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Rosa Fabiola Calog International Studies 11 / XC

Keno Louise Nisperos September 18, 2012

Karen Dawang


Born: 551 B.C
Zou, in the state of Lu
Died: 479 B.C
Father: Kong He
Officer in Lu military
Mother: Yan Zheng-zai
Wife: Qi Guan
Child: Kong Li

He was born of royal ancestry but became impoverished
He lost his father at the age of 3
He got married at the age of 19
First keeper of grain stores, then in charge of public lands
When his mother died, he spent 3 years of mourning
During 501 B.C, became prime minister of Lu
497 B.C resigned, wandered around with disciples for 13 years
Returned to Lu, spend last years in literary studies and teaching


1. Reformation of government and society

Situation of China then: chaotic, states at war with each other,
rulers arming themselves by imposing taxes on the people, and
luxurious living of rulers.
Solution of Kong Zi: rectification of names
Realize the duties corresponding to ones name: father must do
duties of father; ruler must do duties of ruler, son of son, etc.

2. Educate the people
Education then was limited to the court officials and their sons
Kong Zi: In education there are no classes
Goal of education: to become a chun tze, a gentleman
Kong Zi: By nature all human beings are equal. It is in practice
that they differ.
Therefore, everyone can become a chun tze
3. Transmit the Chou culture
Content of education the six disciplines:
Book of Odes
Li chi: Book of Rites
Spring and Autumn Annals
Old Records
I Ching: Book of Changes

TAO: THE MORAL WAY (The four virtues)

1. Li: Propriety
Li means ritual, good manners and right conduct
There is a proper way of behaving in every occasion
For Kong Zi, what is important is the spirit of sincerity and respect
for others and the spirits
Li is for the sake of Li, meaning order and principle of society

2. Chih: Wisdom
Chih means to know man
Knowledge is never for the sake of knowledge but for praxis

3. I or Yi: Righteousness
I is doing what is right because it is right, not because of reward or
profit, nor because of fear of punishment
Imporatance of motivation in acting

4. Ren: Benevolence
Has its roots in filial piety and brotherly respect
It begins in the family but extends outside to the community an the
Filial piety is solidarity with the whole of humanity in the aspect of
time, while brotherly respect is solidarity with humanity in the
aspect of space

2 aspects:

o Shu (as the heart dictates). It is the Golden Rule: Do not do
unto others what you do not want others to do unto you
o Chung (put your heart at the center of what you are doing)


Social Order






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