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Think Tank Collaboration

Motivate, inspire, and recognize sales colleagues for top market share growth
Emphasis on striving for excellence and intrinsic motivators
Generate sales during POAIII
Spread awareness of customer engagement model to prepare for launch in January 2015
Share best practices across the sales organization
Think Tank Objectives
Driving Towards SUCCESS
Launch a contest to the field that will inspire and motivate Diabetes
Sales Employees to drive Market Share Growth for Victoza



Why Victoza

and NovoLog

With the launch of Levemir


and the contest currently in place,

representatives are focusing all of their efforts on Levemir

Week ending 6/9 Share Change



Calling top VP and RBD per area
Sign handwritten card to 34 winners

Kickoff Communication
Participate in Lunch at POA
Sign certificates
Calling top team per area

Motivational reminder

Motivational reminder

Contest Criteria (PDF that lives on Sales
Excellence Awards GlobeShare Page)
Customer engagement messages
(Cards mailed to the field)
Position Winners
VP (1) Per nation
RBD (1) Per area
ERBD (1) Per nation
I/HSRBD (1) Per nation
DBM (1) Per area
EDBM (1) Per area
IDBM (1) Per nation
HSDBM (1) Per nation
E/DCS (1) Per area
IDCS (1) Per nation
HSDCS (1) Per nation
Contest Criteria
With an emphasis on striving for
excellence, the contest will
recognize Diabetes Sales
Employees who grow their market
share during POAIII.
Contest will begin in October 1,
and run through December 31,

Written contest criteria will be
aligned to Sales Excellence Awards
Certificate, Champagne, Aspire points
and celebration with Novo Nordisk
All winners receive:
A signed certificate of
accomplishment from JESH
A premium bottle of Champagne
100 Aspire points
The opportunity to participate in
celebration at POA with Novo Nordisk
leadership to share best practices
Item Projected Expense
Aspire Points $9,520 (3,400 points)
*every point is equivalent to $1.65
Certificate Free!
Certificate Printing/postage Fee $150 plus postage
Wild Card (6 people) $46,080 (6 winners plus (1)guest and 20% tax markup)
Customer Engagement messaging $6,000
Lunch with Leadership $1,700 ($50 per person)
Champagne $4,420 ($130 a bottle)
TOTAL $60,020*

*Lunch, certificates, and customer engagement messaging expenses removed
(covered by Communications)
Shaping the way to showcase our
companys greatest strength
Highlight individuals who exemplify our Triple Bottom Line Culture
beyond their everyday work life
Motivate sales force and solidify their commitment to NNI
Triple Bottom Line
Monthly vignettes showcasing NNI employees that go above and
beyond in their community, work, and family
Globeshare article announces monthly nominees and highlights
their story
Globeshare video/article expanding reason for nomination and what
they are doing
ET/VP level to announce monthly nominees and acknowledge the
inspiration they bring to our organization through their efforts
NNI to donate monetary contribution to entity of nominees choice
Inspire & motivate the field
Celebrate the people that make NNI stand out from the rest
Internal recognition
Nominee is highlighted
Peers are highlighted
Builds team based culture for recognition
External recognition
Nominee is recognized for efforts to their cause
Novo Nordisk is recognized for support of their cause

Marketing Ideas
Initial kickoff ~$5k
Initiative can be expanded to meet needs
3 Steps, 2 Levels, 1 Goal
Appreciate, communicate, elevate
Appreciate: To inspire and show our appreciation for sales reps and
DBMs through the incorporate of the ACE motto
VPs and RBD will call an employee two levels down (DBM, rep) and have a
ten minute phone call to discuss their goals, IDP, professional and personal
aspects of their lives, what motivates them etc.
DBM and RBDs will nominate possible candidates to VP and RBD
Qualifications will not be based on performance, but who personal needs the extra
push given through this phone call
We dont want the conversation to end there.
We want to continue to inspire and show our appreciation for these
reps and DBMs through a follow up
Follow ups can be either a hand written letter, aspire points, a gift basket;
whatever the director or RBD decides based on how the conversation went.
Telephoning the Top
.. A Winning Pursuit
A Re-Recruiting Campaign of Top Talent
Sales VPs will pick their top 10 E/DBMs and E/RBD selecting their top
10 E/DCS for this campaign.
Each VP/RBD will have their admin set up a specific time to host a
1:1 phone conversation with select talent.
Phone calls will be 10-15 minutes in duration.
Provide an overview of the E/DBM or E/DCS contribution to the Area/
Region during the past year (COE wins, Vision Awards, Potential vs.
contribution, leadership projects, etc.)
A discussion on IDP and future plans for each E/DBM or E/DCS.
Each VP/RBD will provide more in-depth information on the US
Operations for Novo Nordisk (talking points will be provided)
Latest financial decisions
Pipeline and future launches
Potential opportunities
Post-Call Activity
After each call, the VP/RBD will follow up with an email to each of
their 10 selected candidates.
Contents of E-mail from VP/RBD (scripted)
Recap context of discussion
Emphasize continued need for strong leaders such as themselves
As a means of thank provide opportunity to order a gift box from Walling and Spencer.
Why Walling and Spencer?
Choice of 5 different baskets to choose from ranging $75-$100
Walling and Spencer has its own set of principles that are similar in
scope to NNNIs 7 elements of Living the Novo Nordisk Way and
Triple Bottom Line.
Food-based vendor with a mission to provide quality food while
fostering healthy communities as each purchase helps to fight
hunger and childhood obesity.
Each talent will choose from a range of customized gift boxes from
Walling and Spencer.

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