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Assessment tasks and Assessor feedback CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs
Community College Northern Inland Inc. Certificate III in Aged Care CHC30212 Version 2 Last amended January 2013

Northern Inland Inc
Certificate III in Aged Care CHC30212
CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs
Candidates Name:__________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _______________________________________
Candidate sign-off:
1. I hereby certify that this assignment is my own work, based on my personal
study and/or research. I also certify that I have not previously submitted these
answers in any other subject or at any other time. I have not copied any part,
whole or otherwise plagiarized the work of other students and/or persons.
2. I have been advised of the assessment requirements for this course and my
rights and responsibilities as part of the assessment process
3. I confirm that I have received a copy of the student handbook
4. I am aware that if I do not agree with the assessment decision, I may appeal
using the procedure outlined in the student handbook
5. I agree that Community College Northern Inland may retain a copy of my
assessment for their records
Candidate signature: ________________________________ Date: ____________
Information for Student:
Please Note: This unit is being assessed in conjunction with:
CHCICS302B Participate in the implementation of individualised plans
CHCICS303A Support individual health and emotional well being
CHCAC317A: Support older people to maintain their independence
CHCAC319A Provide support to people living with dementia
CHCPA301B Deliver care services using a palliative approach
HLTAP301B Recognise healthy body systems in a health care context
CHCOHC406A Provide or assist with oral hygiene
Assessment tasks and Assessor feedback CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs
Community College Northern Inland Inc. Certificate III in Aged Care CHC30212 Version 2 Last amended January 2013

Your Assessor for this unit is: ________________________________________
Completion date for this assessment is (insert date) _____________________
Resources required:
Learning resources Aspire Learning Guide and all handouts used during face-to-face
Pen, paper, computer/laptop
Where students do not have their own computer/laptop, they may arrange access to
computers at their local community college at no cost.
Please note:
a. This assessment is assessing knowledge only
b. To demonstrate competence in this unit, you will also need to demonstrate the
ability to apply the knowledge and skills during workplace observations that
will be arranged by your assessor

Reasonable adjustment:
Due to personal circumstances or to suit workplace commitments date for submitting
knowledge assessment may be negotiated with your assessor
Please arrange a time to see your assessor if:
c. You are unable to complete the assessment tasks in the timeframe indicated
d. If you do not understand questions or other information that you have been
asked to find
e. If you need assistance with literacy or other support to enable you to
successfully complete this unit.
Assessor Comments:
Assessment Mode: (please tick)
Off the Job On the Job Work based Mixed Mode/other

Assessment tasks and Assessor feedback CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs
Community College Northern Inland Inc. Certificate III in Aged Care CHC30212 Version 2 Last amended January 2013

Answers to Knowledge questions for this unit are:
Satisfactory (S) OR Further Evidence Required (FER)
Assessor Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________
This is to certify that I have received a copy of feedback from the Assessor:
Students Signature: __________________________________ Date: __________
Should further action be required, the following section must be completed to
demonstrate further training/work experience to be undertaken to assist candidate to
gain the required skills.

Assessors signature Assessors name (print)
Further action/assessment required. ( This section to be completed if further
action/assessment is required)
Skills still to demonstrated for competence

Assessment tasks and Assessor feedback CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs
Community College Northern Inland Inc. Certificate III in Aged Care CHC30212 Version 2 Last amended January 2013

CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs
Required knowledge and skills for unit include:
Knowledge related to:
Understanding of own work role and responsibilities
Processes and strategies to support people with personal care needs
Basics of body hygiene and grooming
Basics of oral hygiene
Knowledge to interpret a personal care support plan, including terminology, basic
understanding/knowledge of human body systems, goals, objectives, actions
Personal safety and security risks associated with provision of personal care
Strategies to minimise personal safety and security risks associated with
provision of personal care support
Role of carers
Common equipment and aids utilised in provision of personal care support
Principles and practices of confidentiality and privacy
Principles and practices in undertaking technical skills associated with
supporting/ assisting people to meet personal care needs
Significance of service setting including specific contexts of supporting personal
care needs in a residential care setting and in a client's private home
Work health and safety (WHS) issues and procedures, (including those related to
manual handling and infection control)
Essential skills:
It is critical that the candidate demonstrate the ability to:
Follow organisation policies and protocols
Liaise and report appropriately to supervisor and/or health professionals
Make informed observations and report appropriately
Adhere to own work role and responsibilities
Obtain relevant information from a personal care support plan
Provide physical and psychosocial support to the person when assisting with
personal care needs
Provide personal care support within the individual personal care context
Respond to a client's personal preferences wherever appropriate
Provide general hygiene and grooming including physical ability to:
perform personal care tasks
provide oral hygiene
perform client lifting and use moving methods
use aids and equipment
Support a person's direction and participation in provision of personal care
Use processes, aids and equipment appropriately in provision of personal care
Communicate effectively with people requiring personal care support
Identify variations to personal care support requirements
Assessment tasks and Assessor feedback CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs
Community College Northern Inland Inc. Certificate III in Aged Care CHC30212 Version 2 Last amended January 2013

Identify and respond to risks associated with providing personal care support
Demonstrate safe and effective use of workplace technology in line with work
health and safety (WHS) guidelines
Assessment Knowledge Questions:
Answers to these questions may be typed or hand written and must provide
sufficient information to demonstrate your understanding of knowledge being

1. Explain the processes and strategies that you use to support people with
personal care needs

2. List (5) personal care tasks that you may need to help a client with while working
as a care worker.

3. If a care worker did not respect the dignity of their client or provide privacy, while
assisting with personal care; how might this affect the client emotionally and

4. Some people tend to show aggression during the provision of personal care e.g.
shower. What is important to keep aware of during such instances?

5. List some of the common equipment and aids utilised in provision of personal
care support.

6. When implementing a personal care plan for a client how do you balance their
right to privacy and confidentiality with the need to be informed of their
requirements, as well as providing information to other care workers?

7. Would it make any difference to the way you provide personal care whether you
were working in a residential care setting or in a clients private home?

8. What are the main work health safety issues and procedures you must be aware
of when providing personal care?

Assessment tasks and Assessor feedback CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs
Community College Northern Inland Inc. Certificate III in Aged Care CHC30212 Version 2 Last amended January 2013

9. Explain how a clients individualised plan may be developed.

10. Why do all clients have their own individualised care plan?

11. As an aged worker how do you maintain your duty of care requirements to a
client when supporting them according to their care plan?

12. When working with clients what issues might impact on their ability to participate
in Diversional therapy activities?

13. What circumstances might prompt you to request that your supervisor carry out a
risk assessment for an aged care client?

14. When providing personal care, explain what tasks require you to refer to the care
plan and assistance with manual handling techniques?

15. Explain what the term standard precautions means and why should they be
adhered to?

16. Explain how you follow standard precautions when providing personal care to

17. Explain the processes you follow when handling waste?

18. As an aged care worker when would you wash your hands?

19. What information about equipment should be included in the care plan?

Assessment tasks and Assessor feedback CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs
Community College Northern Inland Inc. Certificate III in Aged Care CHC30212 Version 2 Last amended January 2013

20. List four (4) Work Health Safety (WHS) risks that you must take into account
when providing personal care and discuss how you will minimise the associated

21. Explain the common areas of concern related to the use of mobility aids and

22. What are the organisations responsibilities relating to practices and principles of
confidentiality and privacy?

23. What would be some examples of confidential material held by an organisation?

24. How do you or should you maintain the confidentiality of a client?

25. What legislation relates to the issue of privacy of clients information?

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