Notice To Class 00121395

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Douglas Alexander and William Barrett, as Representative Plaintiffs v.

HMS Financial nc. et al

Alberta Court of Queens Bench Action No. 0501 08152
!"#$% "F APP&$A#"! F"R $"'R# APPR"(A& "F S%##&%M%!# W#H #H%
D%F%!DA!# DA!A $AR&S"!
The Defendants named in this action are: HMS Financia Inc!" S#$%ard Mana&ement Inc!" 'arth S!
Baie$" 'arth S! Baie$ (rofessiona Cor)oration" **+,-. A/erta Ltd!" ,+-.,0* A/erta Ltd!" o)eratin&
as Cedar Mana&ement" ,+1--23 A/erta Inc!" ,+.+,** A/erta Ltd!" ,+.*-.- A/erta Ltd!" **-4-2
A/erta Ltd!" A56 In7estment 'ro8)" ABBA Reso8rces 9nimited" Academ$ Financia Inc!" Academ$
Financia (anners : Cons8tants Inc!" Aianth8s Internationa Inc!" Atr8istic Hodin&s Ltd!" Baie$ :
Da%es LLC" Bo&ner Ind8stries Ltd! a!#!a! Bo&ner Ind8stries Inc!" B!(! Frit; Cons8tin& Inc!" Canadian
Im)eria Ban# Of Commerce" The Car)enter<s Sho) Cor)oration" Casseman MCS Financia Inc!" Cedar
(ointe Cons8tin& 'ro8) Inc!" Chase For/es Tr8st Ltd!" CL= Cons8tin& LLC" Common%eath Mar#etin&
'ro8) Ltd!" Comm8nit$ Credit 9nion Ltd!" Com)anions Inc!" The Da#ota Cor)oration" Dana I! Carson"
Datas Cons8tin&" Defreitas : Associates" Ethan E>8ities Inc!" Fi7e Continents Cons8tin&" Fi7e
Continents Cons8tin& Cor)oration" ?arren 'oss" 'racef8 Beneficence" '8ess%or#s" '8ess%or#s
Fo8ndation" The Hi)ro 'ro8) Inc!" Hori;on Ban# Internationa Limited" Hori;on Fid8ciar$ Inc!" HSBC
Ban# Canada" In Ho8se Co8nse Cameron Cam)/e" Internationa In7estments Inc!" @ami#e$ Ser7ices
Inc!" @eso Enter)rises Inc!" @in&dom Ad7isors" @ass AAB Strate&ies Inc!" La/ata Ltd!" Le&a Str8ct8res
Inc!" Linden Via&e Inn" Lindenha Limited" Lindenha (t$ Ltd!" M : M Com)8ter Cons8tin&" M : M
In7estments ,+, Ltd!" Maritime LLC" McC8o8&h Financia Cor)oration" Michae 'rosh (rofessiona
Cor)oration" Mo8ntain Star Ca)ita Cor)!" Mo8ntain Vie% Credit 9nion Limited" NDC De7eo)ment
LLC" N8ma Ltd!" OD$o#e Farms Ltd!" (a&et Ca)ita Ltd!" (aradise Ba$ Hodin&s Inc!" (hoeniD 'o/a
Reso8rces Ltd!" (ine 'ro7e Mana&ement Inc!" ?iiam H! Randa" RLM Cons8tin& LLC" Sears
Financia Inc!" Taisman Financia In7estments Inc!" Tami#a Enter)rises Inc!" Thor Em)ire Tr8st" Titania
Cons8tin& Inc!" T= @e$ Inc!" Toos Of The Car)enter" Trans MaD Technoo&ies Inc!" Tri)e5SSS
Hodin&s Inc!" T$roia Fo8ndation" Vitron Cons8tin& Inc!" 68rich Vent8res Inc!" A! 'ar$ Eo8n&" '8$
Baie$" Afred Barnfied" Connie Barte" Ro/ert Barte" Victor Ba8man" M$o Berstad" Nanc$ B8ford"
Cameron Cam)/e" Ric# Chiders" Baine A! Cisna" @e7in Coom/es" Een @ate Co7e$" Do8&as A!
Co%an" Mar&aret Dart" Stane$ Defreitas" Don Dic#erson" E8&ene Lero$ D8ce" Arnod D$c#" =8an
ED)osito" Afredo Far)on" Ra$ Fisher" =ac# Fosom" =im Fosom" Barie Frit;" Cr$sta Anne F$n" (h$is
F$n" Ro/ert E! F$n a!#!a! Coone F$n" Aan A! 'ra$" Michae 'rosh" Da7id '8ess" Nei '8ess" @endra
Has#ett" Arnod Henr$" Da7id Henr$" 'ord Hie/ert" Sam8e Hi&&ins" ?a$ne =ohnson" Terr$ @e$"
Bar/ara L! @in&" Arth8r @assen" Ed%in @nott" R8/$ Leachman" 'eor&e LennoD" ?iiam Len;" Danie
Lescamea" ?iie Lichtner" L8cia Lin&" Bar/ara Loc#hart" Ron Lo%rie" Don Mac'ii7ra$" Dann$ R!
MacNa8&hton" Norma A! MacNa8&hton" Michae McC8o8&h" ?iiam Mc'rath" Da7e Mier" Rosendo
Mende;" (eter Mer&enthaer" (eter Mo" Brad Moone$" (eter Morrissea8" Tom Odrid&e" Ro$ O7erton"
'ertr8de M! (rete" Donad Ra//$" Amin RamFi" Bi#ish RamFi" Stan ?! Remin" =effre$ Ro/inson" Danie
Romero" =ohn Romero" Orest R8sna#" Arie Scha#" Randa Sea/roo#" Ca8de Se&8in" Ro/ert =! Sears"
?iiam Seredi8#" (eter L! Sheridan" =anet Star#" M8rra$ Star# a!#!s! Harod M8rra$ Star# a!#!a! M8rra$
H! Star#" Demer Stro/e" Verna Stro/e" Cher$ Ta$or" Miton Tei/e" Ro/ert F! Ter/or&" Enri>8e Toscano
A!@!A! Chico Toscano" Lee5Anna Toscano" Hen# 9Fiterinde" ?ima 9Fiterinde" Heather Vance"
Christine ?iiams" ?iiam A! ?iiamson A!@!A! Bi ?iiamson" =ohn ?! ?ioc#" A/erta La%$ers<
Ins8rance Association and Canadian La%$ers< Ins8rance Association
Ma) *+, ,-**
,! The Re)resentati7e (aintiffs ha7e instr8cted Cass Co8nse to enter into a settement
%ith the Defendant" Dana Carson I.$arlson/J" s8mmari;ed /eo%! This settement
re>8ires Co8rt a))ro7a and the Co8rt has desi&nated T8esda$" Ma$ 34
" 3+,," at 3:++
)!m! at the Ca&ar$ Co8rtho8se" to hear the a))ication /$ the Re)resentati7e (aintiffs
see#in& an Order a))ro7in& the Carson settement!
3! A s8mmar$ of the Carson Settement is as foo%s:
a! Carson andGor his ins8rers %i )a$ K-++"+++!++ to the (aintiffsL
/! The Action sha /e dismissed /$ the Co8rt as a&ainst Carson %itho8t costs" on
the 8nderstandin& that the Action %i contin8e a&ainst the Remainin&
-! Sho8d $o8 %ish to o))ose the Carson Settement" then $o8 m8st:
a! Ad7ise Cass Co8nse /$ emai" at sed&%ic#Mmross!com" or faD at .2+50235
*,++" not ater than 0:++ )!m! on Ma$ ,*" 3+,,L
/! (ro7ide an Affida7it settin& forth the facts as to %h$ $o8 o))ose the a))ication to
a))ro7e the Carson Settement" fie a co)$ of the Affida7it at the Co8rtho8se in
Ca&ar$ and dei7er a fied co)$ to McLennan Ross LL(" ,4++ Stoc# EDchan&e
To%er" -++ N 1
A7en8e S?" Ca&ar$" A/erta T3( -C0" no ater than 0:++ )!m! on
Ma$ ,*" 3+,,L
c! A))ear in Co8rt in Ca&ar$ on the date" time and co8rtroom set forth a/o7e to
)resent $o8r ar&8ments!

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