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Islam must have power in this world, this article is version of Martin Kramers

published book on 1996 the Arab Awakening and Islamic Revival which tackles how
Islam fundamentalists strives to power and the reasons for its cause. This is addressing
all Muslims who put their hopes on the struggle against the West and those who wants
to widen their understanding about fundamentalist Islam. There is a need to pay
attention on this matter because terrorism scenario of which the entire world is afraid of
most of the time brought by some fundamentalist Islam.
Fundamentalist Islam is a religious ideology advocating the empowerment of
Muslims against foreign control. They see foreign domination as the cause of the
downfall and hindrance to the development of Islamic Countries. Thus there is a call to
eradicate the foreign control in order to build a strong Islamic state. As to Kramers and I
quote, Islam possesses an immutable law, revealed by God that deals with every
aspect of life and it is an ideology, a complete system of belief about the organization of
the state and the world. A state rooted on Islam is possible because of its laws and
rules that are enough to govern public and private conduct. When a strong Islamic state
will be build, it is when they can eliminate western influence particularly U.S.
Forerunners such as Afghani, Hasan al Banna and Navvab Safani and other Muslim
scholars really work out to awaken their people. They believed that Muslims are
powerful but it is lost because many turn their back on Islam. Thus some groups are
being founded in order to slowly restore and regain their power.
These groups materialize their ideology into very notorious ways. Society of
Muslim Brethren founded on 1906-49 deployed guns against the Zionist in Palestine.
They also enforce their own moral teachings by intimidation and initiated attacks against
Egypt Jews. Another group, Devotees of Islam in Iran, conducted assassination of the
prime minister. In addition, Afghani, a known thinker and activist instructed his follower
to assassinate the ruler of Egypt and shah of Iran. These were driven by the ideology
that foreign domination can be attack by Jihad or holy war. Only this way they can
reach the power they aimed.
To achieve this, according to Kramers, Islamism must first come to state power.
They have to engage into coalition with other forces who have the same goals with
them. However there is less hope in this proposition. There are already attempts to this
idea as what Turabi did in Sudan but still he fails. Unlike with their opponents who were
indeed good in making friends as product of political affairs, the Islamism is known to be
violent. The action of terror they use upon their opponents frightened not only
opponents but also lukewarm supporters. Thus it is very impossible for them to gather
allies who can help in achieving the power they want to establish the desired Islamic
State. Although some Islamism are aware of this fact and resort to other ways to find
allies, still it cannot beat the terror image they had given to the world. The
fundamentalist movement of Islam seem to have fate with other movement in the world
who wanted to achieve power by the use of violence. Like Hitler ideology and Marxism
who failed, Islamism soon to fail according to Kramers.

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