor 6"i<<es !ill ens"re that
st"dents are 1resent for all classes ;t"dents -ill nee. to contact the instr"ctor as soon as 1ossi+le to get
the home!or> that they missed in classE ,"st +eca"se yo" missed class does not 1ermit yo" from t"rning
in the home!or> late B"i<<es can only +e made "1 for legitimate reasons for a+sent Home!or> and
6"i<<es !ill have a small 1ortion of 1oints for attendance and !ill not +e a!arded if the st"dent is not
1resent in class
Course & Fo"r co"rse grade !ill +e +ro>en into the follo!ing com1onents and s1ecified 1oints
/o"r *ests 400 1ts
:om1rehensive /inal ()am %00 1ts
B"i<<es '00 1ts
4nstr"ctor Assigned Home!or> '50 1ts
Attendance G 4n class Gro"1 Wor> '50 1ts
&' Scale: ;tandard University grading scale a11lies +ased on overall !eighted averages ;tandard
r"les of ro"nding and significant fig"res a11ly
A 8&5 . '000
? C&5 . 8&4
: 7&5 . C&4
D 5&5 . 7&4
/ ?elo! 5&4
Scheduled Out of Class Sessions: Weekly problem sessions will be
available outside of class in Armstrong all.
ESP Section of Math 251 Multivariable Calculus
12:30 2:20 MWF
Topics Covered: We will cover the following chapters in "ssential #alculus and
$inear Algebra %otes that students can retrieve on &r. 'ames (oseley)s website.
#hapter 1*+ ,ectors and -eometry of .pace
#hapter 11+ /artial &erivatives
#hapter 1!+ (ultiple 0ntegrals
#hapter 11+ ,ector #alculus
$A% 2 $inear Algebra %otes topics on (atrices and ,ector .paces
Social Justice Statement: West ,irginia 3niversity is committed to social
justice. We concur with that commitment and expect to foster a nurturing learning
environment based upon open communication, mutual respect, and non4
discrimination. 5ur 3niversity does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age,
disability, veteran status, religion, sexual orientation, color or national origin. Any
suggestions as to how to further such a positive and open environment in your class
will be appreciated and given serious consideration.
2isabilit3: 4f yo" are a 1erson !ith a disa+ility and antici1ate needing any ty1e of accommodation in
order to 1artici1ate in yo"r class8 1lease advise yo"r instr"ctor and ma>e a11ro1riate arrangements !ith
Disa+ility ;ervices 0%&#$7C002 4n 1artic"lar8 if yo" are allo!ed e)tra time for e)aminations8 1lease give
yo"r instr"ctor the a11ro1riate 1a1er!or> A;AP so that !e can ma>e the a11ro1riate accommodations for
yo"r e)ams Please note that yo"r instr"ctor !ill give a co1y of this 1a1er!or> to the co"rse coordinator
Academic Integrity: The integrity of the classes o6ered by any academic
institution solidi7es the foundation of its mission and cannot be sacri7ced to
expediency, ignorance, or blatant fraud. Therefore, instructors will enforce rigorous
standards of academic integrity in all aspects and assignments of this course. 8or
the detailed policy of West ,irginia 3niversity regarding the de7nitions of acts
considered to fall under academic dishonesty and possible ensuing sanctions,
please see the .tudent #onduct #ode at
http+99www.arc.wvu.edu9admissions9integrity.html. .hould you have any :uestions
about possibly improper research citations or references, or any other activity that
may be interpreted as an attempt at academic dishonesty, please see your
instructor or the course coordinator before the assignment is due to discuss the
Su''estions for Success: *his class !ill +e "nli>e other mathematics co"rses that yo" have had in high
school or college *o +e very s"ccessf"l in this class8 4 !o"ld recommend-
'2 that st"dents atten. all classes 4f yo" have to miss the class for any reasons8 then +e s"re to as> a
classmate for notes8 as yo"r fello! classmates 6"estions to get +ac> "1 to s1end8 and donAt hesitate
to as> the instr"ctor for g"idance
%2 that st"dents rea. the te+tboo, +efore and after a to1ic is covered Heading the te)t+oo> +efore a
to1ic is covered !ill hel1 yo" to gain a +etter "nderstanding of the material covered on !or>sheets
Heading the te)t+oo> after the lect"re on a to1ic8 !ill reinforce the material and hel1 on home!or>8
hel1 yo" gain f"rther "nderstanding of the to1ic8 and 1rovide yo" !ith more e)am1les and
#2 that st"dents -or, on 4robles ie.iatel3 after' the lecture *he material is fresh in
yo"r mind right after the lect"re and so yo" !ill +"ild on that if yo" !or> on the material soon after
yo" have heard the lect"re /"rthermore8 yo" !ill +egin +"ilding a fo"ndation that yo" can "se as
yo" !or> 1ro+lems later
42 to visit 3our instructors office hours -hen 3ou are' hel4 or 'ui.ance Fo"r instr"ctor is
more than ha11y to 1rovide g"idance and if yo" can not come d"ring office ho"rs then do not
hesitate to sched"le an a11ointment 4f yo" have 6"estions d"ring class8 then feel free to interr"1t
the instr"ctor
ESP Section of Math 251 Multivariable Calculus
12:30 2:20 MWF
52 that st"dents -or, har. on hoe-or, (ven after yo" have finished home!or> over a 1artic"lar
section8 it is very 1rofita+le to !or> other 1ro+lems Ma>ing s"re that conce1ts are "nderstood f"lly
is the >ey to doing !ell in the class ;t"dy in gro"1s might +e a good o1tion to thin> a+o"t tooI
*here is a !orld of information o"t there on :alc"l"s *a>e advantage of it
Final 5ote/ !n3 chan'es in this s3llabus -ill be counicate. to 3ou in class b3 the instructor/

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