Sunshine Act Documents

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Novo Nordisk Sunshine Report Accepted by CMS

The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) accepted Novo Nordisks first Sunshine disclosure
report of payments and transfers of value to Health Care Providers and Institutions (HCPs and HCIs) on
July 1, 2014. As awareness around Sunshine grows, Novo Nordisk employees, especially those interacting
with HCPs and HCIs, may be approached with requests for information.

Please remember the following items in regards to the Sunshine disclosure report, the Sunshine act, or
the CMS dispute process:

1. Do not respond to HCP or HCI questions individually. Direct all questions to the Compliance
Department at
2. Respond immediately if contacted by the Compliance Department with inquiries regarding expense
disputes to ensure Novo Nordisk meets its obligations.
3. Consult the Sunshine GlobeShare page for information, resources, and Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) to help guide you through Sunshine.
4. Direct questions of your own to the Compliance Department at Questions, once answered, will become part of the
Sunshine FAQs.

Additionally, the Compliance Department sent a letter to all vendors reminding them to review their
obligations around Sunshine data reporting and invoicing. All vendor contract owners and vendor
relationship managers should also examine the contract terms to enable assistance when required.

Key Dates

Sunshine Update
Important Points
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Systems & Services > General Legal > US Healthcare Reform & Novo Nordisk > Open Payments Sunshine Act
Attendance Sheets/ Concur Health Care Professionals
Marketing Materials
NNI Attendance Sheets

Completing In-Office
Attendance Sheets &
Submitting HCP
Information into
Concur FAQs

Concur In-Office
Program FAQs
NNI In-Office Meal
(leave behind)

Sunshine Letter for
Healthcare Professionals
And Institutions
Sunshine Q&A Guideline

NNI Policies: Found on Sunshine
Toolkit page under key documents
Reportable Marketing
Materials Distribution

Sunshine & State Reporting
reportable marketing
materials decision tree

Understanding What
Materials and Persons are
!"#$%# '#(#()#' *+$* *+#'# ,% $- $''$. /0 '#%/1'2#% $3$,"$)"# !" $%& !"#$%&#' )*+,'$%-.' /-0' !" $%&'
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Sunshine Act Tools and Resources:
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Sunshine Review and Dispute Period
closes X date
The review dispute and correction period closed on X
date. Data is expected to be published by CMS on or about
September 30, 2014. As a reminder, Physicians have to the
end of the year to submit disputes.
Direct all questions to the Compliance Department at or consult the Sunshine
GlobeShare page
Please remember: If a physician approaches you about reported information, or an inquiry/dispute
please forward questions to A team from Compliance will
investigate all inquiries/disputes and respond to the physician or teaching hospital. Updates will be
provided to applicable NNI employees.

If you are contacted by the Compliance Department for additional information or supporting
documentation related to a reported payment please respond in a timely manner.

If you are contacted by a member of the media, refer the contact to a media relations representative in
the Communications and Public Affairs department via the Communications Hotline at (609) 514-8400.

Sunshine Review and
Dispute Period closes X
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Direct all questions to the Compliance Department at or
Consult the Sunshine GlobeShare page
Please remember: If a physician approaches you about reported
information, or an inquiry/dispute please forward questions to A team from
Compliance will investigate all inquiries/disputes and respond to
the physician or teaching hospital. Updates will be provided to
applicable NNI employees.

If you are contacted by the Compliance Department for additional
information or supporting documentation related to a reported
payment please respond in a timely manner.

If you are contacted by a member of the media, refer the contact
to a media relations representative in the Communications and
Public Affairs department via the Communications Hotline at (609)

Sunshine Communication Timeline

July 14: Vendor Letter
From NNI Sunshine

July 17: High Level sunshine Update
All employee (NovoLink, plasma screen)
Tip of the week (sales POA handout)
o Check w/ BioPharm/ CMR/ DE/ Trade

July 22: Dispute Process
Leadership mess (CMR LT/ BLT/ DE/ Trade/ Sales)
Jeff to determine list
Talking points to be included

July 23: Dispute Process
Managers (more specific leadership)

July 24: Dispute Process
NovoLink (general)
Sales (specific)
Plasma screens
Ad space

Beginning August: High Level Sunshine update
All sales organization
Updated FAQ

Mid- August: Dispute Process
Plasma screen (reminder)
AD space (reminder)

Mid- September: Data goes public (w/ talking points)
Plasma screens
Sales commnuications (specific)

End September: ET Sunshine Update

October: ET Sunshine Update

Weekly Field Communications
Biopham: Monday/Tuesday
CMR: every other Thursday (1 edition)
Diabetes Sales: every Thursday (management, all field)
DE: ???
Trade: ???

TBD List
Sunshine HCP brouchure

ABYR: watermark
IAAW: plasma screen
DAVE: High level update
IAAW/ ABYR: import to InfoPath

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