BioPharm Town Hall Survey Results June 2014

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BioPharm Town Hall

Meeting Survey Results

June 2014
About the Meeting
6/10 @ Crowne Plaza
1 hour lunch
1.5 hour presentations,
30 min BLT panel
1 hour TBL activity
All BioPharm/BioPharm CMR home
TBL provided a cost savings to the
hemophilia marketing team
About the results
Total respondents: 26
100% reported they were satisfied with
the meeting
Extremely Satisfied: (38.5%)
Very satisfied: (46.2%)
Satisfied (15.4%)
High marks were given in the Location and
BLT Panel categories
Majority of respondents (53.8%) expressed a
preference for biannual meetings

Content feedback
Culture and Medical were rated highest for the type of
content that employees would like to hear about.
At least 20% of respondents said they thought having
content in each category was essential.
Most employees felt an appropriate time was spent on each
of the categories.
Some employees wanted to hear more on Operations (15.4%)
and Culture (7.7%).
Performance Brand Pipeline Operations Culture
Meeting value
Respondents were asked their level of agreement
with the following:
This meeting increased my understanding of
BioPharm's strategy88.4% agreed (highest)
This meeting increased my knowledge of BioPharm's
brands/therapeutic areas84.6% agreed
This meeting increased my understanding of how
BioPharm follows the Novo Nordisk Way84%
This meeting increased how connected I feel to the
work BioPharm is doing80.8% agreed
This meeting increased my understanding of how
my work relates to BioPharm's success76.9%
agreed (lowest)
Best meeting yet.
One of the best meetings.
Change venue.
Although the Crowne is ideal, they really need to get more organized and
better equipped electronically.
Given the budget situation that we are currently in, we should not pay a hotel
for meeting space. Find a date when we can us our own facilities.
Very well balanced agenda.
Keep BLT panel & HR benefits review a part of every meeting!
Great overviews especially of the HR benefits. Would be nice if we continue
that since we have so much but you don't remember everything we have.
It would be great if time could be left at the end for a happy hour or informal
gathering after the content is reviewed. Reason, is that it is a great time to get
caught-up with colleagues on business related projects etc. The meeting itself
does not allow for much of that. Adding this to the end would help strengthen
our collaboration and efficiencies as a BioPharm team!
Would be great to share with our Field teams unable to participate or have
the Town Hall taped to share via GlobeShare, etc.
New elements worth keeping:
Meeting frequency (biannual)
BLT panel
HR presentation
Changes to consider:
Adding CO&E presentation
Adding Market Access presentation
Adding culture-focused presentation
Doing a TBL to benefit the growth hormone patient community
Change already planned:
Location: November meeting is already scheduled to be held back at NNI
Allows us to use our own A/V team

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