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This application should not exceed 4 pages in font size no smaller than 11 pt.
Please keep your application concise and to the point.
PROJECT TITLE (please provide a
short, descriptive title no longer than
80 characters)
Full name of your organisation
and acronym if you have one
Person responsible for this
Full name & title (Dr, Mr, Mrs, Miss,
Ms, Rev)
Position of person responsible
ithin your organisation
Email a!!ress
"treet a!!ress #physical location$
of organi%ation #inclu!ing city
an! country$
&ailing a!!ress of organisation
#inclu!ing city an! country$
Phone number with country & city
Fa' number with country & city
)mount re*ueste! (specify in local
)mount re*ueste! in Euros+ if
-. Please in!icate the programme area un!er hich you are applying. Please tic, the
rele/ant bo'.
ommunication Rights and !u"lic #oices$ %trengthening community radio
ommunication Rights and !u"lic #oices$ Monitoring poverty reporting
&he 'orld (ssociation for hristian ommunication is registered in anada as a not)for)profit corporation (*+8+,,)-) and an
incorporated charita"le organisation (num"er 8+.-0 ./0* RR000,) with its offices at +08 Main %treet, &oronto 12, M* *3-4
'( is also a 56 Registered harity (num"er 0.70-+) and a ompany registered in 8ngland and 'ales (num"er 00800-+) with
its Registered 1ffice at ,7 &avistoc9 rescent, :ondon ',, ,(!, 5nited 6ingdom4
'orld (ssociation for hristian ommunication +08 Main %treet, &oronto 12, M* *3-, anada
&elephone ;,)*,7)7.,),... Fa< ;,)*,7)7.,),..- 'e"site www4waccglo"al4org 8mail info=waccglo"al4org
!resident$ Dennis %mith DD(hc) >eneral %ecretary$ &he Rev Dr 6arin (chtelstetter
()CC Page 0
ommunication Rights and !u"lic #oices$ >ender and communication
ommunication Rights and !u"lic #oices$ !athways to digital frontiers
0. Country here the project ill ta,e place
1. (hat is the purpose of the project2 (hy is this project nee!e! an! hat change ill it
bring about3
4. (ho ill benefit from the project3
5. 6o ill the project achie/e its inten!e! result3
7. (hen ill the project start an! ho long ill it last3
8. For church relate! projects+ please comment on ho the project buil!s community
beyon! your !enomination.
9. Please clarify ho this project fits ()CC:s state! priorities for the present call for
concept notes.
()CC Page 1
;. Please in!icate your organi%ation:s foun!ing !ate an! pro/i!e a short !escription
focusing on capacity an! e'pertise rele/ant to the project being propose!.
-<. Please !escribe sources of income+ both local an! o/erseas+ o/er the last three
--. Project =u!get #IN >O?R N)TION)L C?RRENC>$
'hat is the name of your national currency?
!lease indicate the total cost of your pro@ect$
!lease indicate how much local contri"ution
will "e provided$
-0. References
6indly refer to the application guidelines for information a"out reAuired letters of reference4
!lease provide the information reAuested "elow a"out each of the two references4 :etters of
reference must come from recogniBed institutions4
Reference -
&elephone including country code$
Reference 0
()CC Page 4
&elephone including country code$
June 2014

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